bottle-witch · 6 years
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Compilation of the two card spreads I have posted so far!
core / context
do / don’t
worst case scenario / best case scenario
short term / long term
want / need
change / remain
Clicking the links will take you to the individual posts for more details about each spread 💙
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bottle-witch · 7 years
Pokedivination 101: Types
So!! This is the first in a series on using pokemon cards to do divination, which has been an idea that people have capitalized on before and surely will again, but I’m planning to contribute my two cents.
I choose pokemon cards not only because of the huge variety and the ‘personality’ of each pokemon that makes it great for association and specificity of message, but pokemon is something innately connected to our pasts, our emotions, and feelings of companionship; chances are, if you’re using pokemon divination, you’ve already got a relationship built with the pokemon verse, whether you’re a current fan or just loved them when you were a kid. I believe that kind of connection (and wealth of personal association) makes divination 10x more accurate, because you get a better feel of what the cards are trying to tell you. It’s like talking to a stranger versus an old friend; the better the connection, who’s going to know you better? Who are you more likely to listen to? We talk about relationships with our decks all the time, and the point of Pokemon has always been relationships.
Plus, Pokemon is super cool, so there’s that too.
Without any further ado, I’m going to start on the first thing I want to nail down in this series: the types, or ‘suits’. I’m not really going to try to draw parallels between pokemon card divination and tarot, so major/minor arcana are not present in this system. Types function as suits do in cartomancy. How’s that, again?
Core to a Pokemon’s identity and ability is their type. It determines their habitat, their moves, their relationships with other pokemon– it’s their basic defining trait. Of course, there are different ways a type can be expressed, but essentially all ghost types are going to share a ~vibe~ that defines them and all fire types are going to be, at their core, similar to one another. An easy way to think of the types is to think of them as the suits in cards, like how hearts are associated with relationships, psychic types might be associated with mental affairs. It’s a general interpretation to be refined with each card within the suit (for instance, mr. mime might indicate mental blocks, being a psychic type and also inclined to invisible wall-building).
But doesn’t pokemon have like, 15 types?
Yep. Which is why I’ve got a handy chart for you just below that deals with the various types and the meanings I’ve assigned to them based entirely on my own associations. If yours are different, feel free to mix, match, or absolutely alter them to fit your own needs; it’s all about connection.
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These are just general guidelines, but they’re great for 1 card readings. If you have a question (e.g, what am I ignoring?) you can get a general feel from the card you draw. (for instance, if I drew water, I would say self-care.) When you’re working with the specific pokemon, keep in mind the associations of the types and how the types interact with each other. Do you have a lot of waters with fires? That may mean your passion is being smothered by taking too much care, and that you need to let your instincts shine through more. Electricity with ground types might show inefficacy, same with normals and ghosts appearing together; keep an eye on patterns to see what comes out! I’ll make a separate post about this at some point, but this is a primer on pokemon types and what to look for when you’re reading!
Best of luck, and happy pokewitching!
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bottle-witch · 7 years
Pokedivination 101: Types
So!! This is the first in a series on using pokemon cards to do divination, which has been an idea that people have capitalized on before and surely will again, but I’m planning to contribute my two cents.
I choose pokemon cards not only because of the huge variety and the ‘personality’ of each pokemon that makes it great for association and specificity of message, but pokemon is something innately connected to our pasts, our emotions, and feelings of companionship; chances are, if you’re using pokemon divination, you’ve already got a relationship built with the pokemon verse, whether you’re a current fan or just loved them when you were a kid. I believe that kind of connection (and wealth of personal association) makes divination 10x more accurate, because you get a better feel of what the cards are trying to tell you. It’s like talking to a stranger versus an old friend; the better the connection, who’s going to know you better? Who are you more likely to listen to? We talk about relationships with our decks all the time, and the point of Pokemon has always been relationships.
Plus, Pokemon is super cool, so there’s that too.
Without any further ado, I’m going to start on the first thing I want to nail down in this series: the types, or ‘suits’. I’m not really going to try to draw parallels between pokemon card divination and tarot, so major/minor arcana are not present in this system. Types function as suits do in cartomancy. How’s that, again?
Core to a Pokemon’s identity and ability is their type. It determines their habitat, their moves, their relationships with other pokemon– it’s their basic defining trait. Of course, there are different ways a type can be expressed, but essentially all ghost types are going to share a ~vibe~ that defines them and all fire types are going to be, at their core, similar to one another. An easy way to think of the types is to think of them as the suits in cards, like how hearts are associated with relationships, psychic types might be associated with mental affairs. It’s a general interpretation to be refined with each card within the suit (for instance, mr. mime might indicate mental blocks, being a psychic type and also inclined to invisible wall-building).
But doesn’t pokemon have like, 15 types?
Yep. Which is why I’ve got a handy chart for you just below that deals with the various types and the meanings I’ve assigned to them based entirely on my own associations. If yours are different, feel free to mix, match, or absolutely alter them to fit your own needs; it’s all about connection.
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These are just general guidelines, but they’re great for 1 card readings. If you have a question (e.g, what am I ignoring?) you can get a general feel from the card you draw. (for instance, if I drew water, I would say self-care.) When you’re working with the specific pokemon, keep in mind the associations of the types and how the types interact with each other. Do you have a lot of waters with fires? That may mean your passion is being smothered by taking too much care, and that you need to let your instincts shine through more. Electricity with ground types might show inefficacy, same with normals and ghosts appearing together; keep an eye on patterns to see what comes out! I’ll make a separate post about this at some point, but this is a primer on pokemon types and what to look for when you’re reading!
Best of luck, and happy pokewitching!
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bottle-witch · 7 years
Getting To Know Plant Allies
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Use It!
One of my teachers was very insistent that before I was allowed to study a plant, I had to get to know it first. Head knowledge is one thing, but when you are working as a herbalist you have to have more than that.
Before using any herb, even for these exercises it is important to look up contraindications for the herb. Herbs are medicinal, even in small doses. Personally I like to use this book. And remember to always tell your doctor if you are taking any herbs!
Based on the type of herb, make a decoction or infusion. Fragile herbs, usually dried leaves or flowers, are better suited to an infusion (let steep in nearly boiling water for 20 minutes). Hardier herbs such as roots can be simmered in the water for 20 minutes (decoction).
Sip slowly, taking notice of how the tea feels in your mouth. Does it trigger a salivary response? How does it taste? Anything your experience is worth taking note of. I’ve never been sad I took too many notes!
Take a bath with it. If a full bath isn’t possible, do a foot or hand bath. I was taught to start with water as close to room temp as possible. This can be a good way to determine if the herb has warming or cooling properties.
Again, make notes! Lots of them.
Get creative with how you experiment. Cook with them, use them for facial steams. Any way that you’re called to, and remember, take notes!
Study It - Materia Medica
It’s time to make your own herbal! We’re going to take our observations and start a Materia Medica. This is the term herbalists have been using since the 1st century AD, thanks to the Ancient Greek physician Pedanius Dioscorides. Modern science now often uses the term pharmacology but I greatly prefer the Materia Medica.
Some witches will combine this with a Materia Magica which goes into the magical correspondences for the herbs. But this post won’t be covering that.
How each herbalist organizes the Materia Medica is going to vary, but it should hit a few key points. And, of great importance, is to track your sources! Any information that you include in your MM needs to have a citation so that you can track your info.
Latin Name
My Materia Medicas always start with the Latin name for the herb. Herbs have many, many different names. Both through history and throughout the world. The best way to ensure that you’re using the correct plant is to use the latin name. But then, after that, I make not of common names and historical names.
If a herb has an interesting history, or appears in folk lore I make note of that next. It can be interesting and is helpful for knowing the herb. There’s a lot of knowledge to be gleaned from old stories!
If you’re inclined for either wildcrafting or foraging, a section on the cultivation and appearance of the plant.
Now, we get into the medicine of it. Herbs work because they contain chemical compounds. A lot (all?) of modern medicine is derived from the manufacturing of these chemicals.
Make a list of the chemicals that are found in the herb. Making note, where you can, of what these chemicals actually DO. Over time you’ll want to get to know which ones are the active ingredients and how the work. Yup, it’s science!
Herbal Actions
Actions come next. Herbal actions are a whole language to learn. But as you are putting together the Materia Medicas you’ll start to get the hang of things! An action describes the way a herb works on the body.
It can seem a bit overwhelming, so here is an example.
Bitter is an herbal action, and it is aptly named. Herbs with this action typically taste… bitter! The action that they have on the body usually starts in the mouth where it stimulates saliva production as the first step of aiding in the digestive process. (they do a lot more but we’re keeping it simple for the example).
Examples of bitters are: arugula (also called rocket), dandelion greens, and black coffee.
Here’s a very simple way to experiment yourself! Take some time to sample one of the above mentioned bitters and see how your body reacts.
Christopher Hobbs is an herbalist I respect a lot. He has a handout that he uses in his classes which lists herbal actions, indications (we’ll get into that next), and lists example herbs.
I highly suggest printing this sheet out and keeping it handy, reading it over often. Eventually it’ll become more intuitive, but it takes time and practice.
Indications are where we want to use the herb. IE: where is the herbal action of the herb indicated? This is going to be a list of conditions that the herb in question is good for treating.
For example, Corn Silk (zea mays) is an antiseptic, demulcent and a diuretic. Because of this, it’s indicated for use with a urinary tract infection. (it’s indicated for other things too, but I’m trying to keep things fairly basic!)
The demulcent soothes the irritated skin, the diuretic helps to increase urine output, and the antiseptic of course helps to prevent the growth of harmful organisms.
The last section of my Materia Medica deals with dosing and contraindications. 
I like to include dosing for both teas and tinctures as they are my personal favorite ways for treating people.
Contraindications means anything that counteracts with the herb. St John’s Wort is a popular one for this, as it has many. It is a highly reactive herb and can interact negatively with many drugs! 
It is very important to know how the herb interacts. People think that because herbs are natural/plants that somehow this excludes them from the realm of medicine. But the very reason that herbs are effective is because they ARE medicine!
When I am working with a client, I do my best to take a detailed history, even things they don’t think is important. But I also inform them of every herb I am giving them and encourage them to do their own research. And it’s important to be aware of your body when you are taking herbs. From the practitioner to the person taking the herb, everyone needs to do their own due diligence.
If you found this post useful, or have any comments/thoughts/etc I would love to hear it. If there is interest I can do posts on salves, tinctures, etc. And perhaps examples of my own materia medicas.
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bottle-witch · 8 years
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Irish & Gaelic Polytheism Resources
I like making lists of things, whether it’s about shadow work or for the Morrígan.  This is another such list collecting resources for Irish and Gaelic polytheism, which will (hopefully) never be finished.  There’s still plenty more out there to find, so if there’s anything that should be added, just let me know.
That said, there’s also the Guide to Gaelic Polytheism blog and its auxiliary, @guidetogaelicpolytheism.
[image: Eamonn Farrell]
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bottle-witch · 8 years
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Throwin’ the Bones
Of the divinatory techniques with which I am familiar, bones are my personal favorite. Yes, they have that very witchy vibe – but it’s more than that; the bones are honest. They don’t sugar coat, and while they have to be interpreted, once you know how to read them – there’s little room for interpretation. They are very direct and are much better suited to answering yes or no questions than tarot. With a little imaginative methodology, there few questions the bones can’t answer. And even fewer they won’t answer (as tarot cards can be known to do). A few examples of things I think the bones are better at answering than tarot: questions involving time, questions regarding health, sickness and maledictions; they present a broader grasp to any given situation – incorporating things outside of the question presented and how these things relate to the question or the reading, showing the interconnectedness of life – and how these things all relate back.
Our countless cultures have countless methods for collecting and reading the Bones – and I can only rightly attest to my own methodology: one in which the Bones need not necessarily consist solely of bones, but a collection of gathered trinkets and curios, all with their own meaning, their own story and their own energy. My collection consists of: bones (bare and painted), coins, stones, shells, jewelry, twigs, buttons, animal teeth and other squabbles. The only rule I implement is that the item can be easily gathered and (safely) tossed without breakage or injury (save your razor-blades and glass shards for witches’ bottles!).
Collecting the Bones and Bobbles
Most any small bones will do, though its recommended that you use bones that haven’t been cooked, as cooked bones have a tendency to get very brittle – especially in the case of chicken, which is quite common. In my collection I have a number of different animal bones: most are chicken, but I also have some raccoon and possum bones, as well as teeth and claws. I built a “base” of bones, but am continuously adding or replacing as I see fit.
A short list of “Bones” I like to include – most of which serve as my “base” bones:
Self Bone – used for the reader
Other Bone – used to represent another person or the person you are reading
Magic Bone – represents the need for or use of magic
“Evil” Bone – malicious or hateful acts, disadvantageous behavior
Love Bone – represents romantic love
Male Bone – represents male fertility, masculinity, sexuality or a man
Female Bone – represents female fertility, femininity, sexuality or a woman
Health Bone – represents physical or mental health
Wealth Bone – represents financial standing or monetary issues
Family Bone – represents familial connections or a family member
Fate Bone – represents destiny and your lifepath (I use a shell for this: open side up means an event can be altered, destiny is not set in stone; open side down, this path must be walked – prepare in lieu of fighting)
“Key” Bone – (I actually use a small key) which represents the key to any given situation, the remedy or problem at hand and its cause
This list is by no means comprehensive and I have many more bones in my collection with more menial meanings. This is simply a small list of options to be added to and adapted by whosoever casts the bones.
Reading the Bones
There is no right or wrong way to read the bones, there is simply your way and their way. Below I will dictate how it is that I do a general reading – again, this is just an example of one way, take and adapt to fit your own unique style or tradition!
Begin by collecting your bones into your hand. I keep mine in a leather pouch, but don’t like to toss them directly from the bag as it doesn’t allow for much control – i.e. the bones fall out either in a massive, unreadable pile or they fly out in such a scattered way nothing is close enough to read. Throwing them from the hand allows for a rather contained casting, and one that can be read easily. I do not include the Self or Other bone, instead, the Self Bone is placed before the caster and the Other Bones is placed either in front of the person you’re reading for or simply in the middle of the casting area. When reading for yourself, place the Self Bone in the center and discard the Other Bone.
Throw the Bones. This can be done on a square of cloth on which a circle (or any number of complex shapes) has been drawn or simply upon a flat table. If throwing in a circle, discard all bones that fall outside of it. These bones are null for the reading, though they can also be read as “far from the person’s mind/current situation.”
Interpret the Bones. This is done by noting the location and connection of the bones present. For instance, note the Love Bones proximity to the Other Bones and the Male Bone. This could be interpreted as being the male love of the querent – but if the “Evil” bones is introduced, this could symbol ulterior motives or a hostile or explosive relationship. Read based on both their proximity to the Other Bone – the closer, the higher priority the matter is – and their relation to one another. It’s very much like investigating a big puzzle, putting it together piece by piece to form a comprehensive understanding of their life or situation. Also not their relation based on the third dimension: x bone seems to be overlapping y bone – is the x issue eclipsing an underlying problem or truth represented by y? It depends. Only through practice will you find clarity.
Convey the message. I always like to spend a few moments making a variety of “hmm” noises when reading for others – it builds up their anticipation. Or you can throw in the occasional gasp or snarky smirk. Their responses are usually hilarious – even more so when yours are genuine! If you are reading on your own, it may be a good idea to sketch out a general map of the readings as opposed to taking a picture as often bones overlie others, which makes for a rather misleading photo representation. You might also find jotting down notes rewarding, especially in synthesizing a cohesive read.
Once you’ve garnered all the information you can from that particular toss, feel free to specify: take the bone/situation you wish to examine and toss the rest again over it/them, reading the others through that particular lens. I.E. Who is this person mentioned? What are their qualities? What is the nature of this love? What magic is being referenced here? Follow that rabbit hole as far as you wish, building your understanding.
Do not be afraid to adjust your style! Want to narrow down a time frame? Make a sort of timeline with the bones. Wish to determine the source of an ailment? Shape the bones into the form of a body. I find the bones allow for far more creativity and ingenuity than cards. And above all – TRUST YOUR GUT.
Photos: These are photos of my “base” bones when I first started reading; since then they have probably doubled (if not tripled) in number and do not incorporate my other animal bones, claws or teeth. 
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bottle-witch · 8 years
whats your opinion on the "broom closet" or variations of that same phrase, ive seen it used so often in the tumblr witch community, im personally kind of uncomfortable with it,,, i was wondering what your thoughts on it were..
I don’t like it at all, honestly. It makes me very uncomfortable to equate witchcraft with something so serious as gender or sexual orientation. I fully understand that being in an environment where you aren’t free to openly practice is scary and upsetting, but I don’t think it’s fair or ok to equate that with the sheer terror and shame that “in the closet” speaks of.
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bottle-witch · 8 years
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This is Astragalomancy…Not Just For Squares, in its finality.
Enjoy Universe.
(If enough people bug me about it, I might provide the pdf so you can print it out at home.)
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bottle-witch · 8 years
I have just been shown possibly the greatest website for witches or book lovers in my life today and it’s called http://darkbooks.org and it has over 1500 free downloadable e books on occult, pagan, and witchcrafty topics from centuries of publishing, including all books by aleister Crowley, h.p. lovecraft, dozens of books on fairies, free spell books, Aradia gospel of the witches, several versions of the Edda both prose and poetic and so so much more. So please check it out if you like occult and pagan literature or even just mysteries. I’ve been on it for hours and can vouch that nothing has happened to my phone and they all open up in my Kindle app.
Remember, http://darkbooks.org
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bottle-witch · 8 years
Feather-set’s Protection Satchel to Ward Off Ex-Lovers
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This satchel idea was brought to me from a friend’s friend who went through a painful, abusive relationship. They left their harmful partner and wanted to find a way to protect themselves so that they can keep the ex-partner away. 
What it does: this satchel will help protect you from an ex-lover or abusive partner that you’ve decided to break contact with. This helps protect you from toxic people who might otherwise take advantage of or hurt you. 
Before making this satchel: make sure that you’re not going to allow your harmful ex back into your life. Don’t call them, text them, stop them on the street to say hello, etc. Do not allow them to puncture your space by any means. And if they do manage to come up to you, leave as soon as you can. 
What you’ll need:
A black satchel 
Rose stems with thorns 
Sea salt
Hematite, onyx, iron, or some black stones
Sage, rosemary, bay leaves (or two of these, or all three for maximum protection)
An item to represent you (charm, hair, clipped nails, personal trinket, etc)
Casting: You are free to cast the spell however you wish, though I would recommend burning a black candle while you put the items into the satchel, saying the intent of the pouch as you fill it. Chant something like 
This bag is my shield and these items keep it strong All these things protect me from (name)’s wrongs
Everyone’s casting styles are different, so you are free to do your own version of whatever spell you want to accompany this. 
Meditate on the purpose of the satchel. Feel the powers of the herbs and stones protecting and holding the items that represents you; in turn, imagine your psychic shield wrapping around you, protecting you from the harmful person’s presence. 
Wear the satchel on you when you’re out or feel uncomfortable, until you feel safe and secure knowing they will no longer bother you ever again. 
Why I chose these items: I’m very fond of plant/herb magick and crystals, so there’s one. Salt is a very protective mineral that is very commonly used to ward off negative presences. Rosemary, sage, and bay leaves are also protective. Rose thorns are the shield that roses, the symbol of love and frailty. Hematite, onyx, and other dark crystals are protective, especially hematite. Black is a strong colour, and is very defiant and protective. 
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bottle-witch · 8 years
Tea (and such)
Design and order your own tea 
52 herbal tea recipes 
Happy hippie tea creator
My tea blending room
Starbucks Chai Tea Recipe
Copycat Starbucks Passion Lemon Tea
52 DIY herbal tea recipes (list of links from a blog)
Bubble/Boba Tea Recipes
Healthy Matcha Green Tea Milkshake
treehugger-8 ways to spice up tea/coffee
youtube diy blooming tea
Using Wild/Local Herbs
(please don’t go eating/drinking random things you’ve found in your yard or park, do the research and save yourself a hospital trip; a lot of these require special preparation so please look into that before potentially harming yourself)
offthegridnews- tea from you backyard
eattheweeds- edible flowers
Walkingtimes- 52 wild plants you can eat
Fitness And Freebies
Herbal roots zine
80 natural/organic companies that send free coupons
Tea Supplies
Set of 50 muslin reusable bags $8
Strawberry tea infuser $1
Deep sea diver infuser $7,50
Buddha elephant tea pot
Abundant Health (not much to do with tea but they’re all about essential oils, and their bottles and containers are a steal)
Tips for buying thrifted china
Strawsome BPA-free Straws
Lolli Cup Store (also Teas, Boba, Flavorings, ect)
Cuppow!-Turn canning jar into Mug/Lunchbox/Pour-Over-Brewer
DiY and Upcycling
Make TeaBags out of Recycled Fabric
Turn Mason Jar Into Spill Proof Cup
Buy Herbs/Tea/Dried Flowers/Ect
Mountain Maus Remedies Easy Store
Herbs, Spices, Teas, in Bulk
Dried fruit in bulk
Edible flower shop UK
Mountain Rose Herbs
Spirit Apothecary Botanicals & Findings (sold for magic mainly)
Bulk Apothecary
Iherb trials (not really tea but supplements, soaps, ect)
yunomi (Japanese, also sells tea ware)
golden tips tea (indian)
Tea box (all over world)
Magickal Properties of herbs and flowers
A-Z Herb use
Herbs and Health Benefits
Web MD teas and their health benefits
150 herbs uses and health benefits
Dandelion Benefits-roots greens teas
ASASP Thought Coffee vs Tea
12 Green Tea Recipes For Weight Loss
Wiki how to make cucumber water
The yummy life naturally flavored water (tips&recipes)
4 ways to make drinking water even healthier
Add fruit/herbs/flowers to ice!
Preserving pumpkin
Wikihow to Dry Flowers
7 Basic Recipes For Preserving Edible Flowers
Wild herbs
Waterbath Canning
youtube- how to make tea the British way
Tea-rriffic: tea infused ice cream
This is what has come out of saving websites to my drafts for later use. 
A masterpost based off of tea.
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bottle-witch · 8 years
Cleaning Candle Holders
Cleaning candle holders is probably one of my least favorite things to do, but recently I’ve started collecting left over wax to use in other projects (a post for a much later day) and I was entrusted with a few extra candle holders to clean so what better use of chore than to make a blog post about how I get it done.
There are A LOT of ways to clean candles. This is just the way that I like doing it and I prefer to do things in batches anyways because I’m all about saving some time. 
candle holders that need cleaning
a large pot or bowl
a knife (or something you can poke wax out with)
paper towel/something to wipe the candle holders down with
hot water (I boiled my water in my tea kettle and poured it into my bowl)
Use a knife to cut slashes into the wax still in the candle holder
Place candle holders in a large pot and pour hot water into candle holders and around them. Leave sitting for about 15 minutes.
Leftover wax will either float to the top or be soft and cool enough to pull out with a knife
You can either soak them in a fresh batch of warm water or you can wipe off the excess wax with a paper towel (I used the paper bags we save from last minute store runs)
You can set aside the wax for a future project or toss it!
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bottle-witch · 8 years
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Silken webs laced over Rosemary bushes, sparkling with dew.. I picked Rosemary from my garden last night. The small purple flowers looked so beautiful, and when I looked at them in the light, I noticed it was in the shape of a heart!
The word Rosmarinus is from the Latin meaning “dew of the sea”.  Rosemary is believed to attract faerie and good energies.
Rosemary is useful for ritual baths, and for making sacred herbal water for ritual cleansing, blessing and purification. Bathing in rosemary will enhance your memory and will make you more memorable to those you meet throughout the day.
Use rosemary in spells to enhance memory, including those spells for success in school. Also use for spells to retain youth and burn as incense when you are meditating or doing dream work to remember your past lives.
Place rosemary under your pillow to help you to remember your dreams and to keep away nightmares and other unwanted nighttime visitations.
Rosemary oil massaged into the scalp is believed to prevent baldness and stimulate hair growth. Massaging the body with rosemary oil will increase circulation, relieve aches and pains and warm the limbs. Used as a toner, rosemary will help bring blood to the surface of the skin and acts as an antiseptic and astringent.
Sprigs of Rosemary can be placed in your dresser drawers to protect your clothes from moths. 
Rosemary is also associated with Aphrodite and appears in many ancient images of Her.  It was an embalming herb and sacred in Egypt. It was also a sacred herb to the Greeks.
An old saying says “Where Rosemary flourishes, the Woman rules” and in England it was believed that rosemary could not grow in the garden of the home unless the mistress was the master. In France, Rosemary was burnt, along with Juniper berries in sick rooms and hospitals to purify the air. During the Middle Ages, it was hung around the neck to protect from the plague. Carrying a twig protected from the evil eye.
Rosemary should not be taken internally in large doses. Rosemary should not be used medicinally by pregnant women, but it is okay for them to use it as a food seasoning.
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bottle-witch · 8 years
2016 Planetary Magick Calender
I put this together with my own practice in mind, which is why there are no cross-quarters dates and no tracking of the outer planets. For additional info on lunar mansions, check out Lunarium’s [Universal Lunar Calendar]. For more information on the movements of other Planets through the signs, check out CafeAstrology’s [2016 Calender].
January 2016
Jan 05: Mercury enters Retrograde (exits Jan 25)
Jan 07: Jupiter enters Retrograde (exits May 09)
Jan 09: New Moon, in Capricorn
Jan 20: Sun enters Aquarius
Jan 23: Full Moon, in Leo
Jan 25: Mercury exits Retrograde
February 2016
Feb 08: New Moon, in Aquarius
Feb 19: Sun enters Pisces 
Feb 22: Full Moon, in Virgo
Feb 29: Leap Year
March 2016
Mar 08: New Moon, in Pisces
Mar 19: Vernal Equinox
Mar 20: Sun enters Aries
Mar 23: Full Moon, in Libra
Mar 25: Saturn enters Retrograde (exits Aug 13)
April 2016
Apr 07: New Moon, in Aries
Apr 17: Mars enters Retrograde (exits Jun 29)
Apr 19: Sun enters Taurus  
Apr 22: Full Moon, in Scorpio
Apr 28: Mercury enters Retrograde (exits May 22)
May 2016
May 06: New Moon, in Taurus
May 09: Jupiter exits Retrograde
May 20: Sun enters Gemini
May 21: Full Moon, in Sagittarius
May 22: Mercury exits Retrograde
June 2016
Jun 04: New Moon, in Gemini
Jun 20: Summer Solstice
Jun 20: Sun enters Cancer
Jun 20: Full Moon, in Sagittarius
Jun 29: Mars exits Retrograde
July 2016
Jul 04: New Moon, in Cancer
Jul 19: Full Moon, in Capricorn
Jul 22: Sun enters Leo
August 2016
Aug 02: New Moon, in Leo
Aug 13: Saturn exits Retrograde
Aug 18: Full Moon, in Aquarius
Aug 22: Sun enters Virgo
Aug 30: Mercury enters Retrograde (exits Sep 22)
September 2016
Sep 01: New Moon, in Virgo
Sep 16: Full Moon, in Pisces
Sep 22: Mercury exits Retrograde
Sep 22: Sun enters Libra 
Sep 22: Autumnal Equinox
Sep 30: New Moon, in Libra (Blue Moon)
October 2016
Oct 16: Full Moon, in Aries
Oct 22: Sun enters Scorpio 
Oct 30: New Moon, in Scorpio
November 2016
Nov 14: Full Moon, in Tarus
Nov 21: Sun enters Sagittarius
Nov 29: New Moon, in Sagittarius
December 2016
Dec 13: Full Moon, in Gemini
Dec 19: Mercury enters Retrograde (exits Jan 08)
Dec 21: Sun enters Capricorn
Dec 21: Winter Solstice
Dec 29: New Moon, in Capricorn
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bottle-witch · 8 years
mint leaves are reeeally good for this too!
Candied Flower Petals for Beltane
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Flower petals or blossoms, rinsed and dried
1 egg white, beaten
Combine a few drops of water with the egg white in a small bowl, and whisk them together. Hold the flower petal gently between two fingers and dip into the water mixture. Shake off excess water, and then sprinkle sugar on the petal. If your petals seem too soggy, use a paintbrush to brush the water mixture onto the petals instead.
As you complete each petal, place it on a sheet of wax paper to dry.
Drying time is anywhere from 12 hours to two days, depending on the humidity level in your home. If your flower petals aren’t drying fast enough for you, place them on a cookie sheet in the oven at 150 degrees for a few hours.
Store your flower petals in an airtight container until it’s time to use them. Use to decorate cakes and cookies, add to salads, or just to eat as a snack.
Some Edible Flower Ideas:
Citrus Blossoms
Culinary Lavender
For a more detailed and extensive edible flower list CLICK HERE
One very important thing that you need to remember is that not every flower is edible.
In fact, sampling some flowers can make you very, very sick.
You also should NEVER use pesticides or other chemicals on any part of any plant that produces blossoms you plan to eat.
Never harvest flowers growing by the roadside.
Identify the flower exactly and eat only edible flowers and edible parts of those flowers.
Always remember to use flowers sparingly in your recipes due to the digestive complications that can occur with a large consumption rate.
Recipe source - Flower list source
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bottle-witch · 8 years
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bottle-witch · 8 years
Using Soda in Witchcraft
Sometimes you don’t have the perfect kind of water to do the job. Fortunately, you can substitute in a soda and it’ll do the trick.
Coke:Use to break down a barrier or disintegrate something. Good for curses/hexes/removing anything.
Pepsi: Use to “Sweeten” someone up, butter them before asking them of something. Good for offering due to high sugar content, making it sweeter than Coke.
Mountain Dew: Give a spell a jolt of energy/power.
Ginger Ale: Settle an argument, calm something down. Also good for grounding yourself, since it comes from a root.
Root beer: Also good for grounding. Use in a mixture to add the element Earth to your spell.
Cream Soda: Use as a replacement for vanilla extract, good with love-related spells and money.
Orange Soda: Good for love, luck, and divination. Drink before/during divining.
Grape Soda: Use to add a “sour” note to something. Good for hexes, curses, etc. 
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