bunnythemad · 5 years
Вай 💪
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I've done it. I've finally done it. Yay🎉🎉✨✨
And you finally can enjoy his new body I made, don't thank me💃
I know I had been working on this thing for too long :( it's bc I didn't have time and I "love" being sick sometimes.
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bunnythemad · 5 years
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Crowley would later argue that he just, "didn't want to hear the brat wailing."
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bunnythemad · 5 years
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“Happy Times”
Ok, so as I have promised, I drew a happier Dr. D…. but then this just makes me sad again ‘cause they’re not together anymore in the show.:( At least in my mind, I want to believe that they eventually get together again in the end.
On the brighter note, I got to experiment a new coloring method! I used only one layer except for the background. I’ve been trying this method for so many times, which I’ve miserably failed, but this is the first time I’m fairly satisfied with it… whew…:P
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bunnythemad · 5 years
Оо я так же высыпаюсь 👌
How? Just how do you sleep?
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bunnythemad · 5 years
Думаю занятся своими персонажами... но пока идей нет.
I'm thinking to do my characters full value. But I haven't any ideas yet..
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bunnythemad · 5 years
Боже, меня тошнит. У процесса неприглядный вид. Но именно так все это выглядит без любви
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bunnythemad · 5 years
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Good Omens + Heights. Part 1
https://goodomemesposts.tumblr.com/post/188178560205/good-omens-heights-part-2 — Part 2
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bunnythemad · 5 years
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bunnythemad · 5 years
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Good Omens + Heights. Part 2
https://goodomemesposts.tumblr.com/post/188178365310/good-omens-heights-part — Part 1
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bunnythemad · 5 years
MicNight + Shota and Tensei - BROTP(S)
Because I have a lot of feelings about these dorks being best buddies and doing shit together: 
And anything stupid they did they were in it together and sometimes they managed to drag Shota with them (sometimes even Tensei)
-Nemuri And Hizashi arguing who is sexier and prettier and asking Shota who just looks at them and goes: “No”
And they never stopped. Still do it now. They’re pretty and petty together but only they’re allows to be like that
-Midnight being one of the few who would or could match Mic when they’d sing
-Mid giving Mic dating advice and being the one who said there’s this thing called Bisexual and you can like both girls and boys
-Them doing each other’s hair and even giving fashion advice
-Nemuri being the first and usually only choice for a babysitter for Hitoshi
And she totally adopts him too
-Hitoshi and Shota just being so tired™ with MidMic antics after a while but it’s a fond way of tired so it works out (given by @minchen0897 )
-Mic often hosting her as a guest on his podcasts and she completely steals it
-Mic and Shota being super defensive for her when older or any kind of pervert is pinning her
-She offering her quirk to help either of them sleep if they have problems
-When she’s had enough to drink she can compete but not yet best Mic in how loud she is
-MicNight being referenced all the time after they got their names and some people thinking it’s karaoke nights thing
Nemuri and Hizashi laughing about it but lying together that yes that’s what it is
-Shota happy someone else knows how to handle Mic not just him
-Hizashi happy someone else is being Eraser’s friend not just him
-Nemuri happy to meet new people who don’t find her too weird or energetic
-Hizashi getting his support gear and getting two pairs of glasses: one for Shota to help him with his quirk and the other for Nemuri since she has bad vision
-Midnight being the first to get her driving license and going on a few-day road/camping trip with them (chaos ensures but they survive)
During the trip they nearly caused an international incident but managed to stop it - none of them is quite sure how
They found our about Hizashi’s arachnophobia 
They found out Shota can and will sleep in just about any position if he’s tired enough
They found out Nemuri’s Quirk works on animals as well, but for a much shorter time
They found out Tensei is complete shit at building tents 
They got lost about three times on the road and twice in the woods
No one told them about the hillbilly living near their first campsite 
-Also usually Tensei is there in the shenanigans as well
-But he’s the voice of reason and like 70% of their impulse control  so they try and not involve him - Spoil sports
-The other 30% is Shota when he’s not too tired
-Tensei still finds out and covers for them when he can
Everyone loves him and would never really suspect he works with such ‘trouble makers’
They all tease him for it
Hizashi being a huge ass All Might fan and Nemuri getting him some action figures or merchandise 
He still keeps it in his room
-Tensei creating study parties for them all because their grades weren’t that good at first
He’s a really good teacher and they all improve a lot with his help
-They have a special greeting/handshake and it’s so stupid and bizarre that no one else can even try to replicate it
They all love it anyway
-Nemuri and Shota were at times mistaken as siblings 
They used it a few times, playing along and if Hizashi hadn’t known better, he’d believe them as well
They still do it now occasionally, if they’re drunk
-Mic being slightly offended Midnight didn’t try and get him to join as a UA teacher as well
-They all get together each year and remember the old days and joke together because it was fun
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bunnythemad · 5 years
Fuck i love it so much
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MicNight (+Eraser) doodles
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bunnythemad · 5 years
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bunnythemad · 5 years
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bunnythemad · 5 years
.... *don't cry, don't cry*
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Shh Richie it’s only me
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bunnythemad · 5 years
How to stop crying
"I saw this and thought of you"
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