celestialskies95 · 8 days
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From On My Way To Easy by @stratsandwhiskeywritestuff
But it was one thing to be recognized; Angel revelled in the fame. It was another thing entirely to not be recognized, and then have to explain to a classy guy in some kinda tux that you let people come on your face on camera for a living.  “Ah,” Alastor said, the first true emotion tinting his voice. That emotion happened to be disgust, and Angel was about to point out the hypocrisy of hiring a hooker and then condemning porn, when Alastor followed it up with a disdainful “ talkies.”
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celestialskies95 · 13 days
This is a really fun idea!
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i think it would be such a fun little bit for hermitblr bit for folks to pass around their minecraft skins without any other design context and let people make up designs (as hermitblr artists do) to see how other people interpret it
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celestialskies95 · 21 days
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Here is my art request giveaway for @ WhiteSkara (on twitter) ! They requested RadioDust "sewing together" and my mind kind of traveled to this sort of concept. Maybe angel can make silk that repairs objects?
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celestialskies95 · 27 days
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The Fish Jacket in all its glory!
I don't know what to say.. I started the jacket 10 months ago. What a journey! I'm so proud and happy!
Thanks for your lovely and kind words and the overwhelming interest! Happy stitching everyone.
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celestialskies95 · 2 months
Treebark Week — Frost
An elemental fae like Martyn shifted with the seasons—he was best suited for the spring and summer (in that he looked the most human, then, provided you ignored the leaves in his hair), his skin shifting to a dull gray in the fall, and a bright, hypothermic blue in the winter. It’s how it always was, until he was dropped into the Life games—something about the code constricted him, keeping him that peachy tone, and with his hair covering his ears, one could assume he was wholly human, which is what the server did. 
He didn’t fault them for it—even Timmy, and Grian, and BigB, who should’ve known better, it’d been a few years since he last saw them, so of course they wouldn’t realize, and Martyn quite liked keeping a few cards close to his chest, so he didn’t correct anyone who claimed he was one of the few—if only—humans on the server. 
The whole “falling forever” if not in one of the games certainly shoved the thought of correcting anyone out of his mind, regardless, because he was so rarely called a human anyways, and he thought Ren got that he wasn’t human, what with the whole “you can’t turn me into a werewolf, it won’t work” thing.
But that didn’t change the surprise on his, or the other Hermits faces when he was invited on to visit and was visibly covered in a layer of frost. 
“Whoops,” Martyn said, having taken a tumble out of the rift he got in through. “Didn’t mean to fall for you lot.”
His words did not make the staring any less intense, and he shifted under their scrutiny. “…do I have something on my face? My shirt?” He glanced down, and then blinked. “Oh. It’s winter, is it?”
He brushed off any of their questions with a well timed joke, trying to make himself look good enough that perhaps they’d let him stay a little longer, integrate himself a bit as he scanned the crowd for his king Ren. He was, just like the last time he saw him, next to False (who was perfectly nice, really, if Martyn ignored the pulsating jealousy in his stomach when he saw them together), but at least he was looking in his direction, brow furrowed as he glanced between them.
The rift was rippling again, though, signaling that someone else was coming through and so Martyn stepped aside, letting the Hermits greet the next guest. He was happy for the new distraction, anyways, letting himself be swallowed by the crowd if only so he could peer at Ren without anyone scrutinizing his behavior. 
He didn’t get that chance, though, as a clawed hand reached forward to grab his wrist and tug him closer, out of the crowd, and he found himself blinking up at a much taller than he remembered Ren. 
“Wow, you’re tall. I hadn’t realized—the Life games really nerf us all, don’t they?”
Ren grinned down at him, still looking a bit awkward, but his comment definitely seemed to put a few pieces into their places. “Oh, er, yes, I’d forgotten that you hadn’t—you’re very blue, is that what you normally look like?” He still hadn’t let go of Martyn’s wrist, fingers pressed against Martyn’s pulse, which he was trying very hard to ignore that it was racing.
“Nah, not all the time. I’m just a very wintery boy right now, is all. Comes with the fae package.” He wriggled his fingers on his free hand, as if to demonstrate. “You lot caught me during the worst months, unfortunately. If I had known it was winter, I might’ve had second thoughts.” 
Of course, that wasn’t strictly accurate—Martyn would’ve shown up regardless, if it meant getting out of the void for a bit—a chance to stretch his legs, and, of course, Ren was here—right in front of him!—to talk to and joke around with.
Ren still hadn’t let go of his wrist. “I suppose,” he said, thoughtfully, “that we should’ve called it Blue Winter, instead, me Hand.” 
His words made Martyn wheeze out a surprised laugh, eyes crinkling at the corners. “Milord,” he mock protested, “was red for your colors, and the blood you spilled to protect us!”
Ren grinned right back down at him, finally letting go. “But you, me Hand, are blue like the frost that protected us! We mustn’t forget your work in the pack. Er. Side note: how long will you be blue, exactly?”
“Whenever winter ends and the grass thaws, I’ll get my more spring-y colors back, maybe grow some flowers, you know how it is.”
Ren’s hand came up, then, to caress his cheek, and his eyes peered down at Martyn through his shades. The look was striking, and Martyn couldn’t help what came out of his mouth next— “‘course, there are faster ways to warm me up.” 
False, who was still stood right nearby, thanks, let out a groan, but Ren’s eyes narrowed, calculating. “Well, if that’s what it takes, I suppose I can prove myself very valuable to your cause.” His words were booming, carried well, and Martyn, although he couldn’t currently blush, definitely felt like he should be. 
“Oh, well, if you’re offering—“
Ren dropped his hand away from Martyn’s face, and nodded, more to himself than anything. “Let’s get you warmed up, shall we, Hand?”
“You know, this wasn’t what I expected,” Martyn said, words muffled a bit, thanks to the fur currently trying to make its way into his mouth.
Ren, who couldn’t speak, on account of currently being a giant wolf, just thumped his tail lazily in reply. 
False, who had no idea why she had come along, but was at least not currently being laid on, unlike Martyn, took her hand away from Ren’s head (eliciting a whine) to poke Martyn in the cheek. “Shush. I think I’m already starting to see the pink come back to your cheeks.”
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celestialskies95 · 2 months
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[Treebark week 1 prompt: Flowers]
"Chrysanthemums. A heart left to desolation"
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celestialskies95 · 2 months
It would be really funny if, just by virtue of knowing and hanging out with Alastor at the hotel, Angel gains like notoriety and people start being a bit afraid of him because HOW is he just casually hanging out with the RADIO DEMON, like what's his deal???
Like, Angel is just hanging out and walking around with someone from the studio, and they see Alastor walking towards them and are like "Dude we GOTTA get out of here before HE sees us!"
But when Angel looks up, he's just like "Oh, that's just Al." And then calls out, "Yo, Smiles, what'cha doin' over here?"
AND THEN ALASTOR APPROACHES THEM AND JUST HAS A NORMAL CONVERSATION WITH ANGEL. Angel introduces their coworker to him, and Alastor just greets them like nothing is weird about the RADIO DEMON casually conversing with PORN STARS.
(And then suddenly Angel's friend realizes that any time Angel mentioned his friend Smiles, HE MEANT THE RADIO DEMON. This is a revelation that, when they tell the rest of the studio, makes everyone else freak out. Like, Angel, what do you MEAN the fucking Radio Demon sometimes walks your pet pig and feeds him when you're away for a while. THE RADIO DEMON?!?? WHAT.)
Slowly, word spreads that Angel Dust is somehow in cahoots with the Radio Demon, and the theories start going crazy. Like, sure, people WOULD just think they're hooking up, except for the fact that never once has Alastor ever even implied being interested in that. So. What does Angel HAVE on him. What is Angel CAPABLE of?? Is his entire persona so fake that he's secretly as powerful as an overlord?! Are we in danger?!?
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celestialskies95 · 2 months
M..moar Treebark art good sir..or even zombiewood..(Cleo and Martyn)
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Good thing Ren is pretty SMH
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celestialskies95 · 2 months
love is like a brick. you can build a house or sink a dead body
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celestialskies95 · 2 months
It is complete.
@convolutedblasphemy  thanks for making the lyrics. It made me laugh, so I had to draw out what I envisioned in my head.
This was fun to make! Please let me know what your favorite face is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpJPeVRKI0k
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I'm going to cry??????? thank you so much for this, this is INCREDIBLE
(and the lucifer's commissions saga tag if you're not familiar with it)
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celestialskies95 · 2 months
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celestialskies95 · 5 months
guys...my Santa Perla is looking a little off
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(+sausage and pearl reaction under the fold)
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I've been watching pearl's pov of empires and decided to mix that with the whole Martyn saying for us to go crazy drawing him with skirts and dresses (it felt appropriate)
he is a pretty goddess/empress/queen and I love him
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celestialskies95 · 5 months
“there should only be one ren” goes crazy like that’s a love confession to me
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celestialskies95 · 6 months
oh if you didn’t stay (I would wait anyway)
it does make him think though, that maybe, if he was still so determined to ignore it all, he could have blamed the warmth in his face and chest on the fires that had been surrounding him and ren for the past half hour rather than the man accompanying him for a pretty lengthy improv session. honestly, he isn’t quite sure when he decided to stop lying to himself, but he didn’t realise how.. freeing it was until this moment—to be able to feel and feel- and to let himself feel. a smile has been unmoving from his face since he first started talking, and his cheeks hurt, and martyn doesn’t care. void. he really missed ren, huh?
this is a secret santa gift for @loveroped!! I haven’t written treebark before, so I hope I did them justice hkfhd
can you tell i’m messing around with the way I format things here
martyn might have just had the best day. like- ever.
of course, he’s not sure if anything could top a reunion with ren, regardless of the circumstances. not to discredit decked out, of course- it’s an amazing game! a wonderful game! it’s extremely clever and fun and interesting and he loves it very much.
(martyn is pretty sure that the game can both hear and understand his thoughts. after his experiences with thought-reading things, he is not about to take any chances.)
it does make him think though, that maybe, if he was still so determined to ignore it all, he could have blamed the warmth in his face and chest on the fires that had been surrounding him and ren for the past half hour rather than the man accompanying him for a pretty lengthy improv session. honestly, he isn’t quite sure when he decided to stop lying to himself, but he didn’t realise how.. freeing it was until this moment—to be able to feel and feel- and to let himself feel. a smile has been unmoving from his face since he first started talking, and his cheeks hurt, and martyn doesn’t care.
void. he really missed ren, huh?
“man, they need to make more rifts.” martyn says, leaning against the blessedly cold wall of the citadel, eyes closed. “this has been so fun.”
ren chuckles, and martyn’s heart jolts as he realises that they are much closer than he thought they were. “you’ve been in the actual game like- once, dude.”
martyn hums, cracking an eye open. “who said I was talking about the game?”
“I-“ ren’s breath audibly stutters, and martyn finds his own has been swept from his lungs. when did he start holding it? “you mean the- pictionary, and stuff?”
“kinda.” martyn looks down, realising that his newfound confidence has left him entirely. oh good, that’s exactlywhat he needs right now. “y’know and the- the people who I don’t.. see as much.”
martyn can feel ren’s eyes on him, burning into his skin. “it’s been amazing to see you again, dude.” ren says with just enough honesty to make martyn feel as if he could be floating.
when martyn looks back up at ren, he’s smiling the smallest, softest smile martyn has ever seen grace his face. in truth, martyn thinks that may just be the best thing he has ever seen in his life; he wants to put that smile in a locket and keep it around his neck forever.
“you as well.” martyn says, maybe too genuinely.
ren’s face flushes in pleasure, and he squishes down a very obvious smile. martyn might just be in love. “well, i’m- i’m glad.”
martyn grins, nudging ren with his shoulder. “what, you didn’t think I missed you?”
there’s a quiet thumping noise that martyn thinks is coming from behind ren. probably just all the machinery behind decked out making itself known. “well, I- y’know. I found myself.. hoping that you would but.. I was never sure.”
“aw, c’mon,” martyn says, voice far more casual than the reaction to that statement should be- than it is. because- man, is it a weird feeling to be the cause of nervousness, to be the cause of that ‘does-he doesn’t-he?’ feeling. “I was practically lamenting over you. just ask jimmy; i’ve been so annoying.”
ren snorts a little, and some of the tension that martyn didn’t notice was between them dissipates. “I have to admit that i’ve already had a complaint from jimmy.” he says it like a joke, but there’s a distinct undertone of fondness that sends martyn’s mind reeling.
“well, there you go.” martyn grins. “i’m nothing without my king.”
“no.” ren says softly. so softly, in fact, that martyn suspects ren never meant him to hear it in the first place, but he just- he can’t stop listening; not when ren sounds so sure, so honest. “you’re everything.”
before he can stop it, a gasp escapes martyn’s lips, and ren’s eyes widen as he seems to realise that he was not as quiet as he meant to be. martyn wants to respond, to let ren know he feels the same as—well, whatever ren is feeling right now, it sounds pretty fucking close to what martyn is feeling—but his voice is stuck in his throat. 
“i’m sorry- I shouldn’t-“ ren looks almost scared, and martyn silently begs his voice to return. he can’t let ren sit there and not know-
“I love you.” martyn blurts, breathless and a little too loud, but ren is looking at him as if he’s the only person in the world, so he doesn’t stop. “I think- for several years now, and i can’t keep doing the- the skirting around our feelings thing, because all i’ve been doing this whole time is pining over you and- i’ve had enough of waiting, okay. so i’m- i’m telling you now, and you can do whatever you want with this information. but i just- I love you. always have.”
“I- martyn.” ren half whispers, looking for all the world as if martyn had just given him bedrock or a block of void or- or something very good. he’s running out of metaphors, okay, leave him be. martyn vaguely notices the quiet thumping returning. what part of the game could that be?
“that’s- that’s me.” martyn says, unsure whether to be reassured or terrified by ren’s response.
“I can’t- I don’t even-“ ren stammers, running a hand through his hair. martyn is leaning towards terrified when ren finally lands on- “I love you. this whole time, i’ve loved you, and I thought- oh my goodness.” he gives a huff of laughter. “you’re serious?”
“am I ser- of course i’m serious!” martyn grabs ren’s hand, who is smiling more than martyn thinks he’s ever seen ren smile. “you thought i’d pour my heart out for it to be a bit?” he laughs.
“well I- you’re very committed sometimes y’know.” ren grins, intertwining his fingers with martyn’s. 
“it has been- what, three years now?” martyn leans into him. “I am extremely committed to you. i’m probably too committed, honestly.”
“asking someone to kill you is a great way to flirt—who knew?” ren says, mock-solemn, and martyn cackles.
“i’ll have to try it some day.” martyn teases, looking up and finding himself much closer to ren’s face than he expected to be. 
and- okay, martyn won’t pretend that he’s never watched ren just a little too closely from across a room, or that his gaze has never lingered for a few seconds too long after ren left, or even that he hadn’t found himself lost in his eyes—cheesy as it is. 
but this- this is different. because martyn has never admitted his love before, and ren has never reciprocated those feelings before, and so there’s never been a moment where he could just look and look and look until right now. and you’d be kidding yourself if you don’t think that martyn is sure as shit going to take advantage of that.
“you know,” martyn murmurs, reaching a hand up to brush the stubble on ren’s jaw, watching with the utmost interest as ren melts ever so slightly into the touch. “I don’t think i’ve been able to do this before.”
“do, uh- do what?” ren’s voice comes out just a little too high for it to be entirely natural. martyn suppresses a smile and the thumping grows faster.
“look at you while you’re looking back.” martyn says simply, and oh, that shy little grin that slips onto ren’s face is perhaps the most gorgeous thing martyn has ever seen.
ren rubs a thumb against martyn’s hand that he still holds, and- okay, maybe martyn’s insides have gone all mushy because of it, but who are you to judge? “then I think we must have kept missing each other.”
it takes a moment for martyn to process the words. when he has, he pouts jokingly—even as his mind reels. “what, you’re telling me I could have been doing this years ago?”
“that is absolutely what i’m telling you.” ren grins. is he getting closer? martyn thinks he might be getting closer.
“well then,” martyn says, and the smoothness of his voice sounds entirely ludicrous when his brain is so frantic, it’s probably on fire. ren is leaning forward, and martyn thinks he might be too, and they’re getting so close to each other that martyn can feel ren’s breath ghosting his lips. “I guess we’ll have to make up for lost time.”
“I suppose we shall.” ren’s voice is low and soft, and martyn thinks he might just die.
that is until their lips meet and martyn decides- no, he knows he’s going to die. because ren’s hand is in his hair, and martyn’s is still cupping ren’s cheek, and it turns out that ren’s lips are exactly as soft as martyn always imagined them to be and he’s going a little crazy over it.
the kiss is fairly short, but martyn feels like his brain has entirely short-circuited by the time they part—in the best possible way. 
“we- that happened.” martyn stammers. “oh my god. I didn’t think i’d ever-“
“I thought i’d chicken out.” ren sounds equally astonished at his own confidence. “I- dude, you are a great kisser.” martyn’s face burns and ren puts a hand in front of his mouth in an obvious attempt to keep from laughing. “well you are!”
“I- thank you, I-“ martyn can’t see himself, but he’s fairly certain that he is beet-red right now. 
the thumping returned the moment they kissed and has not left, and martyn realises it is far too close to be part of the machinery. regardless, it sounds familiar somehow; the weight behind it, the rhythm of the thuds, the softness of it. martyn knows he doesn’t have the best memory on the server, but he’s pretty sure he should be able to remember what-
wait a second.
“ren,” martyn says, a grin creeping slowly onto his face. “are you wagging your tail?”
it’s kind of cute how fast ren goes from cocky to deeply flustered within a matter of seconds. it’s also very funny, especially as ren’s ears—which were resting casually—are now stuck straight up into the air.
“I- I don’t know what you mean!” ren says in a failed attempt at his usual suaveness. martyn stifles a laugh. “i’d- that’s a preposterous thing to suggest, you-“
martyn, deciding to test a theory, leans forward and presses a chaste kiss to ren’s lips (he is never gonna get over the fact he can just do that now) and watches with glee as ren’s tail wags even harder.
“I.. might be wagging my tail, yes.” ren mumbles, thoroughly embarrassed.
martyn fails to stifle another laugh, and ren honest-to-void pouts. “oh my- ren.” 
“yep?” ren practically squeaks. he clears his throat, blushing pink. “um- just pretend you don’t see that.”
“why would I do that?” martyn teases. “it’s cute.”
“you say cute, I say embarrassing.” ren says, but he’s grinning shyly, and man if that isn’t the best thing martyn has seen all day.
“ren, trust me when i say that if I had a tail, it’d be entirely a blur by now.” martyn half laughs. “I love seeing you happy.”
“then you’re in a great amount of luck,” ren says, and his gaze drifts to martyn’s lips. martyn would make fun of him, if he weren’t so flustered by it that he’d forgotten the english language. “because seeing you has never failed to bring me joy.”
martyn feels all the air leave his lungs. “you- i haven’t-“ he stammers a few more failed attempts at a sentence before landing on, “oh- just kiss me.”
ren grins, and his canines push ever so slightly against his lower lip, and martyn is going to die. “gladly.”
and- okay, it’s a little embarrassing to admit, but.. well. they may have gotten a tad carried away, and before they knew it, jimmy’s turn was over and tango was looking for martyn. it’s not his fault, okay! when you’ve been wanting someone for as long as martyn has wanted ren (and vice versa apparently, which- no, martyn is never gonna get over that), time starts to fly a little.
so when tango stumbled upon them both, accompanied by half the guests and half the hermits, that was entirely not martyn’s fault! in fact, it was theirs for being so damn quiet. if they were louder, ren would have heard them, and then they would have time to- stop making out.
yeah. martyn is never gonna live this down.
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celestialskies95 · 6 months
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whag if they wetre cosy…. and kissd
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celestialskies95 · 6 months
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Happy Holidays @littleleeeloo-main :D I was your gifter in the Four Swords gift exchange this year! Hope you enjoy this bit of Vio/Shadow fluff, and have a very festive holiday season ^_^
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celestialskies95 · 7 months
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Regrets, I've had a few
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