eunoias-posts · 2 years
Stop the mark thing made me cry I hope there’s a part two
I’m sorry 😀…I love writing angst it’s my thanggg, I’ll try :))) I have some ideas but imma have to get through finals and stuff
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eunoias-posts · 2 years
How did you read it so fast 😭 omg I mean damn..also welcome back from your absence :)
Last forever
Jolly ranchers, LOL I got inspiration from a bag of jolly ranchers. Also, I really hate the ending I’m sorry for not writing recently. I hope yall enjoy there might or might not be a part two <3 
Word count: 1.9k
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Keep reading
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eunoias-posts · 2 years
Last forever
Jolly ranchers, LOL I got inspiration from a bag of jolly ranchers. Also, I really hate the ending I'm sorry for not writing recently. I hope yall enjoy there might or might not be a part two <3 
Word count: 1.9k
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Age 6
“ Are you going to eat that?” Mark looked up, a girl about the same age as he was looking at the blue jolly rancher in his hand. “ No I don’t like blue ones; I like red watermelon ones,” he smiled before stretching out his hand opening his palm offering the girl the sweet treat. The girl wrinkled her nose, almost judging his taste in candy before grabbing the candy and said, “ Hi I’m y/n ''. Smiling, Mark replied, “ Hi, I’m mark.” 
That was years ago, and now Mark, YOUR Mark, was on his way to your house, wanting to share the good news with you. He ran here as fast as he could; he only lived a couple of blocks away anyways. A little out of breath, he was on your porch ringing the doorbell. To be met with a girl who was rubbing her eyes and had just woken up. With the messed-up hair and the tired look, mark still thought you were the prettiest girl on earth. “ Markie? What are you doing here? It’s 4:30 in the morning,” you said while checking your watch. He had this giddy smile on his face, just picking you up and twirling you around on your porch. You let out a surprised squeal, “ Mark, let me down,” you whispered harshly. Your family was sleeping, and as much as they loved Mark, they would instead enjoy the extra few hours of sleep. Setting you down, you placed a hand on his cheek while he had his arms around your waist, pressing his face closer to your hand. It was moments like this you both wish could last forever.
“I got recruited.” He said, finally putting you out of your misery. “ Michigan?” you asked, heart, beating fast, hoping he would say yes. “No baby, Minnesota. Of course Michigan.” he teased. You let out the most shrill shrieking noise of excitement, no longer caring if anyone woke up because you had gotten the best news. Your boyfriend would be going to university with you. “ We have to celebrate; let me grab my keys,” you ran back in and grabbed your car keys while slipping on the first pair of shoes you saw. Mark gave you a sly look and said, “ I think of other ways we could celebrate. I mean, you look really good in my hoodie.”. You slapped his arm and said, “ Mark, don't even. Get in the car, you horndog.” Getting into the driver seat, you looked at him with the biggest smile on your face. He went to kiss you before sliding his hands under your hoodie onto your stomach.
“ESTAPA!” you gave him a look breaking the kiss to which he held up his hands against his head in defense. Rolling your eyes, you still had a smile while starting up the car. You drove to your favorite dinner place, where you always ordered an ice cream waffle with too much-whipped cream. Kandy came by and smiled, seeing her two favorite customers, “ Hi sweeties, the usual?”. “ you know it”. A date full of happiness and bliss until he pulled out a sweet treat. Jolly ranchers. “ Babe, you know the blue ones are the best,” you said after realizing mark bought a bag of ONLY the red ones. “Yeah, sure… sure.” Mark rolled his eyes with a bit of smirk thinking how silly you were being over candies. He pulled out a couple of blue ones from his pocket. He always brought extra blue ones just for you; he learned after years of you both feuding over a simple candies flavor. 
That summer would be the best. You both walked around visiting Ann Arbor and just scouting the best places for dates and such. There were silly mornings of waking up in Mark's arms in one of your rooms and kissing his face to wake him up. Days, where you had to prevent Mark from impulsively getting a Hockey is 4 life tattoo. Late nights of dancing dates, playing chel, and in general being with your sweetheart, your forever. The best part of it was you would be going to University together. Days like this you both wished could last forever. 
Being with college Mark estapa was different from being with Highschool Mark estapa. He was still the sweet boy you knew, the boy who brought over food. The boy who rubbed your back when you heaved over the toilet after drinking a little too much. The boy who whispered sweet nothings into your ear when you had a long day and just wanted to hide in his arms. He was YOUR Mark. With all of that taken into account you both still decided it would be best for a private relationship, of course, a couple of his teammates knew you were dating, and Mark had made it very clear to all the girls who hitted on him that he had a girlfriend, but none of them knew that he was YOUR Mark. For that, you were grateful for. You had seen the other girlfriends of the players get lots of hate being painted as “ gold diggers” and “fake” love. You trusted your boyfriend, and he trusted you.  
It was a random night. A party was being thrown in honor of their best game of the season. They had won with Mark being out of the penalty box for a change. You were invited by a couple of the boys who knew that you were Mark's girlfriend, but you turned down their invitation for a couple of reasons. One of them being you have a huge test the next morning. You saw that Ethan had an Instagram live on, and you clicked on it, having been good friends with the puppy-like boy. The camera was set on the table somewhere in front of the couch, where Mark and some guys were answering a couple of questions. You sent one saying, “ Who's that hot stuff next to Luke?”. The moment you sent in your question, you saw a group of sorority girls; a beautiful one approached mark and moved in to kiss him, and Ethan immediately turned off the live. 
“ Mark, you are so lucky Y/N didn't see that,” Jacob said, wrapping his arm around his girlfriend. “Yeah I know she would have hunted me down,” Mark said rubbing the back of his neck in a bit of relief you weren’t here. You were in shock, your Mark. Was he even still YOUR Mark? Questions were swirling around your head as your heart felt as if it would jump out of your chest. The pounding of the beat was in your head. Was this the whole reason Mark had wanted a private relationship? Had he been meeting up with girls behind your back? Your eyes welled up in tears and you felt as if you would throw up. Pulling up his messages you went to confront him but before you hit send you realized you deserved more than a text explanation. 
You immediately got off your bed and started storming into the party that was a couple of houses down to confront Mark, you would not be made to be a fool. You finally got the porch of the house, the door was slightly open, and you could hear cheers inside from a game of cup pong. A song was playing. You pushed the door open to enter to be met with Thomas Bordeleau pinning a girl against the wall, kissing her roughly. After noticing you standing there for some time, he turned to you, “ Do you need something?” He asked; he was unaware of who you were; he was one of the few teammates who didn't know you were the girl Mark was dating. “ Where is Mark Estapa?” You asked, almost gritting your teeth. It felt weird saying his name after knowing what he had done. “ MARK, THIS CHICK IS LOOKING FOR YOU,” Bords yelled before walking away with the girl he kissed. 
You heard the familiar footsteps and were met with a flushed Mark. “ Hey, baby? What's wrong?” He was concerned and reached out for your hand, to which you pulled back, walking out the door. Mark followed, a bit confused about why you were so closed off. Walking back out on the porch, you finally looked him in the eyes. The hurt, betrayal, and the broken trust. “Mark, why did you do it? Why? Why? Why?” you hit his chest with a breaking voice. “ I thought you said you would never hurt me. You promised” he could hear the pain in your voice as he went to hug you, but you pushed him away. “Y/N? What are you talking about?” All he wanted to do was comfort you. You looked at his worried look, and it made you sick. Had he been cheating the whole time? Was your relationship a lie? You couldn't stand to see Mark like this, and so you turned and ran. You could hear the pitter-patter of marks' shoes following behind you, begging you to wait and just stop. 
“Y/N please wait,” his voice had this strange desperation in it that sounded like he was scared. “Mark leave me alone please,” you shouted with a million thoughts swirling in your mind. You only had one thought at the moment that you could agree on and that was to get out of there as fast as you could. He couldn't understand why you were running from him. He finally was able to grab a hold of your hand. “Y/N,” he said your name almost as if it was the last time as if he let go that you would disappear into thin air. You were pulling your arm with all your strength but that was in vain. He was stronger than you were even as you dug your heels into the ground and pulled. He held his other hand on your face, finally bringing your eyes to meet his. You almost felt sick with the look of sincerity in his eyes. You finally saw him truly. “What's wrong?” He asked that question almost a million times but now you had an answer. “You.” you responded. 
“Me?” he has a confused look and loosened his grip on your hand for a second. You quickly pushed his chest back and he was startled. You weren't acting like the girl he knew. You were backing away from him and you looked like you hated him. No. His Y/N would never. “ What did I do wrong? I'll fix it I promise,” he said with a distressed look. “You can't fix it, Mark.” you pointed to your heart. “Please just leave me alone.” you walked away with Mark standing there wondering what he had done to make you like this and you walked away realizing he wasn’t Your Mark
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eunoias-posts · 2 years
I- literally stop writing angst ur breaking my heart 😭🙏 also I was wondering if u could write my request?
IM SORRY :(((( Just giving the ppl what they ask for. I’m ngl to you I have like so many asks I need to get on and like I can’t write a lot But if you could tell me which one is yours I might be able to get it done faster :)!
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eunoias-posts · 2 years
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eunoias-posts · 2 years
Last chance Pt2
Sorry idk how to write a fast make up and I like to pull my angst out 😩👍 
Word Count: 1.1K 
pt 1
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Was it you? Were you the crazy jealous bitch you were made out to be in front of all of his friends? Or was he simply a scumbag who didn’t know a good thing when it was right before him. He’d changed. A lot. He wasn't your flowers on every date boy anymore, more of a sorry I forgot we had a date type of guy. He hadn’t even come to apologize, and you didn’t expect him to. His stuff was packed tight into a box in the corner. You hadn't gathered the courage to see him face to face again. Knowing if you did, you would fall back into his arms. He didn't seem too affected by the break-up. Multiple insta stories of him partying and pictures of him kissing random girls had the gossip blogs going crazy. But you decided enough was enough. Luke didn't care and so why should you.
Throwing on a hoodie that you found on the floor, you grabbed the box and got into your car. It was bittersweet: the same car you'd shared your first kiss in, the exact car you blasted your favorite songs in, the same car he had promised multiple times when he was drunk You two were forever. Parking in a spot far enough from his dorm you got out. Grabbing the box of memories and making your way up to his dorm. Every step forward you hesitated as you got closer. Standing in front of the building you swallowed your last gulp of pride.
Knocking on the door, you heard shuffles and a groggy groan from someone inside. The door was opened to meet a very tired Dylan. His eyes widened, and his jaw slacked the moment he saw you before recomposing himself. He looked at the box in your hands and then at you before offering you a sympathetic look. “ He’s not here right now Y/N,” Dylan said a bit awkwardly. I mean, you were his best friend's ex girlfriend but also his friend who he hasn’t talked to in weeks. Shuffling your feet you started to place the box down onto the floor to leave. “N-NO,” Dylan said rather loudly, he wanted you to talk to Luke. He knew what a mess Luke was partying all the time, never doing his work, and doing horrible at practice. He knows what a big mistake Luke had made taking you for granted but you two were forever. Everyone knew that.
You sighed before placing a hand on the doorframe, “ Dukers, I don’t know what you want me to do. Luke made it pretty clear that he’s moved on, and I’m starting to too. Please make this easier for both of us and let me get my things.” Pushing past him, you made it to Luke’s side of the room as Dylan watched you with careful eyes. Collecting your things from his closet and drawers, your eyes made your way to his nightstand. A picture of the two of you was propped up facing his bed. You were kissing his cheek, and he had the biggest smile while you hugged him.
“Alright, but you can't call me that in front of the boys,” Luke has a stern look on his face. “ why not Lukeyyyyy?” you smirked full-on, knowing why. He put his hands on his face, “ you're so lucky I love you,” You made a surprised squeaking noise, “ You love me?”. His face turned red before he was stammering and scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, “ Well, I- mean.......”. You laughed a little, “ I'm just kidding, Lukey Pookie.” he grumbled a little, muttering something about the nickname before you wrapped your arms around him and kissed his cheek while he had a stunned smile.
Maybe it was better that he wasn't here. Holding up the picture frame, you had tears in your eyes. What happened to you two? Did you do something wrong that made him not love you like that anymore? Dylan almost said something but decided against it, finally seeing the toll that the breakup had on you. Throwing the photo in the bag, you brought you huffed before a voice came from the door. The familiar voice, the one that tore your heart out. “ Y/N- uhm, what are you doing here.” he sounded a little breathless, but you didn't turn to look at him or face him. You couldn't. “ I'm just grabbing a few things. I'll be out of here, Hughes,” your voice was tired, he could tell, but he looked at what you were wearing. His hoodie. His breath stopped. You were right in front of him. He couldn't let you slip through his fingers again.
“Y/N, I'm sorry, I've missed you,” he confessed his feelings. You grabbed the bag you had brought, and it was raining. Almost as if even the universe wanted you to stay and talk this out. But you'll be damned if anyone but you decides what would happen. You pushed past him and started quickly walking down the hall and outside. “ Y/N/N WAIT!” he shouted. It was pouring, and why did you park your car so far away? You heard his frantic footsteps of him following you. You started sprinting. He knew it couldn't end like this.
He caught up to you with his hand around your wrist. He was pulling you to face him. “ Y/N please... Please you need to forgive me. I've been going crazy without you.” Your bottled feelings now coming to the surface. “ You wanna know what I think, Luke? '' You shouted, almost looking as if you were crazy. “ I think that you don't care about me. Don't say you do because if you did, you would have come sooner. But you didn't, you never did,” his jaw tightened, seeing you in so much pain, and anger, knowing he was the reason. “ I'm sorry,” he said. You finally made it free from his grasp and said, “that's all you have to say..?” you thought he would've said something else, but all that could come out of his mouth were apologies.
“Y/N, I don't know what to say that would make this better. Trust me if I did, I would've said it by now.” he gave you a solemn look. “ BELIEVE YOU? BELIEVE YOU? Oh my God. You are so full of shit. I've seen the party photos. You are clearly fine without me and DO NOT talk about trust with me.” You started to walk away again, the rain now making your clothes heavy. “ Y/N/N, don't leave, please...” You didn't want to; you wanted to believe him. You tried to fall back into his arms. But did he mean those words? He hugged you into him, begging you not to leave and not to let him go. You finally looked at his eyes. Two souls shattered, two soulmates lost, two that were broken..“Luke. I need you to let me go.”
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eunoias-posts · 2 years
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thank you, boys
it was a great run💙💛
pic creds to my em @studsccsnackavoybambi
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eunoias-posts · 2 years
i'm so so proud of these boys no matter what the outcome was and we got an amazing season with them. i'm sad about the way this ended, so fucking disappointed but they fought until the end and we should be proud of that
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eunoias-posts · 2 years
is owen angst pt 3 coming?
Yes, I promise it is <3 I’ve gotten lots of asks on it; I promise I’m not ignoring you guys! It’s in my WIP document. I will get it out soon(well as fast as I can), but I do have to answer some other requests that have been sitting there for some time.
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eunoias-posts · 2 years
Are you done with the last chance fic or is a pt2 cooking?
I have a start but I abandoned it... Ha ha ha 😀 No but fr since like a few of you guys want a pt 2 ill go back and start working on it again.
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eunoias-posts · 2 years
Oh jeez I think I also got sent what this anon is talking about based on ur response, I don’t know how to feel about it tbh. The attempt was weak but like I would severely hurt inside if I was him 🙁. But like man one sentence? Nah Idk anon like I just don’t know how to feel 😟? I’m trynna keep this as like confidential as possible to respect the anon LOL
okay so I edited the important stuff out, but since you are still an anon (I had to post it so you could accurately see it)
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AND I FEEL BAD FOR HIM (little shit duties and he got bullied for it, got scared off LMAOOOOO)
IM CRYING AT IT and I would have said yes to him because it was smooth, but poorly executed!!! please feel free to message me privately (so I don’t put him on blast anon!! )
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eunoias-posts · 2 years
Maybe a small blurb with eating chocolate with luke or bords
I’m gonna do both! Im so sorry how late I replied to this it was sent a while ago. I really don’t like how I wrote this LMAO 💀🤚🏻
“Hey, babe,” Luke greeted you coming into your dorm. You had provided him a key you know you weren’t supposed to, but you didn’t have a roommate, so why did it matter. “ Hi Lukey,” you looked up from your phone on the bed. He flopped on top of you while a grocery bag was held in his hand. You hugged him, and he pulled you up with him as he got off of you. “What’s in the bag?” You asked, trying to grab it, but he held it above his head away from your reach. “Lukeyyyyyy,” you whine, and he just gave you a teasing smirk. Now you were more curious, so you hugged him and looked up at him from his chest with puppy dog eyes, and he gave you a little kiss before setting down the bag and giving it to you.
Opening it, you saw the bag filled with your favorite snacks and chocolate. “ Can I eat this?” you asked, just eyeing your favorite chocolate bar. “That's why I brought it here, angel,” he said. Now you lept on your bed to put on a movie to enjoy while eating your snacks. You were cuddled up into his arm, watching the movie and commenting from time to time. There was only one piece left and he insisted you have it. You turned your head away. Of course you wanted it but you wouldn't admit it. He placed the chocolate in his mouth before his grabbed your face between his palms and kissing you making you eat the chocolate. You looked up at him, and he gave you a quick smile before grabbing a tissue and wiping away a chocolate stain on your lips.
“Thomas, shut up before I beat the shit out of you,” you gritted angrily at Thomas. He was mocking you, and you weren't in the mood. He looked at you with a what the heck look. Before he checked his phone and realized that was up and why you were so moody. You would usually mock him back or say a snarky remark. Miss Flo had come for a visit. He got up and left. You were a bit shocked now. Had Thomas just left? You just sat there before he came back 15 minutes later.
“Here you go, baby,” he started taking things like tampons and chocolates out of the bag. You quickly forgot about your anger and hugged him, almost crying because of your hormonal imbalances. He was so thoughtful and sweet. “ You're the best, Thomas,” you mumbled into his chest; he smiled at you, putting the Chocolate goodness in your mouth. He gave you a quick kiss and pulled back, saying, “Mon amour, you taste good,” with a cheeky smile. You just hit him in the chest and said, “ Would you like another taste?”. Needless to say there was a lot of chocolate kisses debating which was better.
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eunoias-posts · 2 years
3/19 Umich V Minnesota photo dump
AHHHHH at the last few minutes were stressful but here’s a photo dump for the anon I promised ( I picked random ones) LOL
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eunoias-posts · 2 years
Did you watch the game?!!?? If so do you have any photos or something I missed it 😔😪
Omg it was so good and yeah I always screenshot like 60 photos and I hoard them in my camera roll LMAO i can put a photo dump for this game later if you want
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eunoias-posts · 2 years
I need a part 2 to the Owen angst pleaseeee
Hello my loves, sorry for not posting recently, and I'm just going to reply to this one since multiple of you guys requested a pt2 <3
Word count: 1.3K
Pt 1
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A new semester, new classes. After a nice break, you were back at university. A new chance for almost anything. That being said, you were late as usual. Slinking into the classroom quietly, you sat down while the professor eyed you. Great first impression Y/N, you thought. You felt the eyes of a couple of your classmates judging you, and you decided to pay attention to your mouse cursor on your laptop. Your professor announced that your partner for the rest of the year would be the person next to you. You turned your head and almost choked. Him. The guy you would've given the world to. The guy who broke your heart unknowingly. Owen Power.
He looked at you a little surprised and stammered hi. “Hey,” you replied. You both gulped, feeling the awkward tension. Owen had finally gotten enough courage to confront you after sitting in silence for a couple of minutes, but as he opened his mouth, the lecture was over, and you dashed out the door. You quickly ran back to your room, where Molly, your roommate, relaxed on her bed, jumped at the sudden rapid movements of you bursting into the room. “Y/N, are you okay?”. You paced around your room and said quickly, “ Yeah, Yeah. I'm good, thanks, molly.”. She rolled her eyes before standing up and placing her hands on your shoulders and saying, “ no, you not, babe,” You sighed before sitting down and telling her, “ I saw Owen.”.
“ Oh shit, you mean Owen as in Owen Power, that guy from last year?” her eyes widened. “Yep… That's the one” you cringed a bit. She got a text, and she suddenly jumped up and said, “ oh no. I have to go, but Y/N/N, I promise I’ll be back, and we will talk about this,” she quickly grabbed a few things and ran out. Once she was gone, you sighed and let your back hit the soft mattress. Looking up at the ceiling, you closed your eyes and stayed like that for a few minutes before you jumped up frustrated, not at Owen but at yourself how you acted like a child when he got a girlfriend and blocked him on everything, along with cutting contact with the whole team. Sure it was brash, but heartbreak makes you do stupid things that you can't come back from. What were you supposed to do? Unblock him and say, “ sorry I blocked you, but I've been in love with you forever, and you getting a girlfriend pushed me over the edge?”. You pushed yourself off the bed and decided going for a walk would help you get these thoughts out. Grabbing your keys and phone, you chose to get a drink at the small coffee shop on campus.
While waiting in line, you heard the cashier call you up to order. You looked through the array of options and opted for a Hazelnut coffee. You thanked the barista after she handed you your drink. Walking towards the door, you were on your phone on on-hand scrolling through Instagram and the other holding the warm coffee. “Hey, is that Y/N,” you froze up at the mention of your name and the familiar voice. You quickened your pace and only stopped when you heard multiple shouts of your name. You grimaced before turning around to face Nick Blankenburg, Matty Beniers, and Kent Johnson. “Where have you been,” asked Nick. “ Yeah did you disappear off the face of the earth or something Y/N” Kent joked. You looked at them with an awkward smile and peeped out a hi. “Wow, our favorite fan is alive,” Matty teased before bringing you into a hug. You felt comfort in the small but short-lived hug. You had cut them all off, and you regretted it. But they felt no resentment towards you. They just were confused.
“I’ve been places…” you simply stated, taking a long sip of your coffee to prolong your resistance to talking to them. “Y/N, we know what happened,” Nick said with sympathy. You almost groaned, closing your eyes humiliated. Kent spoke up after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence. “ you know we missed you.”. You felt a pang of guilt before looking down at your shoelaces. Matty being the conversationalist he was, said, “ Y/N, we get that being around Owen must’ve been uncomfortable, but why did you leave all of us?”. You almost ran away, but the hand he had on your shoulder stopped you. You took a deep breath, sure, it was uncomfortable being confronted, but I mean, it would happen at some point. “ I just felt like you guys were more Owen’s friends than mine, and I couldn't just blab to you all how I was in love with him, and he didn't like me back. What type of best friend would I have been?” You confessed a few tears formed, not knowing how much you had missed them until now. “Y/N.. You know that you're our friend too? We would've done our best to help you.” Matty hugged you before the other agreed and joined the hug. You felt them pulling away, and Kent almost reverted back immediately to how he used to be and said, “ Actually, there's a party tonight, and I'm sure a couple of the guys would be glad to see you. They missed you as well. Do you wanna come?”. You weighed your choices before giving in and deciding you missed them too. They texted you the address and hugged you one last time before walking away. You were now really excited.
Going back to your dorm, you were met with Molly, who could sense your good mood from a mile away. She told you about the party, which you acted like you hadn't heard anything about, and she practically dragged you to go with her. That's how you ended up in front of a random frat with loud music and red solo cups everywhere. You got to the door suddenly feeling like your dress was a little too short and tight. You were tugging your black dress down, and Molly gave you a look and said, “ You look good, girl. Stop worrying so much; let's have some fun.” You walked in, and Nick quickly spotted you. He waved you over through the swarm of people. You walked towards the team and let out a breath of relief when you saw Owen wasn't there. “Y/N/N?!?” a couple of the boys looked at you in shock before bombarding you with questions. You felt happy for the first time in a few months while being pulled onto the couch where they sat fighting to sit next to you. “ Hey, mamas,” a drunk briss said before seeing your face and eyes widening dramatically, “ HOLY FUCK THAT'S- YOUR- Y/N.”. “ yes, briss, it’s me, the one and only.” You chuckled while he brought you in for a shocked hug.
Feeling a bit parched, you excused yourself to get a drink, and many of the boys offered to go with you, but you rolled your eyes playfully and said, “ I can go alone, clingies I’ll be right back.” Walking to the kitchen in slightly uncomfortable heels, you almost were annoyed at your outfit choice, but you had to agree when molly said you looked fucking hot back at the dorm. Where was Molly anyway, you thought. Looking around, you caught sight of your best friend. She was kissing some guy, and she saw you. You shot two thumbs up at her and continued to make your Martini. Adding a little umbrella, you were satisfied until someone pulled the drink out of your hand. Owen. You opened your mouth to protest before you saw him looking you up and down, and you suddenly felt a little too hot. He stared at you, and the buzzing noise of the party felt far away, “we need to talk.”.
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eunoias-posts · 2 years
Do you write for Quinn? If so could you do something about him getting hurt at a game and us helping him clean up?
Black n blue
ofc love <3
Word count: 0.4K 
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You enjoyed the game from home on the TV mainly since Quinn’s family was due to be at the game, and you didn’t want your first impression to be ruined by the smell of popcorn and wet sticky floors with beer bottles from rowdy fans. You saw Quinn smile at the camera after making a goal and you smiled back. You got up to refill your drink in the kitchen for a moment before coming back to the sports commentator talking about someone getting hit real hard in the brawl you had missed. You shrugged it off as the game ended, and you texted Quinn a good job and turned off your phone. You didn’t want to bother his special family time.
It wasn't until later, when Quinn came home, that you were especially confused. The game had just ended. He wasn't due to be home for another few hours as he always had a celebratory dinner with his family. You got up from your bed and headed towards the front door, and about to hug him before you gasped. “ Quinn, what happened?” You asked carefully; there was a severe bruise now visible on his leg. He gave you a funny look, “ I thought you watched my game Y/N,” You almost rolled your eyes. That's what he took away from your question?
“Come on,” you took his hand and dragged him to the couch. Pushing him into the soft leather of the sofa, you went to the kitchen quickly to get a wet towel and some ice. You came back and saw sat next to him pulling his leg across your lap, and he was wincing but tried to hide it. You wrapped the ice pack around the wet cloth of the towel and held it against the red bruise that would surely turn black and blue tomorrow. He jumped at the cold feeling, and you held his hand while scolding him to be more careful.
“ Babe, you need to stop worrying so much about me,” He responded to your scolding. You just sighed before replying, “ I can't help it. I'm always so scared when your hurt and I should have been there today to help you, but I wasn't because I was scared to meet your family,” you were now focused way more on his leg and feeling guilty. “Hey, look at me” he grabbed your face between his hands comfortingly and said, “ you weren't ready, and it's not your fault I got hurt; I'm just lucky enough even to have you to come home to, to take care of me.”. You smiled at him before placing a kiss on his lips interrupted by a doorbell ring. You got up, and he groaned, annoyed at the loss of your touch. You got up and looked through the peephole, nervously yelling. “ Quinn. Honey... that family meeting might be sooner than you think!”.
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eunoias-posts · 2 years
Masterlist <3
Thomas Bordeleau
When he got a tatoo for you
Two cups of coffee
Chocolate blurb
Luke Hughes
Last chance series 
pt 1
Naps in the car
Chocolate blurb
Owen Power
affections denied series
pt 1
Ethan Edwards
Coca & Skates
Mark Estapa
Last forever
Quinn Hughes
Black n Blue
Big ten championship photo dump <3
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