enlighthuman · 4 years
“You can’t get away from yourself by moving from one place to another.”
— Ernest Hemingway (via quotemadness)
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enlighthuman · 4 years
“I want to infect you with the tremendous excitement of living, because I believe that you have the strength to bear it.”
— Tennessee Williams (via quotemadness)
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enlighthuman · 4 years
Wow, I was wondering whether there are such individuals!
“I have a habit of falling in love with souls who have yet to be at peace with their bodies, their minds, their weaknesses. I try to build them, to find the parts of them that are missing in me. I end up with holes in my chest.”
— Farah Gabdon (via quotemadness)
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enlighthuman · 4 years
“Life leaves scars. Sometimes you don’t see them until later. Sometimes you don’t know where they’ve come from. Sometimes they fade before your eyes. But the world leaves its mark on us.”
— Karina Halle (via quotemadness)
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enlighthuman · 4 years
“When we are children we seldom think of the future. This innocence leaves us free to enjoy ourselves as few adults can. The day we fret about the future is the day we leave our childhood behind.”
— Patrick Rothfuss (via quotemadness)
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enlighthuman · 4 years
"Allow me tonight to get lost in your tresses, to search for the exact roots of why I love you so much, of why..?"
"Come on just let me go, it is already so late", she replied with a yawn. 
(mumbles) "Yeah it's already nine, probably better not to see all that dandruff along that hairline, I said.
"What?... Did you say something?", she asked.
"No darling. You're right...it is kind of late. And you know… we...should… be… practicing…some… social distancing, you know. With the deadly virus going around, making us all bow.
She yawns
"Phew, she's asleep. Shit why can't keep the words inside my mouth. Definitely going to get busted someday. Guess one of the disadvantages of being a writer. I am very much in need so I need to let my words bleed……...oh no not again!
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enlighthuman · 4 years
“Am I lonely because no one cares, or am I lonely because I’m not strong enough to let anyone get close enough to care?”
— Rob Hill Sr., I GOT YOU: Restoring Confidence in Love and Relationships (via thoughtkick)
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enlighthuman · 4 years
Let us go, you and I, up onto the moon with our beanies on and our smiles.
“Do you know what is the goal of our love, my love?” I asked her.
She replied, “What...is....it?” as I tenderly hold her hand. Her cheeks blushing peach.
“To climb higher and higher in this love. To climb this ladder together, higher and higher. To get the best view together. To climb to the moon where we will lay down together. And we go off to sleep. Arms in arms. Smiles are all around”
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enlighthuman · 4 years
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enlighthuman · 4 years
“So where should we go on vacation?”, I asked my friends on Friday night.
Then suddenly my heart replied, “Where to go when the most beautiful place is within you. Where to go when such love is hidden here. Where to go when the most secret and relishing pearls are to be discovered inside. Hold my hand, let me take you on this adventure. Explore me to explore yourself. Explore me for I am dying to open all my parts to you. All you need is the courage to explore. The courage to enter this adventure with me. Will you?”
I replied, “Tonight…...I will”.
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enlighthuman · 4 years
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enlighthuman · 4 years
and music and good memories.
“The soul is healed by being around children.” - Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Idiot
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enlighthuman · 4 years
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enlighthuman · 4 years
The moon asks itself tonight, "Does anyone know what it is like to be alone." Behind it's rough, crusty surface there is a soft heart. With sweet love flowing in its arteries and loneliness in its veins. It is going to bleed tonight. What will it bleed? 
As I walk down its dim light, it drops a sap of its blood onto my head.
"What was that for?", I ask as I look for some shade to clean the mess. 
"Sorry I couldn't handle it", it replied, breaking into a cry.
"But what is this shit?", I asked. 
"Just a drop of my loneliness" it replied.
(mutters) "How the hell do I clean this now" 
Tell me my friends, what shall I use to clean this mess?
I would use some good soulful music
What would you use?
What would you lather your soul with to remove this sap of loneliness? (Don’t use soap or toilet paper, keep it for your hands ;))
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enlighthuman · 4 years
The natural daylight fills my heart with hope,
only to destroy it tenderly in the night,
revealing the artificiality of the hope
and unveiling the hollowness of my heart
under the artificial street light.
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enlighthuman · 4 years
The natural daylight fills my heart with hope,
only to destroy it tenderly in the night,
revealing the artificiality of the hope
and unveiling the hollowness of my heart
under the artificial street light.
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enlighthuman · 4 years
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