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New season 2 bts!!! [x]
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it wasn't completely addressed in the show but. crowley & aziraphale accidentally performing one of the most powerful miracles EVER because of their love for each other without even NOTICING?? took me out in one hit
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I think I have a potentially controversial opinion on Aziraphale and the ending.
So one of the things that made me smile so, SO much, was THIS:
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We have not seen ANYTHING like that from demon Crowley. We've seen him be drunk and silly, we've seen him be amused, but we've not seen this.
Now, let's consider what we know about Heaven:
It's never fully populated. ALL of the shots are completely devoid of angels, except for a few, who are almost always just getting somewhere and never really talking to each other.
Where I thought the archangels were a tight clan, it really looks like they're super catty and prone to jealousy. No doubt they would stab each other in the back happily if it came down to it. How much of Heaven is like that, if even the archangels all hate each other?
Aziraphale already has a nervous disposition when he meets Crowley. Is he perhaps an angel that NEVER fit in? Is he familiar with being ostracized by his peers? Just how lonely IS Heaven? Crowley seems to be a pretty powerful angel, and HE doesn't even know that it's all getting shut down in 6000 years -- it's like no one talks to anyone.
Aziraphale, during their whole meeting, looks absolutely smitten. At one point, Crowley goes, "Look at you! You're gorgeous!" and Aziraphale looks over with happy surprise, just before realizing he's not looking at him but rather at what he's created. And then, when Crowley starts going on about making suggestions and asking questions, Aziraphale is IMMEDIATELY concerned and doesn't want him to get into trouble.
Aziraphale is hooked on this angel, and I cannot help but think that this is perhaps the first angel who has ever WELCOMED Aziraphale into his company.
He is hooked on this angel, and the way Crowley smiles is with the light of all the stars he's just created, and it's infectious and it brings a smile to Aziraphale's face as well. And then this angel shields him from the oncoming falling stars.
He is hooked on this angel, and then this angel goes and joins the Great Rebellion, and becomes fallen himself.
"You were an angel once," Aziraphale said, softly, at the bandstand. He remembers.
I think it's reasonable to guess that Heaven has never felt so warm as it did in the presence of millions of exploding stars, next to the (arch?)angel that may perhaps be one of the few (only?) to pay him any positive attention.
I think it's reasonable to assume that Heaven was not the same after Crowley fell. I wouldn't be surprised to find out Aziraphale had wondered about the angel, wondered if he was okay. I would imagine that Aziraphale keeps that picture of pure, angelic, unbridled joy somewhere inside of him.
So, really, is it any surprise that threaded throughout EVERY interaction, Aziraphale has this deep-down feeling that Crowley is good? Would it be any surprise that Aziraphale, an angel who goes along with Heaven as far as he can (which isn't always), feels that if HE is still an angel, then what was done to Crowley was a great injustice?
I think it would make sense that we are shown "before the beginning" not just because it is fun, but because THIS is the foundational context for everything Aziraphale thinks Crowley is, everything Crowley enjoys. I think he remembers this moment and wishes he could live there forever. With Crowley. The two of them with this happiness, forever.
But nothing lasts forever, as much as he wishes it did.
I'm not saying Aziraphale was right with what he did to Crowley at the end of s2. There is a lot I think he did wrong. I think he held onto this picture so tightly, he didn't realize that Crowley had long since let it go, and painted a new one with Aziraphale with all the shades of grey he picked up as he sauntered (or plummeted) vaguely downward (into a pool of boiling sulfur).
I don't think he was right, but I do think he is understandable. I think there was a lot of selfishness, but also some misguided selflessness too. I watched that first scene with angelic Crowley and my heart actually broke a little, because I thought, "What a shame this joy was taken away from him."
I think Aziraphale is trying to right the injustice he feels has been done. But I also think Aziraphale doesn't realize that Crowley can never go back. The concept of falling never crossed Crowley's mind when he suggested that he ask a few questions, and he will NEVER get that kind of innocence back. And Aziraphale doesn't understand, because Heaven has clearly always just been that way for him (he is already aware of the danger of asking questions).
Crowley does not want to go back because he can never go back. He can never be the same angel he was when he thought he could build a universal machine that would crank out stars for eons and eons. He can never be the same angel he was when he thought he could make some suggestions and ask some questions and co-create with THE Creator.
Crowley understands that, and Aziraphale doesn't. But I can understand why Aziraphale would want to try. And I think it's all because of this:
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i’ve never kissed someone as i’ve kissed you 
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I swear to god, my brain connects OFMD so much to The Amazing Devil. I went on Tumblr this morning and read some stuff about the show and boom- Battle Cries stuck on my head for hours.
So what I'm saying is I have to start editing again.
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I swear to god, scrolling through posts about Shadow and Bone when you haven't actually finished the books yet and also not read Six of Crows is just terrible, because everyone else seems to have done that and the tags alone WILL spoiler you. I'm sorry Tumblr for being a terrible reader I just want to see what people wrote about the show
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I see amazing art with a lighthouse in it and my mind goes straight to gay pirates
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At first I thought the most relatable character would be Izzy because he is the only one who seems to take anything serious, but Oluwande was just vibin the whole time and honestly, I'd be doing the same
while all of stede’s crew begrudgingly and eventually embraced the management style, oluwande was having a blast the whole time. umm u guys want to mutiny? what about our stories huh? yes jim I do realize he’s incompetent but we r getting paid to hang out……I do indeed want to talk about my feelings and have a talent show I was beginning to worry you’d never ask
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I watched this episode again today and I almost screamed
Like, how did I miss this when I watched it first at the age of 11 or so
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all it took to knock kirk free of alien mind control was getting within kissing distance of spock while he whispered his name. UNHINGED over this scene
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“I’ve got to get to the captain!” ft. spock having all the grace of a newborn giraffe learning to walk
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So, I am at the point where I have fever dreams about OFMD, and they are as weird as the show itself... what do I do with myself now?
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Perpetually fizzing with rage, actor Con O’Neill injects an extra frisson of horniness into his scenes with Lucius. Izzy is both repulsed and fascinated by Lucius’ sex life. He leans into Lucius’ personal space, relishing his own malice… “We don’t own each other” is an alien sentiment, not least because Izzy himself wants to be owned.
↪ Gavia Baker-Whitelaw for The Daily Dot
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Probably an unpopular opinion but: I love that they shaved the beard off. I love that Stede Bonnet wasn’t kissed by Blackbeard, but by Edward Teach. I love that they were out of their trademark leather and silks, in the plainest clothes possible, sat on the most unremarkable stretch of sand. I’ve talked so much about this show’s imagery and symbolism and all the things it tells you through colors and frames, but just… the simplicity of this scene, the way it was practically sepia-toned and yet everything felt like it was bursting with color, everything felt so fucking alive, just by the sheer power of their love. Just on the knowledge that they were Enough for each other.
This is the greatest fucking show I’ve ever seen.
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his brain is so smooth 😔
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Okay, another thought: How does his beard come into play with this? Because like, he has had it for so long and it is a big part in his whole Blackbeard mascerade. He lets Stede get closer to him, and when they make him shave his beard, he seems surprisingly okay with it. Because he doesn't need it anymore, as Stede, the only person that matters in this situation, makes him feel safe even without the beard. More than that, it makes it much easier for Stede to see his smile and all of himself.
It is only after Stede left that he draws his beard back on, trying to hide away from the world under it again.
I’m having so many emotions right now about Ed and the language of face-touching for him.
Body touching is a different thing. There’s so much of that, I can’t even track it. From the word go, Ed is happy to get in peoples’ personal space, slap them on the back, clasp their hand, squeeze their arm, hug them when a plan goes the right way. But the face? That’s a whole other thing for him.
I’ve been tracking it through the show (as well as in other people) and most touches to face are done in an act of violence or implicit control/threat in the pirates’ experience - Ed’s dad striking his mother, Jackie to Olu and Jim (and Stede, if you include the knife), Geraldo to Jim, Ed to the French captain, Izzy to Ed and Fang. I’m sure there are more I’m forgetting.
And because it got long again, I’ll pop it behind a read-more.
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So, when Ed found out about why Jack actually came to see him and wanted him to leave Stede, he turned around without any hesitation. Because he realised what danger Stede would get himself into, and that thought was unbearable. So he turned around and immediately told Stede and the others to surrender - which he KNEW would get Stede and himself probably killed, because he also hadn't thought of a way out of this situation yet. The idea of leaving Ed, a man he had only met a couple of weeks ago, in this situation was WORSE to him than the thought of possibly DYING.
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