bigwriterenergy · 3 years
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hey yall B)
got a todoroki fic in the works,,, very seggsy 
feel free to send in some asks about the other series’ i write for!! i would love to do some other stuff,,, jojo asks work too but i would love mha asks or hetalia or smthing,,,,
love yall!!!
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bigwriterenergy · 3 years
ZEPPELLI / reader
anonymous asked: “im sorry to ask but could I suggest a smth for gyro, johnny and Diego were reading (female or gn) is injured seriously and they freak out and care for them could it be kinda angsty or anything I don't mind I just rlly like those fics sorry for asking”
noOOO!! dont be sorry!! i absolutely love SBR asks! i never get any so im SO glad you requested! :) thanks so much!!!! this has been sitting in my drafts for a while so i thought i’d go ahead and release it! i just decided to do gyro if thats okay!! ty again for the ask!!
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gyro zeppelli
"do you realize how stupid that was?" the fastening of a bandage replaced tepid silence. your breath was labored, obviously proving your condition to be worsening. the night was cold and your figure ached. the familiar warmth of your skin had ebbed to reveal the disappearance of heat. slow snowfall collected on the brim of gyro's hat. the shadows cast by his headwear hardly hid his worried expression: what with his knotted brows and troubled frown. the jockey continued, his fingers expertly fixing the bandage that compressed your appendage. he seemed as if this was his a millionth time handling a bandage. your far off gaze proved to instigate a response from the worried man. "pushing your horse like that .. no wonder it bucked you clean off."
lukewarm blood drippled from the weeping gash ripped onto your forearm. scarlet bled through the thick gauze, revealing the severity of the wound. gyro’s pointed tone reaches you once again. "now, here i am. cleaning up your mistake. you cause a lot of trouble, missy." he murmurs, the panic clearly evident in his voice despite the playfulness of his words. your mind was far too weak to retort and besides, what could you say? he was taking the time out of his race to assist you and ensure you didn't bleed out before the night closed. your body quivered from the chill of the wind. your blood loss was not contributing to the maintenance of a regular temperature.
the click of his tongue seemed to reverberate as he took in your paling skin. suddenly, your figure was adjusted by the italian. when you finally complied with his authoritative movements, you were fixed between his legs. you felt the expansion of his toned chest as he brought you flush against him. the very heat radiating through his clothing seemed to easily transfer to your frigid back. you glance downward to take in his slender yet long fingers still wrapped around your bleeding wound, applying forceful pressure to halt the leakage. his other arm had wrapped around your stomach, attempting to pull you even closer to his warmth. your eyes shut, almost unwillingly.
"what do you think you're doing?" gyro murmurs into your ear from behind, the warmth of his breath manages to pull you back from the comfort of sleep. the position was entirely intimate, but you were far too exhausted to comment. you watched the tendons in his hands squeeze and release while still wrapped around your arm. the moment settled back into silence as he relished in the hold, subconsciously. "you better not go to sleep, girl. i'm not even sure if you'd wake up." his blunt speech was an attempt to unsoften the moment, perhaps provide breakage from the spell you both fell into. 
fortunately, the intended forwardness of his speech only succeeded in soothing you more. it was almost incredible how calm he was in the situation. 
as you fought to maintain consciousness, gyro took the time to take in your expression. despite the circumstances, he came to the realization that you two had never really been this close before. he nearly laughs at the thought. he was a man of medicine, this was just his civil duty .. wasn't it?
the sight of a blanket nearby made him consider replacing his own heat with its comfort.
unfortunately, he was convinced he was better than any blanket.
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bigwriterenergy · 3 years
senku x reader
warnings: kissing, like two swear words, slightly suggestive theme at the very end
with no moon in the night sky, it was hard to make senku out. you were scared; it was your first time traveling past dusk. not to mention, it was freezing out.
earlier that day, you protested bringing any warm clothes on the trek to the other side of the island. with all the supposed walking and carrying of equipment, you had a strong feeling you were going to stay warm, maybe even get sweaty.
big mistake.
the both of you managed to find a large tree with a grassy patch to rest up against. you both practically threw your equipment to the side and landed on the patch with a small thud. you reached your hand out to gauge senku’s distance from you; you brushed his shoulder with your fingertips. just an arm’s length away.
“are you cold?” senku asked. “we can make a fire if you want, i’m just—“
“no it’s-it’s fine.” you let out a quick exhale. “i’m not cold. i just tremble easily.”
it was a lie, to say the least. you were freezing your ass off, but you weren’t about to complain after insisting you didn’t need to bring your coat. senku’s footsteps were far away, and after some rustling, you heard them coming back. before you could question what he was doing, he threw a large piece of fabric over you. as you pulled it off your head you realized it had sleeves; it was a long coat. you wrapped your body in it tightly, savoring the warmth.
“i knew you would notice if i took your coat with me, so gen let me steal his tonight. it apparently is really warm.”
“i’m surprised he didn’t throw some kind of bitch fit when you took it,” you replied.
senku laughed as he sat next to you. you felt his hand touch the edge of your thighs to make sure he wouldn’t accidentally sit on top of you. “oh, he did... but he’ll live for a few nights.”
with your eyes adjusted to the dark, you noticed senku didn’t have his coat on. “where’s—uhm, yours?” you asked, teeth chattering.
he hesitated before answering. “y’know how i tripped over a tree root and fell into some bushes about an hour ago?”
he shivered. “i think my coat got caught in the bush. i couldn’t feel it when i went to grab gen’s for you just now.”
your heart sank. he made sure to have something for you, and was suffering without his own source of warmth? without a second thought, you opened your left arm and wrapped the coat around senku. instinctually, he scooted even closer to you.
“thank you,” he whispered. he wrapped his arms around your waist and hugged you tightly; you made sure the coat didn’t fall off.
“hey...actually, never mind.”
“what is it?” he asked.
“hmm. its nothing.”
silly, i’m too interested for you to just brush it off. i felt your body tense up just a second ago.”
“well, i was just thinking. since it’s cold as shit right now. we could, y’know...kiss or something. to keep warm.” you cringed at your own words, why would he agree to that? why did you even suggest it? oh my god, he’s gonna laugh.
you were right; he did laugh. well, at least my face is getting warm from embarrassment.
“i don’t really see the logic in that, but i have to say...i think it could work too.”
it turned quiet. you slowly pulled away from his hugging grasp and searched for his lips with your fingertips. at the same time, he found your bottom lip with his thumb.
lips connected many times, the first one being the quickest. you went on for a bit, and you swore the excitement you felt had turned into warmth, spreading from your chest to your stomach and then the rest of your body.
senku broke away after a few kisses and asked,”is it working?”
you replied immediately. “very much, yes. is it working for you?”
you felt him nod.
“we should keep warm like this more often,” you muttered.
eventually, you didn’t need the coat.
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bigwriterenergy · 3 years
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haha yes ive always loved hetalia but i didnt want to write for it bc i wanted to make this a jojo only blog. but with the announcement of a new season i was sucked back in lmaooo and hmmmm i really really like germany and i also went thru a russia phase when i was younger lmaoo. right now tho i would prob say my favorite is england bc hes such a cunt :))
thanks for the message!!
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bigwriterenergy · 3 years
yandere GYRO / reader
anonymous asked: “I read your yandere JoJo's and it's so well written so may I request a yandere gyro ? Take your time and take care 😚💓”
ahh thank you so much!! i would love to write for you! :) ty again for the kind words
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it’d be difficult for any of the characters in part 7 to fully disclose their yandere tendencies.
but, if anyone was going to display them, gyro would probably be one of the more obvious ones. he’s someone who doesn’t care what others think about him.
the obsession takes him by surprise, especially because he had a reason for entering the race. 
but, after all, your sweetness is far more obtainable than winning this race for the boy. at least he rationalizes his newer, intense emotions with this claim.
johnny is probably the first to pick apart his newfound compulsion for your time. 
at check points, it’s so obvious that the italian isn’t carefree or disappointed about their place in the race. the only thing he seems to worry about is “where is (y/n)?”
naturally, he’ll never say this out loud. it’s all in his mannerisms. he’ll wait by the entrance near the checkpoint; his eyes will travel from horse to horse, hoping to spot you.
since checkpoints are every few days, that allows his obsession with you to fester like an open wound. it only gets deeper and more vile the more he’s away from you.
thoughts of your demise or injury fill his worried mind. if you aren’t camped with him and johnny, he’ll hardly be able to function when they have a well-deserved break.
but when you are camped, expect a very teasing gyro. almost strangely so.
“did you miss me, girlie? it has been too long since we’ve seen each other. don’t be so shy.”
he’ll be oddly clingy. you might find his proximity a bit strange, but gyro has always been a bit odd. 
johnny hardly comments when you join them. whenever he brings you up in conversation, gyro is uncomfortably defensive. so much so that a conversation is impossible. even mentioning that he needs to focus more on the race will result in a cold shoulder or threats.
after finally managing to deal with his prying comments of who you’ve been spending time with during the race, the retire into slumber is possibly the worst part of remaining camped with the two.
johnny is advised to sleep on the other side of the fire. gyro wouldn’t allow any man near your sleeping, vulnerable figure.
he’d sleep back to back next to you. despite attempting to inch away from his touch, he’ll just press that much harder.
you swear you feel his eyes on you. the thought of such an oppressive stare focused on your sleeping figure causes your skin to feel like thick, filthy slime. 
gyro was kind, sure, but -- what was with his borderline obsession with your company? you never really understood.
you’d attempt to avoid him at checkpoints, but he’d still find you. when you’re camped with another racer, most likely diego, gyro somehow finds the camp. 
gyro had responsibilities, but eventually, you’d be his.  
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bigwriterenergy · 3 years
another update
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hello guys!! :) just a quick update!
recent surge of muse so expect some pieces. i have a lot of old asks im going to try to get to BUT i've updated my fandom list! i've added mha, hxh, and hetalia. make sure to head over and see which characters are on my list before sending in an ask.
thanks everyone for your continued support even though i was dead haha! love you all and ty for everything :)
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bigwriterenergy · 3 years
Are we still allowed to send in Jojo character requests?
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yup! :)
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bigwriterenergy · 3 years
AAAA read your new post and yes!! mha boys are such good boys 😔💘 but quick question, when requests open, will you be multi-fandom now?
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yup! requests are still open!!! ill update my rules here soon :)
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bigwriterenergy · 3 years
your works are so fun to read 😊😊😊
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im glad you enjoy!! :) tysm for the message!!
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bigwriterenergy · 3 years
I don't even watch JJBA but I just found your blog you seem so nice!! Just thought I'd say that
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you should give it a watch!! it’s such a good show ;v; but regardless, tysm for the kindness!!!! im glad i give off the vibe hehe
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bigwriterenergy · 3 years
I just wanted to say that I just found your blog and I love love lOVe your writing!!! Your just so talented and flesh out the characters so well I just wow- Your truly an inspiration and I hope you have an amazing day!
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ahhhh thank you so much! i’m glad to hear you enjoy :) hope you have a wonderful day as well!
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bigwriterenergy · 3 years
Oh wow that Diego commission you posted a week ago was amazing! I loved reader's description of her..."friendship" with him; the poor thing has no idea! The way you wrote his manipulation of her was so chilling that I was like "damn maybe it is my fault!" lmao. I particularly loved the dialogue in this, I feel like that is one of your strengths!
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haha! im glad you liked it!!! i poured my heart and soul into that piece bc i feel like i never write manipulation/darker themes right,,,,,,, this makes me so happy to read :))) tysm!!!!
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bigwriterenergy · 3 years
an update sort of?
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hey guys!! happy new year :))
soo im sure yall can tell that i havent been posting as much and honestly, its bc my obsession has run its course. i still love jojo but i’ve gotten over the honeymoon stage so now my muse for it is very low :( 
lmao i knew in the beginning that i was writing so much and that i’d get burned out but i had so much muse so i thought it was okay. but now i have like,,,, little to none hehe
so!! for now, consider me on semi-hiatus!! i just finished mha and hxh so expect me to open requests for them here soon. and im still gonna post pieces, but its just not gonna be on a set schedule or often. the posts will be sporadic. also decided to close commissions as well. i feel like my writing has been pretty shitty as of late and i dont want yall to pay for crap pieces lmaoo
we’ve also hit 2275 followers!! wowaweewa!!! thanks for all the continued support and to those who have been here since the beginning, you know i love you<333
on another note i love todoroki, bakugou, and izuku so much,,, they are so perfect,,,,,,,, expect requests for mha characters to open soon :)))
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bigwriterenergy · 3 years
♡ — yandere discord server!!
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we’ve decided to reopen the yandere discord server to welcome some new faces! 
although we’re calling it a yandere discord, the server isn’t entirely dedicated to yanderes. it’s a place to find people who enjoy writing or are into the same degen as you! that said, we welcome those who enjoy yanderes, monsters, and otherwise dark content. 
since this server is for content creators and readers who want to talk about darker topics in a like-minded community, please follow the rules and be mindful about those around you as not everything is for everyone!
must be 18 years or older — we will be checking IDs.
no irl people as yandere. unfortunately this means no kpop yanderes. while it’s perfectly okay to join the server if you enjoy yandere kpop, please do not discuss actual people as yanderes in this server.
no shaming, harassment, or disrespect of any sort.
no roleplaying.
thoroughly read the #rules channel in order to gain full access to the rest of the server.
the invite link can be found beneath the read more. if the link is expired or doesn’t work, please contact me at my main @vani-ya​ for an updated invite!
Keep reading
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bigwriterenergy · 3 years
@cobaltink​​​ asked: “Hi. :) Wanted to say that I quite enjoy your work and appreciate the amount of effort and detail you put into everything. I wanted to request some yandere Bruno, Giorno, and Fugo. How would each person go about attempting to get more sexually intimate with their darling? You can decide whether or not the darling is aware of their yandere side or not...Whether or not you have a chance to do this, thanks anyway! :)”
ahhh thank you so much!! i appreciate the message and i’d love to write your request!! thanks again :)) each scenario is gonna be the reader not exactly knowing the full extent of their obsession. happy holidays!!
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bruno buccellati
bruno will want to take the relationship to the next level in the very beginning of you two becoming an item.
i believe that regardless of whether or not this is yandereverse, he’s almost immediately attempting to get her undressed. 
he’s a very romantic man so it’s only natural he’ll want to show his love physically.
but in yandereverse, if his beloved shows any hesitance or just flat out denies him, expect immediate gaslighting.
“why do you continue to tease me? this is what people do in a relationship. what? are you not attracted to me?”
one of the first red signs his darling should notice. every night, he’ll attempt to make a move. it’s almost terrifying just how persistent he is.
eventually, she’ll succumb. it’s far too annoying to continue denying him so it’d be a lot easier just to let him do whatever he pleased.
unfortunately, their first time together just makes the situation worse.
multiple times in the day, he’ll pounce on her. he’s a very perverse and sexual lover.
giorno giovanna
giorno is the most obsessive out of the three. he keeps tabs on his little flower and knows almost everyone she’s in communication with.
he’s also the most likely out of the three to abduct her without much provocation, but for the purpose of this list, i’ll just say he hasn’t reached that point yet.
at this point, she would probably know his position in the mafia so she would listen to all his advice. ‘don’t talk to those people anymore.’ or ‘i want you to go home straight after work. you cannot go out tonight.’
but surprisingly, he’s not very controlling of this aspect of the “relationship.”
it’d also take quite a bit of time for giorno to act on his more carnal desires. i hc that he’s just not a very physical person(at least when it comes to sex) and with something as mental as a yandere obsession, i’m sure he can acknowledge her beauty but he doesn’t act on it.
honestly, darling would have to be the first one to somewhat show interest. maybe a kiss that lasts too long? or her hands become explorative? all of the sudden, he’s too aroused to ignore her.
probably the most normal interaction out of the three? idk how else to describe it lmao. giorno is just a gentleman and will wait until she’s ready.
pannacotta fugo
honestly, never really thought of this for fugo haha.
i think that fugo could go to either extreme and that accompanies his almost unpredictable nature around his beloved.
i could see him not at all interested in sex -- maybe thinking he was already too obsessed. she didn’t deserve to have his body along with his mind. in this situation, she would have to initiate and encourage him.
then i could also see him being obsessed with the idea. he wanted all of her, including her body. fugo deserved her. he wouldn’t be as quick as bruno, but once the two were somewhat comfortable, he would suddenly start attempting to come onto her.
it would just depend on one, the reader, and two, the state of the relationship.
regardless of the start of the more physical part of the relationship, fugo’s unpredictability will be apparent.
if she’s interested in him for the night, fugo has to be one-hundred percent aroused or in the mood. if he’s not, immediate insulting and ridicule.
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bigwriterenergy · 3 years
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diego brando is one of your closet companions at the joestar estate. you both play an irrefutable role in the death of the eldest joestar son. 
tw: manipulative, mention of death, 6k words, 
               the day had been awful. you could hardly even remember the mundane tasks you were required to fulfill. that was hardly ever a good sign.
               well, how could you focus? how could anyone? a cloud of gloom appropriately cast over every being employed by the joestars. the laughter that was typically heard in the barns had stifled to murmurs. each person had some sorrow stitched to their expression. of course, they would. the accident involving nicholas joestar was so unbelievably sudden; most thought it far too soon to even begin discussing it – even hours after the tragedy.
               you passed each servant, maid, rancher, and ranch-hand with primal fear. someone – anyone had to know your role in the untimely death. the very thought of such atrocities being your doing felt taboo to even think about. you attempted to halt the intrusive thoughts with faster completion of your chores, but the grim reminder of the gloom among the very individuals you work with, made it that much more difficult.
               with an empty mind, you carried out your chores and your duties efficiently. most days you would join diego, your closest "friend" on the farm, for lunch or supper. you could not stomach the thought of food, so you avoided your typical meeting places. or rather – could you not stomach the thought of diego being disappointed in you? after all, you knew he saw that foolish, white rat. after watching nicholas fall to the dirt track, your eyes almost immediately went to the blue-eyed boy. you watched his eyes follow the rodent; recognition clearly painted on his stressed features.
                               he also knew you were the one to release it.
               you could not face him, so you didn’t. you even began to take different routes, hoping not to make eye contact with the cyan of his iris. little did you know, diego figured you would seek him out eventually. so, he allowed you your cowardice.
               as the day concluded into night, you found the trek back to your communal lodgings the worst of all. the silence that settled over the group of girls had been more-so amplified by exhaustion and disbelief of the day. gossip would begin in the early morning and you dreaded the moment you would hear the rumors begin to appear in whispers. heavy footsteps from the group continued even into the wooden building. you almost immediately retried to the comfort of your bedding. the feather-filled pillow offered little relief to your pounding thoughts.
               the descent into slumber for the building was always quiet. you allowed sleep to occupy your mind, if only for a moment. the exhaustion of your figure aided in the eventual succumb to the night.
                               a gasp pulled you from troubled repose.
               your eyelids split open to reveal the darkness of the room. sweat had already begun to collect on your hairline, only deciding to follow the pull of gravity once you sloped yourself into a seated position.
               your worn mattress creaked underneath the shifting of your weight. your eyes began to adjust to the dim-lit room. from the looks of the moon, you'd say it was early morning. you took in the sight of the other female servants and ranch-hands, who were all still blessed by unbothered slumber.
               you were left to pant; your chest expanding and decompressing with honest fear. guilt tainted your once steady mind. how could it not? with the eldest joestar boy having been in a racing accident today, you had it solidified in your mind that you were the catalyst for the horrific tragedy. your fingers latched onto your features, the shame and anxiety that came from the belief that you were the cause of his death, burdened you.
               you remained still on your tattered bed with your eyes falling to the murky glass of the window. it seemed that rain had descended upon the grounds.
               all that filled your mind was the image of nicholas' body mangled by horse hooves and dirt. even as you took a breath and attempted to rid the memory, it burned as hot as lit coal on your frontal lobe. you closed your eyes tight, the shame of it all nearly made you nauseous. along with his broken frame, the sight of a scurrying white rat accompanied the shame. -- was his death your doing?
               you had a tendency to care for nearly all wild creatures that crossed your path. the little, white rat was no different. you came across the creature earlier in the month and it seemed to automatically gravitate to humans. or rather, a human that would give it the time of day. the somewhat social nature of the rat was rather strange considering the cats that often roamed the estate. it was almost like someone had tamed him beforehand -- but no matter, you still fed the creature whenever he appeared at the door to the women's lodgings.
               you remember back to when diego eventually caught wind of you paying particular attention to one of your strays. the conversation had begun with him mentioning the sick foal he cared for. the man spoke with such conviction and sorrow -- it wasn't odd to see him in such a state. you had yet to know of diego's reasonings for confiding in you, but his net had already been cast. he easily made you believe that you were all he could confine in.
               the spun story of him caring for some mare's foal left trembling lips when you spoke to him last. he started the conversation with a quiet voice and exasperated tone. you recall the conversation as you remain upright in your mattress.
               'the foal is still sick.' you remember glancing up from your dinner, taking in the sight of his features. his head was turned away from your eyes, hoping to shield his somewhat soft expression from you. he was an expert at grabbing your attention, especially with feigned emotion.
               'oh.' you replied, swallowing the spoonful of broth you had shoveled past your teeth. the silence was deafening. especially when you were terrible at consoling a man who often sought the opposite. you continued to stare, searching for a way to bring him consolation. deciding to pose a question, you sought more information on the matter. 'what did mr. joestar say?' this question caused him to stiffen, subsequently turning back to glance in your direction.
               once he met your eyes, it was obvious this weighed heavily on the boy. your fingers fiddled with the wood of the spoon at the sudden intensity of his gaze. diego scoffed and pulled a boot up onto the seat. his thigh pressed protectively against his anterior. you listened to the leather of his gloves tighten. his speech was laced with bitterness. 'the same foolishness as always. if the foal doesn't improve, it's of no use to us. -- not our fault you've hired some idiot who can't take care of sick horses.' obviously referring to the doctor the joestars hired to care for the livestock, you continued to watch his defeated posture.
               you found yourself hoping to alleviate his frustrations. you knew he feared the possibility of putting an end to the foal's life. he would often exclaim that animals are just meant for human progression and that getting too attached meant more trouble than it's worth. but you knew he worried over each and every animal under his care. animals put him at ease.
               you reached out, placing modest fingertips upon his knee. this seems to capture his attention.
                               he had you right where he wanted you.
               'i know you're upset. -- and i'm sorry to hear that. you've been raising that foal, haven't you?' he sighs at your question, leaning back in his chair in an attempt to conceal his fabricated yet heavy emotions. this was a perfect moment to pose just what you could do for him. a sob story always put you in a position he needed.
               diego captures his jaw, almost thoughtfully. 'well. nicholas and i have been looking after the thing.' he decided not to speak on his hatred of the pompous pretty boy. he continues. 'but i would say i handle all the leg work. the exercise and the feeding -- oh, and the damn bathing.' you watch his features morphed into annoyance. he often ridiculed your ability to befriend creatures, but it seemed he was no different himself.
               'i can tell you're upset.' you pointed out. he almost laughed -- perhaps he'd consider acting as a future career once he got out of this hellhole. now, you just needed to extend your assistance.
                'is there anything i can do to make you feel a little better?' your question was posed, though you spoke without any judgment on his attachment. diego shifted in his seat, sliding mischievous irises back to your winsome visage. that was just what he was waiting for.
               if you had been a bit more observant, perhaps you could realize that the gears in his brain had already begun to spin. cranking and producing a scheme that would help with his plot for revenge on those who deserved it.
               dismissively changing topic, he parted his lips. 'i'll manage. i always do.' he shifts in his seat, somehow, now more focused on your figure than the worries that seemingly bothered his conscience. the parting of his lips held you captivated. a light seemed to flick on in his mind, a perfect idea that would assist him plans. his voice dropped in pitch, intentionally causing the moment to intensify. there was something about his command of a space that was just so powerful. he spoke quietly, but you heard almost every curve and perk in his speech. 'and actually, there is something you can do for me. and it involves that silly, little rat you're so fascinated with.' the venom to his words are replayed in your mind.
               the sudden change in topic obviously became a source of confusion. you allowed your spoon to rest in the lukewarm broth. how odd.
               you repositioned in your seat; your skin almost crawled with animalistic instinct. something was just so devious about the way he stared. 'wh - what about it?' he had grown particularly silent. at the reconnection of irises, you soon felt the subtle desperation in his touch. gloved hands seized your shoulders, hoping to establish just how serious the situation was. you held skepticism as he scolded you. since when did diego give any cares about the animals you tended to? your skin burned hot underneath his gloves. he always seemed to connect himself to you in moments similar to these. despite the negativity within his words, it felt nice to think that he would want his hands anywhere near you.
               'you want me to release him near the field?' you repeat his instructions quietly, hoping to somehow understand the command better. he nods, belatedly drawing backward to allow a moment of composure. your thoughts painted clearly on your girlish features, obviously realizing that the fields were placed right next to the horse track. you almost picked apart the plan -- but he knew the perfect rectifications for your breakthroughs in logic.
               'yes.' hoping to maintain believable aloofness, the boy continued to spin a tale. 'i saw some wild barley and grains that would probably sustain him for quite some time. and besides, it'd put me at a little more ease if i'm not worried about you getting in trouble over some rat.'
               feigned concern. of course, his anxiety did not truly lie with the rat. the hidden implications that he cared for some foolish rat would more-so extend to the girl before him. if the mouse were fed, she would be happy; therefore, proving his concern for her happiness. regardless, the hidden implication was considered and discarded. you still attempted to reason why he'd want to release the creature. and why that specific field?
               'well, there's lots of that in the area.' you speak under sheepish breath. the sharpness outlining his pupils proved incredibly domineering. you felt so foreign in your skin whenever he gave you such stares. you could not find the words to respond. how a human could produce such an oppressive stare was entirely frightening.
               'err-- .. ' your breath was caught in your throat. it was evident what he wanted your answer to be. you succumb rather easily. you always did.
               '-- but you're probably right.' the air seems to change at this. you sheepishly fiddle with the old fabric of your attire. your pink lips speak with brief hesitance. 'i'll do it today, i guess.' his unspoken intimidation prevailed. his entire demeanor seemed to change as your reluctance vanished. there was even a threat of a smile curling his lips. you were met with reward. 'wonderful. i just wouldn't want you getting in trouble for some silly rat.' his fingers suddenly attached to your shoulder, giving your joint a somewhat reassuring rub. the touch was different from before. this managed to bring a smile to your features. diego always knew the right thing to say --
               as he made his way out of the room, the blond suddenly froze in the doorway, attracting your attention once more. he refused to turn as he spoke, allowing you the sight of his broad shoulders. 'another thing -- don't release it tonight. do it tomorrow.' you took in the back of his frame. curiosity easily crafted onto your conflicted expression. 'tomorrow?' you found little reason to argue. 'fine.'
               the memory ended with a rousing cough from a nearby woman. you allowed your mind to wander back into reality. the first tear finally slid down the curve of your cheek, landing in a puddle against the back of your palm. you sought answers. -- you needed them now.
                               diego had to have known.
               shrugging on warmer attire, you seemed lost as you stumbled from out of the building. the mud felt thick underneath your tattered footwear. a strangled sob was choked by a single palm. rationalizations and desperate attempts to displace guilt flooded your brain as you were left alone with your thoughts. diego's orders to release the rat rung in your ears. the realization dawned surprisingly quick after only a few moments of considered thought.
               the rain descended as stinging pellets. each contact of the bullet-like drop seemed to almost bruise each inch of exposed skin. you struggled against the weather, heading in the direction of where diego slept.
               struggled steps carried you forward, in hot pursuit of the man who always made sense of all of your plights. rain continued to flourish, falling in heavy sheets to dampen your clothing. the ice-cold weather seemed to pierce through your skin. you felt the temperature, seemingly, in your bones. though, you only sought refuge in one being.
                               the very man who caused this grief.
               you were too naive to realize how skilled he was at altering your mood. the attractiveness of the man paired with his almost skillful tongue made you play the perfect fool for his mischief. you were far too trusting, never believing all of this -- the entire "friendship" was a fake.
               diego would argue against such claims, but he had doubts you would ever come to such a realization.
               traveling further into the joestar estate, your sights fixed onto a wooden barn. light poured from the cracked entrance of the barn, signaling that one of the ranch-hands was still hard at work. regardless of the stars that littered the dark blue sky, you knew there would only be one boy up this late to finish his duties, despite the catastrophe that had just happened.
               as you staggered towards the barn door against the rain and winds, the mangled joestar boy's body flooded back into your vision. nicholas had been rushed out to the near doctor, but the now-familiar, gruesome sight of his neck at a somewhat grotesque angle would forever be plastered in your skull. the image would haunt you while you slept.
               attempting to collect from your childish sniveling(as diego called it), you paused outside of the split doors. while wiping away falling tears, you could spot him through the small gap of wood. his gloved hands were wrapped around some thick, frayed rope. your eyes carefully took in the small definition of tensed muscles as he secured a knot around some sort of cart. the grunts that accompanied the movement informed you that diego was nearing exhaustion. though, not that he'd ever admit to such "weakness."
               the familiar creek of the barn door immediately attracted his attention. there you stood, in all your innocent yet foolish glory. you were entirely soaked, resembling more of a stray than usual. diego knew the reason for your arrival. he took you in as you stood in the opening of the barn doors. he should be thanking you, after all. you played the perfect fiddle to accompany his plan.
               the chill of his eyes made connection with your own. you watched his stare scan your figure before returning back to fixing the collapsed wagon. he struggled against the knot as he fastened the rope even tighter. his voice was soothing, in some odd way, regardless of the context.
               "why are you crying, girl?" a very simple question, but it only proved to break you out into a louder sob. diego attended to your caterwauling with bated breath. how irritating.
               pulling away from his chores, the blond turned back to face you, a somewhat simple look to his expression. you could hardly bring yourself to face him. he took an indifferent pose, bringing his hands to his hips to listen. you managed to find your voice, granted, it was incredibly weak. barely able to be heard over the rain. "d-d-diego, that .. th- rat -- you knew, didn't you?" you sobbed, sloppily bringing your fingers to wipe away foolish tears. squeezing your eyes shut, you listened to the soft walk of the blond's approach.
               this wasn't good. here you were, beginning to think for yourself. he'd have to right the wrong. that was the only way to preserve his own innocence in this clumsy situation. these accusations would only develop into continued doubtfulness of his words. his pawn had to continue falling in line.
               the concrete of the barn floors seemed to amplify the steps of the boy's boots. once he was directly in front of you, his steps stilled. he took in your expression, even as your lithe fingers attempted to hide your weakness. a part of his heart panged. you knew the truth behind the actions, didn't you? he could only wonder if you hated him now. no matter -- you were far too easy to appease. it wouldn't take much to have you back under his thumb.
               allowing your voice to replace silence, his hands soon fell back to his hips. the voice that dripped from his lips was cautionary. he had to be careful -- one wrong word and you would possibly go running to the head of the estate. although unlikely, that was unnecessary drama he didn't need. nothing could tarnish the image he had spent months perfecting.
               "yes. nicholas' death was -- unfortunate." carefully crafted words floated seamlessly; they were perfectly formed to fill your head with lies and awful things. his speech was relentless and to the point. "and you .. you hold guilt, don't you?" your breath caught in your throat. you nearly choked when he stated what you feared.
               "b-but .. yo - you told me to release the rat near the track, diego! i - i was jus-" managing to eventually find your voice to offer a rebuttal, you were met with the stern features of the blond. in his eyes swirled something sinister and authoritative. your lips almost immediately clasped shut. you followed his eyes as they quickly glanced outside of the barn, obviously checking to see if anyone had been around to hear, before landing back on the woman before him.
               how dare she almost suggest aloud that it was his idea? -- ultimately, she was not incorrect, but that seed had to be snipped quickly. "(y/n)," he begins. his voice is now soft, almost as if he were speaking to a child. "now, why are you trying to rationalize your mistakes? who was the one who cared for the damn thing?" you felt like garbage. his belittling nature was nothing new, but you sought relief and kindness -- had he no idea how you felt? your eyes focused downward at your boots.
                               he was right. he had to have been.
               the wind howled from outside the wooden structure while the beginnings of dawn peeked over the night horizon. diego stood firm and tall as he awaited your words. it was always so easy to convince you. he almost smirked as he watched your expression. your mind fell deeper and deeper into the pool of guilt. you were beginning to doubt your very instincts.
               "huh? i can't hear you." a gloved hand fell to your jaw. the worn leather felt comparable to grains of sand against your skin, but you welcomed the contact. it seemed perfectly fitting with your relationship with the ranch-hand. the touch was always appreciated, but his words -- they were often vile and without remorse. a single stifled sob escaped at the contact. tears continued to drip from your collective eyelashes. "i -- i -- .. did," diego nods, smoothing his thumb along the very top of your cheek to swipe away the trail of tears. "right." he seemed to reward you with understanding speech at the admittance. "and you also were the one to release the mouse. -- near the racetrack of all places. what were you thinking?"
               the sudden disconnection of his fingers left you wanting more. you wanted to be consoled -- to be told this was not your fault, but he willfully convinced you of the opposite; instead, he wanted you to believe that it was okay to be wrong. he insisted. "i don't .. i don't .." you were having difficulty finding proper responses. diego began to shake his head. "i don't want to hear it. you knew the joestar boy was going to be riding today." you were silent, unsure how to reply. you were now convinced that this whole scheme was your own doing. his next line was meant to convince you that he was still on your side. " .. but i won't say anything." eye contact was reestablished at this. yes, convincing you that he was your only ally would remove the doubt from your mind. you easily fell for the tactic.
               you were surprised. "you won't?" you murmured, to which he shook his head in a solemn promise. your guilt was exploitable. "i will not." he repeats. suddenly, your arms were wrapped around his waist, engulfing him into a tight embrace. you sought refuge in the very man who constructed your guilt. had you really no idea? diego is unreactive at first, surprised at your willingness to display such affection. the unfamiliar twitch of guilt clouded his mind. as you bestowed upon him an undeserved act of affection, diego found himself capturing his bottom lip with teeth. what was it? was this regret? guilt? embarrassment? -- no matter. the plan had already been formulated and completed. he just had to keep playing this out.
               his body was warm when he eventually wrapped his toned arms around your chilled figure. your sopping clothing clung to your skin, removing all warmth and glow from the flesh. diego took note of the chill and tightened his hold. this protectiveness -- how odd of him. though, you tended to rouse his more foolish emotions. he leans further into the embrace, easily positioning his lips by your sensitive ear. "you're drenched." his voice is surprisingly mellow and tender, spoken almost directly into your ear. his words alone gave you more of a bite than the frigidity of the weather.
               you struggled against his arms, ultimately pulling back to fully collect yourself. his eyes were suddenly predatory, revealing the true caliber of his "affections." they took in your figure, observing the skin-tight, wet, and cheap attire that clung to your skin. you were not extravagantly beautiful, but he could argue that you were the woman he had the most contact with. it was only natural that he viewed you with such hunger. he continued to stare as you soon directed your attention to the sloppy-wet clothing. your fingers pinched the damp fabric, hoping to alleviate the apparent cling.
               "i may have some spare clothing." the offer escaped before he could properly think on it. it was a weakness, a fault -- his desire to observe your innocent flesh in the confines of his own room. it was offered kindly, seemingly without ulterior motive. you blinked upward at the soon-to-be jockey, evaluating your drenched state once more.
               "okay." you breathe, going once more to rub your eyes. your willingness to accept all he said as pure or without malice was something he was especially fond of.
               the rain had let up considerably. a light drizzle replaced the once heavy sheets. just enough moisture to collect on the strands of wild locks. once the two of you stepped outside, the threat of dawn had long since approached. the sky was beginning to explode with shades of yellow and orange, revealing the intentions of the rising sun. diego's lodgings were not much further from the outskirts of the ranch. traveling inwards into the ranch meant there were more coverings to avoid the rain, you relished in the thought.
               diego's room was a small area with only necessities. a bed, a chair, and a table. mountains of books he spent his minimal pay on revealed just what the man enjoyed to do in his free time. few of the hardworking ranch-hands were allowed their own private room. you, like many others on the estate, were forced to reside in communal bedrooms.
               once you were inside, you decided to settle towards the front of the room as diego searched for clean clothing. you took in his space quietly, not much ever changed except the different array of books that littered his table.
               as you were peering out the window, a heap of thick, worn clothing suddenly appeared. shirt and trousers of the same material from the looks of it. you peered upward at the man as he extended the pieces to you with an outstretched hand. "this is all i've got. it was from when i was younger, so it might be a better fit than the clothes i've got now."
               you took the clothing tentatively, examining the fabric quietly. " .. thank you, -- you're too kind." he truly was. offering to allow you to borrow his clothes. once again, you were spun and suggested to believe that this man sought only your happiness.
               diego huffed, continuing to take in your figure. the walk back had allowed him a moment to correct his more carnal desires. there was a time where he would allow his hunger to be satisfied, but something urged him to pursue such desires another day.
               "you hungry?" he finally speaks. "let me see if i can go find something. get changed." you blink upward at him as he abruptly exits his room. what a gentleman -- allowing you a moment to change without his prying eyes. you watched the old, wooden door close with a soft sound. at this, you had begun to peel off the soaked clothing. your skin was left without color or heat, seemingly siphoned away by the coldness that accompanied heavy rain.
               changing into his clothing provided a sense of security, conveniently reminding you of the reason for your search. diego somehow managed to always provide you with support, even if you knew the situation was bleak. it was odd how much faith you placed in his words, but no matter. he seemed to be only being on this damn estate who seemed to care about your well-being.
               the anger and hurt you felt on the trek here had seemingly been whisked away.
                diego returned with sliced bread in hand. from the looks of it, it appeared fresh. the warmth, he hoped, would be able to drive away the chill. perhaps deep down, he enjoyed the thought of caring for another being. his nature would always seek to exploit the unfortunate sap who knew him, but he could find the joys in pretending to care.
               upon opening the door, a portion of him hoped to stumble upon you, half-nude. unfortunately, there you sat, entirely dressed.
               the plate was soon settled on the table, soon accompanied by a mostly eaten jam container. "come eat something, girl." his slender legs soon slung over the nearby chair, sitting backward in the furniture to still face his guest. his pet-name for you was endearing in a way. you were the only servant who received such a title. it was a foolish thing to fawn over.
               you felt weakness in your joints. the adrenaline that once coursed through your veins had long since left your system. your figure begged for rest, and diego took an astute observation of it. a long sigh fell from his lips as he suddenly grabbed a piece of the loaf and made his way toward the bed.
               diego seemed somewhat sheepish as he held the piece to your lips, prompting you to take the bite. nudging the crust against your flesh, the blond spoke. "you always manage to look like a pathetic kitten, don't you? open your mouth." did you really? locking your eyes down to the piece of baked goods, you could only wonder if he shared your enjoyment of your roles. he, who almost always provided you with comfort, and you, who sought his wisdom and "kindness"
               you followed his instruction. you took the bread into your mouth and chewed hungrily. it seemed the airiness of the sustenance revealed its quality. diego fell back to his seat and took in your expression. it was obvious that you were surprised. once again, he managed to read your mind. "they just came back from town. i wanted to splurge a bit, let me be." he soon began to work on his own piece of bread, coating his share in the rich jam.
               you two ate in silence. diego may have thought the situation has dissipated, but your mind still felt some conflict. now that you were collected and without hysteria, you thought you could attempt to make sense of his reasonings.
               before you could manage your words, your company decided to speak first. his voice was almost cautionary, hoping not to reveal too of his blatant worries.
                               "you know you can't hide much from me."
               the words are cunning. you are left to deduce their hidden meaning. finishing your morsel, you remained quietly situated on his mattress. for some reason, you could not bring your eyes to his. they would hold some emotion you could not ignore -- so you merely didn't. your jaw tightened in retaliation, thinking it best to not respond at all.
               "just stop thinking about it, alright? the boy's dead. no point in worrying anymore about it." yet another sigh pulled from his lips. you knew he was beginning to get fed up whenever those puffs of air left. "and another thing: you always manage to look like some kicked animal. quit it." the window blinded most of the light that now shone through, the age of the glass made the surface opaque. abruptly, he stood. his boots sounded so vociferous against the aged floorboards.
               adjusting his trousers once he finally stood, he took in your appearance.  "well. i would suggest to you to get a couple more hours of sleep." dio stood over your frame. his eyes were still focused on the fields outside. "let me walk you back. also -- take some of that bread." you smile at this. he always ensured that you were taken care of. you could not believe that just a few moments go, you doubted the very reasonings behind his care for you.
               "okay." somewhat shaken up, you were left to follow instructions. collecting your wet clothing in a bundle, your free hand went to grab a couple more slices of bread. stepping outside of his room, you were left to watch his quietly lock up his bedroom and turn towards the entrance.
it seemed a majority of the ranch-hands had awoken at the sight of dawn. many were preparing makeshift pots of coffee or trading for breakfast. being the only woman in the whole building made for a rather tense escape. and with diego brando of all people -- you were not ignorant enough to ignore his attractiveness. despite the rough life he led, there was beauty beneath the grime and hardship.
               laughter and snide remarks fell from the men who resided in the common area. dio merely ignored their tease, so you followed suit.
               the walk back was quiet. diego attempted some sort of small talk but you couldn't produce the same energy. the threat of sleep seemed more and more apparent the further you walked. by the time you rounded the corner to your accommodations, your legs were comparable to lead. having about to open the door to stalk back inside, the sudden grab for your wrist thwarted your movements.
               turning back to the blond, you took in the grave nature of his handsome expression. you watched as he wet his lips in preparation for speech. "(y/n)." he needed to drive his point home. her unresponsive nature was not the best sign.
               the morning light reflected off of your irises perfectly, revealing the specks of golden light hidden within the color. your doe-like expression never grew old and despite the almost plain way you appeared, diego found the gorgeous nuances of her appearance from others.
               perhaps if things had been different -- if he weren’t so angry or poor or perhaps if they had met anywhere else but here, you could be appreciated.
               but now was not the time for hypotheticals. this was reality. you were merely a pawn in his game as were most of the women he would come across in his lifetime. eventually, he would leave this putrid place and strive for large aspirations. dio doubted that you would be, at all, included in this dream. regardless -- perhaps he could pretend. if just a little while longer.
                               but first thing is first.
               you watched him take a sharp inhale before speaking. "don't bring up nicholas again." your expression immediately soured. he decided not to comment. "the boy is dead. and i'm sure you know that talking about him or attempting to make yourself feel better isn't going to bring him back." your eyes tilt downward to your still-wet boots. "you're right." you respond. "i know." he returns. dropping his limbs back to his side, the blond ultimately released a final sigh before giving a somewhat affection pat to your head.
               "i'll see you in a bit. try to get some rest, idiot. don't want you falling asleep while you're handling the horses." you hide a chuckle within your scoff. remaining still at the doorway, you watch as the boy eventually turns and begins the trek back to the very barn you discovered him at. with no words left to shout or cry, your bed beckons lovingly.
               regardless of his advice, you still saw nicholas' figure as you settled into your bed. sleep came much easier than expected. you equated it to being dio’s abilities to always set your mind at ease.
               when you awoke next, the streaming of strengthened sunlight obviously revealed the start of the women’s day. the hushed voices were exactly as you predicted. rousing for the second time of the day, you could not help but listen to the rumors that were beginning to surface; no doubt, spurred by the dreams that would have probably haunted their minds.
               as you sat there listening, your mind almost immediately fell back to diego. you could only wonder if diego felt any remorse for the boy.
                               he must’ve.
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bigwriterenergy · 3 years
DNI with dark content / yandere blogs if you’re a minor.
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Recently, I’ve seen more and more minors calling out, harassing, or interacting with dark content writers / yandere writers, oftentimes when that writer has explicitly stated “minors dni (do not interact)”.
Naturally, we can’t stop minors from reading our content, but at the very least, DO NOT interact with dark content / yandere blogs if you’re a minor; this includes sending asks or reblogging their posts. And more importantly, DO NOT harass these writers for writing content that isn’t made for you in a community that isn’t meant for you.
Yandere and otherwise dark content isn’t for everyone; if you find that a writer’s content is uncomfortable / scary / etc, that’s perfectly fine. Just blacklist the tags or their blog and go about your day. Most, if not all, dark content and yandere writers tag or put warnings before their darker content, so there’s no excuse to not do so. If you don’t know how to blacklist/filter, go to Settings > Account > Filtering on desktop, or Settings (gear icon) > Account Settings > Filtering on mobile.
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