codadv · 4 years
I was meant to upload this video in previous post but I mistaken it for the other one which showed way too well how unreliable those sensors are this was just after that one with longer delay so press is registered just once and animation runs fairly smooth I think I could go even a bit slower.
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codadv · 4 years
Somewhat reliable I was meant to say finding right balance between delay for how often it can read input and speed of animation wasn’t that easy to figure out and still kinda isn’t.
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codadv · 4 years
It took a while to set up the photoresistors to work reliably but I eventually managed. 
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codadv · 4 years
Well this made me really happy just those inside led bars look quite dim.
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codadv · 4 years
This is my first try using NeoPixel strip. It burned down shortly after...
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codadv · 4 years
I almost forgot about this. My attempt to create a promotional video for my Music player. It is bad but I am still trying to find my way around the editing software or even what editing software to use as Premiere is bit overcomplicated and most of the other ones I have tried are missing some features I need.
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codadv · 4 years
And this might be my last post for this project.
Video showing the functionality of my finished model and various ways that user can interact with it.
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codadv · 4 years
Previous and next song is controlled by tilting the control wheel that actuates a pair of end stops. There is also a spring there keeping the wheel in the mid position when not pressed. Lots of acoustic foam around to dampen vibrations from the speaker and when closed it makes enclosure appear acoustically bigger.
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codadv · 4 years
Mousewheel that I have used originally broke off so I had to replace it with another one that unfortunately wasn’t rubber coated so I had to add some texture to the control wheel itself using soldering iron and as it was not enough I added some foam to the wheel itself and that worked great.
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codadv · 4 years
Testing functionality of the control ring before the assembly. This was before I broke the mouse wheel controlling the volume that was built into the frame.
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codadv · 4 years
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Code for my second prototype being pretty much the same as my final version. Graphics is made using if rather than switch but at the end of the day this is meant to be used without a computer.
Mouse wheel is used for adjusting volume and turning player on and off with left and right click working as previous and next buttons.
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codadv · 4 years
Testing my second concept contacts for the next songs are a bit dodgy but it still does work and shows its functionality quite well.
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codadv · 4 years
Testing my first concept. Controls seems pretty straight forward and it doesn’t feel bad to interact with but could be better.
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codadv · 4 years
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Code for the slide player. Once again not the most elegant solution but it works fairly well. 
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codadv · 4 years
This was meant to spin around to change the playback speed but minim library does not allow bit rate to be changed if you are using it as AudioPlayer only as FilePlayer and then you would have to have all songs already starting on same baud rate or load them in memory just when you want to play them so I tried with basic Audio library in processing which should have worked but has some issues as well namely not being able to play anything unless you export it in extra special format and pray to god of silicone heaven to make it work...
So, in the end, I changed it into a simpler skip previous or following 5-sec slider that is again powered by a magnet for supper snappy action. In the end, skipping advert or going back to your favourite beat drop might be more useful than changing speed.
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codadv · 4 years
Gotta love magnets. this action would be for the next and previous song.
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codadv · 4 years
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Moving away from coding and back to prototyping. I got to say I did a lot of coding in past but this might be the first time I am truly enjoying it just because I’m actually prototyping physical experiences it is not just something that happens on the screen but it seems to have something more to it although it is just glorified keyboard.
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