cthonicpsychopomp · 3 days
Zeus often gets alot of heat for being a rapist and like
1. Mythology isnt truth. Take it like a bible story their guides and lessons to live our lives by. Thats not what the gods are
2. I wish stuff like this was more well known; the gods are complex and multifacated even if the stories were true. Zeus is MORE than that hes king of the gods for a reason✨⚡️
Tldr the gods are good!
One of the things I love most about Zeus is that he always tells the truth. I don’t know how to explain but whatever he says happens. Not surprising from the king of the gods, but it’s always so surprising to observe his promises unfold.
He once told me to walk under a pouring storm once a class ended and promised that I would come to where I wanted to be perfectly dry. As soon as that class ended I went outside and the rain stopped as soon as I put my foot outside, and I arrived perfectly dry.
He also has this sturdy, sure presence like a millennial oak that provides people with shade and protection, and he feels really…fatherly if that makes sense, like on a given Sunday afternoon he would spontaneously whip out a grill and cook steaks for the whole family, or read you stories before bed
Zeus is literally so nice it’s wonderful
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cthonicpsychopomp · 6 days
Im demisexual and severely mentally ill🤙
reblog if your blog is safe for trans witches, non binary witches, bisexual witches, gay witches, pansexual witches, closet witches, mental ill witches and all type of witches 🔮🌿
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cthonicpsychopomp · 10 days
Humans are small.
We're smaller than the ocean, smaller than the earth, smaller than the moon, smaller than the sun and the stars. So much smaller than so many things.
Compared to the universe, all of mankind and all of human history are so incredibly tiny and small
And the Gods, they are the source of reality. They are so much greater and bigger than we could imagine.
And yet, despite it all, they guide us and hear our prayers.
We can form meaningful relationships with the Gods, despite how grand they are and how small we are.
And I think that's quite beautiful ♡
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cthonicpsychopomp · 21 days
Im a fan of percy jackson and a pagan. But honestly i treat it like disneys hercules. Next to nothing is accurate. Its just a fun story. Enjoy the ride✨
Though tbf some of the depictions of the gods arent great and make me angry too
In the book clarisse is ares daughter he works her to the bone and is basically your only useful to me if you win your battles.
And tbh ares though a god of war was pretty loving to his daughters and aphrodite and would never behave in that way.
But its
As long as you can separate reality from fiction why not have fun with it. Think of it as AU if you need to. Those aren’t your gods and you know it. So whats the problem. Be the change you want to see in the world and educate others to know better,
Honestly I’m irritated that since Disney’s Hercules hades has ALWAYS been the villain even though thats not mythologically accurate
But my above argument still applies
Our gods get awareness brought to them through fiction like percy jackson. If we educate people to know better maybe we can have both
why Percy Jackson should have never been created!
(from the view of a passionate eclectic pagan)
It’s very disrespectful to pagans- the way they write about some gods as villains and some as brats is horrific. They picture Eros as selfish and careless in a book (or so I have been told), which is crazy untrue. I love him so much and now a generation are growing up believing that he is a brat due to a silly book series.
SOME fans. *sigh*. I have told some fans about Hellenic polytheism and now they claim to be a pagan and take it over (or try to) using their headcannons from the books.
although the characters are alright, they are very stereotyped and go with the basic Ron, Hermione, Harry friendship dynamic with Percy, Annabeth and the twink. Although this stereotype is FINE, I feel it’s pretty dull and known.
the “humour”. Now don’t get me wrong- some jokes from it are okay but some are pretty distasteful.
1 + 2.
the way they see Artemis and Apollo’s relationship is also gross.
they treat Diosonyus terribly.
teaches fans that Hera is a brat. that’s some of my opinions, views and experiences. But yeah. Rick Riordan has offended a lot of pagans.
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cthonicpsychopomp · 23 days
Mother’s Day dedicated post to Demeter.
03 A little Mother’s Day post for lady Demeter I really felt like I wanted to do this & A e-offering to her. 💕
‘Oh Demeter my beloved, mother of Persephone you fight with your motherly love and searched to ends of earth for her, how you embrace her when you found your daughter may we look up to your courage and will.’
‘Oh mother Demeter may you embrace like your daughter and show me your motherly love and tenderness & encouragement, when I need a shoulder to cry on you’ll be their by my side, when a need mother figure you’ll be by my side.’
‘when I am lost show me the light show how to show me boundaries with other show me how to fight for myself show’
‘Thank you mother Demeter grain goddess for feeding us and nourishing us with your crops.’
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cthonicpsychopomp · 23 days
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I don’t have a very good relationship with my own mother; but happy mother’s day to some other important women/goddesses in my life.
Persephone is like a mother to me (i call her mama) (its mostly to differentiate, i have 3 moms and 3 dads)
Aphrodite is newer in my life but shes been a big help and I’ve learned a lot from her
Hecate is one of my patrons and ive learned alot under her guidance
Hera is someone who that looks after one of my friends and has also supported me and ive learned alot from.
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cthonicpsychopomp · 1 month
Feeling down and sick and really not feeling chores rn
Hestia this is for you✨🤙
Gets a bunch of things done
The gods are good!✨💕
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cthonicpsychopomp · 1 month
What happens when you have a abusive/toxic ex and bad experiences with a few friends and then youve been really stressed about all the memories youve found on your phone from a not so great time
You ask the gods for help and it goes by super fast and is super painless and easy
Dont forget you can lean on the gods, im stubborn though and often dont realize i can go for help until i am in crisis but TAAAADAAAA✨✨✨✨✨
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cthonicpsychopomp · 1 month
Respectfully Visiting Strangers' Graves
Today I visited a cemetery for Nemeseia. None of the dead people I know or who are related to me are buried anywhere near me--the closest is two states over, and most are in other countries--so, obviously, I wasn't visiting anyone I'm connected to.
After this, I thought that it would probably be a good idea to share how I ensure I'm being respectful of the dead and their family's when I select a strangers' grave to honor. If you can think of any other ways to be respectful, feel free to add on.
General Cemetery Etiquette
Be quiet. You can talk or sing, but keep your voice low. Don't blast Jay-Z.
Avoid mourners. Especially if you're not visiting a specific grave, keep your distance from others. The cemetery is, first and foremost, a space for those grieving people they did know.
Don't walk over graves. If you cant tell where graves end, assume you should only walk directly behind and between headstones.
Don't lean on, push, or touch headstones. Headstones aren't sturdy! You can knock them down or break them.
Dress 'normally' and reasonably. I love eccentric makeup and statement fashion, but a graveyard isn't the place for that. Avoid crop tops, lingerie, lots of glitter, etc. I wore my most simple floral skirt and a black t-shirt.
Don't take dirt, bones, items, offerings, anything from a grave. It's abhorrent. I don't care about your graveyard dirt or 'vibes,' don't disturb strangers' graves or steal their gifts. If you really need dirt get it from near the gates or something.
Selecting a Grave
Don't visit someone who was born in or died this month, or on holidays. If it's August, check that the birth and death dates weren't in August. If the grave belongs to a man, don't visit on Father's Day, if it's a Christian, not on any saints' days, etc.
Make sure the grave hasn't been recently visited. If it's pristine and has flowers on it, leave it alone.
Avoid people who died less than 5 years ago. Those are far more likely to have visitors.
Avoid graves with religious symbols. Respect the religions of the dead. Do not involve a dead Muslim in your pagan holiday, don't do satanic witchcraft on a Catholic's grave.
Avoid graves with phrases on them like "beloved father/wife/sibling." These are also far more likely to have visitors and living relatives.
Pick a site far from any mourners. Again, the cemetery is their space. Leave them be.
What Not to Offer/Leave
Avoid alcohol libations for religious graves or child deaths. Not all Muslims, for example, abstain from drink, but you should still respect the religion's rules when you don't know the dead.
Don't leave things that spoil. No meat, no fruit, avoid food in general.
Don't leave large offerings, ie. full sized bouquets and wreaths. Remember if the family does come by, you don't want them to have to wonder who on earth gave grandpa fifty carnations and a bottle of rose.
Don't leave plastic or things animals are likely to choke on.
No drugs or things that might be mistaken for drugs. White powders, mysterious green leafy lumps, etc. are no-goes. I hope it's clear why.
Avoid bones. Not everyone wants to find a bird skull on their tia's head stone.
Don't leave art, poetry, or notes. It's confusing and slightly creepy if you don't know the dead.
Good Options for Offerings
Small, non-spoiling snacks. Unwrapped chocolate, candy, etc.
Flowers and plants. I leave mini bouquets of home grown oregano and lavender.
Unlit incense. I tied a stick into a bouquet.
Feathers and whiskers.
Lightly cleaning a plaque or headstone. Simply dusting off dirt and grass, don't bring Clorox.
Liquid offerings (libations). Pour them in the dirt, don't leave in a cup. Ideal offerings are things like small amounts of wine, water, or milk.
The grave I selected today was of a man who passed in 2014. His headstone only said his name and "community member," and was untouched. It had no symbols other than a typewriter on it, making ti safe to assume he wasn't very religious if at all. The offering I gave was water poured on the ground, dusting his plaque, and a small bouquet of plants and a feather.
When visiting a cemetery, it's important above all that you respect the dead and the living. It's not a tourist attraction or a spooky witchy site. It's for the dead and those who loved them first and foremost. Respect that.
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cthonicpsychopomp · 1 month
This is a spell to increase spiritual awareness. I figured it’s fitting since it’s October and almost Samhain!💫
✨ Likes/Loves charge it. ✨ Reblogs cast it. ✨
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cthonicpsychopomp · 1 month
Witchcraft for the grieving
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To anyone who needs this post, I am sending gentle and loving energy your way. Know that grief is meant to hurt, and with time it WILL get easier (but may not go away, and that’s okay). Please utilize this post only as a supplement, and talk to a therapist or loved ones if you need to.
Grief powder
Sage drops spell
Relieving grief
Jar of grief spell
Ease the grief spell jar
Honoring the dead
Ritual of grief
A remembrance spell
Remembrance spell/ritual
A spell for grief and moving on
A spell for passing and mourning
“Grief seed” pop culture spell
Grief over death is easier for me and effects me less
My grief does not control me
I grieve in peace
To bring aid in times of crisis and grief
Loss of pets:
Funerary spell
Animal Release Spell
Pet Farewell Ritual
Pet Funerary Spell
Emoji spell to bring comfort to those who are grieving
Tarot spread to ease grief
Norse spells/prayers for grief and death
Crystals in death magic (includes some for grief)
Crystals for PTSD (includes some for grief)
Helpful posts:
Masterpost for overcoming heartbreak
Rejuvenating witchcraft
Magic to replenish energy
Recommended tags to utilize when you’re ready:
#Moving on spell + #Moving forward spell + #Letting go spell
#Mental health sigils + #Mental health spell
#Self love magic + #Self care magic
#Release spell
Witchcraft is to be used in addition to proper medical care, treatment and medication, not as a sole alternative.
Links updated May of 2020, please inform me of broken links via askbox!
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cthonicpsychopomp · 1 month
petition to include mushrooms on the list of signs and interests of Lord Hades
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cthonicpsychopomp · 1 month
I love Hades so much. I know I call him Father Hades and that he’s taken a paternal role in my life but sometimes it really just hits me how caring he’s been 😭 today he was like ‘do your meditation first then we’ll do some reading together. oh and be sure to wear my prayer beads so they’ll comfort you” I get anxious at home and his necklace feels so protective which is why he made me wear them. he’s such a father. he knows best honestly, if he knows you need to do something he will get you to do it. He’s the stricter one with me haha but in a gentle way? anyways
Praise Father Hades! 🖤
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cthonicpsychopomp · 1 month
Sometimes the best way you can spend your day is in bed resting and I promise you those days are just as important as the days you complete a bunch of work.
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cthonicpsychopomp · 1 month
um just saw somebody in the Hades deity tags talk about the abduction myth, and they offhandedly said that Hades came into existence after Persephone did 🤨🧐 what.
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cthonicpsychopomp · 1 month
you don't need signs to worship a god.
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cthonicpsychopomp · 1 month
Me, laying in bed, staring at the ceiling: Gods I hope my deities think I’m cool
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