eurodynesass-moved · 3 years
Made a Main Blog!
Hey y’all! So this is a side blog, but I did not expect it to blow up like it has, so I’ve decided to move to a main blog of the same original name.
Here’s a link to it:
Just click that and follow that blog instead! All new fics will be posted over there, as well as any screenshots or posts made.
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eurodynesass-moved · 3 years
Made a Main Blog!
Hey y’all! So this is a side blog, but I did not expect it to blow up like it has, so I’ve decided to move to a main blog of the same original name.
Here’s a link to it:
Just click that and follow that blog instead! All new fics will be posted over there, as well as any screenshots or posts made.
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eurodynesass-moved · 3 years
you're telling me that during the heist that there's a PERFECT opportunity for a "and there was only one bed" SITUATION???? BETWEEN JACKIE AND V??? HeLLO?????
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eurodynesass-moved · 3 years
post-game Viktor Vector/Female V
an introspection
V’s laying on her couch in naught but her underthings, head cradled in her palm. It’s been a hell of a week, adjusting to the lack of Johnny in her brain. She tries to comfort herself with the thought that he’s out there somewhere, smoking a cigarette and waxing poetic at any poor fool in earshot. Even if it’s beyond the Blackwall; she keeps telling herself he’s happy and well, because if she faces reality she isnt sure she’d be able to live with the guilt, regardless if it’s what he wanted.
V bangs her head back against the armrest of the couch, blowing the hair from her face. She cant think about Johnny, not right now. Instead she focuses on the mass of muscle laying between her legs and on her stomach, fast asleep.
Vik fell asleep with his head on her chest about an hour previous, glasses tilted on his nose. V cards her fingers through his hair, smiling softly. She doesn’t have the heart to wake him up, not yet. He’s gotten about as much sleep as she has, recently. Which is to say: not a lot. When V wakes in the middle of the night from nightmares, he wakes up with her and holds her tight, making sure she knows she’s safe. When she just cant turn her mind off enough to sleep, he stays up with her. He’d always been there for her whenever she needed him, and this was no different.
But Vik’s a busy man, and he needs his rest more than she does. So V watches him breathe against the curve of her breast, grinning every time he snores. He’s a solid weight against her, familiar and comfortable and feeling suspiciously like home.
V’s fingers stutter over his scalp, and let’s out a shaky breath as she studies his face. He doesnt know how much she’s come to value his presence in her life, how much she’s come to care. He’s always been steadfast in his support, thoughtful and kind and - and incredible, really. He’s been her friend, guardian, teacher, healer, lover. And everything in between.
“I think I’m falling in love with you,” V whispers softly, heart in her throat. Vik doesn’t move, doesnt respond; she feels relief at that, terrified at what his reaction would be. So she continues to run her fingers through his hair and grin each time he snores, heart feeling lighter than it has in a long time, confession finally freed from the confines of her heart, and feels content.
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eurodynesass-moved · 3 years
Early Morning Bliss
A little snippet of what mornings are like when V wakes up in her bed with Viktor by her side.  
Female V / Viktor
— — — — —
Her eyes fluttered open slowly as V finally awoke. She shifted very slightly, feeling the warm skin beneath her touch and immediately remembering the night before. Beside her was the calm, soundly sleeping body of Viktor. Her head had been buried in his chest and his arms were still wrapped around her as he lay on his side. She did not remember falling asleep this way.
After having spent a couple of hours entangled in each other's hold the night before, he had laid down on his back with her directly by his side, head on his shoulder, palm over his heart. Once she was able to actually process it all, V did not dare to move even an inch. She had to remember that she was no longer under any rush to wake up and get things done. Her life was no longer on the line.
V took a deep breath, almost immediately entranced by Vik's presence and his scent. He had been coming by so much that her sheets were getting to know him. She'd offered him space in her wardrobe to leave behind whatever he wanted, not thinking much of it until he'd brought over a few shirts one night. V did not think that he had taken her seriously, but she had shown him how much she appreciated it by the amount of times she'd kissed him. Since then, his scent lingered around her apartment, and it made her feel even more at home.
Because of that, all she could do was watch. Watch and silently curse the sun for ever daring to come up and put an end to a peaceful moment such as this. Soon he would wake, and they would get up, get dressed, and go about their day in the noise and mess of Night City. She hated the mornings for that.
Lost in her train of thought, she had been gently tracing his chest with her index finger. Her nail softly ran over every rise and dip of his muscles, every scar that graced his skin, and every line and curve of the tattooed that fizzled across his shoulder. She felt the little hairs tickle the tip of her finger along each and every stroke. She had been far too entranced in all this to notice that he had woken up and had been watching her quietly.
Suddenly, his chest rose high as he inhaled, letting out his breath in a long yawn. V glanced up just in time for him to look back at her. His hand lazily caressed her back and he gave her a crooked smile. "Hey," he whispered.
V moved her hand to his face, her heart leaping out of her chest. "Hey. I wake you?"
He simply shook his head and kissed the top of her head. His nose was buried in her hair, so he took a deep breath and shut his eyes, sighing almost vocally. V felt him move beside her as one of his arms propped him up a bit more. Just like that, he was towering over her, his hands at her back and her ribs.
They were still bare under the sheets, her chest now completely exposed to him. Not that she minded, of course, she loved the way his lids would drop low and breath would catch every time he saw her. Vik said nothing as he leaned in to kiss her, the backs of his fingers moving along her side, achingly slow. The moment they reached the side of her breast, Vik rested the thumb just underneath before massaging it in soft, circular motions.
V moaned into the kiss, her chest rising to meet his touch. God, she could already feel herself growing wet between her legs. A few seconds of that had her shifting one thigh against the other as she yearned for his touch. V tucked her hand between them, pressing a palm against his chest that roved down to his abdomen. Before she even had the chance to reach his cock, his hand left her breast and held her wrist in place.
He pulled it back up, pinning it above her head and looking at her. His fingers then entwined with hers and his lips trailed down her jaw, tongue wanting to taste every bit of her along the way. Slowly, he moved himself lower, and lower, pressing a kiss against each breast as he did, and slid his hand down her body so that he could position herself between her legs. He had pulled most of their blanket down with him, having it now resting just below his shoulders and over her knees. He looked up at her and felt his heart implode.
She was looking down at him with anticipation, biting at her lower lip. There was nothing he wouldn't do for her in that moment, while she looked at him like that. Vik had one arm looped under her leg, that hand now flat against her belly. The other moved to part her folds for him.
"You see what you do to me?" V asked softly, one of her hands now resting on his forearm.
"I'm about to do so much more," he promised, hunger so evident in his eyes. Then, he lowered himself so that he could take her into his mouth. His tongue ran broad over her opening and just over her clit as he pulled away with a kiss. V tilted her head back right into the mattress, her hand clenching tightly around his arm. He continued, teasing and tickling his way around her clit while occasionally dipping lower to her entrance.
He kept at this, feeling her hips and lower body shake under his steady palm. He soon inserted a finger into her and allowed his lips to focus solely on pleasuring her clit. He thrust his finger slow, finding the spot above that always made her shudder, giving it a stroke, two, three, until he moved in yet another finger to do the same.
Her chest heaved, those beautiful breasts rising and falling as she let out breathy moans. He felt every single moan, every reaction to what he did to her, cause his cock to throb beneath him. God, how she turned him on without even touching him. Soon, her breaths grew shorter, her moans became louder, and she pushed herself up on one elbow, propped up to see him.
Vik shut his eyes and kept going, knowing she was very close. A moment later, her legs curled and her hip thrust forward into his touch as she finally reached her climax. His fingers worked hard to keep the flow of her pleasure going while his tongue slowed to tender flicks. V lowered herself back onto the bed with a thud, breathing heavily and calling his name as she gave in.
Leaving behind one last kiss, he slowly rose back up, resting comfortably above her. She immediately pulled him down to her, planting her lips against him. She could taste herself on him and that immediately drove her insides all wild again. He pulled away from the kiss shortly after and ran his fingers through her hair.
"Good morning," he smiled at her.
"That it is," she chuckled, trying to catch her breath. 
"You want some coffee?" He asked.
"Sure do, but I gotta hop in the shower first," she grinned, then winked. "Care to join me?"
"You go on ahead," he smirked, "I'll get the coffee started."
Viktor leaned in for one, lasting kiss before shaking his head, muttering something about being so lucky before hopping out of bed. V turned onto her side to watch him walk away, the rays of sun peeking through the blinds now dancing along his muscles, hips and everything holy below.
Realizing she had been biting down on her lip a little too hard, she shook herself out of that trance and got out of bed. V walked right into the shower, standing aside as she started it and waited for it to heat. The moment she stepped underneath, she let out a deep sigh and shut her eyes, letting the warmth comfort her.
A few moments later, she could barely hear the footsteps behind her but she opened her eyes when she felt large, familiar hands take her by the waist. Looking down, Viktor's hands wrapped around her, then cascaded up her body and to her breasts at the same time that his lips met her shoulder.
"Hi," he mumbled.
"Mmm, hello," she cooed, sighing as she leaned back into him. It was then that she felt just how hard he was.
Viktor pressed her tightly to his body, leaving one hand to tease and massage her breasts, and the other to slide its way down to between her legs. He palmed her folds and simply held her close while nibbling the skin of her neck. V rested her head on his shoulder, softly moaning at every little touch.
"I couldn't resist after all." Vik ground his hips against her and began stroking her nice and slow.
"Vik..." V called, her knees threatening to turn to jelly. She slowly started to grind her ass against him, as slow as she could, wanting to feel herself against his length. She could feel his grasp tighten as she did this, as a few more strokes like that was all he seemed to be able to stand.
He pulled away only as much as he needed to in order to position himself behind her. V enticed him even more just by swaying her hips ever so slightly. He took them with both hands, moving to give her ass a little squeeze before she felt the head of his dick pressing against her. The moment he thrust into her, V had to bring her hands forward to brace herself against the wall. At that angle, she could feel the hot water pouring down her back. Along with that, Viktor moved his hand up her spine and laid it flat on her shoulder.
His hips rolled slowly, moving his cock in and out of her in steady thrusts. V hummed and huffed, shutting her eyes and dipping her head low. She wasn't sure if it was the heat of the water or that of his body, but it was certainly making the whole thing more pleasurable. As if that wasn't enough, Vik returned his free hand to her core, his fingers now rubbing her clit in urgent, circular motions.
V couldn't help but gasp at the touch, her back arching and causing her to lean into him once again. He held her that way, squeezing and teasing her breasts, stroking her clit all the while thrusting into her from behind. He could feel her pulsing around him, getting ready for a wave of release, and he brushed his lips just past her ear.
"Come for me, sweetheart." Viktor placed a kiss on her cheek, then on her neck, his passion overtaking him.
Hearing those words, V let herself go and felt the strong shudders of pleasure course through her, making her knees momentarily weak. She felt herself clench around him, causing him to groan in surprise. His thrusts did not let up as he savored the sensations, but he did ease his touch on her clit as it grew more sensitive.
"Vik," V moaned in a sigh, "God, you're killing me."
His movements slowed momentarily as he pulled her in close, nuzzling his nose into her neck before softly kissing her. "That's just because I love you, darlin'."
"Yeah?" She grinned, her hand moving to cradle his face. "How 'bout you show me how much?"
The sound that rumbled in his throat was enough to arouse her on a good day. Her heart leapt in her chest as he held her tight and thrust into her—hard. His hands moved to her breasts, squeezing them oh so lovingly before pressing her nipples between his fingers. V then reached out to the wall for some support, making his hands slide right down to her hips. He pulled them as he thrust in, reminding her just how strong those hands could be when he wanted.
V turned to him, one hand on the wall, one now reaching for his chest. The look in his face as he was thrown into his passion made her heart race and her insides ache. Between her moans, she called to him and he looked at her. His heavy breathing turned to moans as they grew louder and louder, until he buried himself deep inside her. Vik bent over, hips buckling with a few more strong thrusts during his release  before he held onto her, his forehead pressed into her shoulder. His moans gradually slowed as he caught his breath.
A slow, low hum left her as she felt him inside, pulsing and throbbing and filling her up. "Fuck..." She whispered, fingers instinctively reaching for his hair.
Viktor kissed her shoulder, trailed his way up her neck and slowly pulled himself out of her. With that, V turned around and wrapped her arms around him, taking him into her mouth immediately for a deep kiss. She laughed into his lips as she slowly pulled away.
"I don't think I'll ever be able to shower with you around," she joked.
His hands slipped down to her ass, "Maybe I can help you with that."
She laughed again as she felt his hands give her a little squeeze.
Having finally managed to dry themselves off, V took the final sip of the coffee he had made her and walked up to where he was standing by her desk. He, too, was just in his pants, his shirt from the night before having been tossed in with her own laundry.
"Enjoy your coffee?" He asked, holding his own mug as he leaned casually against the desk.
"Mhm. A great addition to an already preem morning," V replied. She went on her toes to kiss him on the lips. "Not bad, Old Sport," she said, her hand playfully patting his cheek a couple times.
He gave her a look as he brought his mug down onto the table—fast. She turned around immediately, looking to escape to her wardrobe as she tried to bite back a stupid grin. Vik immediately reached out for her wrist, making her laugh as he yanked her back to him.
Oh, she was going to pay for that.
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eurodynesass-moved · 3 years
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Vik's adorable cheer for V's boxing match
He is so proud ❤️
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eurodynesass-moved · 3 years
I need to vent my feelings for Viktor/V/Takemura ship, so here is some headcannon-ish stuff (Devil ending(?), street kid V):
Vik let Takemura get in debt with him after patching the bodyguard up, so Goro could pay him back when he'd delt with Arasaka biz. And he did, with a nice additional sum on top that he explained as a "waiting procentage". And of course Vik was disgruntled, cause he "doesn't need" tips" for his work", but was thankful nonetheless.
Vik tells Goro 'bout V condition with the chip and all while V is still uncautious. At first Takemura doesn't really care, his only goal is to get this merc to testify on Saburo' s death. But later he censirely wants to help V to stay alive.
V being a street kid doesn't really get the conception of homemade food. The only time the get really close to it, is when Jackie takes them home and mama Welles feeds them a nice load of her homemade meals (cause NOBODY gets away from mama Welles without tasting her today's dish, I don't make the rules). But on daily basis V is showing cheap junk food in themselves like there is no tomorrow, since money were tight when they were a kid, and a nice burger was much cheaper than a full meal in some diner, so with age the habit stays and they still will prefer to get some fries or pizza than find a cheap restaurant to eat.
So V is actually irritated, when Takemura toses a whole burg away, cause yeah, it it tastes funny sometimes, but it's not that bad. And will argue when ex-bodyguard is complaining about sushi and pizza, cause "choom, that's the best food you can actually get around the NC, what are you talking about? Get of your high horse, it tastes delicious."
And Takemura is half offended and half conserned, like does the chip affects the taste buds or something? And then he learns that V have been eating junk almost all their life, and now he is half horrified and half puzzled how could the chip affect them at all, since they have survived consuming so much shit, it actually a surprise they are still alive and in a quite good form.
And then Takemura gets a deamon in his system cause of a close call with Arasaka's hounds, that he cannot deal with himself, so he half-heartedly visits Viktor. Vik casually asks about V while working on the virus, and Goro mentions that he learned the other day that they seems to eat only street food, and of course the all of hell gets loose.
The two of them get into a conversation which goes on and on bout how unhealthy eating like that is, and with V's condition they should know better then to indulge in eating junk. And Viktor actually asks Takemura to keep an eye on V, so that they eat more healthy. On Goro's irritated decline of this, since he "is not a wet nurse for a grown merc", he butters up the man with this deamon removal being on the house. Bodyguard agrees on condition that any of his future visits on the clock would be added to his debt. They argue for a while, since Vik doesn't know if he can really trust Takemura to be good on his promise of paying back the debt, and Takemura says that he will keep an eye on V and update doc from time to time on their condition. They shake hands. (I would actually pay money to see that conversion between this two. Additional kudos if Takemura uses one of his many quotes, and Viktor warns him that he WILL find him if Goro does anything stupid)
Aka Viktor and Takemura bonding over getting V to stop being a gremlin
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eurodynesass-moved · 3 years
Viktor: Okay, you need to make sure that V eats healthy. Do not indulge their craving for street food. Go to any establishment with properly cooked dishes.
Takemura: Who do you think you're talking to? I'm a professional.
*some time later*
Takemura: V, if you are not opposite to this idea, let's find some place that serves quality meals. I heard there is a nice restaurant in the area-
V: Are you asking me on a date?
Takemura: No, I've just suggested we dine somewhere more 'admissible' if you-
Johnny: He's fucking asking you on a date.
V: Preem.
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eurodynesass-moved · 3 years
It’s been AGES since I’ve written anything, and with all of the amazing fic lately from @viktorsvector and @eurodynesass, I thought I’d try and add my own smut piece to the fandom. Written on mobile at 1 am, so apologies if there’s a ton of typos or formatting weirdness. No real plot to speak of. Just good ol’ fashioned F!V/Viktor smut. Untitled for now.
When V accidentally finds out that Vik likes it rough. Dirty talk, vaginal sex, biting, hair pulling.
The atmosphere in Vik’s clinic was charged. The gentle hum of the various monitors and machinery was punctuated with sighs and breathy moans. The usual smell of antiseptic, chrome, and oil tinged with the heady aroma of sweat and arousal. Their little sparring match had ended with Vik pinning V to the wall at the back of his clinic, her legs wrapped around his waist as he ground the sizable bulge in his pants into her jeans. One arm was wrapped under her ass, the other braced against the wall as he nuzzled his face into her neck, stubble scraping the sensitive skin. “Do you have any idea what you do to me, V?” he murmured into her ear, his hot breath sending shivers down her spine. “Hmm? How -hard- you make me, watching you like that? Wild-eyed and practically fucking feral during a fight?” Another roll of his hips. “Watching the sweat drip down your body and wantin’ to chase it with my tongue?”
“Mmmm, fuck, Vik!” she ground out between clenched teeth, rolling her hips forward to feel more of that delicious pressure against her core. Her fingers tangled into the hair at the nape of his neck and she gave an experimental tug. His entire chest rumbled against her as he let out a low groan. She pulled again, harder this time, and Vik’s hips bucked forward as he looked at her with fire in his eyes. “So, the doc likes it a little rough, does he?” she quipped with a smirk, using her legs to pull him closer. She leaned forward and kissed her way from his earlobe down his neck and when she found his pulse-point, she bit down - hard. Fuck, if the noise he made wasn’t the sexiest thing she’d ever heard in her life. The wet spot on her jeans grew noticeably larger as he cried out, hips stuttering and cock twitching against her. His knees almost buckled as she laved her tongue over the reddened skin, soothing the sting with that hot, wet muscle.
“Couch. Now.” Vik’s voice was rough in his throat as he readjusted his grip and carried her over to the worn leather couch. He practically tossed her down, eyes blazing and chest heaving, as he stared at her, palming his dick through his pants. V moaned appreciatively at the sight, grinding her own palm against her core to relieve some of the pressure. As much as V enjoyed being manhandled by Vik, though, she had other ideas in mind tonight. Shooting him a shit-eating grin, she leapt off the couch and lunged at him, catching him off guard as their lips crashed together. Almost losing his balance, she took the advantage to spin him around and pin him to the couch, her body pressed deliciously tight against him as she straddled his lap. Having the tables turned on him like that had Vik’s head swimming with desire. He’d always preferred being the dominant one in bed, but when it came to V pushing him around like that? Fuck, he’d almost come in his pants right there.
His hands went to her hips, fingertips digging in hard enough to leave bruises and V squirmed against him, plunging her tongue into his mouth as her hands went to the lapels of shirt. Bunching up the fabric in her fists, she yanked her hands apart, buttons skittering across the floor. “Hey! That’s my favorite...!” “Quit bitchin’, Vik. We have more pressing things to attend to, wouldn’t cha say?” as she ground down on his lap. Smirking, she reached down to tug his tank top up and over his head as he reached up to do the same for her. His thumbs circled her nipples, pebbled from the cool air, as she tugged his belt free and slid off his lap. He lifted his hips to help her slide his pants down, groaning as his cock sprang free, head red and weeping. V stepped out of her own pants and leaned down to swipe her tongue over his head, moaning as the slightly bitter taste of his precum met her tastebuds. Vik threw his head back, choking on a moan at the feeling of her hot mouth on him, hand instinctively tangling in her hair. Tossing him a saucy wink, V climbed back into his lap and carefully positioned herself over him. Without warning, she plunged herself down onto him, biting into the taut muscle of his shoulder and Vik’s vision whited out.
He yelled out, his whole body tensing as she set a brutal pace, her moans getting louder as she rode him. Her nails scraped against his chest and arms, leaving angry, red welts in their wake, muscles rippling beneath them. She nipped and bit at his neck, sucking purpling spots into his skin, never letting up her pace as she bounced in his lap. When his thumb found her clit, V yelped, burying her hands in his hair and tugging again. Vik was fighting a losing battle. He rubbed furiously at her clit, leaning forward to pull one of her nipples into his mouth. He bit down and V screamed, her sudden orgasm tearing through her like wild fire as she convulsed in his arms, her cunt spasming against his cock. He rocked his hips forward and cried out, coming deep inside her as he wrapped his arms around her body and pressed his face into her sternum.
His heart was still thundering in his chest as V slipped off his lap to snuggle into his side. They sat like that for a while as their breathing slowed, V’s fingers idly tracing patterns onto his belly. “So... about my shirt?”
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eurodynesass-moved · 3 years
Happy Birthday
It is Viktor's birthday. V, Jackie and Misty drag him out to celebrate, promising a surprise to come. 
— — — — —
There was something about the way she got out of the car that really had Viktor stuck in place. At first, all he saw were her dark metallic heels, followed by long, freckled, sun-kissed legs. The heels had long straps that were wrapped a few inches up her calf, a glorious braid of black against her smooth skin. When she finally stepped out from behind the door, it was as though Viktor had been punched in the gut.
V wore a silky black blouse that overlapped in a v-shape at the front, dipping rather low between her breasts. It was tucked into a black leather belt that stopped just short of her skirt—a deep magenta fabric that flowed and danced around her legs graciously. As if that weren't enough, her lips were a dark shade of pink that only complimented her skin, with eyes shaded as dark as night.
"Well, well," she beamed at him, taking a few steps out to greet him on the sidewalk. "If it isn't the birthday boy."
Whatever reservations Viktor felt about going out with the trio, it all went away the moment V gently kissed his cheek. She cooed a word or two about leaving a mark, her thumb brushing away a bit of lipstick from his face.
"Hey, Doc!" Jackie called from the driver's seat, "Misty on her way?"
"Uh, yeah," he replied, finally ripping his eyes off V to look at his friend. "She'll be out in a minute."
"We'll be sitting in the back," V told him, then took one good look at him and nodded approvingly. "Lookin' real good, Doc."
Vik shifted his weight from one leg to the other at her comment. In his eyes, all he'd worn was an unbuttoned suit jacket over a white button-up, slightly neater black pants and the fanciest shoes he owned—he hadn't dressed up like this in a long time. A few straps around his wrist, his gauges still in, his glasses on as usual—he thought he looked normal, and yet her words made him feel as though he stood out.
"Not as good as you-both," he quickly added, not catching the little smirk she gave him. He then cleared his throat, about to say something when another voice pitched in from behind him.
"Hey, you're both here!" Misty called, heavy heels sounding with each step. Misty had gone for a dark purple top and darker jeans, fitting her theme of low tones. She wore a thinner choker this time, a small silver rune dangling from the center, and heeled boots to finish it all off.
There was a whistle coming from the car as Jackie adjusted the collar of his own shirt. "Amigo," he called to Viktor, "I think these ladies are way too good for us."
"Oh, stop it," Misty replied, walking around the car to meet him as Jackie stepped out. He gave her a quick kiss before adjusting the seat so that she could hop in the back.
Vik, on the other hand, had looked back at V, Jackie's words still playing in his mind. "Come on," she motioned him to follow, walking ahead to move the passenger seat. He would have been a liar if he said that he did not catch the view of V climbing into the back. Of course, he looked away as soon as he caught himself staring, but the image certainly burned his cheeks.
Once they were all finally strapped in, Jackie started driving and they began talking. The whole evening was planned, according to him, with a surprise at the end for Viktor. He hadn't felt that sense of anticipation in his gut in a while, but he was excited. It had been years since the company around him saw it fit to celebrate—well, anything, let alone a birthday.
Ever since Jackie and Misty met, the atmosphere around the Esoterica had become livelier. Ever since Jackie introduced them both to V... even more so. Whatever quiet life he had been building was slowly crumbling away, but that wasn't a bad thing. Not even in the slightest.
"So, what's this surprise?" Vik asked at one point.
Misty leaned over from the back, poking him in the bicep. "If we told you, it wouldn't be a surprise. Trust me, you're gonna love it."
V chuckled beside her, "Yeah, so hush up and let us spoil you today. You deserve it."
"Especially after lettin' V's tab get so big," Jackie snorted.
V jabbed a hard knuckle into his arm, earning a scold about not bothering the driver.
After a short drive, they had arrived at a restaurant that looked rather pricey. It wasn't exactly far from Watson, but it did not look like the average street diner, that was for certain. The exterior was lined with cool neons and synth plants, and the interior was more of the same.
Having walked in, Jackie mumbled to a woman about a reservation, the four of them being lead to a table shortly after. The restaurant was lit in cool hues of blue and pink, the booths separated nicely and rather clean. Jackie and Misty immediately sat down beside each other, leaving Viktor to motion V to sit down first.
She gave him a sweet smile and thanked him for it, making his heart jump a little. Since when was he so susceptible to the little gestures from a pretty woman? Ah, who was he kidding? Even if some of the clients he had were not too bad on the eyes, none of them could compare to the sweetness and kindness that V possessed. He had to stop thinking about it, he was tuning out of the conversation far too much.
The dinner itself had been very pleasant. A variation of synth meat stews and dishes, all paid for by the three of them, thankfully passing on any birthday-specific services. They spent just over an hour, eating, drinking and talking. Their conversations spanned from things in their daily lives to funny stories each of them had to share—a lot of the ones from V and Jackie involved being scolded or patched up by Viktor.
Then, there were the moments where Jackie tried to convince Viktor to tell V and Misty about certain boxing stories that he had told him during their training. Whenever Viktor would be modest, Jackie embellished. While the ladies listened to them both, Misty was the only one at that table that noticed the way that V's eyes were locked onto Viktor, how she had propped her head up with her hand and listened closely to every detail, always asking for more. How her smile grew in tiny fractions at every bit of excitement.
It only made her even more excited for the grand finale of the evening—but that was still a ways off. After they were done, Misty raised her hands in the middle of conversation, catching everyone's attention.
"Alright, alright. Now for one of the reasons we've come here tonight. Your gifts," she told Viktor as she reached into her purse. From it, she pulled out a small, soft object wrapped in pretty metallics. A moment later, she also handed him a small, box-shaped gift that was wrapped in reds and golds.
Viktor gave them a sheepish smile, shaking his head. "You've all already done enough."
"Just open them!" V told him, nudging him softly with her elbow.
Starting with the first gift, Vik unwrapped it, revealing a small, blue velvet bag. As he opened it, he pulled out two objects from within—a pale white crystal and a worn coin of intricate design and a hole in the middle.
"That one's from me," Misty told him. "You were talking about your shop not feeling right, that it felt heavy for you at times. Selenite's supposed to cleanse your energy and that which surrounds you. It'll help the clinic feel a little more welcoming to you. The coin, I had to track down for weeks. There aren't many of them around anymore. It's an old, ancient symbol of luck, something we all could use a little of."
He held the objects in his hands, shutting his eyes briefly as a small chuckle rumbled from him. Vik looked back up at Misty with sincere gratitude. "I told you that a long damn time ago."
"And I never forgot," she winked at him. "Use them well, Vik."
"Thanks, Misty," he smiled, holding them close for a moment before securing them back in the back for safety. He tucked the bag in his jacket, giving it a small pat.
"Now open mine!" Jackie pointed at the little box.
Doing exactly that, he unwrapped the beautiful paper carefully, revealing a small, transparent plastic case with a figurine inside it. Viktor recognized it immediately and laughed, digging it out to place it on the table. V grinned as she saw the little cat with its bobbing arm, beautiful swirls and markings carved into its pristine ceramic surface.
"You can add that to your collection on your desk," Jackie suggested, grinning widely at the doc.
"You never miss a thing, do ya, Jack?" He looked up at his friend, holding out a hand for a quick clasp. "I'll put this one on the highest spot I can find."
"Damn right, mano," he chuckled.
Viktor nodded in appreciation, unable to hold back his amusement. He felt a hand rest on his shoulder and glanced to his left to look at V.
"As much as I'd love to have all the eddies I owe ya in hand right now," she joked, "my gift to you comes a little later. It's somewhere else, so we'll have to go there after."
"That the surprise?" he raised a brow.
"You'll see," she promised sweetly.
"You know you guys didn't have to do this, any of it, but... Thank you," he looked at each of them with sincerity, and a load of joy in his eyes that he tried to keep in check. "You've made this old man's day."
"Happy birthday, Viky," Jackie replied.
"You deserve every bit of it, for everything you've done for us," Misty added in, reaching out to squeeze Vik's arm gently. "Your day's not over yet though."
Something stirred within him, wondering just what in the world V could have planned.
He'd get his answer soon enough.
A couple of hours later, the four of them had gone back out to the street, walking toward the cars. Once they arrived, however, Jackie and Misty stood beside each other, hanging back a little.
"This is where we leave you," Jackie told them, wrapping his arm around Misty.
"You're not coming?" Vik asked them.
"This part's just you two," Misty winked at him, nudging her head toward V, who was walking around to the driver's side.
When Viktor looked at her, all she did was give him a knowing smile, something to tell him that this was all part of the plan. He raised a brow at her and she winked at him too, getting into the car without a word. Swallowing that lump in his throat alongside all the bubbling anticipation within, he turned to the other two and gave them one more nod. They bid each other good night and the couple started walking away, leaving Viktor to join V in the car.
What he hoped would be a conversation that would get him answers was a lot of V telling him to be patient and that he'd see what his gift was soon. On the road, they continued some of the conversations off from dinner, and somehow they managed to go right back to talking about his boxing experience.
They had just entered a highway that had been leading them away from the city, when V finally asked him. "So, am I ever going to see those boxing skills in action?"
"You see me train all the time," he pointed out.
"Well, not... all... the time..." She replied, her voice suddenly a touch softer.
That was the voice she'd have when feeling a little embarrassed. What on earth did she have to feel embarrassed about—
"But!" She broke the silence, catching his attention again. "If I can't see a proper fight, then I'm gonna have to eventually see some of those recordings of yours."
"What would you want with an old fighter like me?" he brushed off with a chuckle.
"Hey, it's either that or we spar and I get to see it in person."
He felt his breath catch, something in his core bursting at the thought of sparring with her. Not only would that have put him in such... compromising positions with her, but he would not want to hurt her. Though if she were to beat him up, he wasn't entirely sure he'd mind—
"We're here!" V suddenly spoke, excitement bubbling in her voice. She bounced in her seat once or twice before unbuckling her seat belt. "Come on!" She nudged him, hopping out of the car immediately. He could hear her rummage through the trunk quickly before walking off.
Viktor looked around to see where she had taken them. As far as he could see, they had taken a dirt path over to a flat outcropping just outside an old, abandoned store. There was a low wall surrounding what seemed to be a dusty, overgrown parking lot. It was a curious spot, to be sure, but none of all those little details mattered when Viktor finally stepped out of the car and spotted where V was headed.
In quite a similar fashion to the area on Misty's roof, there was an out-of-place shade that had been set up securely, under which was a little sitting area. As Vik moved closer, he looked at every little detail and just wondered if the three of them had to bring all of it over somehow. There was a rug, rather worn but far cleaner than the ground, under every bit of furniture. At the center was a makeshift table made with an old wooden cable spool. It was painted on with a design that could only come from Misty.
Facing out toward the open slope was a couch, worn down but covered with a colorful blanket. Beside it on the left was a small stack of wooden pallets with a few pots of synth plants on them, as well as a few, small portable lights. There were also two arm chairs, one of which seemed to have something on it. As he got closer, he realized it was a drink cooler.
He did not have much time to say anything about what he was looking at, as V fiddled with what looked to be a small radio that wasn't there before. Soon, a sweet and slow song began playing halfway through at a comfortable volume.
Turning it in, she put it down on the table, walked over to him and slipped an arm around his. "Before we say or do anything, come here," she said, leading him carefully over to the low wall. Standing there in the dim light, he looked out into the wide open space.
The city was far off in the distance, the buildings all stacked in wonderful dark silhouettes and bright neon lights. It cast a beautiful glow against the night sky, alongside the advert beams above. The outskirts were plain and scattered with old shops and stops, highways or dirt roads. Where they were was rather high up, and it could see almost everything.
"So..." V took a shaky breath, sounding rather nervous. "You said a while back that you wished you could get some fresh air for a while, away from the cramped up streets of the city. We put together this spot not only for tonight but... To always have that place to go to when the roof isn't enough."
Vik could no longer just stare at the city. His eyes were focused on her. "I told them not to tell you, because I wanted to surprise you with it here, today, like this." When he did not say anything, she shifted, arm pulling away as she motioned toward the seat behind them. "I also brought some drinks, some music..." V began to fiddle, wringing her hands together.
He was certain he had never seen her that nervous or restless.
"So... Surprise!" She exclaimed in a soft, quiet call, beaming a bright smile at him.
Vik let out a laugh, stepping closer to her. "You went through all this trouble just for me?"
"It was no trouble because it was for you," she admitted. "Not to say we won't be stealing this spot from time to time, too..."
"V, I... Sweetheart, I don't know what to say," he looked at her incredulously, unable to hold back the elation he felt. He stepped even closer, and she did not seem to mind.
"Say you'll have a drink with me?" V offered, closing the distance between them and placing her hand on his arm.
What the hell was he doing?
There he was, in a beautiful little spot that was so personal, with a gorgeous view, standing next to V. V. The woman he had not been able to stop thinking about for months. His heart hitched in his throat, his breath wavering, he could not think of a better way to try. A better way to show her how he felt.
"V..." He spoke, his voice unable to rise above a whisper. She looked at him with sweet adoration, a look he had always cherished. Viktor slowly cupped her cheek with his hand, waiting for her to brush him away or move, or tell him it was a misunderstanding. She just... Stood there, her smile growing. Surely she didn't—
She kissed him.
She went on the tip of her toes and kissed him.
His hands moved to her waist, pulling her in real close as he felt her soft lips move against his. V wrapped her arms around his shoulders, kissing him with such passion that he was sure the world would slip out from underneath him.
When they had a moment to pull away, he considered saying something, but there was a look she gave him. That look, he could not make heads or tails of. Her lids were dropped, her breath quick and unsteady, her lips slightly parted and her beautifully freckled cheeks were a faint shade of red.
He could not help but kiss her again, a small sound coming from her in response that sent tingles through his chest. Once V stroked her fingers along his neck to bury them in his hair, it was over for him. He pulled away just barely, sighing against her lips with his eyes shut. He leaned his forehead against hers and finally looked at her again.
She glanced between his lips and his eyes, her own smile growing. "I've been waiting to do that all day."
"Have you, now?" Viktor raised a brow, but his insides were not as cool and collected.
"I have," she winked at him. "If you hadn't kissed me, I decided I'd do it myself."
"I don't think I could have waited any longer if you hadn't," Vik laughed softly, his breath caressing her skin.
She let out a chuckle and moved in for another kiss. This time, her tongue grazed his lips and he gladly parted them, letting her in. He was reveling in her taste, in her sweet scent, in everything V. Something within him stirred as he felt her body pressed up against hers but he tried not to entertain the idea. Not yet, anyway.
He wanted this moment to last a bit longer.
As they pulled away, V placed one last kiss on his lips and looked up at him, gently swaying her body to the music that was playing—he couldn't help but do the same.
"Happy birthday, Viktor," she cooed.
"Probably the best one I've had in a while," he admitted, running a hand through her hair. "Thank you, sweetheart."
He noticed her smile grow wide at the word, her blush returning to her cheeks as she kissed him and made him wonder just how long she had been feeling that way about him. His heart did not remain still, and he didn't expect it would for a while yet, so he savored the feeling. Savored the music that swirls around them, the low lights and the beauty of the landscape. He savored her gentle touch and sweet words, unable to stop smiling.
It was the happiest he had felt in a long time.
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eurodynesass-moved · 3 years
Oh, What Could It Be?
A little bit of a montage/monologue within Viktor while he tries to understand his feelings toward V.
— — — — —
At first, he was certain that it was just the way she behaved. This wildfire of a person that Jackie had introduced him to had walked into the clinic, nose busted and chin red as a cherry, taking him completely by surprise. He thought that it was just another kid from the city streets, another ne'er-do-well that Jackie had met on a job that would end up in a gang or a ditch. Maybe she was some rocker that was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Then she smiled.
A girl with blood coating half her face and the collar of her shirt, bruised badly and dirtied all over, and she was smiling—laughing as though the world did not scare her. She and Jackie spoke of returning to the streets, to the jobs that awaited them, and he saw no fear in her eyes.
They met and shook hands, her grasp being so gentle, fighting against his first impression of her. She was polite, kept a friendly distance from him and his things and kept her hands to herself. Not to say she seemed helpless. No, he was certain almost right away that she wasn't.
Perhaps it was when she sat still and pushed through the pain of him cleaning up her blood and checking on the state of her nose. The way she held her breath then cursed quietly at the aching. She treated it like a minor nuisance, something she was used to and would soon forget. She was from the streets, alright.
Over the next few weeks, she returned. No broken nose, but a few wounds left unattended that could otherwise get infected. He said as much, baffled when she disregarded them as small cuts. Still, he plopped her down into the chair and treated them, determined to keep her healthy. No one walked out of Viktor's clinic untreated.
That's all it was.
The weeks became months as Jackie and V became Vik's most regular clients. He still wasn't certain whether that was a good thing or not, but they were alive. That was all that mattered. It did not entirely register to him that they trusted him the most, or that they considered him a friend, or that he cared more about their lives than the lives of his other clients. The only difference was that with others, it was strictly business. With them—Jackie, Misty, V—they cared about him, too.
Perhaps it was V walking into his clinic every now and then just to say hello—without any expectations or treatments required. Perhaps it was that sometimes, when she and Jackie would drop by and leave, she'd stay a few moments longer at the end for the same reason. Perhaps it was the occasional pat on the shoulder or kiss on the cheek, telling him he's the best, as a way of thanking him. Perhaps it was the way in which her face lit up and expression brightened when she found out he used to be a professional boxer.
Something caused the questions to eventually bubble up in his mind. What could it be? What was that feeling inside his chest every time he saw her come in and every time she'd flash that smile of hers before waving goodbye? What was causing him to feel so excited to see her?
Of course, he did not see the way in which she'd hype herself up before coming into his clinic every time, especially in the recent weeks. He did not know about the little inner monologue she'd have about him whenever she'd catch him carrying something far heavier than himself, or working so hard that he broke a sweat. He did not even know about the ways she watched his body when he and Jackie trained together in the corner of his clinic. They apparently trained often, but the first time she had actually watched, she was completely mesmerized and he had no idea.
All he knew was that since then, she'd asked him if she could hear about his boxing stories, that if he could tell her all about his days in training and days in the ring, how it felt, how excited he'd get, how broken he'd feel after a defeat. She seemed to want to know every little detail that he'd have brought up in passing with anyone else. V asked for them. Yet again, he did not notice the look she gave him when he obliged her request.
It wasn't until one night that they had all found themselves in Misty's shop, V and Jackie perched in the chairs while Vik and Misty stood. The couple spoke of wanting to have a night for all four of them. A dinner, a club, a party, at home—it did not matter, but they wanted to gather with their two friends and have a good evening together.
They'd agreed to do it that very night, and they gathered at some cosy restaurant near the Esoterica. Each of them were out of their street clothes, wearing something they liked, something comfortable, something that wasn't meant for work or fighting or anything formal.
It was seeing V dressed the way she was, standing from the empty table just to greet him when they were the first ones there. It was how she wore that long-sleeved dress of hers that cut short halfway down her thigh, and those high boots to go with it. It was how her hair flowed freely and vibrant in the golden lights of the restaurant, cascading around her shoulders effortlessly. It was how her eyes glistened with pure joy when she gave him that smile again. The smile he first saw when he met her, but now so full of adoration, and only meant for him.
He took her hand then, felt that powerful thrumming in his chest that dared to ruin him forever, and he smiled back.
He knew right then what he was feeling.
He knew.
He was in deep, deep trouble.
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eurodynesass-moved · 3 years
When Jackie introduces her to Viktor, the only thing V can do is blush.
He's handsome, a head taller than her, and stacked with enough muscle to make her knees weak. Add to that the fact he greets her like an old friend, taking her hand in his and offering a kind smile. Her brain threatens to short-circuit but she manages to give his hand a squeeze, her other going to his bicep and dear fucking God those cant be real arms.
She goes pink from head to tits but somehow manages to squeak out her name. Viktor only smirks at her, telling her that any friend of Jackie's is a friend of his.
He offers them a beer and V walks on shaky legs to the nearby couch, planting herself next to Jackie. She's studiously ignoring the shit-eating grin on his face and makes a point of looking everywhere but at him. Vik brings over a trio of open bottles, sitting in a rolling chair and spreading his legs wide.
He's doing this on purpose, now.
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eurodynesass-moved · 3 years
A Close Call
After starting off her day on a rather sweet note with Viktor, V goes out to do some jobs before getting an urgent call from Misty, telling her that Vik's been hurt.
Female V / Viktor Vector
This fic contains very minor, vague mentions of a couple of events/aspects of the game. 
— — — — —
They had become accustomed to the sound of metal banging against stone, of little objects falling off tables. It was easy not to mind it so much when all they could hear and focus on was their heavy breathing and soft moaning.
V held tightly onto broad shoulders, her eyes shut as she felt Vik's stubbled chin against her skin. He kissed the base of her throat, the side of her neck, her jaw, and she could feel his hot breath against her. It drove her mad.
Propped up on the table beside his couch, she was barely leaning against the wall, her legs wrapped around his waist tightly as he slammed himself into her, over and over. His fingers pressed hard into her thighs, sure to leave some kind of mark when they were done.
"Oh-fuck-ing-hell," V exclaimed between his fast thrusts. Her jaw dropped and she buried her face into his shoulder. From the intensity of him moving inside her, she dragged her nails across his shoulders. That earned a deep groan from him just as he called her name out, his hips buckling hard toward his climax.
The table clanged, something fell over, the wall protested, and Vik continued to thrust in her—once, and again, letting the world know how good it felt before gradually slowing himself down.
V lifted his head by his hair and gave him a sloppy, breathless kiss. The two of them were trying to catch their breath, but were unable to get enough of each other, hands palming at every inch they could reach. As Viktor pulled himself out of her, he must have noticed that she did not find her release one last time before he did, so his hand dutifully went down to remedy that.
"It's okay," V whispered to him with a faint smile. "You don't- you don't have to—ooh," she paused. She closed her eyes, feeling those stupidly skilled fingers of his tease and play with her clit.
"I don't have to what, V?" he grinned.
"Mmm, don't mind me," V relaxed, sighing as he then inserted a couple of fingers into her. They certainly weren't his dick but he sure used them just as well. Moments later, her brows pinched to a tight crease, her body began to arch and her moans grew louder and higher in pitch—then to one, small, silent pause. Her legs pulled upward and pressed tight as her hips twitched beneath her. V's chest heaved in wide curves as she melted in Vik's grasp. "Fuuuuck, I could stay here all day," she moaned, finally opening her eyes to see him watching her with low lids. Fuck, he looked hot when he did that.
Viktor captured her mouth with his for a long, sweet kiss. Pulling away only slightly, V grinned. "You know, most doctors used to give their patients a lollipop after their appointment," she chuckled, a nudge about the fact that they could not keep their hands to themselves the moment her check-up was over.
"Is that a joke or a suggestion?" he raised a brow.
Before she could reply, there was a voice mumbling from behind the locked front door, and then a heavy knock. V snorted, trying to muffle her laugh after seeing the look on his face. Another knock sounded and he groaned in frustration, turning his head away from her to yell, "I'm coming!"
V tapped him on the shoulder once and raised a brow. "I think you already came."
Vik dipped his head, shaking it as he laughed at that. V couldn't suppress her own, taking his face in her hands to kiss him on the cheek. Just as she was about to stand and get dressed, he pulled her back by the waist and gave her one last kiss. He then smacked her on the ass and turned to fix his clothes.
V bit back a grin. "We still on for dinner later?" she asked as she pulled her pants up.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world, sweetheart," he promised.
Just over an hour later, V had just dropped off a briefcase for a gig she had picked up the day before. She could not stop thinking about what would come later on. For two weeks, she and Viktor had been planning that dinner. A soothing night out in town, somewhere nice but not too fancy—and they both preferred it that way—with the promise of a lovely time after.
The thought brought a smile to her face as she mounted the bike, sending off a text to a fixer about the job being completed. Just before she was about to drive, she received a call from Misty. V sat up, answering the call, about to speak when she heard sniffling and crying on the other end.
"Misty?" she asked, now extremely alarmed.
"V, you-you have to come to the clinic," Misty cried. "It's Vik, he's... he's been shot."
Everything in the world stopped in place.
"Is-is he—"
"He's still breathing, but please come quick," she begged.
V had already started the bike up and started moving. "I'm on my way."
She wasn't certain just how many times she had nearly gotten run over, or how she survived the sharpest turns, but V sped through the streets like she never had before. Getting just outside Misty's Esoterica, the bike shrieked to a stop on the sidewalk, startling the passersby. V leapt off and sprinted through the store, bursting into the clinic a moment later.
It was an absolute mess.
There was blood all over the floors, a couple of AirHypos discarded, medical equipment strewn about, bloodied gauze and bandages tossed aside. Viktor was laid flat on the very same bed that was used for her a while back. His shirt was unbuttoned, tank top cut open, and his chest was covered in blood. There were bundles of cloth that Misty had pressed into the wounds—two wounds to be exact.
Before V could give in to the immense emotions building up inside her, Misty had her run over to help. The bullets were still in him, stopping him from bleeding out, but she needed her help to get them out and fix him. V did not waste any time, getting her hair out of the way and listening to every single order that Misty gave her.
She had been around to help Vik once or twice, but it was nothing more than just bringing him what he needed. It was Misty that worked right across the alley, it was Misty that had seen him in action and helped him more times than she could count. She wasn't Viktor, but she knew what to do. It was more than V could say for herself. V did not dare to look Viktor in the face, to see his unconscious state, to see how the blood had drawn from it and how he might not even make it through.
She did not dare spend a single second cursing at the person that had done this. She could not think about that yet.
She could not think about losing him.
The dinner. That's what she thought about.
V had not realized how exhausting it was, working until time had lost meaning, trying to keep someone alive. She wondered if this was what he had to do, all those times she had come into his shop looking like death either from the chip or just some other terrible wound. She wondered if he, too, could not think about moving away and could not bear to turn away from her for more than a second. She wondered if he felt that way about every patient or just the ones he cared for.
They were all things she'd have to ask him herself when he'd wake up. If he'd wake up.
V shook her head, taking a deep, staggered breath and wiping a stray tear from her cheek. There had been a lot of those that she could not wipe away during the operation. Sitting there, in his own stool, right beside him, V continued to stare. She soon felt a hand on her shoulder, Misty's gentle touch, being told to go wash up. She promised V that she would look after him until she returned and so V listened. V was covered in Viktor's blood, her shirt, her hands, even her face.
Finding herself stumbling into a washroom at Misty's, she slowly glanced up at the mirror. An image flashed in her mind. The very same image, but a different bathroom. A different time. A different loved one's blood all over her. He, too, was shot, but she could not save him. More tears pooled in her eyes as she looked down at her hands, moving them under running water and wondering just how many more times she would have to be in this position.
Stepping into Viktor's clinic, she saw Misty paused mid-step, looking at her. "Hey, honey. You clean up okay?"
V nodded, then walked through the open gate, turning to her left immediately. Vik was still there, he was still unconscious, but he was still breathing, his heart still beating. Standing beside him now, her face was hardened into a cold expression, but she could not stop those goddamn tears.
"Who did this?" she asked through clenched teeth.
"It was... one of his clients, one of his appointments..." Misty replied. "Went right through the Esoterica."
"Do you know his name?" V prodded, eyes stuck on Viktor's bandaged chest.
"V, why do you—"
"His. Name."
Misty sighed. "I don't know, but... Vik has their files in his system."
V stepped away from Viktor's bed, walking over to his desk and turning on the monitor. A log-in screen. Fuck. She hoped she'd be able to crack it, but first she tried any password she could think of. Fighters' names, special dates, variations of his names, Misty's—
She blinked hard and hoped she'd be wrong when she typed in her name. Her real name.
The insides of his comp opened up to her, free for her perusal. Her head dipped low momentarily as she suppressed the emotions that burst within her chest. V then sniffled and looked back up at the screen, brows furrowed and eyes sharp with purpose. She scrolled through the list of clients that Viktor had dossiers and files on, having Misty identify the man that shot him. Once she did, she asked V what she was about to do, but V did not reply. She simply checked to make sure that her mantis blades were working right before urging Misty to lock down the clinic after she left.
Perhaps there was no point in washing up after all, if she was going to be returning to the clinic covered in blood again. This time, it was a mix of her's as well as others'. The client was some hotshot Tyger that had a few friends around when she finally tracked him down. Now, with her in the clinic having returned safely, he had absolutely nothing.
Misty offered to help clean her up and she did not refuse, but she was not going to leave the clinic again. Not for another while.
"So I finally handed it over to her and told her I never wanted a job from that sleazebag corpo ever again. Besides, he talked too much," V sighed, spinning around in the stool a little bit. She then finally came to a halt and scooted closer to the bed, gently lifting his hand with hers. "I miss you..." she whispered, thinking that she had enough in her to admit it and be okay.
She didn't.
V immediately began crying and she shook her head, looking down at her shoes. "I can't... I don't know what to do, Vik, just... tell me what to do. I can't lose you. Not you too, not you."
She finally built up the courage to look at him again, moving a little closer to bring a hand to his head. She gently stroked his hair, small comforting gestures without any real purpose. "Come back to me soon, okay?" she sniffled, bringing his hand up to her lips and just holding it there for a bit. At least in the days that he had been recovering, she noticed some color seemed to return to his face.
After he was stabilized, V had called on the other Rippers she knew, finally finding one that would come meet them and check in on him. It became a habit after it was clear that he would not be waking up right away. Since then, V had set herself up just around the corner, having been sleeping on the pull-out couch just to stay close by.
A few days later, V had been sitting on the ground beside Vik, leaning against his bed. She had been talking about her day, about a few things she remembered from a while back—anything she could think of just to fill the air, spend the time, when she felt something.
There was a brush against her shoulder, and when she looked down, she could see Vik's fingers weakly reaching for her. V got up onto her knees, taking his hand immediately as her eyes locked onto his face. Viktor let out a faint cough, brows furrowed and eyes struggling to open.
"Viktor?" she called to him. He made a small sound. She checked his vitals quickly, finding nothing to be out of the ordinary. V waited patiently as Vik finally blinked, eyes darting around until landing on her. "Look who's finally awake," V tried to smile, but her voice cracked and her heart ached.
"Fuck..." he spoke, his voice coming out dry and raspy.
"Try not to move," she warned. Flinging a quick thought into her comms, she sent Misty a message then focused on Viktor. "How are you feeling?"
"Like a million eddies," he joked, the corners of his lips twitching.
Misty soon came through the door, sharing a similar expression to V's. Eyes tearing up, full of relief, urgency to be sure everything's okay. So V left her to it. She remained by Vik's side and kept holding onto his hand, listening as Misty explained everything to him, his condition, his wounds, and the procedures the ladies had done to keep him healthy.
Partway through their conversation, Vik had turned his head to look at V, saying nothing but just watching her. Her eyes were fixed on his hand as she held it. She looked as though she were holding the most fragile thing and the look on her face was far too much to handle.
His focus finally came back when Misty placed a hand on his shoulder and kissed his forehead. "It's good to have you back, Vik. Just keep resting, we'll have you up and walking around in no time."
"Thanks, Misty," he smiled at her, and gave her a small nod as she walked away.
Misty reached for V as well, giving her shoulder a small squeeze on her way out. Once the door was shut, Vik nudged her hand with his own.
"Hey," he whispered to her. "Come closer."
V obliged, shuffling a little closer and raising herself up to see him properly. She still could not find it in herself to make eye contact with him, but the thought of him being awake, that he was going to be alright...
Fuck. She was crying again.
Viktor raised his hand to cradle her cheek, "Hey, come on now..." he cooed, a thumb brushing her tears away. "I'm gonna be just fine."
"You fucking bastard, you scared me," V scolded, her head hung low as her body shook with each sob. Her nimble hands wrapped around his forearm, holding onto him. "If something happened... If..."
"Stop that," he spoke calmly, "Look at me, I'm gonna be all better."
She finally did look up at him, seeing the face that she had come to love so dearly, finally awake. "You've just... you've never been on this side of it before, not in front of me..." she explained. "I was so scared I'd lose you too."
"Worst way for the tables to turn, huh?" he chuckled dryly.
V let out a chuckle that was akin to a sob, bringing a sleeved wrist up to wipe all the fluids from her face. "Fuck," she whispered to herself, realizing it was a lot. As she did so, Vik noticed a healing gash on her face that he had not seen the last time they were together.
"That's new," he observed.
Slowly getting up from the ground, V found the tiniest sliver of mattress she could sit on just so she could lean in properly. "Don't worry about it, it's almost gone anyway."
"That's gonna leave a scar," he sighed, a thumb tracing the pink line along her jaw. "Who do I have to pay a visit for doing that?"
"No one important," she promised. "It's taken care of."
Viktor looked her in the eyes for a moment, trying so hard to read her expression. Beyond the relief and beyond the sorrow, there was a hint of something, a coldness in her that he had not seen since the days she recovered from the landfill. It was pain and anger combined, a dangerous mix.
"Well," he brushed her long, precious waves behind one ear and took a breath, "I guess we're going to have to rain check on that dinner then, huh?"
She couldn't help but smile at that, "You just focus on getting better and we'll have a bunch of nights to make up for it, alright?"
"You got it, darlin'," he chuckled.
V leaned down to give him a small kiss, being almost too gentle with him. When they pulled away, she remained close and looked him in the eyes. "I love you, Viktor."
Oh, if she knew what those little words did to him every time. He gave her a warm smile, not missing a beat, "I love you too, V."
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eurodynesass-moved · 3 years
Playin’ Doctor
A brief look at V in the fight with Razor, before Vik takes care of her in his clinic and they… celebrate.
Female V / Viktor Vector
This fic takes place after the end of the game with my own scenario in place, but there’s no explicit mention of what goes down in the ending.
— — — — —
Something was clearly wrong with her head if she was waking up from a dream like that.
For the entire morning, V was extremely hot and bothered. She could not believe the fabrications of her own mind would betray her the way that they did. The night before was rather calm, the usual. Nothing too bad, everything was quiet, she got to bed without issue, fell asleep normally. Then, her stupid mind decided to grace her with stupid images that kept her in a bit of a stupid tangle the entire day. Sure, he was in it, but probably only because she was thinking about her scheduled visit the next day.
But why did it have to be a dream like that.
Partway through her errands, V had to stop by at home to get changed, having gotten rather excited thinking about the dream while in a fucking diner, waiting for a client. She decided to take a cold shower in the end and simply just forget about the whole thing.
It did not work.
What was with her? She shook her head and huffed in annoyance, knowing that there was no avoiding thinking about it now. She was headed to see him, after all. V had to simply just breeze through it and get out before she could make a fool of herself. Surely that was possible.
It was not.
The second V pulled the gate aside, she stopped in her tracks. Viktor was walking across the room carrying a rather heavy crate. One look at his muscles and she was reminded of a very specific image of the man that hovered comfortably between her legs, muscles tense and flexed as he held onto her naked body.
No, no, nope. She couldn't do this, she could not stay. She turned, looking at the path behind her, when she heard him.
"V! You made it just in time. Come on in, have a seat," he told her, grunting as he placed the crate down somewhere out of sight.
V swallowed hard and shut the gate behind her, slowly stepping into the clinic. She heard some clanking and a thud off to her left and witnessed Viktor as he pushed past his punching bag. She still remembered the day she had once walked in on him beating it to shit. V was certain that it was going to fly off its chain and right into the wall. Much like she wished her body would at that moment.
He smiled at her, walking up to her and clapping a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, V. Good to see ya."
"Hey, Vik," she smiled, seeing his eyes and remembering that look he gave her when—
"You go sit, settle in, I'll be right back and we'll get those diagnostics started," he told her, his hand resting on her bicep a moment before he walked off.
This was going to be fucking difficult. It was Viktor. Viktor. Her friend, Vik. She had to stop. She couldn't wonder about how his muscles would bulge this way and that when he picked up yet another seemingly heavy crate. She couldn't think about how when she sat herself down in the chair, she saw Viktor walking to the other room again, her eyes lingering lower than they should. V especially couldn't think about him when she laid down in the chair, wondering what he'd look like if he were to climb on top of her and—
"Alright, let's get this started," he called, going over to his chair and giving it a good kick to move it over to her. Sitting down beside her, he brought down the screen and began to configure the software for her. "Here you go," he pulled up a wire for her to jack into her port. There was an innuendo in there somewhere—
She needed to sort her life out.
Jacking herself in, she took a deep breath and sighed, looking anywhere and everywhere else that she could. "Whoa," she heard him mumble. "So, uh, how's your day been so far?"
"Oh, you know," V waved it off. She hoped he didn't know. "Business as usual. Had to meet up with a couple clients, one went down without a hitch, the other needed a little bit of, uh... reminding. That sort of thing."
"That all of it?" he asked, tapping away at the screen in front of him and sparing a glass at her.
V nodded and shifted in her seat. "Yeah, I mean I do have a couple of stressful jobs coming up later, but nothing I can't handle."
"Huh," he took a breath. "Well, you just make sure you get back in one piece. Now, let's take a look at that chip of yours."
Viktor stood up from his seat, swinging one of the monitors to the other side right over her head, then sat back down and rolled himself around her. He moved up to where her head was and tilted it by her chin so that she would face away. "There we go," he muttered, fiddling with the screen a moment, out of sight but certainly not out of mind.
Shutting her eyes momentarily for comfort, V felt her heart beginning to race for more than just the obvious reason. She always hated this part, always expected something to have gone wrong after her last visit. She felt his fingers gently press against her skin here and there, around where the biochip was slotted, moving her hair out of the way to get a good look.
"Looks to be okay on the outside. No swelling, nothing out of the ordinary..." he then turned his focus to the screen and shifted in his seat a little.
She tried to take a deep breath to keep herself calm, and tried to think of absolutely anything other than the biochip. She thought of the silent wrestling match that played on Viktor's screen on the other side of the room. She thought of the fights that she herself had been in. She thought of Viktor punching the punching bag right there in the corner of the room.
She then couldn't help but think of the dream again, how it was just the two of them in a quiet, dark room, nothing but bare, sweaty skin and vulnerability. She remembered how he was pressed against her between her legs, his hands propped up on either side of her, how he bent down to kiss every inch of her that he could reach without ever pulling away from her. She shut her eyes and swallowed hard as she thought of his hands and where they had roamed, and was just starting to think about how much she would actually enjoy it if he—
"Whoa there," Viktor spoke quietly, turning to her just as she snapped out of her thoughts.
"What, is something wrong?" she asked, her hands now starting to shake at her sides as she grabbed onto the chair tightly.
"No, nothing's wrong with the chip, just... your heart rate spiked, and it's still going. You feelin' alright, sweetheart?" he frowned, looking at her.
No, she was not. "I, um... Yeah, I uh, I was just... I was worried that something might be wrong with the chip again."
"You been takin' those pills I gave you? Still got enough?" He asked, moving in a little closer to look at her.
"Yeah, I think I have... enough for a week. They keep the headaches away," she sighed, quite thankful for that little fact.
"Alright, I'll get you some more before then. The chip's not showin' any bad signs, it's still in good health, it's not growin' anything or breakin' apart, so you're all good. Just... try to keep that heart in check for me, alright? It'd do mine many favors," he chuckled.
V laughed at that, maybe a little nervously. "Trust me, Doc. Tryin' my best." They shared a silent moment, looking each other in the eye until Viktor looked away. There was something on his mind, she just couldn't place what it was. "Hey, Vik?" He looked at her. "Thank you for everything you've been doing."
Viktor smiled and reached over to take the jack out of her head. "No problem, V. What else am I supposed to do for my favorite client?"
"Your favorite, huh?" she chuckled, sitting up slowly.
"You don't really think I let all my clients get free diagnostics and pay for stuff whenever they want, do I?" he leaned an elbow against the arm of the chair casually, a grin playing easy on his face.
"I dunno, Viktor. You're kinda good like that," V countered, wondering just when she should maybe slow her roll.
"I'm not that good," he promised with a small wink before standing up.
It was either the dream, or her vivid imagination, but there was no way she'd be forgetting that image anytime soon.
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eurodynesass-moved · 3 years
Champion of the Streets
A brief look at V in the fight with Razor, before Vik takes care of her in his clinic and they... celebrate. 
Female V / Viktor Vector
Minor spoilers for Beat on the Brat.
— — — — — — — — —
There was fire in her blood. There was a raging flame threatening to burst through her and she channeled it all into her bones and her muscles as she sat down in her seat. Having just walked away from Coach Fred's offer, V was trying hard not to let her anger consume her. After all this time, pumping her up for the final fight, the big fight, to tear her down with a coward's offer—it was pathetic and humiliating. To think that he never believed she could defeat Razor to begin with, it was infuriating—
"Easy now," she heard a familiar voice say. "You'll burn a hole through his skull before you even get a chance to fight."
She turned to see the man kneel before her, something along the lines of relief washing over her. Viktor. She could not believe that he was there. He wasn't the one that had directed her to these fights, but he knew about them and encouraged her nonetheless. Now, in the final moment when it mattered, he was right there. He wasn't the coach she had been speaking with, but she was certainly more interested in what he had to say right now than anyone else.
He must have seen how she looked, all halfcocked, nervous and angry, and he did not ask her why. Instead, he gave her a few tips for comfort, as well as pointers to defeat Razor. She could have kissed him for that if it weren't for the fact that they were in the ring right then and there.
When finally standing up from her seat and kicking it off the stage behind her—and looking good doing it—she remembered Viktor's words that rang in her mind. Don't let me down now, you hear?
Well, after he had asked her so nicely, she wasn't about to say no.
The bell rang and the fight began, V staying mobile on her feat and watching the large man in front of her. She was much smaller, in terms of height and muscle. She was able to quickly dash away from his charges and stay out of the way. Occasionally she could spot Viktor from the corner of her eye, away from the ring but keeping watch.
She then focused on Razor and dodged a swipe from him, ducking to give herself a decent angle for a strong right hook, right into his abdomen. The man stumbled backward with a grunt and she smirked, kicking off towards him.
It was almost as though she blacked out during the fight and woke up only when she stood above Razor, on her two feet, having emerged victorious. There, in the ring, she glistened brightly under the neon lights. Her sporty crop was soaked with sweat, blood and dirt, her braided hair had partly come loose and stuck to her face in tiny curls. Her nose was definitely bleeding still and something in her mouth kept burning and leaking.
Her chest heaved in quick, rapid breaths as she looked down at her own two hands. Hand wraps now red and brown, threatening to come away, her hands were shaking violently, and yet she was as confident in herself as she could have been in a very long time.
Stepping out of the ring, she ignored the crowd and glanced at Coach Fred, placing one bloodied hand on his shoulder and giving him a nod. She was still not okay with him trying to convince her to sell herself out, but he did bring her the opportunity to get this far.
Still, she did not linger. V scanned the crowd to find that familiar pair of eyes that she had looked into just before the fight, finding one smiling Viktor staring right back at her. V turned to the side, spitting out her blood out of necessity before deciding to get anywhere close to her friend.
Once he reached her, he held out his hand and she took it in a strong clasp. They laughed and pulled each other in for a congratulatory embrace. He held her for a second longer than she expected, not that she minded, before finally pulling away to look her in the eyes.
"You actually fucking did it," he grinned a wide, boyish grin, shaking his head slightly.
"Did you ever doubt I would?" she put her hands on her hips, raising a brow.
"Not even for a second, sweetheart," he assured her.
Before her mind could linger on that word again, a different voice caught her attention. She looked behind her as someone asked to take a photo of her, something about wanting to write about the fight. She did not pay too much attention to it, only wrapped an arm around Vik's shoulders as well as she could at her height, and made a peace sign with her other hand. Viktor, to her surprise, did not fold his arms like he normally liked to do. His right arm went around her, his hand now resting on her right shoulder and keeping her close.
Once the picture was taken, she looked up at him from where she was and did not pull away. "Thank you for believing in me, Vik. I wouldn't have made it without you."
"Nah, kid, you'da made it even further without another word from me," he shook his head. "That was all you, I just made sure you remembered that you had it in you."
Before V could say more, she cleared her throat and felt more of her blood pooling in her mouth. She made a gesture with her hand so as to tell him she needed a minute, before promptly spitting more blood out.
"Fuck," she cursed, wiping her mouth with her wraps.
"Let's get you back to the clinic for a quick look-see, shall we?" he offered, keeping a respectable distance from her.
She smiled and gave him a sheepish nod. "Yeah, maybe we should."
Walking into the clinic somehow felt more like a breath of fresh air than it did while being outside, pollution notwithstanding. V took her usual steps, plopping herself down on the chair while Vik brought out something to help with the pain and the daze. He also brought over a couple of glasses, pouring them a little drink to mark the celebration. He did not sit in his stool this time, instead stepping in rather close so that he could help clean her up. He set down a tray with the things he might need right beside her on the chair.
"Seeing you fight out there," he began, unwrapping one of her hands. "Made me wish I'd been there for the other fights too. You really got somethin' in ya, kid, that just does not quit."
"What can I say, I have all the right people in my corner," she chuckled, but melted a little at the smile he gave her.
"Well, the smart ones'll know to keep rootin' for ya," he replied, now unwrapping her other hand. After a moment, he examined her knuckles and fingers, finding a few scrapes and bruises but nothing too serious. With one gentle stroke of a calloused thumb against the back of her hand, he nodded. "Hands seem fine. Anything hurting in there that I should know about?"
V was finding it extremely hard to look away from him at that moment. "No, just the knuckles."
"Good," he muttered, setting her hands down in her lap before tilting her chin up a little. "Now for that nasty cut on your cheek," he spoke softly. Viktor stepped away momentarily, moving about his clinic and coming back with a rag and a bowl of water. He slowly began to wipe away the dirt and blood off her face and neck, taking extra care with the area around her wound so that he could disinfect it and patch her up.
In all that time, his touch and gestures were gentle, soft. His eyes were laser-focused on every inch of her. Her mouth ran dry at the thought of all that attention he put toward helping her.
He himself wasn't entirely lost on the looks she'd been giving him. It was no secret that they cared about each other, but to what extent she cared for him, he didn't know. He had a hunch, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to be wrong or right. He said nothing about it though. She needed to clean up, he was there. That's all this was.
"Your nose," he observed. "Definitely bruised, popped a few vessels, but thankfully it's still intact."
"I'm told it's one of my best features," she joked, slightly wincing at the touch.
"Hmm," low laugh rumbled from him, tingling her insides something fierce.
She could tell he wanted to say something more, but had probably chosen against it. Shame, she thought. Maybe if he had, she could have told him some of her favorite parts of him. V then had a thought. Sitting there, in the safety of his clinic, after the night she'd had, to celebrate it by his side was the best thing she could have been doing.
There may have been more that she wanted. It was a night of achieving the impossible, after all. Maybe... just maybe...
"Alright, V. That's you all set," he told her, ready to step back as he cleared his throat. "Unless you've got anything broken or sprained that you haven't told me about," he added in jest.
An idea sparked. "Actually, I think I took a few good hits in my ribs. Can you check those?"
She could see the freeze in Viktor's stance, but he moved closer once again, giving her a quick nod. He observed her skin, motioning her to lean back a little so that he could see better under the light. "Nothing looks bruised. Does it still hurt?"
V watched him as he studied her, his fingers gently poking at each rib to see if there was anything broken or cracked underneath. He'd find nothing of the sort, but she couldn't help herself anymore. Sitting there, slightly leaning back with him hovering just over her, V decided to take a leap of faith. She looked him in the eyes as she moved her leg slightly, letting it brush slowly against his. Viktor did not look down, but he did make eye contact with her again.
There was a visual bob in his throat as he watched her carefully, seeing that she did not blink even once while doing this. V slowly straightened herself up again, and the more she did so, the closer to him she got—he was not moving an inch. His hands remained where they were, at her sides and with his fingers slightly tracing her ribs.
Viktor thought about speaking, stepping away, doing the right thing. He wondered if he was seeing it wrong, or if she really was looking him in the eyes so intently that his heart might give in. Looking her over right then, busted cheek and lip, bruised nose and body, chaffed hands—she really did remind him a lot of himself, and had a live, wild spirit within her that he could not deny he was attracted to.
So he stood, frozen and uncertain as she moved herself closer and closer to him. Little could have prepared him for what came next, not even the times he had spent imagining that very moment.
V pushed herself up, her cheeks flushed pink merely at their proximity, and kissed Viktor. She grazed her lips gently against his, as though she were inviting him to join, and that he did. She felt him return the kiss with passion, hands now pressed flat against her sides.
Swinging her leg around him, she attempted to nudge him to step between her legs, but he had a different idea. His hands grabbed her by the hips, sliding her body closer to him in the position that she had been hoping for. She pulled away from the kiss with a small gasp just to look at him.
"Huh," he breathed, a smile teasing the corners of his lips. "Who woulda thought..."
"What?" she uttered.
"That you woulda ever wanted to go for someone like me," he admitted.
Her heart broke a little inside. "There is no one like you," she moved her hand to his cheek.
"V..." he murmured, but had no time to say more when he felt her soft lips move against his once more. He sighed into the kiss, holding her and giving in to the taste of her. There was a hint of metal from her lip, something that made him chuckle.
His tongue pushed against her lip and she happily obliged, letting him in and tasting all of him. The drink he had set out for them before could still be tasted on him, something absolutely irresistible in that. V then let her hands roam across his shoulders while he held her tight. A small nudge of her legs to move him closer had his crotch digging against her, making him groan into the kiss.
V smirked at that and kept her legs wrapped around him to steady herself while she slowly ground her hips against him. She let out a soft moan, forgetting how much easier it was to feel things through loose sweatpants. She felt his grip on her tighten and his breathing quicken. He cursed against the kiss and pulled her up off the chair, making a small squeak of a gasp come out of her—a sound he'd never heard from her before.
He looked at her and grinned just as she broke into a quiet laugh, and slowly, Viktor walked them around the clinic, accidentally slamming into one of the tables along the way. He groaned, feeling the metal corner bang right into his thigh. Vik cursed at the table all the while V tried to suppress her quiet giggling. He raised a brow at her.
"You find that funny?" he asked her, right before the two of them fell into the couch. Another yelp sounded from V, and then a soft grunt and a thud at the impact. Her hair was now all over the place, her braid slowly but surely coming loose, so Vik decided to help with that. He reached over and tugged at the hair tie that kept it all together, threading his fingers into her hair to set it all free. He then carefully, slowly stroked all the strays out of her face, leaning in again to kiss her.
Gentle fingers gingerly plucked at whatever buttons still remained done on Vik's shirt, slowly pulling it free and down his arms. As he got up on his knees, she pushed herself up to join him, continuing on with his tank top. The years of heavyweight training and boxing had continued to show their mark on the curves and creases of his muscles, making V let out a low whistle.
"You been holdin' out on me, Doc?" she asked him, her voice low and sultry.
He smirked at her, "Only leavin' the best for last."
"Well it's only fair I return the favor," V purred, tugging at the hem of her tight crop.
As she began to pull it, his fingers caressed her ribs in an instant, burying themselves under the fabric to help push it up and over her. As his hands roamed up, his thumbs grazed over V's breasts rather slowly, until finally they helped take her shirt off completely.
On her knees in front of him, hair a mess around her shoulders and just above her breasts, which were ample and inviting, Vik could feel himself twitch in his arousal. "Fuck, you're so beautiful sweetheart."
"Y'know I always secretly loved it whenever you'd call me that," she confessed.
"There is so much more I could call you, if it'd make you happy," he sighed, his lips on her body in an instant.
She plopped onto her back once more, Vik above her without missing a beat. He took in her scent, the remnants of the fight still lingering and mixing with whatever sweet soap she had used that day. His lips trailed with sweet kisses down her neck and onto her chest, her breasts fitting nice and warm in his mouth. A moment later, he was grazing her nipple with his teeth, turning one of her sweet moans into a sharp gasp.
He moved on to the other breast, sending his right hand down her belly and to her abdomen, resting it there for a moment. The sheer warmth of his palm made her ache, her mind suddenly extremely aware of where that was headed. Vik looked up at her just in time to lead his fingers down, lower and lower—missing the spot and roaming down her thigh instead.
"Fuck you," she whispered, tilting her head back in frustration.
His left arm had been keeping him propped up, but he shifted in place so that his hand could reach her hair. Burying his digits within the long, soft locks, he looked her in the eyes and watched. Watched as he slowly brought his hand back up her thigh, watched as his thumb poked at her folds, then watched as it pushed against her clit, circling it nice and slow.
He then continued to stroke her through the fabric of her sweatpants, once, twice, a few times more until he could not take it anymore. He couldn't look away while she looked him in the eyes and stroked his jawline with her thumb, while she traced that long scar on his chin and moaned against his touch. Vik bent down to take her lips in his, swallowing up those delicious sounds of hers in a sweet kiss just before he could move completely away from her.
There was a small sound of protest from her, but he motioned her to follow. Once they were both on their feet, he reached for the underside of the couch, pulling on a metal bar that unlatched with a tug. Seconds later, they were looking at a rather spacious pull-out bed and they wasted no time returning to their previous position.
This time, Viktor tugged at her pants with a sharp pull, nearly pulling her along with it as he undressed her. God she was absolutely stunning, and completely naked before him. How he had managed to keep his hands to himself for this long, he did not know. Seeing her reach her hands out to him, he moved over her and smiled.
"How's my Champion of the Streets doin'?" he asked her, fingertips teasing the trail to her apex.
"She's about to lose her damn mind, Doc," V urged, one of her hands gently squeezing his forearm to go further.
Who was he to argue?
His fingers now touched her without any obstruction, feeling just how wet she was for him. He ran a single finger along her slit, just barely pushing past it before rubbing along her most sensitive spot. The strokes began nice and slow, but he soon moved with purpose as one of his fingers sunk into her. She was hot and welcoming, her back arching as those little nerves, both inside and out, were slowly and steadily stimulated with the gentlest touches. He inserted a second finger into her, feeling her, focusing on her, her little gasps, her breathing, the colorful variety of emotions displayed on her face.
Viktor had seen enough of those emotions to know just how evocative she was when it came to feeling strongly about something. Never had he imagined he'd start to see a picture painted in his mind of just how she felt about him, how he could make her feel. Her hips began to sway and thrust along with his motions the more he teased her, and he watched as she shut her eyes and began to bite her lower lip. It took everything in him not to bite it himself, just wanting to see her free in her own world when he'd make it explode.
And explode, it did.
He pressed the length of his fingers against her when he thrust them in, making sure they stroked against her clit with each and every move. Occasionally, he'd thrust them deep and let his thumb do the work on her, only to then focus on her insides once more. Eventually, her body couldn't handle it anymore. Her legs pressed tightly against one another, her lower body twitching and throbbing against his fingers. The sweet song that had become her moaning became louder and raspier as V could no longer care about what kinds of sounds she was making. Her chest heaved along with her breathing, making her gorgeous tits rise and fall just beneath him.
Vik leaned in to press a kiss between them, then one right at her throat, until she captured his mouth herself, her moans now turning into tired hums and huffs. He gave her a moment to catch her breath, to wind down a little from her high, before he could even think about continuing. She thought of it before him, it seemed, as he suddenly felt one of her hands stroking along his hard length through his pants.
He shut his eyes, sounding a quiet breathy moan in response to the pleasant surprise. V wasted no time pulling at his pants, so he helped her kick them off immediately. She had to take a second to appreciate just how turned on he was by just kissing and touching her. With gratitude in mind, she took him with her hand, slowly feeling every inch of him with every stroke, readying him for her.
She could hear his pleasure through how heavy he was breathing, through the bobbing of his throat, through the tightening of his fingers around her hair. V smiled at him and whispered, "Let me return the favor."
After a few more seconds of reveling in the pleasure, Vik finally looked at her again and shifted in place. "Maybe next time," he told her. "Tonight's about you," he muttered just above a whisper in a voice that sent a shudder through her body. Pushing off from beside her, Vik reached out for a nearby cushion to tuck it underneath her. He lifted her—without any effort, she noted in excitement—and tucked it comfortably underneath her ass.
Her legs rested around his waist while her hands laid on her own stomach. He took them in his, kissing each of them once and letting go so that he could settle in between her legs. Her hands wrapped around his shoulders and she pulled him in for a sweet kiss while she felt his hand guide his cock to her. He did not enter right away, still lubricating himself by way of teasing her entrance, nice and slow. As much as he loved what it was doing to her, he was driving himself crazy in the process.
"Vik, please," she breathed. "I want you inside me."
The throb in his cock at those words ached. He did not hesitate, pushing himself slowly past her folds and deep into her. Vik cursed out a moan, mumbling something about her being so tight around him. V must have agreed as she gasped and dug her nails into his back. After settling inside her a moment, he slowly pulled himself out to the tip, then back in, over and over until they grew accustomed to each other.
In the matter of a few minutes, Viktor had one hand at her leg to keep her steady as he thrust into her harder and faster. V began to pull his hips into her with each trust, holding onto his back and shoulder for dear life as he hit that spot of hers, over and over. Somewhere between being overcome by the pleasure, and between losing herself in his hold, she sent one of her hands to her clit to aid in that regard. It took very little when accompanied by him and his motions to send her into yet another wave of release.
Her walls tightened and throbbed around his cock, he became certain very quickly that her next release might just be the end of him. Partway through his thrusts, he wrapped his arms around her back and pushed himself up to a seated position with her on his lap.
V let out one loud moan, feeling him sitting so deep inside her. She ground her hips back and forth, feeling him push against her core over and over when she moved at just the right angle. When he began to thrust along to that rhythm, V buried her head into his shoulder. What was intended to be a kiss turned into a nibble, which turned into a bite. Vik groaned in either pleasure or pain, she couldn't quite tell, but she did leave a mark from the intensity of what she felt.
Suddenly, Vik was holding her rather tightly, keeping her steady as his cock pounded into her. He was getting closer and closer, she could feel it. His breaths were shorter, more vocal, his fingers digging into her body in his grasp.
"Viktor," she moaned, nibbling his earlobe before she called to him again. "Oh, Viktor."
He let them fall back against the bed as he thrust into her—hard—calling her name as he released his load right into her, letting ecstasy take over his senses. His hips slowed to lazy rolls while he rode the waves of his orgasm, his arms doing everything they could not to let his body slump over her.
Though, he wasn't entirely sure she couldn't simply toss him aside, after the severe round of ass-kicking she showed off in the ring. Vik laughed breathlessly against her skin, remembering what had lead them here in the first place. It seemed so surreal to be laying with V, of all people, in his little makeshift den, of all places.
When he pulled away to look at her, V was flush with sweat and had pink all across her skin, but particularly her cheeks and nose. She moved some of Viktor's hair out of the way and kissed him once again, a tired sound of contentment humming in her throat.
"Only took you the better part of a year to finally do that," she grinned, looking at his face in her hands.
"It only took you beatin' Razor's ass outta that ring tonight for me to realize how stupid I was to wait this long," Viktor shook his head. "Truth is, I... I didn't wanna ruin a thing."
"And is it?" V raised a brow. "Ruined, that is?"
"Like I said," he smiled at her. "I was real stupid."
V could feel her heart almost implode at his smile. She pushed herself up so that her lips grazed against his only slightly.
"Then I guess we gotta make up for lost time."
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eurodynesass-moved · 3 years
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A little somethin’ for your trouble.
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