dumbass-gryffindor · 3 years
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This is so cute omg 😩💕
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dumbass-gryffindor · 3 years
Hey! I know we never spoke, but I'd like to wish you a Happy New Year! May 2021 bring positive growth after what a year 2020 was!
Aw thank you so much @catohphm , that means a lot to me ! I hope this year is better for all of our sakes ! 💕
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dumbass-gryffindor · 3 years
Ahhh thank you sm ! You’ve got my girl Autumn’s vibes matched to a T !
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Autumn Clover • Gryffindor
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Ryan O’Donnell • Gryffindor
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Cara O’Donnell • Slytherin
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Sara O’Donnell • Hufflepuff
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Connor O’Donnell • Ravenclaw
@unfortunate-arrow @mint-leef
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dumbass-gryffindor · 4 years
HPHM Character Profile: Autumn Clover
This awesome template was made by @hogwartsmystory
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This is more focused on Autumn in her 5th Year
Name: Autumn Clover 
Gender: Female 
Age: 15 
Birth Date: 5/30/1973
Species: Human
Blood Status: %62.5/Half-Blood  (Classified as a half blood by the ministry)
Sexuality: Bisexual 
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Ethnicity: African American 
Nationality: American
Residence : Lives a bit secluded but the closest people to her home are muggles 
Myer Briggs Personality Type: ENFP
1st Wand: 
Rowan wood 
Unicorn hair core 
11’ and unbending flexibility
2nd Wand:
Ebony wood
Dragon heartstring core  
11 ¼ ‘
Animagus: Border Collie (orange and white)
Misc Magical Abilities: Legilimen
Boggart Form: Jacob being dead,insane or evil 
Riddikulus Form: N/A (I have no idea how to make that funny)
Amortentia: Nighttime , baked goods, vanilla , cinnamon
Amortentia: Potion Supplies/Classroom,A bed of flowers, (Penny Haywood )
Patronus: Border Collie 
Patronus Memory: It changes every time but it's mostly memories of Autumn and Jacob when they were younger
Mirror of Erised: Autumns family being happy 
Specialized/Favourite Spells: Protego, Depulso, Patrounus Charm
Faceclaim: Nathalie Emmanuel
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Voiceclaim: Im really bad at these but I have a few ideas
Veronica Sawyer (Heathers)
Korra (Legend Of Korra )
Mary Saotome (Kakegurui)
Marceline (Adventure Time )
Game Appearance:  
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Height: 5’2
Physique: Average and if you squint she has a little muscle 
Eye Colour: Dark Orange/Light Brown 
Hair Colour : Burnt Orange 
Skin Tone: Brown
Body Modifications: N/A
Right Shoulder (Ice Vault)
Left arm and on the front of her right hand (Vault of fear)
A bunch of other scratches (from Autumn being a reckless idiot)
A few pictures (The one from ‘A Christmas at Hogwarts’’, Another picture of all her friends during her 4th year, and a picture of her and Jacob when they were kids).
Cursed Vault notebook (contains everything Autumn knows/found out about the Vault’s).
Hair ties
Some kind of food
Locket necklace (If she's not wearing it )
Friendship bracelet (From Rowan and Ben )(Also if she's not wearing it ) 
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor 
Ilvermorny House: Thunderbird
Kowalski Family 
Clover Family 
Hogwarts: School of WitchCraft and Wizardry 
Gryffindor Quidditch Team 
Holyhead Harpies 
American National Quidditch Team
Professions: N/A (for now)
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
Charms: ★★★★★★★★★★
DADA: ★★★★★★★★★★
Flying: ★★★★★★★★★★
Herbology: ★★★★★★★★★☆
History of Magic: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
Potions: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
Transfiguration: ★★★★★★★★★★
Care of Magical Creatures ★★★★★★★★★★
Muggle Studies ★★★★★★★★★☆
Arithmancy ★★★★★★★★☆☆
Studies of Ancient Runes ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆
Quidditch: Captain as of 5th year,Chaser 
Extra Curricular: N/A
Favourite Professors:
Rakepick (Before betrayal)
Sikander (Muggle Studies) (I know we haven't even seen him in game yet but he seems like the best teacher ever)
Least Favourite Professors:
Dumbledore ( I know he’s not a professor but still )
Brother: Jacob Clover
Father: Leo Clover
Mother: Stella Kowalski Clover 
Love Interest: Penny Haywood 
Best Friends:
Rowan Khanna 
Ben Copper 
Bill Weasley 
Charlie Weasley
Merula Snyde 
Rival: Merula Snyde, Ismelda Murk
Enemy: R, Death Eater, Voldemort 
Dormmates: Rowan Khanna 
Niffler - Pepper
Owl - Apple
Cat (Siberian) - Rowboat 
Spider - Bunny 
Puffskein - Dime 
Closest Canon Friends:
Rowan Khanna 
Ben Copper 
Bill Weasley 
Charlie Weasley
Merula Snyde
Andre Egwu 
Barnaby Lee
Jae Kim
Skye Parkin 
Murphy Mcnully 
Orion Amari 
Talbott Winger 
Autumn's father Leo, was from a pureblood family in Europe. Her mother Stella had a sister named Ophelia. Stella and Ophelia were the daughters of Jacob Kowalski and Queenie Goldstein. They grew up with both wizard and muggle culture. The two were quite popular at school due to her parents reputation but they never let that get to their heads.
Stella would describe her younger self as a free spirit, she liked to travel a lot. That's how she met Leo Clover. They fell in love instantly and got married three years after they met. Leo moved to New York with Stella, but Leo’s family wasn't exactly pleased with this. The Clover’s wanted Leo to marry a pureblood, but Leo couldn’t care less about blood status.
In 1969 they had their first child Jacob Clover, named after Stella’s father. Jacob was the handful at first but once he got a little older he became calmer. Jacob was an adventurous soul and was always wandering off and he loved to learn. From a young age he had an interest in Quidditch, he loved going to the Quidditch world cup every year. 
Autumn was born to Stella Kowalski and Leo Clover on 5/30/1973. Autumn clung to her brother's side like she was glued to him. Autumn wanted to be just like Jacob in every way possible. Like everyone else in her family, she had a fascination with magical creatures. She lived a really happy life in America.
But when she was 5 years old her family moved to Europe including her aunt and cousins. They lived a bit far from others, but the closest people were muggles. They lived in a better house compared to the one In America. There was plenty of backyard space for magical creatures to live outside.
Leo Clover was a part of the ‘Order of The Phoenix’ and fought against Voldemort. Leo had the suspicion that members of his family might be Deatheathers due to their Pureblood supremacy. 
When Jacob started school in Autumn was distraught at first. She then realized that she would be able to write him letters and such. Jacob sent Autumn a letter once a week telling her stories about his first year at Hogwarts and all of the friends he had made. What he had failed to mention to her was all the trouble he was starting to get into due to the cursed vaults. He got into a bit of trouble when he came back from school for the summer. But that didn't stop him. Every year he became more and more distant and sent fewer and fewer letters. He stopped coming home for Christmas.
But the summer before Jacob's 4th year was when true tragedy struck. The family was out in Diagon Alley when two death eaters started a fight with Leo Clover. The fight ended with Leo’s death. 
Things were never the same after that. Autumn's mother was strict before but now it has been taken to another level. Jacob was diving deeper and deeper into the search for the vaults. Autumn didn't hear from him until he came back for summer break, and when he came back he didn't have time for her.
During Jacob's 5th year things took a dark turn. During the middle of the year Jacob's friend, Duncan Ashe had died. Soon after that Jacob was expelled, a week after that Jacob went missing. It was all over the Daily Prophet, all the wizards and witches of Europe had heard about Jacob Clover. Everyone had different theories. Maybe he joined the dark lord , maybe he wanted to be the Dark Lord himself, maybe he was just plain crazy. Autumn was set on finding out when she went to Hogwarts, and that's exactly what she was going to do.
Snarky: Autumn picked up this trait from her brother. It takes a bit of getting to know her to see this side of her. Autumn may seem like a sweet person and she is but she's also very witty and snarky. She has the best comebacks, most times she doesn't even notice.
Curious: Ever since Autumn could remember she’s loved to ask questions. Hogwarts was the perfect opportunity for her to learn more. She not only likes to learn about different subjects she loves to learn about people. She likes to know things about her friends. 
Loyal: Autumn's loyalty is unwavering. Once she considers you a friend she’ll always be there for you. She would make a good Hufflepuff.
Friendly: Some people might be scared of Autumn and not want to be near her. But she’s very sincere and supportive of all of her friendships. She does truly care for each one of her friends and would do anything for them. 
Hard-working: Once Autumn has a goal in mind she’ll do anything to achieve it.Sometimes to the point where she ignores her own needs.
Protective: Once you're one of Autumn’s friends she feels a need to protect you. If anyone even dares to look at you the wrong way, Autumn is going to ‘deal with it’.
Autumn loves to show her friends things from America, whether it be Muggle or Wizard stuff.
You may not be able to tell at first glance but Autumn does like to read. It just has to be a topic she's interested in.
She knows how to bake due to her grandfather’s (Jacob Kowalski) bakery.
Autumn has a bunch of different notebooks.
Cursed Vault Notebook - She writes down everything she learns about the vaults 
Diary - Formatted as letters to Jacob. Autumn planned to give them to Jacob when she found him. 
Misc. - A bunch of random stuff from quotes from her friends to tally marks on how many times she had broken her nose
Gets competitive even with small things like Gobstones 
Loves to just turn into her animagus form and run around 
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dumbass-gryffindor · 4 years
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I’ve been thinking of something to post on this blog for like over a year now so why not start with a mood board for my HPHM MC : Autumn Clover
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