Hey, I'll make a deal with whoever is reading this. As soon as I post this, I'm going to log off for at least an hour, hydrate appropriately for my body, and do one thing I need to do around the house. In return, as soon as you read this, please do at least one of those things as well. (Do the household tasks at your house; not mine, just to clarify).
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Crowley's Rejection of the Label "Nice"
Spoilers for Good Omens Season 2 below. Also, it's been a really long time since college, so if anyone wants to take this and run with it, I would be thrilled!
So, Crowley explicitly rejects being called "nice" multiple times over the course of season two. And on the one hand, this is because he has to go along with his side as far as he can/keep up a proper demonic appearance to keep both himself and Aziraphale safe.
But here's the thing. "Nice" can mean kind (which he is) or polite (which he isn't). But as Anathema Device knew at the age of eight, "nice" can also mean "scrupulously exact".
So, I want to talk about that definition of "nice", and then discuss it as a whole as it does or doesn't apply to Crowley.
Merriam-Webster online lists two definitions of "scrupulous".
The first is "having moral integrity; acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper".
Crowley meets half of this definition, but only half. A lot has been written (both in the context of Good Omens and the context of real world religion) about what morality means in the face of an absent or ambiguous God. Crowley explicitly, canonically has moral integrity. He goes along as far as he can, and no further. He acts in many cases as the moral center of the show-- I'm thinking in particular of the Job minisode and Elspeth and Wee Morag.
Crowley does not (and will not) "act in strict regard for what is considered right or proper". It is, in fact, his refusal of accepting Heaven's (and Hell's) way of doing things that allows him to have moral integrity.
The second definition Merriam-Webster gives for "scrupulous" is "punctiliously exact; painstaking". Crowley has been making an effort (not /that/ kind of making an effort) to keep his and Aziraphale's Arrangement secret for 6,000 years at this point. That takes a lot of attention to detail. But Crowley also tries to be nonchalant about the whole thing. Admitting that it takes effort is not something he wants to do.
Also, you know what takes being "punctiliously exact"? Creating freaking astrophysics. A sustaining and expanding universe that appears to be much older than it is. But you know who Crowley isn't anymore? The angel who created the stars. Crowley stopped being that angel slightly before he began sauntering vaguely downwards. He does not want to be that angel any more. This is kind of the crux of the final fifteen.
I don't have an ending paragraph to tie this up neatly, but it's just some things I have been thinking about
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Anyone want to give me a prompt for meta or fic? I want to write, but none of my current ideas are gelling. If you aren't sure if I am in a fandom, ask!
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alright y’all i’m officially going to be using this platform more and would love some blogs to follow!!
please interact if you share any interests with me! (and are 18+, please!)
some things I love:
-diverse books, mostly fantasy, retellings, gothic horror, and metaphor-driven stories. I don’t read romance or contemporary, other than the rarest of occasions. (some of my favorites are: if we were villains, thistlefoot, the spear cuts through water, juniper & thorn, the starless sea, gideon the ninth (which I just finished and am deeply unwell about))
-classic literature
-doctor who
-good omens
-general media deep dives
-queer cartoons!
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When creating a new DND character, do y'all chose race and class or personality and backstory first? Just curious how other people do it.
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I can't find my copy of Good Omens right now, which is a problem, because I really need the exact quote about the other meaning of "nice" for a bit of meta.
If anyone knows where their copy is (or has better luck Googling for it than I did), could you please help me out?
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Sometimes I think I'm normal then I see this picture and suddenly I'm going crazy over my blorbos like I'm a teenager again CLAMP what have you done to me
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October 3rd!!!!
Let's go season three! I am not emotionally prepared in any way.
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Honestly, if I don't get to start a dramatic speech, with "Listen up, Strahd von Zaro-bitch" what was even the point of going to Ravenloft?
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Errrrrm... OK.
Who exactly runs the Prime Video account. I mean I'm not disagreeing but 🤣🤣🤣
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reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something
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happy tlovm s3 intro day. is this anything
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I am weak for both of these dynamics, urgh.
the inherent homoeroticism of "no one gets to kill you but me"
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the way you win at DnD is making your friends laugh
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I hate work I should be at the (remembers I don't want to go to the club) the imagination
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shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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bring back tumblr ask culture let me. bother you with questions and statements
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