curemorningstar · 11 days
"Kid's media deserves to be thoughtful and well-written because kids are smarter and can handle it, and bad writing shouldn't be written off as just 'it's for kids what do you expect'" and "If the target audience is kids, even older ones, you can't expect it to always be realistic and go in-depth about every issue they discuss" are ideas that can and should coexist.
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curemorningstar · 1 month
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Team Wonderful PreCure is finally here.
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curemorningstar · 3 months
Precure Bonus Day - Leap Day Episodes
Today is February 29th, that special day that only comes once every four years, so I thought I’d commemorate the event with another look at all the episodes that have ever aired on this date! Let’s dig in, shall we?
Episode: Futari wa Precure episode 5 - “Crisis! Pissard Puts it All on the Line!” Original air date: 29 February 2004
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Man we’re so early in this season that Nagisa has only met Fuji-P once. Feels like forever ago. Anyway in this episode, Mepple butters Nagisa into going to see Honoka (so he can see Mipple) and goads her about not having a boyfriend. On the way she encounters Fuji-P, whom she talks to briefly. He doesn’t much remember her, but they have a nice chat. Later on, Honoka asks her if there’s anyone she likes, and Nagisa’s mind wanders to him, but she says there’s nobody. There is this gem of a line, though.
Honoka: “If I go out with a boy, I’d want there to be mutual respect between us.” Nagisa: “It sounds difficult.”
I’m not sure whether that speaks to Nagisa’s pessimism or just the reality of the dating scene because that’s a very low bar, and yet obviously a lot of people fail to meet it. But time to move on to the next episode….
Episode: Futari wa Precure episode 5 - “Crisis! Pissard Puts it All on the Line!” Original air date: 29 February 2004
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Ah, a classic episode. Nagisa and Honoka go out to the park to let Mipple and Mepple play, but they’re harassed by some boys. Nagisa wants to just ignore them but Honoka gives them a real chewing out, and Nagisa has to drag her away before she scolds them any further! Iconic! A great leap day episode. What’s next?
Episode: Futari wa Precure episode 5 - “Crisis! Pissard Puts it All on the Line!” Original air date: 29 February 2004
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Okay so this is a really sweet episode where Nagisa takes Honoka to Akane’s takoyaki stand for the first time. In fact, it’s the first time we see Akane at all! There’s a funny exchange before this where they’re deciding where to get food and all Nagisa can suggest are foods with “yaki” in them: taiyaki, yakisoba, okonomiyaki, and nabeyaki udon. Honoka tries to rebut her with some more normal suggestions but ultimately Nagisa takes her to Akane’s. They chat and bond over some delicious food and do some window shopping before going their separate ways.
Episode: Futari wa Precure episode 5 - “Crisis! Pissard Puts it All on the Line!” Original air date: 29 February 2004
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Oh man this is a thrilling episode! Pissard confronts Honoka on her own, demanding that she give him the Prism Stones! She obviously refuses, but he chases her across town into a construction lot. He knows that she can’t transform without Nagisa around, and he wants to take advantage of this. Honoka still refuses to help him, because he’s self-centered and only wants to preserve his own life when the Dark King controls everything, he doesn’t care for anybody else’s well being. He throws all the equipment in the construction site at her, including heavy machinery, but she stands her ground! Fortunately Nagisa shows up at the last moment and they’re able to transform and fight. Next one!
Episode: Futari wa Precure episode 5 - “Crisis! Pissard Puts it All on the Line!” Original air date: 29 February 2004
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All the Leap Day episodes so far have been fantastic but this one, THIS ONE takes the cake. Pissard is out for blood, because the other generals have made it clear they have no confidence in his abilities, so he wants to prove himself. He manages to get Honoka alone but Nagisa shows up to transform with her. He confidently believes he can challenge them all on his own, and their fight travels from a construction site, to the top of a train, to a riverbank. They exchange blows, each claiming the upper hand during the battle, because Cure Black and White are still novice to this and their teamwork isn’t as good as it will become later. However, when they try to attack him with the Marble Screw, he fires back with a blast of lightning. The two sides are evenly matched, but when he tells them to just surrender to the Dusk Zone, they get righteously mad and lecture him about the value of life and independent thought. They reject his message and, with their hearts in sync, their attack powers up and Pissard can’t hold it back any more. He is destroyed by their Marble Screw, and leaves behind his Prism Stone. Honoka cries, thinking they’ve just killed someone, but Mipple assures her he’ll return in another form, without the influence of darkness. It’s an outstanding episode, an early victory for the girls and a moment of bonding and character growth for their friendship. Hands down the best leap day episode.
Okay so yes, there’s only been one episode that ever aired on February 29, because 2004 was the last time it was a Sunday. The next time that happens will be all the way in 2032, and who knows if Precure will still be around that long. Let’s hope it is, and if so, and if I’m still around, I’ll be here to write about it for you! I hope you enjoyed my list, and i hope you had a good Leap Day! Look forward to more Precure Daily coming to you really soon!
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curemorningstar · 3 months
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I didn't got a time to draw Lala's birthday so lemme just put my old hikalala artwork🌟💗
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curemorningstar · 3 months
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doggy girls!!!!! they are the besties everr because I say so 💕
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curemorningstar · 3 months
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curemorningstar · 4 months
Cure Friendy does the sign language (JSL) for "friends" at the end of her transformation
It makes me feel so warm T_T
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curemorningstar · 4 months
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Im very excited for wonderful precure
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curemorningstar · 4 months
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? is for dog?
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curemorningstar · 4 months
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Cure Supreme and Cure Puca
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curemorningstar · 4 months
so I’m a month late but apparently, Cure La Mer and Black Pepper got married
whaaaaaaaaaattttttttt 😂
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curemorningstar · 4 months
Wanderful PreCure OP subbed by me :)
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curemorningstar · 4 months
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miss these two so much already 😭🤧
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curemorningstar · 4 months
Hirogaru Sky Final Impressions (5/5)
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Honestly, what were they going to do with those two weeks after 48 episodes? Have us wait until WonPre's broadcast? Yea right, lol
So the 20th installment of Precure is now officially finished and it feels both great and a little bit sad to say that since the bar has been readjusted quite high, we will probably need the 25th anniversary to get another season as awesome and well-written as HiroPre. [/harsh]
But that will be for something to worry about in the next five years.
So first, that finale!
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Pretty much 5(ish) of the 6 last episodes was a whole arc dedicated to the most engaging lore Precure has ever given us to date.
Cure Noble is definitely entering the league of legacy Cures and perhaps as the one with the best story as well. How she went from princess-sovereign to becoming the very first Precure (in this universe, anyways) to helping pave a way for peace with her nemesis to laying out the foundation for the Cures who will succeed her in the future.
Yeap, Ellee-chan may have gotten a nice age-up bonus so that we can see her embrace her destiny and actually converse in something other than baby talk.
But it's more accurate to say that Ellee-chan/Cure Majesty's character arc is really Princess Elleelain/Cure Noble's instead.
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Which is totally fine with me. Not only was Elleelain super interesting as a hero/protagonist in her own era but Kaiserin was...dear god.
Dear god, when have we gotten a twist that was this good and this dark by the series' standards? I felt we haven't touched this level of grim writing since Heartcatch and that was my first Precure season ever.
But seriously, it's impossible not to sympathize with Kaiserin and appreciate how much she contributed to the plot as well as this season's message that power is not what makes a hero, but the strength of one's heart that does.
Even her traitorous tutor, Skearhead, said she had what it took to become a hero (and maybe even Precure? oooh~), which just makes her fall into darkness more tragic.
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But thankfully, she never lost her kindness and compassion, which was what ultimately allowed her to not only be saved but her wounds to finally heal after hundreds of years of suffering from the pain of betrayal Skearhead had inflicted on her.
And that her generals, who all turned over a new leaf, came back to the Undergu Empire to loyally serve her and make sure she isn't alone...
Good! This is so satisfying, I couldn't have asked for anything better! Kaiserin deserves her happiness after all she's been through!
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But of course, that's not all because no Precure finale is complete without the last episodes dishing out the best combat scenes of the entire season and did it deliver, alright.
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-HUH!
The animation was absolutely stellar and not so overdone that it'd look more gaudy than cool. coughDeliPaPrecough
Moreover, the teamwork is what really sold the animation. As it should because Precure is all about that team effort brought on by personal growth, not a one-man show.
I loved how Wing, representing wisdom, was the one everyone trusted to get that barrier back up because it is a mechanism that he researched and developed to help everyone. It proves that boys don't need to fit into a specific mold of masculinity or genius to be a hero because in the end, those things don't matter. It's being true to yourself, your beliefs and your dreams and what you choose to do with those abilities that counts.
I loved how Butterfly, who is physically the strongest in the group, always takes on the tougher tasks such as facing the army of tedious mooks to let those younger than her forge a path ahead. She never forgets her responsibility as an adult to protect the kids but she also encourages them to move forward because she fully believes in them like a good adult would.
I loved how Majesty comes to understand that though she's meant to inherit Cure Noble's will and power and position as Skyland's princess, it's not her destiny to inherit Elleelain's loneliness. And the whole reason that she started out as a baby but was able to grow and become Precure was because she was surrounded by the right people who brought out that potential in her. For Ellee-chan, being with her friends and fighting alongside them was the bigger, more important destiny than her duty was.
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Finally, the star duo of the show.
Sky was given stronger MC vibes than the other cast members but you can't deny that she wouldn't have gotten this far without Prism by her side.
Sora's idea of what it means to be hero expanded a lot because she became friends with Mashiro.
She has come to treasure Mashiro so much that when she was on the brink of losing her best friend, she let Skearhead corrupt her in order to have enough power to save that best friend. She was willing to sacrifice herself for someone important to her, which in a way, can be seen as an act of heroism (but only as a last resort, plz do not attempt).
And even then, Sky kept resisting from being taken over. Prism didn't even flinch when Sky aimed a punch at her. That's how much Mashiro believes in Sora, in the hero that Sora is. That even if Sora accepted darkness into herself to do the right thing, she won't ever let that darkness consume her into doing the wrong thing.
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And the fact that it was Prism who had the ability to not only purify Sky but also heal Kaiserin's centuries-old wound. She's come a long way herself from the girl who used to think she was talentless, who didn't believe she had anything special going for her.
"You are good as you are now, Mashiro-san."
What Sora said was true until the very end. Mashiro didn't ever need to change. She was already good enough and she was always going to become even better than how she started out because she was always being inspired and supported by those around her and challenging herself to do things she initially hesitated on doing.
Now she's continually drawing new stories, even winning an award for one. Even her Prism Shot evolved and multiplied as an attack and it's all because she learned to believe in herself because all her friends believed in her.
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This is essentially what sets Precure apart from the others, what makes it the major name it is in modern day mahou shoujo.
I cannot begin to describe how glad I am that the staff at Toei reinforced those aspects of friendship as well as the celebration of individualism in a milestone year. But I can definitely say with confidence that we can expect to see more well into the franchise's 30th anniversary as long they don't forget these two very crucial things.
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As for me, I think this will be the last time I blog Precure on a "regular" basis.
I'll still continue to watch cuz hey, there's no reason for me to stop yet.
(and all the more reason to not stop if Satoru and Daifuku become the next two male Cures in WonPre OMGI'MSOGONNAJINXTHISAREN'TIBWUAHAHAHAHA!!!)
But my priorities have shifted so I gotta tend to those foremost. And as much as I enjoy the show, I feel like I'm always saying the same stuff over and over again anyway, just in different variations of it.
(also, something about WonPre tells me the next four years will be filled with hit-or-miss seasons so meh, I'd rather just follow it leisurely than get too invested and then disappointed)
On another note, I do have some personal rankings that I'd like to post some day. I was going to do it for the 20th anniversary but didn't have time to cuz life got way too hectic and busy but yea, eventually I'll have them up.
Just for fun, y'know.
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Ok, that is all.
Thank you, my hero girls and boy! You made this season so wonderful hahahaha, good luck, WonPre for me and I can't be grateful enough for it.
Thank you for a beautiful anniversary! Let's aim for the next!
25th year with 100+ Precure!
Let's gooooooooooooo!!!
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curemorningstar · 4 months
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curemorningstar · 5 months
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curemorningstar · 5 months
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Finished playing through Ghost Trick for the very first time last night! So good! So many tears!
Had to take some time to draw the absolute best boy of them all!
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