It's possible to fracture a rib if you sneeze too hard though usually that happens in the elderly, people with specific medical illnesses, or reduced bone density
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The Danyang鈥揔unshan Grand Bridge is the longest bridge in the world at 164,800 m
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St Vincent Ferrer Statue is the tallest supported bamboo sculpture in the world at 50.23 m
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The moon's Phobos and Demos of Mars have characteristics that them similar to C-type asteroid's and are not spherical moons
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Charon is the largest and innermost moon of Pluto
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The oldest written language is Sumerian being first written around 3100 BC
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A woman called the police because her ice cream didn鈥檛 have enough sprinkles
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The world population in 1900 was 1,600,000,000
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We know more about the surface of the moon than the sea floor
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The earliest recorded peace treaty, the Kadesh Peace Treaty was made in Egypt in 1269 BC
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The Pacific ocean is 5.5 times wider than the moon
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A one-way trip on the Trans-Siberian Railway involves crossing 3,901 bridges
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There is a Hello Kitty maternity hospital in Taiwan
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Hello Kitty has a wine brand
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Frankenstein's monster is a vegetarian
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Enceladus has a subsurface ocean made of liquid water
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Getting struck by lightning heats the skin to 50000掳 Fahrenheit or 27760掳 Celsius
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