corrines-bells ¡ 8 years
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corrines-bells ¡ 8 years
@elysalark liked for a starter
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“So what, you think you’re the Chosen now? As much as I hate to admit it, we’ve already got one.” Nope, this couldn’t be the guy she was looking for. Much too young to be anyone of prestige, surely. He couldn’t actually be a Shepherd (whatever that was --apparently something important enough to send her out for).
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corrines-bells ¡ 8 years
@isaaccecilbryant liked for a starter.
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“Hey kid, catch!” And with no other warning, the shinobi swiftly hurls a peach gel towards the Lezareno heir. Think fast Isaac.
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corrines-bells ¡ 8 years
@void-earth liked for a starter
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“Hey, pineapple.” It’s an affectionate term, Terra, don’t worry. “You ever thought of using a real weapon instead of a key? I mean, I don’t know the logistics of your bladekey or whatever it’s called, but it’s a little... inefficient, right?”
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corrines-bells ¡ 8 years
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outofhiding. I’m going to start writing those starters now! I’ll queue them up so I don’t spam dashes as there were far more many of you than I anticipated! I’m excited to interact with you all!
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corrines-bells ¡ 8 years
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i will be here soon...
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corrines-bells ¡ 8 years
Ah, the kunoichi hadn’t intended to receive that expression from Lloyd from her advice --such a determined and passionate individual about his beliefs, or right and wrong, good and bad. To see him wearing anything other than the visualization of such attributes was... well, discomforting.
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A hand reached out ever-so-slightly, the other raised to her lips. Fingers extended a little before rescinding.
“H-Hey, don’t get all like that on me..! I was just.. I was just sayin’! Y’know, for your own good..! How’re you gonna protect anyone else if you can’t protect yourself?”
Maybe she was digging a deeper hole --and her luck with those wasn’t exactly plentiful.
He got reprimanded in some way by Sheena quite often, so Lloyd could easily say that he was used to it; but, at the same time, it was like being given out to by an older sibling, or a mother – it wasn’t a nice feeling.
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He knew that, and knew it well – but he also had the strong belief that he had to protect everyone he could; There was no point in World Regeneration, or any other mission of theirs, without being able to help those around them, either.
“Sorry, Sheena….”
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corrines-bells ¡ 8 years
“What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate.” (fruitymerchant)
movie quote meme || accepting || @fruitymerchant
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“And who’s fault is that?!”
Sheena knew full-well that the answer was most likely her --she wasn’t very good at communications unless it was in her job description. In life, however, in things that were --or could be-- important, she failed. Pretty hard. Not that she would ever address or accept that. 
The shinobi had hands on her hips and a pout stubbornly pulling her lips together. Her body had lurched forwards a little, addressing Alvin with a dominance that she constantly aspired to prove.
“If you wanna communicate, quit tellin’ me how bad we are at it and say somethin’!”
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corrines-bells ¡ 8 years
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outofmizuho. I apologize for the inactivity as soon as I got here! Lots of things happened but hopefully things will have calmed down a little now! I’m going to get to my replies asap --thank you for being so patient with me!
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corrines-bells ¡ 8 years
“There’s a million things I haven’t done, but just you wait.”
hamilton meme || accepting || @ofelysia
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“I hate to burst your bubble kid, but a fancy cape ain’t what marks history.”
He looked so young (and thinking that made Sheena feel way more older than she was), like a child playing dress up --it was strange to be greeted with such an image when the voice spoke with such conviction. Still, despite the disbelieving expression that the shinobi wore, there was still one of those smiles on her soft lips. 
Sheena stood back a little, arms folding as her head canted to one side, displaying a little intrigue. “So what’re these million things’ you’re gonna do, kiddo?”
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corrines-bells ¡ 8 years
“I am the one thing in life I can control.”
hamilton meme || accepting || @burnbabyeruption
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“Stop sayin’ weird stuff..”
As irritating as he could be, Zelos wasn’t Zelos without his usual command and confidence. Why did he have to go and say something like that? It made the kunoichi think perhaps a little too hard about it. How they, in the end, were just people. I mean, taking on the Journey of Regeneration was a tall and demanding task. They were in the company of angels. Who were they to compete with divine power?
Nope. No she’s not going to think any more on that. Stupid Chosen with his stupid sudden pessimistic statement.
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“It doesn’t matter. If you’ve got a job to do, you do it --that’s just how it is.” Hands sat naturally on her hips--Sheena had adopted her scolding stance. “If you can control yourself, control it to do the right thing an’ then from that you can do more.” That sounded right... right? 
“...Or somethin’...”
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corrines-bells ¡ 8 years
“The world turned upside down.”
hamilton meme || accepting || @ofstarsandskies
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“Yeah, tell me about it..!”
Really, she would have liked to have been able to freak out a little more. Perhaps if she was with her friends, she might have been able to rely on them to keep cool heads so she didn’t have to --yet she was in the company of this guy with the strange choices in hair fashion. 
Things were almost the same, but different, and yet it was like no-one seemed to notice! The shinobi had so many questions --primarily if Lloyd and the others were okay. However, a piercing amber gaze came down on Mr. Two-tone, both a sincerity and a command about her presence.
“Hey, you know what’s goin’ on here? What’s up with everything, why is it like this?!”
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corrines-bells ¡ 8 years
101 Random Movie Quote Starters;
“Oh my dear God - are you one of those single tear people?”
“I mean, funny like I’m a clown? I amuse you?”
“All those moments will be lost in time… like tears in rain.“ 
"A boy’s best friend is his mother.”
“Excuse me while I whip this out.”
“I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.”
“Well, bring the dog, I love animals. I’m a great cook. Come on.”
“You’re my only hope.“
"Who’s on first?”
“Snap out of it!”
“Well, nobody’s perfect.”
“I feel the need—the need for speed!”
“Hello, gorgeous.”
“After all, tomorrow is another day!”
“I’m not bad. I’m just drawn that way.”
“What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate.”
“Go ahead, make my day.”
“They’re here!”
“Round up the usual suspects.”
“Love means never having to say you’re sorry.”
“Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.”
“Do I look like I give a damn?”
“Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!”
“After all, tomorrow is another day!”
“May the Force be with you.”
“Mama says, ‘Stupid is as stupid does.’”
“Fasten your seat belts, it’s going to be a bumpy night!”
“Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn!”
“The cold never bothered me anyway.”
“He’s so fluffy, I’m gonna die!“
"If you build it, he will come.”
“Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings.”
“I’m the king of the world!”
“Get busy living, or get busy dying.”
“I’m having an old friend for dinner.”
“Say hello to my little friend.”
“Hasta la vista, baby.”
“Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.”
“You make me want to be a better man.”
“Here’s looking at you, kid." 
"You complete me.”
“To call you stupid would be an insult to stupid people!”
“Nobody’s perfect.”
“I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.“
"How do you like them apples?”
“Well, what if there is no tomorrow? There wasn’t one today.”
“You’re gonna need a bigger boat.”
“I am big. It’s the pictures that got small.”
“A spark is fine, as long as it’s contained.”
“That’s what makes me sad: Life is so different from books”
“I’m ready for my close-up.”
“You talkin’ to me?”
“Life is only on earth, and not for long.”
“It’s not murder, it’s ketchup."  
"I want to be alone.”
“It was beauty killed the beast.”
“I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not gonna to take this anymore!”
“I want to play a game…”
“You had me at hello.”
“I wish I knew how to quit you.”
“I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse.”
“If you build it, he will come.”
“I’ll be back.”
“Why so serious?”
“I’m also just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love her.”
“I’ll have what she’s having.”
“I was cured, all right!”
“I don’t want to survive. I want to live.”
“You ain’t heard nothin’ yet!”
“My precious.”
“It’s alive! It’s alive!”
“Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.”
“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”
“I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!”
“Fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy night.”
“I love the smell of napalm in the morning.”
“You’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do ya punk?”
“Show me the money!”
“This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”
“I am serious. And don’t call me Shirley.”
“There’s no place like home.”
“Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.”
“Love means never having to say you’re sorry.”
“Well, it’s not the men in your life that counts, it’s the life in your men.”
“I could dance with you till the cows come home…On second thought, I’d rather dance with the cows when you came home.”
“Gimme a whiskey, ginger ale on the side. And don’t be stingy, baby.”
“Won’t you excuse me for a moment while I … slip into something a little bit more … comfortable?”
“You can be my wingman any time.”
“You’re hit. You’re bleedin’, man.”
“I ain’t got time to bleed.”
“I have come here to chew bubble-gum and kick ass - and I’m all out of bubble-gum.”
“Shit just got real.”
“Well, you might be a cunning linguist, but I am a master debater.”
“OOOWWEEEE, you’re good lookin’! You’re hot! It’s like looking in a mirror. Only not.”
“Yes, I can see now.”
“Would you be shocked if I put on something more comfortable?”
“I’m looking for a needle in a haystack.”
“Don’t be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.”
“Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.”
“Fuh-get about it!”
“What do they think I am? Dumb or somethin’?”
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corrines-bells ¡ 8 years
@exsphcre​ cont. from [ x ]:
“Don’t worry, there’s still time for him yet..”
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Her tone was as irritated as usual when talking about that particular red-headed ally, expression pulled into a scowl at the thought of him, displacing the slight concern she wore not a moment ago. Perhaps she had been far too brash with her words, spoken without thinking as was the norm. Anyone else and it wouldn’t have been a problem, but Lloyd... He was... He didn’t think like that.
The shinobi’s eyes closed momentarily, a pronounced huff pushing past her thinned lips as arms came to fold affront her form so naturally. “Anyway, all I’m sayin’ is that sometimes it’s better to wait it out, you get me?” After a while, amber eyes reopened and focused on the swordsman. “I know you get excited sometimes but you really need to learn to put yourself first, Lloyd.”
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corrines-bells ¡ 8 years
outofmizuho. Forgive me friends! As soon as I start to get active again, life gets busy as heckies! I’ll try and do some writing here over the day!
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corrines-bells ¡ 8 years
Hamilton (musical) starters:
“There’s a million things I haven’t done, but just you wait.”
“Talk less, smile more.”
“Look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now.”
“And so, the balance shifts.”
“Oh my god, tear this dude apart!”
“If you stand for nothing, ___, what will you fall for?”
“I am the one thing in life I can control.”
“I hope that you burn.”
“Close the door on your way out."
“You have no control who lives, who dies, who tells your story.”
“The world turned upside down.”
“When you’re gone, I’ll go mad."
“Fools who run their mouths off wind up dead.”
“Death doesn’t discriminate between the sinners and the saints.”
“I’m never satisfied.”
“If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, it will all have been worth it."
“Someday, you’ll blow us all away.”
“I may not live to see our glory, but I will gladly join the fight.”
“Teach me how to say goodbye.”
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corrines-bells ¡ 8 years
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It was hard to believe that Sylverant’s Chosen was only three years younger than the shinobi --Sheena had so much seen her as a little sister since their journey together (aside from the attempts of murdering her debacle). At the inquizition, Sheena turned attentively to listen, her stand sidecast canting her weight to one leg to stick her hip out a little, a perfect amount for a slender hand to rest upon it. Her head too tilted a little, curiosity mixed with a friendliness that only the Sylveranti people had managed to bring out of her.
However, that rather poor attempt at a scowl was somewhat confusing. Not that she minded being offered the treat (it really did look delicious --goodbye diet), but it had been hard to fully appreciate the sentiment with such an abstract display. Who was this girl, and what had she done with Colette?
A sharp laugh forced itself forwards from the Chief’s lips, a hand raising to cover her mouth in an attempt to soften the blow. Sheena came and stood around so that she was once again facing the fallen Chosen, amusement colliding with concern on her features. Her form crouched so she was a little more on eye-level.
“A mistake? What, is this a play or somethin’? The falling over was the only thing here that made you like you!”
◖i wanna be more like you◗|| @corrines-bells
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“Hey Sheena… uhm…uhm…” The Sylvaranti’s Chosen immediately inquired, her peculiar gaze vigilantly observing the other’s flawless complexion ( no doubt taking notice of any subtle movements ). Casting aside her curious notion, Colette maintained such strict posturing— her back straight, her docile body attempting to remain as tall as the obsidian haired ninja. Swinging her arms to do the side, a huff soon escaped Colette’s light colored lips before a noticeably ( weak ) distinctive claim followed forth. If she was to be like Sheena, she had to do everything that Sheena does—including:
“I’m sorry but— ‘I made extras, so it’s not like I made this for you or anything like that!’ So, please accept it!”
….Uhm, this is the part where she was suppose to give something and run away, right? 
Forming a gentle smile on her lips, she would hand over the fruit parfait onto Sheena’s hand before turning away. Her foot taking one step forward before ultimately falling into her own doom. Clumsy as ever, an amuse sound of laughter was soon heard followed by: “Oops, I made a mistake.”
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