coffee-fueled-weeb-witch Ā· 5 months
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"You can't magic away your mental illness and trauma" and "magic can be a great tool to help manage mental illness and trauma" are both true statements. This isn't a black or white issue. Something can be super helpful without being claimed to permanently cure you of suffering.
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I never post things like this, but I'm struggling so much right now with pain and I'm really reaching my limits of being able to deal with it. I've been physically disabled since birth with spinal muscular atrophy type II and spinal scoliosis. Several days ago my wheelchair broke down, it's an electric one, not push, and we tried contacting the company it's from, but they can't send anyone for repairs until the 20th, that's still 6 days away. I typically sleep in my chair because of how it recliners and after transferring back into it from going to the bathroom I usually have to move around a certain way to get myself comfortable and also positioned properly on the hoyer lift sling again for the next time I need moved, but because I haven't been able to I've hardly gotten any sleep this past week, my feet are swelling and in so much pain along with my knees and hips, I physically can't get in a bed without even worse pain, and I'm just at a loss feeling hopeless because even when someone does get here on the 20th if my chair can't be fixed that day I'm going to end up stuck like this longer because the company said all their loaner chairs are currently out to other people right now and I NEED to either be able to get back in my chair or one with at least similar functions because this is hurting and damaging my body so bad, and the toll it's taken on me mentally hasn't been great either. So I guess just... If anyone has any suggestions at all, please let me know.
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if anyone gets a message akin toĀ ā€œwhat do you think of the joy of satan websiteā€ do not go to that website and delete the message. the message varies just slightly blog to blog for people to believe itā€™s a real person suggesting a new religion, but those are bots and that website is home to a cult. stay safe out there.
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Spirit Work: Precautions
Spirit Work is not just working with ghosts, but includes that. Many different culturesĀ believe all forms of life possess spirits including animals and plants. Some common examples of spirits are deities, ghosts, the fae, angels, demons, nymphs, and dragons, although there are countlessĀ more.
Iā€™m not here to judge or say donā€™t do Spirit work, I also practice various forms of it. I simply made this post to bring to light some potentially essential aspects to practicing spirit work for any individual that desires it. As always, take what resonates, leave what doesnā€™t. Happy casting!
Spirit Work Precautions:
General Code II:
A spirit does not have to approach you for you to attempt to contact it. However, you can also always reject or end a partnership if you want it to stop, and so can they. Most spirits will understand and be respectful to you if you are back and honest and honorable.
General Code II:
Spirits can tell when you attempt to deceiveĀ them, or are being dishonorable towards them. Some spirits can become vengefulĀ if you are absolutely and continuously rude toward them, or warn other spirits of your behavior.
General Code III:
For simplification, practitionersĀ will often use possessive terms when referringĀ to spirits. However, it is an unspoken collective understanding that we do not own them in anyway regardless of the spirit they are or how they present. Spirits are not pets, and you do not collect them. If anything, during a partnership they possess you.
General Code VI:
Be respectful to the spirits, inducingĀ but not limited to dead, the death gods, and the graveyardĀ guardiansĀ  Get permissionĀ from the groundskeepers and guardians andĀ give an offering (i.e: cleaning trash or leaving coins) if you intend to take from a burial site.
I believe you should always ward yourself and space, including the locking or sealing of mirrors. Another significantly helpful action is research and understand binding, banishing, and warding, and unbinding.
Common Spirit workĀ Spells:
I high recommend you research and come to understand how to close and end spells, especially conjuring, invocations, or commutative forms of Divination, even before the anticipated closing.
Forming Bonds:
Establishing a connection with any spirit either through divination, veneration, offerings, prayers, and research should always be practiced before attempting to summon or work with a spirit.
Other Links:
Spirit Work: Classifications Spirit Work: Precautions Spirit Work: Communication Spirit Work: General Offerings
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reblog this if your blog is a safe space on april fools and wonā€™t have any jumpers, screamers, or anything scary or anxiety inducing
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I think disabled people deserve high income for free forever with no strings attached and Iā€™m not kidding
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Happy Valentine's Day. ā¤ļø
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Hey, unpopular opinion, apparently. But people donā€™t just ā€œhave pain for no reasonā€ doctors say this all the time (especially to women and chronically ill people) and the truth is, Thats literally not possible. Even if your pains are psychosomatic (a word I hesitate to even use because of the way its used so often) there is a reason you are having those pains whether its mental illness, abuse, etc. If your doctor consistently tells you that ā€œwell some people just have pain for no reasonā€ get a new doctor. Thatā€™s a doctor who is not going to give a shit what your actual symptoms or experiences are.
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Thank You Hermes šŸ’™
Just have a super strong urge to write this (which I just glanced at the date and saw it's Wednesday and this makes a LOT more sense now). I'm genuinely so glad that I started working with Hermes some time ago, I can't fully remember if it's been one, two, or even three or more years now, but Hermes has helped me in so many ways. He's been an incredible guide and has encouraged me so much to open up more, to be more free spirited and so much less afraid of just letting myself have fun in life without caring about others finding me "cringy" or mocking me for it. He's helped me learn how to laugh at myself and to accept myself more while also still working on my flaws. I was always so quiet and shy, and so awkward; which I still am to some extent, but with Hermes' help and endless encouragement and support I've become so much more of the fun, happy, goofy, and easy going person I wanted to be but was too afraid of being. I'll always be grateful for this sometimes chaotic trickster god who can occasionally drive me up the wall with his shenanigans, but who also is always keeping an eye out for me and helps me become more myself every day.
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Letā€™s Talk Deity IDs
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Why do Deities reach out to people?
That varies. Deities may reach out because they want to work with you, or people they want you to worship them. Other times deities reach out because theyā€™re your guardian or guide. Some deities may reach out because theyā€™ve been in your family (this is more common with Saints), and on occasion they reach out just to watch.
I have seen a plethora of different deities- I seem to attract the less common deities such as Styx, Surtr, Asmodel, Blaphagor, The Horseman of War, etc And they all bring different things to the table and have different personalities.Ā 
However, it is important to note that deities donā€™t reach out to everyone, some people are not meant to work with deities, nor are ready to so. I have had many people come to me requesting a deity ID and were disappointed to discover that there were none reaching out.
ā€œWhy?ā€ They ask.Ā ā€œDoes nothing want to work with me?ā€
My biggest question is alwaysĀ ā€œHave you researched paganism, mythology, witchcraft, anything of that sort? Or did you have any intention of actively worshiping a god you may have never heard of? Have you seen unusual signs like there may be someone around?ā€
Most often the answer isĀ ā€œNo.ā€
It is rare for a deity to reach out if youā€™ve had no interest in paganism or the occult. Getting a deity ID reading as your first every tarot reading will likely not give very interesting results.Ā 
There are occasions where a deity has been with you in a past life or they created you and will come through very early but that is very rare and doesnā€™t happen often.Ā I did a reading once where Athena created someone and had been with them in past lives but had no intention of working with them yet because they were arrogant, and had no intention of listening to her. However I also had a customer who was created by Dionysus and he had been with them in all their past lives and was eager to work with them. However, more likely than not- if youā€™ve never had any call to paganism or the occult- a deity will not reach out to you right away.
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What kind of signs might a deity send me?
That depends entirely on you. Sometimes gods send very obvious signs such as herds of stray cats coming to sit on your porch every single day until you notice, or finding bones everywhere. Other times gods send less obvious signs such as a sudden desire to learn archery or an unsatiable craving for haggis. Other times they may just seem to show up out of the blue.
The first goddess I ever worked with was Hekate. She sent me less obvious signs like a really intense garlic craving and the sudden desire to change my entire wardrobe to black. I was mostly oblivious and didnā€™t realize it was her until she barged into my house and demanded I take care of myself which was terrifying to say the least.
Michael the Archangel is either a guide or a guardian of mine- Iā€™m not entirely sure. He actually didnā€™t send me any signs- I just suddenly felt like he had been there for awhile and I was right.
Itā€™s important to remember though that not everything is a sign. Itā€™s always important to look at the mundane over the magical first.Ā 
Craving red meat all of a sudden? It may be a good time to make sure your iron isnā€™t low.
Seeing lotā€™s of spiders in your house? Make sure you donā€™t have a window open or an infestation problem.
Itā€™s also important to note that a sign is usually something very sudden and unusual. If youā€™ve always wanted to learn the Violin and suddenly decide to try it- thatā€™s probably not a sign. However if one day you wake up with the sudden desire to spend your entire savings on violin lessons- that could be a sign (Or you may just be having a manic episode/j).
The biggest thing to remember though is that a god is most likely not going to send you a sign that you wonā€™t notice. While it does happen on occasion is youā€™re freaking out wonderingĀ ā€œWhat if theyā€™ve been sending me signs and Iā€™ve missed them?!ā€ you probably arenā€™t getting any signs. Deities will generally up their antics if you arenā€™t noticing rather quickly.
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Deity Work vs Deity Worship
Before delving into deity work or deity worship itā€™s important to note that there is a difference. You can worship and work with deities without being a witch.
Christians in a sense do deity work when they do bible studies. Many times when I see people talk about deity work they make it seem like they sit down with a deity and have 1 on 1 conversations with them like theyā€™re a therapist. And some people might if they have the gift of people being able to see or hear them- but normally that is not the case.
Deity work- when doing shadow work usually involves a deity putting you in a situation so that you can deal with some sort of issue that you arenā€™t facing. However some deities come to help you with your craft and have no intention of helping you get past your daddy issues. Other times deities show up because theyā€™re likeĀ ā€œIs no one going to prevent this child from fucking up their entire life?ā€ It really just depends. Either way- deity work implies a giving and recieving of energy and is usually a relationship that is started by the deity themselves. I have heard of people reaching out to deities and have done it myself but Iā€™ve never had very good results. In my opinion itā€™s better just to let a deity reach out to you. This can help lower the likelihood of tricksters because if you yell into the void- something will usually answer and itā€™s not always what you want.Ā Ā 
This is why many witches tell newer witches to use caution when starting deity work. Making sure you know how to properly vet your deities is an important tool in avoiding tricksters- however not every witch believes in tricksters and thatā€™s okay too. I personally believe in them because Iā€™ve encountered them but it depends on what you believe.
Deity worship on the other hand does not imply a relationship at all- it is a one sided giving of energy and is usually started by the practitioner. While you may petition a deity you worship for help- it is not a working relationship. The practitioner gives energy via worship and offerings and the god or goddess does not necessarily have to give anything back. Though it is usually started by the practitioner occasionally gods or goddesses do reach out for the sole purpose of asking for your worship and just like with deity work- you can politely decline.
If you think a deity may e reaching out the best thing to do is to get an identification/confirmation from a trusted reader (I offer them on my shop), maybe even more than one and then vet them using a pendulum. Iā€™ll be uploading a bunch of deity vetting questions for my Minor and Major arcana patreon members to use!
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Alder-BOS Masterlist of Spells
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Pop Culture Spells
Revali's Gale Confidence Spell (Legend of Zelda)
Mipha's Grace Healing Spell (Legend of Zelda)
Boromir's Shield Protection Spell (Lord of the Rings)
Kirby's Copy Ability (Nintendo)
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Pop Culture Deities
Faramir (Lord of the Rings)
Boromir (Lord of the Rings)
Eomer (Lord of the Rings)
Aragorn (Lord of the Rings)
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Other Spells
Simple Protection Ward Spell
Fashionably Disheveled Glamour Spell
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Correspondence Posts
Stitch Witch Deities
Stitch Witch Correspondences
Deities for different types of Arts and Crafts
Strength Correspondences
Lesbian and WLW Correspondences
Favorite Things
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UPG & Deity Work
Frau Holle / Holda
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Witchy Guide for @cryptichobbit
In Defense of Pop Culture Witchcraft
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Living with Intention - Hermes Edition
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Welcome to a new series I'm starting: "Living with Intention" where I compile lists of mundane tasks that you can infuse with intention for different deities or divine purposes. As a follower of Hermes, I'm going to start with him!
Are you about to order a drink from a cafe or Starbucks?
Let's order something with strawberries. How about that strawberry and cream frappe? A wonderful spiritual offering for the fleet-footed deity and a sweet treat for you.
Choosing accessories to wear for the day or maybe an outfit?
How about we choose something with the colours that you associate with Hermes. For me it's orange and red.
Need to remind yourself or someone else about something?
Make sure that message gets delivered! You wouldn't want to let that message go undelivered right? Be on your feet and do what you can to get this reminder across clearly and appropriately.
Along the same line, feeling a bit down?
Write a letter to yourself about what you enjoy everyday and about yourself. Letters are a great way to let our your feelings and Hermes can guide your writing.
Having a day out?
Embrace the wind and FLY. Fast, trickster Hermes is racing you, you better put up competition! Feel the wind against your face and smile. If moving isn't something you can do, feel the wind from a window. Hermes is laughing in the wind and racing it.
See a phase in another language in a piece of media you're watching or reading?
Do some research behind the phase. What language does it come from? What does it mean? Why do people say this?
Need to make a decision?
Roll some dice or flip a coin. Life's a gamble.
Wanna have some fun with dice and a coin anyway?
Make some bets with Hermes and see who wins.
Nice day out? Friends free? Let's go on an adventure.
Even if it's just in your backyard or at the park, make fun out of it in the name of Lord Hermes!
Have a bit of spare change you don't really need?
Leave it somewhere random for another person to find and feel lucky.
Playing games?
Remember to have fun and make the most out of your time. It's just a game but doesn't mean you can't have a hell of a time playing.
Found a patch of clovers?
Pick some (and thank them!) and blow them from your hand like a dandelion while making a wish.
Some bopping music playing?
Dance and vibe like NO ONE IS LOOKING. Well, Hermes might be, but he's also vibing. Join in!
Have a speech to present?
Imagine Hermes is in the crowd cheering you on. He's proud of you.
Feeling lucky?
Celebrate it with laughs and cheer.
Wanna do some writing?
Hermes is right by your side. Let's do it!
A loved one going for a drive?
Wish them a safe drive. Hermes will help them along the road.
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T O N I G H T!!!
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šŸ’ Cherries In Witchcraft šŸ’
Gender: Feminine (traditional western European magickal gender)
Elements: Water, Fire, Air
Planets: Venus
Zodiac: Aquarius, Aries
Deities: Morrigan, Artemis, Persephone, Ares, Herne, Aphrodite, Mars, Pan, Thor, Vertumnus, Yaya Zurkurai
Magickal Uses: Love, sex, playfulness, psychic energy and abilities, divination, creativity, sensitivity, money, luck, inner peace, healing, youthfulness, innocence, fertility, sweetness, femininity, emotions, spirituality, friendship, dreams, beauty, relationships, glamours
Magickal Info
It is believed that the best time to use cherry wood or any part of the cherry tree for spells is on the day of Venus (Friday) during the hour of Venus for the best results.
Cherry stones (the pits/seeds) have been used as talismans to attract love. According to Tess Whitehurst, author of You Are Magical and The Magic of Trees, cherry blossoms are for divine love, forgiveness, gentleness, remembering one's primal innocence, romance, and weight loss.
Any part of the cherry tree can be used for spell work and for incense making (bark), oils, sachets, witch bottles, poppets, and the branches are well-suited to becoming magic wands. Cherry wands are best for healing and love spells/rituals.
There is a simple Japanese love spell- the practice of tying a single strand of hair to a blossoming cherry tree to attract love.
Cherry pits have been used in the practice of discernment and foretelling, and its energy can be tapped into for psychic pursuits.
Cherry juice can sometimes be used as a substitute for blood in rituals and magickal workings, and the fruit can be used in place of meat.
The pits can be used in spells for repelling unwanted attention and cause the target to suffer from sickness like nausea and headaches, or something worse if they refuse to go away.
To find out how many years you will live, run around a tree full of ripe cherries, then shake it. The number of cherries that fall represents the number of years left.
Other Info
The cherry blossom was considered sacred to the Japanese emperor.
In 1885 Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore of the U.S., a travel writer and photographer, began working with the Japanese government to arrange for cherry trees to be planted along the Potomac River in Washington D.C. After years of negotiations the people of Tokyo donated 3,000 cherry trees to the people of Washington. On March 27, 1912, Helen Taft (wife of the U.S. president) and Viscountess Chinda (wife of the Japanese Ambassador) planted the first two cherry trees. Approximately 150 of the original 1912 trees, including the first two planted, are still alive.
Eating cherries can increase sexual energy and enhance fertility.
American colonists mixed cherry juice with rum to make a bitter cordial called Cherry Bounce.
In Highland folklore, wild cherry trees had mysterious qualities, and to encounter one was considered auspicious and fateful. In fact, in the Highlands it was once taboo to use cherry wood, as cherry trees were regarded as being so magickal in the culture. They were also a bit rarer in the Scottish Highlands as the cherry tree grows best in the more southerly regions of the UK.
Even to this day many cold and cough remedies use cherry bark to silence coughs due to colds and to help expel phlegm.
Traditional Chinese herbalists viewed cherry's energy and characteristics as being warm and sweet, and as a fruit it is the emblem of femininity and kindness.
Medicinal properties of cherries: promote healthy eyesight, diuretic, increase appetite, anti-inflammatory, cough and cold relief
Been a while since I shared anything on here, so here's some info I gathered and put together a little while ago on using cherries in witchcraft!
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Learned how to make kumihimo bracelets today- made the first one black, grey, and two different light shades of blue, then put a cute litter feather charm on it for Hermes!! It took me a while with how my hands kept getting fatigued (gotta love disabilities -3-), but it turned out super well and I'm so proud of it and so is Hermes!! Makes it very worth the bit of struggling and the time put into it!! I really did miss making jewelry.
(please excuse the poor photo quality, I had to use my webcam TT^TT)
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āœØ Hello lovely witches! āœØ
Iā€™ve technically been a part of witchblr for...waaay too long lol. I havenā€™t been on in like a year but my original witchcraft blog is @chaosundone . Unfortunately Iā€™m locked out of the account and outlook claims the email doesnā€™t even exist anymore, so with both sadness and delight I get to start over! Iā€™ve transferred some of my original posts over to this blog but I havenā€™t done my spells or anything like that yet. Itā€™s...a huge fucking task and Iā€™m tired šŸ˜‚
Anyway, I need people to follow! So please REBLOG this post if you fit any of the following (18+ ONLY):
Witchcraft/magic blog that posts relevant material (aka not just pictures of nature)
Pop culture magic/chaos magic, elemental magic, kitchen witchery, divination, anything like that.
Pop culture pagans, sound off!!!!
You donā€™t post any holier than thou ā€œthereā€™s only One True Way to do this thingā€ bullshit
Blease...I am very queer. Please no heteronormative shit. I beg of thee.
On that note, queer witches/pagans sound off!
Curse-friendly, generally accepting or even participating in ā€œdarkerā€ aspects of witchcraft and paganism (blood magic, death work, shadow work, etc)
Work with/post about Persephone :D
This is a sideblog so Iā€™ll be following from @queerbookdragon . I canā€™t guarantee a follow cuz sometimes people tell me they post informational material and I look at their blog and itā€™s all tree pictures, but I look forward to checking yā€™all out! Please remember to REBLOG, not like. I probably wonā€™t be checking likes.
šŸ’• Hereā€™s to new beginnings! šŸ·
(Iā€™ll pin an intro post to my blog)
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