erarpg · 9 years
                                  THEY'RE KNOWN AS THE ARCHETYPE AROUND TOWN.
you’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re coolyou’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re coolyou’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re coolyou’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re coolyou’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re cool 
you’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re coolyou’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re coolyou’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re coolyou’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re coolyou’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re cool 
you’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re coolyou’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re coolyou’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re coolyou’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re coolyou’re cool you’re cool you’re cool you’re cool 
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erarpg · 9 years
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erarpg · 9 years
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erarpg · 9 years
some cute aus to try
muse a is one of the math nerds who has a massive crush on muse b who is the lead in the school musical. so they go try to win the lead role so they can spend time together and kiss onstage
muse awants to prove that girls can just be as good as boys in a certain sport and goes to another school as their twin brother and falls for their roommate, muse b
muse ais one of the biggest goody two shoes ever and has to tutor muse b,the football superstar
muse a and muse b’s parents hate each other so they have to sneak around
muse a needs a job desperately and they work for this woman and her attractive kid, muse b at their bakery and they bond over cupcakes and frosting fights
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erarpg · 9 years
i want a plot based off the outsiders -___— 
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erarpg · 9 years
“i threw rocks at the wrong window but i’m a little drunk and my girlfriend just dumped me so hey do you want to hang out with me?” au
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erarpg · 9 years
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…You’re not like the rest of us and don’t try to be… 
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erarpg · 9 years
im not religious at all and i don’t know shit about religion but i’d love to play muse a, a christian child who’s the child of the pastor or whatever and then bAM a kickass girl/boy/xe comes into town and muse a basically drops their jaw as they seem them coming to school with a leader jacket on their shoulders and smoking and just being really damn badass and hot and but it isn’t any love at first sight crap muse a hates muse b, they hate what they stand for; smoking, sex before marriage, drugs, drinking but then they’re paired together for a biology project and one minute they’re arguing and the next muse b has muse a pinned against the wall and muse a slowly starts to question what they had stood for all of this time.
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erarpg · 9 years
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Get to know me meme - favourite movies (1/5) The Outsiders
Can you see the sunset from the South Side very good? Yeah real good. You can see it from the North Side too
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erarpg · 9 years
plots i want
our muses meeting on an online dating website
24 year old teacher / 18 year old student
lots of pregnancy / family plots
more older brother’s best friend and little sister hooking up
falling in love on new years and being each others kiss into the new year
foreign exchange student / host families daughter or son falling in love
groupie / band member falling in love
kidnapped au
princess / commoner falling in love
‘i have three months to live lets be spontaneous’ au
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erarpg · 9 years
I sold my soul to bring you back to life after your untimely death and I only have a month left with you so I’m trying to make it count.
You’re a ghost who’s trying to get to the afterlife so I’m helping you out but I fell in love and now I don’t want you to go but it’s too late.
You keep...
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erarpg · 9 years
some aus I thought of while I am not doing my essay 
“we had to do a project together two years ago and you told me you liked me but I pushed you away because I was this shy girl/boy back then, but now two years later we’re in the same class again and you sit next to me and fuck I am so in love with you but you already love someone else.” au
“you’re rich and I’m in need of some money so I stole your wallet while you were talking to me about how cute you think my best friend is and now that I have all this money I feel guilty for stealing it so here I came to your house to give it back please don’t hate me.” au
“I’m rich and I party all the time so I come home drunk every night but what I don’t know is that you’re actually bringing me back home so one day my mom tells you if you want to work as the person who takes care of me but I really dislike you, well not really but you can’t tell mom because you’re poor as fuck and I don’t need to get in trouble.” au
“you used to be my best friend until one day I told you your girlfriend was totally just using you for popularity but then she discovered that I had a crush on you and everything went down after that, and now four years after we’re in the same school and I don’t feel anything for you anymore but you keep giving me that look that definitely looks like hearteyes and I don’t know what to do, please stay away from me.” au
“you got a new puppy yesterday and it won’t stop barking the day before I start my finals week so I totally did not got up at two am and knocked on your door to tell you that you need to fucking make your dog shut up, but hey you opened your door now and holy shit I didn’t realize you were this hot please don’t mind the fact that I’m staring at your chest.” au
“I met you through tumblr and now we’re really good friends and holy shit what are you doing in my front door??? aren’t you supposed to live in Australia? wait you came to visit me during the summer what? you want to stay here? WAIT NO YOU CAN’T DO THAT MY MOM DOESN’T KNOW ABOUT YOU.” Au
“I stole your car and now you hate me but hey you’re so hot so I’m pretty sure I can make it up to you by giving you the best sex ever, oh wait you don’t want that?? You want me to be your fake girlfriend/boyfriend instead?? Wait you parents are rich? WTF MAN NO, JUST SEND ME TO JAIL INSTEAD.” au
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erarpg · 9 years
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erarpg · 9 years
“’Preciate it,” Siah said in response to the boundless passel of flattery. Today was it. He could finally deem himself a victor and survivor of the bullshit high school always was. Never again would he need to mind all the fucking crazy talk his aunts and uncles would shove into his head about keeping up his grind, when it was simply just four years of the same shit that he would ultimately have to deal with again once he’s in college. All these motherfuckers he call family are here to watch Siah run this stage with his cap and gown. He was wise enough to acknowledge how indecent and obstreperous his family was. Shit, he knew once he set foot on that stage, they was all gonna act a damn fool. As they should, he thought briefly. A nigga deserve it. 
Siah drifted knowingly towards the gym the graduates were required to lounge in before the ceremony began. After an assorted quantity of pats on the backs and embracements, he saw his way through the two, metal doors. He first let his eyes roam freely, often pausing momentarily to analyze and approve inwardly of different ladies. What caught Siah’s eyes, however, was his squad sat on the benches somewhat huddled into a circle. In an instance, he let his feet and fixated, brown orbs do the guiding, while placing his grill on his bottom row of teeth.
It was a heedless choice to sit on the bench in front and lower of Kai’s bench. It was an unconscious decision, simply an aimless act of movements finding wherever empty place he could squeeze into. Yup, he had no intentions whatsoever of getting the best seat in the house to look at Kai, but he’s sure as fucking hell glad he done it. She’s one female who never got dressed up for school, although somehow still looked good doing it; however, here she is now, dressed in that tight, red dress with her hair curled and all, not even taking a second look at Siah.
Now there’s a lot and not much he can say about Kailene. He knows that Kailene is one of very few who has had the impurity to curve him, and not in the most graceful manner either. He also knows that part of the reason she turned him down was because she had a man. Does she have a man now? He’s not certain. She’s the most intelligent in the school, and he didn’t need that Valedictorian sash enveloped around her neck to tell him what he already knew. She kept to herself regularly. He remembered always finding her in class during lunch hours sitting alone at that same table, both earphones secured with either her eyes on her phone screen or her face down in her arms positioned on the surface. Siah even had the courtesy to ask if she was doing okay, because she seemed sad at one point. Kai replied naturally with a yes and a smile, then returned to her business. 
She was mysterious and didn’t say much, and that drew him to her a ridiculous amount. 
Siah didn’t let his eyes linger on the female for too long, already conversing with whoever he saw first. The grill created a slight lisp in his voice that he overlooked. “Yeah, you ready for grad night? You already knowin’, Kamry. I’m ‘boutta be in the club fucking these hoes up.” As he spoke, he could see from the corner of his eye Kai staring him down. For real. Why it feel like this girl piercing daggers through me with her eyes? She really wouldn’t look away and observed him as he spoke. To escape the awkward tension, Siah bent his body to get an overview of everyone; his anatomy was now facing in Kailene’s direction, whom was still looking at him. With eyes that wandered without much guidance, he announced his news over everyone’s discussions. “So, I got this season pass to Six Flags. I can bring someone free with me. You try’n’a go?” Siah meant to ask this as a general offer, but nodded in someone’s direction anyway. 
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