crispcallisto · 2 years
where did all of those instagram roleplay groups go???? like, the ones you'd send an "application" to over google forms or some shit
that shit was fun!! bring it back right the fuck now
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crispcallisto · 2 years
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crispcallisto · 2 years
tumblr just randomly prompted me to give the app access to my location
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crispcallisto · 2 years
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i haven’t stopped thinking about this since last night
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crispcallisto · 2 years
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I really am obsessed with the idea of the Collector being the perfect parallel and foil to King, as the person he once saw himself as, and will become; A feared and revered, all-powerful tyrant, but also immature and who was never told no. And after losing his power and being reduced to just a little kid, the Collector is forced to mature and grow and interact with people as REAL people, and eventually finds out that he’s not really so cruel or evil himself, once he’s made to choose between power and his family!
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Like it’d just be so narratively poetic, if King had to confront his worst past self via a true fulfillment of that in the Collector; Who already has an army worshipping his name! Imagine the Collector having feasts with King, just as King himself bragged! It’s like Luz confronting the worst version of herself in Philip Wittebane...
Which is why I really hope the Collector’s fate is to simply be... Stripped of his power and forced to live as a little kid, as King thought he himself had been. We know that people have imprisoned the Collector before, that he’s been freed before, and then trapped again, and it didn’t make a damn difference. He still didn’t learn his lesson, and with how the show critiques Philip for trying again and again the same thing he KNOWS has been proven to fail, via cloning his brother...
And I have to wonder if TOH is doing the same, especially if we compare the Collector to Luz in a lot of ways, how the isolation of the reality camp probably wouldn’t have helped Luz, just hurt and broken her because of rejection. Maybe the Collector’s imprisonment was also like that for them, and while obviously there’s a real difference between Luz and the Collector’s chaos... I think both stemmed from that unthinking desire to have fun while innocently not considering those who might get hurt from it.
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And it makes sense, a parallel and foil to King would be one for Luz and vice-versa, because Luz and King are themselves parallels to one another! It’d be poetic if King even had to guide a depowered Collector when all was said and done; Understandably he might not want to after what happens in Season 3. But I think it could really further that cycle of kindness theme that this show has, and be incredibly compelling for King’s arc, to face the person he wanted to be and thought he was, and help THEM with it this time; He did learn many lessons while under the impression he was a knocked-down god, so King sort of still can relate!
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Like King, it might be shown that the Collector really is fully capable of being a sweet kid, who might talk hot shit of destroying everyone and razing the world after he’s knocked down a peg; But then it becomes apparent how easily he’s placated with proper attention. How he’s not malicious and when made to face actual consequence, can really learn and take that into consideration.
Plus with King’s lifespan going to make him outlive everyone else, he needs that long-living friend who will actually BE a friend to him this time and relate to King, via the Collector! And the Collector can get closure over any betrayal he perceived from the Titans with the last of them, and make up for his genocide of them by supporting the final one.
The Collector would essentially be what we once analyzed King as back in Season 1, and that’d just be SO fascinating and a wonderful bookend to the show! Maybe the Collector will lose a ‘crown of power’ and/or be struck down by a dark spell... Because the show really is aiming for the idea that to truly break pain for kids like Luz and Amity and Hunter, you just have to treat them with compassion instead of punishment over their mistakes for once.
TL;DR This isn’t just a coming-of-age story for a good portion of our cast, hell it’s a coming-of-age for the Collector as well! And if it’s King’s friends/supporters who help cast down the Collector... Then that’d just be a perfect karmic parallel to the implication of the Collector’s worshippers, the Titan Trappers, taking everything from King by killing his father!
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We might even get a parallel to a familiar shot, with the POV of the Collector as he falls from the sun and its power he’s associated with; Just as King believed his fall to be metaphorical. Perhaps the Collector will be in the embrace of another as it happens, like King with Jean-Luc... And/or Jean-Luc himself will return to be a nanny to this kid, indestructible and immortal enough to keep up the task!
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crispcallisto · 2 years
spoilers for kings tide enter at ur own risk
favourite part of the episode was when philadelphia whiteboard (aka emperor bamboozle), aspiring witch-hunter general and professional genocide causer, gets kale smoothie'd by a reality-bending 8 year old.
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crispcallisto · 2 years
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crispcallisto · 2 years
elfilin is a cat
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crispcallisto · 2 years
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funny little comic based on miitopia i did for my visual literacy final
yeah i drew this in photoshop and yeah i have little knowledge on how to use photoshop what's it to u
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crispcallisto · 3 years
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today is a good day
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crispcallisto · 3 years
tfw u make eye contact with a preschooler and suddenly he wants ur pet cat and his pet caterpillar to have a good ol' round of fisticuffs
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crispcallisto · 3 years
how else am i supposed to become a robot???? gotta make my organs metallic SOMEHOW
Commercials: vaping can put toxic metals in your lungs
Kids: cool
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crispcallisto · 3 years
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crispcallisto · 3 years
tumblr tuesday: toy town
Well now, we all know about furbies and worms on and off their strings. But are you familiar with the other pockets of toycore here on Tumblr? Here’s a selection of the best collections out there: 
@jellycatkid​ collects jellycat plushies. Here is a not-at-all-haunted cat. Nothing to see here! Aside from a very nice, normal cat.
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No list of toycore on Tumblr would be complete without @sofubis​—where nostalgia for our real or imagined pasts and futures culminates in a congregation of unfathomably cute (and often weird) vinyl oddities. Here, have a sad lizard with hands for feet.
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@1999babi​ walks the fine line of curating toys from in between millennia, which, it turns out, was just a big squidgy neon dream.
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It’s so relaxing when a blog just does what it says it does. @calicocritteroftheday​ is one of those blogs. Reassuringly dependable, here you’ll get exactly one calico critter, once a day.
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@my-monster-island​? Just monsters.
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crispcallisto · 3 years
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Thank you very cool 👍👍👍
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crispcallisto · 3 years
oh my god it's actually on my fucking dash i'm losing it
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crispcallisto · 3 years
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