brodin-arrow · 2 months
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brodin-arrow · 6 months
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"Ava, Odin and Gil with freckles" request for anonymous!
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brodin-arrow · 7 months
hey all, remember that fic i talked about posting like a year ago? the one thats been in my drafts since 2018? here you go 👍
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brodin-arrow · 7 months
Nevy Nervine?
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i want you to know that youre my favorite anon ever just for suggesting an ava's demon character, nevy is one of my faves <333 shes SO pretty
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brodin-arrow · 7 months
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My fan theory for @avasdemon is everything ends up okay and years later everyone grows into happy people who enjoy life THE END. Criticism and critiques of this theory will NOT be welcome. Please stack your chairs as you leave the assembly.
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brodin-arrow · 7 months
hey all, remember that fic i talked about posting like a year ago? the one thats been in my drafts since 2018? here you go 👍
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brodin-arrow · 7 months
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magnolia, magnolia
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brodin-arrow · 7 months
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She's deserves more love for being so cunty
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brodin-arrow · 10 months
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another Pedri
I have a timelapse on my patreon too
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brodin-arrow · 10 months
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Erios - I feel like Erios didn't really have anything "alien" going for them, their final designs feel very watered down compared to their original concept art. What I decided on for the first concept was to stick closely to the in-comic design but change the nose and go with the concept idea of shorter eyebrows and odd marking/ridges on their face. I tried to follow what would go along with their eye/nose ridge line, using yellow to compliment their green complexion and theme. Along with a center forehead marking reminiscent of the center nostril line in their concept, going with the idea of a possible leftover from evolution. I also wanted a more asymmetric shape/idea for them so I removed the little bit of hair on the side to make it a bit more flat. On the second concept, I went with the more alien idea of the third eye and strange nose ridges from the cannon version. I feel like these are a good middle of the concept and the current, I made an attempt as a third nostril and second mouth but I couldn't seem to make it work. I also elongated their neck.
Tylo - Tylo was a bit more difficult due to the fact that the only reference to a different design was a simple thumbnail sketch with them having four eyes and more bull-like horns. I went with that idea for the first designs but instead of four eyes, I kept the eyebrows from the original concept. Wanting a more cosmic alien than the regular human alien we see with some of the hosts, I gave her slightly shorter hands and fingers along with giving her four fingers and the center finger being larger and having a longer claw on it. I expanded on the ombre idea she has on her face and included it throughout her body like on her limbs, I also wanted to be reminiscent of the fur patterns cats can have. For her second design wanted a more dramatic look and combined the horns in the sketch and the horns she has now making it look almost like a crown of sorts or a sort of bug as her in cannon horns look reminiscent of some kind of beetle with the mushrooms looking like eyes. They both have a nose marking that I like to think would be inverted but the texture of the underside of mushrooms, the gills I think is what its called? I wanted the ears to look a little less like oddly pointed cones and look just a bit more interesting. I got the idea of making her hair look reminiscent of fungi called Lion's Mane Mushroom, something I think is fitting for a demon inspired by cats and snakes. I'm hoping we are given more of a reason as to why it is she has literally mushrooms growing on her head so that in future designs I may be able to better incorporate it into my redesigns.
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brodin-arrow · 11 months
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Wrathia painting :)
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brodin-arrow · 11 months
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two commissions
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brodin-arrow · 1 year
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brodin-arrow · 1 year
Thinking about Odin and Magpie...
On some brainrot stuff again so I’m gonna ramble about the Arrow siblings. 
A long while ago I saved a translation of the nordic runes in panel 1547, seen below;
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I can’t recall who did the translation (whether it was from here or Reddit, so if someone knows I’ll add credits to them!) but it reads:
“I woke up this morning and realised that I could not remember the sound of her voice. Her laugh echoes in my head when I try hard enough to imagine it. But it’s nothing more than an empty weightless reflection of reality teetering on the cusp of my memory and it only brings me pain to try and remember it. But my fear of forgetting her is much more powerful and so I must remember and end up at the same question of everybody in the universe. What did we do to deserve this. Why me?“
This, written in Odin’s notebook presumably, was shown directly after Moribund Malediction. There is a level of intense melancholy associated with this writing, exploring a sense of longing to remember those who are no longer with us. If Odin did write this, then there are two characters that this reflection piece could be referring to; either Magpie or Odin’s mother. I’m more inclined to believe it’s Odin’s mother in this sense, as it’s been a longer period of time since she’s been around versus Magpie’s disappearance about 2 and a half years prior to the main story. 
Tragically, Odin is forgetting his mother. 
It doesn’t help that Pedri (later in the story when Odin is unveiling his “tragic backstoryTM”) was shown to be tormenting Odin through the visage of his mother. Being shown so many illusions, and perhaps turning to the herbs he smokes as a way of deterring Pedri, it would make sense if Odin has begun to forget what his mother was actually like when he was younger. It seems like the only good memory or dream he has of her is from when he was born around Gildhaust and she was showing him around. 
It would be really sad if Odin was forgetting Magpie too, but from the clearer shots of her in his memories I do doubt it. 
Speaking of Magpie, I went back to check out some panels I knew existed (namely panels 1275-1277, which appear just after Ava is trapped in the Gate to Paradise machine. 
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Looking back on these…it has to be Magpie! The bow, the blue…it just makes sense!
The first image shows Magpie looking rather happy, holding the hand of a featureless figure. This is likely Magpie with her ‘inbisible friend’, as she told Odin when they were younger. The inclusion of a happy sun (I think it is one on the righthand side?) is interesting, given that Aedinfell hasn’t been with a proper sun for a long time. 
The second image shows Magpie looking much more upset and crying, standing alongside two other girls of similar (if not exact) stature. This must be her sisters; Crow and Raven. As the youngest of the triplets, she often was given a lot of grief (in Odin’s words), so this drawing seems to exemplify that! It’s possible she was bullied by her sisters, or teased for being the youngest. 
The third image is a bit more confusing in my opinion. There’s 6 vertical lines followed by a faceless girl. It doesn’t appear to be Magpie specifically, since the bow is missing, but it could always be her regardless. My first thought (which could be wrong) was that the lines plus the girl equal to seven, like the seven deadly sins that the Hosts are meant to portray. Ava = Wrath, Odin = Pride, Gil = Envy, Maggie = Lust, Erios = Greed(?) and then three others that have yet to be revealed. What if this signifies that Magpie is the last Host we’ll meet pertaining to these sins? Honestly she’s probably not, but it’d be pretty cool. 
If anyone has thoughts on that last image I’d love to hear them.
Anyway, I guess the point of these rambles is that I think the Arrow siblings need a big hug and lots of blankets because holy shit this family is traumatised af, and definitely need the additional care and love that they missed out on getting when they were kids. 
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brodin-arrow · 1 year
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Happy 11 years Ava’s Demon and Happy Birthday Ava Ire!! You have been a fantastic addition to everyone’s life and I can’t wait to see what comes next (I’m cooking up something new but it’s not ready yet. For now pls accept this drawing from November when the kickstarter ended ✨)
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brodin-arrow · 1 year
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brodin-arrow · 1 year
just got a like on this so i feel obligated to admit. i was wrong. i was so so wrong. tylotung is not the demon of sloth. tumblr user brodin arrow was incorrect. that is all
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So this is gonna be the sloth demon (which from the page with the vials is going to be the heart host’s demon), so by process of elimination…
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we’re gonna be meeting ‘Stitches’ next!
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