dainsfedora · 2 years
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Jasmine, Filli, and Kree
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dainsfedora · 2 years
i think the funniest thing deltora quest ever pulled off was in shadowlands (? i think?) where the main characters are running around in a series of caves and they stumble onto a massive presumed to be extinct gold dragon that's just like. snoozing. and these protags fight every generic fantasy trope in existence, look at each other like 😶, quietly back out of the cavern and never talk about it for the rest of the book. just refuse to engage. like i know they address the dragon stuff in the next series but it's still funny that it happened.......the second funniest thing was the evil live laugh love wall hanging
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dainsfedora · 3 years
Jasmine loomed above him. She was breathing in great, sobbing gasps. Her brow was beaded with sweat, and tears were pouring down her cheeks. But her mouth was set in a hard, straight line.
This is literally so so much yes it sucks for lief to have his face basically ripped off but jasmine has always had his back and what does it mean when having your back also means inflicting incredible pain to stop you from losing yourself?? Has she even sobbed before? The way shes still determined to save him even if for all the information she has the mask has already fused permanently?
ALSO it's insane all of this (lief recognising the adult masks were permanent, the rest of the troupe trying to attack, rust letting the moths loose, jasmine ripping the mask off lief's face) happens in twelve seconds
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dainsfedora · 3 years
I’ve been thinking about how to properly convey this for a while but like... the older I get, the more I feel for Endon. When I read the books as a kid I never paid much attention to Endon’s leg injury and the fact that he was supposed to be the one to go on the quest before that happened - I just thought of it as a plot point that enabled Lief to go on his journey and allowed the story to happen. But having a chronic pain condition now and knowing the daily reality of having one’s mobility impacted by that has made me think about how that must sting for Endon, especially paired with Lief being so young when he goes on the quest. Like... imagine having to gamble with your own child’s safety like that by sending them off to do something so fraught with danger; something that you were supposed to be the one to do. Adding that to the fact that so much of Endon’s life has been characterised by powerlessness... he was powerless when his parents died and he was coronated (which I think happened when he was around thirteen but that’s another story for another post), he was powerless when the belt was taken, he was powerless when Jarred gave up his home in order to give Endon a chance... and on a trope subversion level that’s clever of Rodda because, like, kings are supposed to be powerful, right? But on a deeper level, I mean, damn. That really stings. DQ is one of those stories that I can read over and over again and learn something new every time and it’s so heart-wrenching but so permeated by hope, like, every difficult decision the characters make, they make because they have hope. At the end of Return to Del when Endon tells Lief that he is happy and that his life is fulfilled, it’s such a hopeful moment. When he talks about how he wanted Lief to learn to know and love the people and be one of them, it’s clear that he’s a wise person and a great parent, and that’s immensely powerful in itself. His message to Lief feels reminiscent of how wolves lead their pack from behind, not in front. And his role in the story feels reminiscent of that too. Anyway, this has been a long post but TL;DR I have a lot of feelings about Endon.
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dainsfedora · 3 years
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Finally drew the boy in a last minute effort to create something for Roddacember
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dainsfedora · 4 years
Not for the first time he felt a stab in his heart as he thought of all he had left behind in Del. He thought of his room-tiny, but safe and full of his own treasures. He thought evenings in front of the fire. Running wild in the streets with his friends. Even working with his father at the forge.
WHYYYY would his friends like never get brought up again after this/that time in the above-ground raladin where he thought theyd probably make fun of him for crying
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dainsfedora · 4 years
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This is canon right???
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dainsfedora · 4 years
The dark-haired young serving man [...]
I was just gonna leave it at 'oh this bitch' but the possibilities here.
Dain had to apply for the job fair and square
They bonked the last person on the head
Theres so many people they hire he was able to just walk in and noone cared about the new temp and assumed he was someone elses responsibility
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dainsfedora · 4 years
Deltora: official owl fancast
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dainsfedora · 4 years
Lief: Impulsively removes mask, recklessly exposing himself to infection
Doom: Ah, Barda warned me about this
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dainsfedora · 4 years
I am so sorry for all the Deltora posting today but I am NOT over it. I am not over how Rodda can write a character and make me fall head over heals in love with them in 6 pages or less, when other authors can't do the same in entire books. I am not over the wonderfully intricate world building and how little details come back around to be important in ways you never realized they could be used. I am not over how carefully and thoughtfully she constructs plots so that the inevitable twists seem to blindside you but somehow make complete sense at the same time. I'm just not over any of it!!
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dainsfedora · 4 years
Barda: Wow, if I had a gold coin for every time I was attacked by carnivorous plants, I'd have two gold coins - which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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dainsfedora · 4 years
omg yes
deltora quest modern au where jasmine wears scene eyeliner, barda has tattoos like that cat whisperer guy and lief drinks eight cups of coffee a day
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dainsfedora · 4 years
in-universe deltora quest memes
nevets becomes the equivalent of the T R I G GE R E D meme. even Steven starts to laugh at this after a while. sometimes with two voices
‘hey can you do this thing for me’ ‘make kree do it. he can do anything’
The Doom Man Exists, I Fought Him Behind A Tavern In Rithmere Once (credit to @dragonloverdoran​)
*something goes horribly* well its better than doom’s handwriting
How Fast Can Jasmine Make Lief Blush: it doesnt matter that they’re married. usually all it takes is ‘remember that time i rubbed salve on your chest’ and. whoop. there he go pink
lief grumbling “i didnt die for this” when he’s mildly inconvenienced by kingly duties (lbr his death in Hira went largely unappreciated)
barda mocking lief with this until he remembers that he, too, died in the forests of silence and he begins to use this phrase unironically
i love you but not as much as lindal loves her spear collection
Quality Brand labels slapped on things that are definitely not Quality Brand
this is very exploitable and evolves into something like the ™ symbol
*something breaks* Quality Brand craftsmanship
“how was your nap” “Quality Brand”
*doom verbally destroys someone* Quality Brand
until everyone hates it
the worst was when someone shouted ‘Quality Brand’ at lief and jasmine’s wedding after they kissed. And We Do Not Use That Meme Anymore.
the ghost of queen adina guards the basement levels of the palace. do not anger her. do not touch her suit of armor. do not go looking for her. do not
the trio convinces people that things that absolutely Did Not Happen actually happened on the quests. these fake things sound no stranger than the things that Actually Happened, to the point where no one is sure what actually happened on the quests
No Shoes Required: the Queen’s Non-Discriminatory Clause
every new person who comes to the palace is Lief’s Distant Cousin. i am sure marilen started this meme
jasmine: does something mildly rude like put her feet on the table barda: i did not raise you to be like this
“its not a weird habit its an ancient Mere superstition”
doom always makes window references to sharn. no one knows why
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dainsfedora · 4 years
deltora quest modern au where jasmine wears scene eyeliner, barda has tattoos like that cat whisperer guy and lief drinks eight cups of coffee a day
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dainsfedora · 4 years
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tag yourself i’m caw
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dainsfedora · 4 years
i just started watching the untamed and xiao zhan as asian!lief would be such a vibe
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