d-michl-lowe · 16 days
Why I Cry - Every Time - When I Play Chrono Trigger
I’ve written about it previously, but Chrono Trigger played a large part in my childhood. It was my first real RPG and the first game I played with my buddy all night. It was short enough that we could finish it in nearly two sittings, so over the course of the weekend, we were able to beat the game. My buddy didn’t even own the game; he borrowed it from a friend. However, I was hooked. That…
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d-michl-lowe · 28 days
How Brandon Sanderson Gives Me Hope as an Author
Brandon Sanderson, author of books like The Mistborn Saga and the Stormlight Archive Series, is a literal force within the Fantasy genre. He is a machine of creativity and pushes out books faster than his fan base can read. On top of all that, you might think that writing at a pace like that makes his books seem rushed, but they don’t. Brandon’s books are carefully crafted universes with complex…
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d-michl-lowe · 6 months
The Effect of a Good Church
This past Saturday, my family and I went down to the local IHOP for some breakfast. This is a relatively normal thing for us to do on the weekend. As we walked into the restaurant, my youngest daughter tripped and fell to her knees. An older gentleman reached down to help her up. He smiled and asked her if she was okay. She said yes, I thanked him, and we walked on to our table. As we sat down…
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d-michl-lowe · 7 months
Schalk's Cabbage Soup
This recipe yields around 6 quarts of soup and is great canned. 1 medium-sized cabbage chopped into 1-inch squares, (or enough to fill the bottom of the pot several inches up with chopped cabbage). 5-6 stalks of celery (enough to cover the top of the cabbage), chopped thin. 1 large white onion, cut into medium chunks. 1 (28-ounce) can of crushed tomatoes. 8 ounces of tomato juice or V8. 1.5…
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d-michl-lowe · 7 months
The Mammon Engine
The first scene of Chapter 27: A Northbound Train Character Perspective: Bedlam, Balor, and Mentia. In this first scene, we get to have an insight into a character that is a chimera. This is a creature with the body and head of a lion, another head of a goat, and finally, the tail ends with the head of a snake. We’ve met this character before through the eyes of others, but not from their…
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d-michl-lowe · 8 months
Chrono Trigger and the Death of My Friend
I’m starting to understand what Anne Rice harped on so often in her Vampire Chronicles so much. Eternal life here on Earth would not be as great as some might believe it would be. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I think I could make it work, but it wouldn’t be all unicorns and rainbows like you might first believe. In the Vampire Chronicles, the vampire Lestat, the most famous vampire after Dracula I…
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d-michl-lowe · 10 months
Looking Through the Window that's Not Really There
If you look at the picture above, you might be remiss to think I stare at the wall all day and to some degree you would be right. However, the pictures haphazardly taped to the wall around me are all important parts of the creative process from my book. You might not be able to fully tell by looking at it, but the maps have minor and major changes made to them. The one on the right has the…
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d-michl-lowe · 10 months
Kicking the Back of My Chair
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d-michl-lowe · 11 months
My Father-in-Law's Ethics
My father-in-law is an exciting man. I have a significant amount of respect for him. Much like my own father, he comes from a background where he invested a lot of time, effort, and diligence into providing a stable and good life for his wife and kids.  I hesitate to call him a self-made man, in that I assume many people assisted him throughout his life in achieving what he has, not the least of…
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d-michl-lowe · 1 year
The Lesson I Learned from an Icee
I’ve often thought about how some memories are stuck in my mind, and others seem to have slipped away from me. For instance, I remember waking up when I was five years old from a nap on the floor of my room. I don’t know why I wasn’t in my bed; I assume I was playing and merely slept where I was. That said, I awoke to a puppy licking my face. I don’t remember anything after that, but I remember…
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d-michl-lowe · 1 year
How I Find Time to Write
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d-michl-lowe · 1 year
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d-michl-lowe · 1 year
The Loss and Gain from the Pandemic
I was talking to some people a while back, about thinking positively and how this can impact one’s feelings about negative situations. I relayed to them some of the events from the past couple of years and how negative they could be thought of. The pandemic dropped into our laps as a society in January 2020 and by February, most of the world had shut down. We were in our homes and quarantined…
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d-michl-lowe · 1 year
Side Project: My Forgotten Youth
So I took a break from writing the fantasy book that I have been working on and wrote something different. I woke up last night at 3:00 a.m. and had a book idea ramming itself into my consciousness. The idea wouldn’t go away. I had to write down the general idea and even the first couple of paragraphs of the introduction. Below, I wrote out the rough introduction to the book. I don’t plan on…
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d-michl-lowe · 1 year
Marrow Morel Toast
In my upcoming fantasy novel, there is a character named Marcum Wiggsnem who runs a famous restaurant in Charles Gate called The Pig Pen. He is famous for making Marcum’s King-bowl Toast, which is basically morel mushroom toast. So here is that famous recipe from Marcum’s restaurant in the heart of the city of Charles Gate. Enjoy. Ingredients: 4 slices of whole wheat bread 1/2 lb. of morel…
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d-michl-lowe · 1 year
One Last Hug
I had a dream about a dead person. A person I knew long ago. I didn’t know this person as an adult, I knew them when I was just a kid, a kid in high school. In the dream, we were at a festival of some kind, there was music, and people milling around talking and having fun. People were meeting with old friends and chatting, there was laughter and good food. This person and I were going to perform…
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d-michl-lowe · 1 year
Why I’m Not Afraid of Dragons Anymore
I was part of a writing group for a while. I’m not going to name names, because it’s not important to the story. However, for some time now, I have been scared… of dragons. Let me explain. This was nearly ten years ago and my writing career was still very new. I hadn’t finished my first book, in fact, I hadn’t really even started it yet. However, I was a passionate and ignorant new writer. I was…
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