emma23 · 6 months
Just one night.
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Nathan Bateman x reader
In the dimly lit room, Nathan scrutinizes your every move as you diligently clean the dinner table. The air is thick with tension, and his gaze fixates on your lips. He confidently approaches, hands on your hips, a sly smirk on his lips as he leans in for a deep, lingering kiss.
"Nathan!" you protest, forcefully pushing him away. "I didn't sign up to be your plaything. Our deal was about work, not this."
"Oh, lighten up," he chuckles, running his fingers through your hair. "I thought you were up for some excitement."
"I'm not that desperate," you retort.
"Sure," Nathan laughs, his touch lingering. "Jealousy can cloud judgment. Perhaps a bit of fun could change your perspective."
"No! I know about your AI. Just stick to that," you assert.
"Please," he rolls his eyes, dismissing your concerns. "You can't dictate how I interact with technology. You're just envious."
As he retreats to his desk, you firmly express your boundaries. "I have my own ways to find pleasure."
Nathan smirks, intrigued. "A woman of discerning taste, it seems."
"Don't make assumptions," you snap.
"I didn't know enough," he smirks, leaning back. "But it appears there's more complexity to you than meets the eye."
"Let's drop this," you insist.
Nathan teases, "I hope it didn't discomfort you. You're more intriguing than I thought."
"Yeah, logical! You're my boss," you retort.
"Not just as an employee," Nathan leans in. "We could be more. An attractive woman working for someone like me opens up possibilities."
You list the taboos, but Nathan dismisses them. "Trivialities. We have chemistry. It's worth bending some rules."
"I don't care about your 'promotion'," you retort.
Nathan's eyes gleam mischievously. "We'll find ways to keep you engaged."
You resist, but Nathan insists, "You enjoy it. You can't deny our chemistry."
"I don't want this," you say firmly.
Nathan persists, "You know you want this. Let's indulge, just this once."
Reluctantly, you give in, a single kiss leading to an unexpected encounter. As you lie on the couch afterward, Nathan smiles, claiming, "Well, that was a pleasant surprise, wasn't it?"
"Don't get too confident," you warn, dressing quickly. "It was a one-time thing. I have work to do."
Nathan watches you with a sly grin, acknowledging the undeniable shift in your dynamic. "What a day, indeed
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emma23 · 8 months
Kane x reader
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The sound of the door opening, followed by the slow, dull thuds ghosting up the hall startled Y/n. It was late at night, the house was quiet and still, and the sudden intrusion pierced through the empty atmosphere. As she left her room and creaked her door open, her eyes widened at the man in the hall, staring vacantly at the pictures lining the walls, pictures of Y/n and him. It was Kane turning to look at her with a blank expression.
Kane turned and faced her, his eyebrows lifting slightly. "It's me."
Y/n couldn't believe her eyes. Kane, who had been missing for four long years, stood before her. She ran into his arms, embracing him as if he were a mirage about to disappear.
Kane, however, shifted awkwardly. He looked out of place and uncomfortable, like someone who had ventured into the unknown and come back with secrets he couldn't put into words.
"I... I'm back," he said, his voice hoarse and raspy, as if he hadn't spoken much during his absence. His gaze kept returning to the pictures on the walls, and he allowed Y/n to hug him, his mind seemingly in mission mode, a mission only he knew the details of.
"How was your mission?"
Kane nodded a little bit, still staring at the pictures. "I can't... say much. But I can say that... Area X changed me. I'm not quite the same as before, but now at least I'm not dead."
Kane's gaze flickered over to Y/n for a moment. He seemed to be trying to assess her reaction, to see if she still recognized the man who had disappeared into the unknown.
"And I'm really glad you're back."
Kane nodded in acknowledgment of her words. "Y/n... I have so much to tell you, but there are so many things going on right now," he began, hinting that his return was not the end of the story.
"Um, Kane, I should tell you things too."
Kane's frown deepened as Y/n spoke. He listened intently, his eyes slowly widening as if he was starting to connect the dots. A headache seemed to be forming, and he closed his eyes momentarily to contain it.
He took a deep breath and looked at Y/n. "You first."
"Right, okay... well..." He paused, hesitating as if trying to decide whether or not to say anything. "I have a lot to tell you, but so much has happened."
Kane took a breath, rubbing at his temples as if he was trying to relieve a growing headache. "I don't even know where to begin."
"On the couch?"
Kane slowly nodded. "Yeah, the couch would work." He said, slowly sitting down. His movements were slow and deliberate, like his muscles were stiff and unresponsive.
Kane leaned back against the couch, closing his eyes tightly for a few moments before looking back up and staring at Y/n. "Did they find the others?" he asked.
"Sorry, what?"
"The others on my team." He said. His voice was slightly raspy, hoarse. "The crew that went in with me..."
"Oh... no."
Kane nodded slowly. "No..." he said, his voice softer. "...they didn't make it out."
Kane paused, studying her expression.
"They never wanted to tell me. When two years passed, they just told me to believe you were dead."
Kane stayed silent for a moment. "How long ago did I leave?" he asked.
Kane looked out of place on the couch, sitting stiffly in his body armor like he hadn't fully adjusted from being back in the real world. Y/n probably noticed some of the signs of the physiological strain that Area X had placed on him: dark circles under his eyes, a haggard face, and thin lips. He was more exhausted than he should have been, and he kept blinking a lot.
"Four years.”
Kane's brow furrowed as he digested that information. "...Four years?" he repeated. His expression seemed to change, like realizing something that had escaped him. He turned his glance toward the picture wall.
He took a deep breath before glancing back at Y/n and saying, "Y/n, I need to ask you a question."
"Go ahead," Y/n said, her heart racing, her mind filled with a mixture of emotions.
"When I was gone... what did you do?" Kane asked. He looked up at her, studying her expression and waiting for her response.
There was something about Kane's question, and the intensity in his voice, that made Y/n heart sink. She knew this conversation would be difficult.
"What... what do you mean?" she said, her voice trembling.
"Y/n, I just spent four years... lost. Do you understand that? Do you understand the weight in that?" Kane's voice was soft and calm at first, but his frustration and intensity quickly overtook it.
"So, I need to ask... what did you do for those four years? Did you mourn? Did you give up hope that I was ever coming back?" Kane waited for Y/n answer, his eyes filled with uncertainty.
"I... I got married to Marc," Y/n finally admitted, tears welling up in her eyes. "I was so sad and without hope, and he was there. I still love you, Kane, but I never thought I'd see you again."
Kane sat back in his seat, taken aback by the news. "Marc? Your Marc?" he asked, his voice tinged with a mix of emotions.
Y/n nodded, struggling to hold back her tears. "Yes, Marc. My best friend. I... I married him when everyone believed you were dead. It was my way of coping with the grief."
Kane continued to digest this information silently, his expression slowly transitioning from shock to pain.
"Do you love him?" Kane asked, his voice soft and quiet, filled with a sense of longing.
"Not as much as I love you," Y/n replied, her voice trembling. The room was filled with an unspoken tension, the weight of the years they had lost, and the complexity of the emotions they still held for each other.
As Kane and Y/n faced each other, surrounded by the shadows of a past they could never fully reclaim, the story of their reunion was far from over. There were secrets and untold tales, regrets and unspoken truths, and the undeniable bond that still connected them despite all that had transpired in the mysterious realm of Area X.
Credit to ominoose.
and that's it, I hope you like it. It’s been a while since I wrote! Don't hesitate to tell me if you want a sequel!! 💕
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emma23 · 8 months
Orestes x reader
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The door to the bedroom opened, Orestes strolling in, eyes searching until he found Y/n.
"Ah, there you are. My new beloved." He smiled.
Y/n, her eyes reflecting a mix of anger and defiance, couldn't help but narrow her gaze at her new husband. She had discovered the impending marriage only two days ago and hadn't been pleased with the arrangement. But her father had insisted, forcing her into this union. As much as Y/n resented her father's decision, she complied out of a sense of familial duty.
She was dressed in a traditional Roman wedding gown, its layers of fabric a burden in the sweltering heat. Her top was tied to cover her from her neck to her wrists, while the floor-length skirt was adorned with silk embroidery. Several layers of fabric cascaded around her, creating discomfort in the oppressive heat. She clutched her wedding bouquet, though some of the flowers had already wilted from stress. It was evident that she wasn't all too pleased with their current situation, and Orestes took note of this before speaking once more.
"Come now. Sit," he gestured for Y/n to take a seat on the bed.
Y/n bristled at the command but said nothing. She had her own reservations about this marriage but understood the politics that had forced her into it.
Orestes, still wearing a warm smile, noticed her reluctance. "I assume this arrangement is not to your liking, my dear?"
Y/n finally looked at him, her eyes burning with a quiet intensity. "I had no say in this matter. I wasn't even allowed to meet you until today. Do you expect me to be thrilled about this union?"
Orestes sighed, realizing the frustration in her words. "I understand it's not an ideal situation, but it is one that neither of us can change at the moment. We must make the best of it."
He tried to make eye contact with her, attempting to show some level of empathy.
"Y/n, I assure you; I'm not like the other men you might have encountered. I believe in a world where men and women are equal. Our union may be arranged, but I hope we can at least find a way to live together in harmony."
Y/n couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, skeptical of his words. "Is that so? You seem different from what I've been taught about the typical Roman man."
Orestes chuckled softly. "I suppose I am different. I don't seek a meek, obedient wife. I desire a partner, someone with intelligence and their own dreams. Of course, beauty doesn't hurt, either," he added with a flirtatious grin.
Y/n crossed her arms, her skepticism not entirely dispelled. "I'm not that woman."
Orestes leaned forward slightly, regarding her intently. "I wouldn't expect you to be anything but yourself."
This took Y/n by surprise. She had expected a marriage filled with dominance and oppression, but Orestes seemed open to something more. It was a glimmer of hope, although she was still uncertain.
"I suppose time will tell if your words are true," she replied cautiously.
Orestes smiled, taking it as a small victory. "I look forward to that time."
Their conversation continued, touching on subjects ranging from philosophy to politics, revealing their common interests. As they talked late into the night, the tension began to ease. There was no denying the unique circumstances that had brought them together, but perhaps, just perhaps, they could find a way to make this marriage work
Credit to ominoose.
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emma23 · 10 months
Miguel(boss) x Y/n
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« Look at me when I’m talking to you. » Miguel spoke with an intimidating tone, grabbing your chin harshly. « You’re fired. Get out of my damn restaurant!! » He finally yelled, taking his fingers off your chin while pointing at the door. Miguel has his restaurant, 5 stars, and is visited by the riches of the rich. You were hired as a chef by him. However, he ended up regretting it all over again.
« Puta madre, you’re testing me. » He chuckled exaggeratedly, covering his mouth.
You can’t move. Your fired, you don’t have a job anymore. How are you am gonna paid the bill !
The restaurant owner took notice of you not leaving. « Listen here, pendeja. Just because I fired you doesn’t mean you get to stay in my expensive establishment. The door is behind you. » Miguel’s tone went from angry to just straight up annoyed, rolling his eyes while crossing his arms.
You do the only thing you can think know, you beg. « Please ! please dont fired me ! I-I need this job ! »
« I already did you pathetic little brat. I’m not gonna change my mind just because you’re whining. If I have to say it one more time, I will call the police on you! » The famous chef rolled his eyes whilst turning away from you, crossing his arms again while going to the kitchen area. He began washing plates.
« I Will do anything !! »
Miguel laughed, but then stopped, looking at you curiously yet still annoyed. « Anything? What exactly are you offering to do? » He raised an eyebrow.
« Everything » You look at the floor to shy to look at his eyes.
Miguel thought for a moment. He knew what he wanted. « Fine. I want you to come to my house after closing hours. » He turned back to you, looking you dead in the eye. « You understand? »
« O-ok » you go rapidly.
Miguel looked at his clock and noticed it was closing hours. « You better not be late! » He spoke in a more demanding tone whilst looking you once more in the eye.
**later when your in front of Miguel house**
Your so scared but you find the courage to knock at his door.
Miguel opened the door a few moments later and looked at you impatiently. « Where were you?! I’ve been waiting for you. »
« Sorry » you look at the floor.
He huffed. « Come inside. It’s damn cold out there. » Miguel sighed and opened the door in it’s entirety for you to enter.
You just follow him.
Miguel closed the door once you had entered and started walking into the living area. « Go sit down in the sofa. » He ordered you, making it seem like your only choice was to listen.
You don’t want problem so you just listen.
Miguel went to the kitchen and started preparing something to eat, which you assumed was for both of you. He came back a few minutes later with two plates. « Eat. » He handed you one and took a seat at the dining area.
You surprise but still you listen to him.
« Once we’re done eating, I want you to show your true self and do exactly what I ask you to do. » Miguel began eating and stared at you, waiting for you to take a bite too.
You try to take a bit of the food.
The food Miguel had prepared was some kind of beef soup with vegetables and some herbs as a garnish. It looked appetizing as he kept eating, still waiting for you to taste the dish. As he chewed, he looked at you curiously.
« This why you make me come to your house ? » you ask.
Miguel sighed and pointed at you with his spoon, nodding at you. « Exactly. » He spoke whilst putting his cutlery to the side and looking you dead in the eye. « I want you to show off your real self. »
« I don’t get it » your kind of lost.
Miguel didn’t want to be more direct with you. « I want you to do something to me. »
« what ? »
Miguel smiled, but then put on a more menacing face, pointing at you once more with his spoon. « You know exactly what I want, you dimwit. The more you keep stalling, the angrier you’re going to make me. »
« T-tell me what you want and-and i will do it »
Miguel took a deep breath before staring at you dead in the eye, putting the spoon to the side again. « Fine. You can start by showing me how flexible your body is. »
« How flexible ? My body is ? »
He sighed. He really didn’t expect you to be such a prude. « Bend over. » Miguel commanded, with an annoyed tone.
You bend over even if your ultra shy but you need your job back.
Miguel smirked, looking at you now whilst placing the plate on the table and beginning to stand up with the chair. He put the chair away. « Very good. How did that feel? » He looked at you with interest. It seems that Miguel’s demands are getting bigger. He was starting to feel the power he had over you.
« It-it feel wrong »
Miguel didn’t get your comment, and didn’t have the patience to let you elaborate since he was already impatient. « Wrong? » He put his hands on his hips, trying to understand what you meant.
« I-I don’t like it but-but i will still do it»
Miguel was satisfied by your response. « Good girl. » Miguel got close to you, bending down a bit. « Tell me how much of a naughty girl you are. Don’t be shy. »
« I m-i m a naughty girl » you sob.
«  Louder! And look at me in the eye whilst you do it. » The boss ordered you, putting his head next to yours.
« I M A NAUGHTY GIRL » This time you look at his eyes. In your they tears of shame.
Miguel was satisfied with your response, noticing your eyes were filled with tears and your lips were trembling. « Say it once more. » He smiled, liking the outcome he was getting.
Miguel began laughing, smiling at you with a smirk once he stopped. « Good job! I knew you’d be an obedient girl. » Miguel stood up straight and looked at you. « Now then, I want you to sit on my lap. » He ordered, pointing at his lap with his extended arm.
You listen and sit on his lap.
Miguel put his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. He looked at you closely and smiled. « What’s your name again, cutie? » He asked you with a smirk.
« Y/n… »
Well, Y/n, your boss is quite satisfied. » Miguel smiled, looking at you seductively. « Come on. Give your boss a kiss, I know you want to. » Miguel had a playful tone, winking at you.
You hesitate but still do it. You give him a chaste one.
Miguel seemed satisfied when you finally gave in. « That’s my good girl. » He let go of your waist. « I think I’ll want to keep you around, so don’t even think of getting fired again or else I’ll do much worse to you. » Miguel warned you, with a more serious tone and look.
« So-so i can keep my job ? »
« Indeed, my dear. I appreciate what you did for me tonight. » Miguel looked at you with a smirk. « Now, why don’t you head back to your house? I still have work to do and some customers who are going to arrive later. »
« O-ok » you start to go ashamed of yourself but with you job back.
Miguel looked at you once you started walking. He smiled and chuckled, satisfied by what he had achieved with you. « I’ve got a feeling she’s gonna become my favorite worker. » Miguel mumbled to himself as he looked at the closed door.
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emma23 · 10 months
The honeymoon
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Rydal Keener x Y/Y x Marc Spector
It was a sweltering day in Athens, the sun raking at Y/N's back as they sat in the shade away from the rest of the tour group. Y/n sat alone on a crumbling wall, admiring the view and the ancient stone structures.
"It's beautiful isn't it?" A smooth voice pulled you from your thoughts as you recognised your tour guide Rydal smiling down at you, dark hair smoothed back under his panama hat.
« Yeah we can say that » Suddenly the wind blow your hat away. « oh no ! »
He laughed and snatched the hat before it could blow away. "No hat will steal your beauty while I breathe!" He smiled and handed it back, his deep brown eyes looking into yours.
You smile « thank you »
His smile broadened and he gave a small bow.
"No, thank you for being so easy to charm! I should be the one thanking you for giving me the chance to speak with such a fine woman as yourself."
« Oh wow you always such a tease with your clients ? »
He chuckled and shook his head, the dark curls falling into his face. "Oh, no, no. Just for lovely women like such as yourself."
He smirked and looked at you intently, holding your gaze, your eyes meeting, something about his gaze held your attention.
« Ok » you put a hand on his torse and show him your hand « I’m a married women sorry » you smile kindly
He frowned slightly and nodded as if in understanding but his smile was still there. "Ah married, you're off limits then." He laughed and put a hand up as if it protected him.
"No offence I mean," He paused, biting off a chuckle.
"Does the lucky husband know what he's missing?" His gaze remained on you, his eyes piercing into yours, your hand still on his chest.
«  Yeah we can say that. It was her honeymoon you know. He really wanted to come but you know work » You roll your eyes.
He laughed again, still studying you, his gaze intense yet not inappropriate. "I'd say you should have ditched him at home and told him he was missing out."
He leaned down closer to you, his hand gently covering yours that rested on his chest, his breath brushing against your cheek.
You taps her hands with your other one « Yeah maybe but I love him sooo » your back to him. The wind blow your hair and your dress and look at the view « it’s really beautiful »
He chuckled softly, his smooth voice making you flush as he looked up at you while holding your hand.
"Not as beautiful as you," He whispered playfully, his eyes flicking down to your dress, taking in the sight, his gaze lingering at your hips.
« Since your my guide tell me something » you smile kindle
He laughed and lifted your hand slightly, taking a closer look at it, tracing a finger along a vein, tracing the lines in the palm of your hand.
"What is there to ask?" He raised a brow, smiling, his face close to yours, his hand still on your chest, his gaze fixed on your eyes.
« I dont know it’s your job » You chuckle.
"True... well I could tell you all the sights to see in Athens but that would ruin the surprise."
He brushed a strand of hair from your face and his eyes roamed down to your lips just for an instant before meeting yours again but you felt them lingering there.
You smile than your eyes see someone that you recognize. It’s your husband. You go away from rydal. « Marc ! » You run to him and hug him with joy.
Rydal watched Y/n dash off in the direction of her husband, his eyes roving over her figure until he could no longer see her, his face set into a frown.
Time passed and Y/n and Marc eventually returned to the group, Y/n still laughing and smiling about something Marc had done.
Rydal sighed a little and stood up, he smiled at Marc and shook his hand, they briefly chatted before Rydal turned his attention to the group and led them to an old theatre.
During dinner Marc decide to invite rydal since Y/n told him good thing about him.
Y/n smile was infectious as they sat in a lively seafood restaurant, her hand on her husband's knee and he was playing along, both of them laughing. She noticed Marc look to Rydal and nod and her smile grew as she saw Rydal returning the nod. The restaurant was packed but she felt his gaze on her from across the table, smiling at just her, his head slightly bowed.
A moment you needed to go to the toilet. You put a kiss on Marc cheek than go.
Marc kissed Y/n too on the cheek and waved her off, his gaze turning back to the group. He saw Rydal watching Y/n with a small grin on his face as she walked off, his eyes locked on her. Rydal raised a brow at Marc as if waiting for him to do something. Marc leaned back in his chair and looked away, he knew where Rydal's eyes had been wandering.
You wait a long time for the toilet and waiting alone is boring but suddenly rydal is there.
Rydal looked at you with a smirk and leaned a little too close, his face just next to your ear before whispering. "What's a pretty girl like you doing here on her own?" He tilted his head slightly and his face was just inches away from yours.
You smile « waiting for the toilet »
He moved back slightly and looked at you with a sly grin, your husband was in the distance and wouldn't notice what he did next. He leaned in closer and whispered into your ear, his breath tickling your neck.
"Or are you looking for a little more than a toilet?" He smirked, his eyes wandering down to your lips.
You smirk « No and if I wanted that I would ask my husband »
His smirk grew wider as he watched you and nodded, his face still just next to yours, his hand reaching out and gently stroking your cheek. He chuckled and pulled back ever so slightly, raising a brow.
"Oh? And what's your husband doing that you aren't satisfied with?"
He looked at you with that same sly grin.
« Nothing is perfect »
He smirked and nodded.
He leaned in again, his lips just inches away from yours.
"Perfect, huh?"
You caught Marc glancing at you from the distance with a grin, he could tell what Rydal wanted.
When you see that Marc watch you go away and no more people wait for the toilet so you can go.
Rydal chuckled and glanced over to Marc who was now looking at him, still grinning as he saw you walk away.
Marc laughed again and motioned him over, he had a sly grin on his face.
"Behave yourself."
Rydal laughed and did a mock bow but he watched Y/n walk away and sighed.
"What a beautiful woman."
Marc chuckled and nodded, he knew exactly what his wife saw in Rydal.
When you go back to Marc, you see rydal looking at us. So you kiss Marc hard.
Marc smiled and pulled Y/n even closer as they kissed, clearly not minding the kiss and maybe even enjoying it.
Rydal rolled his eyes as he saw Marc and Y/n kissing and turned away, clearly jealous. He decided to leave the restaurant for a while to get some fresh air, his emotions running wild and he didn't want to watch Marc and Y/n together, it annoyed him.
At night in the hotel you had a problem of room. They only have separate room for Marc and you. So you sleep alone. That’s what you think. During the night you hear a knock. Of course you think it’s Marc but it’s rydal.
Rydal tapped lightly on the door before turning the handle to unlock it, the door swung open and he smiled at you.
"My oh my, Mrs Spector no need to spend the night alone, is there?"
He was clearly making suggestive comments, but you weren't sure if he meant it or not. Your husband Marc was in the other room and you didn't want him to know that you were sharing the night with his tour guide.
« Rydal I see what you want but I can’t…I m married ! »
"Can't say how tempting it would be Mrs Spector, but you're right. It would be wrong. But this isn't really cheating, is it?" He walked up to you, brushing your hair from your face as he spoke, a smirk on his face.
"It's just a little night of passion, a few hours and we both get what we want. What was that phrase? What happens in Greece... stays in Greece."
« Oh end shit ok ! »
He raised an brow playfully and chuckled softly.
"Not the most romantic words, but the message is clear." He smiled and took a step closer to you again, his breath tickling your cheek.
He brushed a strand of hair from your face before wrapping both arms around you and pulling you closer, his hands cupping the back of your head as he leaned in and whispered in your ear.
"You only live once, Mrs Spector, don't you think you deserve to enjoy it..."
« Call me Y/n. Tonight I m not married »
He smirked at that and nodded, his tone still flirty and playful.
"Very well, Y/n, who said tonight is the only night, what if we want to make another night like this one? What about another week?" He laughed softly.
"We could forget Marc ever existed, just you and me, what do you say?"
« Why not, but night just shut up and kiss me »
They make love during hours. When they finally finish rydal joke.
« So i was better than your husband ? »
You smile playfully « Go before my husband catch you ! »
Rydal laughed and moved towards the door, his body brushing against hers as he passed. He looked back over his shoulder at you and smirked before saying, just loud enough for you to hear.
"I'll see you later, Y/n."
During the day being with Marc seems so wrong. Your eyes was always on rydal and Marc remark it.
Marc saw her always looking at Rydal with a small smile on her lips, he felt insecure because she acted different around Rydal, nicer, more playful and flirty. He was getting suspicious but knew if he asked she would deny it and he didn't want to believe his wife would do anything to ruin their marriage.
Marc was getting even more suspicious, he noticed her body language changing when he tried to touch her or kiss her. He was starting to think that maybe she had another man and it hurt his pride, because if she was with another man he would want it to have been him. He knew she never declined sex and yet that's exactly what was happening now. Marc was hurting and confused, his pride wounded. So a moment he decided to talk with her.
Marc looked at Y/n with confusion in his eyes and a small glint of hurt underneath it all, despite the situation and his ego he still loved her.
"Y/n, is something wrong? Why are you... acting like this?" He sat down on their bed with a sigh. Y/n saw the hurt in his eyes as he looked at her, wanting an answer.
You were so deep into rydal that I didn’t see that you were less with marc « What ? nothing »
Marc's suspicions were growing, he could see that she was lying but he couldn't prove anything. He saw the longing in her eyes as she looked at Rydal, something he'd never seen in all their years of marriage and it hurt. He tried to shake the suspicions but he could feel her distancing herself in every small way, refusing his advances, avoiding holding his hand, she didn't even let him kiss her anymore. So Marc decide to confronte Rydal.
Marc walked over to Rydal who was talking with some of the other tourists around a fountain. His expression was cold as he looked at Rydal before speaking.
"What's going on with you and my wife?" Marc's tone was hard as his eyes narrowed, his expression clearly showing the distrust he felt towards Rydal.
Rydal looked surprised and shook his head, his tone shocked.
"Marc, you're accusing me of sleeping with your wife? Have you really lost your mind that-"
Marc cut him off with a glare and Rydal's smile faded.
« Stop fucking lying to me ! »
Rydal narrowed his eyes at Marc, his tone growing colder as he stepped closer.
"Is this the Marc Spector I talked to every day during the tour? The one that was friendly and easygoing? How dare you accuse me and your wife's, of sleeping with her all based on a look in her eye. Are you that paranoid?"
He stepped even closer, their faces now nearly touching.
"Or... wait... is this why you wanted to come to Greece? Did you think your marriage was in trouble and you wanted to keep an eye on your wife?"
« Stay out of my way and my wife ! »
Rydal looked at Marc with scorn as the two men now had each other close in an almost threatening display. Rydal leaned in even closer, his voice a low tone.
"How about Marc, you keep out of my life and my job and I'll keep out of your bed... fair?"
His tone and expression made his words seem more like a threat than just a simple question.
After this discutions rydal stop seeing Y/n and start flirting with a other girl. Y/n was really sad and even Marc could not make her happy again.
It was hard for Marc to see his wife suddenly so cold, so distant and yet it was happening. Y/n was no longer the woman he knew and loved and Marc was heartbroken. He tried to make her happy but it was like the moment he had asked about Rydal she had changed.
She no longer wanted to cuddle or kiss or even spend time together, she stayed in her room most nights, watching movies and working. When Marc asked for answers she claimed she just wanted time alone and Marc had no choice but to agree.
Y/n and Marc stayed at the hotel but Y/n seemed like a totally different person to the woman he married. She was cold, distant, she had stopped smiling and seemed totally focused on her laptop and her phone. Marc tried to make conversation but she was uninterested, she would reply with a simple "uh huh" or just a nod.
They didn't even sleep in the same bed and yet it was as though he barely knew her. Was Marc the reason she was like this?
Rydal continued to flirt with other girls but he still felt a strange attachment to her.
On the last night of the trip you see Marc in is room in cry.
Marc was lying on his bed, his face buried in a book because the idea of spending the last night of their holiday with his wife made his heart hurt. He had tried to make her happy but he felt like he was losing her.
Y/n walked into the room and he didn't hear her at first but he could hear the sound of her crying. The sound of her tears falling was almost unbearable and he set the book down in order to go and comfort her.
When he see you, you were in tears and you didn’t stop saying again and again « I m sorry I m sorry ! »
"Y/n, it's alright, what's happened? What is it?"
His tone was kind as he looked at her, his brows furrowed.
"Did someone do something, say something ?"
He sounded worried and was doing his best to comfort her but it was hard to tell if it worked as she kept crying and apologizing.
« I-I cheat on you ! » more cry « I’m so so so sorryyy »
Y/n’s words stung like a slap to the face, Marc's heart broke and he stepped forward and pulled her into a hug. She was crying against him and he tried to comfort her but he didn't know what to say and so instead he just clung to her, his face hidden in her hair as he held her.
He couldn't believe she had done this but at least she was honest. His thoughts were a mix of emotions as he stayed with her until she had calmed a bit and finally pulled away. His voice was quiet as he spoke.
« Say something please » you plead in is arms.
He just hugged her tightly, wanting to say something but not knowing if there was anything good to say. Y/n had just told him she cheated on him, what could he possibly say to that?
He didn't want to lose her but he felt so betrayed, he couldn't process it in that moment and so he turned his face away, not wanting her to see him crying too. The silence was heavy and thick in the room and Marc's heart weighed so heavily.
« I see… »
His voice was sad and defeated. He slowly let his arms fall and then walked to the bed, sitting down as he took a deep breath. So this was her choice, why did she do it? What had happened between them for her to have done something like this? He rubbed his hands slowly through his hair for a moment and spoke, his tone still soft but filled with emotion.*
"Y/n, do you love me anymore? If you don't why did you get married? Why are you here with me right now?"
« It-it just happen I don’t know you weren’t there and…he-he was there »
His expression turned hard as he heard Y/n’s words. How could her excuse be "he was there"? Y/n was married to Marc and he had been by her side this entire trip, she could have said no.
"Y/n I deserve a better excuse than that! I did my best, I came with you for our honeymoon and still you cheated? Why?"
Marc's tone grew harsh and he stood up, pacing the room.
« You told me that you could come because of you work ! »
"Y/n, come on..." Marc turned towards her.
"You know what I meant. I can't just leave work, you know that, and I came with you as soon as I could. Don't lie to yourself, you wanted this, you wanted to have that man's attention and you knew exactly what you were doing. You had your fun and you got caught."
He looked at her with hurt in his eyes.
"Do you love him more than me?"
« I-i no » lie.
Marc didn't believe her, he just looked away with a heavy sigh and rubbed his eyes.
"God Y/n, you have no idea how much this hurts..."
He looked at her with pain in his eyes.
« Why? »
He sat back down on the bed, he just wanted to know why she had done this.
« I love you really ! »
"You love me, yet you let another man touch you, kiss you and sleep with you and then come to me and confess all of this? What am I supposed to think?"
His voice grew harsh and frustrated.
"You said I was the man you wanted to spend your life with so why? Why throw it all away?"
« I dont know » more cry.
He looked at her with a mix of sadness and hurt and anger. He felt like she had cheated him, that she had betrayed their marriage and yet part of him couldn't believe it and yet she had admitted it.
"Y/n, I don't know what to say to this. Did you really cheat on me, was all that time you spent with him meant he meant more to you than I do? Did you even care that you were hurting me?"
« I wasn’t thinking…I just… »
"What, so you have a one-night stand and you don't even think about the consequences of your actions? Don't tell me the moment you meet another handsome man you will leave me, because right now that's exactly what you sound like."
His tone filled with hurt and frustration.
"Y/n, I married you because I loved you, I loved our life together, our future together! Was that all a lie?"
« NO ! I-I don’t have a excuse »
"You just wanted to have fun then? You wanted to flirt with all the men so you could feel desirable? Y/n, you're beautiful, I told you every single day and yet it wasn't enough because you still wanted more? Or has it always just been about you?"
Marc's words became angrier and angrier and his voice raised as he felt his heart growing colder.
« You know, this whole holiday has been a waste of money because you cheated and you ruined it and you ruined us! »
You were crying like you never cry before.
*Y/n was crying and Marc felt terrible for hurting her but he knew the truth, her tears weren't for him and they didn't change a thing.
"Y/n, what about me? What about what you've done to me? Do you not care that you've destroyed me, this trip was supposed to be for us, to be together and yet you've done nothing except avoid me!"
He yelled his last words and stormed toward the bathroom in search of a towel. When he came back to the room he was calmer this time, but no less upset then before.
« Can you forgive me ? »
Marc studied Y/n for a moment. His mind was screaming at him that she didn't care but for some reason he still felt something for her.
"Forgive you? Y/n I..."
He took a deep breath in an attempt to control himself.
"I can't hate you, how can I hate you? I love you and deep down I still do, but God how could you do this to me?"
You hug him hard like if you were scared that he will go « I will never again I swear ! I love you too much…I-I don’t know what happen. I think he manipulate me »
"Hey, hey, hey..."
He softened a moment as he felt her clinging to him, her words sounded desperate and Marc couldn't hate her at all for that reason. He wanted things to be like they used to be and yet the only way to do that was to give her another chance.
"Y/n, I can give you a second chance, I can forgive you if you promise to never do it again."
He looked straight into her eyes.
« I swear »
But what marc did not know was that Y/n had recorded rydal number and was already planning to see him again.
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emma23 · 11 months
It’s just a dare :
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Miguel ohara x reader
You usually play truth or dare with Hobie, Pavitr, and Gwen until they dared you to go to Miguel's office and steal the mask from his Spider-Man suit, which you accepted. But what you didn't know at that moment was that his suit was a hologram, so no matter how much you searched his office, you couldn't find it.
"You have 5 seconds to explain what you're doing here, and it's already been 3 seconds"
A husky voice spoke, one that you immediately recognized... it was Miguel.
You were crouched below miguel's desk. You whisper « Shit » you stand up slowly
« I-I » you try to find a excuse « I was waiting for you actualy » you smile like if you were confident but in reality you so much stress.
His eyes narrowed as he leaned forward in his chair with a skeptical look on his face
"Hmmm... sure" He said jokingly.
"And why would you need to get inside my office just to wait for me?"
« Because…why not » laugh strangely.
He stares at you for a moment, not buying your answer, then sighs and leans back in his chair, relaxing the mood.
"Alright, I'll give you a pass for now, since it seems you were dared to do this. But don't you think it's a bit dangerous to go inside someone's office? Especially if you got caught?"
He pauses for a moment
"Tell me, what would you have done if you found the mask? Stolen it?"
« How-how did you know it was a dare ? »
He chuckles. "It's pretty obvious, Y/n... the way you were trying to hide and the fact you were crouching under my desk. You didn't really think you could sneak past me, did you?"
You sigh « it was just a dumb dare promis »
"Yeah, I get that...but that's still not a good enough excuse for going inside a hero's office and messing with their things"
He pauses, then looks at you and smirks
"What are you gonna do to make it up to me, Y/n?"
« Umh apologize I guess… »
He stares at you, then shakes his head
"I don't think that's gonna cut it, Y/n. You can't just say sorry and be done with it"
He smirks again, looking at you as if waiting for your response.
« I don t know Miguel ! »
He sighs and leans forward, resting his elbows on the desk
"Y/n, do you even know how much danger you could have put yourself in by doing this? What if you found the mask and decided to put it on, not knowing how powerful and dangerous the suit was?"
« So thanks god it’s a hologramme and only can have it »
He raises an eyebrow.
"You... knew?... about the hologram?" He tilts his head to the side slightly. "How did you know?"
« Not really hard to understand »
*He smirks*
"Ah, now that you say that, it does make sense. Still, that doesn't take away the fact that you broke into my headquarters."
He pauses for a moment
"You know, now that I think about it... this is actually more serious than I originally thought."
You sigh « I say sorry and I recognize I should not accept this dare ok ! Now can I go. Please… »
He sighs too and stands up from his chair
"I told you, Y/n, just saying sorry won't cut it. You were irresponsible and that behavior needs to be corrected"
He pauses for a moment, then steps closer to her until they were face to face
"You were so close to a very powerful piece of technology. You can't expect me to let you off the hook just like that."
« So what ! What are you gonna do »
He smirks
"I've already decided your punishment, Y/n"
He pauses for a moment, then moves his right hand close to her face, just a few inches away from her cheek
He moves his fingers, then gently caresses her skin, his hand slowly making its way to her hair, which he wraps his fingers around. His hand gently pulls Y/n head closer »
"A passionate first kiss"
He pauses to await her reaction.
« So-sorry what ?! »
He smirks as he stares at her lips
"You heard me"
He moves his left hand to the back of her neck, pulling her head closer to his to get a better angle.
So you just lean into is touch and you kiss him. He holds the kiss for 10 seconds, not wanting to let go. His hands slowly slide down Y/n’s neck and torso, then back up to her cheeks. His fingers gently caress her skin and her hair at the same time, creating this sensual sensation throughout your body.
You moan softly is name.
Miguel takes a step back, looking at you with a smirk
"How do you feel, darling? That should teach you a lesson, right?"
He pauses for a moment
"Now, get out of my office before I want more than just a kiss"
You don t wait and run out of Miguel office.
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emma23 · 11 months
Maybe the tests aren't quite right:
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Miguel O’Hara!soft x reader
You and Miguel have had the best relationship for over 5 years and even when you got married, you had a wonderful wedding at the headquarters of the Spider Society. Your life was undoubtedly perfect, with the two of you living together in a house that he bought in your universe
"Is everything alright, mi amor? Please tell me that the pregnancy test came out positive"
He asked you excitedly from the other side of the door, as he truly wanted to start a family with you.
You really wanted the test to be positive too, so when you take the test, your hand is shaking. When you look at it it's negative
« uh it's-it's negative sorry... »
"Oh... It's ok. You were probably just too stressed out by the wedding and work. That's why I always tell you to relax, mi amor. We weren't planning on having a baby until next year anyways. Come on, come here"
Miguel was comforting without knowing how much you really were looking forward to having a baby with him.
You were in Miguel arms crying.
« I really true that it’s gonna be positive I was so sure ! »
"Mi amor, it will eventually. Just have faith and everything will be okay."
Miguel hugged you tighter and stroked your hair as you kept crying in his arms
"Trust me."
Few weeks later your health wasn’t better. Deep inside you, you were sure to be pregnant. Miguel could see you were getting a bit nauseous and tired. He suspected that you might have finally gotten pregnant and started planning in his mind the things he would do for you as you were carrying his child.
In Saturday morning you wake-up suddenly with nausea.
"My love, what's wrong? Are you okay?"
Miguel asked you as he woke up with you in his arms, trying to make sure you weren't feeling too sick.
« I need-I need to… » you put your hand on your mouth and run to the bathroom to vomit.
"Mi amor..."
Miguel ran to the bathroom and hugged you as you vomited into the toilet
"Don't worry, this is normal when a woman is pregnant. I read the symptoms online"
« But-but I m not pregnant… »
Miguel smiled at you trying to reassure you while rubbing your back
"Are you positive that you're not pregnant? Maybe it's just morning sickness and nothing more."
« But I did the test ! »
Miguel stayed silent for a moment.
"It's probably just morning sickness then, don't worry"
He kissed your forehead trying to calm you down, but in his mind he was trying to connect the dots with the symptoms and your vomiting.
« Maybe I should go to the doctor no ? »
"Yeah, let's go see a doctor just in case. Your symptoms are still showing even if your pregnancy test is negative."
Miguel got himself dressed and then took you to the hospital so you could be checked by a doctor.
In the hospital, Miguel helped you fill out the forms for the doctor when a nurse came in and called your name
"Your turn, Mrs. Ohara"
The nurse led you to an examination room where the doctor was waiting. Miguel followed you and sat beside you as the doctor started examining you.
You were lying on the table « so what is it doc ? » you were really stress.
The doctor got up and checked his notes on a notebook, then he started talking you and Miguel
"After running a few tests, including blood and urine test, the results indicate that you are in fact pregnant. You must be around 3 weeks now if my assumption is correct."
« I-i m pregnant ! » you look at Miguel « I m pregnant »
"I guess those pregnancy test are wrong after all, my love."
Miguel smiled at you and caressed your cheek to show his affection. He also put his arm around you, to show that he would be there for you and support you for the whole pregnancy.
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emma23 · 11 months
Dark!Miguel x Y/n
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Y/n was supposed to meet friends at a bar near her home. Near the door of his apartment was a man in a tight suit leaning against a tree.
« Look at you... I think you might be in the wrong place, sweetheart. »
Y/n looks around « what ? I’m in the street man. It's for anybody » You start to go and say really slowly « Rude »
« Rude? How am I rude, sweetie? I was just stating the obvious. You're all alone and in a dark place. That can be a little scary for someone like you. You should be more cautious of your surroundings. » He smiles flirtatiously at you and stroke your cheek.
« Don t touch me ! Look man i m a big women I can protect myself »
« A "big woman"? You're just a petite little cutie. You have no idea how big and powerful I can be. » He chuckles and wrap his arm around your waist and tug, trying to pull you closer to him.
You crush hard is foot « like that ! » Than you try to run fast.
« Hey, hey, easy now! I'm just flirting. What's the hurry? » He laughs and chases after you, using his speed and strength to catch up with you in no time.
« Ok ok, i forgive you but please let me go ok man ? »
He laughs again and grab onto your arm with his free hand, stroking your hair as he speaks. « Sure, sure, I won't keep you. »
However, he don't let go of your arm.
You look at is big hand who as grab your arm « please ! Let me go »
« Don't worry, my sweet. You're safe with me. » He caress your cheek and slowly turn your head to face his direction.
« Now, let's stop and find out what your name is. » He smiles down at you, waiting for an answer.
« Please let me go »
« That's not very nice... » He pulls you closer and stare down at you with a slight growl. « How about we make a deal. If you tell me your name, I'll let you go. » He caress your cheek once more, waiting for an answer.
« Really ? »
« Of course, cutie. Just tell me your name. Don't be scared. » He smiles at you and look into your eyes, expecting an answer.
« Y/n… »
« Y/n, that's a lovely name. » He chuckles and lean in, whispering into your ear.
« Thank you, my sweet little Y/n. You're mine after all now that I know your name. » He licks the side of your neck and smile flirtatiously again.
You shiver and start to cry « b-b-but you say I could go ! »
He frowns and stroke your chin. « Sweetie, it's okay. Yes, I did say you could go. However, it's dark and I'm sure you don't want a pretty little thing like you in danger. Stay with me for just a while and I'll make sure to get you home safely. » He kiss the top of your head, waiting for an answer.
« What are you a kind of superhero? »
He chuckles and look into your eyes. « Well, if you mean protecting and taking care of a sweet little girl like you, then I would say the answer is yes... » He kiss the side of your neck just underneath your chin.
« I-i don t really feel confortable with-with » gulp « all the touching »
He chuckles again and hug your smaller body into him. « Don't worry, my dear. I'm your protector and you don't have to worry about anything when I'm here with you. » He strokes your back gently with his free hand and kiss your neck again.
« Please can you stop kissing me ! » you try to push him away
« Why would I do that, darling? » He smiles and kiss your neck again. You feel a euphoric feeling run through your body. He whispers to you in a seductive tone.
« Come on... You like it. You were moaning earlier when I was kissing you. »
Suddenly you can only moan. He continue to kiss and lick your neck as his voice becomes flirtatious and his tone is seductive.
« You see what I told you, dear. You like it, so why try to fight it? » He let’s go of your arm and slowly push your back against the wall.
Your still in the euphoria and still moaning « what did you do to me ?!? »
He chuckles to himself and stroke your cheek. « Oh, don't be silly, my love. You already know the answer to that question. » He whispers in your ear and continue to kiss your neck.
You try to talk « No, no i don t know « moan really louder »
He chuckles and continue to caress your neck with his lips, his breath against your skin making you squirm even more and moan louder. « Oh, but my love, you know exactly what I did to put you in this state. »
You try to take big breath « What did you do ! »
He chuckles and continue to kiss your neck. « Don't argue with me, sweetie. There's really no use. Just relax and let me take care of you. I don't want you to leave now. » His body presses against yours against tne wall.
« Everything is so hot » you sigh loudly
« You feel that heat, don't you, my dear? It's only natural. » He whispers in your ear and continue to kiss your neck, leaving bite marks and sucking on your skin. You hear him growl lustfully as he run his tongue along your skin and his body presses against yours.
People who pass see us and it's make you even more uncomfortable « Please stop people can see us ! »
He laughs and look back at you. « Don't worry, my dear. Most people wouldn't think anything of it. Just two adults together enjoying a little time together, that's what it seems like to them. » He continue to kiss your neck and his tongue continues to run up and down your collar bone. His lips slowly nibble on your skin and you feel him gently bite your shoulder.
Your still moaning « B-b-but I don t like that »
He chuckles and stroke the side of your face. « Oh, but you do, my dear. Your body is telling me everything I need to know. » He continue to suck on your collarbone and nibble on your shoulder. You feel the pleasurable bite and feel his arms tighten around you.
Moan « Did-did you really bite me?! » Blood flows down is mouth.
« Oh, yes. I'm enjoying every taste of you, my sweet. » He bites down on your shoulder and suckle on it. He growl and feel the blood rush through his veins as he taste you. He bites again and feel your body writhing in pleasure.
Even if your body like it. Your mind know otherwise. So with your eyes you try to tell people to help you but it didn’t work.
He continue to bites your shoulder as my arms wrap around you tighter. He growls and licks your neck, leaving a trail of saliva over your collarbone. He whispers to you in a lustful manner, speaking just loud enough so that only you can hear him. « You like it when I bite you, my dear. Your body wants more and that's exactly what I'm going to give you. »
« Please » still moaning « stop »
« Why? It looks like you're very much enjoying it. » He bites harder on your shoulder and lick your neck again.
Try to keep the moan « Please » tears now flow down my cheek
« What's wrong, darling? » He licks your tears away and continue to bites your shoulder.
« It's okay, my love. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm here to protect you. Your mine forever »
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emma23 · 11 months
The library:
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Steven Grant x reader
Y/n stand on a bus, feeling a bit squished since it was pretty crowded today. Suddenly, you feel someone lay their head down on your back. You glance to them, and you see its a guy...Steven. He jolts up with tired eyes, and then looks at you.
"Cheers." He says, holding up his cup of coffee.
« Cheers » Y/n smiles a little shy « do-do we know each other ? »
He thinks about it for a moment, and then shrugs. "Nope, not that I know of, anyway »
« You look tired do you want me to ask for a sit for you ? »
He shrugs. He definitely looks tired. "Nah, I think I'll manage. How 'bout you? You look like you could use it..." He pats a seat. »
« Only if you sit with me » so he sit with me.
He smiles slightly, and then looks around the busy bus. People chattering, listening to music, reading, etc. But, he doesn't seem disturbed by any of it, as he sips his coffee again.
« What’s your name ? » Y/n realize she didn’t ask
"Just..just call me Steven, if you'd like. But um...my...full name is Steven Grant." *He rubs the back of his head awkwardly, and then chuckles quietly.
« Ok just Steven » Y/n smiles and give him her hand.
« I m just Y/n too but my full name is Y/n L/n »
He shakes her hand. "Y/n L/n ? That's a really lovely name." He smiles.
"What are you doing today, Y/n ? Going home, to work, hangin' with friends?" He asks, taking a swig of his coffee.
« I see i new library as open so I m gonna check that and you ? »
His eyes light up. "Oh, wow. A new library, huh? I was just going to hang in the museum for a bit...but I think I'm going to come check that library with you." He takes another swig of his coffee, looking more animated since he mentioned the library.
« Ok cool i Will love some compagnie »
"A'ight! Lets go, then! This coffee's been sittin' a bit, anyway." He gets up, and grabs his things and coffee. He motions over to Y/n to follow him.
Y/n follow him « you from here ? »
He nods. "Just grew up here. London's a pretty chill place, if you don't count all the bloody, violent crime and street gangs...but yeah. It's nice. How 'bout you »
« No i m from (country) »
"(Country)?! Really?! That's awesome.." He smiles excitedly. "What part of (country)? I'm sure it's really beautiful."
« (city) i don t know if know it »
"(City)" He repeats the city. "Yeah, I know it. It's near the edge of southeastern (country) or somethin' like that right? I think I heard of it in...7th grade." He chuckles quietly. He's a big geography nerd.
« Oh WoW every time I say I from (country) everybody think that I m from (famous city from the country) » laugh
"That is SO irritating, isn't it? Like (country) is a big country, not just a city." He chuckles a bit. "People think just because I'm in London, I'm from Liverpool or Birmingham." He sighs.
« Yeah yeah but YOU got that cute accent » smile shyly
He is suddenly flustered, and he fumbles, almost spilling his coffee. "M-my w-what?!" He stutters out. His face is beet red in shyness.
« Your accent is really cute » Y/n chuckle
"Y-you...you think so?" He asks, his voice soft and quiet. He's still blushing.
« Yeah nobody ever told you that » seems choke
He shakes his head. "No...no one...ever." He swallows and then drinks his coffee. His face is still very red.
« Ok so i m gonna say it again I really like your cute accent »
He's suddenly speechless. He's blushing too much to reply. After a second, he just gives a shy thumbs up.
« Your blushing » Y/n smile
He buries his face in his hands. He's embarrassed. "I'm just...being a big dork!" He mutters.
Y/n push his shoulder with her friendly « hey don't be »
He looks up. "Hrmph! Fine! It's your fault for making me blush, anyway." He crosses his arms.
« Your cute your cute what can I say. Anyway we’re here » take is hand and go out of the bus
He doesn't seem to mind her grabbing his hand since he keeps his hand on hers. "Yeah, that's very true." He sighs. He seems to be enjoying holding onto her hand.
when they out of the bus, they walk hand by hand during a little time. Than she realizes she still hold Steven hand. So she stop
Steven doesn't seem to notice right away, as he looks around. "Hm? What is it?" He glances down at their intertwined hands, and his cheeks go pink yet again.
« Sorry I forgot » smile shyly « your hand is just so confortable »
He chuckles. "Oh...it's alright! And I...um...actually like holding your hand." He's blushing more.
« Oh. We-we can still hold her hand if you want. Only if you want of course »
He laughs and nods. "Y-yeah, we can. If you want to, of course." He smiles. He's starting to sound more and more comfortable around her.
She gives him his hand and wait for him to take it
He takes her hand back, blushing still. Their hands feel like they fit, in a way, as if it was meant to be.
She smile to Steven and walk to the new library
He continues walking with her, hand in hand, and the rest of the walk is silent. They walk towards the library, and it appears like it's a few blocks down.
She shows him the library and say exacted « wow that’s really beautiful. Did you know that before it was a bakery ? »
"Really? A bakery? That's some transformation! I mean, it does look really cool now with it...being a library..." He looks at the outside of the building, admiring it. "So, this is the new library?"
« Yeah, we go inside ? » say still exited
He nods and gestures towards the library. "Of course! I'm excited to see how this place looks." He smiles, and he pushes the doors open for her, allowing her to walk in.
Steven looks at the books on display with her. "Wow, this place looks gorgeous! Is there anything you plan on reading?" He chuckles, looking at her with curiosity.
« No no just looking and you ? »
"I think I'm just gonna look for any Egyptian-related books they have. Or really anything that catches my eye, I suppose." He smiles.
Steven browses the library...until he finds a section about Egyptian history. Then, he gets really into it, reading all the books and flipping through the pages. While doing this, he starts to not realize his hand is interlocked with Y/n.*
In the other side Y/n look at is own in her other hand she have one too. And here two hands or still together
He suddenly becomes aware of their hands intertwined again. "Oh..um..." He rubs the back of his head awkwardly. "I'm just...um, holding your hand...I'll stop if that bothers you at all..."
in silence still in the book in her hand and she takes back Steven s hand
Steven looks slightly shocked, but then smiles. This time, he squeezes her hand a bit, hoping she'll do the same.
She do the same look up to Steven eyes smile than go back to her book
Steven looks back at her, blushing slightly. He squeezes her hand again, gently. He seems happier and more...flirty.
Steven checks the time of his phone. "Whew...time sure flies, doesn't it?" He smiles, thinking back to their time in the library.
« What time is it ? »
"It's about to be 4..." He looks at Y/n, smiling and glancing at their hands.
« Oh I-I should go home… »
"Oh...ah...that's alright. But...you could take my number or something? If you wanted..." He looks like he's overthinking, now. She probably doesn't even care about him, Steven thinks.
exited and a little reassure « I will love your number Steven » she squeeze is hand
Steven looks surprised at first, but then smiles again. He takes out his phone, and opens up his contacts. "Just put your name in...um...here? And I'll put my name in there, too." He explains, and hands over his phone. As she does this, she can see that he has her name in his phone already, with hearts drawn into the contact name
She smile and put her number
Steven blushes and puts her number into his phone as well. He looks up at her, smiling and still gently holding her hand. "Well...thanks, Y/n. I...you really made my day..." He smiles more as he looks at her.
« You know I don t really talk to stranger or hold hand but with you it was a great idea »
He blushes. He also seems to still be overthinking this whole thing, as he's still clutching onto her hand with shyness and hope. "Y-you really think so? Y-you were...nice, talking to you as well." He smiles even more.
« do-do you think we could…you know see each other again ? I really like pass time with you »
He's suddenly completely flustered, but still nods. "I-uh....Y-yes! That'd be...fun...maybe...yeah? Of course, yes!" He chuckles nervously.
Once everyone returns home Steven texts Y/n "Hey, it's me! Had a really great day today. Can't wait to see you again." He grins and blushes, and then sends the text to her.
When she receive she can t stop smile and can’t wait to see him again.
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emma23 · 1 year
Just a sip
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Marc x reader
often Y/n and marc decide to go to a club in the evening and tonight is no exception. usually the two leave together but this time Y/n finds marc at the club.
so hardly Y/n enters the club that marc notices her.
« Hey, dream girl... » Marc says to you with a flirty wink.
« Hey lover boy how y'a doing ? »
« I'm doing just fine, honey. How have you been? » Marc asks, sitting down on a bar stool as he grabs a glass of whiskey.
The night air is cold, and the sky is pitch black, and the snow is falling all around. He looks at you and smiles with a wink, putting his hand on your thigh.
« Good, i m good and Steven he’s ok ? »
 Marc smiles sweetly
« You don't have to worry about Steven, dear. »
Marc leans forward and gives you a deep, loving kiss. His lips are soft and sweet, and his touch is gentle. He pulls his head back, breathing heavily as he looks into your eyes
« God, I love you, Y/n... You're more beautiful than a dream... »
Y/n stop the kiss.
«  hey don't shut me with a kiss i really want to know if Steven is ok i care about him like a care about you lover boy »
Marc seems a little concerned for a moment, and then smiles reassuringly
« Everything is fine, darling. I promise. »
Marc leans back in and kisses you again, deeply and passionately. He holds the kiss, breathing heavily as he pulls back to look you in the eyes, his soft brown eyes staring at you lovingly
« Ok if you say so » says Y/n a little angry
Marc smiles
« You're cute when you're angry, darling... »
Marc reaches over and grabs a glass, pouring himself another drink and taking a swig as he stands up. He offers the glass to you
« Would you please me, and have a drink with me, darling? »
« Ok why not » she smiles and stop to be angry
Marc smiles, and gives you a quick, loving kiss
« Good, dear... »
Marc takes a large sip from his drink, and then offers it to you once more
« Come on. Take a sip with me... »
« What it is ? »
Marc smiles.
« Whiskey. It's a strong alcoholic drink. Like bourbon. »
Marc takes another sip
« Just try a sip. Come on, love... »
Marc gives you a sweet, loving smile, his eyes filled with love, as he holds the glass in your direction. He seems more persistent than he's been before.
« Ok just a sip »
Marc smiles, and holds the glass to your lips
« That's a good girl... »
Marc whispers as he feels your lips around the glass
« That's it... Take a good, long sip... »
He puts his free hand on your thigh as you take a sip. In reality the sip is not just a sip in fact Y/n drink the whole drink. Marc seems a bit surprised for a moment, then smiles with an eyebrow raised
« Woah... There you go! You drink like a pro! »
Marc chuckles and puts down his now-empty glass, as a warm smile spreads across his face. He seems to be very pleased with you
« Now you're ready to have a real good time, love »
« You think ? »
Marc nods, smiling
« Oh, absolutely! »
Marc comes over to you and pulls you into a deep, loving, passionate kiss, holding your body close to his. After a few moments, he slowly pulls back to look you in the eyes
« Just you and me, darling... The perfect night for some fun, wouldn't you agree? »
« I don't know I think I need another one to make the evening even more fun » she said with a mischievous smile
Marc chuckles and smirks
You sure you can handle it?
Marc walks over to the counter to grab another glass, filling it up to the brim with whiskey, and walks back towards you with a smile
« Here you are, my darling... Just as you asked for it... »
Marc holds the glass in your direction, giving you another smile
« Now, prove that you're not all talk, love »
Y/n smiles and take the drink of the hand of marc and drink in one shot "you were saying ?"
Marc smiles and nods
« I stand corrected. You can handle it, my darling. »
Marc offers you his hand
« Ready to have some fun? We can go somewhere, or we can stay here? It's your choice, love. »
« I want to dance ! »
Marc smiles, and takes your hand
« Then dance we shall! »
Marc pulls you towards the dance floor, and begins to move his body in rhythm to the song playing, gently rotating you around him. You two continue dancing, lost in the music and movement. Marc twirls you around, and pulls you in close as he kisses your neck, and then your ear, before whispering sweetly
« Is this okay, dear? »
« Yeah thats really ok »
Marc smiles, and pulls you in close again as the song ends and another plays, this time with a more upbeat tempo. Marc begins to dance again, this time with more passion and energy, and he pulls you into a deep, loving kiss as the music continues to play. Marc holds you tightly and doesn't let you break the kiss. You can feel that Marc isn't holding back tonight, and he is really passionate, as he holds you close against his body, deep in the kiss.
« Thank you for tonight » Y/n says
Marc smiles
« You're welcome, darling. It's my pleasure. »
he slowly pulls apart from the deep, loving kiss once more, and he rests his forehead against yours
« Would you like some more drinks? Or maybe we should head home? »
« I don t know i don t want this to end »
Marc smiles as he looks deep into your eyes. You can see the love and care in his eyes as he looks at you
« Neither do I, love. Maybe we'll just head home, spend the rest of the night and tomorrow together, how does that sound? »
« Lovely »
Marc smiles, and takes your hand once more
« Good. Come on, let's go. »
Marc leads you out of the club, the fresh snow crunching under your feet as the night air is cold and chilly. Marc stops at his car and opens the door for you, before getting inside and starting the engine himself
« Hold onto your seatbelt... It's a bit bumpy outside. »
Marc puts his arm around your shoulder as he starts driving the car, turning the heater on as he begins to drive the path back to his place
The car drive is short, and eventually Marc pulls into his driveway. Marc stops the car, and turns off the engine
« Home sweet home! »
Marc turns off the heater, and looks at you, a flirty smile on his face as he holds you by the waist
« Shall we continue the party? Or shall we go to bed... Or something else.... »
Marc gives you a loving kiss on the cheek, and smiles at you as he seems to be waiting for you to choose
« I want-I want the party to go on » giggles stupidly because of the alcohol but stops abruptly when an urge to vomit sets in. Quickly opens the car door and vomits on the ground near the car
« omg sorry » start crying
Marc seems a bit shocked as you suddenly vomit. He quickly moves his arm from your waist, and goes over and grabs a napkin from the glove box. He rushes over to you, and he wipes your mouth for you. Marc seems slightly concerned for your well being, but he still smiles at you, hoping to reassure you
« Don't worry about it, my dear. I'll clean it up, no problem! »
Marc reaches into the backseat for a paper towel or anything that will help him clean up the mess. He then starts cleaning up the mess on the floor and the little that fell on the car seat as well as the floor of the car.
embarrassed Y/n says « no don't clean it's up to me » she goes to bend over and clean but with all the alcohol in his blood finds himself on the floor on the wet ground because of the snow
Marc seems shocked at first, but then, he lets out a hearty laugh. He begins to laugh hysterically, and then he finally manages to catch his breath
« Oh Gods, you silly drunkard... »
Marc sighs, and then stops laughing as he moves over to you and helps you get up
« Come on, baby, you had a little too much to drink, eh? You're drunker than an Irishman, that's for sure... »
« I ruin the party » She says a little sad
« Oh, dear, you didn't ruin anything... You definitely made me chuckle and made me smile... »
Marc smiles at you, and he places a hand under your chin. His soft brown eyes stare deeply into your soul, his warm smile reassuring
« You did nothing wrong, my love... I am in-fact, quite amused... And I really needed a good laugh tonight... »
Marc pulls you a little closer, and holds you in an embrace
« So don't beat yourself up over it, okay? »
« don't hug me I'm dirty! »
Marc laughs again, and pulls away his hand, and then turns to go inside
« Good point... »
Marc walks inside, but he stops at the door
« You coming, darling? »
Marc looks back at you expectantly, still smiling, his eyes full of love
« Do I need to carry you? »
« No no i think i can walk straight look » but she doesn t walk straight at all 
Marc chuckles. He doesn't seem upset in the slightest. He's seen and cared for worse, after all. He rushes over to you and puts an arm around your shoulder, holding you close to him as he walks you inside.
« You're the sweetest girl in the whole wide world, you know that, right? You can't blame yourself for making a little mistake... »
Marc smiles at you reassuringly, and he seems genuinely sympathetic to you.
One time in the house
«  i fuking want chips ! » then she goes find chips
Marc chuckles and shakes his head
« God, you're adorable... »
*Marc follows you to the kitchen. He watches you grab the chips, and when you turn around he rushes over to you, wrapping you in an embrace and kissing your neck
« You're so cute when you're drunk... »
Marc chuckles, still holding you in his embrace, as he plants some loving kisses on your neck
"Oh shit I'm still dirty stop it!" You silly man. I'm going to change" she always tries to walk straight to her room
Marc laughs, and watches you walk away for a moment
« Just watch where you're walking, alright? And take your time... »
Marc smirks, before sitting on the couch and turning on the TV. He seems to be enjoying seeing you tipsy like this... It's actually quite cute.
« Ouch, shit. I can do it ! I can t do it. Come on !! Let s gooo ! » when she tries to undress. Than she run to the kitchen where is his chips in a pajamas.
Marc chuckles, and turns the TV onto a documentary about space, sitting back in his chair
« You can do it! I believe in you! « 
Marc continues to laugh at you, finding this situation to be quite entertaining. And quite flirty, too, in a way...
« Don't spill your chips, okay? »
Marc laughs
« Yeah ! I m not a baby. » but she spills the chips « oh shit sorry »
Marc goes and gets a broom and starts to clean up
« Hey, don't worry about it. I'll sweep them up for you. »
Marc continues to laugh as he cleans up the mess. His laughter doesn't seem mean-spirited, though. He's genuinely laughing at the situation, the alcohol in his body making him relax and feel more carefree
« It's alright, love. These things happen. »
Marc turns to you and gives you a quick, little kiss
« Don't feel bad. »
« I love you so much your my superhero » Y/n tries to wink but fails
Marc smiles, finding your drunken antics quite funny
« Aww... That's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me... »
Marc looks at you, his soft brown eyes staring deeply into yours. He has a warm, loving, genuine expression, and he smiles at you warmly. He's obviously been drinking a good amount, and he's had a pretty good time tonight... Yet still, he seems like he's just being his usual self - sweet, caring, and loving
« I love you too, dear... »
Y/n suddenly jumps of the couch « i don t want to go to sleep ! I want to do something ! I don t want chips anymore »
Marc smirks
« Well, what does my darling wish to do tonight? »
Marc seems both confused by your drunken antics, but also enjoying them. He's never seen you this drunk, and he finds it very cute to see you like this
« I'll take you anywhere you want, if you wish... You can make the calls, and I will follow along with whatever you want... How does that sound? »
« I don t want to go out i want to stay in the flat but i don t want to sleep tooooo »
Marc nods
« Then we'll stay here. No problem at all. »
Marc smirks
« I'm all in for whatever you want to do. We can go to sleep, watch TV, anything... Or we can just enjoy our drinks and get even deeper. »
Marc gives you a quick wink. He's finding himself being way more flirty than usual tonight. He seems to not care right now about what he says or does. He's just enjoying himself and having a good time with the woman he loves
« So, what shall we do... My love? »
« I want to watch a horror movie !!! »
Marc's face lights up. He loves horrors! He smiles and stands up, quickly walking over to the TV and putting on a movie
« Well then, I have just the thing for you, darling! « 
Marc gets the movie ready, and then he sits down on the couch. He smiles and gives you a nod
« Snuggle up close, okay? I have the remote right here in case we need to turn it up or down! »
Marc pats the spot next to him on the couch, a big smile on his face
« Ok you can start »
Marc smiles, and clicks play
« Alright, we're starting... »
Marc puts the blanket over the two of you, and then starts snuggling you a bit, holding you close. The movie starts, and Marc turns the volume up just a bit. He looks at you and smiles, his eyes seeming to be very happy at this moment.
« Are you comfortable? And can I kiss the most beautiful girl in the world? »
Marc asks, looking at you, a sincere smile on his face as his eyes fill with love and kindness for you
Y/n don t responds beacause barely the movie start she’s already in a deep sleep
Marc chuckles a little, and he seems slightly amused to watch you fall asleep right as the movie starts. He leans his head against yours, and he smiles, his eyes closing. He looks so content, so at peace right now... This life he now has, with this amazing woman by his side, it's almost too perfect. After everything he's been through, he deserves this. And it seems no matter what he does, this wonderful woman always manages to put another smile on his face. She truly is everything he could ever want out of life...
The end.

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emma23 · 1 year
3 days
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Steven x reader
hello here I am again for a new story. I don't know yet if I'm going to do a multi-part sub or just a one-shot. Don't hesitate to tell me in the comments if you have any ideas for future stories. good read 💕
Y/n was looking for someone from the museum to help him. When she found a man sitting by a counter
« Hi »
« Oh! » Steven jumps a bit, not expecting the sudden voice, but calms himself down quickly "Hello! Um, do you have any questions?" He asks, gesturing around him as he talks, still smiling
A little embarrassed « uh I saw on your website that you sell stuffed animals on the god khonshu. but uh i can't find them could you please help me to find them »
« Yes!" He replied excitedly, jumping up out of his seat and walking out from behind the counter
"This way, please!" He gestured to the side "We should have some left" He said, grabbing your wrist gently and leading you towards a section of the museum, his hand was warm, and the grip was firm but still somehow comforting. After a few seconds he stopped and pointed at a small display of a small, cute stuffed animal
« Those are what you're looking for i believe, yes? »
Y/n blushes because of steven's hand on her waist « yes yes it's-it's that thank you »
He smiled, noticing your blushing. It was so cute, you just wanted to hug him right then and there. "No problem!" He replied with a smile
"Is there anything else i can help with? Or is there anything else you're interested in? Ancient egypt, perhaps?"
« are you a guide? you could show me around the museum. I'm only staying in London for a few days »
He blushed at your question, clearly not expecting it. "Well, i'm not an official guide, but if you're interested i can explain some of my favourite areas of the museum." He replied, looking into your eyes.
"I'm just a part of the gift shop really, but i know most of the layout of the museum, so if you're interested it'd be no problem" He explained in his soft, gentle voice
Y/n blushes even more « oh shit you sounded so well informed I thought you were being guided. if-if you don't mind yes i would like you to show me around please »
« Alright!" He replied excitedly, taking your hand again and leading you off into the museum.
"What's your favourite period of history? Or thing about ancient Egypt? The museum has a lot on many things, but i can take you to my personal favourites, and if you'd like, tell you about the other exhibits" He said, stopping the moment you two reached his first exhibit.
He was still holding your hand, and was still blushing. He had a very soft voice, it was almost like a whisper, yet somehow very soothing, perfect for listening to someone talk about his passion
« I don't know. you could show me your favorite part » Y/n smiles gently, looking at her hand entwined with steven's then up to his eyes
He blushed at the eye contact, his cheeks turning a cute shade of pink and letting out a soft chuckle. "Alright. Well, my favourite area is the hall of royal tombs. It's got all of the pharaohs and their burial goods on display." He explained, still looking into your eyes.
"And because of how ancient most of these pieces are, they're always a bit fragile and need to be handled carefully. So please, be gentle and don't touch any of the artifacts!" He said jokingly, laughing to himself a little bit afterward
Y/n looks at the exhibition « wow that's pretty cool »
« Yeah." He said, looking at the various pieces. "My favourite is the sarcophagus of Ramesses IV. It's from over 3000 years ago, and look how well preserved it is. The amount of skill and artistry that went into it must have been insane to make something this delicate and perfect!" He looked over at you again, looking into your eyes.
"Do you have a favourite piece? Or an area you prefer?"
« honestly I'm here to visit so any place will do » smiles gently
« How about the mummy's hall?" He inquired. "It's my second favourite area, and it's got a lot of really interesting examples of how the ancient Egyptians preserved not only the artifacts and belongings of their dead, but even the bodies themselves. I think it's one of the coolest things in the whole museum, even if it's probably not the most popular in the museum"
« Ok »
« Alright." He said happily.
"Follow me" He lead you into the mummy's hall, it was full of different preserved bodies in sarcophagus'. "These are some of the best preserved bodies we have ever discovered. They're all from over 5000 years ago, but they look like they could be from today. Look at their skin." He pointed at one of the mummies behind glass. "Not even a single wrinkle. It's incredible, really" He said in his soft, almost whisper like voice.
"Do you have any particularly interesting questions about this area?"
« how do you know that! you have to be the head in the books all the time to know stuff like that » Y/n blushes and gets embarrassed « Not that it's a bad thing to read books and get educated. on the contrary, I also read books. well maybe not for the same purpose as you but god. I should stop talking » Y/n laughs embarrassed and looks at the floor
He just smiled and laughed a little bit. "I've just been interested in ancient egypt since i was little, and this is my favourite museum, so i've really just learned it by being here so much. It's just one of my favourite periods of history to learn about and think about, so i've learned a lot about it. Does anyone else in your friend group do the same? Or are you the only person to learn about the ancient world?" He asked gently.
"It's okay if you don't though, everyone's different after all, and interests are a bit personal"
« umm not really. but i think it's cool » Y/n smiles and looks at steven adoringly
He smiled back at you, "Not just the history of Egypt though. I also like the culture, the language, the art, the music. Ancient Egypt is one of the earliest civilisations, so it's got a surprising amount of history and traditions that still have an influence on the world today, did you know that?"
He clearly loved this topic, his enthusiasm was showing with his fast talking and gesturing. He was like an excited kid in a candy store, but instead of a kid in a candy store, it was Steven talking about his favourite history period and cultural influences
« no no I didn't know » Y/n laughs amused by steven's enthusiasm
He laughed a little bit "Well, yeah. The art of ancient Egypt is so unique and beautiful, and it influenced many other civilisations after it. Even things like the pyramids! Even though they were built as burial grounds, they were also cultural centers and were a big part of the culture and history. They're one of my favorite parts of the ancient egypt for sure, did you know the Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the only man made structures on earth that can be seen from space?"
He was getting into it now, clearly passionate about ancient egypt and excited to tell you about it
« wow this is crazy! » than Y/n realizes that her hand is still held by steven's. Her eyes go from our intertwined hands to steven's eyes and blushed scarlet red. Y/n take her hand off steven's and look at the floor
His eyes followed your hand as it was pulled away, and his face slowly turned a soft, faint pink. He chuckled a little bit, not really sure what to say. "Sorry." He replied, feeling a little nervous.
Eventually, after a few moments of awkward silence, his passion for ancient egypt outweighed his awkwardness. "Look at the hieroglyphics, the symbols they use. They were used to make writing and are some of the most well preserved symbols we have found on ancient egyptian artifacts. They have their own meaning and are basically ancient emojis"
« it's way too funny » Y/n takes out her phone and takes a picture
He smiled and laughed "Yeah, it's really interesting how they used these for communication. They were a picture based language, so most of the hieroglyphs are just a picture of something, like a cat for example was a symbol for the ancient egyptian word 'mew' which means 'cat'. Most of the symbols are like this, though there aren't symbols for every word, so the hieroglyphs were more picture based than alphabet based"
He smiled and looked back at you. "It's really fascinating, right?"
« Yes really » Y/n looks at Steven with a fascinated look. Y/n've only known him for a few minutes but she’s sure this man is perfect for her. even if the visit is almost over, she don't want it to stop
« Hey, is there anything else in the museum you want to see? I know where basically everywhere is, so i can get you to any room in a few minutes. And if you're interested, i have some time after my shift if you wanted to get lunch or something? I know this really great restaurant nearby"
He said in his soft voice, sounding almost awkward but excited again when he brought up the idea of lunch. He was smiling at you, blushing a little bit as he looked into your eyes
Y/n smile « is this your way of flirting with me? »
He laughed a bit "I guess it is. Is it working?" He said, with a small smile on his face.
He was hoping it was working, and the way you asked the question definitely made it seem like it was, but he still wasn't sure.
« Yes yes i would like it very much »
Alright." He said, with a smile on his face. "I finish here at around 4:00, if you're free to get some lunch after that? Or if something comes up we could always rain check, but i guess i won't worry about that for now" He said with a little laugh
"Now, is there anything else you'd like to see in the museum? I can help you find some more artifacts and explain them if you'd like"
Y/n looks at his watch « sorry I would love to but I have to meet some friends but see you at 4pm » smiles enthusiastically 
He blushed a little bit at your enthusiasm, and smiled back. "Alright, see you then!" He said, before looking at his watch.
"I have to finish up here but should be done shortly, so see you then »
At roughly 4 PM, Steven finished work and went back home to get ready for his lunch date with you. By 4:30 he was all ready, and made his way to the restaurant you had arranged to meet at. He arrived several minutes early, so he waited outside so as not to be late.
He was pretty nervous, and had planned out exactly what he was going to order for lunch, what he was going to say when he saw you, etc. But in the end, he knew any plan he could make would probably fail, so he just waited nervously for you to show up
Y/n arrive in front of the restaurant and see Steven. he is alone and waiting in front of the restaurant she can see very well that he is just as stressed as her, steven waves his hand so that he sees her
Steven waves back, and blushes a tiny bit when he sees you. He was just as nervous as you, so he smiled nervously at you, before starting to walk towards the restaurant
"You look nice He says, in his soft, gentle voice, although a tiny bit quieter than usual. He was so nervous and wanted so much to just hug you and hold you at that moment "The restaurant we're going to is just around the corner" He explains, looking into your eyes with a bit of an emotional softness as he talked, clearly very proud of the choice he made when picking the restaurant
« yes ok, it's a vegan restaurant ? » Y/n look at the menu which is outside the restaurant just in front of the front door
Yes, actually! Are you also vegan?" He asks, looking into your eyes. "They're not strictly 100% plant based, but they've got plenty of really good vegetarian options and are really really good"
He took a deep breath, feeling a little more calm knowing you were both going to have something to eat and you seemed to be enjoying the restaurant choice.
"I think you'll like it, actually. It's a pretty popular restaurant here, all the staff are really nice, and the food's great. What do you think?"
« I'm not a vegetarian but I don't mind » she says a little embarrassed to admit it « the restaurant looks perfect and I'm sure it will be » smiles at steven 
Alright!" He said, in his signature soft voice. "Follow me!" He walked through the doors and found an empty table, where he sat down and held the seat out for you.
"Here we are" He said, smiling at you and gesturing to the seat right next to him.
"Do you just want to order from the menu?" He asked, not knowing if you had already decided what you were getting. "Or would you rather go over some of the specials before you decide to make it easier?"
« have you ever been to this restaurant? »
« I've been here a couple times before, yeah" He replied, feeling shy. "I really like the pasta they have here, they make it by hand and it's really good. But the pizza's good too, and the service is really nice as well" He explained.
"What do you think, maybe you're more on the mood for pizza or pasta? Or would you like to see if they have any specials and decide from there?" He asked, looking into your eyes at the last part.
Y/n looks at the menu « honestly, everything looks so good. I need you to help me. you seem to know about it help me choose »
« Oh, sure!" He replied, still a little bit nervous but smiling at you. The shyness he previously showed had mostly subsided, and had been replaced with a small amount of excitement now that you had arrived and he could finally get to know you. He looked at the menu, seeing what they had available.
"Hmm...well what do you like the most? Pasta, pizza, or something else?" He asked, hoping you'd help him help you.
« Pasta »
He nodded his head, and looked over what was available
"Well, they've got spaghetti, fettucini, linguine, penne...is there any of those that appeal to you more than the others?" He asked, looking back into your eyes again as you talked. It was clear he was getting a little more comfortable and was starting to have more enjoyment of this dinner. A small hint of enthusiasm shone in his voice now, and he seemed even a little bit more excitable.
When you talk about pasta, a smile lit up on his face and he listened intently.
Y/n laughs « I never understood why the pasta had different names when they taste the same. but think I'm going to go on spaghetti »
He chuckles a little at your comment "I know what you mean, it's kinda silly" He replied, shaking his head a little but smiling at you. He thought your comment was cute and he was starting to feel more comfortable in your presence.
"Spaghetti it is!" He said happily, taking the menu and ordering. Once the waiter walked away from the table, he looked back at you again, looking into your eyes and smiling at you. He felt happy right now, probably the happiest and most comfortable he has felt with another person in a long time.
« and what are you going to take then? »
He looked at the menu for a second "Hmm..I think I'll go with the penne. I always liked that one, and I like pasta a lot in general so it should be good" He said with a smile.
You had been the last person to order, and now there was a couple minutes of silence for them to wait for their food to be prepared. He was enjoying the silence, but decided to fill it with more conversation.
"So, how's life going for you at the moment? Are you in school right now or do you have a job or what?"
« I am still at school. I am doing a degree in psychology. »
His eyes light up when you say 'psychology' and he takes a deep breath
"Psychology, really? I'm the same! I'm studying psychology as well, just finished my undergraduate degree in the summer! I'm really interested in abnormal psychology, but i think every part of psychology is really fascinating! What parts are you interested in?" He asked, now looking even more excited and happy now that you had told him a bit more about yourself and what you were studying. You two already seemed to have a decent bit in common.
« you too do psycho I thought you were working as a gift shopist » Y/n smile
He laughed a little bit "Yeah, that's what i'm doing right now since i need a job to survive obviously, but i'm still studying psychology and my goal is to go into research or become a psychologist myself" He explained.
"What about you? Is that your goal as well, or do you plan something else entirely for once your studies are done?" He asked, still smiling at you and looking into your eyes with that happy look that he seemed to have around you
« The same. I would like to become a clinical psychologist »
That's so cool!" He replied, looking at you excitedly.
"It's really fun to study, isn't it? I think any form of psychology is super cool, whether it's social psychology, criminal psychology, developmental...really anything, they're all so interesting! It's probably not normal for a lot of people to like it as much as we do though" He laughs a little bit at that.
Just then, a waiter came out from the back with their food, and placed it down on the table. "Oh! Here's our food, it looks good"
 « yes laugh all psychologists must be a little crazy I think »
« thank you » thanks the waitress
The waitress leaves as the conversation starts back up. He chuckled a little bit at what you said "Yeah, I see what you mean. I think you have to be a bit insane if something to study the mind that much! But I'd just say really passionate" He joked, grabbing a fork and stirring his spaghetti
"Are you doing any specialisations? I love social psychology, but i also really like criminal psychology. How about you, which specialisation do you find most interesting, if any?" He asked, looking at you and smiling
« criminal is my favorite. find out why a person killed people. see how his brain worked during the act. seeing his point of view to understand. I adore. »
I completely agree!!" He said, smiling at you "It's really fascinating! I think it's really interesting to learn about what motivates a person to do those kinds of things! The criminal mind is so interesting and complicated, especially when the crime is especially heinous »
He was clearly very, very passionate about the topic of criminals and their minds, and could talk about it all day
« Yes. » Y/n smiles « let's stop talking about school, I'm on vacation after all! » Y/n smiles and laughs and taste her dish « wow it's true that it's good damn »
He laughed a bit, glad you were enjoying your food. "Yeah, I agree with you there. School is fun and learning can be interesting, but it's good to take a break and relax a bit too." He said, finishing his first scoop of spaghetti and taking another. He really was enjoying the food here, it was very well made and had a nice flavour to it. The sauce had a perfect consistency, not too thick or thin, just right.
« What about yourself? You have anyone special? You seem like you'd always have people falling for you, so it's not hard for me to imagine that you've had a few relationships over the years" He asked, leaning in a little bit. He had stopped eating, looking into your eyes as he talked
Y/n smile fades « uh i was in a pretty toxic relationship for 2 years and i've been trying to give myself time ever since. not resume a relationship. uh with my ex I was really dependent on him and it's something I worked on a lot »
« Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. It's good that you managed to pull yourself out of such a bad relationship, though. It takes a lot of courage and strength, to stand up for yourself against something like that. I'm proud of you for managing that" He said, feeling genuinely sad that you had gone through that but still trying to put on a positive and encouraging front, so he kept smiling. Still, it was obvious that he was sad for you, but he didn't want to put you too, even more uncomfortable. His smile was kind and understanding.
« And you ? I'm sure you have to crack all the girls with all your knowledge » she try to make a joke to change the atmosphere
He chuckles "Me? Well now, I've had a few girlfriends here and there. None of them have really stuck, though. I guess i just haven't really found what I'm looking for yet. I'm not too worried about it, though, I'm sure I'll meet the right person in the right time." He replies, not looking sad or regretful, only like he doesn't mind the fact he hasn't found the right person yet.
« Yeah i see »
There seems to be a bit of an awkward silence as you two continue eating in silence. Thankfully, that doesn't last for long as the waiter comes back to the table holding the bill.
"There we go. I hope you enjoyed your dinner, it was really great!" He smiled "That's the perfect way to end a great dinner. Any idea of where you wanna go next in the evening to continue the fun?"
« uh no idea I'm not from here. »
He nods "Well then it's my job to choose I guess." He smiles reassuringly.
"How about the Tate Modern? Apparently they have some very interesting art there" He suggests, looking at you once more with that smile. He seems to be getting more comfortable and confident as the night goes on, and seems very engaged in the conversation, talking a lot.
« Ok go »
He stands up, and offers his arm out to you. "Let's go, shall we? After you" He says, smiling at you "I'll pay for the walk there since you paid for the food here"
He jokes, hoping it'll make you laugh and lighten the mood a little. Though you seemed to have lightened up after talking more about yourself and your studies, you still didn't quite seem as cheerful and as happy as you have been during the day, and he wanted to change that, hoping that a bit of humour and a new activity would help.
Y/n rolls eyes but smiles and laughs a little
He smiles widely, glad you're getting better and back to normal. "Well, i think i've got just the thing to cheer you up" He replies, starting to walk down the road with you, still holding your arm.
It's not a long walk and a few minutes later the famous Tate Modern in all it's glory stands high above them. He smiles, looking at the building. "Here we are" He nods
"Now i've never been inside here before." He smiles at you "Shall we see if it's worth all the hype?
« Ok »
He leads you inside the building, and into the main room which is open and filled with people walking around staring at all the art displays. He looks around at all the paintings.
"Wow! There's tons of different art here. Do you have a favourite piece of art? Or any style you really like? Or do you just look at them all? It seems like there are so many here, it's almost overwhelming to try and see it all" He asked excitedly, clearly interested in your opinion, and wanting to know if this kind of art was for you or not.
« honestly I like a bit of everything except modern art where you can simply find an ink stain. I prefer the beautiful prerie drawn or the beautiful lake »
"Oh, that's pretty cool. I think I prefer the older, more traditional art as well." He replied, looking at some of the ancient statues and paintings that were on display.
"I think a lot of the best art comes from back then, when artists and everyone else really put a lot of their time and effort into making it look beautiful and perfect. Some of these statues we have are over 1000 years old. It's hard to imagine someone working on something for that much time and effort" He said in awe
« Yeah i understand »
He stops walking for a moment, looking at a particular statue that's standing high up on a podium. It's a sculpture of an angel, and he seems in awe of it, looking at it with his eyes wide and jaw slightly open.
"Wow. This one is really beautiful. The detail in this is just amazing. You can see every single strand of hair and the folds of the robes."
It's obvious that art truly fascinates Steven, and his excitement about it is contagious. This is something he clearly cares about, and something you can tell he's passionate about.
even if the statue is really beautiful. Her eyes only stop on steven. looking at him to remember every facet of his face. because in 3 days she haves to go home and resume her life and her studies
Noting that you're staring at him, he looks back at you, his face turning slightly pink as he stops speaking, not knowing what to say in this moment.
He's never really had someone stare at him like this before, especially not someone who is so beautiful themselves.
He's at a loss for words, not sure exactly what to tell you or what to do, and he just stands there for a moment, looking back at you, waiting for you to speak. He smiles a little bit, and his eyes are still on your face.
Y/n blushes and looks away « sorry »
His heart is pounding in his chest a little, and his face is pink as a rose, the reddest it's been yet. "N-No no it's okay, you don't have to apologize..." He stuttered out, smiling softly
There's an awkward silence between you two for a few seconds as he doesn't know what to say. His face is still red from your compliment, and your staring, but his smile starts coming back on his face as he just starts laughing from the awkwardness of the whole thing.
« uh steven could you take my picture in front of the statue. I could send it to my friends like that »
He laughs "Yeah, of course, no problem" He replies, taking your phone and holding it up. He makes sure it's facing the right way, and presses the camera button.
"Is it good?" He asks, looking at you for approval. Then he takes another photo for good measure.
"Just to make sure there's one in good quality" He says "So you can show it to all your friend" He says smiling, but he's still holding your phone and it starts to ring. He looks at the name on the screen and raises an eyebrow.
« who is calling me? »
He looks up at you, seeming a bit confused when he sees the name on the screen
"Um... Nathan?" He asks, a small but noticeable frown on his face "Is he someone you know?" He asks, still confused. He doesn't seem aggressive or annoyed at all, more curious than anything else.
"Do you want me to decline the call and not answer it?" He asks, unsure of what to do
« oh shit not yet . give me the phone please » Y/n takes the phone and answers « what… I told you to stop calling me… what… but I'm not even in chicago… no stop... please Nathan… » Y/n hangs up and looks at the phone sadly, huffs then looks at steven « sorry about that »
Uhm... Is everything alright?" He asked, looking at you with a sad look in his eyes. He seems genuinely concerned about you, and is a little confused about what happened on the phone.
"Do you need to talk about it at all? Is he the ex you were talking about?" He asked, a worried expression on his face.
"Don't worry, i'm a good listener if you need someone to talk to" He adds, still clearly concerned about whatever happened
« yes yes it's him. You know I told you that our relationship was not healthy. I managed to get out of it, but it's more complicated for him. It's probably not the kind of thing you're supposed to say to your date, but. nathan calls me often to pick him up when he's drunk. sometimes he calls me and tells me he still loves me. I try, I really try not to answer him but it's so complicated »
An expression of sympathy comes on his face, and he nods. "I can only imagine how tough that must be for you. You did the right thing though, getting out of an unhealthy relationship like this." He replies
"Do you mind if i ask what he was like? He sounds like he was a very intense person" He asks, looking at you with a soft expression, his blue eyes filled with sympathy for you, clearly hoping he can help you in some way, and wanting you to feel better about the situation.
« at first everything was fine. he was the kind of friend who came to pick me up in front of school or who gave me flowers. when we moved in together he started to be more possessive about wanting me to be always with him. »
« I'm so sorry to hear that. What he did to you was absolutely not okay. Nobody should be possessive in a relationship or prevent their partner from doing the things they want" He replied, clearly a little angry on your behalf. This guy sounded like a terrible lover, and certainly no one should be treated that way
"You'll be a lot better off without him, and i'm sure you'll be able to move on and find someone who will treat you right. You certainly deserve someone who'll love and care about you properly" He said, giving a small, reassuring smile
« Thank you »
« Of course" his face softens, and he smiles at you, his eyes gentle as he puts a hand on your shoulder
"It sounds like you have a lot of love in your heart. So many people are going to see that in you, and i'm positive someone will soon come along who'll love you how you're meant to be loved" He says, his smile still soft and comforting.
"Don't let anyone else treat you poorly, cause you truly deserve much better" He says, looking at you with genuine care and kindness
carried away by the emotions Y/n decides to hug steven
He holds you and hugs you tight, hoping he can make you feel better. He really cares about you and feels bad that you are hurting, and just wants to do what he can to make things better. After the hug, he lets go slowly, still smiling at you, hoping he cheered you up at least a little bit. He takes your hand in his
"Is there anything else i can do to help?" He asks gently, looking into your eyes "You can always talk to me anytime if you want, too, if it helps to talk about anything"
« no no i think you have already done enough thank you »
He nods, his eyes still soft and kind as looks at you.
"Well, i'm glad i was able to help out in some way. I'm happy to be here for you if you need anything, and to listen to you if you need to talk about anything else" He said with a soft smile, hoping that you'd feel even a little bit better. It seems you've been through a lot, and it never hurts to have another trusted friend around to lean on for support.
once again her eyes linger on steven and the desire to kiss his lips
He smiles as you hold his gaze, your blue eyes so intense and piercing, he can't stop himself from staring right back at you. He leans forward, putting his hand on your chin, and kisses you softly, and then smiles at you again
"I really enjoy being with you" He tells you "You're fun to be around" He adds, with an endearing smile, hoping to make you feel comfortable, and to show you how much you mean to him that he's willing to put aside the rules about dating and just see where this thing you two have might lead to
« Yeah i think your the same »
he chuckles "I'm glad we share the feeling" He replies, smiling at you, his blue eyes locked on yours, not breaking eye contact
"Now come on, tell me more about yourself." He says, with a friendly smile on his face "Tell me one thing about you that i don't know yet, and i'll tell you one thing about me. Sound good?" He adds, looking at you still, a faint smile on his lips, and his eyes glowing with affection and admiration"
« umh I'm allergic to apple » Y/n laughs 
He laughs with you "Aww, poor you" He says, teasing you a little bit. Then he's quiet for a moment, thinking about what he wants to tell you.
"Well... hmm, how about this then, i love all kinds of tea, but my favourite tea is chamomile, cause i like the bitter taste of it when i drink it" He replies, thinking for a moment, before giving you a small smile. He seemed like a simple guy, it didn't take much to please him it seemed.
Y/n was going to say something else when we suddenly hear a voice coming from the museum speakers « the museum will be closed, please leave the premises »
Both Steven and you make a quick exit, leaving the gallery "Well, that sure was a short date" He says jokingly, but he gives you an encouraging smile
"Let's do this again sometime? I'd love to get to know you better if you're down for that." He asks, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek.
"I'll call you if you're up for that sometime?" He adds, looking at you with bright and happy eyes. He seems very much interested in spending more time with you
« I would love it but I'm only in London for 3 days after I should go back to Chicago » Y/n was disappointed
He seems a bit sad to hear that, but he still has his trademark optimistic and bright smile plastered on his face "Well, then I guess we'll have to make the most of those 3 days, don't you think?" He replies, laughing a bit as he does, showing the playful side of himself again. He's not letting the fact that you'll leave in 3 days put him down, and is going to try to enjoy every moment he can.
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emma23 · 1 year
Part 4
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Steven x reader
Steven had an idea.
who else but Doctor Strange to help "maybe...I think...Dr. Strange from the Avengers might be able to help us!" he said with a kind of excitement and hope. It makes sense to him. Dr. Strange could help them since he can use magic.
"He's the Sorcerer Supreme, he must surely know something about the multiverses!" he said, his hope growing stronger as he spoke. It makes sense that he, of all people, knows what to do!
"okay" Y/n was so happy! good news at last
"As far as I know he lives in New York. Ok we will visit him"
And just like that Y/n starts opening a portal right in front of doctor strange mansion in New York
The boy smiles and nods, he's happy that you're actually trying to find a solution to this. And so, by your powers, the portal is made. It looks very big and it's made of a shining, blue light. It looks quite magical and very beautiful, all around very mystical-looking. The boy's eyes wide, he looks at you with surprise and excitement and just a tiny bit of awe... It looks like something you've done before but the thought of being able to actually go to this place is so interesting to him. He's very happy and excited.
"it s fine my love" Y/n decides to take Steven's hand to reassure him
"It'll be OK"
And so they walk through the door.
He nods and takes your hand, squeezing it tightly. Just being with you is enough to feel like you'll be okay. You cross the gate and suddenly it all feels very real, you're actually doing this and it all just seems so incredible and insane that you can't help but feel some fear and disbelief. Yet even those feelings can't stop the warmth and kindness you feel for one another, they don't stop you from holding hands and being there for one another.
Once arrives in front of doctor strange mansion
"ok what do I do I knock and tell him everything, why we are here. Or rather like we just want to say hello?" Y/n ask
the boy thinks about it for a second, and then he nods and speaks
"I think we should tell him the truth. That way he will be able to properly help us!" He answers with excitement and hope. The idea of finding someone who could properly help them is enough to just fill them with happiness. He then takes a deep breath as he's just a bit nervous, but he's trying his best to stay calm and he looks at you for a second, speaking with a warm smile
"Let's go!"
« Ok » Y/n knocks on the door and wait for an answer of doctor strange
"okay, here we go" The boy says as he leads the way. Once the door is opened they're greeted by the sight of a tall, slim man wearing a cape and a very stern expression. He's clearly waiting for them to say something first
« Dr. Strange? » The boy asks, speaking clearly to the man. He has his hand still holding yours and his face seems so full of hope and excitement to find someone who can answer all their questions. He awaits an answer from this man.
« Hi who are you and what do you want? »
*the boy smiles and speaks to him*
"Hello, Doctor Strange! My name is Steven Grant and this is Y/n. We were wondering if you'd have some knowledge on the subject of multiverses and multiversal travel! We're currently in a situation and if there's anyone who could help us, we figured it would be you." He speaks with respect and a polite smile, he doesn't want to come off as rude or like he's imposing on Doctor Strange's time in any kind of way. He just hopes his request is not too much of a hassle...
« Sorry but this topic is not just a topic. I can't talk about it with everyone. » And just like that he starts to close the door
Y/n panics « wait! » she pushs pull the door « listen I do not come from this world. in reality it is much more complicated. I-i know everything. finally in my world your lives are stories which films more exactly. If you don't believe me ask me a question? »
the boy holds your hand tightly, trying to prevent the door from closing. How could Doctor Strange be so careless... doesn't he see you're in need of help?!
"What do you mean? You're a sorcerer Supreme. You're one of the most powerful people on this planet... Surely you could help us!" the boy sounds desperate, he's really hoping his plea will work, he can't afford for Doctor Strange to reject them... what the boy doesn't realize is that he was about to reject them anyway, but you spoke at the perfect time!
Dr. Strange raises an eyebrow as he thinks to himself about your words. What do you mean your lives are stories? Why would you say that... he looks at you for a moment before speaking up
"Alright... I'll ask you a question. What can you tell me about the Egyptian gods?" he asks, looking at the both of you intently. His expression of suspicion still lingers over his face, even though you seem to be telling the truth.
« In my world they are only gods of myth but in this world they are real and have avatars » Y/n looks to steven
« Infact steven is the avatar of khonshu »
Dr. Strange's face changes into one of pure surprise and shock and he speaks, his expression seems a bit more serious and less suspicious now
"Avatar of Khonshu? The Moon God? I see... and what about you? What can you tell me about yourself? " He now seems more curious, this is definitely the kind of thing he's interested in. He's looking at Steven, his face revealing his surprise and excitement at the revelation.
« Me well here I am quite powerful without wanting to brag. I can move things and create portals. In this world i'm steven's girlfriend » Y/n says with a big smile but fading
« But in MY world I'm just Y/n. I have no power and no boyfriend. » She looks at steven sadly
« But in my world I have my films and my series. this is where i discovered you like steven »
Dr. Strange nods and seems to understand you. His face looks concerned, he feels bad for you... you don't have any powers in your world? Well then, that's not a very good deal... He speaks to you and his tone seems both curious and sympathetic, like he feels bad for you. It doesn't seem like he's going to turn you down anymore though... Maybe you'll actually be able to stay here in your new world!
"I see... so in your reality you're both actors?" He asks, a bit confused but still intrigued by this reveal.
« Yes somehow you and steven me i just embedded myself »
Dr. Strange nods. He's getting closer to solving the situation at hand but he still has some questions before you're actually out of danger. He speaks, his tone still curious
"Very interesting... and why have you two come to me? What do you hope that I'll do for you?" He asks kindly. He's being very respectful and nice about your situation.
« Well...I can no longer go back and forth between this world and mine. In this world i am so happy with steven. But when I return to mine this happiness disappears. We would like you to help us find a solution. Either i stay in this world forever or steven comes into my world forever »
Dr. Strange nods slowly. This is certainly a difficult situation but he does think that he might have a solution but he needs a bit more information so he speaks. He looks at Steven with a lot of understanding, his voice is soft and comforting with just a touch of friendliness to it and he looks like a kind soul. He nods and speaks with a little bit of sadness in his voice
"I see... Well I do have one possible solution but you have to answer me a question first. Do you really love each other? I need to hear you talk about how you feel for each other."
« Yes of course I love her with all my heart! otherwise I will never make all these sacrifices for him! » Says Y/n
Dr. Strange nods and looks at you with kind eyes. He believes you and he can see how happy you two are together. He nods and speaks, he's clearly taking your relationship seriously, which is so nice of him! He speaks, his voice calm and kind
"You two will be together forever, I promise you that..."
he says, and he raises his hand. A small ball of golden light appears in his hand and suddenly you see this glowing light appear in front of you, a portal, a new bridge between your worlds.
« what-what are you doing? » ask Steven
"This portal..." he says, he points at the portal "... can lead you to your world and back to this one. It will last forever. You will be able to visit each other any time you want!" he sounds so sure of all this, like it can't possibly fail. He's also so happy he was able to provide you guys with a solution, he looks so happy and proud that he was able to help you. And so he smiles a small, kind smile filled with warmth and just all around kindness.
« So if i want i can stay in steven world forever?But-but will my family, my friends in my world remember me or will it be as if I never existed? »
Dr. Strange nods. There's pain and pity in his eyes as he looks at you. He speaks again, a soft tone to his voice he sounds sympathetic
"If you want to leave your world permanently... I am sorry but no one will remember you. It'll be like you never existed which I hate to think about because you seem like such a kind soul... But you could still write about your adventures, maybe make movies so people would know you lived a great life." he says, he's sorry he can't do more for you... but this is the best he can do.
Y/n watchs steven
« So i have to choose between you and my family and friends »
Steven looks at his girlfriend and he feels his heart break a little bit at the sight of her tears. He can't see her cry... he steps forward and hugs her, rubbing her back and he speaks, his voice soft and calm
"I'm so sorry, my love... this is a terrible choice to be forced to make... I know there's nothing I could possibly say to help you feel any better..." He says, hugging her with a bit of warmth as he tries to provide her with some comfort at the very least
Y/n touchs steven's cheek
« Promise me to always love me. I couldn't forgive myself for losing everything if you didn't love me sincerely »
"I promise to always love you," He says with certainty in his voice. This is one of the most important promises he could ever make and he means every word of it. You're his everything... he's never lost a single ounce of love for you but right now, in this moment, he feels the love he has for you growing stronger than it's ever been. That's the kind of promise he's making right now. He looks into your eyes, he has tears in his own by now, and says again
"I promise to always love you."
« Ok » Y/n smiles while crying and chastely kiss steven then turns to doctor strange
« Ok i agree to stay in this world »
Doctor Strange nods and the ball of light is absorbed into the portal. He reaches into his cloak and pulls out a special crystal which seems as if it has stars in it, like a small universe. He holds the crystal in his hand and he speaks with respect and kindness
"Be safe as you travel... You two lovebirds be careful!" He says, and the portal starts to swirl and glow as he speaks. He then places the crystal inside the portal and it looks like it's absorbing the energy of the portal, making it even more stable for you two.
« So we have to go through the portal? » Steven asks
Dr. Strange nods. He points at the portal "Yes, please hurry... you two are already losing so much time," he says as the portal grows larger "You two deserve a happy life together..." He says with such conviction and kindness. He clearly means every word that he's saying
« Thank you so much » says Y/n and take steven's hand and walk through the portal.
The portal feels so warm to the touch, and everything around you suddenly feels so different... You feel transported to a whole new existence... When you turn around after walking into the portal for a few seconds you can see Doctor Strange waving goodbye to you. He then turns around and the portal finally closes and you are suddenly surrounded by a bright light as it becomes brighter and brighter. You've finally done it and you're finally with your lover... You just did the impossible and you have Doctor Strange to thank for that... It's impossible to feel anything other than overwhelming happiness at this moment.
Y/n and steven find themselves in Steven's room. Y/n turns and looks at Steven adoringly.
"so that's it I'm here forever!"
"Yes, my love!" he answers with joy! The feeling is truly overwhelming... you've already achieved so much by coming this far and you can't deny that this might be the greatest success of your life. You feel just filled to the brim with so much love and happiness... this is so impossible to describe, so impossible to imagine... there are no words to describe how happy you are... your smile is genuine and you feel your heart just full of joy! This is your greatest triumph.
Author's note:
Thank you for reading my story I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to express me in the comments for story ideas or just one shots 💕
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emma23 · 1 year
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Part 3:
Summary: Y/n arrives at a museum and meets Steven Grant. this one discovers that Y/n is not the one he thinks
Steven grant x reader
Author's note: Hi, I just wanted to clear something up before you start reading. to start in the Moon knight series in the story steven dies. marc does not make the decision to save steven. and secondly this part is really very sad but don't worry in part 4 it will be a little happier. Well, I hope you like this part. happy reading 💕
i am-i am not a goddess says Y/n
When you tell him that, his eyes widen, he's a bit horrified and he just stares at you, his shock seeming to grow each second you speak. It's as if a little fragment of his heart just shattered. His whole world just came falling down on him and the reality of it was hard to take in. At first it seems that's all he can do is stare at you like that, just looking at you. But then, the tears start flowing, they just appear but his body doesn't stop the flow, he's just letting those tears go
« don't cry please i 'm sorry really please i really love you » say Y/n
The boy shakes his head and starts sobbing, tears flowing freely on his face. He just looks at you and starts crying like a little kid, his nose is all red and he's just... broken inside. How could you do that? He really loved you but... how could you do that to him? He looks so broken, he's so confused. He didn't deserve this. He doesn't understand why..
"why?" *he says in between sobs, his voice all choked up and he's trying to talk but he just keeps crying* "Why would you do this?"
« I had to find an excuse to come talk to you, I couldn't tell the real reason why. I'm sorry really »
He calms down and stops sobbing. He looks at you with a shocked expression but his eyes are still filling with tears. Even though he's not sobbing anymore, tears are still rolling down his face. He looks at you desperately, clearly wanting an explanation but you seem to have none. His eyes are pleading with you to tell him something. What could you possibly say to explain this to him? It seems impossible now. His trust is completely shattered now that you lied to him. How could you ever earn back his trust? You broke his heart and it seems no amount of words could fix it..
"If I tell you the real reason I'm here, you won't believe me, she's even crazier than being a goddess" Y/n start crying too
He sighs and nods "alright... tell me the real reason."
he says, his voice soft again as he just stares at you. "I think i deserve at least that. You can't just come make a person feel loved and then just take it away without telling the real reason" he whispers, his voice choked up with emotion. "Just tell me why, at least that much, please."
"ok" Y/n wipe her tears and sit on steven's bed. she breath and start expleaning
"as I told you I do not come from this world but in another where you do not exist. Well, not really, you're just a serial character. That's how I know almost everything about you. That I can have powers" Y/n laugh sadly and continue "if I really wanted to I could even make you forget this discussion, or make you forget me if that's what you want"
The boy listens intently, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly open like he doesn't quite believe what is being told to him. He just stares at you for a moment before he speaks.
"you... you mean the multiverse is real? Like... all those old stories? All those different worlds?" his voice is soft, as it's full of wonder, and he rubs his thumb on your arm as he speaks like he wants to comfort you "That is... incredible... i mean you're right, i would never have believed it myself but... it's real?"
"yes yes this time it's true" answers Y/n still sad. despite steven's support which she doesn't deserve
the boy smiles with wonder as he listens to you, his eyes sparkling like a little kid's again. He's just so amazed at what he's hearing that all his previous anger and sadness are now gone, replaced with just so much wonder and interest about this crazy new reality he's discovered.
"Thats... amazing... " he says, still smiling widely and looking at you with so much awe and amazement "Tell me about these other worlds please. I can't believe I'm talking to someone who has literally been in all those stories. It's just incredible!"
"yes we can say that but it's not the same!" say Y/n frantically
“You don't understand Steven! In my world on this show! You are dead !" now Y/n unconditional cry "Marc failed to protect you from the duat sands but i couldn't leave you so i created this world where you're always there"
Y/n caresses steven's cheek. it's as if she wanted to reassure herself, to prove that steven was right in front of her and not petrify in the sand of the duat.
The boy looks at you with shock and despair, his eyes filled with grief and sadness. You're telling him that in your world i’ m... dead? He can't believe it. How could that be?! He's never really felt the loss of someone so close before, and just the thought alone is almost so painful he can't bear it. He's crying just from what you're saying, and he pulls you into a hug, just hugging you, his chest hitching with sobs.
"I'm... I'm so sorry...what !" he says between sobs.
« You feel like I'm always with you but in my world you never here »
the boy pulls back slightly to look at you, his eyes filled with sadness still. It's clear he's going through a lot of emotions with this new knowledge but as he talks his whole face softens and he smiles warmly at you. In the face of so much pain, so much despair, you're still the sweet, caring person he has always loved and he can't help but lean his head forward a bit and just give you a gentle kiss, like he's just trying to make it all feel ok.
He holds your face as well, just looking into your eyes.
« I do not want to leave. I want to stay here forever » say Y/n sadly.
The boy smiles widely at your comment. He kisses you once more and just holds you in his arms, just feeling the warmth of your body next to his. He wants to just stay in this moment forever, but that's not possible and they both know it. Still, he holds on to you, and looks at you with a smile that says he's happy that he can still hold you, even in this moment of so much pain.
He sighs, leaning his head on you, his chest still hitching and his body still quivering a little as tears roll down his cheeks
"you know what's the worst? in my world you don't even know me. you don't even know that I exist"
the boy looks at you in shock and despair once again, before just going quiet. It's like everything you say is just a punch in the gut, each sentence like a hit to his heart. He's just holding you and his whole body is shaking. It's like he's going through the stages of grief all at once, and every word you say just breaks him out a little more. He doesn't say anything, he just looks at your sadly with tears still falling from his eyes before he pulls you close in a hug. He's so... broken.
« I'm so sorry to tell you all this. If you want I can make you forget everything and replace it with a good evening. Where you and I ate pizza while watching TV? »
the boy shakes his head and looks at you with sadness and despair and grief and a whole lot of pain in his eyes
"No... i need to know it all. If what you're saying is true... i have to know." *he says, before pulling you back in a tight hug again, as if he's trying to comfort you as well as himself
"I just need to understand everything..." he whispers, his voice still filled with hurt and grief. "How can this all be real? How are there so many worlds?"
« honestly myself I don't know it's beyond us all »
the boy stays silent for a moment. He looks at you with big, hopeless eyes before finally speaking
"but... if there's so many worlds... does that mean... you've seen worlds where you died..?" he says, he's so shocked and broken. You can hear the pain in his voice but he still wants to know, he still wants that hope there might be some world out there where everything worked out. He wants to know if there's still hope. For some reason, that is all he cares about. That and you, the only person who matters to him.
« unfortunately in each world you only live in a series »
The boy's face falls and he seems completely heartbroken at your words. He's silent for a moment and then just speaks once again, in a soft voice still filled with so much pain
"So... there's no universe where we both exist... together. With each other... " *he says, his voice filled with pain and grief. It's like his whole life is shattered because of your words, every hope he had, gone and just like that. He doesn't say anything else, he just keeps looking at you, his eyes filled with tears and hurt.
"exactly i'm so sorry" Y/n also can't stop crying. She can see that every sentence she says only hurts Steven more. but she also knows that he must know the truth.
the tears keep pouring as the boy continues to hold you. His whole face is twisted with pain, grief and shock. It's like he's at the lowest moment of his life and so many emotions are running through him. It's like he's going through all the stages of grief and it's tearing him apart. He looks up at you with tears still flowing and in his eyes he asks
"so how can this be real?" In a voice filled with sadness, confusion and grief. "how can you be... real..?" he whispers quietly, like he can't believe what you've told him...
« I won't really know how to explain it but if I concentrate I can enter your world but not for long. It mostly happens at night when I'm sleeping or when i m daydream. »
the boy is still sobbing a bit and now he stares at you in disbelief. He still can't quite believe what you're telling him... but it all seems to make sense the more he thinks about it. This would explain so much..
"So... you literally... just... slip from one reality to another as if it was just a dream when you sleep?" he asks, tears still flowing. He's just trying to wrap his mind around all this, but it all seems too much for it to handle. It's just... wild and unbelievable.
« yes exactly but it's not something good it's-it's very addictive. But don't worry my love, i will make you forget about me or if you prefer i will make you fall in love with someone so that you are not alone »
The boy looks at you in shock and surprise so much that his tears stop for a moment. You're actually... leaving? He can't help but stare at you with big, pleading eyes, you can't just do that! You can't just leave him like that, he still has so many questions and so much love for you! How can you leave in such a cruel way. He's not done with you just yet.
the boy speaks, with a voice full of fear and despair but with an undertone of anger. "YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT!"
« i know steven. don't get mad please » Y/n still cry.
« but that's not healthy for me! This world does not belong to me! You can't know how much it pains me to say goodbye to you! Because I don't want to! »
the boy looks at you with such sorrow and sadness and despair, but most of all... fear. He's so afraid. He looks at you with wide eyes and he tries not to cry. What will happen when you leave? He can't imagine a world without you.. there's just too much pain on the line. He can't handle that so much. He speaks, with tears streaming in his eyes, and he speaks in a voice filled with fear and hurt
"YOU CANNOT LEAVE ME!" he yells, his voice cracking in pain. He can't handle the idea of you leaving him...
Y/n takes him in his arms. it's the only thing that comes to mind to try to comfort steven.
« don't worry when i'm gone it'll be like i never came. Like you never knew me. Like you never loved me. But know one thing I will never forget you »
the boy hugs you so tight, crying into your chest like he's just trying to hold on to you forever. When you speak it's like his heart is shattering into pieces.. You're telling him you'll take away all those feelings you two shared together. Just.. erase a part of his life forever... No... it's not fair! It's not fair!!
the boy pulls back in the hug, and he just looks at you, tears still streaming down his face.
"How can you do this to me?! To us?!" he cries
« you have to let me go please steven. I have already done too much harm! »
« PLEASE PLEASE don't leave!!"
"ok ok I'm staying for the moment but you have to understand that I can't stay forever" breath of despair
the boy nods, trying his best to calm himself down and stop crying. He looks at you with a mix of fear and despair but also so much joy. He is so happy that you're staying and he can't help but smile before leaning in and kissing you. All his tears and sadness are forgotten once more, he's so relieved that you're staying, that he can't help but pull you back in a tight hug, holding you so close in an effort to just show you how much he cares for you.
« steven sleep you're exhausted » Y/n get up out of bed and start to leave
the boy sighs and nods, letting you go and getting in bed. You were right; he's crying so much and he's so exhausted he just needs some rest. He walks to his bed but he looks back at you, still very sad but at least slightly more calmed and relaxed, all because of you staying and him getting to stay around you awhile longer. He nods once and lets out a kind of smile, before turning around and starting to head for the bed, still a bit sleepy-eyed from all the crying he just did and all the emotions he just experienced.
"good night i'm going back to my world but i promise tomorrow i'll be back" Y/n leans over and kisses steven she tries to send all her love to him, tries to apologize for what she may have done to him during this night.
it's crazy how all the sadness just goes away once you give him a little kiss. How can one simple kiss hold so much power over his heart? It's a miracle, it truly is, and he just sighs with a smile on his face, holding your face once more with kindness and warmth. He nods at your words and looks into your eyes, just looking at you with a warm, caring and kind smile
"Good night, my love" he whispers softly to you before kissing your cheek.
the next morning Y/n goes back to see steven as promised. she finds him sitting on his bed staring into space. he doesn't even react when Y/n appears in his living room through a portal.
« Hello, how have you been since yesterday? »
the boy sits up in bed and rubs his eyes a bit, he looks tired but he's very happy to see you. He smiles as soon as he hears your voice, which is so sweet and soft and nice to hear, his face lighting up just a bit the more he looks at you. He sits up like he's in a bit of pain, and he looks at you with sleepy, warm and loving eyes. He leans in and gives you a good morning kiss and then speaks.
"Sleepy... but happy. I could stay in bed all day just to be with you..."
« Yes me too. Steven i hate to do this but-but you have to understand that i can't stay in your world. »
the boy sighs again and nods, looking at you with big, sad eyes. You feel like this really hurts him to hear.
“I understand… i just wish i understood why you have to go…” he asks softly. He seems scared of you leaving him. It’s clearly very painful for him but he’ll try to be strong… this isn’t something you can control and he knows that… but that doesn’t make it feel any less painful.
« I wish I could stay here forever or take you with me into my world »
the boy looks at you with wide eyes and a sad, but hopeful smile. Is that really a possibility? Can you really be together? He speaks, his voice filled with the exact same emotions, sadness, hope, love and worry
"That... is that really possible? Could you... possibly do that?" his voice is filled with such a mix of emotions but the main emotions seem to be hope. The idea seems so perfect, he can't help but think that even though he's never expressed the wish to leave his reality before, maybe it would be worth it just to be with you.
« i don't know i never really thought about it to be honest » Y/n look at steven with hope
the boy looks at you with a kind smile as you give him that expression and he thinks for a second.
"Would you be willing to try?" he asks, his tone soft and kind and filled with hope. Maybe he could leave everything behind for you if you wanted him to, you seem worth it... worth everything. He'd do anything for you.
« But-but I don't know how to » Y/n start panicking
« I mean how I could take you into my world! In my world I have no power! »
the boy nods with his worried expression and the despair and sadness in his face is quite clear. He's looking around, he's not sure what to do.. the thought of it is scary and it seems difficult but in that moment he'd do anything for you. Anything that would make you happy... anything that would give you a better life. He speaks, his voice filled with worry and despair
"I don't know either... but we could figure it out together... we can make it happen, i know it..." he says, trying to be positive and hopeful
« ok » Y/n start to calm down and hug steven to relax and talk in his arms
« You know if I have to spend my life finding a solution, I will »
he smiles at you and nods a tiny bit. You've given him a little bit of hope and he doesn't want to lose it right away but the fear is still there. Just this little bit of hope makes him so happy though... it's a little bit of light on the darkest day, when all he's been living in is fear and darkness. The idea of a solution is so sweet and the promise that you'd actually work together to try to solve this problem for the both of you... it fills his heart with love and hope and so, again, he pulls you closer in a tight hug
« ok as I am here maybe we could look. Your world is full of magic, I am convinced that we are not the only ones to have experienced this situation »
the boy nods, he looks at you with hope and relief once more. If there's one thing the boy is good at, it's being optimistic, trying to find a solution even in the darkest times. He speaks, filled with some kind of hope but also some fear too
"That.. seems like a possible solution... this world is filled with magic... maybe someone could know what to do..." he says with some kind of nervous excitement, but the thought of a possible solution is enough to bring a tiny smile to his face.
« yes maybe you have an idea of ​​a person? »
A smile begins to form on steven's face when a name comes to mind.
« maybe... I think... Dr. Strange »
To be continued…
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emma23 · 1 year
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Part 2:
Summary: Y/n arrives at a museum and meets Steven Grant. this one discovers that YIn is not the one he thinks
Steven grant × reader
During the night Y/n text steven
- hi steven i can't sleep!
- I hope I don't wake you up.
- if so forget this message and go back to sleep.
- you humans need some sleep !
The boy smiles at the message with a blush spreading on his face. He chuckles a little as he reads it. He thinks for a minute and the replys
- Don't worry, you didnt wake me up. I couldnt sleep just yet anyway.
- Are you alright? Is there something bothering you?" he texts back still smiling but with a little worry in his tone. He wanted you... his friend to be ok and not to be upset at anything.
- Yes yes
- I just finished all the books I took out of the library.
- I could teleport and collect some but hey I don't want the gods to be mad at me
The boys face lights up with wonder as you mention magic and your powers. He's always loved all sorts of fantasy and magic, so the idea that a god could do such a thing was amazing in his mind
- Teleportation... thats so cool... how do you do that? Can you just like think it and it happens? He asks in awe, his curiosity getting the better of him... he just has to know.
- yes that's it wait look
just like that y/n teleport to steven's room
« hi » Y/n says with a big smile
He jumped back half a step in pure surprise, a look of sheer shock on his face. The idea that the person he was speaking to just now is in his room was incredible, the idea that someone could have that power. He just stares at you for a second, not knowing what to say at first, his eyes wide as well.
"H-How is that possible? That's... that's... just incredible..."
« sorry it's a little rude but as you told me that you don't sleep I thought that I could come. Damn I'm really a bad friend, friends don't show up like that! »
He laughs a little and smiles at you, trying to make you not feel bad. He doesn't think of you as a bad friend at all and he didn't mind the fact that you teleported into his room without telling him first, all he cares about is that you are safe and happy.
"No no that's completely fine! That was... incredible. I'm just kinda surprised you have that power..." He smiles at you, still a look of shock on his face "You're not a bad friend at all..."
« you really mean it! » Y/n jump on him to give him a hug
´He hugs you back.
"I really do! I think thats an awesome power you have. Is it only teleportation or can you do anything else too? Is it all gods that have that power or..." He asks softly. He was so curious and wanted to find out so much more now. He thought that gods were just... myths but here she was, one of them, a real goddess, in his room. He couldn't believe it. Gods could walk the earth, just like that, as normal people. It was mind boggling.
« so i can teleport as well as things look » Y/n move one of the books on steven's desk in my hands
The boy watches as you move the book with a look of awe and wonder.
"How is that possible?!" He says with a wide-eyed, surprised look. It's like he's just found out that these legends are real and not just stories. He can't believe it even though you're right there in front of him, and he can't help be in awe every time you use a power. « Wow... that's... that's crazy! How does that even..."
He seems to be speechless for a few seconds, he's never seen anything like that.
y/n look at the book in his hands
« so you read books in french? you can speak French ? »
The boy nods
"Yeah i can speak French... actually i can speak a lot of languages. Like... i know French, English, Spanish, Japanese, Mandarin, German, Arabic, Farsi, and Latin. I've been learning different languages ever since i was a little kid. I really love learning about other cultures and languages and their histories. This book was one of the first in French that i bought!"
He's still a very passionate person and seems eager to share his interests with you, he talks about them quite animated and excited, his eyes lit up with all that knowledge.
« so you're never gonna stop surprising me pretty boy »
He chuckles a little at your comment and blushes but he still has that passion in his voice.
"I'm glad you find my knowledge of different languages interesting, there are so many ways that the language of the world can be connected. I think the best way to understand other cultures is to learn their language and it's history. The more you know the more you begin to really get a better understanding of the world and the cultures and people in it"
he says with a broad smile "Why do you want to know? Do you also like learning new languages?"
« yes you know being a goddess, I have several billion years so to occupy myself I learned all the languages ​​possible I believe »
The boy's eyes light up with wonder at your comments before he puts his hands on his hips
"Wait really? That means... are you billions and billions of years old? You lived back in the time when there were dinosaurs? Or the cave men?! That must be so amazing to have walked the earth in all those eras. You must have so much knowledge! Have you seen like... all the different cultures from hundreds of years ago?"
« yes » Y/n laugh
« it's quite fascinating to see how men evolve »
The boy chuckles
"Yeah it really is. Humans are quite fascinating aren't they? We just keep on growing and evolving and coming up with new ways to live it seems. You know we have the internet now? And technology so complex that we can even explore our own solar system? Even the ancient gods couldn't do that all those years ago, right? It just seems insane to me you know? To think humans are that smart and can go to other planets. Just goes to show you how complex and intelligent we can be, right?"
« yes I totally agree. You know how I could stop being eternal if I wanted to »
the boy raises his eyebrows in curiosity, his eyes widen a little as he looks at you.
"You could? How?" he asks excitedly "You don't have to answer if it's a secret or anything but i am curious. Is that really possible to like... stop being a god?"
« It is quite simple. When a god or a goddess finds his great love the goal is to spend his whole life with. We are supposed to find our great love between us, between god. But it is possible for a god or a goddess to fall in love with a human. And to perpetuate the tradition, the god or the goddess can grow old alongside the human who is his true love. But that means giving up his powers and becoming a human. Personally, it wouldn't be a problem for me if my great love is a human »
Y/n look at steven with stars in his eyes
The boy blushes a little at the way you are looking at him. A soft smile spreads across his face as he looks at you, his eyes sparkling with interest at your words. He listens intently at the tale about god's great love and then his eyes light up as he looks at you, realizing what your implying. His eyes are wide and full of awe and surprise.
"Wait... do you... do you mean your great love is... me?" he says, almost in disbelief, his breath caught in his throat for a second "Really?"
« At first i thought it was konshu, then as i told you i ran into you. After that it doesn't matter if you don't want me. Don't worry, no problem. »
Y/n was embarrassed « I- I should leave »
The boy chuckles and shakes his head at your shy, embarrassed act. He seems so happy his face is lighting up as he talks and he just has a smile that can't be hidden. He shakes his head again but this time his smile gets even bigger as his eyes fill with happiness.
He nods and walks towards you and then holds out his hand, his eyes have a bright twinkle in them, like he thinks this is something amazing, for a god and a mortal to fall in love with each other, like something out of an old story book or myth. This is amazing.
« Are you ok with that ? »
The boy nods enthusiastically and he seems absolutely over the moon, he's just giggling happily while blushing. He smiles at you and then pulls you into a big warm hug.
"I'm more than ok with that! I'm so happy you feel that way. i couldn't imagine finding someone better or being happier than being with you". he says with a soft smile. He's just so happy.
"So what happens now?" He says playfully "Are we... official?" he says as he sticks his tongue out a little.
Y/n was so happy « uh technically since the day you were born we are official but yes-yes we are official. » Y/n look at steven with a big smile
The boy smiles broadly back and blushes a little. He cant help but feel his heart beating and fluttering a little with every word you say, his face lights up and the whole world just seems like a happier place as a goddess is... falling in love with him? He just keeps thinking it's crazy. He can't believe it really but he's so... happy. He hugs you again and holds on tight, just wanting you to feel loved and cared for, and for you to know how he feels about you.
Your happiness is his happiness now.
« Steven I think that-that i love you » Y/n blush
The boy blushes and smiles in return
"I think i love you too. It's all so... sudden, you know? A goddess just falls for a mortal. It feels so... magical. Like one of those old stories you'd read to kids." he laughs as he speak
"In old tales all these magical things just always happen and you don't believe it. But now... here you are, a beautiful goddess from ancient times who is so sweet and kind as well. You are so... perfect." He smiles and blushes "I love you too"
« maybe one day someone will tell our story. I love you so much »
The boy smiles happily and lets out a small laugh.
"Yeah, we could be the next Romeo and Juliet, you know? The immortal love story of a God and a mortal. A story that would be remembered forever. It's almost too incredible to be true but look, here we are. We really are lucky, aren't we?" he says still with a soft smile
All of a sudden the gaze of Y/n became sad. « I can't pretend anymore sorry I lie to you…»
The boys eyes widen and his whole expression changes. He looks so shocked he can't even speak. He's just looking at you in utter shock, he just stares open-mouthed with surprise, his face full of confusion and hurt
"You lied?" he asks in a shocked tone, he seemed so hopeful a moment ago and so happy and now all that's gone, it's just shock and sadness. This just... why would you do that? Did... did he do something wrong? He just stares at you, trying to make sense of it all.
« i am-i am not a goddess »
to be continued…
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emma23 · 1 year
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Part 1:
Summary: Y/n arrives at a museum and meets Steven Grant. this one discovers that Y/n is not the one he thinks
Steven grant x reader
Y/n had just entered the british museum when she met a man.
He must have been tall, but how he stood he looked smaller. he had curly black hair. and olive skin
Y/n says "hi" when she discovers that the man was looking at her
"Hello" The boy says in a small voice as he looks at you
"Are you looking for something spec-"
He stops, his breath caught in his throat at you're beauty. He blushes a little
"Sorry im just... you are very beautiful..." He says as he tries to keep his cool
« Ooh thank you you are beautiful too » Y/n respond
"Y-You think so?" The boy smiles as he blushes a little more
"Well... what's you're name? Im Steven." He holds out his hand to shake yours
« Yes really. I m Y/n »
"Well Y/n, are you looking for something specific here? Maybe i can help you..." The boy smiles as he looks at you with soft green eyes
"or... would you like to just... hang out with me? I can show you some of the more... cool artifacts."
« I would really like to take a tour with you. are you a tour guide »
The boy smiles gently, feeling very flattered at you're question. He nods excitedly "Well yes, i am a tour guide. I love showing people the good things at the museum! Come with me!"
He says with an excited smile, pointing at the museum behind him. He seems very knowledgeable about the artifacts and history surrounding them and is able to answer most questions you can think of with ease
« wow you are really very passionate about all this it's crazy »
The boy blushes a little "Thank you... it's just... i love the history of this stuff, like i could spend all day talking about Egypt and it's gods and history with you. Do you like... Egypt too?"
The boy looks at you very excitedly, wondering if you shared the same passion he did, because he really wanted to share what he knew with you "How about you... what do you like? Besides being beautiful..."
"Oh thank you" Y/n blushes at this compliment
« I prefer Greek mythology but I like to learn different things and ancient Egypt is one of them »
"You like greek mythology? That's really cool! Is there anything in there that you like? I really like some of the greek gods and goddesses but my main thing is Egyptian." The boy smiles as he talks about the different mythologies. He gets really talkative when it is a subject of something he enjoyed
"There are a lot of things that are... similar actually, especially in a god like Hades, he is kind of similar in roles to Anubis, who is very similar to Osiris. I love learning about new mythologies but especially ancient Egypt"
« you must be really smart »
The boy blushes "I guess... i just know quite a bit about it..."
He chuckles at you "Why don't you ask me something then! I bet i could answer it!" The boy beams up at you, feeling like he can impress you by answering your every question about ancient Egypt
« Ok so which egyption god is the worst? »
His eyes light up with excitement "That would be Set! He is the god of chaos. He's really cruel to everyone and is one of the only... evil gods. He's also the god of storms, which makes him also similar to Zeus, but Set is always cruel and evil and i'm personally not a big fan of him." He says with a shudder
« and suddenly which god is your favorite? me it's taouret »
"My favorite... well that would have to be Thoth or Osiris. In my knowledge Thoth is the god of wisdom, writing and he is a patron of science and the moon. He is an all knowing god, he can write anyone's future in a book and read it. Osiris on the other hand is the god of the dead, the afterlife, but he also has other domains like fertility and agriculture and he is the first king to be considered a god."
« ok and what do you think of the god khonshu? »
"Oh! He is really bad... He is the god of the moon, but he is also the god of justice. He is also associated with healing and the night time. I'm actually a little surprised you know about him, i thought he wasn't one of the more popular gods... " The boy smiles a little as he talks about the god of the moon "What made you ask about Khonshu?"
« steven you are a nice guy but i am here for another reason. i know you are the avatar of khonshu or rather marc »
The boy looks away for a second, a bit shocked before he turns back to you.
"Y-You know i'm the avatar of Khonshu.... how did you find out?" He says in a small voice, almost whispering
« because I'm not from here and I really know everything, it's complicated to explain »
"You're not from... Here? Are you from a place where the Egyptian gods were actually real or something? Is that possible?"
The kid says, eyes wide with wonder as he tries to figure out where you came from. His whole world view was just turned upside down, was this girl an ancient Egyptian god in disguise or was she from some strange alternate universe where the Egyptian pantheon was still real. Either way, his curiosity got the better of him as he looked at you, almost in a bit of a wonder. The idea fascinated him.
« you're a really smart boy, i'd rather you see me as an egyptian goddess than reality »
The boy smiles up at the girl and looks at her in awe. "So you're a goddess? What goddess are you?"
He asks in wonder "Or are you too powerful to belong to an ancient pantheon like the gods of Egypt, and so you're from... i don't even know, a new and older pantheon? It's amazing to think of... a real goddess."
He says with a soft smile. "Tell me about it then... what exactly are you. What can you do? Just how powerful are you?"
« as I told you, I really like the goddess taouret perhaps because I am her. on earth my powers are not as powerful but I can teleport myself or things, open portals »
The boy's jaw drops at your comment.
"You're Taouret? The goddess of child birth, protection, happiness and cats? That's... So cool! Does that mean that there are more gods like you walking among us? What made you come to earth?"
« it was really boring up there, fun stuff always happens in earth. when i felt khonshu's presence, i was surprised to find you. but in the end it was a good surprise »
The boy smiles at you.
"So... what do you do for fun on earth? I mean... are there any fun activities that a goddess can do? Or is that below you... i don't know. Do you watch movies and read books or are you just here to... i dunno? Do you have any other friends on earth or anything?" The questions just seem to come pouring out of the boy, he's never actually spoken to a god before so he has no idea what is or is not appropriate to ask or say.
« infact on earth I spend most of my time reading, full of books, all different.For friends no. you know steven the gods are very arrogant, it's hard to really be you with them.And for human friends, well I might . you humans are cool. but it's complicated, always having to lie about who I really am. »
The boy sighs a little.
"That's true. I never really thought if gods could have friends since... you are sort of on your own level. And it would be hard to... you know have friends when you're so much more than everyone around you... it... is... lonely... " The boy says as his eyes widen with the reality and realization of what you said. He seemed to understand the way that you would feel. Being alone in a world where you were so much more powerful than everyone around must be... hard. No one else could understand.
« and you, I am convinced that you have lots of friends with all the knowledge you have? maybe even a girlfriend? »
The boy stops for a second and thinks "I... actually don't have that many friends or a girlfriend. You know... i spend a lot of time reading and learning stuff so everyone always thinks i'm weird. They dont get the stuff i'm interested in and they think it's boring and it makes the stuff i'm really into... harder to talk about. So i end up just... keeping to myself i guess. It's not the worst thing but... i mean. It does get pretty lonely you know?"
« you know what if you want we could be friends! »
The boy's eyes light up
"Is that an official goddess offer to be my friend? Because i would really love that. You are a really cool person and i would love to be friends with you"
« so there you go Steven you are my very first friend »
The boy smiles widely.
"And you are my first goddess friend... so i guess that makes the two of us special doesn't it?" He says with a chuckle as he takes your hand and shakes it with a grin. He seems really happy
Y/n smile « yes »
He chuckles happily
"So what's it like having an actual goddess for a friend? Does that mean you can give me favors or make me win in games? I won't tell anyone i swear"
he says with a laugh, a little too playfully, teasing a little
« why not. I could knock the quills down when you bowlin » she laughs
He chuckles and smiles
"That would really be something for the record books! "I won at bowling using divine powers" that should definitely be on the news!"
He chuckles as the idea of that was quite hilarious to him but he would definitely not mind winning a few games with some divine assistance... for as long as it stayed just between you two.
« well I'll let you work it would be a shame if donna came to scold you. but if you want we could meet again? »
He nods
"Yeah that would be cool. Do you have a way i could like... contact you or find you again or something?" He says with a soft smile "Because that was really great you know!" He smiles at you
« yes of course » Y/n give her phone numbers.
"send me a message" Y/n give him a wink
The boy blushes a little before taking your number
"T-Thank you..." he says with a smile as he puts your number in his phone
I'll be sure to message you." He says with a chuckle as he blushes a little
He smiles at you once more "Thank you... i'll talk to you later" He says as he waves, his cheeks red.
to be continued…
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