cellias · 2 months
*ੈ✎ something happens and i'm head over heels!
—head over heels; tears for fears
content: leo valdez x daughter of aphrodite! reader; oneshot
warnings: cursing probs, excessive use of like and totally and literally, the seven as found family BECAUSE WDYM THATS NOT CANON
librarian's annotations: delusional guy x delusional girl???? im projecting again also i need yall to be creative and imagine they can use phones in chb
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"guys, i was screaming her name in my head and then she looked at me! it's gotta be a sign!"
cue the synchronized groans.
"that totally means you should ask her out already!" that was percy.
"you have no chance with her, get over it!" frank, obviously.
"leo, you're my best friend, so i hate to break it to you, but maybe you're looking for signs that just.. aren't there?" jason, ever the sensible one.
leo scoffs and sits up on his makeshift bed—two old mattresses stacked on top of each other, ones he dragged from the hypnos cabin into bunker 9—and squeezed his pillow. "jason! a real best friend would encourage me! like percy!" he batted his eyelashes exaggeratedly at the boy sprawled on the floor in front of him.
percy met his eyes with a wink, holding a mock salute to his forehead. "that's me!"
the two other guys shared a look, almost saying are we really friends with these idiots? as if they could be talking.
alldaladiesluvleo shared a note "yo chat, does she like me back?"
"oh my gods you will not believe what just happened!" you practically squealed, feet actually kicking as you laid on your stomach. "so basically— remember this morning the apollo kids made will sing a country song in front of everybody at breakfast?" you didn't wait for any sounds of affirmation from your siblings before you continued. "it was hilarious, and i obviously looked over at leo because, y'know, he's a country guy too, totally not because his laugh is adorable. and guess what? he was already looking at me!" you let an embarrassing giggle into your pillow before you could even explain why this was so crazy. "and like, you know how everyone says you look at the person you like first when something funny happens? guys, i think he totally likes me!"
varied reactions swept through the whole cabin. some, even though you were the children of love, had already grown tired of your "gossip sessions" over basically nothing. others, happily fed your delusions.
"oh my gods, he totally does!"
"are you seriously basing this off a tiktok you saw?"
"he doesn't even look that good.."
um, what was that last comment? you whipped your head to where the sound came from. "what do you even mean? do you have eyes? do you need glasses? can you not see how hot he is? he literally has fire powers! how cute he is? and he's like, scrawny and has a good sense of humor, and confident, and his smile..." the poor new camper, knowing nothing about what was wrong with his statement, was quickly overwhelmed. the others tuned out your rant, having already given their opinions on him and met with the same speech. you sighed, flopping onto your back. "he's so my type."
“i saw him trip on tree root and start talking to it about how rude that was.”
“...what if i said that didn’t give me the ick?”
loveloveyn shared a note "want my man thats not my man fr"
"you guys saw y/n's note, right?" percy asked nonchalantly, scrolling through his instagram feed.
"yeah," jason and frank said in unison.
"no?" leo's head turned side-to-side comically as he looked between the three. "what? her account's private how'd you see?" leo's eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he pieced it together.
"you guys follow her!?" he gasped incredulously. "since when!? why didn't you guys tell me!? and why does she follow all of you back!?"
the three of them shared a look. jason was the first to speak. "well, she followed us first, but it's 'cause she follows everyone! and she's a mutual friend so we followed her back." he shrugged. (they followed her back to stalk her for him, as all best friends would do.)
leo sputtered, his body deflating like a balloon with the air let out. "but she doesn't follow me..." he pouted.
percy to the rescue, once again! "bro, she's probably just shy! like, she followed all of us except you! and she's close friends with piper, and you're close friends with piper, so she'd have no good reason to not follow you except for that!" he gave leo a good-natured pat on the back, trying to soothe his comedian-in-arms.
leo sighed, but brightened up a little bit. "you really think so?"
"yeah!" percy nodded, looking over at the other two once leo turned his back, wincing. who's gonna tell him?
"wait, what was her note?"
alldaladiesluvleo shared a note "all of yall are FAKE im moving back to texas"
"why doesn't he follow me!? like he follows you, obviously, and annabeth, and hazel, but not me!? what the fuck, man!?" you groaned, slumping onto piper's shoulder, the other two girls sitting in front of you.
annabeth sighed. "have you tried, i don't know, following him first?"
you and piper shared simultaneous gasps. "no! that's like, just, no!"
piper shook her head firmly as she agreed with your disagreeing. "not an option."
hazel finally spoke up. "but don't you want to get closer to him? wouldn't following him do that?"
you put a hand over your heart, emphasizing the gesture. "oh hazel, you've been away for too long. say it with me, 'i don't chase, i attract.'"
"hell yeah!" piper called from the side.
"you're just too much of a coward to ask him out." annabeth deadpanned, making piper snort.
"you're right."
"why are you switching up so fast!?" your head hurt from the whiplash you got.
"because i need help knocking some sense into your delusional ass." annabeth answered for her, an unamused smirk on her face.
"ow! are you trying to break my already fragile heart!?"
loveloveyn shared a note "BETRAYING ME FOR A HOT BLONDE IS SO LOW (id do the same)"
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cellias · 3 months
the guy who tried to kill you and betrayed your entire camp is asian AND latino!
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1K notes · View notes
cellias · 3 months
Me when I lie
goin back to school in two days but u best bet I am letting myself enjoy writing as a hobby again xx
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cellias · 3 months
Whats like a good word count for a first chapter?? 1k, 2k, 5k..?
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cellias · 4 months
one year with luke castellan
↳ june 14 with percy jackson
series masterlist
pairing: luke castellan x daughter of apollo!reader
word count: 2.9k
summary: luke uses percy’s struggle to find what he’s good at as an excuse to go see you
content: set 5 months after the first part, the obligatory sparring scene
notes: i know the request meant “fight” as bicker but i weighed my choices and thought itd be funnier to watch them square up
Percy watches as Luke gives an amused look back at the archery fields behind them.
Certainly left a lasting impression on the Apollo kids, Percy notes grimly.
As they all recuperate from their near death experience at his hands, one of them gets into proper position with their bow. They take aim once, twice, three times. Each shot is so accurate the last two arrows pierce the first down the middle.
He swallows. “That’s gotta be fake, right?”
Luke laughs when he realizes what he’s talking about. “The precision is genetic. I’ve seen one of them shoot a fly out of the sky once.”
Percy whistles. “You got a bunch of Katniss Everdeens out here.”
Luke gives him a firm pat on the back, but Percy isn’t too sure he understands what he’s talking about. “Sure.”
The two of them soldier on. He swats at a mosquito trying to land on him, trying to ignore how itchy his ankles are from the tall grass. It’s so muggy and warm out, and Luke’s been dragging him around all afternoon, just to find disappointment at every turn. Percy’s beginning to wonder if he’s even a real demigod, or just a normal kid they accidentally brought in here.
“If you’re not great at long distance fighting, we could always try close contact,” Luke says encouragingly, but his words do nothing but inspire dread in his chest.
“I’m not so sure that's such a great idea.”
A crowd of campers rush past the two of them, hollering and cheering about whatever accomplishment he’s sure they’ve achieved. Percy could not feel more out of place.
“C’mon, you never know,” Luke insists. “My aim’s pretty terrible too, but I’m pretty unbeatable with a sword.”
Percy tries not to scowl. Luke Castellan being terrible at something wasn’t even something that seemed possible.
“You think you’re terrible because you can’t land a bullseye every time? I almost just skewered a bunch of archery professionals!”
Luke at least has the decency to look sheepish about it.
“That’s what I thought,” Percy scoffs, but it comes out sadder than he’d hoped.
“Cheer up,” Luke says, a sad attempt at lifting his spirits. “We’re almost at the training area.”
His own words seem to put a newfound pep in his step. After a quick glance at his watch, Luke’s already long strides seem to grow even bigger, leaving Percy speed walking to catch up.
Up until now, Luke had taken care to point out the various sights of Camp Half-Blood. He’d call attention to anything interesting the two of them would pass, like a spot where something funny has happened, or a hidden spot with a nice view. But now, he seems to be in a rush, bypassing building after building.
They don’t slow until they near the Athena cabin, when the armory comes into view. Campers walk in and out of the building holding various items, all looking completely at ease. Percy wonders if he’ll ever feel like that with Riptide. Sure, he’d used it just fine when it had come down to it, but he’d felt like a little kid with a plastic Lightsaber.
One of the campers leaves the armory with a spear that’s taller than Percy. A kid that looks even younger than him swings around a weapon with spikes, something vicious swimming in his eyes.
When they get closer to the door, Percy’s surprised to see that Luke chooses to move right past the building completely.
“Are we not going in there?” he asks.
Luke stops in his tracks as he turns around, a little confused. The expression on his face makes it look like he’d forgotten about the building completely.
After a second, his mouth falls open. “Oh, right.”
Luke gives another quick glance down to the watch on his wrist, a little nervous, like he has somewhere to be.
Percy realizes what his rush is immediately. It stings.
“You said lunch was at twelve,” Percy deadpans. “You’re stuck with me for another hour, so, sorry.”
“What?” Luke looks genuinely confused, but Percy isn’t buying it. “I’m not eager to get rid of you, dude. I was just checking the time.”
Luke looks sympathetic when he throws an arm over Percy’s shoulder. When his steps start again, they’re thankfully much slower.
“I was checking to see if it was better to do weapons now or later,” he explains. “I’m pretty sure there’s a class going on down at the training area right now, and I thought you’d want to save the weapon handling for, uh… A time where there’s less people.”
Percy evaluates his words. The collective “No!” the Apollo campers had shouted down at the archery fields when he’d asked if he should try again echoes in his ears.
Maybe waiting for later is for the best.
“You’re probably right,” Percy admits, and Luke claps him on the back again, giving him a reassuring look.
“I have a good feeling about this one. And you shouldn’t get yourself down because you haven’t found what you’re good at yet. No one’s good at everything.”
Percy thinks about what someone had said about Luke’s unrivaled skill with a sword. And then he thinks about the way Luke’s arrows barely strayed from the center of the target.
“Except for you, I guess,” Percy says.
This makes Luke grin. He nudges him good naturedly. “I guess so.”
The two of them get to the training area in no time. It’s big — even bigger than the space cleared out for the archery field. The majority of the space seems reserved for those with weapons, a few racks set around with different sized equipment hung up. The clashing of swords and all sorts of metal slices through the air, making the entire place sound like a battlefield.
When the two of them pass by a few of the campers, Percy can see a fire in their eyes that burns bright and clear.
Luke’s making a beeline for a pavilion off to the side of the field, which is filled with a dispersing sea of people in orange. It’s clear that whatever class had been going on is over — campers leave in small groups as they talk amongst their friends.
“Hi, Luke,” a girl that passes by says. Percy has to blink when she literally twirls a piece of hair around her finger.
He gives her a smooth grin. “Hey.”
Someone calls his name and Luke greets him before the two of them do a long and complicated handshake.
Percy has the feeling that this is what it’s like to be a younger, way less cool brother.
By the time they reach the wooden structure, almost all of the campers have cleared out. There’s only about three of them left standing by the mat in the center of the room, so Luke leans against one of the wooden posts and motions for Percy to wait.
“I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” you say, waving away two girls Percy assumes are your friends.
You watch them go for a few seconds before your eyes find the two of them, waiting quietly.
Your face pulls into a smug grin, much like the one that Luke had on earlier. “Castellan. Did you come back for more?”
He rolls his eyes, amused, before he gestures to the boy at his side. “This is Percy. He’s new, and I’ve been showing him around.”
You seem to light up. You reach your hand out for him to shake, your grip firm and solid.
“It’s nice to meet you Percy,” you say, giving him a big smile. “Is it true that you defeated the Minotaur?”
Wasting no time at all, it seems.
“Uh, yeah,” he says, scratching the back of his head nervously. Your eyes are kind, but your stare is really intense.
“Pretty cool. And on your first day, too!” You jab a finger back at Luke. “It took him a few years before he did anything interesting.”
You cut his protest off. “So what brings you two here? Surely you’re not here to watch me beat Luke up.”
“We’re trying to find what I’m good at,” Percy answers. He scuffs his shoe into the floor. “It’s uh… not going too great.”
“Have you tried sword fighting?” you offer. “Your track record’s looking pretty good already.”
Percy deflates. He would need another miracle for that to happen again.
“I think that might’ve been a fluke,” he admits.
You give him a bright smile. “Don’t sell yourself short, Percy. But if you want, me and Castellan can show you some hand-to-hand. And then you can try after us.”
He turns to face Luke, who seems almost excited at the idea. “That good with you, Percy?”
His eyes flicker between you both. In both of your eyes, he sees the same bloodthirsty fire he’d seen in the battling campers earlier. It seems you guys have already decided for him.
He nods anyway, just to be polite.
The two of you move quickly, shifting the mat over and clearing the surrounding area. You even go as far as asking Luke to help you move a bench that’s deemed too close to the space you’ve cleared out.
“I’ll try not to embarrass you in front of the kid,” you say.
Luke drops his half of the bench for a second, making you drop forward with its weight.
“We’re trying to help Percy find his thing. Save the real fighting for later,” he reminds you, and you mumble his words in a mocking tone.
The two of you stand side by side as you toe your shoes off. Luke tugs on the back of your shirt before you step on the mat. “Be nice.”
“I am.”
Luke’s words remind Percy of the whole reason they’d come here in the first place. He’s trying to find what he’s good at, but by the way you two are amping yourselves up, he doubts he’s going to get any actual training in.
“Nothing serious,” says Luke. “I can always hand your ass to you later.”
“You can try.” You crack your neck and then your knuckles, the popping sounds loud and vaguely threatening.
Both of you go through the motions of stretching and warming up your muscles before Luke beckons you forward. You begin to circle each other on the mat, your gazes locked firm on the other.
“Do you guys have rules for this?” Percy asks.
From what he’s heard of Capture the Flag, the camp seems pretty lax on issues with bodily harm.
“The basics,” Luke says, not even glancing at him, “no hits below the belt or to the back of the head.”
“And no maiming or killing, obviously,” you add.
Luke smiles. “Sunshine likes making everything free game, though.”
You match his grin with your own. “It’s more fun like that.”
Finally breaking you and Luke’s staring contest, you turn to look back at your one man audience. “I’ll show you a simple takedown, Percy.”
“Or I will,” Luke points out.
You roll your eyes, giving Percy a look that says, Can you believe this guy?
When you turn around, you reach out to touch your knuckles to Luke’s, something Percy’s seen boxers do on T.V. But that’s as kind as the fight gets. You rush forward immediately.
Percy almost can’t believe how fluid your movements are. It’s the first fight he’s seen up close, besides the little scraps he’s seen at school before. But those are absolutely nothing compared to this.
The two of you move so quickly he can barely understand what’s happening. His eyes barely register you moving to strike Luke’s face before he’s blocking your hit and countering with one of his own. His hits rain down fast and hard, but you manage to meet him blow for blow.
You duck and weave out of his way, catching his fist when it comes dangerously close to your face. After a bunch of close calls, he lands one good hit on you, and Percy is shocked to see how fast you recover, barely reacting.
Both of you seem to be able to recognize what the other is thinking before either of you even acts — you make an aborted move with your hand and Luke laughs, despite how out of breath he is.
“Remember what happened last time you tried that?” he goads.
Your stare hardens. You duck under his arm before he can clip the side of your face and you seize his wrist, twisting it backwards at a painful angle. Your free hand moves to shove his body forward, putting him in a bad spot. Percy sucks air through his teeth in second-hand pain.
Luke groans in discomfort, but with his chest now lower to the ground, it allows his free arm to easily wind around one of your legs, tugging you straight off your feet. You stumble, losing grip on his arm, and—
Luke is the one that hits the floor.
Percy rises to his feet so fast it pushes the bench back.
It’d been so fast, he had missed it completely. Even as he tries to play it back in his head, he can’t pinpoint how you’d managed that while you were tipping backwards.
You don’t waste a second, moving to pin him immediately. You capture his arms, and the way you force your entire body weight onto Luke’s back makes it nearly impossible for him to sit up without use of both of his arms.
Whatever magic move you’d pulled worked.
The fight is over.
For a second, at least.
Luke must start using muscles Percy has no idea exists, because the roles are quickly reversed — he shoots up so fast it has you careening off of him. And by the looks on both of your faces, neither of you even expected that was possible.
Before the wind can come back to your lungs, he pins your arms with a hand, using his other to block your knee that almost winds up somewhere very painful. You squirm around for a few more seconds, trying to slip out of Luke’s firm grasp, but all three of you can see it’s useless. You groan loudly when Luke begins to grin.
“Ah, fuck,” you try to mumble under your breath quietly, but Percy can still hear it.
Luke releases you, sitting off of your legs and letting your arms go. His voice is light and teasing. “What’s it now? A hundred thirty-four to a hundred twenty-nine?”
“I’m at a hundred thirty-two. You aren’t that good.”
“My bad.”
You shove his face away from you as he laughs. Luke pushes himself up and tugs you to your feet, and you knock your knuckles together again in respect.
He moves over to a cooler by the edge of the pavilion as you sigh, stretching out your arms. You rub your jaw as you hiss quietly, and Percy remembers that good hit Luke had managed to get on you earlier.
“You’ve gotten a lot better,” you say to him. “Remember when you would hold your hands like, all the way down here?” You get into a stance that must look atrocious to you, because you laugh at the sight of it.
(Percy has no idea what’s wrong with it.)
Luke rolls his eyes as he walks back from the cooler, holding a bunch of ice cubes wrapped in a cloth. “Alright, laugh it up.”
“You’re lucky I was kind enough to help train you.”
“Of course. You were so kind you even made me ten times better than you.”
You make a face. “You’ve won twice in a row and forgot how to act. I’ve made a monster.”
He puts the cloth to your face a little more harsher than probably needed.
“It’s like I’m Frankenstein,” you continue after wincing. “And you’re my evil creation.”
Luke cocks his head. “I don’t think Frankenstein was creating anything. Wasn’t he a monster?”
“What? No.”
He hums. “I’m pretty sure I would remember. Frankenstein’s the green monster.”
“No, dumbass, Frankenstein’s the guy. Frankenstein’s monster—”
“How long did it take you guys to learn how to do that?” Percy asks.
Both of you turn to face him abruptly, and he gets the feeling that you’d both forgotten he was here. You’re quick to shove the cloth away from your face and towards Luke’s arm. He presses the ice to a spot there.
“A long time,” you say. “When I first started, everyone would wipe the floor with me. But I practiced hard, and barely anyone can beat me now.”
Percy’s eyes drift to the figure behind you. “Except for Luke?”
You frown a little. “Yeah, I guess.”
Luke whistles. “You guess?” He walks over to you and Percy, a smug look on his face. “I currently hold a hundred thirty-four wins to her a hundred thirty-one–”
“—wins. I’d say we’re pretty evenly matched.”
You try to swat Luke away like he’s a fly. “Anyways. No one’s born good at this stuff. It takes everyone a while to learn.”
Earlier, you had taken down Luke so fast Percy hadn’t even realized you’d done it. And Luke had been strong enough to lift you straight off of him without using his arms at all. Percy’s sure it would take him a lot longer than a couple years to get that good.
“And you think that I could get good like you guys?” he asks.
You smile at him genuinely. You squeeze his shoulder, and Percy has the feeling that he’s about to get some really good advice.
“Trust me. If Luke can get this good, that means anyone can.”
Fed up with your trash-talking, Luke wraps one of his arms around your neck as he drags you back to the mat. With some dramatized yelling, he threatens to WWE bodyslam you into the floor if you don’t take back what you’d said.
No wonder Luke had been in such a rush to get here before.
notes: yes i wrote this part half asleep ❤️ i hope my sleep deprivation did not stop u from enjoying!
1 year: @marshymallo @ghostisstuff @tayswiftlovebot @dangelnleif @bipstargirl @fearlessmoony @lyssaluvs @badcoping @dorcas4meadowes @surftrips @inejwraiths @lizziesfirstwife @randomnpc456 @pleasingregulus @supercutszns @superswaggycooch @teatimedisaster @liviessun @otchae @the-ghost-0f-t0m0 @softtina @mermaid-mqtel @liv1104 @spacedilflvr @solarstar00 @poppysrin @annybah @pookiebear16 @awenthealchemist @locknco @obxstiles @nexxus13 @starxqt @cinnamongirll-444 @gisellesprettylies @toffeeprincess4 @wreckmyimage @mayadisaster @tenshis-cake @phtogravi @viavee123 @motorsp0rt @yummytootybutt @rishtish @luna-moon180 @thisfridaynight @pariahsparadise @nininehaaa @shamelesssuitstark
2K notes · View notes
cellias · 5 months
to those moots that deactivate randomly without any warning or goodbyes, I hope you got really famous and had to erase ur digital footprint, miss u
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cellias · 5 months
i want to preface before I put any other fics out: when i write for pjo characters, i am not writing with the actors of the show in mind if they're under eighteen. i know i'm a minor as well but it personally feels weird and it makes me uncomfortable!
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cellias · 5 months
like water for chocolate created an era of my life and I think everyone should experience it
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cellias · 5 months
i know a lot of people are beyond relieved that lmm's performance as hermes wasnt awful and he did not sing a note once, but lets not forget his advocacy for the PROMESA bill and the impact he had on puerto ricans just yet ..
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cellias · 5 months
sally soooooo anti olympus. she's spent the last decade trying to radicalize percy
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cellias · 5 months
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MARGOT ROBBIE and AMERICA FERRERA 29th Critics' Choice Awards (January 14, 2024)
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cellias · 5 months
kinda getting tired of people defending bad writing/performances with “but it’s in character” bc the character is supposed to be awkward, or average, or boring, etc. — like there are ways to portray that without putting out a lazy, straight up awful performance.. just take the criticism
it’s like saying “this person’s acting is bad because their character is an accountant, so it makes sense” like?? and if you’re gonna make a musical, hire people who can sing for the characters who have songs. Chad from hsm sang and danced perfectly fine for being a music hating athlete.
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cellias · 5 months
the obsession with the confirmation of a celebrity’s pregnancy (someone you don’t even know) is really fucking weird
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cellias · 5 months
leo valdez you would’ve loved brozone </3
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cellias · 5 months
Teacher just reminded me I never finished my essay report …
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cellias · 5 months
also sorry I always pictured sally jackson as puerto rican and I remember stupidly hoping that maybe they’d cast a puertorriqueña and then being disappointed 😭
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cellias · 5 months
is it weird I love show annabeth sm more than book annabeth?? I just feel like leah’s portrayal (esp the impact it has) and the changes in writing make her feel way more real
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