cosmossystem · 16 hours
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obsessed with harvey at the y2 luau. absolutely busting ass with this quirked up jpeg shuffle. hes such a shut-in i bet this was like a magical girl transformation for him. the townsfolk see him walk onto the dance floor and are like ohhhh shit peepaws about to bust it down narsty style. fuck it UP white boy. the last ditch effort of a swagless migratory bird throwing back his ENTIRE pussy to attract a mate. im so obsessed with him you dont understa
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cosmossystem · 16 hours
Hello we seem to have a few things in common would you like to be friends. -Rowan
yeah sure. im down
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cosmossystem · 17 hours
the interesting thing about avpd is you look mostly normal to others because youre desperately avoiding any triggers so you dont usually have freak outs
instead you look aloof and rude and not worth peoples time because you dont give back. like idk, i talk to people and listen because i care about friends. but so much of what i say is filtered through fear and lost. and im dissasociative and autistic so how im percieved and why people leave or give up on us is completely unknown to me.
like im constantly grasping at connections and reality but they slip away and im left wondering why i cant be loved or kept around
idk, im sorry i miss birthdays and never show affection its not because i dont care its because im extremely mentally ill. i liked being friends with you
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cosmossystem · 17 hours
preemptively muting this post btw. so have fun in the notes
neurodivergence IS a disability and not acknowledging that is ableist
some autistic people need caretakers, are they not disabled? some people with panic disorders or agoraphobia physically cannot go outside, are they not disabled? people with severe social phobias cannot hold a job or support themselves, are they not disabled? people with addictions physically cannot go without their substance and are often discriminated against because of it, are they not disabled? plenty of people with mental illness have physical pain and symptoms to the point where it is indistinguishable from a chronic illness, are they not disabled? what about people with amnesia?
do you think being neurodivergent means theyre "just sad" and not actually sick in the literal brain? do you think theyre "pretending to be disabled"? is that not what abled people say to you all the time? do you enjoy turning that on your own community? are you proud of that?
on the flip side, plenty of people with chronic illness arent disabled. plenty of them go their entire lives without even noticing or knowing or even think its normal. many even recover. if you try to lump everyone into the neat box of "physically ill and disabled" and "mentally ill and able-bodied" you are going to get nowhere real quick.
because dis/abled are medical terms used by the government to describe how you (dont) function in a capitalist society, and not an indicator of the pain you go through. you arent disabled because you have an illness: youre disabled because you cant support yourself. thats it.
invisible and neurological disabilities belong in your disability rights movement, always
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cosmossystem · 17 hours
neurodivergence IS a disability and not acknowledging that is ableist
some autistic people need caretakers, are they not disabled? some people with panic disorders or agoraphobia physically cannot go outside, are they not disabled? people with severe social phobias cannot hold a job or support themselves, are they not disabled? people with addictions physically cannot go without their substance and are often discriminated against because of it, are they not disabled? plenty of people with mental illness have physical pain and symptoms to the point where it is indistinguishable from a chronic illness, are they not disabled? what about people with amnesia?
do you think being neurodivergent means theyre "just sad" and not actually sick in the literal brain? do you think theyre "pretending to be disabled"? is that not what abled people say to you all the time? do you enjoy turning that on your own community? are you proud of that?
on the flip side, plenty of people with chronic illness arent disabled. plenty of them go their entire lives without even noticing or knowing or even think its normal. many even recover. if you try to lump everyone into the neat box of "physically ill and disabled" and "mentally ill and able-bodied" you are going to get nowhere real quick.
because dis/abled are medical terms used by the government to describe how you (dont) function in a capitalist society, and not an indicator of the pain you go through. you arent disabled because you have an illness: youre disabled because you cant support yourself. thats it.
invisible and neurological disabilities belong in your disability rights movement, always
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cosmossystem · 20 hours
Heartbreaking: This person is making great points but they're being a huge fucking asshole about it so you can't reblog any of it
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cosmossystem · 21 hours
being a fictive is so stupid like i should be at home. so why am i in fucking idaho
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cosmossystem · 21 hours
i am stealing this post from someone who apparently doesnt think neurodivergence can be just as disabling as physical disability. look, you can't be an ally to disabled people if you get upset at their disability. god forbid they cant respond immediately to a text/email, or sleep a lot due to exhaustion, or if they cant go outside much (or at all), or if they're unemployed and can't contribute to a capitalistic hellscape society, or if they can't perform to the level you expected of them because of disability. because 'how dare you be disabled by your disability when it's personally inconvenient to me??'
and fuck you too if you think that a disability can be just "gotten over". the entire point of being disabled… is that you are disabled. you are significantly impaired. that is the definition of the word. it isn't something that can be "gotten over" or will go away if you "just try harder".
supporting disabled people means supporting all of us, regardless of level of ability or impairment (including and especially the ones that don't live up to your standards or don't "look" disabled to you. they are still disabled. you are a jackass.)
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cosmossystem · 23 hours
it is incredible how the slightest thing can just. ruin all your progress. ruin the image you had been building up, ruin all confidence, ruin your week, your month, your year. everything. i dont even know how to begin building it back up again. i just have to trudge forward. but im tired.
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cosmossystem · 4 days
i wish disabilities were taken seriously. i wish our society focused on meeting disabled people's needs, instead of forcing us to get used to the way things are or find work-arounds for things everyone else can do without help. i wish we emphasized disabled quality of life instead of eugenics and cures. i wish invisible & mental disabilities were taken seriously. i wish accessibility aids were available to everyone. i wish medication and drugs were accessible to those who need them. i wish neurodivergencies weren't seen as abnormal or as needing to be "fixed." i wish ableist barriers weren't seen as the norm, and that alternatives were always available and properly functioning. i wish disabled people were understood and valued and believed. i wish nondisabled people cared enough to include us in their spaces and their activism.
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cosmossystem · 6 days
This Pride Month we are empathizing especially with the system members who don't know their identity, who don't label their identity, or who don't have identities separate from their system members/the collective. With the system members whose identity conflicts with the body in some way. With the systems and members who can't tell what their identity is due to their plurality. With every system who is questioning or confused about their queer identity, or experiences it uniquely. Wishing you all (and every queer system) a very happy Pride. You are seen and believed.
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cosmossystem · 10 days
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Bioluminescence in Maldives 💙 K.Huraa, Maldives 🇲🇻 By @nihthu
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cosmossystem · 10 days
so. it seems like i'm going to have to look into a social anxiety/avpd/autism diagnosis if i want any accommodations at college (bullshit btw but whatever.) considering i literally cannot speak in front of large groups of people/defend myself at all/talk to anyone consistently/have periods of speech loss, i don't have any other choice. now i get to worry for the rest of my life that i'll be denied hrt because of mental illness hoorayyyyyy!!!!!!! also i don't know what i'm doing or how to get a diagnosis of anything so if anyone has advice on where exactly i'm supposed to get started lmk
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cosmossystem · 10 days
Honestly? Shoutout to those of you who are completely fucking lost in life. Those who don’t know what they want to do with life. Those who are stuck in a certain part of life and can’t get out. Those who are reaching for dreams they feel are impossible to reach. Those who feel like they’re accomplishments are being overlooked. Those who feel like their enough just isn’t enough. It is. You can make it. You will make it. There is an opening at the end of the tunnel.
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cosmossystem · 10 days
Honestly? Shoutout to those of you who are completely fucking lost in life. Those who don’t know what they want to do with life. Those who are stuck in a certain part of life and can’t get out. Those who are reaching for dreams they feel are impossible to reach. Those who feel like they’re accomplishments are being overlooked. Those who feel like their enough just isn’t enough. It is. You can make it. You will make it. There is an opening at the end of the tunnel.
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cosmossystem · 10 days
Honestly? Shoutout to those of you who are completely fucking lost in life. Those who don’t know what they want to do with life. Those who are stuck in a certain part of life and can’t get out. Those who are reaching for dreams they feel are impossible to reach. Those who feel like they’re accomplishments are being overlooked. Those who feel like their enough just isn’t enough. It is. You can make it. You will make it. There is an opening at the end of the tunnel.
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cosmossystem · 10 days
Honestly? Shoutout to those of you who are completely fucking lost in life. Those who don’t know what they want to do with life. Those who are stuck in a certain part of life and can’t get out. Those who are reaching for dreams they feel are impossible to reach. Those who feel like they’re accomplishments are being overlooked. Those who feel like their enough just isn’t enough. It is. You can make it. You will make it. There is an opening at the end of the tunnel.
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