colossalcasualty · 2 years
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snow day! 
big ol’ redraw of a something i did a couple years ago that i hate now lol
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colossalcasualty · 3 years
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jnpr chibis
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colossalcasualty · 3 years
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more monster au this is what happens when ren gets flustered lmao what a baby man
this au belongs to @i-like-the-stars
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colossalcasualty · 3 years
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monster au
this au belongs to @i-like-the-stars
i’m not gonna go into deets, if you have questions about this au you can drop em in mine or i-like-the-stars’ ask box. basically ren is a vampire, nora is a werewolf, and jaune is a human (he’s not in any of these drawings tho lol)
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colossalcasualty · 3 years
Woah! Thank you so much for writing this, it’s amazing!
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uh oh it’s angst redraw time
also i have no idea of what the events leading up to these images were so dont ask lol
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colossalcasualty · 3 years
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uh oh it’s angst redraw time
also i have no idea of what the events leading up to these images were so dont ask lol
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colossalcasualty · 3 years
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Faunus JNPR AU by @harmonylight
i love this au so much you have no idea
nora: reindeer ren: green tree python jaune: golden retriever pyrrha: barn owl
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colossalcasualty · 3 years
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uwu it’s baby ren time 
basically this is an AU type of thing i’m messing around with, in which at some point (probably due to a child losing control of their semblance or something like that), ren’s age is regressed to be about 2 or 3 years old. 
A few bits about this AU:
As an infant (with no memories of anything past that age) he’d likely be most comfortable with Jaune, because he probably has experience with young children (i imagine he has quite a few cousins). Nora might actually be a little scary for him tbh, cause she’s pretty loud and excitable, and even at that age i don’t think Ren would particularly be all about that. Pyrrha has experience with young fans, but not children on a personal level, so she wouldn’t really know how to interact with Ren. So until the two of them work out how the hell to act, Ren would cling to Jaune a little bit (he’s pretty stoked that he’s finally the best at something).
I’m willing to bet Ren was pretty quiet as a kid, and he’s not old enough to be talking that much anyway, so he’s mostly silent. 
He’s a little smaller than the average 2-3 year old. 
Ren. loves. cuddles. Baby mans is literally always clinging to someone. He has fallen asleep on Jaune’s chest so many times. He slots himself against the team’s sides while they’re sitting, and they don’t even notice he’s there until they try to get up and he starts whining. 
Pyrrha’s really good at telling stories. Like fantastical stories about magic and all that jazz, all off the top of her head. She’ll tell Ren a story before he goes to sleep, and he listens to every word and gets invested in it every time. He’ll be out like a light straight after.
Nora’s got play time handled. Like Pyrrha, she’s good at coming up with an interesting narrative that’s easy for a 3 year old to follow. She’s learned to tone down her exciteability at this point, so their playtime adventures are pretty chill.
Sometimes when Ren’s asleep or in her lap, Nora just watches him, and imagines him with his family at this age. Some days, being with Ren in his current condition just reminds her of all they went through when they were young. And what could’ve been if the bad things never happened. But then Ren will snap her out of it by putting his hands to her cheeks and giving her a concerned look, and it’ll be like nothing ever happened.
Pyrrha is obsessed with his tiny little baby hands,,,, they small
Jaune is perfect for cuddles. If he lies on his side, Ren can literally just curl up against his stomach, and Jaune will wrap is arms around him and it’s like a really big heated blanket. Ren is literally miniscule in comparison to Jaune’s height so i will reiterate,,,,, ren tiny
Ren can fall asleep anywhere. Legit anywhere. Jaune once found him squished between the wall and a bed before, and he was dead to the world.
Okay that’s all I’ve got for now, but I may come back with more at some point.
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colossalcasualty · 3 years
How would Ren look wearing a frog hat
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colossalcasualty · 3 years
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ren and indigo. 
(indigo is my martial arcs fan kid)
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colossalcasualty · 4 years
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colossalcasualty · 4 years
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,,,,,,,they gaze,,,
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colossalcasualty · 4 years
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he face go squish
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colossalcasualty · 4 years
Can we get a drawing of Ren and Jaune sitting back to back, obviously mad at each other, but still holding hand?
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they angy but get lonely
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colossalcasualty · 4 years
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in light of recent chapters.
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colossalcasualty · 4 years
Since we’re all in agreement that Ren is about to go off in the next chapter, let’s all also agree to not demonize him for not spontaneously growing healthy coping mechanisms for his anger and frustration considering what he has gone through over the past…well, his entire life. He was never going to continue to be the calm, stoic lad considering it all, and even if he says something that he will really, really regret later, he’s still a good person, he still loves his friends. He just needs an outlet, but hasn’t gotten it because shit is moving a million miles a minute, so don’t blame him for finally blowing up after he watched someone he cared about get hauled away by a monster.
Ren is probably going to really seem like an asshole in the next ep, but please understand that, from a character standpoint, him getting pissed and taking his anger out in whatever way he does is a good thing. For this mental wound of his to properly heal, he needs to open it up. And it’s going to be really really ugly, but give him time. He will grow.
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colossalcasualty · 4 years
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i made jnpr berries kids and i would literally die for them i love them so much
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