earlyriser6 · 11 months
Joy In The Morning
Most days it’s very cold in our office so yesterday I slipped out for a walk in the warmth for a short lunch. Walking around the parking lot listening to Joy in the morning (Remix – Tauren Wells, DOE, and Lecrae). I came across a strip of grass/weeds with this one stalk of Bellium. No other flowers around. No other strip of grass/weeds around the area. The Lord said, “See this flower in the…
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earlyriser6 · 1 year
Who Do You Reflect?
The Lord has been working on my heart the last couple months asking me who am I reflecting. Who am I being a witness of. I had thought about writing something months ago, but I couldn’t put the words together that were floating through my head. Then this evening I had an unexpected conversation with a dear friend, and the Lord just kept working on my heart. To reflect is to give evidence of the…
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earlyriser6 · 5 years
Struggles and Promises
To be honest today has been a struggle. Somedays the thought of not knowing where I am going in my future makes me anxious and frustrated. I see the vision clearly of where God is leading me, but have no clue how to get there.
You see the thing is I have no clue, BUT God does.
I was telling someone last night that at a certain point in my life I had no earthly clue what was going to happen. My…
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earlyriser6 · 5 years
Our doubt, but God's power!
Our doubt, but God’s power!
The disciples probably thought they wouldn’t make it in the storm, but they did.
Think on this, God didn’t show up right next to them in the boat, comforting them. He showed up in the midst of the waves and wind. God let us know that He is here for us, but then we doubt a little.
Wait it is still storming around us, how can it be Him? Are you really here Lord?
We know it is Him, but doubt what…
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earlyriser6 · 5 years
The Battle Has Been Won
Today I was busy at work and then had a marvelous meeting with some awesome people about God things🙂. I felt like I didn’t have time to focus on what I should put on Facebook. Before climbing into bed, I asked God to give me something small to say. So here it is……..
While at work I can listen to anything (with headphones of course). I do audio books, music, podcasts, and whatever I find that…
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earlyriser6 · 6 years
~I am worthy~
Quite a few months back. God laid on my heart to make a quilt for my pastor to be given during pastor appreciation month. I thought about it for a little while and decided that I would have anyone in the church who wanted to participate to help me with it.
I had in my mind how I wanted to start it. I asked a couple close friends about their thoughts and ideas, and the project started to form. It…
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earlyriser6 · 6 years
What is love?
Today as I sit here after a blessed Memorial day with family, I contemplate on the love that we have for one another.  We are told often the relationship my siblings and I have with each other is rare. So many families cannot even get together without argument and disagreements that end in disgruntled human beings and broken relationships.
Some ask how we do it. We, or should I say I, sometimes…
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earlyriser6 · 6 years
God Of All My Days
I gave my heart to the Lord when I was 3. I remember sitting on the bed with my mom, older sister and brother and hearing my mom explain who Jesus was. She used a plaid skirt she had to explain darkness, light, and the blood of Christ. I prayed. I remember running to my dad when he got home and saying I had Jesus.
Throughout my life I have always desired to serve the Lord. I tried to be a…
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earlyriser6 · 6 years
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earlyriser6 · 6 years
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Even though it was chilly, Bella and I needed to soak up some 🌞rays! . . . #metroparkswolfcreekrailtrail #stillchillybutsunny #firstwalkoftheyearoutside #Bellaslife #bulldogsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #americanbulldog #mysidekick #whitepuppy #makinggoals #timeforsomeexercise
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