eyeamanearthling · 4 years
Even if Eye only found one. That gratitude is Love. What are the earthlings thankful for this day?
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eyeamanearthling · 4 years
How many different directions are around you? 360¤ worth right? That's 360 choices. If you draw 360 straight lines...eventually you'll see empty space in your exploring circle. So you choose a path that "feels right" but eventually you start snake-ing your straight line so you can explore the Whole region around you. That's more than 360 choices....so how do you know which path will lead you to your treasure? Without a treasure map...? Oh and your treasure has feet of its own and is exploring too..
Seem impossible?
Remember we are all connected.
Close your eyes, get centered, and when the earth pulses with your heart you've got a starting path. So you've started your journey...and you walk and you walk and you walk..and you end up in the center of your exploring circle again. Empty handed from the precious mobile treasure you've been visualizing..focusing..all your energy to find..
Do you consider the journey a waste?
How about that awesome climbing tree you discovered? Or that sunset on the hidden breezy grassy meadow? Or the healing wild weeds you've collected along your way?
Whatever consumes your thoughts while you're focused on whatever treasure you are seeking, ground yourself til you feel your Fear disappear. What remains? Determination? Ambition? Use that as fuel along your sojourn and you might be surprised with your boost of will power. In this state of consciousness it's easy to open your eyes to the world you are exploring..eliminating the old program of tunnel vision.
Whether you were meant to find your treasure or not..you grew in your experience.. allowed joy and gratitude to enter into your Being, and became more Whole with your Self.
But seriously? What do Eye know? Been 3 years since eye lost my familiar Earthling...eye guess some things aren't meant to be found..an yet, what's found instead are the Earthlings we didn't expect.
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eyeamanearthling · 4 years
Just because eye'm physically out of sight does not mean eye'm gone.
Eye still exist.
Every time you think of me, eye'm there. Every time Eye think of you, you're here.
What do you remember of me? What do you focus on? Because that's who Eye am to you.
What Eye remember of you; what Eye focus on, is who you are to me.
Eyedentity is custom to our perspective.
Eye precieve me uniquely.. from any other perspective... an Eye precieve you through filters of who Eye am.
We all try so hard to uphold an image...and just when we match that image to who we think we are/want to be...another perspective comes along to judge it..to change it.
This is the old program.
Why spend so much stress on matching to this image when we cannot possibly make Everyone happy to this image?
Thus your "image" is an illusion.
One day, one day very soon, this image will not matter. We will look through it to see the Soul. And when we see someone's soul, we feel it. When we feel it (even if this physical body is out of sight) we'll still feel this soul.
This is the necessary step when speaking telepathically.
When we train our minds to take the physical out of it, we can speak to others as if distance doesn't exist.
We do this already: again I ask...What are you focused on? When you remember me what do you feel? Because that's what you are sending my way.
Our feelings are intradimensional.
Distance does not exist at this level...as soon as we feel something toward another...their magnetic field is already in effect by it. Because that's how we are all connected...through our electromagnetic fields around each loop of DNA..creating the elecromagnetic field of a single Body.. that connects to the electromagnetic field of this planet. Thus we are synchronizing to become a unified electromagnetic field of the human spiecies.. which connects to the whole Earth system.
Remember, we are all Earthlings here.
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eyeamanearthling · 4 years
No one deserves to have so many personal shields activated and constantly running in the background that it stresses the body out of knowing what relaxation means.
A reminder for all Earthlings.
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eyeamanearthling · 4 years
Sometimes we need our own reminders ♡
When love is given, there's more love to share. Share abound. For there is an abundance of Source all around, certainly enough for Earthlings to pass all about.
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eyeamanearthling · 4 years
A relationship is functional through effective communication. This means being honest with yourself first.
Are your needs being met?
If you find yourself..
..picking at your partner
..arguing over 3d objects
..being swept by waves of anger
..doubting your value
..listening to the negative loops that cause feelings of guilt or shame
If you find yourself not being able to ground, and center yourself into a higher vibration away from these low frequency places (whether through meditation or movement or art) then it's highly likely there's a personal Need not being met.
Denying this will almost always lead you and your partner into an argument. The more defensive you are, the less you want to look at it..let alone change it.
Do you really want to bully those you love?
Do you really want to blame 3d objects?
Do you really want to be moved by anger?
Do you really want to doubt your contributions?
Do you really want to live in guilt and shame?
Effective communication starts with a deeper awareness of where You are. What are your emotional patterns saying? How is your behavior expressing your character?
Your loved ones see you..from the outside in..by what you emit..from the inside out.
Its your partner that's in a particular position to see You on a very personal level. From the outside in of the deepest You. One day we'll be comfortable enough with our Brothers and Sisters to show our deepest Selves.
And It's going to take effective communication.
Communication is effective through Listening.
It would be who of you to listen when your partner shares insight of behavior you may not be aware of. One of the hardest reactions to catch within myself is turning my defenses off when listening to critique. The times that eye openly listen..regardless of my own opinion..it is a chance to explore an Unknown. A perspective of myself that was unknown to me? Hidden from me? A me that works to be aware of my own honesty!
So perhaps you are mad! Speak it. Create a verbal vibration to start healing it. Whisper it if you must. But let it ring and Feel it..whats passing between you two? What's created because of the expression of it? What comes back onto you?
Words. Eye contact exchange. Face muscle tensions. Temperature changes. Body positions. Sounds. Outbursts. Tears. Twitches. Fidgets. Involuntary blinks. Blank stares.
What other forms of communication have I missed?
The thing about expression is that you get immediate feedback. Not necessarily in words.
Communication is mature when we (say) translate tears, or sounds, or emotional spirals into a discussion that promotes emotional stability..so that the heart of communication may be pure from tainted emotions (that may not even be ours)
In essence..
Effective communication:
■Before speaking..
▪Is it truly necessary?
▪Is it a true statement?
■ Follow through. Speak it!
▪Is there a way to say it kindly..softly..gently?
■AFTER SPEAKING. Get feedback.
▪stop and Listen
▪be able to listen to feedback you may not agree with.
Thank you for taking the time to walk with me by reading.
Stay connected, Earthlings.
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eyeamanearthling · 4 years
First we separate from the chatter of the outside influence. In attempt to hear our own heads.
But then eye found there was more chatter in my own mind than previously imagined.
However long that takes to filter into a meditation. For me years. Seeds staring a decade before that..
Speaking and letting speak all those voices, and having council: you have this job.. ok you have that job..sorry don't have an effective job for you in my life So you gotta go.. years of filing, and taking time with all the parts that make up my own imagination story.
Now at this level with this communication accumulating accuracy.. could eye start looking at what My truths are..
First there was What Are My Programs?
Social. Parental. Educational. Institutional. Fearful. Theological.
You know, all the subconscious things a five year old southern white female born with long lashes has already absorbed to some degree.
Somewhere in my teens listening to the seeds spread by Avatar of all cartoons.. Eye started to look at the beginnings of all my core values.
The Generational. The Biological. The Nurturable. The learnable. The possible.
Why isnt Genetical a word?
Again in my 20s, a deeper looming emerged.
Through the need of letting go many old bandaged baggages.
This time not just the image of looking..by way of learned mannerisms and movements of knowing what to say or do..you know, the naive invincible allknowing that comes with thinking young.
No, an actual looking, a deeper feeling of the vast unknown, that Great Mystery exists beyond the realm of my own nose.
Then came What Are My Truths?
All the while in the midst of this cleaning in my head.. words started to fill my tongue..words! where rolling waves of voiceless emotion used to be.
To answer, eye needed to break down my own understanding of what "my" was to me?
Then, and only then, could eye look at what Truth even was, and whether my own was any different than an Ultimate true Truth. Eye guess.. THE Ultimate true Truth. Is "a truth" different than "the truth"? Can a version.. or a single perspective vision.. of a truth even be a truth, if not whole? Can truth be partial?
Eye dunno. You're as caught up as me in this tale. For those who've experienced levels deeper than what's written, eye am open to hearing stories of your own processes.
Eye get.. at this point from my perspective it's obvious No two paths are really walked the same, but that doesn't mean eye can't learn from your own experience. Can't hurt to learn vicariously. Especially Now.
But what do Eye know? I am only an Earthling.
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eyeamanearthling · 4 years
Many ideas swimming in my mind. Many concepts invented..reinvented..over and over and over again. What is programmed into my cells and whats just Me? Maybe I'm too focused to even see the greater pattern in what seems to be randomness.
La de da dance in your insanity. Who are you really?
One right. two right. too bad. Instability. Drop the Ego and become free? Click. Invisibility.
If you want to see me, raise your frequency.
Love creates higher vibration. As we raise our vibration, we evolve spiritually until we transcend into our new form.
For now, eye am still an Earthling.
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eyeamanearthling · 4 years
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Eckhart Tolle - A New Earth
"Nobody knows the exact figure because records were not kept, but it seems certain that during a three-hundred-year period between three and five million women were tortured and killed by the "Holy Inquisition," an institution founded by the Roman Catholic Church to suppress heresy. This surely ranks together with the Holocaust as one of the darkest chapters in human history. It was enough for woman to show a love for animals, walk alone in the fields or woods, or gather medicinal plants to be branded a witchcraft then tortured and burned at the stake. The sacred feminine was declared demonic, and an entire dimension largely disappeared from human experience. Other cultures and religions, such as Judaism, Islam, and even Buddhism, and suppressed the female dimension, although in a less violent way. Women's status was reduced to being child bearers and men's property. Males who denied the feminine even I within themselves were now running the world, a world that was totally out of balance. The rest is history or rather a case history of insanity."
Rising up. Space. being created now..
Choose equality, or be in the wrath of the oppressed Feminine power...errupting from millennia of caged tortured darkness. Do not consent to separation.
We are in this together. Be a Divine Being, do the work, have courage to truly play, choose equality.
*psst... this whole Earth is one big Family.
But what do eye know? Eye am only an Earthling.
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eyeamanearthling · 4 years
Sometimes eye get a hint of embarrassment when eye step out of my comfort zone to speak from my heart, but eye'd rather stumble through it than rely on my old aloof programming. The words will come in time. Like all things here, it takes practice to find and build the words that flow. Saying exactly what eye'm feeling. Saying exactly what eye mean. The miraculous thing is when we speak from our heart, others hear with thier heart. So on a 3D level, we are growing our verbal language. Building our confidence to speak our own unique thoughts. And on a higher level, we are already communicating effectively when the Heart is open. We are perfect as we grow. We are walking miracles ♡
Maybe one day we won't need verbal words at all...
What do eye know? Eye am an Earthling.
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eyeamanearthling · 4 years
Then eye put my hands in rich soil, and became Light again ♡
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eyeamanearthling · 4 years
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"On 15 April 2019, just before 18:20 CEST, a structure fire broke out beneath the roof of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral in Paris. By the time it was extinguished, the building's spire collapsed, and most of its roof had been destroyed and its upper walls severely damaged; extensive damage to the interior was prevented by its stone vaulted ceiling, which largely contained the burning roof as it collapsed." -wikipedia
One year ago and these words still ring.
Prayers to our beloved Notre Dame with its beautifully sculpted fractal frame..its historical art forced to spring into a more modern, bright future...one free from the fears of the pedophiles stalking underground dungeons..
How does one even go about cleaning up that mess?
For once the fires settle, All new Beginnings are present for the choosing..
And with this obstruction, so destructive on the surface, comes a new wave. Space is being created before our very eyes.
What are you playing for? What are you praying for? Sadness that we lost the old ways? Perhaps there are things from our past that ought to be burned away. Women do you feel me?
Let us pray, visualize, how we would like to rebuild that space?
Let us move from deep dark dungeon walls where torture is the focus on Sin...
Let us rebuild with nature..fresh air, out in the open, transparent.
Truth may sting for a bit, but the everlasting connection to one another stays pure.
Secrets and lies only pave the way for illusion to taint our connection..turning against one another...eventually that illusion leads to a real separation.
No more. Space is being created. Now. What will we fill it with, I wonder..
This includes using people for profit. When greed becomes too high, profiteers will block the natural flow..in efforts to control the variables: amounts of water..quality of food..a limit on Light emitted by musicians, dancers, and other artists.
And when the desire for control becomes too great, theres not enough for the honest workers at the end of each month. But we make due dont we?
(Prayers still to Flint.. to Standing Rock.. to Kenya ..to Syria...so many places that have taken a beating due to the ego desiring control)
Forwarning..that blocking energy is boomeranging back faster as this earth increases to wake up. The energy of greed is dying...it is at this stage we see last moments of lashing out.. to take as many with it as it dies..
And choosing to swirl in that energy..
..itll taint the bonds of friendship.
..itll fill you with rage
..itll distort your vision of reality
..itll change you
..itll take you further from your Spirit
..itll mute your inner voice
..itll damage your courage
..itll numb your ability to feel loved
This is a compression time..before the ultimate release of a millennia of tense pressure. What will that look like for our earth? For humankind? ..does that 1000 acre plot seem to matter if the earths climate change erupts lava over it..does hoarding 1000 gallons of water really make you that feel good (nestle)..will those 1000 seedlings still grow in toxic air..does that extra $1000 really matter if this is the last month you see that blocked musician alive?
Some of us are living testaments of how much compassion still roams throughout mankind. The amount of love you shine will always be worth more than how much money you spend.
We are sovereign beings. We have a right to clean water to drink, clean air to breathe, free space to share pure art. We have a right to thrive. Your collection of particles became a walking miracle. What will you choose ...to love the toxins that make you stronger or will you choose to be destroyed by them?
What do eye know? Eye am only one Earthling...
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eyeamanearthling · 4 years
when eye close my eyes.. eye enter the world of my mind. most of the time relief from the madness of reality...then again..there are horrors there that eye cannot even begin to describe. how do eye think of the images that form in my dreams?..
What do eye know? Eye am only an Earthling.
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eyeamanearthling · 4 years
A Sad Day in America
Dont ever think an actual working American beLIEves in her governinglords. We too are trapped in the hands of pedophiles who rape our Earth. A sad day indeed.
Today I pray for all Earthlings to find a way to unite together and cut this cord of toxic masculinity. May all toxicity leave this planet. Be gone. May all those who feel gaping holes in their hearts after this release..be filled with compassion and love for this Earth. It's time for Her and all her children be the sovereign beings we were born to be.
What do eye no? I Am an Earthling.
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eyeamanearthling · 4 years
Please please to the cosmos above. We are here. We are here! Eye call for help...or take me with you.
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The cosmos watches.
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eyeamanearthling · 4 years
Just a friendly reminder ♡
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Wherever you go, there you are.
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eyeamanearthling · 4 years
Be proud of something you made ♡
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A Zen Zoomout
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