destinydraws · 7 days
kizubb for the bestie's bday
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we all know what an oneesama is
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destinydraws · 2 months
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cult girlies 🙏 ✨
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destinydraws · 2 years
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It's the rainy season... but he'll still go out to the rivers and back. It makes him more powerful 🌧️
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destinydraws · 2 years
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pure🤍heart :)
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destinydraws · 2 years
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White day birthday presents for Fuya and Fuya lovers everywhere! I wanted to put him in clothes from the game and make him happy for the day... he's so fun to draw. Everyone should draw Fuya Kawahara at least once!
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destinydraws · 2 years
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sorry did I say your harem? I also meant my harem ✨
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POV: those 3 team leaders from neo the world ends with you are your harem 
(A light novel called: Going So Feral That Characters Hyped In The Trailer Were Treated Like Cannon Fodder And Ultimately Forgotten About In The Actual Game That Now I Feel I Must Give Them A Happy Ending At Any Cost, So How About You Date Them Or Something!?!?) 
(The scene where Fuya is shyly confessing, Motoi is butting in to flirt with you, and Kanon is interrupting Motoi’s flirting without yet admitting to her own slow burning but incredibly strong feelings for you) 
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destinydraws · 2 years
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The Magic Academy AU art got a decent amount of interest (by my standards lol) so here are the profiles of the houses, as well as how I sorted all of the characters into them. The initial concepts listed in the first image are the main thing I go off of, but for fun I included secondary grids for essential and chosen houses that I mostly use if a character is tough to sort.   
The school is called Oxhearts Magician Academy, and it is a western-styled castle located in a pocket dimension to which students the world over may be invited by the magical headmaster. Within the academy there are four houses with associated magic and personality traits - the magic used here is drawn from emotion, so it can be said that certain magics match well with one’s “emotional profile.” Each student can have an Essential house (the one they are “sorted” into, reflects Why they do things) and a Chosen house (decided by them, reflects How they do things).  One’s essential house provides them with its mascot as a familiar, and one’s chosen house is the dorm in which they reside. It is encouraged to choose a different house from your essential one in order to promote personal growth. Of course, sometimes the essence and choice are the same if the student is very affiliated with their house, and this tends to result in more specialized magic. The students at this academy are referred to not as witches and wizards, but as Magicians. A “Wizard” is a being of powerful magic that can only be seen by those with a desperate wish and sustains an extended lifespan by consuming the memories of humans. Many years ago, the founders of the houses were humanized by one such wizard to run the college for him.  While there are personality traits associated with each house, they represent an affinity for said traits rather than a guarantee that they will have them.
 Elizabeth and Ziarre houses are primarily inspired by the cat/rabbit caste systems in Dandelion (Ziarre is the only house I had to make up a name for because I couldn’t think of any rabbits that weren’t main characters and were female and had a name. I wish I could have named it after Jihae’s lover or something but too bad they didn’t give her one.) I also tried to make Elizabeth a house that would suit the cat loving deep story Mystic Messenger boys. “Astronism” magic uses the power of the cosmos to reach other dimensions, so most characters who fourth wall heavily are in it to some degree. Meanwhile Ziarre is the house that inspired the whole AU as I thought it was really interesting how much Zen resembles both Jihae and Jieun in looks and personality.  The thing Ziarre essentials have the most in common is their issues with the self are largely due to external discrimination. 
Beatrice house is inspired by Nameless’s running theme of doll characters who define themselves by their “concept”. They’re characters who brood about the meaning of things on a philosophical level and who are determined to protect the things important to them, whether that is a person or their ideal. 
Salena house is kiiiind of based on Mint Eye, but a version that isn’t necessarily evil... It draws equal inspiration from Tei and Banjul, which also extended to the other coffee-loving characters. So instead of cultists, they’re a bunch of cafe hipsters who like to shoot the shit about politics and charity. House Salena is actually named after Rika’s dog, Sally, but I had to make the name more pretentious-sounding to match the others. The lore is that the headmaster changed her into a human before she would normally have died, which changed Rika’s life in a positive way as they entered the academy as mentor and mentee. I guess if I think about it more, the house is really more like Early RFA than anything close to Mint Eye lol But they have Mandrake because Tei and Rika, Tea and Mint are both leaves.
And them’s the basics! I have more vague bits of lore under my hat but I don’t want this post to be WAY too long. If you read this whole thing already, then I thank you very much!
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destinydraws · 2 years
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To: @chupacapybara
From: @deathdesu
Greetings from me, your pinch hitter Pere Noel! I loved the Dirk Gently books when I was a teenager, so of course I had to draw your prompt of Junpei meeting him. There really is a lot of similarity between the morphogenetic field and the fundamental interconnectedness of all things… in fact I had been thinking about the latter earlier in the very same day I got the pinch hit request, so I truly believe in it!! I think if Dirk and Junpei met they would definitely be like kindred spirits from their respective generations, and he would also inherently understand what the Funyarinpa is somehow. In any case, I had a bit of challenge as I was drawing my imagination of the character described in the books. I hope this is satisfactory, and I especially hope it’s what you meant in the first place… I only watched like one episode of the 2016 TV series, but the books were my favorites! Plus, how can I resist the fact that they both wear red check on their shirt? So I had some fun designing him and I hope you like it! Happy holidays~
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destinydraws · 2 years
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Merry Christmas! My gift to myself is this artwork that takes place in an original magic academy AU I created as a Cheritz games crossover. It’s called “Oxhearts Magician Academy” (by the way, oxheart is a type of cherry!)  The four houses, each represented by a color, are characterized by patterns in character types from Cheritz games. In this magic academy, every student has an initial house they were sorted into based on essential qualities that corresponds to a magical familiar they receive, and a second house they chose based on what they are looking for. It’s also a college you can be scouted for at any age.  As Christmas approaches, the school holds a Secret Santa that Des (CMC) and her friends participate in, all giving gifts created with their magic! May everyone’s holiday be merry and bright~ 
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destinydraws · 2 years
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A couple more Nameless comics! The first one was inspired by the scratched knee in Tei and Red route. I remembered my childhood habit of picking scabs and thought about how that would be hilariously terrible in this relationship. Sending a blood written love note semi-ironically is also based on a story from when I was an edgy teen. Don’t take it too seriously. I just love making Tei nag... They’re basically like a sitcom couple but role-reversed and extra unhinged. I realize “spoiling” is such a loaded word in context of Tei’s desires, and it is deliberate for continuing the theme of ruinous ambiguity, but I think the contrast is so adorable. “You WILL practice self-care, that is a THREAT” ✨
I actually drew the second comic first as a way of establishing some more facts about the AU, but then I got the idea for the first comic to set up Red’s angst more solidly to set Cookie off. As a fan of yanderes and detester of double standards, I decided this side character is moe and must be developed. For the record, Tei’s memory manipulation in this scene is fairly minimal ““harm reduction”” type clean-up. He’s really happy she chose him when it’s not his route, so he mostly wants her as-is. But he’s still got that anxious control addiction and is making his own problems. I’m hoping to make this all play into a mini arc at some point, but time is literally fake in this comic-verse so I also plan to just keep writing shit in no particular order and hope it eventually coalesces. 
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destinydraws · 3 years
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dumb meme while I work on a new batch of nameless comics
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destinydraws · 3 years
Oh my GODDDD I lOVE NAMELESS. I am LivinNGGGG for your mc and your comics 😭❤️❤️❤️ I am obsessed and cannot wait for more
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Ahaha~ I mean. Thank you so much! I'm really excited to get positive feedback, and it's touching that you especially like the MC 😌 I'll do my best! I wasn't sure if I would continue or not, but I still have a lot of ideas, so probably. 💙
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destinydraws · 3 years
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I was trying not to fall asleep, so I drew cheritz bunnicula jesus
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destinydraws · 3 years
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Turning up the softness and threat for Tei Comic cause it's an aesthetic I wanna drown in. It's a thin line you walk when you decide to live in a bad ending with your yandere doll. Lots of hidden implications. I'm having fun with this, you see.
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destinydraws · 3 years
Not Confused - a Tei x CMC AU comic
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Last weekend @lynettethemadscientist cosplayed Tei McNameless at Kumoricon and I tagged along to play the part of his MC! It was so fun we came up with a backstory and now this AU is eating my brain. Self shipping is a dangerous drug to put in your tea, folks. Anyway, with the exception of the first prologue one, these are based on scenes from our RP. I turned out to be a horrible tease to him, whether intentional or not. Though I'm carefree, I show my devotion by choosing hell and fighting fate - but mostly dragging him out to nerd shit to cheer him up per the scope of our game. Lynette's Tei is very angsty, please clap.
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destinydraws · 3 years
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I love a good monster AU so here's a quick-and-dirty naiad Fuya based on bladderworts (an aquatic carnivorous plant)
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destinydraws · 3 years
Artist here! Consider me curious >:D Especially cause I've actually talked about a few of these role swaps independently with friends, like Dio-Sean~
You know how people made all those Undertale AUs like UnderSwap? I think there should be a ZeroSwap, where characters switch roles and personalities. Here’s how I think it would shake out:
Junpei - Akane
Light - Aoi
Clover - Alice
Seven - Lotus
Hongou - Kubota
Sigma - Diana
Kyle - Luna
Phi - Delta
Dio - Sean
Eric - Mira
And unfortunately this last swap is nonsense but they were the only two characters left:
Carlos - Quark
I have pictures in my head for how a lot of these would look and I want so bad to draw them, but I am not an artist.
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