famouskidpainter 3 days
Shinobu Kochou Male reader- Nurse's Office
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"Ara ara~"
馃 馃 馃 馃 馃 馃 馃 馃 馃
"Causing trouble, I see~" A soft, honey-like voice spoke from behind the trio, causing them to jolt in surprised.
They spun around and saw a petite, young man with short black hair that fades into a shade of purple at the ends, wearing an unusual clothing, what seems to be a uniform and some type of jacket with a butterfly pattern over it.
"P-professor Kochou!" A boy with red hair squeaked as the remaining two children stared at the young man in shock.
"Professor, it's not what it looks like!-"
"We were just!-"
A boy with wild, black hair and circular glasses and a girl with brown, bushy hair exclaimed simultaneously.
A light chuckle escapes the young man's lips as his eyes held a glint of amusement in them. "Easy now...You're not trouble in any way."
The trio let out a breath of relief that they didn't realize they were holding in.
"So, we're not trouble?" The brunette inquired nervously.
The young lightly chuckled once again and shook his head to the girl's question. "No, you're all not in trouble." He reassured with a gentle smile.
"Unless...you all did something you shouldn't be doing." He teased.
The trio stiffened at the mention of doing something they shouldn't be doing (which they obviously were).
"Haha, I'm just kidding!~" The young man stated.
The trio let out another breath of utter relief.
"Well, I'll should get going as I don't to take much of your time, take care and stay out of trouble!" The young man said before disappearing in the blink of an eye, leaving behind a sweet scent.
"That was a close one..We almost got caught spying on snape."
"I nearly wet myself, mate.."
"Ew! Keep that to yourself, ron!"
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famouskidpainter 3 months
Immortal is he, return to me
A/N: I hope you enjoy the story and have a good day/night!
Reader uses he/him prounons.
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"Fuuuck.." Alastor cursed under his breath as he applied pressure onto his wound, heavily breathing for air. He knew he was an complete idiot for deciding to fight against Adam-The first man and God's favorite creation, but his ego and ignorance blinded him.
He knew he had to do or think of something quickly, or else he along with the others will die in the hands of Adam and the angels.
Clenching his wound with his right hand, Alastor brought his left hand to his lips and whistled, which echoed all throughout Hell. Everyone in Hell heard it and felt a cold shiver run down their spine (even Adam and the angels) as that eerie yet familiar sound hasn't been heard over nearly two centuries.
Then, the ground began to shake as a fire-like portal appears out of thin air. A man cladded in black, wearing a black wide-brimmed hat and a great black horse stepped out from the portal. "Vaya, Vaya..Mira a qui茅n tenemos aqu铆." The man spoke, his voice was deep and raspy as a small smirk curled over his lips.
"W-who the fuck are you?" Adam shouted. He didn't understand as to why his instincts screamed at him to run as far as he can from this man, but he ignored it as he refused to allow this damn sinners to claim victory.
The man let out a chuckle, lifting up his head to meet Adam's gaze. A pair of crimson irises bored onto his as he felt the small hairs on the back of his neck rise.
"El Charro Negro.." The man revealed.
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famouskidpainter 3 months
El charro Negro Male reader: Buen trabajo, chacamo. *Pats Alastor on the shoulder*
Alastor, slightly taken aback: Oh!-Why thank you, my good friend! *His tail unknowingly wags*
El charro Negro Male reader, chuckles: Keep at it, kid. *Leaves*
Angel dust: Hey, Charlie..Do you happen to know onto why smiles over there is smiling more than usual? *Pointing his index at the happily beaming Alastor.*
Charile: Uh-Well, I don't know actually as I didn't notice.
Angel dust: Huh..Now, I'm wondering what got smiles to act so giddy all of a sudden.
Meanwhile with Alastor
Alastor: He said I did a good job! *Whispers gleefully*
Buen trabajo, chacamo - Good job, kid
Also, I might've made Male reader Alastor's father figure 馃槄
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famouskidpainter 3 months
Announcement: Incoming story
I don't know when I'm going to make this story, but I'll try to make it soon as possible.
Have a good night/day! :)
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famouskidpainter 5 months
I wanted a 'yandere x reader' trope, but where the yandere at first is obsessed and lusts after the reader's physical appearance after the first meeting. I wanted where the yandere loves the reader at first just for their body, but once they get know the reader after showing some common interests that they're still obsessed with the reader, but at the same time wants a deep and emotional friendship with the reader. I wanted the yandere and reader to go into a deep depth of one another's true personalities, dislikes, likes, interests, hobbies, etc..I wanted them to explore and learn more about one another other than just their surface personality, but their hidden and real persona as a person.
I want them to encounter one another and also other people, than just themselves! I want the yandere to know, despite the reader interacting and talking with other people, they still prefer to talk yandere as they both have a deep and meaningful bond, also the reader feels incredibly comfortable with them as they're easy to talk to. Also, this gives the yandere the idea, despite the reader interacting and talking to other people that they'll always be reader's favorite to talk to at the end of the day and rely on them.
Also, I want where the yandere interacts and talks to other people as well, other than reader! I get that yanderes stereotypical prefer to always be around and hovering behind their "precious darling" every 5 seconds , but! I want where the yandere doesn't do that and knows that doing that would be considered creepy and lead their profound friendship to crumble. Also! They know rhat they are yandere, but considers themselves far different than the ones shown on shows and anime.
They don't kill, threaten, nor blackmail other people nor the reader as they believe that's unreasonable. Yes, they still have yandere behaviors, but are far tamed. Also, the yandere doesn't feel threatened when other people come near the reader as they know it's not their business to tell them whom or not talk to as they have their opinions and thoughts. The yandere knows when to step in as they quietly stand beside the reader, analyzing and listening to every that comes from their mouth along with the person whom they are talking to. They are also socially intelligent as they knew when a person is flirting or not with the reader also if the person looks at reader in a certain way that makes them uncomfortable. The yandere mostly give the person a death stare and kindly tell them to fuck off and leave.
Also, I wanted where the yandere knows that the reader is fully capable of protecting themselves, but still helps them when the yandere notes that the reader is struggling to protect themselves from danger.
I wanted where the yandere still is obsessed with the reader, despite them having some flaws and Imperfects as they love them for who they're. I also wanted the reader slowly falls in love with yandere, but takes them months or maybe more for them to get the courage to confess.
I want where the yandere and the reader have been friends for an incredibly long time and haven't confessed to one another in fear of rejection. And they're both adults and go to college in different universities in different states, but still in contact with one another. Once they both graduated from college and decided to meet up in a Cafe in their hometown, they immediately note how they've changed throughout the years.
The yandere tells the reader that they got high honors in sociology and the reader also tells them that they got an MD in Medical school. They both end up about everything that occurred throughout their lives in the last few years and they talk for HOURS as they keep on talking and talking as the conversation between them never end until one of the staff in the Cafe comes to their table and tells them that they almost about to close the Cafe. Both, the yandere and the reader, shocked by hearing this as they didn't look nor noticed that they were talking that long! They both pay for the bill and walk out of the Cafe and KEEP ON TALKING. They both take a seat on the park and gaze at the night in silence while just vibing with one another.
Then the yandere asks if the reader is seeing anyone, hoping that they aren't. The reader answers with a no and the yandere is surprised by this as they thought by this point that the reader is already with someone or engaged at this point. The yandere asks why is that and the reader says, and FINALLY CONFESSES! That they have been in love with yandere for an incredibly large amount of time.
The yandere is shocked and surprised by this reveal, their face was beat red so was readers. They just sit there in silence and looking away from one another before yandere asks, stumbling in their words if they can court reader before going in actual dates with them and reader furiously nods their head.
So..for the last two years, yandere has been courting reader with simple and meaningful gifts such as their favorite food, their favorite music album, their favorite books, etc..And after those two years, yandere asks reader if they can take them on a date and reader tackles them to the ground and shouts yes.
The yandere and reader have been dating for five years and live with one another. They had their up and downs, but at the end they learn to reconcile one another.
Then one day, the yandere finally proposes in front of a family gathering in the reader's house. The reader bursts into tears, so does yandere and tells yandere yes.
I want an ending where the yandere and reader are healthy and happily married to one another and have a two children, a five year old girl and 2 year old boy.
Also, I wanted a slow burn of yandere x reader...Hehe.
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famouskidpainter 6 months
Everything you need to know about me
I'm a beginner to this community and these drawings or fanfics I make are for pure entertainment, nothing more. Also, I will accept any requests, but I won't accept the following:
Step incest
Or anything that causes me to feel comfortable to do
I hope you all respect my wishes and keep them in mind.
Call of Duty: Modern warfare
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famouskidpainter 6 months
Welcome to my Darkside
Terrifying Wrath
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famouskidpainter 6 months
Call of duty x Chess player reader
Special! Female characters: Kate Laswell and Valeria Garza
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You are a Chess player, but not just any Chess player. You are one of the top 10, beating every opponent who played against you without fail and always making an appearance in the daily news and newspaper after winning every competition.
Right now, you were sitting in the living room, practicing for the incoming competition that was going to happen in just a few days. Your eyes were bored on the Chess board and pieces in front of you, analyzing and envisioning every move within the board before removing a Bishop piece with a knight, placing the Bishop piece to the side. "Do you want me to help you practice?" Your partner asked, folding their arms over their chest. Your eyes lifted up from the board as a soft smile curled over your lips. "Sure, I don't mind as I could use another sharp mind than just my own." You chuckled a bit, gesturing for your partner to take seat across from you as you positioned all the Chess pieces back to their perceptive spots.
"You know the rules?" You asked, your eyes drifting back to the board in front of you. "Yes, I know the rules obviously.." Your partner responded, playfully rolling their eyes with a small, affectionate smile. You nodded your head as you moved a pawn piece forward. "Alright, just checking..your turn." Your partner also nodded their head and moved their selected piece.
Kate Laswell:
You and Kate would sit in the living room in absolute silence as the two of you continued to compete against one another, observing and analyzing every move on the Chess board before either you or Kate moved a piece and continued on.
At first it was just a friendly competition until it shifted an intense battle between the two of you as neither of you refused to lose.
At the end, it was a draw, causing both you and Kate to laugh a bit due to how competitive you two suddenly got.
Kate may or may not have played Chess back then as a hobby and got incredibly good at it.
Valeria Garza:
You were a bit skeptical of playing with Valeria, but you didn't say anything about it as it was just a friendly competition between the two of you..or so you thought.
Right now, Valeria was gripping chucks of her hair as her eyes darted everywhere around the board, looking for a way to beat you. Unlike Valeria, you were completely calm and relaxed while patiently waiting for Valeria to make her move.
You ended up winning at the very end, despite Valeria saying that she was simply going easy on you..Complete obvious lie.
Even after winning, Valeria would insisted (more like demand) on a rematch, so you complied and accepted the rematch.. You won for the second time and Valeria insisted once again for another rematch..She lost for the third time and would continue on demanding a rematch.
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famouskidpainter 6 months
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"You bewitched me...I can't get you out of my head...No matter how hard I try.." He whispered as he swallowed back saliva, stumbling a bit with his words. His heart was hammering hard and furiously against his ribcage, almost like it was about burst out from within his chest. He felt his entire face in flames as beads of sweat silently poured down his face and neck, his breathing was shallow and heavy. "Y-you make me experience and feel things...that I used to think and believe that...weren't entirely possible." His eyes slowly drifted down to your lips, his breathing getting more shallower and heavy as he couldn't tear his eyes off from your lips.
Your lips were full and luscious, tainted a soft shade of pink. They looked so kissable and tempting as well as forbidding at the same time. He gulped hard, trying to restrain himself pulling you towards him and to smash your lips with his; in order to feel your lips pressed against his as well as tasting them. What would your lips taste like? Cherries? Strawberries?..God, he really wanted to feel and taste your lips at this point.
"But..it's terrifying at the same time." He continued, his eyes remained to be bored on your lips, staring at them intensely while still trying to restrain himself. Your rose scent perfume then reached his nose, it was intoxicating to enhale. He placed a hand over his nose and mouth, not wanting to breath in your perfume. He felt like he was going to suffocate at this point due to just being at your mere presence.
You silently stared at him while listening to every word that came from his mouth with a calm and relaxed expression on your face. "I-I can't stop thinking about you..I can't stop thinking of how your hips sway side to side every time you walk, how your lips move when you talk, how you smile, how your eyes shine..everything about you..I can't stop thinking about it..I can't stop thinking about you, Y/n.." He said, trembling a bit as he stood in front of you.
There was a brief silence between the two fo you until a soft chuckle came out of your lips. "Well..I guess all I can say is that.." You whispered, gently removing his hand from his face. "I also feel the same for you." A gentle curled over your lips as you stared him with warm eyes.
He blinked, his eyes widen in utter shock and surprised. "Y-you do?" He stuttered, his heart was now thumping hard within ribcage. You nodded your head with the same gentle smile on your face as your eyes shined brightly with love and affection. "I do." Placing a hand over his cheek, lightly caressing his cheekbone with your thumb.
He didn't know what to say as he was completely speechless. "C-can I kiss you?" He finally uttered, leaning a bit against your touch. Your smile widen as you nodded your head enthusiastically.
He smiled a bit before leaning down, moving his face towards yours as he felt your warm breath touching his skin. Slowly, he pressed his lips against yours.
So, I decided to make this, but I didn't have a plan it and *BUMP* I end up this. You can imagine any character from Call of duty as I didn't know what I was doing due to that I just decided to stay up late and write this. Have a good day/ night!
Theme: Call of duty
Character: whoever you want. Go nuts. 馃槈
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famouskidpainter 6 months
Terrifying Wrath
Call of duty modern warfare 2
Included characters: Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick, Simon 'Ghost' Riley,John 'Soap' MacTavish, John Price
Warning: Violence and mention of violence
Pov: Second point of view
You were a gunsmith who has repaired, customized, modified, designed, and even built many various types of firearms for Task141 for many years. You were known for your skills, dedication, commitment, and hard-work during your time surveying as well as always having your face concealed behind a hyottoko mask-causing many recruits and some of Task141 to wonder what your face might look like without the mask-but you're far more well-known for one thing and that is..your short yet utterly terrifying temper, making the toughest and hardest solider in the base to tremble in fear.
He highly respects and admires your work and dedication as well as hard-work.
Every so often, he would stop and pop by your workshop to merely say hi and see how you're doing or to just simply leave a plate of food on your desk as you often attend to forget to take care of yourself due to getting caught up with work.
When you're not working on something in your workshop, you and Price would usually go to a nearby Cafe and talk about whatever and enjoy a coffee with one another, but you didn't speak a whole lot and he didn't mind at all if you didn't speak as he also attends to not speak alot often, preferring to merely listen. So, you both would just simply drink one another's coffee in comfortable silence as people chattering in the background filled the Cafe.
You both have a modest and good relationship due to spending time and working alongside one another for many years. He may or may not know what your face looks like ;)
And..he knows of your infamous temper as he experienced first-hand..Due to losing a firearm you built for him after a mission in the Artic back in his younger years.
Let's just say..he learned to take extra care of the firearms you delivered to him till to this very day.
"YOU DAMN UTTER FOOL! HOW DARE YOU LOSE MY PRECIOUS COLT M-4 SOPMOD! DON'T YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT TOOK ME TO MAKE YOU THAT KIND OF FIREARM!?" You roared, jabbing your index finger against Price's cheek with brutal force. "Owowowowow! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-" Price tried to explain himself, but was promptly cut off by you now screaming in his ear, nearly causing his eardrums to bleed. "DIDN'T MEAN TO?! DIDN'T MEAN TO MY ASS! YOU RUINIED A MONTH'S WORK!" You proceeded to jab your index finger against his cheek, but with more force than before while chewing him out alive.
Later, Laswell was able to calm you down after buying and giving you your favorite food, mitarashi dango-Price was mentally thanking whichever God in his head as Laswell unknowingly or knowingly saved his ass that day.
Laswell sometimes would tease Price referring to the incident and he would go silent as his face turns a bright shade of red of embarrassment.
He even shudders at the mere memory of it, praying that he doesn't relive that incident again. But, his prayers weren't heard as..one day, he again lost a firearm of yours during a mission.
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He also respects and admires your work and dedication as well as hard-work.
He would come and barg in your workshop, almost daily..Much to your dismay.
He would also stand beside you beside you while you worked on repairing or building a firearm as well as constantly asking you questions of every little thing you do..You remember the many times you had forcefully kicked out Soap from your workshop as you couldn't work in peace without him getting on your neck.
He has drawings and doodles of you in his sketchbook..Not exactly as he would normally use or make assumptions on how your face looks like without the mask due to that he has never seen you without it.
And..He also knows of your infamous temper..As he may or may not have lost or damage far to many firearms to the point where he had to beg you on his knees to make him another because he either lost or damaged it.. He still remembers the letter you sent him and it wasn't entirely pleasant..
"Hey Ghost, has Y/n come by as I'm still waiting for that new gun." Soap said, folding his arms over his chest as he stood in front of Ghost's desk. "Hmm..they did and they told me to give this to you." Ghost responded back as he placed his pen down on top of the slightly scattered papers, reaching down and pulling open a drawer from his desk and taking out an envelope from within it, handing it to Soap. "Thanks.." Soap stated, grabbing the envelope from Ghost and opened it. After Soap pulled the letter from the envelope and read it, he stared at the letter with a nervous and terrified expression as bits of sweat began to form on his forehead. "What does it say?" Ghost asked, briefly glancing up from the paperwork on his desk while continuing to fill them out. Soap didn't responded back as he merely stared at the letter in his hands before finally being able to speak once again.
"Hey Ghost..do you happen to know what is y/n's favorite food?"
It took a lot of convincing, begging and mitarashi dango to get you to forgive Soap and to give him a new firearm..after giving him a threat if he even lost or broke it, then you'll make sure to make his death slow and painful as well as appearing like a mere accident.
He promised that he wouldn't break or lose it..he hoped that you wouldn't do exactly what you threatened to do to him as he might of lost it..again.
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*Pretend it says "I have no gun for you".*
I'll make a part 2, but with Gaz and Ghost. Please be patient with me and have a good day/night.
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famouskidpainter 6 months
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Warning: None..
Pov: Third point of view..
"Oh, you were waiting for us, lad?" A deep, masculine voice with a Scottish accent said as another voice, lowly hummed in agreement to the other man's statement.
"I'm merely following her orders." A sharp voice responded back, shortly.
The two males silently stared at the short young man with neatly styled, vertically shaded dull and light green to black hair, uncertain on to what else to say due to the young man's short and simple response.
"Well, I'm Soap," Soap uttered, breaking the silence between the three of them as he held out his hand to the young man, "and this guy over here is Ghost." Gesturing to the man wearing a skull mask on his right. "Who you might be, lad?" He added with a small smile, remaining to hold out his hand to the young man.
"I know," The young man simply stated, not beating an eye to Soap's hand, "I read both of your files."
Soap blinked before placing his hand back to his side, now feeling awkward as he felt his cheeks heat up slightly in embarrassment. "Uh, yes, of course...you would know." He stumbled a bit on his words, pursing his lips into a line. Ghost stood beside Soap as he silently watched the event occurring before him, finding the young man's blunt behavior quite amusing.
"Before we go." The young man said before pointing his index finger over to Ghost.
Ghost and Soap both blinked as they silently waited to see and hear what would the young man do or say.
"You know that man beside you isn't much to look at and is an eyesore to boost." The young man said, his expression forming into a look of disgust.
Soap stared at the young man with an utter dumbfounded expression while Ghost stared at the young man with deadpan eyes.
"Let's get going." The young man stated as he turned around, moving forward through the hallway.
Ghost and Soap stared at the young man from behind his head, trying to process on what earth just happened before shortly following behind the young man.
"This kid is sure is something else..." Both Ghost and Soap thoughted in their mind as they proceeded to follow the young man while stealing small glances down to him from behind.
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famouskidpainter 6 months
Hello! There is my first time writing a fanfic...So, please be respectful and correct me if anything in this story is spelled or punctuated incorrectly! Thank you for understanding! :)
Welcome to my Darkside
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Warning: Slight violence..
Pov: Third point of view..
Emerging from the shadows, a tall young man, cladded in a teared military uniform with large vine-like patterns around his body and a large white horn sticking out from his forehead, panted heavily for air as they just kicked the enemy from the other side away through several buildings.
Then the tall young man froze as the scent of blood reached his nose, eyes darting to find the source of the scent. The scent of blood came from a soldier, who was also cladded in the exact same military uniform as the tall young man. The solider was bleeding from their forearm as they applied pressure onto their injury to stop the bleeding while blood dripped down to the ground. The solider lifted up their head, staring at the tall young man with terror in their eyes.
The tall young man's teeth chatter as his stomach rumbled in newfound hunger while his mouth slowly watered. He tried to restraint himself, but his body automatically launched itself forward to the soldier. The solider screeches, jumping back instinctively.
The tall young man growled as something large and hard was placed in his mouth while a deep and masculine voice called out to the tall young man. "Y/n!"
The tall young man-named Y/n-simply growled and thrashed against the restraint, scratching the man who was holding him back on the ear. The man groaned and grunted as he kept an iron grip onto the stick he placed in Y/n's mouth while firmly and tightly wrapping his legs around Y/n's waist from behind.
"Y/n! Snap the fuck out of it! Y/n!" The man called out while proceeding to firmly hold onto the stick. Y/n merely waved his arms in the air violently before kicking his legs, pushing both the man and him back into a some rubble. The man grunted as he landed on his back.
"Hey! What happened here, Gaz?" A man with a bucket hat and beard exclaimed out loud, hurriedly ran over to Gaz and Y/n before kneeling down on one knee with a shock and worried expression on his face.
"I don't know!" Gaz grunted out while kept on restraining Y/n, who proceeded to thrash and growl against Gaz's grasp. "He went bloody mental after attacking the bastard!"
The man with the bucket hat and beard stared at Y/n's angered face with wide eyes.
"You should try and sing him a lullaby, that always used to help me when I was young." The man with the bucket hat and beard said.
"Hah?! A fucking lullaby?! How does a bloody lullaby help with this type of fucking situation, Cpt?!" Gaz exclaimed angrily, staring at his captain, as if he was mental lunatic.
"I don't know what else to think?! Just do something! While I'll deal with the rest." His captain responded back before standing up and quickly retreating back to the battle field.
Gaz frowns as his eye twitched.
Some dumbass lullaby? Bloody fucking hell...
Gaz gritted his teeth, promptly thinking of a lullaby from the top of his head.
"Hushabye...baby bunny on the hill...tell me why your ears are so very long.." He sanged in between Y/n's pulling, his singing was actually good.
"Because when my mother was expecting me, she-" Gaz grunted when Y/n smacked his head backwards into his own, throwing his hand up, then Gaz grabbed Y/n's wrist.
"..dined on long leaves from a tree..and that is why my ears are so very long!"
Y/n's eyes widen, his hand shaking.
A memory of Y/n's mother who used to sing that exact lullaby to him when he was young, flooded his mind. It was one of his favorite lullabies before his mother along with the rest of his family were killed by a war occurring in his home country.
Tears began to brim Y/n's eyes, he then erupted into tears. Gaz stared at Y/n in utter shock, pulling the stick away from his mouth. "Y/n..." Gaz whispered as Y/n proceeded cried and sob.
Y/n cried and cried, beginning to slowly shrink smaller and smaller, until he was just the size of a toddler, curling up into a ball and fell asleep instantly.
Gaz placed a hand over Y/n's head, hearing him quietly snore in his sleep.
"Thank god..." Gaz sighed, throwing his head back in utter relief and exhaustion.
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famouskidpainter 11 months
Hello! To the People who see my post as this is my FIRST ever post on tumbler!
So, I'm an artist who draws random things,but if I feel like doing it because I'm lazy..
And here is the FIRST POST!! 馃ぉ
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I drew Gabriella from Spider-Man: Across the Multiverse!! I had this thought of drawing her,but in a demon slayer au!! I imagined her taking the role of nezuko and Miguel as tanjiro since they are related and have a cute relationship!! Also..I had trouble finding her age..but I think I found it on a fanfiction on Ao3,but not sure if it's her actual age..DAMMIT!! I just fucking realized that the dark mode of the drawing turned off!!馃槶馃槶 It was about her age...Like for example..
Little info of the Au!
Gabriella's Age
Physically: 12
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