casinodove Β· 1 year
βΊβ€§β‚Š CANDLE LIT DINNERS ─ sagau ft. The Tsaritsa .
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IN WHICH, hate is a strong word, yet the emotion you felt while having candle lit dinners with her was even stronger.
─ sfw , cws for religious themes, cult au, mild emotional torture, very slight mindbreak mentions, starvation, reader gets served a dead animal as a meal, mentions of gagging n throwing up, implied imprisonment, my girl Tsaritsa goes vampire mode without being a vampire, angst if you squint, light yandere Tsaritsa, sadistic behavior
gn!reader , 2nd person pov , no pronouns mentioned , not proofread so don't be shocked at any mistakes
─ side notes , what's up with me and making actually somewhat nice n gentle characters so rough, sadistic, beyond insane and mean in the most ungodly ways. Also I don't know anything about medical related topics so don't jump me if what I wrote near the end is wrong.
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Keeping your eyes fixated onto the meal served Infront of you, refusing to meet her piercing gaze from across the long, candle lit table.
Poking the still raw, dead animal with your utensil gingerly, trying to prevent yourself from gagging, the smell of raw meat filled your nostrils, the slight blood seeping out from the meat onto the plate made you overwhelmed with disgust.
Moving it around your plate a few times, you tried to peel some of the stinking, still hairy skin off of the meat
Her voice taunted from across the room, extra hints of sarcasm and snarkiness added onto the "your divinity" part. She knew you were above her, she knew you were the creator of everything, yet she constantly looked down on you as if she was the most important being in the universe, and you were but a lowly peasant.
It irritated you, the sheer disrespect made you want to slap her, no, that was wrong, it made you want to end her pathetic existence.
Slightly lifting your head up to look at her from across the room, you fixated your gaze onto her plate instead, it consisted of meat like yours did and a few more things like vegetable which were irrelevant to you however, the meat was well cooked and seasoned to perfection, the mere sight of it made your mouth water.
And right next to that, a wine glass filled to the brim, which she was holding. What you'd think was some sort of golden wine, was actually your blood. Swishing it around in her gloved hand, showing off the rich liquid, her gaze burned right through you.
It surprised you day by day how the supposed goddess of love could be ever so cruel to you just because she felt like it. How she could sleep at night knowing the torture she was making you endure everyday.
Her plate remained untouched, almost as if taunting you for the fact that you couldn't eat your own meal.
The sheer irony and venom dripping from her oddly honeyed words made the churning in your stomach worsen. You reached out for the wineglass full of water next to your plate and took one long sip of water, praying to whatever god that may be out there who could save you to do so already, almost breaking the glass in your hand you shakily placed it back onto it's assigned place.
Immediately lowering your gaze you awaited her retreat, and awaited the gruesome hours you'd have to spend in your bed, unable to sleep due to the grovelling cries of hunger. The pain in your empty stomach had increased from days of not being given even the tiniest bread crumb, the cries of which fell upon deaf ears.
What surprised you was hearing the sound of her heels growing closer to you. Soon enough she stood right next to you, the cold radiating from her body made you shiver thanks to the overly loose clothes you were given which were closer to rags than clothes, you just wanted your old clothes back yet she barated you for liking those clothes and called them disgusting.
She slid your original plate over to the side, knocking over the wine glass in the process, the sharp shards of what was once a quiet expensive looking wineglass scattered onto the carpeted floor.
Putting her still untouched plate Infront of you, the cryo archon nudged you quiet harshly so that you would get the hint. placing clean utensils next to the plate she simply stared at you, emptying her glass of golden blood while analysing your every move.
Your lucky day, you supposed. Grabbing onto the utensils you began to eat, albeit hastily, the fear of starvation loomed over your head like a dark cloud at all times. At the moment, you cared way more about survival than about if she approved of your table manners.
The Tsaritsa turned to the maiden on the other side of your seat whose head was hanging low in respect,
The maiden nodded and rushed out of the room, closing the door behind her. Not even a few minutes later she returned, empty handed she bowed to the Tsaritsa and explained how her favorite golden blood "wine" was over and that they'd need to refill the barrels.
Hearing her say that practically made you choke on your food, the realization of what you'd have to endure for a few days dawning on you. The refilling process was absolute torture, one of the harbingers, the doctor they called him, would waltz in about every few hours and remove mass amounts of blood from your body. It lasted for up to five days, if the Tsaritsa was feeling a little greedy that is.
The entire time you'd be force fed big amounts of food so as to "produce more blood more quickly" and you'd be weaker than ever, barely staying and awake and feeling paralyzed.
Ofcourse, they wouldn't be sucking too much blood out of you, can't have you too weak you know. All of the blood would be pumped into big barrels deep into the personal wine cellars of her royal highness, her little treasure hidden away from the world.
What surprised you the most however was how affectionate she'd be after the entire process was done, for around two to three days depending on her mood, she'd be very physically intimate, like oddly physically intimate for someone who practically got high on your blood everyday because it made them stronger.
You just wanted your old life back, your friends, your family..
She made you regret ever even thinking about downloading genshin impact, she made every memory of the gameplay in your mind turn sour. You just wanted to be treated like a person once more, you just wanted to be treated humanely for once.
Was it too much to ask for, especially from the goddess of love? You didn't think so. But, maybe she did. Maybe to her it was hard, maybe to her it was near impossible to treat you like an equal.
One dark chuckle left her throat, you wished to be able to cut it open one day, leaning in closer to your face she caressed your cheek slowly, giving you one long lingering stare with those dead blue eyes of hers, you fantasized about gauging them out whenever she did this. She was a cruel monster, a poor excuse of a goddess of love, but really, she was pretty. You'd be lying if you said she wasn't, yet just how much can looks overshadow a person's horrible personality?
To put it simply however, you despised candle lit dinners with her, because always, she'd have you endure something terrible and then give you the smallest ever display of anything close to love and care and await your falling in love with her madly.
Albeit you would never dream of stealing her rightful role, you could handle playing prey for a little longer, or so you hoped.
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Pls there needs to be more yandere Tsaritsa content, it's either that either I somehow can't find the portal to yandere Tsaritsa hell
─ casinodove , 20.02.23 .
Do not copy, translate nor rewrite any of my works without explicit permission from me !
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casinodove Β· 1 year
βΊβ€§β‚Š CUPIDITY ─ y!Capitano .
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IN WHICH, his lack of control over his cupidity was certainly visible whenever he was with them.
─ sfw , cws for general yandere themes , capitano being deranged , mild dumbification , power imbalance , talks of "owning" someone , misuse of power , somewhat mild violence , toxic relationships , helplessness , slight sadism , mentions of blood n cutting someone's throat , forced marriage
gn!reader ft. they/them prns , 2nd person pov , y!capitano x reader
─ side notes , you've already heard of gentle and caring yandere capitano now get ready for rough, sadist, deranged and bloodthirsty yandere capitano, bought to you by yours truly. Also new layout wow. Not proofread surprisingly
CUPIDITY , (n.) Greed, strong desire
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It wasn't that huge of a surprise to you when his love confession was nothing like that, you had already picked up on his odd behavior from months prior to it.
However, calling it pleasant, nice, or romantic in any shape or form would be a stretch, for those were certainly the only emotions you didn't feel during the moment. It was empty of all passion, the euphoria was there yet it was there for a bad reason.
Although the cut itself wasn't that deep, it was deep enough to draw blood. The fresh wound on the sensitive skin of your neck began to sting as blood dripped down onto your shirt.
─ "Say it"
He commanded, pressing the swords sharp tip a tiny bit further into the flesh of your neck, inching closer towards you.
Your breath hitched and one painful lump manifested itself into your throat, saying what he wanted to hear was certainly getting harder by the second considering that he'd only need to push the sword into your flesh a little more to separate your neck into two pieces.
Swallowing hard, you gathered whatever crumb of courage was left within you and tried to mentally prepare yourself before finally speaking up.
─ "Please put the sword away, my Lord."
Your voice sounded way louder than it should've within his cold study room, which sent you into some slight panic since you didn't want to anger him by being too "demanding"
Despite your pathetic plea, he only twisted the sword ever so slightly, his dark helmet boring through you.
It was clear from his lack of speech that his previous demand stood and that perhaps the only way he'd remove the blade from your flesh would be if he was satisfied with the love confession that he knew you'd eventually make.
It would be helpful for your escape if you weren't pressed up against a wall and well, his sword however escape wasn't what you were planning for the moment, for what currently mattered right now was to get out of this situation with your throat intact.
Taking one last, quick scan of your surroundings you closed your eyes and took one deep breath, bracing yourself mentally and clinging onto the last bits of dignity left in you before he devoured that too.
Putting on your best innocent facade, softening your gaze and looking at his helmet in order to give an illusion of submission you let the lies words spill out from your mouth.
─ "it is true my Lord, that I too have loved you for long. I have loved you for many moons and yet I was fearful of admitting it. I feared rejection, for I didn't desire to be humiliated in such a way. My feelings are nothing but sincere for you, my Lord, and, it is beyond any shadow of a doubt, I'd truly like to spend the rest of my days by your side if you would allow me to."
He tilted his head slightly, searching within your facade eyes for any trace of a lie, yet instead of slicing your neck the sharpened blade traveled to your chin and raised it ever so slightly.
─ "We both know you better not be lying, dove. You are already aware of the consequences lying to your lover and Lord brings, no?"
Nodding your head the best way you could without cutting yourself on his sword you never dropped the act once.
─ "Ofcourse, I.. wouldn't lie to you, my Lord."
You struggled forcing the innocent tone out of your throat the best way you could, fully knowing it was one poor attempt at pleasing his intensifying cupidity.
It truly astonished you how the previous few minutes he was ranting about how much he loved you, about how much he required you to continue living, and then a minute after he was done with that, the blade that was previously barely touching you was threatening to slice your throat as he demanded you to confess your neverending love back to him.
However, even without the sword, there was nothing else you could do but "confess" your totally existing love for him, for he was an almighty harbinger and you were a low ranking fatuu, he could destroy you in more ways than one just considering that.
Yet, you couldn't say you really enjoyed this extra attention from your superior, it truly brought chills down your spine whenever he'd coo things at you as if you were too dumb to understand his big words otherwise. You knew he was wrongly using his power to get what he wanted from you, matter of fact he had done it so many times, yet nobody really cared. Nobody cared about when you were forced into going out with him or forced into helping him on missions, nor when you were working overtime with him and spending multiple sleepless nights due to having to help his lordship.
Simply because he, was a harbinger, a high ranking one at that, and you, were merely a nobody compared to him. And goodness, did he make sure to drill that into your head every chance he got.
─ "Well then, I shall believe you and allow you to spend your days alongside me. Betrayal and disloyalty will not be tolerated any longer from this point on."
He put the sword away, and with one swift move his gloved hand slid the lavish ring onto your finger, the ring felt heavy on your finger not due to it being made out of pure gold nor due to the previous gems adorning it but due to the burden that you now had to forever carry with you by being his lawful partner.
For you knew, the ring was but another mark of clear ownership, and it was that very ownership you desperately wanted to get rid of.
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im litteraly going feral over this man rn I can't even
─ casinodove , 22.01.23 .
do not copy, translate nor rewrite any of my works without explicit permission from me !
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casinodove Β· 1 year
✧ DIVINE ADULATION . sagau headcanons
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✧ SUMMARYzz.. 1111
So, divine creator descends and the acolytes are ofcourse beyond pleased, yet there's a problem. Divine creator had a significant other back in their original reality, whom they weren't able to say goodbye to before descending since it was so sudden. Don't even worry though, significant other also descended! So, one day the creator and their lover get reunited, what would the acolytes reactions be?
✧ PAIRINGzz.. 2222
Sagau x GN!Reader (no pronouns mentioned)
Reader x GN!S/O
✧ WARNINGSzz.. 3333
Slight yandere if you squint , cult au , religious themes , stalking , privacy deprivation , relationship sabotaging .
✧ SIDE NOTESzz.. 4444
Merry Christmas to whoever celebrates it <3
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THE divine creator was thought to be a being ancient, not exactly incapable of feeling love but unwanting to waste their time on such matters. So, seeing you be so sad, devasted even, when you descended because of a certain someone surely caught the acolytes off guard.
A few weeks passed, you seemingly calmed down yet your opinion on getting a spouse within teyvat was always negative. Something about loyalty you said, something about unwavering faith and about missing someone you said.
At first the acolytes weren't sure what to think about it, yet during a seemingly normal day you were spotted running toward an unknown person. Time once again passed, and within the following days the acolytes were able to see you walking around with the same person, hell, you even invited them to spend the night in your room, the two of you requested for snacks to be brought during the late hours of the night multiple times, seemingly enjoying each others company so much that you were barely able to stop talking about things all night.
Yet once every acolyte got the news, and once they spread throughout teyvat, was when the real chaos began.
Surely, everyone wanted to know who this mysterious person who would spend every night and every day with the creator was, they were beyond certain said person couldn't just be a regular person to be able to receive such adulation from you.
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Probably refuses to believe that you could have a lover, teyvat is full of rumours, especially surrounding the important people. It isn't a surprise they'd spread rumours about the divine creator. Surely their just a bunch of lies, right? Nobody is worth of even standing one stair below you, let alone stand by your side, especially not some random mortal!
Zhongli , Ei , Tsaritsa , Kamisato Ayato , Pantalone , Ningguang , Arlecchino .
Interesting, interesting. Probably doesn't care all that much, not like they were planning onto turning into a potential love interest for you, they'll continue their duties as worshippers and all. If the rumours are true though, they believe you're fully able of picking out a significant other, so for aslong as you're fine and happy in the relationship, it isn't their place to say anything.
Rosaria , Capitano .
Probably throws a secret tantrum if they see anything romantic happening between you and said person. I mean come on now! You want them? Seriously now?? Easily the most likely to start plotting on how they can sabotage the relationship. Oh, and don't get me started on what would happen if the two of you got engaged..
Wanderer , Childe , Venti , Kaeya .
The first to know about the relationship, they watched every single thing the two of you did within your private chambers. Unless the two of you were covered up with the sheets that is, obviously. Their just making sure you're safe! How can they trust you to be alone with a stranger hm? (This came out as sexual even though I had no intentions of making it sound anywhere near sexual, forgive me shhxjsks)
Xiao , Wanderer , Ganyu .
Regrets not making a move before you found someone, won't try to interfere with your relationship for now, respects your relationship, for now.
Albedo , Jean , Xiao , Ganyu , Kamisato Ayaka
Destroys the relationship after careful planning, either makes you seem disloyal either makes them, doesn't matter for aslong as the two of you aren't together anymore. Comforts you if you allow them to.
Wanderer , Childe , Venti , Kaeya , Ei , Zhongli , Kamisato Ayato , Albedo , Jean .
In conclusion, don't let the acolytes know of your relationship. Or do, we do not care.
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✧ ENDING NOTESzz.. 5555
Rushed and bad but I got caught up in family stuff today so ykyk,, may remake but probably won't. Anyways, goodnight 🫢🏻
✧ casinodove , 25/12/22 .
263 notes Β· View notes
casinodove Β· 1 year
✧ COULD BUY ANYTHING . sagau headcanons
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✧ SUMMARYzz.. 1111
Sagau except the reader has yet to descend, and is filthy rich. They already have the entire world at their fingertips, their family has wealth unspeakable and an insane amount of connections. To put it simply, reader is a stereotypical filthy rich person.
✧ PAIRINGzz.. 2222
Sagau x GN!reader
✧ WARNINGzz.. 3333
Religious themes , cult au , privacy deprivation , mentions of blood n human + animal sacrifices , helplessness , some characters get desperate .
✧ SIDE NOTESzz.. 4444
Idk why I got the motivation to write but hey, not complaining
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THE acolytes found you rather interesting actually, beyond the fact that you were obviously their creator, they still happened to find the way you seemingly could buy about everything interesting.
Your mora seemed to never run out, almost as if you had an infinite amount of it. And, your device never lagged somehow.
You were always on new devices, they were sure. Each and every able to run the game faster than the last. And, well, once they got access to your camera and were able to see even a glimpse of you, they understood why.
They were barely able to see half of your room, it was well lit and actually,, seemed rather luxurious. Now, the acolytes weren't stupid. Surely, they now knew that you weren't anywhere near poor, instead they assumed your wealth was above average, if not, insanely high.
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Panics, since your wealth is beyond average, that means your used to luxuries. Whatever will they do if you dislike their offerings or deem them as too cheap for your liking once you descend?? Oh, this is a disaster!
Xiao , Zhongli , Thoma , Traveler , Barbara , Kokomi , Gorou ++ any non filthy rich character basically
Someone with taste, at last! A challenge is always nice, but don't you worry for they will sacrifice treasures from all over teyvat for you. Handmade trinkets you can't ever find anywhere outside of teyvat, pretty hidden gems that sparkle and shine brighter than the sun itself.
Kamisato siblings , Pantalone , Ningguang , Beidou , Childe .
Well,,,, they'll try their best! Surely, they will find something that you'll like, no? It can't be that hard..or so they hope.
Wanderer , Traveler , Kazuha , Albedo , Zhongli , Thoma , Venti , Gorou , Kokomi
Please, their taste is beyond lavish. They'll find you the best of the best, price tags are mere numbers to them. Doesn't matter how many millions of mora they'll have to spend on merely a coat, a necklace or a pair of silk gloves for you, it isn't a waste if its for the divine creator!
Pantalone , Tsaritsa , Ningguang , Kamisato siblings .
Honestly,, they'll just continue making sacrifices per usual. And if you don't like them, that's too bad! They tried okay? You can't expect everyone to be filthy rich! That doesn't make them a sinner, it simply makes them logical person! And in the end, their wealth shouldn't matter so much that it shows their level of faith. Some people just, don't want to be spending millions of mora for a small piece of jewelry.
Rosaria , Dottore , Wanderer .
They try buying nice things that they think you'd like, it's expensive surely you must like it! Right? Right?? It's even in the favorite shade of your favorite color! Please don't be disappointed in them, they'll try get something more lavish next time they swear!
Diluc , Gorou , Kokomi , Jean .
They're the one who has built many many manyyy altars, churches and statues in your honor, still gives you things twice as expensive as like all of your organs combined.
Tsaritsa , Ningguang , Kamisato siblings
More of a corpse sacrificing person. Kills and goes to wars in your very honor, will bring multiple gallons of human or animal blood to your altars if you even imply you'd want it.
Capitano , Childe , Arlecchino
Offers you their own creations! It's free servants, and they'll never dare to disobey you! Wayy better than a normal human servant no? They're custom made, include multiple insane features and are guaranteed to help you out in your day to day life once you descend! How can you not accept that??
Dottore , Sandrone
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✧ ENDING NOTEzz.. 5555
Christmas is sooo close! I may do a Christmas n New years special but that's a maybe.
✧ casinodove , 22/12/22 .
489 notes Β· View notes
casinodove Β· 1 year
SACRIFICIAL LAMB . sagau drabble
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✧ SUMMARYzz.. 1111
Impostor AU except there's two impostors. One is the real, and the other is the true God, actual impostor is about to get killed yet god!reader pities them and doesn't want them to die! They were, after all, the only person they could relate to since they both went through the same experience. So, as impostor is about to lose their life, reader throws themselves Infront of impostor and basically sacrifices themselves .
✧ PAIRINGzz.. 2222
Sagau x GN!Reader
Mostly impostor x god!reader
✧ WARNINGzz.. 3333
Gore , general yandere themes , pure angst , religious themes , cult au
✧ SIDE NOTEzz.. 4444
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THE two of you ran, hand in hand, running through the seemingly endless forest as they clutched their bloody arm. You led them towards a cave, the cave where the both of you had been hiding these past few days.
"Hang on please, we'll be there in a second"
You looked back at them and whispered, snapping your head forward once more, dragging their body along to the depths of the cave.
Once you finally stopped running, you turned to face them. Their tired, gloomy eyes stared into your worried ones. You sat them down on a rock that looked less sharp than the rest and began looking through your satchel to find any medical supplies you could.
Grabbing a few bandages you moved closer to them in order to inspect their arm better, they winced in pain as your fingers made their way up their arm.
The impostors eyes glistened with tears, as you bandaged their arm as gently as you could, it fell onto their lap limply as soon as you let go off of it.
"Don't cry, we'll get out of this mess together."
You kneeled down and wiped the tears out of their eyes, they sniffled and leaned into your touch, desperately clinging onto the last pieces of their humanity left. All this bloodshed and trauma had affected them greatly, you were sure. Considering the fact you had gotten the exact same treatment as them.
Their other arm made its way towards your wrist, which they grasped softly, face leaning into your hand fully, their wet cheeks dampening your palm.
"However will we survive through this, when the entire world is against us?"
They whispered against your skin, voice cracking slightly. You took a shaky breath and tried to come up with something to say, yet the words died down in your throat as soon as you heard thunder from outside.
Snapping your head around, your panicked eyes looked around the entrance of the cave, spotting a purple glow inching closer by the second.
Time passed like a blur, your eyes flooding with tears as the archon grabbed the impostors neck violently and glared daggers at them.
The people that had surrounded the center of liyue chanting for Baal to end the sinners life, you had hid behind a building, yet they hadn't been able to follow.
The loud roaring of thunder send fear pumping through your veins, you had to make a choice, right now. Either hide and watch the life drain away from an innocent person's body, either interfere. Your hiding spot was dangerously close, and you knew you couldn't just stand there and be a coward.
Two other figures stood of archons stood tall and watched the electro archon play executioner, their ice cold glares analyzing the impostor, expressions unreadable.
The archon threw their body across the floor and they fell down like a ragdoll, and right when she was about to strike, you ran and threw yourself Infront of them, her thunder charged sword slicing through your soft tissues of flesh.
With a straight line slicing through your entire chest and destroying any organ in it's path, your limp body fell onto the hard stone. A gasp was audible throughout the crowd as your friend grabbed your body off of the floor, cradling it close to their chest.
It wasn't long until their eyes widened at the realization of golden blood pooling by their loose blouse, yet their mouth didn't dare open to say anything.
Reality sunk into people's bones fully as loud screams of panic filled the air. Ei took one step back, letting the sword fall limply to her side.
The archons realized that the only sinners present were they, feelings of shame and disgust clouding their minds.
During the days after your death teyvat experienced great grief, yet nobody could compare to the one of the impostor. They'd spent most hours of the day crying, and the rest sleeping from the sheer exhaustion. They cried until their tears went dry and they were too weak to move.
The two of you had went through things unspeakable, both falsely accused of blasphemy, just because you bore a similarity to the creator.
You, looking identical to them, and they, having the same eyes, body shape, and a similar voice, their hair colors shade also being similar to that of the creator. Yet they were innocent, the two of you had found eachother while escaping some deranged acolytes.
Teyvat however, survived for a short while extra. Your body was kept in your biggest temple, dressed in the finest of silks, yet you never awoke.
The impostor, nobody had touched from that day on. They were allowed to stay in your private chambers, where your never decaying body laid.
They kneeled by the bed, whispering prayers and words of worship, having long devoted their life to you.
One week, it took one week for teyvat to begin falling apart, yet even while they were about to take their last breath, even while the room around the two of you began getting fully destroyed like the rest of the world, the last thing they dared to utter was I love you.
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✧ ENDING NOTEzz.. 5555
This was so sloppy and rushed but honestly I just had to get this idea out of my brain and I had to finish writing this within half an hour so yeah, happy holidays <3 .
✧ casinodove , 20/12/22 .
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