Someone I know not well enough to voice my opinion on the subject said something like why didn’t God make potatoes a low-calorie food so I am here to say: God made them like that because their nutrition density IS what makes them healthy. By God I mean Andean agricultural technicians. Potato is healthy BECAUSE potato holds calories and vitamins. Do not malign potato
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Day 2 (5/5/2024)
Most proud of my activity for today. Initially I was going to split my activity into two 15 minute sessions, but the day was so nice that I completed the 30 minutes.
Easily reached 2 L of water
Didn't really eat much today as it was a big errand day. Met the goal either way.
Met sleep goal
Pic above
Tomorrow: I plan to wake up and go on a morning walk and do some weight lifting. See ya!
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Day 1
Added veggies to each meal.
Did some yoga and body weight exercises (30 min).
Slept well over 7 hours.
Drank 2 L of water.
Lastly, here is my pic.
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In response to some posts I've seen on 75 hard I decided to start my own challenge. I'm still finishing final edits on my thesis and I feel that this challenge is more realistic for someone starting at 0. I will be flying in July to present my poster and as a person in a bigger body, flying is terrible. If anyone wants to join me please feel free to tag me.
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chicana-nutritionist · 6 months
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Breakfast and lunch.
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