ceeefbee-blog · 4 years
Love the feeling of rain.
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ceeefbee-blog · 4 years
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Image from gotquestions.org
As I read Ecclesiastes chapter 1 verses 1 to 11, my heart felt hopeless and had fear for today. I concluded in mind, yeah this is very true. None of this things matters. Everything else will fade. This earth watched people die. History repeats itself. All things come and go. A cycle round, round and round we go. Sleep, wake up, eat, walk, repeat. An agonising feeling that this generation faces.
But what does this restless words from the wisest man ever lived meant? This means, everything in this world is not permanent. Everything will be broken, will fade and eventually gone forever. King Solomon had the wisdom he wanted. But this did not satisfied him.
Things in this world will never satisfy us. What he is teaching us today is to put our hearts on eternal things that has eternal value. Not to the material things, even the untouched ones, that we longed for that we think will fill the void inside us. An emptiness that eats us alive. Making us alive outside, but dead and rotten inside.
I am aware that in this time, people has this longing in their hearts. Unsung, silenced. We are hiding. Pray, that this feeling of lackingness become feeling of fullness. Fullness of the heart. Joy, peace and sound mind. Things that only God can give. We have searched all the world for this but many times we choose to find something based on our own self entitled heart. Only to find broken things that later on break us. Turn your eys, open your heart to the One who is faithful. The One who really give your life meaning. He is Jesus. The God who made and seen this earth as it aged. Also the God who will save us from our pain, suffering and death.
Stop living a meaningless life.
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