daemongal · 13 days
I read some of your V/Reader stuff over on AO3, just wanted to stop by and thank you for the content :3 you write him so well!
Thank you so much ❤️ honestly I don't write anymore and haven't been active in the fandom forever but it makes me really happy to know there are still people out there reading and enjoying my fics. Thanks for dropping a message, it really does warm my heart :)
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daemongal · 9 months
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sweaty astarion for all you hooligans
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daemongal · 9 months
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I tried! Thanks @daemongal for the suggestion!!
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daemongal · 3 years
reblog and put in the tags ALL your fictional crushes, and then find out what’s their single, common, unifying trait …
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daemongal · 3 years
Hello hello! I recently rewatched the anime and I am in the feels zone like crazy for Lindel. Could I request some soft NSFW headcanons for him? :3 Thank you! :D
Soft NSFW Headcanons for Lindel
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Lindel is a service top for sure.
Whatever you want, he'll be sure to please you.
I like to think he's good at oral.
He's good at using his mouth to please you.
Loves giving you kisses while fucking you.
Very tender and soft and intimate.
Having sex with Lindel is everything.
Definitely praises you for doing so well, calling you a good girl/boy for him.
Aftercare is so nice too.
Cuddles cuddles cuddles.
Makes sure he isn't hurting you.
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daemongal · 3 years
reblog and put in the tags the type of music you listen to while studying
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daemongal · 3 years
The number of messages I’ve failed to answer across all my devices and media platforms will be weighed against my soul on judgment day, and I will be cast into hell
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daemongal · 3 years
reblog and put in the tags what your go-to daydream is or what your brain just drifts to thinking about most often
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daemongal · 3 years
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sketch that I put a background on for some unknown reason… this boy again. this lad. featuring as well: noodle
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daemongal · 3 years
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daemongal · 3 years
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does anyone know whats up with this mallard i saw ? it has the male feather pattern but the female coloration and was twice the size of the other ducks
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daemongal · 3 years
It has been brought to my attention that my ex-writing partner has written a statement that questions the proper crediting of contributions regarding both the original and coming relaunch of the comic Traversion. I have been accused, both directly and indirectly, of a variety of unprofessional behaviors, which means I now must address a number of things I had hoped would be kept private. What the claim neglected to mention, and in fact misleads the reader gravely upon, is the amount of work left on my shoulders for the greater part of a year while my ex-partner ghosted me to play video games. Any attempt to reconcile their lack of work ethic with their claim to commitment to the project was met with repeated lying and more ghosting, which unfortunately made the partnership increasingly untenable.
Our “joint effort” eventually devolved into me alone contributing 80-90% of the narrative, story, character, design, world-building, structure and 100% of the artwork— all while they played video games. Note that this is not me speculating on their activities at the time; they proudly spoke to me of how they were spending their time. When I could no longer even get them to give me the final scripts and ready the updates— despite my numerous offers to write them myself— I was ignored, or refused, and no fully finalized script would ever be delivered to me before I terminated the relationship. Date-wise, we had mutually agreed scripts would be finalized and locked in by August; I would eventually reach my breaking point in December.
Additionally, their work ethic on non-writing tasks also degraded sharply after launch: updates to the social media accounts were not happening unless I reminded them, and the Webtoons management was left entirely to me on top of everything else. This combined with shouldering the majority of the creative work, constant delays on the insisted-upon transcripts, refusals to give me the final scripts, and social media neglect created an untenable loop of further delays that bled through no matter how hard I worked to keep things running. I knew that, should things continue in this manner, the project would wither away.
Throughout, my ex-partner continued to claim a near total ownership over the entirety of the project. In private they would speak to me of how I did almost all the work, and that they could not “keep up with me creatively”, all while publicly proclaiming it to be solely their project— often giving me only an art credit, if any mention whatsoever. This attitude not only disregarded all my other creative contributions, but also the fact that I was covering for nearly every monetary service required to make the project happen. I was, and still am, paying for the server, the domain name, the comment section service, the resources, and the software programs.
All of that, for a project they often scolded me for “caring too much about” and “needing to stop only thinking about and working on”, while they gamed. Had they cared as much for the project as they appear to care right now, we likely would have never had the problems that turned ours into an untenable partnership and which resulted in me taking my work and leaving.
The accusation post is also particularly disingenuous in that they were informed, when I dissolved our partnership, that the listed characters belonging solely to them would be removed as a courtesy. Any story roles these characters had previously filled would be replaced. They were also informed that the sole character design from their old project I had based upon material they provided (two reference pieces) would be kept— but the name and background details of said character would be changed. This is as close as you could accurately say I have ‘stolen’ from them, as this design was kept due to their multiple promises that they were taking the project seriously; and I had made it abundantly clear that I would not be majorly changing any designs once they were featured in the prologue artwork. All but the initial concept art for the final design of said character was based off of a story concept created by me and Elanor Pam. Upon being told about this story concept for a character, my ex-partner exclaimed that this character was “just like their character” and offered the concept art in question allegedly so that I would not have to start from square one on the design.
Furthermore, I informed my ex-partner that the fully custom logo (also made by me and Elanor Pam), along with the already registered domain name and the pre-launch campaign were the reasons for maintaining the project’s name— which is a word found in the dictionary that has been in the English vernacular since the 17th century. Had they been upfront to me when I asked them— and gave them their chances, months before dismissal, to tell me whether they were serious about the work involved in doing a comic— I never would have used the name. Yet they claimed to be totally onboard the project, and promised to work according to our new schedule and its strict deadlines. Thus, come December I was left with folders of designs, concept, fully finished pages and a fully finished logo and a partner who loudly proclaimed to me repeatedly that they did not *want* to do their share of the work.
Despite the name retention— as they had claimed, when it was originally offered by them, that they did not mind passing it on to an entirely new project— this project is entirely separate from their previous, unfinished “Traversion” project. Most of the concepts listed within their claim of ownership that are truly, 100% theirs (government, monetary system, transcriptions, the morpheme system) will not be used, and any concepts that may have required touching upon these aspects to service the narrative have already been extensively reworked.
All other items listed in their accusation to which they have retroactively claimed full ownership were in reality either built by myself (the majority of creature taxonomy— I dictated while they wrote down) or were true joint efforts, (the prologue, magic and magic design, and geography).
At the end of the day, I left their credit on the website in order to reflect the work they did do. I strongly believe in retaining attribution of efforts despite any negative personal feelings, be they due to creative differences or work ethics. They have been properly credited for their actual efforts— as a project that is as much hard work as a comic cannot be built by simply hoping your partner will meekly do most everything for you and remain quiet while you play games.
I did not wish for things to come to this, but I did set my conditions to them in private— after enduring a year of our working relationship slowly degrading into so much gaslighting that I was made to feel worthless even as I did most of the work on a project they now claim to have been so precious to them. I took my work and left, and I look forward to sharing it with you. I wish my ex-partner as well good fortune going forward.
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daemongal · 3 years
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Wasting time.
Aka. I just wanted to draw kitty cat.
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daemongal · 3 years
If you use fiction to escape clap your hands
If you use fiction to escape clap your hands
If you use fiction to escape from something that you hate
If you use fiction to escape clap your hands
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daemongal · 3 years
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never change, twitch chat
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daemongal · 3 years
The first scene of the new Venom trailer being basically domestic fan fiction is absolutely sending me 😂😂 a bunch of executives at Sony really went “alright well this is weird as shit but it’s what will sell so fine you horny fuckers we’ll give it to you”. See this is what capitalism should be. The invisible hand of the market should tilt toward what the people actually want even if that thing is monster fucking. Imma write an essay on how this is what Adam Smith was actually talking about
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daemongal · 3 years
Sony really went "you know our target audience is monsterfuckers so let's make Venom as much husband material as characteristically possible in the trailer" and it worked
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