bokutokiya · 3 days
So, this is it.. my account is closed and I’ll be leaving it as it is. I’ve lost all motivation to even think about it. I was once proud of the SMAUs but now it’s a negative reminder, I wanted to come back not long ago but I don’t think that’s possible with the messages I found in my inbox.. so I’m laying this blog to rest. I hope you enjoyed my work when it was good, I wish the best for everyone who followed me and thank you for your support. -Kai
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bokutokiya · 4 days
hey Kai! i have to keep anon on just incase certain people see this but I hope your doing okay boo! I've low-key missed talking about haikyuu with you, (the server was deleted btw) I've been debating dming you on disc for a while but I didn't know if you'd want to talk to me, I also don't know if you'll know who this is but I'm hoping mentions of haikyuu and the server will help you figure it out 💗
I’m sorry- it’s been so long that I didn’t think to check the ask box. Thank you for checking on me, I’m okay- I’ve moved forward and I’m doing fine but I hope you’re doing okay! Unfortunately this will probably be 1 of my last posts but I wish the best for you.
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bokutokiya · 1 year
Hey guys, sorry the Hiatus is so long, I’ve lost my path at the moment but I really want to come back.. Just because I haven’t interacted doesn’t mean I don’t see all the likes and comments! thank you all for your continued support!
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bokutokiya · 1 year
Hiya! How are you?
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bokutokiya · 1 year
Hey guys! Going on a small hiatus! I’ll let you know when I’m back! 💕
P.s. my ask box will still be open, feel free to leave requests I’ll do my best to answer them
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bokutokiya · 1 year
Hey babes! So I’ve got a couple really cool things coming out soon! Along with the last 2 chapters for part 1 of darker chapters! So hang on guys, it’ll be a ride!
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bokutokiya · 1 year
You jolted up abruptly as a crash was heard downstairs, shaking your head to clear it, you slid out of bed grabbing the knife that Kenny gave you for your birthday while hitting your panic button under your desk table to alert Kenny and butters. You slowly make your way down the steps to the kitchen only to freeze, seeing cartman hunched over in your kitchen not only eating your chips but holding the stick of truth pissed you off. “I know you're not in my kitchen fatass!” You yell as you stab the knife into the counter. Cartman made a scream like a pig before booking with the stick out of your back door. You chase him only to bump into Kenny, Butters and Kyle. “You hit your panic button!” Kenny panted, leaning on butters heavily, Kyle and butters where both also panting heavily. “Cartman broke into my house through a fucking window and took the stick!” You growl out angrily. Kenny shoots up and looks between you and your kitchen window, “oh I’m gonna kill him” he says, grabbing you gently to look you over for injuries. “I’ll handle cartman, you keep an eye on y/n.” Kyle says, before taking off. Kenny quickly ushers you back into your house and settles you on the kitchen counter, yanking the knife out before all of your phones ping.
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You suddenly shaking in anger and feel the tears blur your vision. “It’s 4th grade all over again!” You cry, Kenny and butters quickly dragging you into a hug as you break down into the front of Kenny’s parka. “I’m gonna call the g-“ his voice is cut off by the back door bursting open and Craig rushing through, “I came as quick as possible!” His nasally voice mixed with his wheezing. “What did the fat ass do to her!” You didn’t catch what was said as you quickly fell asleep against Kenny, the night having drained all of your energy.
(sorry it’s short, we’re on the LAST 2 chapters of part 1)
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bokutokiya · 1 year
Request are still open! Send me an ask if you’d like
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bokutokiya · 1 year
head cannons [1]
Hungover!stan x reader (*)
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bokutokiya · 1 year
Kai I haven't been on Tumblr in forever and I don't have notifications off but I wanted to know if you did the suna fluff
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IM WORKING ON IT BOO! I promise! I’ll tag you as soon as it’s finished 💕💕💕
I love you!!
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bokutokiya · 1 year
HEEYYYY can i request some dating kyle hcs?? i j think he's bf material KSJSKJS 😭🤍
- 🔪
Hey bbg! Here you go! I’m gonna keep working on them I promise 💕💕💕. (HC)
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bokutokiya · 1 year
Kyle headcanons
-Kyle is the smartest of his group but he’ll never make you feel stupid
-like this boy will help you study, proofread your essays and help you if you can’t figure out a problem.
-Kyle’s quick to defend you as well
-this man will swing if needed (mostly on cartman)
-Kyle as a boyfriend is an interesting concept (to me, I’m still figuring out my feelings on our kosher boy)
-His mom’s opinion of you is make or break (JK) sheila loves you, cannot be happier that her little bubba has a partner.
-Kyle is the king of acts of service, sharing his hat/jacket, paying for you and studying.
-virgin behavior
-is known to whimper and whine at you.
-pull his hair, do it
-watch him come undone and cry your name
-has dominated moments when he can handle it
-will pin you down and wreck you
-but the moment you want control he’s yours
(WILL ADD TO THIS 😭 I definitely have more)
Lemme know if you wanna see an NSFW Drabble!
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bokutokiya · 1 year
HEYY KAI!! hope ur doing well rn, taking care of urself, etc etc. :> could i ask for a stan drabble of the reader taking care of him when he's hungover? just sweet stuff of him sleeping on the reader or whatever. pronouns are up to you btw! do whatever you'd like with it
love you kaikai <33
HI BABY! Thank you for your Request, I hope you turned out okay! Please let me know 💕 (here)
I love you trout 💕💕
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bokutokiya · 1 year
Hungover!stan X reader
You rub your eyes as the banging on your door got louder and louder, you pull on one of the hoodies Stan had left over at your place before walking towards the door. Opening the door you come face to face with Kyle holding up a drunk Stan, you let out a loud sigh and look up at kyle. “What happened Ky?” You ask softly, taking your wasted boyfriend from his super best friend. Kyle runs his hands through his hair before laughing “Kenny challenged him to a drinking contest of shots.” He says waving and getting into his car, you gently move Stan over to the couch before making your way to the kitchen and collecting a plastic cup of water and advil. By the time you make it back to the living room where you left Stan he was gone yet a loud curse was heard from upstairs. You sigh and roll your eyes, walking up the steps and into your room. Stan had managed to struggle out of his shirt but tripped over his pants and had given up on the floor. You place down the water and bottle of pills before stripping your sleeping boyfriend and getting him dressed in sweats, after settling him into bed you slide back in next to him and fall asleep.
A gentle tapping roused you the next morning, you rolled over and met Stan’s bloodshot eyes. You let out a giggle and brush some of his black hair out of his face, “good morning love, how was your night?” You ask playfully, causing the boy to groan and shove his face in the pillow. You roll your eyes and pull the man into your arms and cradle his head to your chest, he lets out a sigh and melts into you. “I’m sorry, Kenny bet me I couldn’t out drink him. I lost 100.00 to him” he admits softly with a hiccup, as you smile softly running your fingers through his short black and blonde hair. “I know baby, I saw the tweets Kenny was posting this morning.” You say before sliding out of the bed and heading down to the kitchen, Stan on your heels a little off kilter. You settle on the counter and heat up some of the dinner from last night, “lucky you I made sausage and hashbrown casserole for dinner so it’s greasy and should help with that hangover” you say, handing him the plate out of the microwave. After the two of you eat a bit, you return to the couch which allows Stan to settle on your stomach as you play with his hair again which settles the two of you into a lazy day at home in a cuddle pile.
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bokutokiya · 1 year
My heart, the fluff. I love it!
EM BBG, I am in desperate need of a Craig X reader as soft as you can get it. Maybe like reader is having a panic attack in the middle of the night and wakes Craig up? Like, I want my teeth to rot 😭
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Craig tucker x reader 😽
Cw - panic attacks
Teeth rotting fluff
You weren’t entirely sure what had caused it , all you could recall is the sudden overwhelming sense of despair and feeling like the room was consuming you , leaving you in a black hole of endless thoughts . The air was hot and thick but you felt cold and alone.
Through blurred vision you notice Craig , your fiancé tucked up beside you. You were honestly surprised that your tremors hadn’t woken him up yet. In a moment of desperation you reach over and tap his shoulder three times. “..Craig?” You horsely whisper. He stirs lightly, groaning “..y/n..? What time is it?” He pushes himself to sit up as he rubs the sleep from his eyes. “3:45.. im sorry..”you mumble avoiding eye contact. “Don’t apologise hun.. what’s wrong?” Craig scoots closer to you waiting on an answer “I just.. I’m having another panic attack.. I don’t wanna be alone” you respond shaking , your voice cracks at the end of your sentence. Concern flashes through Craig’s eyes as he rests his head on top of yours, he doesn’t say anything , just wraps you into a warm embrace. His presence slowly but surely calm you and your sobs begin to falter. “I’m here my love.. it’s all going to be alright , you’re safe now” he whispers into your hair, gently kissing your forehead. You lean against his chest and wrap your arms tightly around him , Craig pulls the duvet back over you both. You eventually fall asleep to the sound of his rhythmic heart beat.
Special thanks to @bokutokiya for the request 😽😽
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bokutokiya · 1 year
EXTRA: mysterion
(TW: blood, fighting, and swearing)
Takes place in Middle school (15- Kenny/y-n, Karen 12)
You shake your boots off as you move to adjust your beanie, South Park was in one of its colder days as the season shifted from spring snow to snow snow. Letting out a breath and watching it spiral as you cross over the railroad tracks you missed the small brunette blurr that body slams you back into a snow pile, letting out a loud ‘oof’ sound you allowed the giggling child to sit on your stomach for a moment as you smile. The small brunette one Karen McCormick let her little dimples show as you heft her into your arms and get up. “Hello Kare bear! How are you today?!” You ask as you gently squeeze your self proclaimed sister, your parents passed away a year ago and the McCormicks keep an eye on you as another one of their kids. You shift Karen to your back as you continue walking, she takes up playing with your hair. “I’m doing good, Kenny says you’ve been sad.” She says as she tries to peek into your face, her pigtails tickling your cheeks causing you to laugh softly. “I’m okay, better that I get to spend the day with you.” You smile at the little girl before knocking on the mcCormicks door. The door is opened by an unnaturally red headed lady with a kind smile, “Y/n! Thank you for coming tonight. Kenny is staying with the boys for a school project and unfortunately Stewart and I have a meeting to attend, so we’ll be home late. Feel free to help yourself in the kitchen and if we aren't back by 10 feel free to sleep in Kenny’s room, you know where everything is sweetheart” Carol says before letting you step in and set Karen on the floor. Stewart came past and ruffled your hair before walking out the front door with Carol, turning to Karen you smile and place a hand on her head, “what should we do squirt?” You ask playfully as she bats your hand away. “Let’s go to the park then maybe Stark's pond” she says before racing into her room and coming back with a small backpack you hadn’t seen before, “who got you the pretty backpack?” You ask with an eyebrow raised. Karen smiled brightly and held it up “bubba butters gave me it for my birthday! Oh! And thank you for the hoodie y/n! I’m saving it for a special occasion!” She cheers before putting the backpack on, you slide your wallet and an extra jacket into the bag for you before grabbing her hand and leaving the house. The park was empty when you arrived, you took the backpack for her as she raced off to the play set, for a young teen she loved playgrounds. You scrolled through your phone sending a small update text to Kenny to let him know you guys were ok.
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After updating your social you look up only to not see Karen. You panic for a moment and look around wilding for her only to see her pop out of the bathroom and jog her way over. You quickly pull her into a hug, her face smashed into your chest, “please let me know when you wander off next time Kar, scared the shit out of me baby.” you say, calming your heart beat. Karen quickly grabbed your arm and hung on it “I’m sorry y/n! I’ll be more careful!” She claims before you two start walking towards tweak Bros coffee, you open the door, the bell jingling your arrival. “ACK, y/n! How are you tonight!” Tweek calls from behind the counter as you bounce over and pull yourself up to sit on it. “I'm a great tweekers, where’s Craig?” You notice a lack of middle fingers being thrown your way, tweek shakes his head “he’s home, had detention so he didn’t come by to help out” he replies easily calming in your presence, handing you a hot cocoa for Karen, which she happily takes. “Well we just came by to say hey, kens staying over at Cartmans so I’m dragging Karen around.” You say. He nods and waves you guys out as you leave into the darkening day. Rounding the corner from the theater a hand shoots out and yanks you and Karen back into the alleyway, Karen lets out a startled scream before her mouth is covered. “hello Y/n.” A familiar voice calls out from behind the scared girl, your face goes from anger to terror in 3 seconds as you discreetly slip the tracker/alarm from the strap of the backpack pressing it. “Hello Kalma. It’s been a while, come back to finish me off?” You ask, shaking lightly, Kalma lets out a hard biting laugh before throwing Karen off to the side and stalking closer to you “I wish I could finish you off! But you have a use for the plan. Doesn’t mean I can’t hurt you a little” she laughs bitterly before leaping towards Karen, the younger girl crying in terror. You make a split second decision and place your body in front of Karen’s, a sharp stinging pain hits your side as you start to feel a warm spot on your hoodie. “Damn, Kenny’s gonna be pissed I got blood on another of his hoodies” you try to joke out, looking down at Karen. The younger girl can’t tear her eyes away from the injury on your side so you cover her eyes and whisper “run back to tweak bros, tweek can call our angel.” She gives a nod and takes off, allowing you a moment to turn to Kalma. “You just don’t go down huh?” She asks bitterly “just like your parents, maybe you’ll be more challenging then them after all.” you see red at her statement before tackling her onto the ground and swinging your fist into her face landing a couple of blows before she twists the object in your side flipping you onto the wet and dirty pavement. She opens her mouth to say something else when a shout comes from above “I’d step away from the girl if I were you!” Mysterion’s voice is hard to miss and brings a small painful smile to your face as Kalma scoffs. “Whatever I’m done with her.. for now” she laughs before vanishing down the end of the alleyway. Rapid footsteps make their way down the alley as Karen crash’s into you as you grunt. “Let’s get home” you say to her softly, looking into the worried eyes of mysterion.
After getting Karen home and settling into bed, you heave yourself into Kenny’s room and start digging for his first aid kit when the window slides open. You look up and meet the eyes of mysterion, you let out a small painful laugh as you plop on the floor. “Hey Kenny. Guess I lied about nothing happening” you say roughly, Kenny takes his hood and mask off before rushing over and kneeling next to you, “shit y/n how did this happen?” He asks, sliding back into his smooth tone. You yank the hoodie over your head letting him see the injury better “took the knife to keep Karen safe, Kalma went for her first.” You hiss out as he gently pokes around the wound. Kenny shakes his head before pulling out the first aid kit from his closet along with another one of his hoodies, “of course you did, thank you for that but I’m still and you're hurt” he says in a gentle yet stern tone causing you to laugh. Kenny quickly cleans and wraps your side before helping you struggle on his hoodie and pulls you into a light hug, his face burrowed into your hair as he shakes trying to suppress sobs, “when Karen called I thought the worst, I’m so glad you're ok.” He says, before pulling back and looking over your face. You give him a smile and press a light kiss to his cheek, “remember ken, who is responsible for your missing tooth? I think I can handle myself.” You tease him lightly before he helps you to settle into his bed. He threads his fingers lightly through your hair as you start to feel tired from pain and all the energy you used, “y/n, I love you, your family and I will ALWAYS be there to protect you. Please be safe and sleep well bubba” he whispers, pressing a kiss to your forehead and covering you with the blankets before sliding back out of the window to let you rest.
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bokutokiya · 1 year
Hey y’all, I’ve got 1 more extra for darker chapters going up tonight then I’ll be a taking a small brake. I’ll be back by Saturday with some surprises 💕 thank you for understanding and I love y’all 💕💕😘
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