cyberpunkobsession · 4 years
A Cyberpunk Sim: The Story of Ryn Echo
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This is “Bubblegum” Ryn Echo, a resident of South Sector C that is also known as the ghetto sector where gangs run the streets. Bubblegum is a nickname or code name given to Ryn because of her sweet charm and signature pink hair. She grew up here with her little sister Em. Their parents are out of the picture so Ryn always had to take care of and protect her little sister. It’s hard to get around the area without running into gang related activities. It was the norm for the both of them to live in that lifestyle and to be acquaintances with certain (dangerous) people.
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Ryn sort of grew up knowing an older man named JT, she always knew that he was drug dealer but was always nice to her when they would see each other. They would talk and hang out for a bit while she was coming home after working at a gear shop. One night she decided to speak with him about her little sister and needing money for a better life. She mentions that the both of them have been training and know how to program. JT tells her that he knows some people that could give her a lot of money for being a programmer. She takes up the offer and before she knew it, she would get herself involved with the most dangerous gang that would screw her entire life forever.
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Some time later, Ryn gets a message to meet up with JT it the downtown nightclub area and meet the people he talked to her about before.
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She meets up with JT and is excited to meet the people and what will await her in getting a job as a programmer. But she looks over and immediately notices that these people are trouble and isn’t so sure about it anymore. JT assures her that there’s nothing wrong and tells her that they just want her to hack into the clubs system and steal its money. She rolled her eyes and knew that this wasn’t going to be as good as she thought. “You called me to come here just so that I can hack into something? I’ve already done this dozens of times. This is shit work.” He tells her that, ”No, this is different I promise you that you’ll get a lot of money out of this.” She sighs and thinks well she needs the money and since she’s been hacking and it’s not that big of a deal to her, she decides to do it anyways.
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She decides to head over to the area that they want her to hack. She’s used to this happening to her, she grew up hacking into things to get money her whole life. She does what she has to do in order to survive with her sister. 
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The group of people lead her into the club’s office room where it looks like they gained access to, how they did it? She knows that she can’t ask questions if she’s ordered to hack into something. She sits and tries to hack into the system. Eventually she does it with ease and that earned them a lot of money. To her surprise, she was given a lot of it too. But the group of people started to order her around with more aggression like as if- and then she realizes that she has just entered into a gang. 
How it works here is that if you’re able to hack into things, that is on a gangs first to do list to find. Hackers are in desperate need by gangs since everything is run on technology. She became their hacker through an initiation trick. Once you’re in, you can’t get out. 
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Ryn struggled to sleep knowing what has happened to her, she can’t tell her sister so she can protect her. This is the last thing that she wanted, was to be in a gang but they tricked her into doing it. She knows that JT didn’t intend this to be a malicious stunt, he didn’t know either. These people specifically targeted her just because of her reputation on the streets as being a good hacker. 
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Ryn wakes up and thinks to herself that she has to do what they ask or they’ll make her. Gangs will do anything to get hackers to do their work and she knows they already claimed her as theirs. They also know that if they bribe her enough, she’ll do it for the money because,”I’m a good for nothing Sector C rat. It’s the only thing that people like me can do anyways.” Which is true to an extent but she always knew to stay away from being in a gang.
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Later on, she gets sent a message to do another job of hacking. In the message it says, “Hello Bubblegum, 
is it okay if I call you that? Lol, when I saw you for the first time I thought that your hair looked like candy. Can you come over to the nightclub area again and hack into the system? We’ll pay you big rewards. You did such a great job last time and we’ve taken a huge liking to you. If not then we might have to replace you with someone who understands better including JT for sending us dead weight. 
See you there!” 
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Ryn gets to the downtown nightclub area and decides to go in and get a drink since she doesn’t see anyone there yet.
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People walked into the bar and Ryn noticed that it was the gang members she saw the first time. She also noticed a man in a hoodie hiding in fear from what looks like he got hit by the woman in front of him. Someone else from the group turned to Ryn and said hello and asked to follow them into a room.
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They order her to start hacking and she does and knows to do it fast and right or else she probably end up like that other guy. She successfully hacks and gets them money. This time she didn’t get any, goes to show that the whole job thing really was a scam. 
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Two months pass...
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It’s been two months of Ryn hacking into various places all over the city. She’s been getting barely any money from it but she knows that she has to keep following orders. One night after hacking into a club’s deposit she decided to get a drink at a bar next door where Bubblegum spots a good looking bartender where she of course starts to flirt. Ryn learned that her name is Oilna Drake and she showed some interest but was at the end of her shift for the night. Ryn says as she walks out that, “I know that I’ll see you soon,” in her usual flirty charming way. 
To be continued...
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cyberpunkobsession · 4 years
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Get ready for a cyberpunk sim story 
Hello Simmers! (or cyberpunk lovers) I saw that the game Cyberpunk 2077 was coming out and I’m super hyped for it! I’ve always loved the Cyberpunk aesthetic and I felt inspired and honestly bored to make a “Cyberpunk world” in the Sims 4. I’ve been making a story around this character and I’ll keep you posted for it and when it’s finished. 
Don’t expect greatness though, this is my first sim story that I’ve ever done and posted.
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cyberpunkobsession · 4 years
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🎵euphoria, BTS Jungkook🎵
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Music :  unwanted
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