diaperboyjacob · 1 day
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diaperboyjacob · 1 day
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diaperboyjacob · 1 day
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diaperboyjacob · 1 day
I had a really important match after school and I was starting to get really nervous about it. I kept drinking water all day to try and stay hydrated. I wasn't really paying attention to how much I was drinking until my teammates and I were all changing in the lockerroom. I didn't even get undressed yet when one of my teammates gave me a playful punch on my stomach. Immediately I felt my bladder release and I wet myself right there!
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My teammates burst out laughing and started taking pictures. Thankfully our coach heard the commotion and stepped in. That's when I realized this might actually be worse. He made wear a bright pink diaper and said I had to wear it under my singlet to avoid any more "accidents" during the match and on our mats. Despite protesting at first I caved thinking it wouldn't be a big deal because our singlets were dark blue with white outlines. But then coach made me put on one of our older singlets that had the primary and secondary colors flipped so that I "wouldn't ruin the new gear".
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The pink started showing through but I thought if I just kept moving it wouldn't be as noticeable. I was so preoccupied I lost focus during my match and got pinned fairly quickly. The pin stretched my singlet making the diaper noticeable around me. My opponent focusing on the pin only cracked a smile but I knew I just became the laughing stock. The stands were shocked at first and then laughter erupted. Unfortunately my bladder wasn't quite empty so the moment I got flustered I felt warmth spreading through my crotch. The diaper caught it all but that o my made the diaper bigger and more vibrant against the white. Finally the match ended and I nearly ran to the locker room only to find a couple of my teammates waiting for me. They said they had a special punishment for me because I lost the match and embarrassed the team. Two of them held me down while the other removed his sweaty cup from his singlet. He then walked out of sight and returned with my piss soaked briefs. I had never let anyone see my underwear before because I still wore kids underwear and I didn't want them to know. I usually was very careful at taking my underwear off with my pants when changing but they must've found the briefs in coach's office with the rest of my soiled clothes. They said " we should've known you were such a pathetic loser based on your undies, but now that you've cost us a win and embarrassed the team, we have something special for you. I struggled against the two holding me but it was useless. The other guy stuffed my piss soaked briefs into his sweaty cup and strapped it to my face.
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They made sure to take lots of pictures before letting me up. As I went to remove the the face contraption the guys said "not so fast. Unless you want the whole school to find out about these pics, you're gonna become the teams new padded bitch. You're going to do everything we say or we're gonna show everyone these pics." Between the humiliation and the prospect of being completely at the mercy of these guy I couldn't stop myself from filling my diaper. The guys just kept laughing at me as it expanded. "Here let me help you with that" one of the guys said before he started peeing all over me drenching my white singlet in yellow. A couple of the other guys joined in until I was drenched and the gear was stained yellow. I spent the rest of the day getting kicked in the crotch with hurt like he'll despite th padding, having guys rub their sweaty dick and balls in my face making me "lick them clean", and getting dirty underwear and socks shoved in my face. Throughout this they took more pictures to keep me in line. Little did I know that at the beginning of my senior year, they would post all the pictures they accumulated around the school. The faculty tried to do damage control but it was too late. I already knew coach was in on it but now I was being humiliated everyday by the entire school instead of just my team. It's gonna be a long year 🥴😖😫
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diaperboyjacob · 1 day
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God I wanna be like this forever, who wants to keep me like this 24/7? 😂
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diaperboyjacob · 1 day
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Some pics i hadn’t posted after a wonderful trip to the waterpark
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diaperboyjacob · 2 days
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Who wants to play with me? 😉
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diaperboyjacob · 2 days
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diaperboyjacob · 2 days
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diaperboyjacob · 2 days
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My mom won’t ever know that I hump diapers in the room right beside her
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diaperboyjacob · 3 days
Sibling Rivalry
It was a warm July day, the sun was out, and it was the perfect day to spend outside. It was Ken’s 18th birthday, and he was certainly enjoying it surrounded by family and friends at a backyard BBQ. His brother Dom, however, couldn’t get past his anger for his brother enough to have a good time. Last weekend Ken had played a dirty trick, setting up Dom for their dad to think he’d wet the bed. Although Dom was the older brother it seemed like Ken was constantly putting him in humiliating situations. All Dom could think of was revenge, but as per usual that wouldn’t go well for him, you see Ken always had plans of his own that tended to be miles ahead of whatever his brother was concocting.
Noon had past and guests had arrived, Ken was making his way around greeting everyone and accepting many birthday pleasantries. Dom tried his best to mind his own business, unaware of what would happen next. Their father had asked Dom to go upstairs and bring down extra chairs for the party. Ken hearing this, went to the foot of the stairs just around the corner waiting for him to come back down. Once he showed up Ken stuck out his foot, tripping him on the last step. Dom came to the ground with a crash, quickly looking up to realize what his brother had done. Out of sheer anger and gut reaction, he grabbed Ken by his collar, simultaneously pulling his hand back into a fist.
At this moment their father turned the corner to witness Dom about to hit the birthday boy. Their father grabbed him before he could throw the punch, dragging him into the kitchen before he could strike his brother. Ken pleasingly glared at Dom as he was taken away, knowing full well the punishment he’d orchestrated once again.
“I’ve had enough of your childish behavior, when are you just gonna grow up and be more like your brother?!”
“Dad, please don’t. You don’t understand, he”
“I don’t want to hear excuses, you know what happens in this house when you can’t figure out how to behave like an adult.”
Dom swallowed hard, knowing exactly what was about to happen, dreading every moment. It seemed like everytime he thought he was doing well Ken would do something stupid to put him in this position. As per usual his dad barked at him to get his ass upstairs. Once he made it to the bathroom, his father stripped him down, an embarrassing ritual he was all too familiar with. Dom was ashamed and humiliated beyond belief. At twenty years old, he was STILL allowing his father to belittle him this way. What he called “Baby Punishment” was a very effective tool for controlling his behavior, one his father used quite often. Ken, however, rather enjoyed seeing his older brother treated that way and constantly looked for ways to get him into trouble just so he’d get to see him regressed and embarrassed.
He backed down and allowed his father to do what he was going to do, certainly not wanting to make things worse. Thankfully he was still shaven smooth from the last time this happened, so his dad didn’t feel the need to shave him. As if it was routine, he had his twenty year old son in a thick printed diaper, plastic pants, a Sesame Street T Shirt, and childish shortalls in record time. Dom looked in the mirror, the shortalls rode up high on his thighs leaving nothing to the imagination, and the combination of the diaper and plastic pants gave his butt and crotch enough added bulk to make it painfully obvious to anyone that looked that he was still in diapers.
At his father’s demand, he slowly made his way back downstairs to rejoin the party. Thankfully most of the guests saw him and either looked away or smiled, most of them already aware that this was a normal thing, many having already seen Dom this way in the past. As usual he kept quiet and as out of sight as possible, knowing full well the quickest way out of this was to keep to himself and not bring any attention to himself. Dom slowly crinkled about, keeping to himself, when Ken made his way over. Just seeing him heading his way made Dom angry, finding it already difficult to hold his tongue.
“Aww, that’s a cute outfit BABY brother!” He said making sure to stress the baby part.
“You’re such a bitch Ken, you..”
“What do you think you’re doing?” Dom’s attention was snatched away, realizing their father had rounded the corner just in time to see him insult his little brother on his birthday. Dom’s stomach dropped, knowing full well he was in deep shit now.
His dad dragged him back upstairs by the ear, while multiple people giggled at the sight of it. Once they made it up there he quickly found his shortalls taken off, his diaper pulled down, and was being thrown over his father’s knee. Dom couldn’t remember the last time he was spanked, knowing he must’ve really pissed him off this time. It felt like an eternity passed of his dad whipping his ass with his palm, eventually swapping to a hairbrush. By now tears were rolling down his face like a waterfall just from the sheer pain of it all. By the time things finished, Dom was thankful it was over, until his dad walked back into the room with a bar of soap and proceeded to shove it in and out of his mouth, telling him next time he’d think twice before he called his little brother awful names.
He’d had enough, none of this was his fault, Ken was the problem, not him! His anger rose resulting in an unfortunate outburst right when his dad was about to let him go back to the party.
“It’s your brother’s birthday, what is wrong with you? Why can’t you just grow up and act like an adult? Ya know what since you just can’t seem to learn your lesson, I’m gonna have to take things up a notch.”
His dad left the room, returning shortly with a stand on wheels, with a red bag Dom didn’t recognize hanging from it. He quickly found himself bent back over his dad’s knees with his diaper pulled down. He couldn’t see what was happening back there as his dad grabbed the tubing and nozzle attached to the bag and spread his cheeks apart. Dom shifted, groaned, and grunted at the sudden assault of the nozzle being shoved into his ass. Unfortunately for him, his dad was strong, and more than capable of holding him down. The warm soapy water invaded his guts, causing confusion to wash over his face, never having felt a sensation like this one before.
Before long his Dad removed the nozzle and pulled his diaper back up. Dom was feeling too violated to say anything, or meet his father’s gaze. But it wasn’t over yet, in a string of first’s for him he quickly found a pacifier with a leather strap locked into his mouth, and found himself locked into his room with all his electronics taken away. Before he walked out his dad made sure to scold him for his foul language and attitude, promising he’d be humbled soon enough.
Before he had an opportunity to contemplate his situation, he felt a sudden pain, like he’d been punched in the stomach. The pain was awful and he quickly felt a sudden force like he needed to shit, but with an urgency unlike anything he’d ever felt before. He jumped up, attempting to open his door to get to the bathroom, of course it wouldn’t budge. He banged on the door, realizing there was no way it would penetrate the sound of the party happening downstairs. He attempted to yell for help, but the pacifier gag did its job keeping him silent.
Dom took a step back, creating the slightest break in his constant clenching. Instantly, the soapy enema water flushed into the seat of his diaper, making bubbling noises and many grunts and groans from Dom. He instantly started crying, brought to his absolute lowest. Dad had never forced him to use the diapers for #2’s much less locked him into his room to stew in it. It stunk, and the smell gathered in his small bedroom providing no place safe from it. He waited for hours to be set free from this and allowed into, at the bare minimum, a clean diaper. The constant party noise continued endlessly as he accepted there was no reprieve coming for him. In utter defeat he finally laid down in bed, the feeling of the now cold mess spreading everywhere as he sat sent chills up his spine, but there was nothing he could do about it. With a tear streaked face, Dom eventually fell to sleep, looking forward to returning to normal life tomorrow. Oh how blissfully unaware he was of how much he’d crossed the line today, and just how much his Father had utterly given up on allowing him to continue pretending to be a big boy. Check out all of my writing here! https://www.deviantart.com/daddydsdaycare
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diaperboyjacob · 3 days
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Happy Pride Month! #ABDLPride🍼
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diaperboyjacob · 4 days
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I made my mom a Christmas card 😅
Good thing she won’t see it.
Her number is 316-759-9975
Deleting soon 😅
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diaperboyjacob · 4 days
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Don’t tell my mom that I made her an early Christmas card 😅😅
I’m 25 and I still live with my mom.
I’m Garrett Stelter.
Her number is 316-759-9975
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diaperboyjacob · 4 days
Awww Garrett Stelter LOVES humping his fluffy diapers!
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diaperboyjacob · 4 days
Garrett Stelter humps soggy diapers 😂😂
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diaperboyjacob · 4 days
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send me any diaper hypno I'll watch them all but I bet they won't do anything to me
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