danmei-trash · 1 day
Inspired but the LOTR and DM polls...
Spin the wheel for a CQL/MDZS character!!!
*Don't forget platonic/lavender marriages ARE an option!!!*
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danmei-trash · 2 days
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you can watch the interview w thorfluke here
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danmei-trash · 3 days
He Tian: Okay, so get this.
He Tian: You make ten meals, you're not a cook.
He Tian: You make twenty paintings, you're not an artist.
He Tian: But you kill ONE PERSON—
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danmei-trash · 6 days
I understand some people want to see Ter as closeted now that he suddenly shows interest in Dee but, for me, he comes off more as a narcissist losing control of someone he's been able to control for 8 years than someone who is suddenly discovering that he has sexual or romantic feelings for someone of the same sex for the first time. Dee has been pushing him away ever since the rejection and Ter has only cared about the scholarship. I think he thought he could love bomb his way back into Dee's good graces sooner or later but...he can't do that if Dee is in a relationship with Yak. Yeah he's ALSO leading the woman doctor(sorry I can't remember her name) on and manipulating her. That doesn't mean he closeted. It just means he has more than one victim. That one flashback of him thinking of Dee doing something nice just doesn't make me change my mind that he was using and manipulating Dee. Could he miss that Dee did nice things for him? Sure but that doesn't mean he has genuine feelings for Dee.
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danmei-trash · 6 days
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Kao is our ace bl icon :] And now, a meme xD
GMMTV please don't ruin his character story
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danmei-trash · 6 days
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My new hero has arrived and I love him.
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danmei-trash · 6 days
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just scrapbooking my favourite indoor cat on his visit to pa pun meow. also, meanwhile...
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danmei-trash · 7 days
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BAD BUDDY | 1.10
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danmei-trash · 10 days
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Chapter 442: Shadow Translator: https://twitter.com/maomaozaii Editor: https://twitter.com/Lum_Cheng
Please credit maomaozaii on twitter as the translator if you upload it to instagram etc. Join our discord if you want to chat with like-minded people and be the first to see new updates~
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danmei-trash · 10 days
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hey what the FUCK is up with the svsss flesh creatures??????
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danmei-trash · 10 days
I just finished Triage and was pretty impressed with the plot. Altho I mostly love love-centered BLs/QLs, it made me realize I really like plot-heavy ones (especially action/thriller/mystery) if they're done well. Can you look through what I've seen and let me know if I'm missing any good ones?
Ones I thought succeeded to varying extents: Triage, Not Me, Manner of Death, 3 Will Be Free, The Eclipse, Pit Babe, The Sign
Ones I thought fell short plot-wise (but still kinda appreciated for trying): KinnPorsche, Playboyy, Laws of Attraction
(And I've seen others with actiony/mystery plots but I consider the romantic plot to be more dominant so I don't think of them the same way: Long Time No See, Candy Colored Paradox, Kiseki Dear to Me, Never Let Me Go etc...hope that makes my ask clearer....)
Thanks! Appreciate you!
I live for this shit!
Plot heavy (driven) BL/QL
(external motivation)
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Triage *
Not Me *
Manner of Death *
3 Will Be Free *
The Eclipse
Pit Babe
The Sign
The ones I put an * by are ones that I barely consider BL because they are so very plot heavy.
It's Okay:
Laws of Attraction
Also seen, but more romance
Long Time No See
Candy Colored Paradox
Kiseki Dear to Me
Never Let Me Go
Hum, difficult, because I see very little difference between Pit Babe and KP and Kiseki. So I'm gonna spitball a bunch of BL that edges into gay romantic suspense (or in some cases horror / PNR) and see if any hit. These will mostly be Thailand, only Taiwan also dabbles in this sub-genre, and rarely (because of the expense).
He's Coming to Me
Dear Doctor, I'm Coming for Your Soul (similar team as Triage so def worth trying, it's PNR tho)
Great Men Academy (an odd pick but I think it might work for you)
HIStory 3: Trapped (the first one I thought of after reading your ask)
Golden Blood
To Sir, With Love (more of a soap opera)
Because of You
Ghost Host Ghost House (more horror than suspense)
Chinese stuff:
My Esports Genius Brother (it's WILD)
Word of Honor (censored)
The Untamed (censored)
Guardian (censored)
SCI Mysteries (censored)
Advance Bravely (censored)
Legend of Long Yang: Rebirth
This is one of the few times I'll rec this because this is kinda China's BL speciality and one of the many reasons the censorship is so annoying. Their product is quality... sigh. Bummer it also has to be evil.
Not as much suspense + action but stil external motivation + complex plot (earned romantic threads)
AKA Korea can play, too.
Color Rush
Until We Meet Again
Love For Love's Sake
I Feel You Linger in the Air
La Pluie
Unintentional Love Story
Tinted With You
Vice Versa
My Dear Gangster Oppa
DNA Says Love You
Be My Favorite
Stay By My Side
Two Worlds
The End Of The World, With You AKA Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu
First Love Again
Oh! My Sunshine Night
Cupid's Last Wish
Absolute Zero
So Much In Love (PULP warning)
(These tend to be my personal favorite style of BL. Although some are much less successful than others, in order with best ones at the top.)
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danmei-trash · 17 days
Forget Wei Wuxian, Nie Huaisang, Lan Wangji, Lan Xichen, whoever. 
The real hero of The Untamed is this random Lan disciple
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Sixteen years ago, this disciple was present for the Salute ceremony at Cloud Recesses, responsible for reading the Lan Rules to the gathered students and announcing each Sect for their salute. He even had a front row seat to Wei Wuxian’s slap-fight with Wen Chao.
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(Just out of frame is Lan Qiren stroking his beard)
This disciple is tasked with accompanying Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji on the search for Wei Wuxian
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He even has a front-row seat to Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji’s conversations during this search
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Sixteen years later, this disciple accompanies the Lan juniors to the Mo Manor, where he assists with the capture of the spirit sword 
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(Having a giggle with Lan Jingyi over Mo antics)
Is this disciple a senior disciple escorting the juniors? Is he a junior disciple who has been a junior for sixteen years? Did he get demoted at some point from announcer to babysitter? Who knows? Who cares? Because this disciple knows what Wei Wuxian looks like from his time at Cloud Recesses. And he sees Wei Wuxian without his mask at Mo Manor during the nighttime scenes.
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(There he is, hanging out with the returned grandmaster of demonic cultivation)
And yet he never tells a soul that Wei Wuxian, the Yiling Laozu, has returned and is pretending to be Mo Xuanyu. 
This disciple is right there when Jiang Cheng whips Wei Wuxian with Zidian, keeping his mouth shut. The one man who saw Wei Wuxian pre-time skip, has recently seen Wei Wuxian without the mask on, and has the ability to confirm that Wei Wuxian has returned. Doesn’t say a word. 
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And he can’t even pretend that he doesn’t know, because here they are hanging out in the same frame pre-time skip, practically making eye contact
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This man is the first person to know that Wei Wuxian has returned and he keeps his mouth shut. What a legend
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danmei-trash · 20 days
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i think they should explode. good night
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danmei-trash · 27 days
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One of the hardest parts is knowing that I could have been Sun as a teenager. My parents were open and accepting and I had no secrets and I had no idea why anyone would have a secret from their parents. I never did out anyone, luckily, but I understand how it happens. And how it happened here. Sun is just so used to honesty and she has no reason to consider any other reaction... even though she should know better... I get why she doesn't. It's wrong and she should not have outed anyone without being certain it was okay but I see the innocence of where she comes from, that certainty that every family can be like your own if you just treat them that way.
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But Ongsa's face here? That fear and that pain and that instant worry? The way Alpha had already reminded her that she would have to tell their mother someday? The knowledge that she already fears this? Oh, it hurts.
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And this just hurt. But it also shows that Sun wasn't looking to Ongsa during this. She wasn't following her signals or seeing her face fall or her nerves. Nothing of the sort. Sun didn't wait for Ongsa, didn't consider what she wants or what she was ready to do... she outed three people without a second thoughts or a moment's hesitation. And as much as I want to live in a world where that's something no one has to worry about or hesitate about, we don't live in that world.
(This also shows, honestly, how little they've talked despite dating each other. That Sun doesn't know Ongsa is still in the closet to her family? That Ongsa has never told Sun about all of this? They're dating and they love each other but none of this has come up because they're young and they assume everyone thinks the way they do.)
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THIS is where I get frustrated with Sun. Seriously? She is not young or innocent enough to truly believe there's no such thing as homophobic parents or people or that staying in the closet is a thing no one does. I understand her relationship with her parents has shaped her but to take this level of offense at Ongsa trying to stay in the closet when they did discuss them coming out publicly and it was always Ongsa who hesitated and didn't want to tell others? It's rough to see.
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NEVER?! Never!? That's what you take from this Sun!? It has NOT been long for you to be waving around forever in her face. You've never even discussed what coming out to her parents might look like or why she's in the closet and now you're upset and outing her more thoroughly in your upset?! The agony.
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Poor Ongsa. She's barely holding her together and her girlfriend is outing her to her parents and her parents are frustrated and she didn't want any of this and now she's stuck in the middle and it hurts so much to watch her.
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Sun, how you can look at your girlfriend looking like this and still out her to her parents?! Come on!
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Repeat after me, kids! No one deserves to be outed, no matter what you think, no matter what you believe, no matter your comfort level. No one deserves to be outed. Do not out the people you love. Do not out them even if you think it's for the best. People come out in their own time and in their own way and everyone deserves that.
(I am also very, very worried about how they're going to handle this tbh.)
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danmei-trash · 1 month
Thenku for tagging me Jules @crying-over-gay-dramas
Using my bl side blog cause all my wips are obv gay. Now brace yourselves there's a lot
Book Girlie Pat and Biker Pran
Patpran figuring out things in thr beginning of their relationship (The...the typo was a part of the title...)
Pran sexuality crisis fic
Patpran tickling fic which I have no idea what I was writing (no this is actually the name of the wip, have you realized I am unhinged now)
Jiuhuo idk what to even write (again, this is the actual name)
Hoe Pran Agenda (what has my life become) (the prev bracket was a part of the title...)
Patpran the village fic
Patpran assassin au (someday I'll finish this I swear)
MLC soulmate au
Ace Junior fic
Lmao ten whole wips- 💀 and they're all like 2 years old...
I was tagged by @whatever-letmebe
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
diaryus chapter 26
way meets martin
kentakim soulmates au
alanjeff soulmates au
kns collab
alanjeff brainrot
sonic's guide to heartbreak
noso best boys agenda
alanjeff and mo
special chapter (?)
lfls for [friend name]
seiji ken pan date
i have too many wips for my own good and some of them will probably never see the light of day but it is what it is. i'm also pretty sure i have more drafts that i forgot about but since i don't think they'll ever get finished there's no point in listing them. i also don't really know anyone here so i can't tag even remotely as many people as i have wips ^^" @crying-over-gay-dramas @currentlylivingonaprayer @enigmaharper @bubbaknowlton @inrainbowz and ofc everyone else who wants to!!
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danmei-trash · 1 month
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Where is His Excellency the Judge?
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danmei-trash · 1 month
MXTX really said: if you write a villian who has suffered abuse and trauma but also does cruel and evil things, the audience is going to divide into people who either say his trauma means his actions were 100% justified or people who say he deserved his trauma because of his later evil actions. When the truth is the villian is both a traumatised victim and guilty of their very evil crimes in equal measure. In fact I'm giving you a specific example so you understand what I'm talking about
And the audience proceeded to prove her point exactly
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