cloudcall-xiv · 7 years
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((I forgot to try and take one for R’ayame and Sarangerel, but here’s to Cecilia and Nitah making it, also, to Stormblood’s end! That’s two down and three to go! I’ll have to try to remember to take one of the other pairs for sentimental purposes.))
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cloudcall-xiv · 7 years
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A letter, crumpled, whispered to the floor in subtle mourning. The words that had been etched to the page, the ink dark and the text emboldened with disdain, continued to peck away at the recesses of Amaya’s mind. It mattered not how often she had refused her want to reread the script, nor how many times she unraveled it from its prior tarnished state and attempted to flatten out the creases on the page new and stale alike; they would always return to dance in her dreams or upon darkened ceilings, wearing masks of glee and import as they taunted her over the fact that she was now nobody. Worthless. Just another crack in the breaking mortar that held the establishment she called her home together.
‘You are no longer a welcome part of this family.’
And for what?
She had dared speak against her father’s will, dared to state that she should be deigned the ‘privilege’ to freely love for she, finally, had found it. No longer did Amaya desire to be a part of her father’s scheme - she was worth more than a means for quick monetary gain or plot of land. And yet, even still. Even still.
To not have the right to bear her family’s name. Was there any purpose? It wasn’t until the drums in her heat quelled and solace came to her mind as the sun rose and, with it, the arcanist that no doubt rapped against her door who exclaimed she would be soon left behind if she didn’t hurry up (“You were the one who wanted to follow me, remember?”) that the Raen fully understood. There was purpose. And it was the love she chose to stay for. To fight for. To live for.
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cloudcall-xiv · 7 years
((Trying to keep everything together. ))
🌚 - Their thoughts late at night for The Wolf
(( Reference ))
‘Just how did,’ Cecilia found herself musing over the selfsame question that had been plaguing her for the past year once more, ‘I find myself here?’ 
A tired hand ran through blonde locks as she quietly turned her gaze to her bed partner – The same woman she had been sleeping and waking beside for some time – and as her heart slowly changed from lust to an emotion she had only just deigned to call ‘love,’ the Hyur still found herself suffering evenings of inadequacy. 
Nitah Nelhah’s soft breathing filled her mind’s eye as she closed her own, allowing the memories of times past to cascade around her in tandem to the silent skimming of fingers against the Miqo’te’s arm. Images of one night stands, of beautiful lies and broken promises, and everything in-between. 
And every time there was ever a doubt she missed the old life - the swinger’s life - this damnable spell slinger’s coy smile would fill her thoughts and she was once again lost in the sea of all that she was. 
“How did,” the question poured from her lips aloud now in an anxious whisper, brows knitted together with concerned love, “I find myself here? And how did I get so lucky?”
((Thank you for the ask, @jlaweez!))
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cloudcall-xiv · 7 years
((She’ll be here all week, ladies.))
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“The world is all a stage, after all, so why not take a bow?”
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cloudcall-xiv · 7 years
((Slapping this on here for reference!))
Poetry Meme: Sarangerel Dhoro
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famous first lines of poetry BOLD the ones that apply to your muse.
i saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked // tyger tyger, burning bright // i have done it again. // do not go gentle into that good night.// the sea is calm to-night. // let us go then, you and i, //  april is the cruellest month, //  pretty women wonder where my secret lies. // there is a place where the sidewalk ends // i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) // two roads diverged in a yellow wood, // whose woods these are i think i know  // let us twain walk aside from the rest; // once upon a midnight dreary, while i pondered, weak and weary, // i taught myself to live simply and wisely // it so happens i am sick of being a man // i wandered lonely as a cloud // does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? // o my love is like a red, red rose // o captain! my captain! our fearful trip is done; // out of the night that covers me, // it was many and many a year ago, // you may write me down in history // do not stand at my grave and weep // some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. // hope is the thing with feathers // the wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees, // no man is an island, // remember me when i am gone away,  // i met a traveller from an antique land // ‘twas brillig, and the slithy toves// this is thy hour o soul, // when we wear the mask that grins and lies, // death be not proud, //  and death shall have no dominion. // laugh, and the world laughs with you // the art of losing isn’t hard to master; // to see a world in a grain of sand // is there anybody there? said the traveller // nobody heard him, the dead man, // that crazed girl improving her music.  // come to me in the silence of the night; // where the mind is without fear and the head is held high // when you are old and grey and full of sleep, // in flanders’ fields the poppies blow // i thought of you and how you love this beauty // life, believe, is not a dream // it may be misery not to sing at all, // if starry space no limit knows // come live with me and be my love, // had we but world enough and time, // my heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains my sense //bright star, would i were steadfast as thou art– // thou still unravish’d bride of quietness // how do i love thee? let me count the ways. // HEAVEN IS WHAT I CANNOT REACH! // my dear, my dear, i know // in visions of the dark night // shall i compare thee to a summers day? // break, break, break // she walks in beauty, // i had a dream, which was not all a dream. // he clasps the crag with crooked hands.
((I”d do the other four but mayhaps later. Thanks for the tag!))
Tagging: Apologies if you’ve already done this! @eskard @the-blue-coat @eliane-the-diviner @dreadwyrm-trance @edgiestshadow (And ofc anybody who has not yet done this.)
(Shameless Plug: Wrote it here to negate any confusion, but all of my and my partner’s stuff is on @cloudcall-xiv !)
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cloudcall-xiv · 7 years
((Slapping this on here for reference!))
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❖Sarangerel Dhoro - Basic Profile❖
❖ NAME: Sarangerel Dhoro  ❖ HEIGHT: 4′9′‘ ❖ SPECIES: Au Ra ❖ GENDER: Female ❖ NATIONALITY:  Steppe ❖ NAMEDAY: 28th Sun of the Third Astral Moon ❖ AGE: 32 ❖ GUARDIAN DEITY: Nhaama, though took to Nymeia, the Spinner upon arriving at Eorzea.  ❖ RESIDENCE: Cloudcall’s Airship ❖ MARITAL STATUS: Mated to one R’ayame Klynskyfwyn. ❖ ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral ❖ DRINK: Mulled Tea, juices. ❖ FOOD: Steaks and grilled fish.  ❖ SNACKS: Finger sandwiches and fruits picked straight from the tree. ❖ PET: None at this present time. ❖ MOUNT: Sanuwa.   ❖ COLOR: Deep blues and fiery reds. ❖ FLOWER: Dandelion. ❖ SEXUALITY: Demisexual ❖ BODY TYPE: Small but lithe. Taut with muscle. ❖ EYE COLOR: Dark blue with a bright blue ring. ❖ HAIR COLOR: Blue with greying streaks. ❖ DAY OR NIGHT: Night. ❖ ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Homoromantic.
Tagged by: @dreaming-blades
Tagging: If not yet done: @eorzeansky  @sydrian14 @dreadwyrm-trance @edgiestshadow @eskard @eliane-the-diviner @the-blue-coat
Thanks for the tag!
(Shameless Plug: Wrote it here to negate any confusion, but all of my and my partner’s stuff is on @cloudcall-xiv !) 
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cloudcall-xiv · 7 years
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starting drk life
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cloudcall-xiv · 7 years
((Going to reblog off of this for ease to keep the two posts together.))
How Sarangerel expresses herself changes over time, solidifies itself over time. A watchful gaze, a knit brow of concern, a willing ear (though she’s never been great at offering sound advice). The best way, in the beginning, she showed her love was to effectively ‘provide for the family.’ When R’ayame departed for missions in which she was not necessary for, she would hunt, fish and cook for her mate (and the rest of the team) and ensure the best cut or best kill for the Miqo’te.
It is after the Steppes - after she does some deep delving into herself and she fully realises just what she already had - that displays of affection are more common; fingers brushing against a hand as she walks by, a small rub to the neck or shoulders as R’ayame hunches over her desk for the ever dreaded paperwork. That and, of course, the affectionate pet name ‘Narandai’ (Effectively ‘My Sun’).
((Thank you for the ask, @pocket-panda !!))
💛 = In what ways does your muse express their love to their partner? - For Sarangerel and for R'ayame!
I can personally only give you about half of the Answer, but R’ayame’s expressions of love are rather… subtle. She’s not overtly physically affectionate, especially not in public, and she’s definitely not romantic. She’s brash and headstrong, and entirely too protective of her wife. (But it could be argued she’s too protective of a lot of people.)
Really, the things she does that could be considered special involve picking things up in her travels to give as gifts to her wife. There’s nothing quite like, “I saw this and it made me think of you!” Or at least not to R’ayame. Often times for Sarangerel that involves baubles and extremely comfortable clothing for lazing around the ship. And or things for Sarangerel’s kids. Who are also Aya’s kids. Sort of.
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cloudcall-xiv · 7 years
💛 = In what ways does your muse express their love to their partner? - For Sarangerel and for R'ayame!
I can personally only give you about half of the Answer, but R’ayame’s expressions of love are rather... subtle. She’s not overtly physically affectionate, especially not in public, and she’s definitely not romantic. She’s brash and headstrong, and entirely too protective of her wife. (But it could be argued she’s too protective of a lot of people.)
Really, the things she does that could be considered special involve picking things up in her travels to give as gifts to her wife. There’s nothing quite like, “I saw this and it made me think of you!” Or at least not to R’ayame. Often times for Sarangerel that involves baubles and extremely comfortable clothing for lazing around the ship. And or things for Sarangerel’s kids. Who are also Aya’s kids. Sort of.
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cloudcall-xiv · 7 years
((A really gorgeous piece for one Amaya Kuronoki. I gave her a bio, some symbols that made me think of my character and she was able to put this together and my goodness it's more than I was expecting. It makes me think of Amaya to a T! I highly recommend commissioning her for this, she's very sweet and very easy to work with.))
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Newest piece for @cloudcall-xiv! Thank you for commissioning me!
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cloudcall-xiv · 7 years
((Please specify to whom it is going toward!))
☆ Headcanon Prompts ☆          Love and Romance
💔 = Has your muse ever been heartbroken? If so, explain what happened. 
🌹 = How would your muse react to romantic gestures, expected or not? 
🌷 = Is your muse likely to be the one to make the first move, or would they wait for the other to make a move first? 
🎁 = Does your muse become flattered to receive gifts? 
😍 = Does your muse have any crushes? If so, who are they? 
😘 = Does your muse like to flirt? Do they like to be flirted with? 
❤️ = Does your muse focus on one person, or do they like to go and date as many people as possible?
💛 = In what ways does your muse express their love to their partner? 
💚 = Does your muse get jealous easy? 
💙 = Does your muse prefer a night out or a night in? 
💜 = Does your muse date others based on their appearance or personality, or both? 
♡ = Is there any kind of person that your muse will never date? 
💞 = Does your muse believe in soulmates? 
💘 = Does your muse believe in astrology signs? If so, what sign are they most compatible with? And is this important when considering a date? 
💗 = Would your muse prefer a large, public proposal, or do they prefer a small, private one? 
💵 = Is money an important factor to consider when dating? Does your muse prefer rich partners? 
💎 = What kind of gemstone would your muse prefer on their engagement or wedding ring? 
💍 = Big or small wedding? 
💅🏻 = Does your muse always try to look their best around their partner, or are they comfortable wearing anything around them?
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cloudcall-xiv · 7 years
Injury Meme: "Had enough?"
“Had enough?” 
Sprawled on her back, Eliane stared up at the sky for a long, long moment. She ached everywhere, from nose to toes, with muscles had hadn’t even known she’d had. 
And now, her nose was bleeding.
Raising her hands, she felt carefully along the bridge. No, it wasn’t broken. If the monk had hit her any harder - as hard as she had certainly seen her do to a sparring dummy - it would have fractured. 
You need to be able to fight. To save yourself.
That’s what she’d said. The Xaela from whom words spilled like rare, coveted jewels had spoken gruffly to her before indicating she should ready herself to spar, with little more than a gesture. All that a faintly bewildered Eliane could think was that the other woman was motivated by knowing that her partner, R’ayame, enjoyed her company and wouldn’t like to see her saddened on deprivation of it. 
The diviner sniffed, turned her head and spat out a mouthful of blood. Pushing herself up to sit, then to stand, she slid her feet into a stance that Serengerel had taught her half a bell ago.
“Not yet.”
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cloudcall-xiv · 7 years
Bad Habits - Sarangerel Dhoro
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nail biting | throat clearing | lying | interrupting | chewing the ends of pens | smoking | swearing | knuckle cracking | thumb sucking | muttering under their breath | talking to themselves | nose picking | binge drinking | oversleeping | snacking between meals | skipping meals | picking at skin | impulse buying | talking with their mouth full | humming/singing to themselves | chewing gum | leg jiggling | foot tapping | hair twirling | whistling | eye rolling | licking lips | sniffing | squinting | rubbing hands together | jaw clenching | gesturing while talking | putting feet up on tables | tucking hair behind ears | chewing lips | crossing arms over chest | putting hands on hips | rubbing the back of their neck | being late | procrastinating | doodling | shredding paper | peeling off bottle labels | forgetfulness | running hands through hair | overreacting | teeth grinding | nostril flaring | slouching | pacing | drumming fingers | fist clenching| pinching bridge of nose | rubbing temples | rolling shoulders Tagged by: @eliane-the-diviner Tagging: @kikilukilu @sydrian14 @eorzeansky
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cloudcall-xiv · 7 years
Bad Habits | R’ayame
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nail biting | throat clearing | lying | interrupting | chewing the ends of pens | smoking | swearing | knuckle cracking | thumb sucking | muttering under their breath | talking to themselves | nose picking | binge drinking | oversleeping | snacking between meals | skipping meals | picking at skin | impulse buying | talking with their mouth full | humming/singing to themselves | chewing gum | leg jiggling | foot tapping | hair twirling | whistling | eye rolling | licking lips | sniffing | squinting | rubbing hands together | jaw clenching | gesturing while talking | putting feet up on tables | tucking hair behind ears | chewing lips | crossing arms over chest | putting hands on hips | rubbing the back of their neck | being late | procrastinating | doodling | shredding paper | peeling off bottle labels | forgetfulness | running hands through hair | overreacting | teeth grinding | nostril flaring | slouching | pacing | drumming fingers | fist clenching | pinching bridge of nose | rubbing temples | rolling shoulders
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cloudcall-xiv · 7 years
((We finally made it to the Azim Steppes and oh man I was WAY too excited, screaming in the Linkshell about all the Xaela and what-have-you. Decided to punch out a small thing for Sarangerel as Cloudcall makes their way into the Steppes IC for the first time. Some minor spoilers for described in-game locations and what tribe you first encounter. The title means, “At home.”)) ((We may also need to figure out how to distinguish ourselves when we’re talking/making posts, I realise. Something to discuss at a later date!))
It was the scent that hung on crisp air that caught my attention first. The scent of grazing sheep, of dzo, of buuz freshly made. Of sweat, of blood, of tears. Of death and new life.
The scent of home.
Memories threatened to imprison once again; countless nights of fruitless attempts at sleep all threatened by similar dreams and sounds began crawling toward the daylight that marked the end of our chosen route through long and quiet tunnels and then...
..and then rolling plains, interrupted only by violent outcroppings and dizzying mountain peaks to the far north. A gentle breeze caressing hair and scales. Where my mind had silenced itself, so too had it removed my companions that continued to walk beside me; their mindless chatter as distant as the roar of raging flames from so many years ago.
Smells continued to whisper sweet nothings; a siren song I never thought I’d have the privilege to become mesmerised by once I left. A song that reminded me of the hunt. Reminded me of family, of allies, of foes. An almost primal, tribal instinct resurfaces and I’m looking for escape routes - remembering old, unseen paths through tall grass and winding routes on the hills that kept us to the shadows - but that side of me is gone now.
I felt the piercing and panicked gaze of my mate only after I realised I had jolted away from her and her crew. It was then that I heard their shouts and hurried footsteps as they attempted to follow, their feet too unfamiliar with the uneven terrain to traverse as quickly as they would like.
Stone fencing, wooden outposts, the billowing sound of yurt fabric caressing my horns. It was intoxicating as much as it was nostalgic.
Cloudcall would find me soon enough in what soon turned out to be a Qestiri marketplace, but for now? For now, I find it best to instead revel in their chosen silence and the rapid conversation of trade and peddling.
I was home. And I was free.
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cloudcall-xiv · 7 years
The 24 man experience.
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cloudcall-xiv · 7 years
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A Long Way From Home.
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