everyl1ttleth1ng · 1 month
For reasons I will blame on a tweet that said “I just saw someone refer to TS and TK as ‘The English teacher and PE teacher getting it on’ AND I LOST MY MIND” and one of Taylor’s many amazing new songs on TTPD, “So High School,” it appears that I have joined the ranks of the psychos writing fanfiction about real people. We do AUs pretty well here on tumblr so, in this alternative universe of mine, the names, appearances and some elements of what is publicly known about these real people have been borrowed from actual reality and used to populate an entirely fictional story about teachers in a cross-discipline romance. Obvs I do not know any of my “actors” in real life and obvs this is not meant, in any way, to speculate about any of the named people’s actual lives. Also, some of my “actors” are just identified by their first names here but they are all played by real people in my head and you’ll probably pick ‘em if you’re even vaguely aware of actors, musicians and prominent figures across and around the NFL. And it’s set in the high school that Devi Vishwakumar goes to because, why not?
“She’s back,” announced Dalton, slumping into his chair and dropping his head dramatically onto his desk amid a tangle of whistles.
Pat chuckled. “Sorry dude, I was going to warn you but I never thought she’d agree to sub so soon after getting back into the country. Tammy must be desperate to cover classes. The poor girl’s probably still jet-lagged.”
“She doesn’t look jet-lagged,” muttered Dalton without lifting his head. “She looks like her perfect Disney Princess self, just more tanned from a year under the Spanish sun.”
“Dude,” said Pat, shaking his head. “Sometimes I wonder if PE is the right spot for you. You’re still young, it’s probably not too late to switch to something more dramatic.”
Travis looked from one colleague to the other. “What am I missing here?”
“Dalton has a crush,” said Pat. “It’s kind of endearing. She’s only a full decade older than he is and completely out of his league.”
“Shut up,” groaned Dalton.
“Knock, knock!” called a voice from the staff room doorway. “Paging Mr Travis Kelce.”
“English teachers?” said Travis, getting to his feet, his tone incredulous. “Are my eyes playing tricks on me or is that a pair of lost English teachers at our door? What are you two doing slumming it over on our side of the school?”
Dalton looked up in wide-eyed horror which quickly turned to relief when he saw which of the English teachers it was, or rather, wasn’t.
“Hey, Trav,” said Jack, accepting the embrace the bigger man offered with a grin and thumping him warmly on the back. “Em and I are worried we might have developed some kind of Stockholm Syndrome since our shared week on Grade Seven Camp. We really miss you, buddy.”
“Jack and all his pretentious poet friends are used to looking down on jocks. Now that he’s embroiled in a bromance with one, he’s finding it all very confusing.” Emma waited until Travis had released her from her hug before she added, “And we’re here to use you for your access to sports equipment.”
“Hurtful,” said Travis. “But it’s nice to have you guys visiting me in my staff room for a change. I kind of stick out like a sore thumb in yours.”
Jack snorted. “You know those old ladies love you.”
“They’ve started bringing in packets of those chocolate cookies you like just in case you pop by,” said Emma. “Better not leave them hanging, Trav.”
“Cookies, huh? Ok, I’ll be round tomorrow recess.”
“Nah, that won’t work,” said Emma. “Taylor swans in for thirty seconds this morning in a sleep-deprived haze-”
In the background Dalton surreptitiously lifted his head off the desk, the faint imprint of a whistle on his cheek.
“- mentions she watched Dead Poets Society on the plane ride home from Spain and suddenly they're all selecting extracts of poetry, dusting off an old gramophone and sending us over here to you lot to borrow some soccer balls.”
Travis looked from Jack to Emma with a bemused expression on his face. “Am I the idiot here if I have absolutely no idea what you two are talking about?”
“I know!” piped up Dalton. “Are you guys gonna recreate that scene with Robin Williams on the oval?” He nodded knowingly. “Iconic. I should tell Taylor I’m a fan too.”
Pat laughed. “Yeah, Dalton, you should. And maybe Taylor could come over while you watch the movie with your girlfriend. Remember her?”
Dalton glared at him then resignedly dropped his head back to the surface of his desk.
“Who’s Taylor?” asked Travis. “Is she another one of the old ladies with the cookies?”
Dalton scoffed dramatically, muffled though it was.
Pat cackled. “You okay there, Kinkaid?”
Emma pushed on Travis’ arm to get him moving. “C’mon, we’ve all gotta get to our homerooms eventually. We’ll explain while you take us to the soccer balls.”
“You are a lifesaver, my girl,” said Tammy, patting Taylor fondly on the arm. “I cannot thank you enough for coming in today.”
Taylor pushed her blonde hair out of her eyes and blinked sleepily. “What if I fall asleep on them? You don’t understand. I think it’s a real danger!”
Tammy laughed. “Hard to fall asleep in PE. Besides, you’re just there for the supervision ratio given that this is all of Grade 8 combined. Travis will have it all under control.”
“Travis?” asked Taylor. “Am I so tired that I’ve forgotten the name of a guy I’ve worked with for six years or is this someone new?”
Tammy looked up from her laptop in surprise. “Oooh, no, you wouldn’t have met Travis yet. He’s an old friend of Pat’s from college. Apparently they used to play football together. When Bill retired at the end of last year, Pat put in a call to his buddy and this place has not been the same since.”
Taylor nodded. “Ok, yes, this is sounding familiar. Britt did mention that some old friend of Pat’s had started at Sherman Oaks and that he was always at their place. I’m a bit worried he might have muscled into my spot at Friday Night Wine.”
Tammy considered her a moment. “So did you meet anyone in Spain? On your big single girl adventure?”
“I mean, I did.” Taylor shrugged. “He was nice, I guess, but nothing really came of it. We went our separate ways after a month or so. If I’d found the one, I might not have come home.” Taylor narrowed her eyes. “Hang on, why do you ask? What does this have to do with PE?”
Tammy patted her hand and handed her the class attendance papers. “You’ll see. Let’s go introduce you to Travis.”
“Okaaay,” said Taylor warily, as she followed Tammy dutifully out of her office. “You’re the boss, Mrs Reid. I’ll just grab a coffee and meet you there.”
The local school district’s baseball competition had half the PE staff out at a neighbouring school for most of the school day and long into the afternoon but Travis wasn’t worried, even in the face of all the Grade 8 PE classes combined. Tammy would find him a spare adult or two to stand around the edge of the gym and take care of supervision and he would get to teach more of his favourite unit - Grade 8 Dance. Last combined lesson they’d learned the Electric Slide and totally nailed it. Today he was gonna make the kids partner up and learn the Cha Cha. 
He plugged his phone into the sound system and cued up his playlist of Latin beats, cranking the volume as high as it would go, then headed over to unlock the gym doors and usher in the waiting students.
“Mr Kelce?” a familiar voice called from the gym entrance once the students had all shuffled in.
Travis turned to see the wife of his former football coach, now one of the Sherman Oaks deputy principals, waving to him. “Mrs Reid!” he boomed back, dancing his way over to her. “Come and cha cha with me. Let’s show these kids how it’s done.”
The older woman laughed and said, “Why not?” momentarily placing her ever-present sheaf of paperwork on a table near the door and giving him her hand.
The kids whooped and cheered as they watched Travis demonstrate how to be the perfect dance partner. He had particularly high hopes for these Grade 8 boys. They sorely needed a good example of how to treat other people, especially girls, and he hoped he could fill that role for them. The song playing came to an end and he spun Tammy out into the middle of the floor so they could both bow extravagantly, hamming it up for the student reaction.
“Let’s thank my extraordinary partner one more time,” Travis called. “Give it up for Mrs Reid!”
Tammy waved and curtsied then grinned at Travis and made her way toward her pile of papers and the door. 
“Ok, get yourself into the grid we learnt last week,” Travis instructed as he walked over to the sound system to cue up Shania Twain’s Man, I Feel Like a Woman. “We’re gonna warm up with a few rounds of the Electric Slide and I know that you guys are awesome at this so make sure to give it your own flair!”
He cued up a few songs to follow, mainly chosen to give the students a laugh. He chuckled to himself as he selected Vanilla Ice’s Ice Ice Baby and Kool and the Gang’s Get Down On It. 
Raising his eyes from his phone and looking over the heads of the line dancing students, he saw a statuesque blonde woman walk through the gym doors, a huge smile on her face as she took in their enthusiastic movement.
“Ms Swift?” cried out one of the girls. “You’re back!”
“Hi, Sophie!” she replied, waving as she made her way around the outside of the grid towards Travis. “Keep dancing! We’ll catch up later!”
Travis suddenly didn’t know what to do with his hands. He barely stopped himself from shoving his phone into the pocket of his shorts and disconnecting the cable to the sound system.
“Hi,” she said as she drew near, smiling broadly and holding out a hand to him. “I’m Taylor.”
“Travis,” he replied, taking her slender hand in his. “Nice to meet you.”
“Hey Trav,” said Jack, wearily looking up from the pile of papers he was grading. “Em’s around here somewhere if you’ve come to get the soccer balls back. Thanks for that by the way.”
Travis waved a hand. “No rush. Was it a success? Should I be worried I’m gonna lose half my football team to poetry or whatever?”
Emma’s head appeared over the top of the partition dividing their desks. “Not if their essays are anything to go by,” she said dryly, yanking off her massive headphones.
“Oh, hey, Em. Didn’t see you there.”
She gestured with the headphones. “That was kind of the idea. I was laying low. But then I remembered how much I hate marking and how much more fun it is talking to you.”
Travis grinned. “So, it seems you two left out a crucial piece of information when you were talking up your pal, Taylor, this morning.”
Both sets of tired eyes lit up.
“You’ve met her already?” asked Jack excitedly. “What did we leave out?”
Travis rubbed at the back of his neck, smiling shyly. “Neither of you told me she was gorgeous.”
Emma whooped. “I’m gonna get some of those cookies.”
Jack grinned, shoving his pile of papers aside and leaning back in his desk chair. “Tell us everything,” he said.
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everyl1ttleth1ng · 2 years
@memorizingthedigitsofpi all this evidence that you were such a cheer squad legend. Not even sure you read the fic but gee whiz you made writing The Master and the Midwife fun to write with these glorious manips!!! It’s finished!!! (Hence the spam!)
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psst… @everyl1ttleth1ng
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everyl1ttleth1ng · 2 years
Gah!!! @memorizingthedigitsofpi !!! So magnificent! The Master and the Midwife spam because I finished the behemoth!!!
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everyl1ttleth1ng: I know you said Darcy, but I thought Bingley was a bettter match for Fitz ;)
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everyl1ttleth1ng · 2 years
I don’t even know if you made this for me, I think you just made this for your own amusement but I’m claiming it @memorizingthedigitsofpi !!! You amazing creature!!!
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after making a Regency Jemma, I thought I should probably make a Regency Fitz
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everyl1ttleth1ng · 2 years
Miss this guy? Secretly shipped him with Daisy? Willing to tolerate a bit of Austen-lite silliness? The Master and the Midwife is here for you and finally FINISHED!!!
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2.01 | 4.19
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everyl1ttleth1ng · 2 years
This man features prominently in the ultimate chapter of The Master and the Midwife which, yes, is finally finished.
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everyl1ttleth1ng · 2 years
FINISHED THE FIC!!! @ughfitz thank you for your enthusiasm!!!
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Though it is far beneath his station, the young master, Leopold Fitz, insists on fetching help when his steward’s wife suddenly and dramatically goes into labour. As a consequence he meets Miss Jemma Simmons, the young and beautiful local midwife. After the event, other than stolen glances across a crowded parish church, there seems to be no possible future for their budding friendship. But when his own beloved sister, Mrs Daisy Ward, arrives unexpectedly at the Fitz family estate, heavily pregnant and seeking refuge from her harsh and disinterested husband, the young master finds a new reason to call the midwife.
             Author: @everyl1ttleth1ng // Read It
Original fic cover by @memorizingthedigitsofpi // Suggested by: @honeylavendertea
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everyl1ttleth1ng · 2 years
She’s back!!! The fic is finished!!! (and @memorizingthedigitsofpi made me so many beautiful and supportive things!!!)
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Regency!Jemma for @everyl1ttleth1ng‘s The Master and the Midwife :D
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everyl1ttleth1ng · 2 years
She’s back! (Thank you, glorious @memorizingthedigitsofpi - I’m about to reblog all the glorious things you made me in honour of this fic that is now FINISHED!!!)
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everyl1ttleth1ng · 2 years
I have finished this monster fic at last!!! Chapter 37 of “The Master and the Midwife” is up for any of you ancient relics of the FitzSimmons fandom that may remember that creaky old fic. A taste:
Jemma took a moment to steady herself, willing her thundering heart to slow but it was little use. She had to speak regardless. “I was wrong, Mr Fitz, so very wrong when I said that loving you would consume me.”
It was plain in his sharp intake of breath, in the sudden turning of his head towards her, in the way his blue eyes roved across her profile that already Fitz’s commitment to refrain from interruption was being sorely tested.
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everyl1ttleth1ng · 2 years
Barely remember how to tumblr but I am working on this story again and hope to have the final chapter up v soon. Imagine that! A finished fic!
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Though it is far beneath his station, the young master, Leopold Fitz, insists on fetching help when his steward’s wife suddenly and dramatically goes into labour. As a consequence he meets Miss Jemma Simmons, the young and beautiful local midwife. After the event, other than stolen glances across a crowded parish church, there seems to be no possible future for their budding friendship. But when his own beloved sister, Mrs Daisy Ward, arrives unexpectedly at the Fitz family estate, heavily pregnant and seeking refuge from her harsh and disinterested husband, the young master finds a new reason to call the midwife.
             Author: @everyl1ttleth1ng // Read It
Original fic cover by @memorizingthedigitsofpi // Suggested by: @honeylavendertea
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everyl1ttleth1ng · 4 years
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everyl1ttleth1ng · 4 years
Hi! I just wanted to pop in to ask the question everyone is thinking: how is The Master and the Midwife going??? I miss it a lot! But above all else I hope you're doing well!
Oh dear... it’s just got ONE last little bit to go which is all in my head and none of it typed. One day I’ll get there! Ha, you’re kind to say everyone’s thinking the same... I wish I was at a “lots of time to write fanfic” stage of my life!
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everyl1ttleth1ng · 4 years
How are we all, AOS friends? Mr everyl1ttleth1ng and I are pretty happy with that ending! Is everyone else ok?
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everyl1ttleth1ng · 4 years
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I’ve been a patchy member of this AOS fandom team, but I have all the feels at the thought of it coming to an end. Love you lot, esp my beloved FitzSimmons shippers! 😭😭😭 ❤️❤️❤️
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everyl1ttleth1ng · 4 years
hey love, just wanted to pop in to say that I am a long time Master and Midwife fan and was excited to read that you do plan on completing it one day! I also just started browsing your ao3 account for the first time and realized that you write for Arya x Gendry, another one of my favourite pairings!! It's like Christmas came early. I've just started Head of the River, and will let you know how I get on with it! :-) best wishes & thanks for sharing your gorgeous words with us!
Thank you, lovely!!! I had a breakthrough with my midwife the other week so she may even get finished in the not too distant future! And goodness, yes, I did dabble in Gendrya a bit. Hope you like what’s there! I’d start with Doomed or Close Quarters if you like completion in a fic! 😬😬😬
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everyl1ttleth1ng · 4 years
I can’t believe it’s been over a year since you last updated Master and the Midwife and I still think about it...
Oh, you lovely thing. Has it really been over a year? That was a planned iso project that never got off the ground! I WILL finish it eventually! I promise!!!
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