dragon-momther · 3 hours
Dragune 2024!
Hey y’all sorry I forgot to post this at the start of June, but I’m running a daily drawing challenge all about dragons, Dragune! Here’s what I’ve made for the first two days!
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Prompt list below the cut if you wanna follow along! 💜
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Do not edit or repost | images have been Glazed to protect my copyright. I do not permit my art to be used for AI under any circumstances
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dragon-momther · 3 days
is it just me or is everyone who says teleportation wouldn’t be the best superpower able bodied? like cmon be fr imagine how convenient it would be if you’re disabled. teleportation wouldn’t fuck up your joints 😤
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dragon-momther · 3 days
Israel has done what we all predicted and warned about. Simple, pure evil. They pushed Palestinians by carpet bombing everywhere till they all had to go to the least bombed place (No, Rafah was never completely safe. They were bombed there, too, to a horrific degree), and then, after cramming what nears a two million civilians with about 600 thousand children, they are asking them to leave... to where?! Nowhere. They are just saying leave. So then, when they kill them all, they can say 'Oh, we warned them'
It was all predicted, and no one did a thing
Rafah is now the most densely populated place in the world, with a population of about 1.5 million and prehaps more in 64 km2. About 25 miles squere.
25 miles squere
A marathon is 26 miles straight. You can at least run through Rafah in length once and in width twice and pass the 1.5 million Palestinians. That's how crammed it is. With no where to run
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dragon-momther · 3 days
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dragon-momther · 3 days
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dragon-momther · 3 days
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Camilla: Midnight Rose - Fire Emblem Fates
I had an idea for an outfit loosely based of the feh resplendent theme
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dragon-momther · 3 days
Here's a lil WIP gen 1 Pokémon sculpture I've been working on! I unloaded it from the kiln this morning but Pikachu fell and broke so I need to do some repairs and re-glaze before they'll actually be done!
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Btw I'm up on Cara now!
Also check out my other socials, web, etc. on my new Carrd!
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dragon-momther · 2 months
reblogs super appreciated so we can reach a wider audience and be more likely to reach our goal!!!
Announcing the prelaunch for my first crowdfunder!
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The Disability Pride line contains pins, embroidered patches, shirts, and hoodies designed by me, a disabled artist, based on the Disability Pride flag!
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The campaign goes live in FOUR DAYS!!!
Follow to get notified when we launch!!!
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dragon-momther · 2 months
Announcing the prelaunch for my first crowdfunder!
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The Disability Pride line contains pins, embroidered patches, shirts, and hoodies designed by me, a disabled artist, based on the Disability Pride flag!
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The campaign goes live in FOUR DAYS!!!
Follow to get notified when we launch!!!
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dragon-momther · 2 months
Announcing the prelaunch for my first crowdfunder!
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The Disability Pride line contains pins, embroidered patches, shirts, and hoodies designed by me, a disabled artist, based on the Disability Pride flag!
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The campaign goes live in FOUR DAYS!!!
Follow to get notified when we launch!!!
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dragon-momther · 6 months
BIG NEWS! 🖤❤️💛🤍💙💚🖤
Hey Hi Hello sorry it's been so long! Kinda forgot this site exists
I've been working on something HUGE and today I can finally share!!!
Pre-Orders for my Disability Pride Hoodies are officially LIVE!!
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I've been working on these designs for a few months now and I'm so excited that they're finally becoming a reality!
A portion of the profits will be donated to the Cure San Filippo Foundation, an organization dedicated to research and treatment for San Filippo Syndrome, a neurodegenerative and terminal disease in children, similar to Alzheimer's/Dementia.
I'm launching 3 designs for Wave 1, but I can only get this off the ground if we reach our goal of 30 orders, so any support is greatly appreciated! I hope to introduce some new designs, shirts, pins, and patches in Wave 2 if this initial campaign is successful!
Even if you can't order one, or have no interest, I would really appreciate it if you could reblog this, share it to other communities, etc. I'm a disabled artist, so this is a great way to support me, but also supporting a great cause for disabled kids!
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dragon-momther · 6 months
Holiday Discount is now active on Etsy! All items are 25% off until Christmas!
Holiday Commission Prices!
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Hey y’all sorry I’ve been inactive! Bird app is a living hell but for some reason I only ever stay active on one social media app at a time 💀
Time to try and dust this one off!
Don’t forget to check out DragonHeartworks for some fun stickers, nerdy jewelry, and the Disability Pride collection!
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dragon-momther · 7 months
Holiday Commission Prices!
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Hey y’all sorry I’ve been inactive! Bird app is a living hell but for some reason I only ever stay active on one social media app at a time 💀
Time to try and dust this one off!
Don’t forget to check out DragonHeartworks for some fun stickers, nerdy jewelry, and the Disability Pride collection!
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dragon-momther · 9 months
Jager, Dragonborn Wizard
Recent commission for a friend!
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Twitter | Instagram
Do not edit, steal, or repost. Image has been glazed to protect my copyright. I do not permit my art to ever be used for AI.
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dragon-momther · 9 months
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sylphrena!💙 this has been in my wips for too long.. I’m always meaning to do more cosmere art but I’ve gotta catch up on the books first 😭 most of the way through rhythm of war rn, I’m nearly there!!
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dragon-momther · 11 months
adeline’s darkest night is good actually
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dragon-momther · 11 months
Reminder to Abled people
The “perks” disabled people receive are not perks to the disabled. They only seem like perks if you have full bodily function. They aren’t benefits at all, they are the minimum required effort to help disabled people and they barely cut it. 
Special seating is to fit a wheel chair, our butts and legs are in the same amount of space as you. We’re also cramped and uncomfortable and in pain, don’t be telling us how you have it worse. Most of those seats aren’t even in good spots in the theater. 
Special parking is so we can even access the store. The walk from the middle of the lot for you is the same as the walk/wheel from the front of the lot for us. Many of us can barely make it inside from the handicapped parking.
Boarding planes first is because it takes extra time to do everything, including get in and out of chairs. They do not want US to block YOU. This is for YOUR benefit. 
This also applies to the special lines at roller coasters- They do not want US to block YOU, the majority, from having a good time. Odds are a disabled person can only ride a few rides before having to go home (as well as many rides bar people with health conditions), few to no disabled people are using this line. It is a SAFETY precaution as well, because a disabled person cannot handle the strain of waiting in line in the heat as long as an abled person can. In fact, most abled people barely tolerate it. Why would you expect a disabled person to not pass out and need emergency services and halt the line if abled people do it, too?
Using the Elevator is not a privilege. How the hell are we supposed to get wheel chairs, damaged body parts, and our generous helping of pain up the stairs? If you think this is a benefit, pinch yourself immediately because you are dreaming. And yes, elevators often make disabled people with sensitive constitutions (most of us) feel ill. It’s not even pleasant. 
Being Granted extra time on tests is because many of our brains freeze up when placed in a stressful situation. It also often takes longer for us to remember or process a question or answer. If you have testing anxiety, you are eligible too! Do not think it is limited to disabled people and it is a benefit. It’s so we don’t fail every test. It’s so we can KEEP UP with you. 
“Getting” to take their dogs everywhere, is the most misconceived of them all. The dog is specially trained to preform a task so we do not DIE suddenly in public. Sure, the dogs are loyal friends, but I am not exaggerating when I say it is to prevent DEATH. Please understand the dog is for personal safety. Like a rescue inhaler or an alarm. Do not complain that you cannot have a dog in public and do not bother our dogs. You are downplaying our illness. It is both rude and cruel. Are you at risk of dying suddenly that could be easily preventable with an assistant? No? Then leave us and our service animals alone because it is none of your business. 
Please think about WHY disabled people need this rather than decry the whole system that barely supports us. I am sure you mean well, but if you think that these things are “perks” or “benefits”, then you are part of the problem. 
A large population of disabled people don’t even get access to all of these things because of the extremely harmful “faker for benefits” mindset that has been widely adapted. It is killing us. Literally. Please be considerate of the needs of all human beings, not just those like you. 
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