darksmallbrooke ¡ 20 days
Poor thing, getting sick at the worse time possible. I hope Shawn gets better soon.
Work Meeting
Kink: emetophilia
OC: Shawn
Summary: Shawn starts to feel sick during a meeting at work and ends up vomiting in front of all his coworkers.
Word count: ~800
Warning: very detailed description of vomit
Shawn was silently sitting at a conference table, sweat coating his back. While his coworkers were occupied with an academic debate, all that he could think of was the dull ache in his stomach. He kept wondering what he had eaten to make his stomach hurt, and how serious it could possibly be. He's been feeling a little off since this morning so it wasn’t the lunch he’s had right before this meeting (that he so regretted eating right now). He tried to breathe deeply to keep the nausea at bay, but it wasn’t helping. He was starting to realize that the nausea was only getting worse and it might end badly if he doesn’t start looking for a bathroom. His boss was having a presentation at the moment, and he didn’t want to disturb, so he was anxiously waiting for a more appropriate moment, while preparing what to say. He was taken out of his thoughts when he heard his name. “What do you suggest, Shawn?” 
He jerked and looked up. Everyone was watching him expectantly. The boss was piercing him with her eyes, but he had no idea what the topic even was.
“I… Sorry, I… Could you repeat the question?” he said weakly.
The boss frowned. “Were you not paying attention during my presentation?”
He swallowed. “I… I don't feel very good…” he said in a trembling voice. 
Sweat formed on his forehead, but not just because of the boss’s scrutiny. His mouth filled with foul-tasting saliva and he could feel his stomach rising. He stood up in haste; the sound of a chair scraping the floor resonated through the silent hall. Everyone looked at him. He didn't even open his mouth to excuse himself, fearing that something other than words might come out. He was shaking, trying to keep his lunch down, but when he started moving away from the table, his queasiness doubled. 
He was able to take only a few steps before his stomach revolted, contracting so strongly it forced him to bend over. A thick brown substance forced its way through his mouth and splashed on the tile floor. It was the lentil he had eaten for lunch just an hour ago; it was barely digested and he could feel its texture on his tongue. It tasted even more sour than when he ate it. Soon after, sickness overcame him for a second time and he heaved again, feeling the lentil rise up his esophagus, before it added to the pile on the floor. He barely had time to breathe in before his stomach spasmed again and made him release more undigested food out of his mouth. The brown wave had a white tail - remains of the eggs he had eaten for breakfast. He was sweating and his hands were shaking, but he felt a little relieved. For a second he thought he was done, but then his mouth started filling with sickly saliva once more. He doubled over and gagged. A small amount of a white substance diluted in stomach acid splashed onto the existing pile. The next wave was black tea with a few white pieces. After this, his stomach calmed down and Shawn was finally able to relax. 
He let out a shaky sigh of relief. It seemed that his stomach had finally purged itself off all the food that was making him sick. He was feeling much better now.
But the relief was gone as soon as he remembered that he had just embarrassed himself in front of all his coworkers. He will always be “that one guy who said ‘I don't feel very good’ and proceeded to puke his guts out during a meeting”. 
He felt a gentle touch on his arm. He looked up to meet his coworker’s sympathetic eyes. 
“Are you alright?” she asked.
He tried to speak but it just made him start coughing. The cough made him gag again but he swallowed the acid back down. He resolved to just nodding. 
“Do you feel like you're gonna faint?” 
He shook his head.
She went to the table to bring him a glass of water. He risked a short glance towards the table and quickly hung his head in shame.
She handed him a glass and asked, “Are you having a migraine again?”
Drinking washed away the gross taste and made him able to speak again.
“No... I... probably just ate something bad...”
“Well, you should still go home and rest...”
He didn’t feel sick anymore but he wished to get away from this embarrassment so he nodded gratefully. He gathered his possessions and left the conference room, head hung in shame.
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darksmallbrooke ¡ 2 months
Happy World Autism Day! Besides the Autism Awareness and all, it needs acceptance! So many people still don't understand it and that there is why I aim for "acceptance".
I know it's basically the same thing, but I'm doing this as a result of cross posting accounts.
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Happy World Autism Day! April is Autism Acceptance Month and show your support, "Light it up gold"  to demonstrate us. We don't need awareness, we need acceptance. I prefer the use of "Autism Acceptance" rather than awareness because the biggest problem is that people don't accept Autistic people for who they are and acceptance is all we need.  Gold is the symbol strictly for Autism. Rainbow Infinity is for neurodivergence.  As an actually autistic person, I don't associate with Autism Speaks or even the puzzle piece, which is why I go by the infinity symbol instead. The puzzle piece has a bad history and I don't want to associate myself with it. 
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darksmallbrooke ¡ 2 months
CW: Diapers, diaper use, implied scat, and hypnosis. Click off if you dare.
The picture is under the cut.
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Happy Easter everyone!
Sirius is hypnotized into being the Easter Pony and deliver the chocolate eggs, but one problem, the hypnotist forgot to tell him that he was to deliver real chocolate eggs, so as a result, Sirius thought he was to make chocolate eggs in his Bunnyhops pamps, so close enough.
At least Sirius is being a good colt doing as told, even if he's filling diapers and thinking he's making chocolate eggs in that way, lol.
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darksmallbrooke ¡ 4 months
OMG, yes! But poor thing though that he got sick in the car.
TBH, I was in that place once years ago, getting sick like that sucks. But yeah, the car scenario is probably the worse one yet.
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a comic page commission i did for @pokemonispain, thanks so much for the opportunity! and the awesome hcs too (i'm intrigued)
check out my art commissions~
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darksmallbrooke ¡ 4 months
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Ever since Misty got fully free from Opaline, she's been trying to figure out who she really is. Apart of that was engaging in new hobbies. One of them is making homemade natural soap. Doing such tasks take lots of effort and it's very easy to forget everything else while focusing on making the soap.
Misty here has been putting ingredients together, mixing it, heating it up on the stove, and other tasks you do when you make soap for so long that she didn't notice that her bodily functions were in need to be taken care of. As she was mixing one of many batches of soap, and listening to her music, while with wireless earbuds in, her bladder dangerously contracts and she realized that her bladder was full and she needed to stop soon. This actually made her stop the task due to the contraction, all while the book and mixing bowl was in the air. As she was sitting there, she noticed that a couple of droplets have escaped from her and it makes her go red in the face.
Judging by how she is at risk of peeing right there, she had to get the bathroom fast, but getting up and walking to the bathroom will be quite the task, even though the bathroom was a few steps away. Poor thing. A contracting and full bladder can make doing anything more difficult.
The faucet by the way, represents the slight leak she had from her bladder.
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darksmallbrooke ¡ 6 months
CW: Adult ponies in diapers. This may be controversial for some viewers, so look away now if you're not into age regression or adults wearing diapers. The character here is 18+.
The post is below the cut.
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While no pony was looking or present in the Crystal Brighthouse, Misty sometimes likes to pull out her old foal toys that her friends brought from her foalhood home in Bridlewood and other items she secretly bought to engage in littlespace or mental age regression (she is still an adult but has the headspace of a filly) to help her relax.
On this particular day, she was regressed to a 1-2 year old filly in her headspace and because she felt that small, she put her mane in the old mane style her dad use to put her mane in. She also put on a Zephyr Heights' brand adult sized pullup and sucking on a pacifier. The pullup is for comfort, but she does have accidents when in her small headspace. At this point, no pony knows yet, but sooner or later, they're going to find out.
Misty does this due to the trauma she endured from all these years from being with Opaline, and as a coping mechanism, she regresses to a young mindset. She was very young when she got lost after all and never really learned healthy ways to deal with things. So the only way was regressing. It's something she's done her whole life, but before she was freed officially, she didn't wear padding or suck on a pacifier. The only thing she had for comfort was her blanket and a couple of stuff toys.
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darksmallbrooke ¡ 6 months
Welcome To My New Kink Blog
Hey guys, welcome to my strictly kink blog! This blog will contain more spicy, controversial, and weird kinks, so if you don't like that stuff, stay out. This is strictly 18+ only as well.
DNI: Terfs, pedos/zoo, homophobes, transphobes, racism, minors, and in general anti-kink people. Haters stay out!
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