deepbluegrave · 2 months
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Can you believe Rictor and Shatterstar’s relationship was made canon 15 years ago? Well, it’s true! So, what better way to commemorate this iconic moment than with all of us sharing our love for them with a whole week dedicated to them?
The RicStar Anniversary Week 2024 will be held June 21-27, 2024.
The purpose of this event is to celebrate 15 years since the first kiss between Rictor and Shatterstar which happened on the pages of X-Factor #45 on June 24, 2009, which not only was the first gay kiss between two superheroes in Marvel, but it also confirmed years of romantic subtext between the characters. It’s been 15 years of canon RicStar, a couple that paved the way for more couples and pre-established characters to come out in later years.
DAY 1: Early years/ X-Force era       
DAY 2: Missing moments
DAY 3: Mexico road-trip/ Mojoworld
DAY 4: Free day (It’s the Anniversary day!)
DAY 5: Alternate Universe
DAY 6: Krakoa Era
DAY 7: Family/ Friends
DAY 1: Neurodivergence
DAY 2: Sacrifice / Parallels
DAY 3: Powers
DAY 4: Soulmates
DAY 5: Music/ Movies
DAY 6: Hurt/ Comfort
DAY 7: Childhood
There are two prompts per day – a subject and a theme, feel free to use only one or a combination of the prompts.
All kinds of fanwork are welcome, from fanfics, fanarts, fanedits, playlists, photography cosplay, and even baking! (I’ve made Ricstar cookies in the past), handcrafts or even if you just want to share your thoughts, headcanons, etc. that’s perfect too. Let’s all just share our love for this couple in whichever way we want and can.
Remember to use the #ricstarweek2024 hashtag so we can find your work. For Tumblr, you can also tag us @ricstarweek2024.
Please don't feel pressured to post something for every prompt or every day. The dates and prompts work just as a guide so if you can’t post the assigned day that’s fine, post it when you can.
Remember to tag any triggers. Additionally, for NSFW material on Tumblr, make sure to put it under the “read more” break and use the function of sensitive content warning for Twitter.
Let’s have an amazing week together!!
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deepbluegrave · 3 months
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deepbluegrave · 5 months
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deepbluegrave · 5 months
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deepbluegrave · 6 months
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48 notes · View notes
deepbluegrave · 6 months
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9 notes · View notes
deepbluegrave · 6 months
Re-posting some old ricstar fan art.
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12 notes · View notes
deepbluegrave · 6 months
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