creideamhgradochas · 4 years
“Broken and carved out on edges of pain and remembered tragedy.” LOVED this line.
“Bucky had held her close; Gabe stepping to shield her from grabbing hands.” I’m glad she has the guys there to protect her.
“understanding that she represented something more these men than an unconventional soldier with a spotless uniform and a tidy braid of hair: a mother, a daughter, sister, lover – walking through the shattered, ghost-lit ruins of home.” Your explanation was heartbreakingly beautiful.
“ She loved a good dress, good accessories – glitz and glam and anything to catch a certain soldier’s eye.“ Who can blame her really.
I’m sure she’d look beautiful in that dress. But I’m going to have to agree with Hannah that she should have something new and fancy for her wedding.
“ She’d claim herself in a new, better world as James Barnes’ wife, and do it with love, and with pride.” Love this.
Thank goodness for Peggy. And for Phillips’ soft spot for her (no matter what he says).
“Hannah’s admitted main goal was simply to introduce Gabe Jones’ jaw to the floor of the village hall by the time the clock struck twelve on the new year.“ HA. I like that goal.
“It was humbling, she supposed, to learn how much she was loved. “ Aw, but she’s so so loved.
Interesting that Gabe is Bucky’s best man...
““I’m glad you two aren’t waiting,” he’d whispered. “I’m glad you’re doing this now.”“ And they have Gabe’s blessing, hooray!
Is she about to pass out in this shop?!
“she did require a few negligees, a new brassiere, and a gleaming set of garters“ I’m glad Hannah is there to help her with all this stuff.
“but three times Elle had managed to a spectacular impression of a flailing giraffe“ Hahaha. I don’t do well with ice either, Elle.
“ Knowing she and his best friend would come back husband and wife, and poor Steve would be none the wiser“ OH NO. I don’t like that one bit.
I totally get WHY they have to do it this way. But I’m already so heartbroken for Steve that he doesn’t get a chance to be there for the wedding.
“Privacy would surely be a delicious sort of wedding gift.” Ha, ain’t that the truth.
The way you wrote the uncertainty of this crash/accident is giving me major anxiety. Kudos to you.
““Oh, baby,” he murmured. “You’re fine, you’re so safe, baby. I’m here.”” MY HEART.
“The kids are alright, just a little shaken up. Hannah went to talk to them and she’s gonna help the mom get ‘em home.”” Thank goodness for that.
“Bucky’s curious gaze peered into the bag – and his head shot immediately back up, the flush spreading now down his neck, sputtering out an apology that finally, finally lightened Elle’s heart and bought a pretty, tinkling laugh. “Uh, that looks…uh, um, p-pretty,” he rasped. “I mean, I shouldn’t have…I didn’t mean to…God, I’m sorry, baby, I thought it would be a dress, honest…”” HAHAHA. This made me giggle so much.
““I love you,” she said, more air than words, but it was everything. Bucky’s face relaxed, softening in plain relief. He dipped his head, just slightly, to kiss her sweet and silent, breathing out a reply against her lips that had her melting, and burning, all at once.” I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
This room sounds gorgeous. I loved her description of everything.
This vicar is the real MVP.
“And then, to her red-cheeked self-consciousness, Lady Marleigh had requested Elle add her name, too.” YES. I LOVE THAT SHE WANTED HER AUTOGRAPH TOO. CAUSE SHE’S A HOWLIE.
“Parts of her life that the boy had never touched. As though she had become wholly her own person in the time apart.” GOOD. I HATE THAT BOY.
“It was a gilded thread between them, the way her shy smile bloomed into his“ These two are so in love and I AM HERE FOR IT.
I don’t know who is more ready for this night, these two or me.
“remembering the balm of her father’s, and wished, with a ripping kind of pain, that he and her mother could be here tonight.” Aw, I am sad they aren’t here to see how well Bucky loves her.
“Bucky with his smile in his dress greens, a drink in hand and a laugh on his lips.“ Damn, I bet he looks so good.
“blue was his, and so was she.” LOVED THIS.
“ Gabe had been quite looking forward to this performance“ I CANNOT tell you how much I love that Gabe is so into this and so supportive.
“on her sixth glass of cider, that she really ought to feel more drunk; but save for a tingling in her fingertips and a swooping in her belly, she felt nothing but bubbling joy, excitement.” Are you trying to tell me she got shot up with the serum? Or just her adrenaline isn’t allowing for her to get drunk right now?
I also love that Ines is so into it. I wouldn’t expect it from her, but I love it.
““I won’t. Nothing will go wrong now, I promise. Not tonight.”” Gosh, I hope she’s right.
““He will make it good for you,” Ines finished firmly, “because if he doesn’t, I will murder him. Tell him that, won’t you?”” BAHAHAHA. INES OUT HERE DOING GOD’S WORK. I LOVE IT.
“Elle kissed her husband at the first stroke of 1945; tears sliding between their lips and laughter in their eyes and memory shining bright and sweet between them.“ YAAAAAAAAS.
““No matter where we are, I want you to know, this is the happiest I have ever been.”Swallowing thickly, he dipped his forehead to touch hers. “This is everything,” he said softly, hoarsely. “You are everything.”” THANK YOU, BUCKY BARNES, FOR MAKING ME CRY.
“War watched them, as it always did. Keeping that dark vigil from the unseen corner of every room, licking its sharp teeth“ I both loved and hated this.
“not a man, not himself, and over and over again he tried, he tries, he wants to be himself, but he can’t, they won’t let him, he’s theirs – “ I don’t love this way of thinking.
MY HEART IS BREAKING FOR HIM. I hope that he’ll be able to talk to her about this one day and she’ll be able to reassure him that she doesn’t think of him like that at all.
But his cute little nervousness is the cutest.
“he wondered about the scar he’d expected to see, from where the bullet had grazed her in Romania, but there was nothing save soft skin, smooth and unblemished.” Another hint about serum?!
“no one had written this before, because it was wholly, unendingly, forever theirs.” LOVE THIS.
WOW. They are only kissing and I’m already hot and bothered.
““You look handsome in this, love, but –”” TAKE IT OFF.
“ just that such things spoke of home, of the future. Of building a past together. “ What a sap, I love it.
““You have a lovely bottom,” she said, lips curling into a bright smile, leaning back on her elbows.” I am just glad that every one is in agreement with this.
““We…we can’t exactly have a…a baby right now,” he panted“ Well at least he’s being responsible.
“Elle Barnes dozed in her husband’s arms, and dreamt again of a little girl, an Indiana farmhouse, summer sunshine and flowers growing bright.“
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Balm for the Broken, Ch. XXVII
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Summary: Cheery young aide Elle Andersen has a natural propensity for care and comfort, making her an ideal compatriot for Captain America, Sergeant James “Bucky” Barnes, and the rest of the ineffable Howling Commandos.
Warning(s): Smut
Word Count: Approx. 12k
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The cities were dead. Broken and carved out on edges of pain and remembered tragedy. Scarcely three decades had passed since the first wave of total war, since the enemies had come stomping through dirt and blood and the white earth to break their hearts. Their spirits. Deeper autumn had unwound so tightly, giving birth now to a frigid, frightened winter – in the Ardennes, the Allied troops stuck in against a furious, desperate effort by the Germans. Elle had seen it for herself: a forest pockmarked with foxholes, wherein sat men waiting for death or hope, it was hard to tell. The Howling Commandos had been sent in with a contingent of the 107th as support in a minor pushback – having access to encoded transmissions from HYDRA command meant that the SSR could now dispatch aid and information far more rapidly and clearly than before.
But Europe was broken. Dead. Cities cratered and splintered; eyes empty and wanting. Guilt had slid so thickly in her stomach, Elle could hardly sleep, hardly bear to look. What were they with their clean uniforms and the secret of a wedding buried so shallowly in heated gazes? She’d felt a fool, a rotten fool, walking through a graveyard of men yet to die, already shrouded and entombed, just waiting for a last glimpse of the sky. “A woman,” they’d hissed, leering at her, crying for her. Bucky had held her close; Gabe stepping to shield her from grabbing hands.
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creideamhgradochas · 4 years
“He would sit so still, so small, and you wondered if he did that because of something done to him – the way you did – or if he did that so he wouldn’t scare everyone else.“ Maybe a combination of both?
“You offered a fleeting smile, and he didn’t, but the hard lines around his eyes softened.“ Well, at least that’s something.
“ You wore scars, just as terrible as his. Even though he couldn’t see them, he could hear them in your voice, in the carful way you chose all your words.“ Oh no. Poor fictional me.
“ but he knew from the intelligence in your eyes and the clever tilt to your head that you could be big. You could be magnificent and cosmic and brilliant, he knew it. “ Why, thank you.
“You were exhausted, more than anything else.“ But I keep fighting and that’s what’s important.
“Magnificent and cosmic and brilliant, he could almost taste it when you would speak.“ Damn, he could be quite the hypeman.
“You swallow a little more bravery – not courage, because the only courage you know from the past is the liquid form“ Loved how you wrote that.
“A warrior’s smile, worn and ragged and unbroken. Unstoppable.“ LOVED this.
“Because you make yourself small, but you’re not bent. You’re not cowed. He wonders if maybe you could teach him how.” LOVED THIS TOO.
“ It takes nine weeks for Bucky Barnes to finally smile back at you.“ And what a glorious smile it is.
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a smile is worth fighting for (even if you don’t know you’re fighting for it)
pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
summary: friendships forged in battle are stronger than anything, no matter what the battle is
w.c.: ~1k
a.n.: this is my entry for @captain-kelli writing challenge feat. strong women. the prompt was Fighter by Christina Aguilera. i’m pretty sure the song is about a cheating man, but i took the meaning of the song and applied it to something else. hopefully it all works. i’m super excited about this!
warnings: alcoholism
It took two months of going to the meeting every Monday for you to get up the nerve to talk to him. You knew who he was – Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier – everyone knew who he was. You liked his words, the way he spoke them, all low and soft and smooth, intentional with every syllable. He would sit so still, so small, and you wondered if he did that because of something done to him – the way you did – or if he did that so he wouldn’t scare everyone else.
You stared at him as he spoke, studied him shamelessly, and it was the third week when he finally met your gaze. You offered a fleeting smile, and he didn’t, but the hard lines around his eyes softened.
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creideamhgradochas · 4 years
Is it weird that I’m jealous of fictional me that I get to touch Bucky like that?
“ this love, is about relinquishing, about relaxing. Giving into the softer shape of himself.” LOVED this.
And I LOVED your whole description of the lake.
“and passing him a note that said, in elegant, old-fashioned script, I like your butt.” HAHAHA.
“He had chopped and stacked wood until the sweat dripped from his forehead“ HE knows EXACTLY what he’s doing.
““Newlyweds?” one woman had asked, adjusting her bonnet before laughing at your self-conscious nod. “Oh, enjoy yourselves.”” Don’t worry, we are.
“ “Hey, baby,” he murmurs, but it comes out broken, and he says more to just say it, to love you in two words.” MY HEART.
““Feeling much butter now,” he jokes“ #dadjokes
“ it’s a song he’s been singing for such a long time. Alone, before now. Aching and lonely and looking for you, and now Bucky, despite what they may say, can score those lyrics into your skin, gliding his fingers inside you again, because he loves the way you feel. He loves the way you sing for him.“ I LOVED THIS SO MUCH.
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Electric Gold: Talk On The Street
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Summary: A roadtrip romance captured in a sprawling soundtrack and tender moments. Bucky Barnes x Reader.
Word Count: Approx. 1.8k
Warning(s): Smut, fluff
Author’s Note: This was written for @ruckystarnes‘ Summer of AUs Challenge. Thanks so much for letting me participate! My prompt was “Road Trip AU.” This story was inspired by a late-night, Greta Van Fleet-fuelled brainstorming session with @kentuckybarnes. Each oneshot was inspired by a GVF song!
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Summer sunsets unfold in burnt sienna rage, and Bucky likes to drive right into them. Opposite of home, but that’s just fine for now, because now is your hand in his, a thousand songs and the curve of your lips warming his blood, branding his skin. You’re purring in his ear, mouth hot and sweet and in the precise shape of a lazy, hazy sinning song. 
“Follow me down,” you hum; he shivers as one hand crawls to his thigh – “to the mountains of the sun. Forgetting the end, as your new life has begun.” 
It’s languid loving, the way you touch him, map him, as he drives. Fingers tracing the edge of his jaw; pouting smile; carding through his hair. Nuzzling into his neck, and on your skin he smells fresh water and sunshine and a lingering spice. Most evenings are spent like this, you wrapped around him like a second skin, chasing the day west and looking for a bed for the night. Somewhere to love each other by a softer light. 
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creideamhgradochas · 4 years
Damn, I could get used to flying like this.
I hope this flight attendant takes pity on me and doesn’t like I’m an idiot for being on this plane with him.
““Oh, good. We’re on champagne. No OJ? Going hard early, I see?”” Haha, clearly Faith has taken me under her wing then.
““But the resort will be at your disposal. Private beach, spa, pool, bar. It’ll be like you own the place,” he winked.“ I mean, I’m not going to complain about that.
“Me too, but we will be fine. Turbulence never hurt no one,” Sure, I’m just gonna go with that.
“The timing of your arrival at sunset could not have been more romantic and you were the least romantic person you knew.“ But I bet he did that on purpose.
Ugh, this place sounds amazing.
I am 100% shocked it took this long to get to this point.
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“And he knew many, many employees by name, it was very surprising that someone at his level of business knew the name of those from the base and up.” Yes, I love that. Shows he’s a good boss and man.
“James’ mother was an Italian model “ That explains where he gets his looks.
“Add ‘saint’ to the list of things James Barnes was.” Haha, I was just thinking the same thing.
Damn it. How’d tabloids get pictures?! At least I look goood...
“‘You are all over IG in paparazzi pix - this is you, right?’ and a link to more the images....‘You are fucking James Barnes?! You’ve got some fuckin’ explaining to do, girl -““ Well shit.
The Man Returns
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Rating: smut, language, adult themes.
Word count: 3.4k
A/N: Hotelier!Bucky bringing you all the power moves in paradise. Please share this, comment or like - I always love to hear your thoughts xo
Title Inspo: The Man - The Killers (Wonderful Wonderful)
Read The Man first - implied adult themes and smut/fluff (NSFW)
Eye-opening was an understatement, you realised as you were guided into “Mr Barnes” private jet. Champagne was waiting on ice as well as some freshly sliced fruit. Oh, how the rich rolled. ‘Twas certainly not your usual fare of coach, travellers scaly bare feet, screaming, miserable babies and the rest that came with it.
“Welcome onboard,” you were greeted by a well-presented middle-aged lady as she reached for your carry on and jacket. “May I stow these for you?”
“Oh. Yes, please. Thanks,” you stammered and she gave a quirk of her lip, figuring you out immediately. This was all very new and you felt like a deer in headlights. You imagined you resembled one too.
“Champagne?” She hoisted the bottle of Krug into her hands and gave the bottle a gentle pop.
“Please,” anything to whet your pellet, to calm your nerves, to help you figure out why the fuck you had taken James up on his insanely generous albeit ridiculous offer.
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“Please take a seat, ma’am. Mr Barnes is on a conference call in the main building but he shouldn’t be much longer. We will be wheels up upon his arrival,” she said, before pottering over to the galley, starting a pot of some fresh coffee.
“Thank you,” you called after her, taking a sip from the cool crystal flute in your palm and nervously took a seat, the leather soft under you.
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creideamhgradochas · 4 years
“Getting used to life without her, is kind of like getting used to life without a limb. It’s uncomfortable, troubling, downright painful at times. “ Hitting me right in the feels at the start.
“Bucky does both, but he misses Y/N more.“ OUCH.
“ Stark grouched at him for days after Bucky asked him to take it off, keep it off. “ I bet Tony’s mind was so boggled that Bucky didn’t want tech.
“He had been sulking, wallowing in his own pity. Missing her, missing the memory of her. “ Definitely not what I asked him to do.
“School, work, saving the world one mission at a time, friends like family that get him through autumn and the longest winter of his life.” THIS IS THE BEST AND ALL I’VE EVER WANTED FOR BUCKY.
“He has a girl who he considered his, even though she might not think the same of him.“ Awww.
“He’s okay, for the most part, to be alone, to be with people, to ask for help, to say no when he needs to.” YAAAAAS.
“He does not forget Y/N, even when she stops calling.“ HOLD UP. WHY THE HELL DID I STOP CALLING?!
Look at Steve being the wise one.
“He apologizes, for the letter from the army and the flag at the funeral. For a life without her only son, and a life without Steve too, a boy she considered a son.” I’M NOT CRYING, YOU’RE CRYING.
“There’s a sigh, and silence, and the footsteps retreat.” WHAT? WAIT. GO BACK.
““You’ve lost your sight in your old age.”“ HAHA.
"”My roots aren’t a place, they’re you.”“ YES INDEED.
“But then he’s kissing her, and he’s not sure when he moved, or how his lips came to be touching hers.” AND NO ONE IS COMPLAINING.
““I see you,” he murmurs to her, pull her that much closer, his breath hers....“I love you,” she returns. He beams.“ MY HEART IS SO HAPPY.
“Italy, France, Germany.Tiny bits of a grand European adventure. “I’m asking you to do this whole thing again. Though,” she adds, cheeky about it, “at the end of this one, maybe we find our way home together.”” This sounds like fun.
“And at the end of it we’ll come back here. Because you made a home here, and I made a home inside your heart.”“ NICE ONE, Self.
“Travelling on a commercial airline is about the worst experience of Bucky’s life.” How spoiled he has become.
Damn, this trip sounds AH-MAZING.
““I know,” he says. “I’m not worried. Not with you.” She leans over him, presses feather light kisses against his closed eyes, against his lips. “I see you.” The sky is a faded, unthreatening blue. “I love you.” Peace.“
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Blue [16 - End]
Summary: Bucky and Y/N take a road tip across the country to help Bucky’s recovery process. A question Y/N asks at the beginning of the trip sets Bucky searching his memories for an answer, one he finds he needs if he can move forward.
Pairing: Bucky X Reader
Warnings: None that I can think of! Please let me know if there’s something that should be mentioned as a warning. 
Word Count: 3292
A/N: Feedback is always appreciated! Thanks for reading so much for your endless patience. Even if no one reads this, I’m proud of myself for finally finishing this series which will always be important to me. 
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Getting used to life without her, is kind of like getting used to life without a limb. It’s uncomfortable, troubling, downright painful at times. 
Bucky does both, but he misses Y/N more.
In fact, he finds he doesn’t miss the heavy metal hanging off his shoulder at all. Stark grouched at him for days after Bucky asked him to take it off, keep it off. For now, maybe forever. 
It had been hot when he rolled back into New York, cursing the concrete jungle for all it was worth. A deeply humid heat that settled under his skin. 
The heat he had so loved in the south, irritated him in New York. Maybe because the familiar weight of Y/N’s hand wasn’t in his. 
Maybe because he had forgotten how bad the city crowds could get, what it felt like to be sandwiched in a sweaty throng of strangers, all jostling to push just a bit farther ahead than their compatriots. 
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creideamhgradochas · 4 years
I’m still here. This damn hellsite hasn’t killed me yet.
Even if I’m not reviewing, I’m always creeping in the background, haha.
Feel free to hit me up whenever.
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Swept In On A Breeze
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky Barnes is dangerous and alluring, but he knows how to wine and dine a dame, and if you suspect he’s a mafia boss, you don’t ever say anything
Word Count: about 7k
Warnings: kidnapping, killing, being beaten for information, truffles
A/N: Wow it’s only been about a hundred years since I last was active. Hopefully I’ll be more active starting today, with more Bucky stories. Also, I tried a new thing I’ve seen other authors do, linking photos to descriptions so you guys can see what I was imagining. Enjoy!
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~  he was somehow the most adorable and the most dangerous man you’d ever known ~
You met him in some nameless beach town, the wind blowing your hair and sand into your eyes, your skirt fluttering around your legs. One second you were alone, and the next he was beside you, dressed, oddly enough, in a suit, one hand in his pocket, the other holding a bright blue cocktail.
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creideamhgradochas · 4 years
“A/N: I make up so much shit related to infinity stones in this chapter.” You can’t do any worse than the Russo’s did.
Your setting description is AH-mazing.
“You’d learned long ago that while sleep was a necessity, it was not the relief for Bucky, that it was for you. True rest came with great difficulty, and when it did finally claim him, he often woke early, shoving away that unknowable darkness in favor of controllable, definable protocol.“ POOR, poor soul.
“When had running for your life become so pleasant?“ Ha, when I get to wake up to that scene every day.
Aw, I like that I cast him as the protector and not as the bad guy.
“He reminded her vaguely of Tony.“ Don’t tell either of them that.
Well, at least Natasha is slowly learning I’m not crazy, just the world around us.
“The sparking gold ring had just begun to fade as Loki stumbled into the vacant office as if out of thin air.“ Excuse me, WHAT?!
““Garbage eggs,” he said with absolutely no further explanation.“ Sounds delicious....?
“Anything that tasted good was simply a waste of precious energy. “ Ugh, that is not the way to live.
“You, on the other hand, were certain your insides had turned to molten imitation cheese weeks ago from all the frozen or rehydrated food.“ GROSS.
“He looked like a puppy waiting to be kicked.“ OMG. Lie to the man, even if it’s the worst thing you’ve ever tasted.
“ he’d heard. Not only had he heard you, here he sat offering what you asked for, or as best as he could manage given the circumstances.“ AWWW.
“Bucky looked at you with an expression warm and gentle, like leaves falling quietly in golden afternoon sun.” LOVED that line.
“Bucky pulled away and watched as you stumbled back, completely lost to the power of the stone.“ Damn this stone is a cockblocker.
Okay, as far as the visions I’ve had before, that one was CUTE AND AMAZING.
““I’ve got you,” he kept muttering quietly while looking you over again and again, worry pitched in every syllable. He must’ve caught you, guided you to safety, and stayed, watching helplessly as you’d slipped into another time.“ TRUE LOVE.
““We have to go.”“
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Watch Me Run - Part 14
Summary: You inherit a family relic that gives you the gift of foresight but there are others who are interested for more nefarious reasons. You turn to the Avengers for help. (Bucky x reader) Chapter: Bucky makes you breakfast and you have a new dream. Meanwhile, Natasha gets some answers.
Word Count: 3557
A/N: I make up so much shit related to infinity stones in this chapter. I have no excuse other than that idga(nymore)f. The rest is just mushy mush mush! Enjoy!
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creideamhgradochas · 4 years
“He might be crushing you, but you haven’t complained yet.“ And I don’t think I ever will.
“ “Please tell me that’s not how you’re proposing.”“ Hahaha.
“Proposing takes three tries before Bucky’s even close enough to doing it right.“ Oh Lawd, this poor man, someone help him.
“He also forgets the ring.“ That’s an integral part.
“Bucky loses the ring.“ WHAT?!
““How do we let you run around with guns?” Sam cackles, setting his beer down on the coffee table. You’re not home, thankfully. “How did you assassinate a US president?”“ HAHA, Sam’s just saying what we’re all thinking.
““I know many things you don’t.”“ THE SASS.
““F.R.I.D.A.Y said so,” you’re smiling“ Uh oh, she’s gonna be in trouble.
“Bucky doesn’t tell you it’s in his pocket.He also doesn’t tell you about the string quartet sitting just outside your door, waiting for his signal.“ Bucky to himself...
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The Proposal
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky has a plan to propose.
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Some spice at the beginning.
A/N: Happy love day, my dudes! This is my entry to @wkemeup​‘s 4k celebration; congrats on the milestone, Kas, it’s major! The prompt is highlighted further down in the fic. Thanks, everyone, for the love you gave A Week In Love; I had so much fun writing those drabbles, and I hope you had as much fun reading them! This is incredibly silly and I wrote it in an hour. I added the drabbles tag list here as well. Please let me know what you think! :) x
Masterlist link in bio, or search #gigi writes on my blog!
Bucky brings it up in the middle of the night.
“You ever wanna get married?”
He’s hot and sticky in more ways than one, limbs loose like they always get after a good, perfectly-timed release. The words are half-mumbled into the pillow beneath your head, your arms and thighs still wrapped around Bucky’s torso. He might be crushing you, but you haven’t complained yet.
You huff into his neck, lips as soft as your lashes fluttering on his naked skin when you speak. “Please tell me that’s not how you’re proposing.”
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creideamhgradochas · 4 years
“Bucky Barnes’ favourite word in the universe glides over the comms on his wrist as his fists are full of HYDRA.“ Awww. My name is his favorite word?
I love how he’s just taking care of these goons like it ain’t no thang.
Surely Tony could come up with more reliable ways to contact each other.
“Half a shoe on, half a leg out, his hair all fisted afray, and those blue, blue eyes you adore right through the very depths of your soul. You kiss him again, greedily, wonderfully, full and content, and whisper, “Welcome home.”“ WELCOME HOME, INDEED.
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BBY!!! Your drabbles are so good I’m SQUEALING at all of them ! If you’re still doing them would you do “I missed the sound of your voice” with our sweet sweet Bucket? pretty please if you can ! love you angel thank you ! ❤️
❝ coming home
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky Barnes is sick of phone tag.
Warnings: Fluff and cuteness.
A/N: Thanks Jess! I adore you and your lovely self. Prompt is in italics below.
All filled prompts are tagged ‘evanstarff drabble’.
Bucky Barnes’ favourite word in the universe glides over the comms on his wrist as his fists are full of HYDRA.
You’re calling and it rings out, then a text to say 'It’s okay, I’ll see you soon’, and Bucky groans, socking the mercenary in the throat.
It’s a few more days and one too many hours when he finally has a spare moment to call you. It rings and it rings and it rings, but there you go with your sweet voice, cheerful, wonderful – voicemail, goddammit it all to hell, and it aches and aches through his chest at how long it’s been since he’s spoken to you.
Another few days, too many timezones, and god, some days Bucky really hates his job. His pension must be through the roof of the galaxy with the years of service he’s given to the world – and don’t even get him started on his veterans’ benefits that he fully intends to make good when he’s done with all this saving the world crap.
Finally he’s back, but first – an agonising car ride to your home, the one he picked, because you liked the white picket fence and all its cliches. He loves it, because he loves you, and every delightful dicotomy you thread and tread in how you choose him, love him, adore him – worship him.
The door opens and your face is pure, utter shock, then incandescent with joy as he pulls you into his arms, presses his face into your neck, your hair, breathes you in, exhales, laughs, and sweet, sweet god is it a pure and wonderous thing to come home to you.
“I missed the sound of your voice,” he murmurs, somewhere between the slow kissing and frantic loving, atop the floorboards, against the couch, because you barely made it past the threshold, shoving the door closed before making easy work of each other’s clothes.
Half a shoe on, half a leg out, his hair all fisted afray, and those blue, blue eyes you adore right through the very depths of your soul. You kiss him again, greedily, wonderfully, full and content, and whisper, “Welcome home.”
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creideamhgradochas · 4 years
“Summary: Bucky Barnes vs. an idiot.“ This made me giggle.
I like how this was all serious, but in reality, it’s his baking creation.
““Touch it, I dare you,” he breathes and your eyes glow bright, pretty lips curling slow and sweet as sin.” WELL NOW I HAVE TO.
““No touching,” he whispers, and a hot, delicious shiver slithers down your spine.“
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​❝ touch it. i dare you. ❞ with Steve or Bucky or both!
❝no touching
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky Barnes vs. an idiot.
Warnings: Zero.
A/N: The Tumblr app is made of pure, concentrated rot. Prompt is in italics below.
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Few secrets bleed from the mouth of soldiers.
Nuclear codes of nations who know no better. Missions gone by in the unsettled weight of night. Steve's favourite laundry detergent, comfort and warm as daybreak on the first winter's day.
Bucky's aggressive enthusiasm for baking.
Secrets. All safe.
Fortunately for you – you are no soldier.
He's meticulous. Complete and all-encompassing. Mastery of the curl and quiff of cream, commas made into pure peaks, perfect puffs. He likes using his hands – he's good with them and he knows it. A swift turn and twist of his wrist, careful and sure; those hard hands almost lethal, always deliberate.
The skin on the back of his neck seizes now, prickles and stings. A shiver slides cold down his spine and he glances up.
Bucky moves like a shadow, shielding his creation from your hungry eyes, hungry mouth.
"Don't you fucking dare."
There's a glimmer in your eye – curious, curious, curious, hot, hot, hunger. You sidle up right to him, hips resting against hips, and he lets you, just for a second, the heat from your body, the way you smell, all sweetness and sin, lightness and a lecherous gaze. You turn, twist, trying to get a better look, a better taste, the movements doing little for his now hazy grasp on reality and Bucky seriously doesn't need the distraction right now.
"Is that for Sam's party tonight?"
"So I can try it?"
"No touching."
His hands grip your shoulders, slide up to your throat, tightness in your chest, through your skin, down, down, down, an ache in your belly as he brings his face closer.
"Touch it, I dare you," he breathes and your eyes glow bright, pretty lips curling slow and sweet as sin.
Quick as a fox, but the wolf is quicker as Bucky grabs your reaching wrist, firm, hard hands now, hot skin on skin. He lifts you shrieking, giggling, up and over his shoulder. The world tilts as the walls melt up and away as he carries you off, light on his feet, clean down the corridor and drops you straight on the freshly laundered sheets of a bed made for two.
Bucky crowds you in, broad body like a bear, large and unforgiving. He looks at you, really looks, and your mouth goes dry at the storm brewing in those blue, blue eyes. The air seems to swoop and swell, clouding your senses, He brings his face closer now, closer still, breath sharing breath, his pretty pink lips close enough to taste.
"No touching," he whispers, and a hot, delicious shiver slithers down your spine.
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creideamhgradochas · 4 years
“because it’s four minutes after one in the morning and the 20-odd sugar-speckled cookies he baked the night before are now made of sugar-speckled crumbs.“ Uh oh.
““I didn’t touch them,” and there it is, the slight rise in your voice and a confession laced in nonchalance. It’s convincing to most, but most don’t read between the lines, the way your mouth shapes the words in such a way that he knows – he knows.“ I am a liar.
“Yes, this is what he was looking for, the taste of you, and the sweetest sugary delight from the chalice of your mouth.Bucky pulls away with a cry of protest from your lips. He licks his lips with a shadow of a grin as he thumbs your swollen lips, comprehension concluded.“I knew it was you.”“ RUDE. I’M JUST TRYING TO MAKE OUT.
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one of my favorite writers of all time opens requests???? I AM HERE FOR THIS. might i sidle in with a plate of freshly baked frosted sugar cookies and ask for a Bucky drabble with ​❝ stop staring at me like that. ❞ ????????? PLEASE MAGGIE I BEG OF YOU I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky Barnes vs. cookie monster.
Warnings: Fluff.
A/N: Hannah @kentuckybarnes you are my favouritestestest and I hope this does your brilliance justice! Prompt is in italics below.
Masterlist in bio!
The cookies were most definitely there last night – next to the sugar crystals, the flour, the condensed milk, to the left of the dozen or so eggs and other paraphernalia in the shape of greedy and great.
Bucky's pretty face is alight in confusion, curiousity – mild infuriation too, because it's four minutes after one in the morning and the 20-odd sugar-speckled cookies he baked the night before are now made of sugar-speckled crumbs.
He tucks his head into the belly of his t-shirt, groaning as if the universe decided now would be the opportune moment to rearrange the pieces so nothing quite aligns the way it should on this February night.
"Hey, you're up."
You, in the corner of his eye, leaning ever so lazily against the doorframe of the kitchen, with your sly, sweet eyes.
"My cookies are gone," he says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.
"I didn't touch them," and there it is, the slight rise in your voice and a confession laced in nonchalance. It's convincing to most, but most don't read between the lines, the way your mouth shapes the words in such a way that he knows – he knows.
Bucky steps closer to you, his gaze trained curious on yours, the push, the pull, a tempting expression shaped like a question that already knows the answer.
What little moonlight through the drapes basks him in a silvery sweet, gibbous glow, shading the lines of his beautiful, broad form in a way that sets a spark in your heart.
"Are you sure?" he asks, stepping closer, his face is ripe with tempered affection.
"Stop staring at me like that," your words say one thing while those blue, blue eyes gleam another.
"I'm only asking," Bucky replies in a low voice that makes your skin prickle with want.
A breath, then another, his face drawing so close to yours that you can almost taste him and those pretty pink lips that adore you, love you, want you.
He's so close, too warm, too much and then his mouth is on yours, all hot and loving. Shivers through your skin, your spine, his hands soft on your cheeks, your neck, drawing you closer, pressing his hips against your own, against the kitchen counter with a groan in his throat.
Yes, this is what he was looking for, the taste of you, and the sweetest sugary delight from the chalice of your mouth.
Bucky pulls away with a cry of protest from your lips. He licks his lips with a shadow of a grin as he thumbs your swollen lips, comprehension concluded.
"I knew it was you."
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creideamhgradochas · 4 years
“Valentine’s Day finds you half-asleep on the couch, with your head about to explode.“ Sounds about right.
Damn these allergies.
“Words slurred, a soft sound escapes from your throat. “I can’t feel my tongue.”“ That can’t be a good thing.
“‘M g’nna feed you and make you chug more medicine. We can celebrate next week.”“ Now THAT is true love.
““I’m having chicken soup and NyQuil for Valentine’s dinner,” you pout. “Least you could do is dance with your girl, Barnes.”“ Valid point.
“In the warm light of your kitchen, while the rest of the world outside catches up to love, you realize that you never even had to join the race.“
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Sometimes the most romantic nights happen right at home.
Word Count: 581
A/N: Just a few more days of A Week In Love to go! Again, thank you all so much for the love you’ve been giving these drabbles, they make my heart go all funny. Timeless should be up later today, probably early evening. I’ve been having a rough few days with school, but it’s coming! Hope you guys enjoy this one as well, let me know what you think! :) x
Listen To: The Queen’s Nose - Slow Club
Valentine’s Day finds you half-asleep on the couch, with your head about to explode.
Spring hasn’t arrived yet — won’t be for a few weeks, still — but your sinuses are acting up almost as if you stuffed a bouquet of flowers up your nose for decoration. Or to make you hate life enough that you stop breathing. Just so you don’t have to deal with the pressure anymore.
There’s a soft touch to your forehead, warm skin on yours.
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creideamhgradochas · 4 years
“and he refused to share with Natasha’s legs, in spite of her insistence that she wouldn’t mind.“ Who turns down any opportunity to share with Natasha’s legs?! I mean, really.
“Towel around his waist, not yet dressed, the drops from the tips of his hair drip down his shoulders “ What a sight to be seen.
I’ll take him bearded or not, either way.
“Time to go see about a girl.” About damn time.
I wish real me knew my way around the kitchen like fictional me seems to.
“ he had abandoned the bare bones nutrition of his Depression kitchen in favor of a wide array of modern culinary miracles.“ Good, it’s what he deserves.
“all too weak to his boyish pout at the grocery store when something brightly colored and full of sugar catches his eye. “I need this, babydoll - it’s got Steve’s picture on the front! I could win a chance to meet Captain America!”“ HAHAAHA.
“ He catches sight of the brownie batter on the island and gasps, a little victorious “yes” escaping his lips as he reaches for it“ Haha, he’s so ridiculous.
““You could get salmonella.” “Worth it.”” Ha, I have to agree with him here.
Whew boi, I am starting something that I like I’ll like the finish.
“His steps are slow, measured, stalking, as he rounds the island, his tongue tracing his lower lip.“ WOWZAS.
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Bucky Barnes Oneshot
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Warnings: 18+ only - smut (oral, f/r), cursing, unsanitary kitchen conditions
Word count: 3.2k
A/N: This is my Valentine’s Day gift to all of you! You’re welcome ;) Apparently I’m in a writing rut and the only thing that can get me out is writing smut…I’m not going to question it. As always, feedback is appreciated! <3
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Post-mission, post-debrief, post-shower.
Pre-dinner, pre-Netflix binge, pre-dessert.
Bucky swipes at the fogged mirror with a towel, leaving streaks that slightly reveal his own damp skin and dripping hair. A harsh breath blows past his lips as he examines the planes of his own skin, leaning forward into the mirror. His whiskers have grown out over the last few days, unable to shave due to forgetting his razor, and he refused to share with Natasha’s legs, in spite of her insistence that she wouldn’t mind. There’s a nice shiner blooming under his right eye, bright purple-red on his cheekbone - lucky swing of some thug’s fist. Didn’t land a second hit, though. 
Towel around his waist, not yet dressed, the drops from the tips of his hair drip down his shoulders as he continues to frown at his reflection, fingers rubbing absently at the scratchy new growth on his cheeks. Should he shave? Eyelids already growing a little heavy, breath slow - he doesn’t want to. He wants to slip on his pajamas and go find her in the kitchen; he knows she’s there, he can smell the pressed garlic and hear the light pad of her toes as she shuffles around, swaying to her music. The corner of his mouth twitches just a little, and he reaches down, digging in the second drawer for his shaving cream. He’ll go ahead. She’ll like it. 
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creideamhgradochas · 4 years
The way that you have described this scene is PERFECT. And I’d like to be there RIGHT NOW.
““tonight we’re the only ones out here. Tonight, we’re important enough to know all of this.” All the magic, all the beauty.” LOVED this.
“She doesn’t know, she knows nothing except that she loves him, and she loves this, the moment of suspended reality, where they can know-touch-breathe their own earth’s magic.”
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prompts ~ number one
pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
prompt: watching a meteor shower
w.c.: < 500
a.n.: a new project i’m doing; 64 sensory prompts. let me know what you think! any and all feedback is loved, and will be responded to
There’s something about the way the stars hang sweet and distant over the desert on a warm, dusty night that allows one to truly know there’s magic in the world. She sits in Bucky’s arms, listening to the slow, steady thrum of his heartbeat, feeling every breath he takes and matching hers to it. 
Their chests rise and fall together, long and slow and deep, the stars twinkling high above their heads, welcoming and uncaring. They’re anonymous here, her and Bucky, unknown and yet wholly loved. The desert plants rustle around them, and a coyote sings to his brethren in the distance. 
“We could get lost out here,” she murmurs, a thought, a wish, maybe even a hope.
Behind her, Bucky chuckles. “The stars would guide us home.”
Around them, the breeze picks up, rustling through the dry branches of a nearby camesote plant, sending whisps of clouds across the deep, dark sky. 
She smiles, tipping her head further back to see the ancient map in the sky. “They’ve seen everything.” They know everything. And still, the stars dance for them, streaking brief and wondrous across the darkness.
“And now, they see us,” Bucky whispers in her ear, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to it. “Two in billions. Unknown. Unimportant, when you really think about it.”
She hums softly in the back of her throat, listening to the breeze, listening to the coyote’s song as it starts up again. There’s something ancient here, powerful, and she breathes it all in, watching another meteor flame across the sky. 
“And yet,” she says, “tonight we’re the only ones out here. Tonight, we’re important enough to know all of this.” All the magic, all the beauty. She knows that there will never be another moment quite like this.
Bucky wraps his arms around her, laying back on the blankets laid out near the quinjet. He doesn’t say anything else, rubbing small circles on her skin where he touches it. She imagines a trillion little stars lighting up inside her body in response to his touch, and she closes her eyes for just a moment, listening to his heartbeat, matching his breath.
Beneath her, Bucky’s breath catches, and she opens her eyes in time to see a meteor of brilliant colours winking at them before fading out. Bucky is still in his excitement and confusion. “That’s not natural, is it?”
All the aliens, all the technology, all the realities of the future, they excite him so, and she smiles, unsure and uncaring. “Maybe. Maybe not.” The coyote sings again, closer this time. “But do you truly think there’s no magic here right now?”
Bucky doesn’t answer. Maybe he’s struck by the ancient power of the coyote’s song. Maybe he’s too busy counting the stars. She doesn’t know, she knows nothing except that she loves him, and she loves this, the moment of suspended reality, where they can know-touch-breathe their own earth’s magic.
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creideamhgradochas · 4 years
““Put Bob back, he’s been in my bed a lot longer than you have.”” Hahaha.
“ find your heart beating strangely in your chest when you see your favorite cookie waiting at the bottom.“ AKJSLDFJ. THIS IS SO CUTE.
“missions and faces but nothing of that time spent behind the green door.“ Definitely progress.
““I assume you never ended things with Bucky?”“ You know the answer to that, Samuel.
““What’s it like, then?”“I don’t know, a distraction?” “ OUCH. That wasn’t very nice, self.
Why is Sam like THE BEST.
““I feel like me again.” You admit, smiling softly, letting the truth of the statement chase away some of that marrow deep doubt. “ This is definitely a good thing.
“There’s a few more miles to go along the road, but yes, happiness might be for you after all.” YAAAS.
I don’t think I like the fact that he’s mad.
“You are struck by how different the furious face is, how so unafraid of it you are.” Definite progress.
“When you drift off to sleep, it’s not the usual sation and sweaty sheets, no, this time it’s softly, held within Bucky’s arms, the TV still on with some forgotten movie playing. It’s exactly what you didn’t know you wanted.” YAY.
“The screams wake you.“
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Through His Eyes - Part Sixteen
Summary - Bucky arrives at the compound to start afresh but you and him have a somewhat colorful past, colorful being that you met him once before as The Winter Soldier and it did not go well. New beginnings, yeah? If you can learn to forgive.
Pairing - Eventual Bucky x Reader
Warnings -   Unrealistic expectations of best friends
A/N - I’m sorry. Trust me. 
Through His Eyes Masterlist
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creideamhgradochas · 4 years
“Shit. ShitShitShit. You did it again. You’ve woken, once again, tangled in the sheets with a very naked Bucky Barnes.Shit.“ Haha, I feel like this is a situation that doesn’t need that kinda reaction, y’know?
“There’s no one, you think, less suited for Bucky than you.“ Real me and fictional me are not on the same page with this issue.
“You leave without waking him, again.“ YIKES.
“when you’d so obviously tried to project your thoughts into his head so you wouldn’t have to say them out loud.” Damn I wish he had Wanda’s powers for a minute.
I can picture all three of his expressions perfectly, haha.
Interesting that he’s going to the VA with Sam...a good interesting though.
““Oh! Ok, that’s good. Right? Yeah. Good. I’ll just…leave you guys to it then?” You trip and stumble over the words almost as much as you do over your feet as you back away from them, letting your eyes take up too much space on your face.” HAHAHA, now that is worth a double shit.
I was kinda hoping it would be Sam first so he could talk all these crazy thoughts about being ‘just friends’ outta my head.
“Oh Sam, forever the friend, always the healer. Your heart is fit to burst with pride for him.” SAM IS THE BEST.
Thank goodness he’s here, hopefully he can help me outta this mess.
““Yeah? Then why did you tell me?” “I don’t know.” You answer honestly. “I think you do.”” YES. CALL ME OUT.
“You don’t.“
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Through His Eyes - Part Fifteen
Summary - Bucky arrives at the compound to start afresh but you and him have a somewhat colorful past, colorful being that you met him once before as The Winter Soldier and it did not go well. New beginnings, yeah? If you can learn to forgive.
Pairing - Bucky x Reader
Warnings - Not much, a little angst, a little implied sexual content
A/N -  OK here it is, finally managing to squeeze a little writing in whilst the baby is sleeping! I hope this is still something you guys enjoy, love you all so much for sticking with this one for the last (2) years!!
Through His Eyes Masterlist
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creideamhgradochas · 4 years
“You wake–not suddenly, but softly–wake to the morning glow glancing across the room in that gentle, pleasing way it does when you are actually rested.” Because I got to cuddle with Bucky all night - hence the well rested part. And it seems that it had a good effect on him too.
“He’s awake, and he’s letting you leave like the coward you are.” NOOOOOO. Don’t leave. NO SELF DOUBT.
“You hate those eyes more than the usual dull, empty ones. At least they were familiar, deserved.” YOU STOP THAT RIGHT NOW, SELF.
“You feel like a painting of yourself, like someone put you down on canvas but didn’t quite capture the essence, or that your edges were blurry and they drew them in with a sharpie.” LOVED THIS SO MUCH.
““Sure. You’ve got concrete legs these days, steadiest I’ve ever seen you.” That’s what does it, pours that spoken concrete down your spine to force away the curve. Unending faith. The smile near splits your face in two.” I LOVE SAM SO MUCH.
““You’ve been avoiding me,” Bucky says“ Well at least we’re gonna talk about that and not let it linger...
““If you’re asking if I wanted it, Y/N, I did. Want you.”” WOWZAS.
““But we should, you know, stay friends,” you say finally, carefully looking at the one freckle above his eyebrow.“Sure,” he says carefully. “If that’s what you want.”” I’m not entirely sure that is what I want.
“There’s a full cup of cold coffee in front of you that you know you didn’t make, and you smother the smile when you realise who likely did.” Awww.
““I just… sometimes I really fucking hate holding a gun.”” MY POOR BUCKY.
“His shoulders sag, every ounce of muscle used to hold it in and hold it together now dissipates at the admission, like the secret was made of bone and without it, he’s just liquid” I LOVED this description but also hate that he feels like that.
“You unburden him the only way you know how, by stepping up close and pressing your lips to his with a gentleness you shouldn’t possess anymore. He looks at you once, a fire inside those ocean eyes and kisses you back, just as gently. And then, not.” WE DESERVE ALL THE KISSES.
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Through His Eyes - Part Fourteen
Summary - Bucky arrives at the compound to start afresh but you and him have a somewhat colorful past, colorful being that you met him once before as The Winter Soldier and it did not go well. New beginnings, yeah? If you can learn to forgive.
Pairing - Bucky x Reader
Warnings - Not much, a little angst, a little implied sexual content 
A/N -  OK here it is, finally managing to squeeze a little writing in whilst the baby is sleeping! I hope this is still something you guys enjoy, love you all so much for sticking with this one for the last (2) years!! 
Through His Eyes Masterlist
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