demonsheepprince · 6 months
It’s been around six years since I started drawing with the intention to improve, and while the first few of those years saw little improvement, due to learning very inefficiently, I certainly am much better now than when I started, in many ways. I don’t know if this will ever be read, but I wanted to maybe give a few pointers on getting through those “bad” years. I am not some grizzled old wise man nor am I a professional artist or have any intention on becoming a professional in the artistic field. This being said, I don’t think I qualify on giving any tips for technique, what I want to focus on is the mental gymnastics that inevitably come with learning to draw.
To begin, I did at one time have intention to work in the design/ art industry. This was a huge contributor to my depression and ultimately what led me to abandon drawing all together for a while. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Don’t rely fully on art as a career and forgo all other opportunities. If it’s your dream to work in art, please pursue that, but first decide if it’s really what you want to do, because it’s tough. I for some reason thought all I could do will art for a while, and at the same time genuinely believed I couldn’t even do that. Neither was true in hindsight. Had I not let the self-doubt get to me I could be going to school for graphic design right now rather than chemistry and physics, but I decided this is what is best for me. If you do have intentions to work in art, please don’t become blinded from the truth and analyze where you are and what you need to work on. This can go both ways, having an ego is a damn good thing, but don’t let that go to your head if you plan on a career in art. You have to work hard and and be good. Of course, if you are not interested in a career in art by all means let that ego pop off so long as you aren’t insulting others.
Now that that’s over with, I want to talk about my experience with the natural evolution of art. I like drawing people. Not animals and rarely landscapes, so that’s what I do since I simply do it for my own enjoyment. Like many I wanted and “art style” when I was 13 and tried to force myself to draw consistently in this one way that was like a weird homunculus of things I liked at the time. Of course it never lasted long, I saw something I like better and it changed. The lack of consistency was something that really bothered me, since it was hard to start any long term projects this way. The problem? I wasn’t done evolving, I’m still not done, but the more I draw, the more consistent I get. It is really quite strange to see my artwork slowly getting more and more similar in style, something I genuinely liked the look of and felt like me. I still am not very consistent at all, but it’s almost like there are signatures. I always draw big ears, I love it, Expressive brows, etc, you will get here if you don’t force it. Forcing it will not work.
Another interesting thing I have found with the evolution of my characters and designs is how interested I have become with non conventional beauty. If you do want to speed up consistency, my advise is to avoid same face and body syndrome. I love drawing unique features and people, it is one of my greatest joys. I used to, when I started drawing, only make hot anime looking girls with big naturals, and I’m certainly not shitting on that because I still do it occasionally myself, and if you love drawing big boobs I implore you please continue, but just once try to draw a hooked nose on one of those girls in that style. You might be surprised by how hot it turns out. Try different face shapes. Draw some wrinkles! Not only did slowly learning to diversify help my art improve leaps and bounds, but I discovered a lot about myself and my sexuality this way. It helped me appreciate many different looks and people.
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demonsheepprince · 9 months
Hello, I am very new to Tumblr and social media as a whole. I just want to rant about a SVSSS fanfic that has captured my mind it is so good.
There will be spoilers for it so before I get into what I like about it I'm gonna pitch a non spoiler version for anyone who actually happens to read this. Then I will get into what is so great about it.
***The author is demoniqt***, I am only gushing about the fic, the story is 100% not mine. I'm sorry for how cringe this is I sware I'm an adult I'm just an adult with no friends.
THE LINK: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36698833/chapters/91545391
It's called "The Hidden Flower" or "Yin Hua". The story follows Shen Jiu who has recently awoken in his third life right back where he began. After being reincarnated in the modern world and experiencing what it truly felt like to be loved, Shen Jiu doesn't stand for child abuse anymore! Since he can't change his past life, he has to start in this one. Only... he never meant to start his own sect full of orphans! Nor does he know why he has what seems like a whole cast of unlikely suiters asking for even a chance at courtship!
But why was he reborn like this? What about Binghe? Can he stop really that beast's rise to power?
Meanwhile, two others ponder what happened to a certain Qing Jing peak lord...
SPOILERS START!!!!! (Will sound like nonsense without reading fic)
Okay so this fic has it all. Ying Ying killing her husband, Tsundere Liu Qingge, Cool orphans, and really, really sad parts, and Yue Qingyuan simping.
So I'm not actually done it but honestly, when I realized Shange Qinghua was the one who found the knife, I was struggling not to yell. It all comes together so well and that is just great. I thought this fic would just be a silly time with some cute shenanigans but boy was I not ready for the emotional journey. There is one part near the beginning where Shen Jiu wonders if he would have turned out better in his first life if he were shown kindness and- THE ANSWER IS YES!! Living though his second life and being showed love made him kind and empathetic. The whole thing has this whole theme of kindness breaking a cycle of trauma and it is amazing. I have so many screen shots of emotional and funny parts of this fic.
The ocs are so top teir. Cheng Yi and Qi are the best sisters and the Songstresses- I love them. The relationship between Shen Jiu and the previous Qing Jing peak lord is really sweet, as well as just the interaction in general between him and the Cang Qiang peak lords.
I made some very rough fan art. I'm not finished yet, but I wanted to include it because if Shen Jiu with a veil doesn't make you want to read it, I don't know what will.
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