fan4196 · 2 years
Hey everyone! I’ve updated my masterpost! Hope you like it. Enjoy!
Jolex Masterpost - Update 03/04/22
Hi everyone! Here you can find all of my fics in one post. Hope you like them. Enjoy!
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One Shots
a family trip
Alex and Jo take their four year old twins and their four months old on a surprise family trip Jolex AU + kids
Come Home
After almost a month in Kansas Alex decides to call Jo and tell her where he is, Jo has some interesting news too Jolex fix-it fic
What if
What if Jo is the same age as Lexi and they become best friends Jolex AU + Lexie
Grocery shopping
Alex goes grocery shopping with all kids. Bad idea! Jolex AU + Jolex kids
Alex and Jo have a fight Jolex + Jolex kids
After a few test it turs out that Jo has no Covid but something else Jolex AU
Family Christmas Time
A Karev Christmas Jolex AU + Jolex kids
16x16 but different Jolex fix-it fic
Sleepover At The Hospital
The birth of Jo and Alex' third child and the twins meeting their little sister Jolex AU + Jolex kids
Can I Buy You A Coffee
Jo and Alex meet each other again at a conference and slowly find back to each other Jolex fix-it fic
While a massive snowstorm is raging over Seattle Jo spends a good amount of time running around the hospital looking for her family just to find them out in the cold building a snowman Jolex AU + kids
Wedding guests
Jo, Alex and their kids attend a wedding Jolex AU + kids
The truth
After Mer found out about Jo‘s little secret she tells Alex about it during a phone call Jolex fix-it fic
Alex’s Award
Alex wins the Catherine Fox award Jolex AU
Mister Perfectly Fine
Mister Perfectly Fine (Part 2)
Fearless (TV) - TSxJolexWeek
Everyone thinks Alex is Mister perfectly fine but he’s not Jolex fic
How You Get the Girl
1989 - TSxJolexWeek
Alex comes back to get his girl Jolex fix-it fic
Happiness (Part 2)
Happiness (Part 3)
Evermore - TSxJolexWeek
After Alex received very happy news his daughter convinces him to get his happiness back Jolex fix-it fic
Christmas every year
How the Karev family celebrates their Christmas over the years Jolex AU + Kids
Soon you’ll get better
After Jo came back from Pittsburgh she’s not shutting Alex out Jolex fix-it fic
Twenty years
Twenty years (Part 2)
Jo and Alex reconnect after twenty years through their kids Jolex fix-it fic + Jo's twins + Alex's twins
Mother-in-law (Part 2)
Mother-in-law (Part 3)
Mother-in-law (Part 4)
Mother-in-law (Part 5)
The phone call between Jo and Helen. After that Jo never loses contact with the Karev family. Alex and Jo meet each other again, after three years, for Christmas at his mothers house Jolex fix-it fic + Jolex kids + Alex's twins
Emergency Contact
Emergency Contact (Part 2)
Emergency Contact (Part 3)
What if after all this years Alex still is Jo's emergency contact? Jolex fix fic + Jo's twins + Jolex kid
SMS (Part 2)
SMS (Part 3)
SMS (Part 4)
Some SMS' between Jo and Alex Jolex AU
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fan4196 · 2 years
Soon you’ll get better
Finally a new fic. Hope you like it. Enjoy!
Thanks to @angry-slytherin for beta reading!
The second he saw her there in their bed, pretending to be asleep, he knew she was not ok. The fresh stain of tears under her puffy eyes, the wet spot on her pillow, and her red nose let Alex know immediately that she wasn't sleeping. But he still let her be. He figured quickly that whatever she discovered during her trip to Pittsburgh wasn't the closure and peace she had hoped for. Otherwise she wouldn't lie there pretending to be asleep. But he let her be. If he knows one thing about his wife than it's that pressuring her never helped. So he will wait until she's ready. Just like she does whenever he needs his time - she leaves him alone until he's ready to talk about it. And now is his turn to let her process and digest before she's willing to talk to him about it.
After kissing her forehead and a last look at her he quickly resumes his nightly routine in the bathroom and changes before he joins his wife in bed.
Normally he would scoot closer and wrap his arms around Jo but he's not sure if that's what she really needs right now; instead he pulls the cover closer to his chest and stares at the ceiling, trying to guess what discovery his wife made to return this broken. Every possible scenario plays in his head, preventing him to close his eyes and fall asleep.
Even though the loft was dark except from the little moonlight shining through their windows, he turns his head to look at Jo.
Her back is still turned towards him, her head is buried in her pillow while her hands are still holding tightly onto it.
All he wants to do is hold her close, showing her that no matter what had happened he is here for her, will keep her safe and just loves her, but he wasn't sure if his closeness wouldn't cross her boundaries right now.
But he also can't just lay there - he at least needs to let her know that he's here. So he probs up on his left arm and comes a little closer.
"Jo." He starts softly, "Whatever happened in Pittsburgh I want you to know that I love you and that I'm here for you whenever you're ready."
He carefully brushes the stray hair behind her ear and places another kiss against her temple before he scoots backwards to lay back down. But before his head hits the pillow again her shaky voice fills the silence.
"C- can you- hold me?" She quietly asks between now loud sobs.
That's all he needs to hear to pull her close in his arms, tightly holding her while she cries into her pillow.
Even though he got only three hours of sleep that night, he gets up the next morning to make breakfast. He knows that Jo didn't get any sleep either, so he called the hospital to call both of them sick for the day. Luckily Bailey didn't ask any further questions and Alex continued preparing them something to eat.
It breaks his heart to see his wife like this. Even though she's sleeping right now her hand is still holding tightly onto his pillow while her red puffy face looks anything but relaxed.
He misses her smile, her laugh. But this is what he promised her - for better, for worse. And he would keep this promise - always.
The smell of smoke rips him out of his thoughts. He quickly turns the waffle iron off before he puts the last waffle on the little pile he already made. He pours himself a coffee and takes it with him back to bed. He doesn't know why but he feels like he needs to stay close to Jo; even though she's sleeping he doesn't want her to wake up alone, which is actually bull shit considering they are living in one big room - he still wants to be close for her.
Sipping on his coffee he falls back into his thoughts. What the hell happened in Pittsburgh? What could Jo have discovered to push her this hard off the road? He hopes she will talk to him once she's awake. He really wants to help her through this like she did so many times for him. Like when his dad showed up and later died; she was the only one by his side. Or when he started working for Lebackes she was his only cheerleader. And even when they were broken up and she had every right to hate him for what he did to DeLuca, she came to see him at Mer's house and hugged him without a word just to be sure he was safe.
She really is the one person that was always there for him, that always supported him and always made sure he was ok. And he could never put into words how much he loves her for being this person in his life. It wasn't fair back then when he told her that Mer was the only one the could count on because it simply wasn't true.
He often finds himself wondering how he out of all the people is the lucky one to have this wonderful woman as his wife. He doesn't know how he deserves her.
From the corner of his eye he sees her eyes open slowly. Giving her the space she needs,
he keeps sipping on his coffee until it's empty. Putting the empty mug on his nightstand he feels her flinch.
"I'm sorry." He whispers, watching her stare at the kitchen island.
"You should go. You have work." Her voice is quiet.
"I'm not going anywhere." He answers, making sure she knows that he's here for her.
"There are sick kids who need you."
"You are more important right now." He tries to make it clear to her that he is here for her to lean onto if she needs to.
"No." It's nothing but a whisper, "I'm not worth your love." Her voice is cold but he knows how to take it.
"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."
He turns carefully so he could look at her with still enough space between them.
"You are worth every single bit of my love, Jo. I love you so much it hurts sometimes. I would do anything for you. Every morning when I wake up I look at you and wonder what I did to deserve you. I've said it before but I'll say it again, nothing has ever surprised me more than getting you to love and marry me. I'm in on this. For better for worse. In sickness and in health. I can only promise you again that I'm not going anywhere. Not today, not ever." He assures her softly, not taking his eyes off her.
"Can you hold me?" She asks, new tears building in her eyes.
"Always." He doesn't even hesitate, putting his arms around Jo.
It's silent for a while. He can see her tears streaming down her face but she's not making a sound. He strokes her hair and holds her close. He can feel her opening and closing her mouth from time to time but not saying anything.
"I- I met her. In a diner and we talked. He raped her-" Jo breaks the silence with a sob, "My father."
He doesn't know what to say. He pulls her even closer and lets his body say what his mouth can't form.
"She hated being pregnant. When I was born she loved me but I reminded her of him so she left me at the fire station. She was young. She didn't tell anyone. No one knew she was pregnant. No one knew I was born. I'm only here because he raped her. I should have never existed in the first place."
It's again silent before he finds the right words, "But I'm glad you do. You make me a better man every day. If it wasn't for you I would still be this douchebag attending who sleeps around the hospital. Paul would still be out there hurting people. Mer would have never started her mini liver study. You help and heal so many people every day." It's almost impossible but he pulls her even closer and kisses her head before he continues, "I'm so grateful every day that you exist. You make me and my life so much better. I love you, please don't ever doubt that." He whispers as his head lays on hers.
"There's more I need to tell you but I'm not ready yet." She answers quietly, relaxing a little in his strong, protective arms.
"And that's ok. I can wait." He kisses her head again.
"Thank you." She whispers before they fall into an silence again.
"I think I wanna try therapy."
"Ok." Alex answers, "Are you hungry?"
She replies with a small nod.
"You need to let me go so I can serve you breakfast in bed." He jokes as she lets him go.
They lock eyes for a second and her beautiful smile appears for the first time again.
She knows it's gonna get better because he is there.
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fan4196 · 2 years
Christmas every year
A little late but nevertheless hope you like it. Enjoy!
Thanks again @angry-slytherin !
- Christmas 2020 -
"What the hell is going on?" Alex asks surprised as he walks into the loft after a long day of work. With Christmas coming up he doubled his hours so he is free for the holidays this year. This Christmas is their first as a family of four and he wouldn't want to miss it for anything in the world.
All those years before he met Jo, he didn’t give a crap about Christmas - it only reminded him of awful, disappointing days filled with violence, screaming and hiding; once the holidays started and his dad wasn’t at work their days became nightmares. Instead of presents they got a drunk dad and a crazy mom for Christmas.
His holidays spent in foster families weren't any better.
So when he moved to Seattle he just skipped the holidays and worked through them.
But then he met Jo and suddenly he had someone to be grateful for and to celebrate this special time with. Sure, the first few years she was still a resident, which means she had to work on almost every Christmas, but as soon as she got home they celebrated together - watched Christmas movies on TV, ordered pizza, had some beer and exchanged presents.
But this Christmas is different. It is their first as parents and even though the twins are still way too little to get what is going on, Jo wants it to be special for them and he secretly wants that too.
"I got us a tree. And now we are decorating." Jo smirks as she puts another ornament on the crappy, little tree she put up next to the TV.
"I think even decorating won't help here. It looks kind of dead." Alex comments as he takes his coat and shoes of and walks over to his wife.
"Shut up. It's cute." She snaps followed by a laugh, slapping his hand as he goes to touch the tree.
"Sure." Alex answers shortly, turning to his babies in their swings. "What did you do to them? Are they drunk?" He questions, lifting up his baby girl, inhaling her sweet scent as he blows raspberries on her little cheek.
"Well, as you can see they are trying on their new Christmas outfits and no, they just like staring at the lights like little weirdos." Jo jokes, handing him an ornament. "Here put that up."
"What is this?" He asks, trying to read what the ornament says.
"It's your ornament" He takes it from her with one hand and puts it in one of the branches before he reads it - 'First Christmas as a Dad'.
- Christmas 2024 -
"Parker! Over here!" Their four year old shouts from behind the little snow fort they built this morning. They are currently having a snowball fight against their dad, which it looks like they will win. Like the little villains they are, they slowly surround Alex in his hiding space behind the tree, each of them armed with two big snowballs to throw at their dad. He's totally outnumbered and as much as Jo would like to help him, the little four months old that finally fell asleep on her chest is a good excuse not to. Instead, she sits by the window watching her other three playing outside in the snow.
She would have never dreamed that her life would look like this one day. Back when she was little Christmas was the worst. She never really believed in it. Sure a few of her foster parents tried to make it magical but other foster parents didn't give a crap at all. She remembers this one family that didn't even bother to put a tree or a little decoration up. They even tried to convince the kids that it was November not December, so they didn't have to waste money on presents. That was the time Jo lost all hope in Christmas and Santa.
When she was living in her car she had other problems then getting herself into Christmas spirit and during med school she used the holidays to learn for upcoming tests.
With Paul she, for the first time, got the feeling what Christmas could be like, but after they got married and he started to hurt her, she lost all hope again.
Then she meet Alex and even just sitting on the couch together watching crappy Christmas movies and eating pizza felt more like Christmas than any Christmas before did.
And now she's here, watching her husband and kids playing outside in the snow, giggling and screaming, having a blast, running around in way to big, gender neutral, hand knitted hats that their grandma made them. She herself sitting inside of their fully decorated house by the fireplace, patting their four month old’s butt while she's sleeps contently on her moms chest. It sounds cheesy but this year Jo had not a single wish on her wishlist because she has everything she ever wanted.
- Christmas 2037 -
"Eden? Are you finally ready? Your dad really wants to start." Jo asks as she walks into her thirteen year old’s room.
"Yes, mom. I'm almost done. Chill." Eden answers annoyed, throwing the brush she just used back onto her make up table.
"I'm going to ignore the tone you just used to speak to me, because it's almost Christmas. Now come." Jo says, leaving the room, walking down the stairs into the living room where the twins and Alex are already waiting.
"Is she finally done? Some people in this house have better things to do then waiting an hour for her to be ready." Parker complains without looking up from his phone.
"Can we make this quick? I'm going to Lara's at five." Eden asks as she walks into the living room.
"Of course." Emery mumbles, rolling her eyes, as she gets up from the couch walking over to her parents, who are already waiting at the fireplace.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Eden snapps at her bigger sister.
"Oh nothing. It's just that you are gone every freaking weekend hanging at another friend's house. Can't you stay at home for just one freaking weekend?" Emery snapps back.
"Well not everyone can be as boring as you are. It's also not my fault that you don't have friends you can hang with." Eden screams back at her sister, walking closer towarts her.
"OK ENOUGH YOU TWO! Get your butts over here so we can finally take this stupid family picture for the freaking Christmas card and call it a day." Alex shouts, which makes everyone jump.
"So I guess this was the last Christmas card we make, ha?" Jo asks, as she walks out of the bathroom, joining Alex under the covers.
"What, why?" He asks putting his Ipad and reading glasses on his nightstand.
"Well your kids hate it, the dogs hate it, it stresses everyone out and you called it 'stupid family picture for the freaking Christmas card', so I assume you hate it too." Jo shrunks, lying down on her back, starring at the ceiling.
"Nooo. Jo, no. I don't hate it. I'm sorry I called it stupid. I know what it means to you. It's tradition, so we'll keep it going until our last Christmas, ok? I promise. It's just- It was so much easier when those monsters where little, which is actually crazy if you think about it- What I want to say is, they have to live with it. It's a Karev family tradition and no matter how much those three hate it I will force them on this picture again every year, because I love you." He finishes, scooting closer, tangling his arms around Jo, burying his face in her neck.
"Love you too, jerk." She jokes, turning her head to kiss him.
- Christmas 2045 -
"Oh God, I missed you so much." Jo greets her daughter with a tight hug.
"Mom I can't breathe."
"Well deal with it. If you decide to move across the country to go to med school, your mother can hug you as tight as she wants." Jo jokes, still not letting go of her daughter.
"Alright. I missed you too, mom." Emery hugs her mother back tightly. "Where's dad?"
"He's picking Eden up from the train station. But they should be here any minute." Jo answers as she finally lets go of her daughter, checking her watch.
"Is Parker coming too?" Emery asks as she puts up her jacket and kicks off her shoes before she follows her mom to the kitchen.
"Mmhh. And guess what, he's bringing someone." Jo smirks.
"No way. Tell me. What do you know?" Emery asks excited while she sits down at the kitchen island, looking expectant at her mom, who's getting out two cups to make them hot chocolate.
Emery loves this little tradition. Back when they were little they always had mom- or dad-dates, which was alone time with either their mom or their dad and they could decide what they would do. Emery always picked getting hot chocolate with her mom and even though she's a grown up now she still loves it. It always reminds her of the happy childhood she had. Her parents weren't perfect and most of the time had no clue what they were doing, but they always loved and still love them more than anything else in the world. She has always been and still is blown away by the love their parents give her and her siblings. She knows where her parents come from - they never had a stable, working family until they meet each other and Emery knows that her parents never want her or her siblings to feel like they felt when they were kids; and she never did. She has always felt so loved and she always felt the love between her parents. That's also something she still admirers. The love between her mom and dad has always been so strong and beautiful and still is; and that's something she wants to find too - her one true soulmate maybe she already did.
- Christmas 2048 -
"And this is for both of you, mom and dad. We hope you like it." Parker says as he hands his parents a small box, sitting back down next to his fiance Anna.
"If not, can we exchange it?" Alex jokes, holding the box while Jo carefully unties the ribbon.
"Alex!" Jo snapps, looking at her husband.
"I don't think you want to exchange it, dad." Emery smiles at her dad mischievously.
"Oh, you know what's inside?" Alex asks his older daughter.
"Yes. Parker and Anna got us the same present." She answers her dad, looking towards her husband Chris as he squeezes her hand.
"Could you let them finally open it, Emery? I'm going to burst if they don't open it soon." Eden snapps from the armchair, wiggling in excitement on her boyfriends lap.
"Alright, alright. I'm-" Jo stops as she opens the lid of the box and sees what's inside.
"Get it out mom. And give the other one to dad." Parker tells his mom, with a wide smile on his face.
Jo gets the white fabric out and hands the other one to Alex, to unfold them at the same time.
Jo immediately bursts into tears as she reads what the writing on the fabric says.
"Oh my God-" Jo gasps, getting up from the couch to hug her son and future daughter-in-law.
"And, dad? You still wanna exchange it?" His younges daughter asks, smiling at him.
"Hell no. I'm gonna be a grandma in May." He jokes, turning the onesie towarts his kids.
"Oh god. They send two with grandma." Parker laughes and everyone joines him. But it wouldn't be a real Karev Christmas if everything would go as planned.
- Christmas 2065 -
"Alright everyone! Time for presents!" Emery calls, getting all of the kids from the playroom.
"Everyone to the living room. Come on guys!" Parker helps his sister, following the crowd of children into his parents living room.
"Ok. We do it like every year, who wants to be our Christmas elf this time?" Alex asks from his place on the couch next to Jo. "How about Aiden and- Maya?" He picks two of his grandchildren to hand out the presents to the other kids, because otherwise it would just end in chaos, with every one running around the tree, looking for their presents.
So nine year old Aiden and his seven year old cousin Maya start handing out the presents and everyone immediately starts unwrapping their gifts.
"Mom could you take Taytum, so I can help Isla?" Eden asks holing the smallest of the Karev grandkids towards her mom.
"Of course. Grandma needs some baby snuggles." Jo takes her granddaughter out of her daughters hands and places the sleeping infant in her chest.
"Can you believe that this little cutie is our twelfth grandkid?" Alex asks his wife as he pulls her a little closer to grab his granddaughters little hand.
"No, not really. But just look at all of them." She looks up from the sleeping baby on her chest and lets her view flow through the crowded living room for a moment. "I'm not too mad at our kids for not stopping having them."
"Me neither." Alex smirks, leaning over to kiss Jo's cheek. "Thank you."
"For what?"
"For falling in love with me even though I've been a jerk back then." He smiles at his wife with his crooked smile.
"Well- Your welcome, jerk." Jo answers, kissing him again.
"You remember our first Christmas together, Princess?" He teases his wife, stealing another kiss from her.
"Yeah. We drank beer on this couch, ate pizza and watched crappy Christmas movies." Jo answers, thinking back to where they started from.
"It has been just the two of us back then and now look at our three amazing kids and twelve fantastic grandchildren. We finally have the family we always dreamed of." He smiles, before he leans back on their couch, tightening his arm a little more around Jo and watches his kids and grandchildren sitting on the living room floor happyly unwrapping presents.
"We do." Jo whispers, putting her head down on Alex shoulder, gratefully watching her grandkids sitting in the middle of their parents, ripped wrapping paper and tons of toys. And even though their living room is a mess, she wouldn't want it any other way.
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fan4196 · 3 years
Mister Perfectly Fine (Part 2)
Fearless - Taylor’s Version (From The Vault)
After way to long here’s finally the second part of this fic. Hope you like it. Enjoy!
Thanks again @angry-slytherin !
Of course his sister had to pick this city out of the millions of cities in the freaking country for her wedding. Sure, her soon to be husband is from there but when she told him on the phone that they are going to have their wedding there he thought she had to be kidding. Not only was it the city he heavy hearted turned his back to almost a year and a half ago, but his little sister also decided to have her wedding at the exact same location his and Jo's first wedding was supposed to be.
Of course Amber apologized a million times, knowing how hard it still was for him to be confronted with anything that is somehow connected to his ex-wife. Amber offered to find a new location but he immediately denied it the second it came out of her mouth. It wasn't her fault, he had been an idiot a year and a half ago and had thrown the best thing he had ever had in his life away. He simply had to man up for one day and put a smile on for his sister. He knew that going back there would bring up a lot of emotions, but he had to live with that. After all it was his fault he was in this exact situation right now.
His sister also offered that he could skip the ceremony and only come to the celebration afterwards but he denied that too, knowing how much it meant to her to have him as the only male family of hers at her wedding. Also, years ago when she first started seeing Matt and slowly knowing that he was the one, she asked Alex to walk her down the aisle once the time had come and he would keep that promise. He was the one that mainly raised her when their mothers illness became too much  and their dad had finally left, so he had to be there. Also she had asked quiet a while ago if Alexis would join her daughter to be a flower girl and if Eli would help her son to bear the rings, so he couldn't let his kids run around on her wedding with no adult around - because Izzie wouldn't come with them to the wedding.
So he finds himself in the exact same parking spot he once parked in three years ago but instead of Mer and Zola he has his very excited twins with him. He takes a deep breath before he helps his kids out of the car and smoothes their clothes before they walk towards the oh-so-familiar location. For one second he thought about turning around and just hiding in the little, red shed until the wedding was over but the second he set foot on the deck above the venue he saw her - standing next to his mom while they where talking. He immediately froze as he just stared at her back.
He couldn't see much of her but by just the sight of her back he could tell that she was just as beautiful as always. Her hair was short now and the dress she was wearing just hugged her curves perfectly. He couldn't see her face but by the smile on his mother's face, as she was talking to her, he knew she was smiling too. He kept his glance at her when she turned a little and gives him a good view at the sleeping baby she is holding against her chest. A little girl probably a year old, sucking on a green pacifier while Jo straightened her little grey dress that was matching the little bow in her short, blonde hair.
Jo's eyes are sparkling as she kisses the little girls head, swaying to the music while she kept her conversation with his mom going.
A little tug on his pants interrupts Alex from starring at Jo.
"Daddy, I need to pee." His son announces staring up at him, nervously dancing on his feet showing how urgent it already was.
"Ok. Let's see." He quickly answers trying to memorize where the toilets were before he takes the twins there.
As they reach them his daughter revels that she has to pee too so Alex quickly opens the door to the men bathroom, expecting his daughter too follow them inside.
"Come on Alexis." He calls, holding the door open for Alexis to follow them.
"No daddy it's the boys bathroom. I'm a girl." She quickly complaines, crossing her arms to make her point clear that she will not use the boys restroom.
"You can use the boys bathroom too. It's ok. Come on." Alex tries again.
"No." His daughter answers stumping her little foot while she looks at her dad.
"Alright then you have to wait here until we're done or you have to use the girls bathroom on your own."
She nods at her dad and disappears inside the girls bathroom.
After her conversation with Helen, Jo was happy to find the bathroom empty. She loves her ex mother-in-law but after all she was also just a reminder of what Alex took from her when he decided to leave. She doesn't have to say how surprised she had been when she found Ambers wedding invitation in her mail one day. Surprised was probably an understatement because after her divorce with Alex, Jo and Amber hadn't really been talking to each other as often as they used to when Jo was still a Karev. But Jo had found a great friend in her ex sister-in-law so she was happy to be invited to her wedding even though she knew that he would be here too.
Luna was still sleeping on her arm but her little girl needed a new diaper nevertheless. She put the diaper bag down on the counter of the sink before she laid her sleeping daughter on the little changing mat next to the sink. Jo is just about to pack the diaper bag again when she hears a little voice from one of the stalls.
"Hello? You ok sweetie?" Jo answers, picking her how awake daughter up in her arms before she walks closer to the stall the little voice is coming from.
"Can you help me?"
"Sure. Did you lock the door, sweetie?"
Jo carefully opens the stall to see a little girl fighting with the amount of tulle of her white dress.
"Hi." Jo smiles.
"Can you help me, I'm tangled." The little girl asks politely smiling shy at Jo.
She helps she girl out of the stall and adjusts Luna on her hip before she kneels in front of the little blonde and helps her putting her little arms where they belong before she sips the dress back up and knots the bow on the back of the dress.
"I love your dress. Are you a flower girl?" Jo asks, already knowing the answer because she saw the other flower girls when she said hi to Amber in her dressing room.
"Mmhhh." The girl smiles proudly as Jo fluffs the tulle of the dress before she's done. "I like yours too and hers. What's her name?"
"Her name is Luna." Jo smiles, looking at her now wide awake daughter. "Right sweet girl?"
Jo takes Luna's pacifier out as she only needs it when she sleeps and puts it in the diaper bag before she kisses Lunas cheek which makes the little girl smile.
"She's so cute."
"You're pretty cute too." Jo smiles as she takes the diaper bag and puts it on her shoulder watching the girls washing her hands. "Can I ask you what your name is?"
"Alexis." She smirks while drying her hands.
"Oh- Alexis… I'm Jo."
"Thank you, Jo." He little girl smiles.
"Of course sweetie. Let's go find your dad. He's probably looking for you, don't you think so?" Jo smiles a toothless smile, adjusting Luna on her hip.
The little girls nods before she takes Jo's free hand and follows her outside.
"Do you see your daddy?"
"No." She shakes her head.
"Mmmhh were could he be?"
"There." Alexis points towards were he's standing next to Amber.
His back is turned towards them so Amber is the first to see Jo and Alexis walking towards them. Before Alex turns around too.
"There you are. Did everything work? You flushed and washed your hands?" He asks watching his daughter closely.
"Jip. I had help from my new friend Jo." She answers, still holding onto Jo's hand.
Alex few goes from his daughter to Jo for the first time after one and a half years and it immediately feels so familiar as if nothing ever happened between them.
"Thank you." He smiles warmly at her.
They throw each other another smile before Jo goes to sit down.
"Ok. Are you ready Alexis?" Alex asks his daughter.
The little girl nods as she gets her little basket full of flower panels from one of Amber’s brides mates.
"Are you ready?" Alex asks as he holds his arm out for Amber to walk her down the aisle.
Jo's just about to sit down in one of the back rows as Helen comes up to her and asks her to sit with her. Jo couldn't turn it down so of course she followed her ex mother-in-law and sits with her.
The ceremony begins with the music starting to play. Amber’s daughter Grace, Alexis and two girls from Matt's side come down the aisle and throw their flower panels. After that Liam, Amber’s oldest and Eli come with the rings. The music changes and Alex brings Amber down the aisle. He kisses her cheek before he hands her over to Matt.
Alex sits down on the other side of Helen and puts his arm on the back of his moms chair, brushing Jo's arm with his fingers without notice while doing it. His little touch immediately fills Jo's body with sparks.
The feeling of her whole body responding to Alex's touch never really leaves Jo. Even after two hours she still fells his fingers where they delicately touched her arm and the undiscribable feeling of warmth inside her body follows her the whole evening. The effect he still has on her makes her wonder; her thoughts stay on it all night.
While everyone is enjoying themselves dancing along with the bridal couple Jo sits at her place feeding Luna. She watches the wedding guests having fun which lets her think back to her own wedding that was actually supposed to happen here. Instead she remembers the chaos that lead them to Jackson’s, now her, penthouse where she was the bride dancing in between all of her friends. Even though their first wedding had been the most chaotic wedding she had ever been to- and she was a guest at April Kepner's first wedding- dancing in Alex's arms to their favourite songs was one of her favourite memory about that day.
Seeing him now dancing with his kids makes her smile for different reasons. She knows how much he hates dancing, especially when people he knows are around. Getting him to dance with her on their wedding day had been quite a challenge but in the end he couldn't resist her and danced with her. The other thing that made her smile were his kids. She always knew that kids bring out the best in him and seeing him now with his twins fills her heart, even though they are the reason he left her. But after meeting them she knows that him wanting to be their dad and having to leave her in the process was the right thing to do. Even though she wishes it would be different. But if Jo knows one thing than it's that you can never know what the future holds for you. One minute you are a teenager living in your car the next you are attending med school at Harvard. One minute you think you can never be happy again and then you meet the most perfect little girl that becomes your daughter.
Still deep in her thoughts Jo doesn't notice Alexis taking the chair beside her. Just as the little girl begins to play with Luna’s foot, making her daughter wiggle on her lap Jo snap out of her daydreaming.
"Will you dance with me?" The girl asks with big brown eyes Jo has never been able to resist.
"Ahm sure." Jo smiles, putting Luna’s stuff together before she gets up.
Just like when they left the bathroom earlier Alexis grabs Jo's free hand and guides her to the dance floor.
They dance together for a while before Alex comes up to them. 
"Do you trust me to take her? Then you can dance better." He offers.
"Oh no it's fine." Jo smiles but her daughter had other plans. As she puts her arms out and leans towards Alex. Something she never did before. She's a rather shy little girl, not letting anyone she doesn't know touch or hold her but with Alex it looks like she's making an exception.
"Well ok."
She hands Luna to Alex, watching him carefully before she goes back to dancing with Alexis.
Alex keeps close to Jo for a little longer swaying Luna in his arms to the current song.
He can hear her little giggles as he tickles her feet. With her head on his shoulder her eyes close a little more with every sway.
Alex watches Jo and his daughter dancing until he's sure Luna is asleep. He sits down with her at Jo’s place when Amber comes and sits with him.
"You're here for only half a day and you already got her baby?"
"Well she stole mine too. And Alexis declined her as their new friend." He points to were Jo's dancing with Alexis and Eli now too.
"Did you know she had a daughter?" Alex asks after a while.
"We kept in touch a little bit, not like we did when she was still my sister-in-law but a little bit. She called mom the day she got her, Luna by the way-"
"Luna." He smiles at the little girl in his arms.
"Yeah. She called mom and they talked a little bit. And you know our mom the next time I visited she told me all about Jo and her little baby girl."
"So she kept in touch with mom too?" He asks interested.
"Yeah. They talk like once a month I think."
"That's more often than mom talks to me."
"Well now you know which side mom choose after your divorce." Amber shrugs before she starts laughing.
"I don't blame her."
"Mmhh. You really are a big idiot for letting her go."
"You think I don't know that?" He answers, stroking Lunas back.
"Just letting you know one more time." She winks at him before she stands up and pads his free shoulder.
"The black one with the elder top is Luna's. I'm sure there's a blanked or something inside."
He smiles at his sister before he gets toward the strollers standing in the corner, carefully not to wake the little girl sleeping on his shoulder. As he pulls the stroller aside a little he immediately spots the diaperbag in the bottom and successfully get it out onehandet to look through it from a blanket. His heart stops for a second as one of his mothers knitted baby heads falls out of it as he pulls the blanket out.
Pictures of Jo's shocked face when his mom told them that she knitted them for their future babies start showing in his head. He remembers how she asked him if he was pregnant and didn't tell her as they apparently were in the baby head place. She ignored him or more avoided him the whole day but later that day he watched her sneaking one of them out of his moms knitting bag and putting it in her purse.
Seeing that she still has this exact same head she took years ago and uses it for her daughter now let's his heart flutter a little. It's like a small thing from him was always with her.
Shaking that thought out of his head he grabs the blue moon blanket and wraps it loosely around the sleeping baby on his arm. After working in peds for years now it's still an amazing feeling for him to hold a baby in his arms. The little body pressed tight to his, their tiny hands grabbing onto his clothes and their sweet smell lingering in his nose.
Alex carefully puts his mother's head on the little girls head before he puts her pacifier back in her open mouth, which she immediately starts sucking on.
He sits back down, holding Luna tight as she snuggles closer in his chest and grabs onto his shirt.
"I see you found her stroller. You could have just put her in there; she's used to sleeping in there." Jo tells him as she sits down on the chair beside him.
"Nah. It's nice to hold her. It's actually been a while since I've been holding a baby, so-"
"Do you forget that you're a peds surgeon?" She asks with a laugh.
"I mean yeah I hold them at work but like this it's probably been Ellis that last fell asleep on my chest." He answers not taking his eyes off of the sleeping girl on his chest.
The sign of her daughter on the chest of the man she once called her husband has a bittersweet.
"Where did you leave the twins?" He asks, now looking at her.
"They wanted to go and play with Liam." Jo points out to the three sitting over a tablet.
"Is- ahm- Is she-"
"Yours?" She watches him nod before she continues. "No. I adopted her. Her mom, Val was my patient but she died unfortunately."
"I'm sorry."
They are both silent for a minute before Alex speaks again.
"You wanna dance with me?"
Jo looks at him a little shocked.
"Are you serious?" She asks in disbelief.
"Yeah. What? Because of her? I can dance with one hand."
"No it's just-" She takes a deep breath before she continues. "You left me, Alex. Just like that and without a warning you left me. You ignored me for weeks and then send divorce papers expecting me to sign them. You broke my freaking heart and undid everything you ever promised to me. You left me thinking you were helping your mom but instead you were with your new family. Six weeks I thought you were dead. Lying in a ditch unidentifiable, just to get a lazy ass letter with divorce papers. And now you wanna dance? You hate dancing."
"I do, but I love dancing with you." He says, looking at her softly. "And I know that this letter was the worst thing I ever did in my life but I want to make it right again. Everything- I'm not whole when I'm not with you. I- I never stopped loving you, Jo. I'm an idiot and I don't expect you to ever forgive me but I want us to be friends again. I miss my best friend." He stops for a second but continues. "Also because me and the twins are moving back here and I guess I can't say no to them when they want to visit their new friend Jo."
"I will need time to-" She whispers.
"You can have all the time you need." Alex answers softly.
It's silent again for a while.
"Than let's start with dancing maybe." Jo agrees.
They stand up and he guides her to the dance floor. She carefully puts her arms around him as he puts his free hand on her waist. He slowly starts swaying them to the song, not taking his eyes off Jo until she puts her head against his shoulder looking into her daughter’s sleeping face.
Seeing Luna peacefully sleeping against Alex's chest is everything she never knew she needed. It hurts seeing her with him but it also filled her heart with so much love. She knows it will take a while until her broken heart can let him in again, but feeling his strong arm around her waist, holding her close helps putting the shattered pieces of her heart slowly back together. Right now she feels finally completely whole again after a long time - right in this moment she feels perfectly fine.
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fan4196 · 3 years
Happiness (Part 3)
Hey everyone here’s part 3, the last part, as requested by so many of you. Hope you like it. Enjoy!
After they dropped Izzie of at the hospital to see her mother alone at first, Jo convinced Alex to drive them to the loft and order some lunch. The twins were already sleepy from the flight and also jet lagged, so Alex gave in and drove them to the place he once called home instead of driving them around city, looking for a hotel to stay at.
As soon as they walked through the loft door, Alex has this weird feeling of being home again. It feels like the place where he belongs, the place he once thought he would start a family with Jo in - now he sort of does but he also feels like a complete stranger. Like he shouldn't be here. Like he shouldn't be allowed to feel like home here.
He immediately notices the missing of all their pictures. The corner were is workout stuff used to be holds two cribs and a changing table now. Most of the stuff he once brought into the loft is gone. Jo's closet is half empty and all in all it just doesn't look like it used to.
All of them get rid of their shoes and jackets and Jo prepares the bed for the twins, so they could take a nap. She and Alex sat on the couch talking until the twins woke up again and they ordered pizza.
The evening went over rather quickly with them watching movies and playing games. Heavy hearted the twins said goodbye to their new friend Jo, but got immediately excited again when she promised to accompany them at the zoo tomorrow.
Exhausted Jo falls into bed that night. Letting the day reminisce. She's really relieved that the twins immediately liked her and also that Alex is back or at least near. It makes her feel safer, to know that if something would happen now Alex is only a fifteen minutes drive away and not a three and a half hours flight. Although her due date is still seven weeks away, you just never know.
For Alex the next morning starts quite early - like almost every day with the twins but today they are extra excited. From getting them dressed, through breakfast and through out the whole car ride to the loft, they couldn't stop talking and asking about Jo.
They pick Jo up from the loft and Alex drives them to the zoo. The twins chat happily with Jo and sing along to the Taylor Swift songs she plays for them. Alex is quiet the whole car ride, smiling and thinking about how this right here is everything he ever wanted - a family with Jo.
At the zoo they start with the otter as requested by the twins. They walk the big round, looking at all the animals before then decide to take a break at the playground.
While the twins play and show Jo their skills at the monkeybars, Alex sits down on one of the benches from where he has a good few at them.
"Are they all yours?" An old man that sat down on the bench with Alex a few minutes ago asks all of a sudden.
"Yeah." Alex answers simply with a toothless smile, not really in the mood to explain his family constellation to a complete stranger.
"If an old man can give you an advise, try to keep them as happy as they are right now. If they are happy you are happy." He says before he stands up again and walks away.
"I see while I was gone you made a new friend your age." Jo jokes as she comes towards him and sits down on the bench.
"Shut up." He snorts, keeping his eyes on the twins.
"Never." She mocks, laughing at the sulky look on his face.
They sit in silence watching the twins play for a while, when out of nowhere Jo grabs Alex's leg and doubles over in pain.
"Jo what is it? Are you in pain? Jo talk to me!" Alex immediately asks concerned, grabbing her hand that's on his thigh, while his other hand strokes her back.
"I think I'm having contractions." Jo answers as the pain subsides and she sits up straight again.
"Since when?" He asks worried, not letting go of her hand while he's also not taking his eyes off of her.
"This morning?" She answers a little quieter, looking away to escape his look.
"I'm having braxton hicks since probably a week. I saw Carina and she said everything was alright. But I don't think that those are braxton hicks, this one was way stronger and it hurt a lot more." She answers, trying to take deep breaths to calm herself down. Alex hand on hers was helping a little bit.
"Ok. Ahm we can do this. We're gonna get you to the hospital. Can you walk?" He asks before he gets up from the bench, holding his hands out to help her up.
"Yeah." Jo answers, taking both of his hands and letting him pull her up.
"Ok. Alexis! Eli! Come here! We need to go!" He screams in the twins direction, waving at them.
"Noo, Daddy." His daughter immediately complains from the sandpit.
"Yes. No complaints we need to take Jo to the hospital now!" He shouts again.
The twins know their dads serious voice so without further complaints they come running towards them and all of them make their way out of the zoo as fast as Jo can. Alex arm is around her to support her while walking and to stabalize her when another contraction hits.
"You're doing so good. Deep breaths." Alex whispers in her ear when they stop for another contraction break. His arms are around Jo, calmly stroking her back while her head is against his chest.
"It's way too early." She whispers a little out of breath from working through the contraction.
"I know. Let's get you to the hospital and see from there ok-" He says while her head still leans against his chest.
"Sir, Ma'am do you need help?" An older lady asks, coming up to them.
"No!" Alex immediately answers rather rudely which scares the lady off.
"Alex! They just wanted to be nice."
"They should mind their own god damn business." He answers "You good again?"
"Yeah." Jo nods and they keep walking, finally making their way out of the zoo.
"Ok you stay here with Jo and have an eye on her and I'm getting the car." Alex orders, already running off to get the car.
"Are the babies hurting you, Jojo?" Eli asks as he sits down beside Jo on the bench in front of the zoo.
"A little bit but it's fine. It's nothing you have to worry about, ok?" Jo assures him with a smile stroking his hair. "There's your dad. Come on."
They get up from the bench while Alex parks in front of them. He quickly gets out of the car to help Jo in the passenger seat and the twins buckling up in the backseats.
During their ride to the hospital the car is silent. The twins are completely quiet while Jo calmly works through her contractions and Alex tries to get them as fast but also as safe as possible to the hospital.
"Kiddos when we are at the hospital a nurse will take you to your mom, ok?" He explains to the twins, watching them nod in the rearview mirror.
"Ok daddy."
"Good." He takes his view from his kids and takes a quick look at Jo, "You ok?"
"Yeah." She smiles as he reaches for her hand to let her squeeze it during the next contraction.
"Ok unbuckle. I'm gonna get you in a second ok?" He tells Jo before he gets the twins inside where a nurse takes them to Izzie. He comes back with a wheelchair and helps Jo sitting down in it.
"Karev? You can't park here." Owen orders as he comes around the car, which is parked directly in front of the ER door.
"Jo's in labor!" Alex replies immediately, handing his key to Owen.
"Alright don't worry. Go get her admitted I'm gonna take care of your car."
"Thanks Owen." Alex screams as he pushes Jo into the ER.
"Stop!" Jo interrupts Alex before he can get them into the elevator, "Levi! Can you go to my place and get me my hospital bag it's right at the front door?" She stops the resident before he could walk past them.
"Are you in labor?" He asks totally surprised.
"Oh my god. Ahm- Of course. I still have my key."
"Thanks." Jo smiles, letting go of his arm so Alex can get them onto the elevator.
He pushes the number to the OB/Gyn floor and squads down in front of Jo, taking her hands in his.
"You're doing so good." He smiles up to her, his eyes softly looking at her.
"It's way too early." She whispers, trying to hold back tears while she keeps looking into his soft, brown eyes.
"It's not. You are 30 weeks which is far enough for them to survive. You kept them save as long as you could and once they're out I promise that I'll keep them save as long as they need, ok?" He assures her softly.
"I'm so glad you are here right now." She whispers.
"Me too."
The opening doors of the elevator interrupt their moment of intimacy and Alex gets her admitted and into a room.
"Jo, bambina I didn't expect you here so soon. Oh hello Doctor Karev." Carina DeLuca greets then as she walks into Jo's room.
"Hi Doctor DeLuca." Alex returns her greeting.
"Carina." She smiles at him, as she puts on a pair of gloves.
"Carina. Alex." He smiles back, taking Jo's clothes from her and puts them on the chair in corner.
"Ok let's see. Did your water already break, Jo?" Carina asks, getting the ultrasound machine ready.
"No- yes." Jo corrects her answer, as she feels the liquid running down her leg.
"Alright then there's no turning back now. Your bambino's want to come today. Can you lay down so I can do an ultrasound and check how far you are dialated?" She asks, getting everything ready.
Alex helps Jo on the bed and sits down on the chair beside her while Carina does the ultrasound and checks her.
"Your babies look great. They are both with their heads down which means we can try the vaginal birth you wanted." Carina smiles, taking off her gloves.
"Perfecto. I'll give you an IV with fluids and something to develop their little lungs and then we'll see. You are seven centimeters so you'll have a little more to go." Carina informs them before she gets the ultrasound machine to take it with her again.
"Thank you Carina." Alex smiles at the OB as he gets up to help Jo sit up again.
"Of course. I'll send a nurse for your IV and check on you in an hour."
"Thank you." Jo smiles.
Carina pads Alexs shoulder before she leaves the two alone again.
"If you need to get the twins or something you can go, I'm fine." Jo turns to Alex.
"Hell no I'm not leaving your side again. Izzie can take care of them for once." He replies, sitting down in his chair again.
"What do you mean?"
"Since the day I got there she plays the 'You missed five years of their life' card which means I have them 24/7 and she doesn't give a shit about them. Don't get me wrong I love my kids but Izzie couldn't care less. She's happy when they are at school or at a friends house and she doesn't have to deal with them all day. Why do you think she has this big ass farm with a hundred animals and a nanny? Just so they can run around outside and she has her quiet inside the house." He vents, laying his head back agains the headrest of the chair.
"So you have them all the time?"
"Yeah they basically live at my place and visit Izzie when she's free on the weekends."
Jo had heard enough, with Alex's help she gets up from the bed and sits down on one of the yoga balls. Closing her eyes and thinking about everything Alex just told her. 
The next few hours go by quietly. Carina checks on Jo every hour and Alex tries to help Jo whenever she needs it.
"I'm thinking about moving here again." Alex voice breaks the silence from his new place on the bed, "Would that be ok with you?"
"What?" She asks again, opening her eyes to be sure he really said what he said.
"I wanna be closer to you and our babies. I wanna see them growing up, Jo. I already missed the first five years once and I don't wanna miss them again. I wanna be their dad - who is around, who is there for their their first words and their first steps. I wanna change dirty diapers and get puked on, I wanna take them to daddy and me classes, I wanna have the whole damn thing - if you'll let me." He finishes, waiting for her answer, "Jo?"
He gets up from the bed and walks to her. Seeing that her eyes are closed, he takes her hands.
"I need to push."
An hour later their beautiful babies are born.
Small but healthy. They need a little help with their breathing but other than that they are both perfectly fine.
Jo has Emery on her chest, Alex has Parker for a little skin to skin time. They are all four curled up on the hospital bed - happier than they ever believed they could be.
"They are so perfect Jo." Alex whispers, watching his son and daughter sleeping peacefully.
"They really are." She smiles towards Alex, "And yes."
"Yes what?" He asks, now looking at Jo.
"You can have the whole damn thing if you want but only if I'll get the whole damn thing with your twins too." She throws him a toothless smile.
"Are you saying-"
"I'm saying after all I still love you and I wanna do this with you. I'll probably need a little more time to fully trust you again but I want them to have their dad around." She nods, not interrupting their stare.
"Thank you." He really doesn't know what other to say.
They get interrupt by a knock and the door opening.
"I'm so sorry Jo that it took this long. I got pulled into a surgery with Bailey- Oh my god you had the babies." Levi stops in this movement.
"Thanks Levi." Jo smiles at him.
"Sure. They are perfect, Jo. Congratulations."
He smiles at them before he puts the bag down at the door and leaves the four alone again.
"How come you call him Levi?" Alex asks interested, watching her carefully.
"He was my roommate for a while right after you left." She answers, carefully stroking her daughters rosy cheek.
"And Taryn too." She adds, taking her glance of her daughter now looking at him again.
"Who?" He asks, scrunching his nose as he returns her glance.
"Oh ok."
Another knock at the door interrupts them. This time it's one of the nurses.
"Are you up for some visitors?" She asks carefully before she opens the door completely as Jo nods. And the twins come into the room.
"Hey guys. Come on in." Alex assures them as they are a little careful. But within a minute they are on the bed with the rest.
"Eli, Alexis those are Emery and Parker." Alex announces with the biggest smile an his face. Right in this moment he was the happiest man alive.
"They are so tiny." His daughter marvels over her little siblings. Scooting closer to her dad to have a better look at her new baby brother.
"They are." Jo laughs at the twins reaction.
"But they are soo cute." Eli adds, scooting a little closer to Jo to get an even better look.
"Right? Don't you think that Parker looks just like your daddy?" Jo asks, pulling the blanket a little from Parker's face so the twins have a better few.
"A little." Alexis agrees with a nod.
"Can we hold them?" Eli asks excited, scooting even closer to Jo.
"Sure. Are you guys strong enough to get me this bag?" Jo asks them, ponying towards the bag Levi just brought.
"I'll get it."
"Thank you, Eli. Let's get them dressed then you can hold them ok?"
The twins nod before they help Jo dressing Emery and Parker. When the smallest Karevs are dressed Jo gets something else out of the bag and hands one to Alex.
"I think you were right about their heads. These are a little big now but just think about their heads if they would have been full term."
"Where do you have those from?" Alex looks at the little hat in his hand, before he looks at Jo.
"Your mom send them."
"You're still in touch with my mom?" He blankly.
"Yeah. And Amber and Matt. And I finally met Aaron too-"
"When?" He asks quite surprised.
"Well your mom invited me to Easter and Amber, Matt, the kids and Aaron where there too."
"We would have been there too but the twins were sick," Alex gasps, looking at Jo.
"Well now we're all gonna be there for Christmas." Jo smiles at him.
"We will." He smiles back.
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fan4196 · 3 years
Happiness (Part 2)
Here’s part two of three from this little fix-it fic. Hope you like it. Enjoy!
It's been a few months now since Jo's call and since Alex debated whether he should visit Seattle or not. He doesn't know if he should. There’s something telling him he lost his right to go back there. To just wiggle himself back into the life’s he left so abruptly. There’s something holding him back.
He ended up with a very big Peds case that kept him busy at work for like a month. When he then finally decided to man up and get over his stupid feelings, the twins got sick with the flu for two weeks. And as soon as they were well again he got it himself and was down for another two weeks. He waited another week to not infect Jo but when he finally got a ticket and was waiting to go to Seattle his flight got canceled. The next flight he wanted to take got canceled too due to bad weather conditions and then there was a lot of work again at the hospital.
Maybe this was the universe telling him to just stay in Kansas and let Jo live the happy life she deserves. Maybe she was better off without him in her life. But the second they got a call from Izzie's mom, that she was admitted to the hospital and it wasn’t looking good Alex took the opportunity to not chicken out again. They also took the twins visit their grandma possibly a last time and to show them where their parents once lived and maybe meet Mer and the kids.
A week later they landed in Seattle. After they left the plane and got their suitcases, they are now on their way to the exit. Mer offered to pick them up from the airport so they wouldn’t have to take a cap. They start looking for Mer as soon as they leave the airport but neither her nor her car was waiting for them. Alex is just about to get his phone out, to call Meredith when he hears a voice calling his name from behind.
Before he even turns he already knows who to look for. He would recognize her voice through everything. It has always been and still is one of his absolute favorite sound. Finding her leaning against her car door, greeting him with a toothless smile, his glance immediately goes to her expanding bump, which looks so good on her. It's so perfect that he would like to capture this view in his brain forever. It’s also so big, but what was he expecting from a seven months twins bump - he doesn't really know.
One of her hands is holding onto the car, the other one is in the pocket of her jacket, tightening the rim of the shirt she's wearing around her stomach. He knows women hate it when you say they have the pregnancy glow but Jo really has it and it fits her so incredibly well.
With a quick call he guides Izzie into Jo's direction, while he's already on his way towards his ex-wife, with his daughter and their suitcase.
"Hi." He greets Jo as he gets closer, not knowing if he should hug her or just do nothing. It's quite awkward. The last time they saw each other they were still husband and wife. He rememberes every second of their last morning together - they are burned into his brain forever.
They woke up, enjoyed the morning in each others arms, took a shower together, packed Alexs stuff in Jos car, he took her out for breakfast, they drove to the airport, they kissed each other goodbye and then he left for his flight.
Now standing here next to her again makes him feel like their goodbye has only been a week ago and she's here to pick him up to go home. But it's not, it's been almost seven month since their goodbye - he's bringing his family with him, she's carrying their babies and they act like they are total strangers.
"Hi." His thoughts get interrupt by his daughter excitingly greeting Jo, freeing her hand from her dad's to tightly hug Jo's leg.
"Oh- ahm hi." Jo greets the little girl a little surprised but immediately stroking her hair lovingly.
"And hello babies." Alexis greets Jo's bump as she carefully strokes it with one hand.
"Did you feel that? They’re saying hi too." Jo smiles as she looks down at the little girl, taking her hand to put it where one of the babies is kicking.
"Like a little alien." Alexis giggles happily, looking from Jo to her dad with a cheeky smile on her face.
"I'm sorry." Alex apologizes, grapping his daughters hands. "Ok, enough Alexis, give Jo some space-"
"There you are. We lost you back there, suddenly you two were gone." Izzie finally reaches the group with Eli on her hand. "Oh I thought Mer wanted to pick us up." Izzie notes as she spots the woman next to Alex.
"Yeah, she got pulled into an emergency surgery and asked me to pick you up, since she won’t let me stand in an OR longer than two hours." Jo jokes, trying to loosen the slightly tense atmosphere. "Oh right- I'm sorry, I'm Jo." She introduces herself, sticking her hand out towards Izzie with the best smile she can put on right now.
"Oh Jo like in Jo Jo." Izzie asks surprised pointing from Jo to Alex and Jo nods.
The whole situation is tense and rather awkward but thanks to the two smallest of the group the awkward silence gets interrupt as Alexis fights her dads hands off once again to start stroking Jos stomach again.
"Eli, come and feel. There are two babies inside." She calls her brother over, who's not so sure about it. He's always the more careful one and also rather shy. Other than his sister who's very outgoing and not afraid of strangers.
"Alexis! Stop that! It's not nice to touch people you don't know." Izzie disciplines her daughter, who's still stroking Jo's stomach.
"But mommy that's my friend Jo and she allowed me to say hello to the babies." Alexis explaines to her mother looking up to Jo, who smiles at her.
"It's fine. You would be surprised how many people touch my bumb every day out of nowhere." Jo assures Izzie, not missing Alex's face immediately turning sad.
"Mommy you know, I love babies." Alexis pleads.
"Yeah I know-"
"Ok. I think we should get going. We can keep talking in the car." Alex interrupts, starting to put the suitcases into the truck of Jo's Audi.
After convincing Jo to let him drive, so she could relax, they are now in the car. Alex in the driver's seat, Jo in the passenger seat, Izzie and the twins in the back.
"Jojo you know what?" Alexis continues her conversation with her new declared best friend Jo. "I wanna be a Peds doctor like my daddy when I'm big." She proudly announces, finally unwrapping her sucker all by herself, that Jo gave her and Eli.
"Wow. Really? That's so cool. Did he already teach you some cool stuff?" Jo asks, looking at Alexis while they talk.
The little girl nodds and puts the sucker in her mouth. Jo holds her hand out for Alexis to pass her the wrapping and puts it in the little trash bag in the center console. Alex's eyes watch her as she does so before Jo turns back to continue her conversation with Alexis. Alex's eyes stay at the little trash bag he put there almost a year ago for Jo to put her gum wrappers and tissues in.
It gives him this weird warm feeling inside to see that she didn't get rid of it yet.
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fan4196 · 3 years
Hey everyone, I updated my masterpost. Enjoy!
Jolex Masterpost - Update 08/31/21
Hi everyone! Here you can find all of my fics in one post. Hope you like them. Enjoy!
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One Shots
a family trip
Alex and Jo take their four year old twins and their four months old on a surprise family trip Jolex AU + kids
Come Home
After almost a month in Kansas Alex decides to call Jo and tell her where he is, Jo has some interesting news too Jolex fix-it fic
What if
What if Jo is the same age as Lexi and they become best friends Jolex AU + Lexie
Grocery shopping
Alex goes grocery shopping with all kids. Bad idea! Jolex AU + Jolex kids
Alex and Jo have a fight Jolex + Jolex kids
After a few test it turs out that Jo has no Covid but something else Jolex AU
Family Christmas Time
A Karev Christmas Jolex AU + Jolex kids
16x16 but different Jolex fix-it fic
Sleepover At The Hospital
The birth of Jo and Alex' third child and the twins meeting their little sister Jolex AU + Jolex kids
Can I Buy You A Coffee
Jo and Alex meet each other again at a conference and slowly find back to each other Jolex fix-it fic
While a massive snowstorm is raging over Seattle Jo spends a good amount of time running around the hospital looking for her family just to find them out in the cold building a snowman Jolex AU + kids
Wedding guests
Jo, Alex and their kids attend a wedding Jolex AU + kids
The truth
After Mer found out about Jo‘s little secret she tells Alex about it during a phone call Jolex fix-it fic
Alex’s Award
Alex wins the Catherine Fox award Jolex AU
Mister Perfectly Fine
Fearless (TV) - TSxJolexWeek
Everyone thinks Alex is Mister perfectly fine but he’s not Jolex fic
How You Get the Girl
1989 - TSxJolexWeek
Alex comes back to get his girl Jolex fix-it fic
Evermore - TSxJolexWeek
After Alex received very happy news his daughter convinces him to get his happiness back Jolex fix-it fic
Twenty years
Twenty years (Part 2)
Jo and Alex reconnect after twenty years through their kids Jolex fix-it fic + Jo's twins + Alex's twins
Mother-in-law (Part 2)
Mother-in-law (Part 3)
Mother-in-law (Part 4)
Mother-in-law (Part 5)
The phone call between Jo and Helen. After that Jo never loses contact with the Karev family. Alex and Jo meet each other again, after three years, for Christmas at his mothers house Jolex fix-it fic + Jolex kids + Alex's twins
Emergency Contact
Emergency Contact (Part 2)
Emergency Contact (Part 3)
What if after all this years Alex still is Jo's emergency contact? Jolex fix fic + Jo's twins + Jolex kid
SMS (Part 2)
SMS (Part 3)
SMS (Part 4)
Some SMS' between Jo and Alex Jolex AU
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fan4196 · 3 years
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"- Ok, bye." Alex hangs up his phone after the probably weirdest call he ever had to take. This call makes him feel every kind of emotion mixed together into one big snowball of emotions - joy, happiness, excitement, but also regret, sadness, even anger and shame. Out of all of them shame is probably the strongest - shame that he again is the reason that another person has to suffer. He hates himself for always dragging other people down with him. That he's the reason they go crazy, get cancer, leave him or end up hurt. The last person he dragged down with him was the one person he never ever wanted to entangle into all of his problems, but she turned out to be the only person that was always more than willing to help him through all of his crap and loved him unconditionally with all his flaws.
He keeps looking down on his phone for a few more seconds, before he puts it down on the coffee table and buries his face in his hands.
"Who was that?" Izzie asks as she walks into the living room, a plate in her hand from the snack the twins just had in the kitchen.
"Jo." He answeres quietly, as he looks up again but avoiding Izzies look.
"As in your Ex-wife, Jo?" Izzie askes surprised, fiddling with the plate in her hand.
He nodds before he watches Izzie standing in the door between the kitchen and the living room.
"You should sit down." He suggests quietly, stroking his hand through his hair.
"Ok?!" She walks into the living room and sits down opposite of Alex, waiting for him to start.
"She- she's pregnant." Alex begins, not knowing how to continue, while a million thoughts run through his head.
"Ahm. Ok? Well good for her. That means she moved on rather quickly. That's good, right?" Izzie answeres, pretending to be happy for Alex's ex-wife, even though she has no idea why his ex felt the need to call him and rub this under his nose.
"No, Izzie. It's mine. I'm the father." He explains to the woman on the other side of the coffee table, "She said she had all the symptoms, so she took a test this morning and it was positiv. She also did a blood test at the hospital during her lunch break and it came back positive too. She also saw Doctor DeLuca, the OB/Gyn at Grey-Sloan, when she was done with her shift and had her first ultrasound - she's already thirteen weeks. She said she wasn't sure if she should call me but she wanted me to know - she wanted me to know that she's having my baby. And that it was up me if I want to be in their life or not. She has a whole damn village taking care of her, but she would never keep me away from my kid. She's due at the end of June and if I want to be there she would be ok with it. Her voice was so happy, you should have heard her. I always knew that she would be a great mom. She never believed me considering her past but I knew that her past only made her stronger and prepared her to be the best mom possible for our kids. And her laugh, I missed her laugh-" He stops after the last sentence he said.
He really tries to be as happy as he could for his kids - which he is, he's happy to be in their lives but nevertheless there's something missing. He knows that but he doesn't want to admit it. His kids should be enough to make him completely happy, right? But he's not, not entirely and he hates it. He hates that a piece of his heart is still in Seattle. He feels so selfish for wishing that she was here. That she was here with him. That she could meet his kids and that he could see his kid growing inside of her.
Just the thought of Jo with a cute little bump, that she hides under his shirts lets his heart flutter. Since the day he knew he wanted to spent the rest of his life with her he often found himself day dreaming about their future - about her lying next to him in bed, snuggled into his side while he paints circles on her big baby belly, calming the little one inside of her down so she could sleep after a long day of work. Something he was also almost one hundred percent sure of - that she would work until the day of her due date. He could see himself getting pulled out of a surgery because she went into labor while she was in an OR herself. He had already painted everything out but now everything is different - completely different.
It's silent in the living room. Izzie's not saying a word. Noticeably shocked, not knowing what to say right now.
"Are you sure?" She asks the first thing that comes to her mind.
"Are you really sure it's yours?" She clarifies her question, a little annoyed because he wasn't listening.
"Are you serious?" He can't believe that she really asks this right now. "Of course I'm sure. She's thirteen weeks along, I'm here since ten weeks. Even if it wouldn't add up, I believe Jo if she says that I'm the father-"
"What if she's lying? Maybe she's further or fewer along than she says. Maybe she cheated on you and now tries to tell you that it's yours just to get you back into her life. Or she's not pregnant at all. What if this is just a trick to get you back?" Izzie asks, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
"Ok stop right there. What the hell, Izzie?" He replies angrily, ruffly pushing himself up from the couch. "I will not listen to all of this crap. What the hell? I will also not accept you talking bad about Jo. Hell no!" He's about to walk out of the living room, not wanting to hear any more of the crap Izzie has to say.
"NO, IZZIE THERE IS NO BUT. FOR ONCE THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU. THIS IS ABOUT ME. MY LIFE. MY JO. MY KID. THIS HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU, SO YOU HAVE NO SAYING IN THIS." He screams angrily, letting everything out that he had bottled up inside of himself for so long.
"Of course it has something to do with me. It means I'm losing you to her."
"Oh my God. It's exactly like that one time I thought Rebecca was pregnant with my child. Back then you also tried to talk everything bad. And even though Rebecca's pregnancy was fake, Jo's isn't. Jo's pregnancy is real and if you like it or not I will support her. I will be there for my kid, no matter what you say. Because she's pregnant with my child and I will be the father that kid deserves, because Jo made me that kind of guy. Also Jo would never lie to me about something like that. She's not like that; she knows how much I would give for every single one of my children." He pauses for a moment, when he realizes something.
"Alex- It's just- I'm afraid that I'm losing you now that I just have you back." She answers with tears in her eyes.
"Izzie you are not losing me, because you never had me. I came here for one reason and one reason only - my kids. If it would have only been you I would have never left my wife because you told me so many times that I'm not good enough for you. I tried so hard to be good enough for you - I changed so much and pretend to be someone I'm not, but it was never enough for you. And now that you had my kids you want me back? Now all of my flaws don't bother you? No. You only want me because you have no one else and that's no one's fault but your own. Jo on the other side always wanted me exactly how I was. She never changed me, she never tried to, she never told me that I'm not good enough for her. No, she always told me that I'm too good for her. She accepted me like I am. She respects me so much that she puts my needs before hers. God, she told me to stay here to be with my kids, other than begging me to come back home to her. She's freaking pregnant with my child, she would have every right to tell me to get my ass back home, but she doesn't. She wants me to do what's best for me. She loved me enough to let me go and live with my kids instead or her and my baby."
It's silent again. No one's saying a word for a minute.
"So you are staying?" Izzie asks, breaking through the awkward silence.
Alex is not answering, everything he would say now wouldn’t be nice. So he storms out of the house into the frontyard, where his kids are playing. He sits down on the porch step and watches his kids, when he hears the notification noise of his phone, he pulls it out of his back pocket and looks down on it. It's a message from Jo, which he immediately opens and his heart skips a beat as soon as he sees the picture in front of him - an ultrasound picture with Jos neatly handwriting underneath: Someone wants to say 'hi'.
He can't but smile.
"Daddy, what are you smiling about?" His daughter asks as she sits down beside Alex on the steps, a little out of breath from running around in the frontyard.
"Nothing, Alexis." He answers with a smile, locking his phone while he puts a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
"But I want to know, daddy. I wanna smile too." She begs, looking at him with her big puppy dog eyes.
"Well- I told you about Jo once, right?" He asks, getting a nod from his daughter.
"Yes, she looks just like Bell from Beauty and the Beast." She answeres.
"She called me today and told me that she is having a baby. And that makes me really happy." He explains, unlocking his phone and turning it towards Alexis. "Look she send me this picture of the baby. It's still very little, you almost can't see it. It's still in her tummy, that's why the picture looks like this, it's an ultrasound picture." He tells his daughter child appropriate so she understands everything.
"We should visit her, daddy." Alexis tells him simply still looking at the picture on his phone.
"But the baby isn't born yet. It will be in Jo's tummy for another six months." He replies.
"I don't mean the baby, daddy. I mean Jo. She makes you happy and I like that." His five year old says, smiling at her dad.
"If it would be that easy, Alexis." He sighs, putting one arm around his daughter, holding her tight while she tips on his handy.
"It is easy, daddy. We go to the airport, get into the right plane and fly to her. And then you are as happy as you were here." She points towards Alex phone, the picture of their ferry boat wedding showing.
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fan4196 · 3 years
How You Get the Girl
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(16x15 but it’s not Link at the door)
Stand there like a ghost
Shaking from the rain, rain
She'll open up the door
And say, are you insane, -ane?
Standing here right now, all the confidence he build up on his way up is gone. Simply gone. Looking at the brownish red medal door let's him rethink everything. He doesn't know if this was the right think to do anymore. He knows nothing is like it was when he left. Everything changed. Him leaving changed so much - for him, for her, everyone. Nothing could remake that mistake. He knows that leaving was the biggest mistake he could have ever made. And he needs to make it right again. He has no idea how but he at least has to try. After all that’s why he’s back - back to make things right again.
With a last deep breath he finally knocks on the door - hoping she was home but also hoping she wasn't. He doesn't know what she will say, what he will say, if she will listen or shut the door right in his face again. He shivers a little when he hears the door unlock and then squeal as it is pushed to the side.
"Oh my god." Her voice is surprised, her eyes look at him softly but also filled with tears and a little bit of anger. "Alex." Her voice is a whisper as she tightly pulls her arms around his neck. He did expect a lot but not this.
"Hi." He answers in a similar pitch as hers. Wrapping his arms around her as he buries his face in her hair.
He missed her so much. He can't describe how good it feels to hold her after what felt like years. She still smells like the prettiest wildflower field he ever knew, her hair is a little longer and also darker but she's still her.
"Are you insane? You're soaking." She starts worried as she unwraps her arms from his neck and quickly gets a towel while he's still standing in the door. "Give me this. Take your wet clothes off."
She grabs the suitcase from his hand and takes it inside while he quickly strips down his soaking wet jacked and takes his shoes and socks off.
"You wanna stay there forever or do you wanna come inside?" She asks with a smile as she puts his suitcase next to what used to be their bed.
"Jo I-"
Say it's been a long six months
And you were too afraid to tell her what you want, want
"It's been-" He starts as he slowly walks towards her.
"I know." She interrupts him as she looks up from her hands.
"Aren't you angry? Or- I don't know hate me?" He asks as he takes the place next to her on the little bench in front of what used to be their bed.
"I thought- I-" She takes his hand and looks at him with once again teary eyes, "I thought you were dead." She whispers, tears streaming down her face. "And whatever reason you had to not return my calls or texts, I'm just happy you're not dead." She squeezes his hand, "Which doesn't mean that I'm not hurt that you were somehow able to throw me away and ignore me like some piece of trash."
He opens his mouth to answer but he can't find the words. He doesn't know how to explain why he did what he did. Nothing can excuse what he did. He knows he needs to tell her but he's doesn't know how.
And that's how it works
That's how you get the girl
And then you say
I want you for worse or for better
I would wait for ever and ever
Broke your heart, I'll put it back together
I would wait for ever and ever
"You are not trash, Jo." He breaks the silence that lingered in the room for a few minutes. "I'm sorry you felt like I was abandoning you. That was never my intention. I'm sorry I was gone for six weeks." His last sentences a whisper before he takes a breath and continues, "But I want you, Jo. I married you because I love you, nothing will change that. I promised you for better, for worse. I'm sorry I didn't return your texts or calls I just- I needed time. But I’m back to make things right and I understand if you need time now too. I'll make it right again, I'll do everything to make it right again."
His tone is honest, his eyes are filled with tears too and his voice cracks during his last sentence. She knows that he means what he's saying. She knows she can trust him. But it was so easy for him to lie to her and leave - to ignore her - she doesn't know if her broken heart will ever recover from it if he does it again.
And that's how it works
That's how you get the girl, girl, oh
And that's how it works
That's how you get the girl, girl
Remind her how it used to be, be
Yeah, with pictures in frames of kisses on cheeks, cheeks
Silence lingers in the loft for a few seconds before he leans to her nightstand and grabs the picture frame that she put there the day after they returned from their honeymoon.
"I'm not the person that I was in this picture because time went on, life went on and it changed me but I'm still Alex - the stupid idiot that loves you so much that he can't imagine a life without you. I wanna grow old with you no matter what. I'm your Alex and nothing will ever change that."
Tell her how you must've lost your mind
When you left her all alone and never told her why, why
"I- ah I have kids Jo."
"Izzie had my kids. Twins. A boy and a girl, they are five." He looks at her to see if she wants to say something but she keeps quiet as she turns her view away from him.
"When we reached out to the Doctors for Mer's trial, I also reached out to Izzie. We talked and I heard kids in the background. I asked her if she had kids and she said yes. She was silent for a few seconds after my question but then said that she used the frozen eggs. Since that second my brain didn't work properly anymore. It turned into autopilot and all I could think about was to go there and meet them. They are mine. They are perfect and I don't want to miss another second of their life but I love you - way to much to ever leave you behind. I could never do that and you now that because I told you so way to many times. I'm sorry I didn't tell you and I'm sorry I left you not knowing where I was. I'm sorry, Jo."
"You have kids." She answers still not looking at him.
"Yes." He answers simply.
"And you didn't tell me." She replies, turning her head to look at him for the first time again.
"I was afraid-"
"Of what? That I get angry at something you did years ago when you wanted to help your dying wife? Didn't we talk about that exact topic years ago? What were you afraid of?" She asks, looking at him.
"That I might loose you because another woman had my kids. That this news is just another trigger to push you back into depression. That- I don't know, my brain wasn't working properly. I just needed to figure it out on my own first." He answers holding eye contact because right now that's all he needs in this situation - seeing every single emotion and reaction she wasn't telling him verbally.
"And I get that. You shut down before you come and talk to me but why lying to me?" She asks not breaking eye contact either because she knows in serious conversations like this he needs to look her in the eyes.
"I don't know. I'm sorry." He answers a little more quiet than before.
A nod is all she answers. She knows that he’s sorry, he said it many times already, "What are their names?"
"Alexis and Eli." He answers simply, thinking about them for the first time since he set foot in what he once called home.
"You have a picture?"
"Yeah." He gets his phone out of his pocket and puts a picture up on it of the two five year olds smiling in the camera.
"They look so much like you."
Silence lingers in the loft for a few minutes while they both keep looking at the picture.
"Please don't ever do something like this again, ok? Please talk to me or at least say something like 'Jo listen I need to do something. I can't talk about it yet but I will when I'm ready.' Ok?"
"I'm so sorry, Princess." He whispers as he buries his face deep in her necks.
"I know." Is all she answers, wrapping her arms a little tighter around his neck.
And that's how it works
That's how you got the girl
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fan4196 · 3 years
Mister Perfectly Fine
Fearless - Taylor's Version (From The Vault)
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As long as he's going, working his eight hours at the hospital, running from one meeting to the other, squeezing surgeries in every free minute he has or running behind the twins at home, everything is fine. As long as his mind is going he's perfectly fine. But as soon as his head hids the pillow or he sits down alone in his office and his mind starts to calms down he's not fine anymore. As soon as his mind stops thinking about the hospital he has to run, the patients he has to save or about his twins, his thoughts take over - thoughts he hates and loves at the same time. Deep thoughts that bring forth every kind of emotion in his body. Thoughts about her. The one good thing he had in his life for so long and now not anymore because he chose his kids. He chose his kids over her and after months he still doesn't know if it was the right or wrong decision. Since the day he left her, this thought lives in his head like a parasite, never leaving him. In every quiet second his mind goes back to this decision and everything involved in it and makes him go nuts. But not only his mind goes crazy also his heart. He could cry everytime he thinks about her and the potential future he lost by leaving her. He could beat himself at the thought of how much he hurt her - again. It beats him up that he not only broke the vow he gave her not to long before he left but that he broke the biggest promise he ever gave her - to always be her home and to never leave her. He knew that this was and still is her biggest insecurity. Way to many people left her or pushed her aside like she was nothing and Alex promised to himself, pretty early in their relationship, that he would never do that to her. But he did, more than once.
Every quiet minute his heart aches at his biggest lost he ever experienced and at the unconditional love he had received from her daily and now never will again.
Of course his kids love him and he knows that Izzie does too in some way but it's just not the same. It's not the kind of love that overfills his heart with warmth every day. The kind of love that let him growl at the ceiling, fake break up in front of a whole hospital, that is ok with going jail to prevent someone from having to testify, that puts on fake vampire teeth and marries someone for a second time after a crappy day at work. The kind of love that, now that it's gone, makes him realise how big of an impact it had on him, his mind and his heart. Because now that it's gone, his body wants it back like a drug. But nothing, sadly not even his kids, can fill his empty heart completely. There's always this whole that nothing can fill.
And so everytime his mind gets the chance to calm down it craves for the drug he can't consume. She is 1800 miles away, living her life like he should too - but he just can't, not really.
He leans back in his chair starring at the picture of the twins that's standing on his office desk right beside his work laptop. Their silly faces smile towards the camera. He loves his kids, they are one of the best things that ever happened to him but every time he looks at them he can't stop but wonder what his and Jo's kids would have been like. If they would have had a little boy first, who was through and through a mommas boy or if they would have had a little girl first, who would have looked like a carbon copy of Jo and would have adored her daddy to death. Or if they would have had both; twins - silly and foul-mouthed but still the cutes little angels.
He hates those uncontrolled, silent thoughts of what if. He hates that he secretly wishes things were different. He hates that he's not fine when he should be.
He loosens his stare from the only picture on his desk and turns his chair to reach for the lowest drawer of his desk - like he did so many times before. He opens it to take the only item out and carefully strokes his thumb over the wooden frame until it hits the silky red ribbon he never took off. Starring at the picture in the frame, memories of one of the best days in his life play in his head. From her excited face when she showed up at Mer's house, to her excitingly kissing Arizona, to her storming into his dressing room mocking him for something she thought he did, to her loud, pure laugh in the shed, her soft lips on his after they said I do, to her sleepy smile as he picked her up to carry her bridal stile through their loft door.
Everything about this day was perfect even though nothing went according to plan. But that was so them. Nothing in their six years together ever went according to plan. If it would have, he would have married her a year into their relationship. They would have started making babies immediately and would now live in a big suburban house with their five kids, two dogs and probably some fish. But it's not, their life didn't go according to plan, they had some massive bumps in their road - their ups and downs, they broke up and found their way back together, they had their difficult paths to navigate through but they did it and it made them stronger - as a person and as a couple. He always thought that nothing could ever break them. And he loved the thought of getting old with Jo and to die with her at his side once they were wrinkly and grey. Now everything changed and it's his fault.
Looking at the big smile on her face, the urge to call her comes over him - to hear her voice, to talk to her about everything he hates right now.
Way to many times the thinks of just dialing her number and calling her. The thought of hearing her voice again makes his heart flutter. He misses her. He misses talking to her. He misses his friend he can tell everything. He misses their lazy nights curled up in each other's arms on the couch, a trashy reality show in the background, while they just talk - about everyone and everything for hours without loosing a topic.
He also misses her silly self. Her bad jokes that she thought were hilarious. Her face when she told them. Her pure laugh after she told them. When they were alone she never took herself to serious. She was one hundred percent herself around him. Joking, laughing, running around without pans and only one of his shirts on.
He's not gonna lie, he also misses her body. Her perfect body - her ass, her boobs, her mouth, her smell, her hair, her perfect hands that she loved to bury in his hair. He loves and misses every bit of her. He misses what her body was able to do to his. How her hand in his neck was able to give him goosebumps on his entire body. How her presence when she walked into a room, made his stomach flutter. How her lips on his let him forget everything. How her curled up in his arms, close against his body made him love her even more. It wasn't just the amazing sex he misses, it is her.
He puts the picture down on his desk running his hands over his face. He never thought that he could miss someone this much - and he had lost a lot of people over time.
The little knock on his door let him sit up straight again. He quickly puts the picture back in the drawer and closes it before he let's the person come inside.
"Doctor Karev. You wanted to speak me?"
"Doctor Jones. Yeah, please sit down." He points to the chairs in front of his desk to let the resident sit. "I heard you were at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital in Seattle. Tell me how it was."
"Oh. It was amazing. I've never seen a this innovative and cutting edge hospital before. No offense." The brunette smiles a little nervous as she sits down in front of her boss. 
"Absolutely not. I know how good it is. I learned in that hospital and worked there for many years." Alex replies with a little, toothless smile.
"Really? I never knew that." She answers surprised.
"So tell me a little bit. What did you do while you were there? Who did you meet?" Alex asks, interested in hearing about his former colleagues and friends.
"Oh I- Ok on the first day I was in their ER. Doctor Hunt showed me around and I assisted him. The second day I met the Doctor Meredith Grey. God she's everything, but I guess you know that. She showed me around the ICU and I met Doctor Webber and Doctor Bailey. On the third day I was in ortho and met Doctor Lincoln, he's amazing. Well they call him Ortho-God for a reason. My third day I was with Doctor Sheppard. She showed me her newest scans and let me join in on an operation. The last day I was with Doctor Hayes on the Peds floor. He was so nice and showed me around the NICU and PICU. I also met Doctor DeLuca and Doctor Wilson there, they were both so nice and showed me some of their cute little pacients." She smiles after finishing.
"Sorry, Doctor Wilson?" He asks a little confused.
"Yeah. She was so nice. She showed and explained me everything and let me hold one of her patients. She was so cute. The baby not Doctor Wilson. I mean Doctor Wilson is pretty cute too, especially when she's talking to her little patients but that's not the point, right?" She laughs.
"I guess I missed something, little patients? What is she doing on the Peds floor?" Alex asks again, trying to get every single little bit of information from the resident.
"Well that's where OB/Gyn's are sometimes, right?" She shrugs. 
"Wait. OB/Gyn?" Now he's confused. Did Jo change specialties or was the resident in front of him talking about someone completely different?
"Yeah. Oh right. She was a general surgeon before but changed specialties during the pandemic. She told me everything when we were having lunch. She said she needed some joy in her life after her husband left her and she found that in OB so she changed specialties." Doctor Jones clarifies, with a smile.
"Thank you." Alex nods, to signal the brunette that he got all the information he wanted.
"Ahm sure. Anything else, Doctor Karev?" She asks before she stands up to leave.
"No. It's good to hear you had a great time in Seattle." He gives her a toothless smile before he leans forwards.
"I did. Thank you again for letting me do that."
"No problem."
As the door closes he leans back in his chair again. Thinking about what Doctor Jones just told him.
He's happy that she's happy. That she found new joy in her life. That's everything he needs to know. He needs her to be fine. Even though he misses her even more now and is not fine, he is happy that she is fine.
It’s finally Taylor Swift x Jolex Week! So excited for all the stories. Here’s mine, hope you like it.
@odd-birds-and-booksellers @doc-pickles @angry-slytherin @cicinicole-14 @mac-andcheeses @renipedia @jobrookekarev @kidneys4karev @only-freaking-sunflowers @iamtrebleclefstories
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fan4196 · 3 years
Thanks for the tag!
“I wouldn't want it any other way." Alex smiles, leaning closer to kiss his wife.
Fifteen! But I’m also not double tag anyone. If there’s still someone who wants to do it, do it!
Wip tag game
I was tagged by @nerdyduckrants and @kevdog22 Thanks guys!
Rules: share the latest line from your work in progress and then tag as many people as there are words in the line.
The rapturous reception these words received from Mrs Simmons cannot be overstated.
Twelve! That’s not terrible.
I will tag (if they would like to of course!) : @besidemethewholedamntime @springmagpies @agentofship @acetoshikosato @kitthekazoo @angry-slytherin @justanalto @browneyedgenius @nerdlove4thewin @libbyweasley @nazezdha321 and @daisylincs
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fan4196 · 3 years
Alex’s Award
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Hope you like it. Enjoy!
Thanks to @angry-slytherin :)
If you would have told intern Alex that fourty years in the future he would sit right here, beside his amazing wife of almost thirty years, he would have laughed hard. Never had he imagined that his hard work and a little lie about testicular cancer could bring him this far.
Sitting here in between hundreds of brilliant minds, hoping to win one of the biggest medical awards was still crazy for him. Why him out of all? Why should they give him an award? Why should he out of all deserve an award like this?
As he keeps looking around the room he recognises so many amazing doctors from all over the country. And he still can't believe that he is one of them.
He takes his view back to the stage as he hears Catherine read his name as one of the nominees of the night.
"...Doctor Alexander Karev, Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital..." That's all he hears as Jo squeezes his hand softly before she continues stroking the back of it with her thumb. He glances to the side where his wife is sitting and smiling proudly while she's watching the stage. His view follows his wife's to the stage as Catherine is about to proclaim the winner.
"And the Catherine Fox Award for medical innovation goes to- Alexander Karev, Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital."
The sound of words reach his ears but don't seam to reach his brain. His brain doesn't get it.
The grip of his wife's hands on his cheeks made him finally realise it. He fricking won.
His shocked face slowly defrosts as he looks into Jo's teary eyes. The smile on her face shines of proudness as she leans forward to kiss him, putting her left arm around his neck while her right hand disappears in his hair.
What felt like minutes for him turns out to be only a few seconds as Jo loosens her grip on him.
"I'm so proud of you." Jo whispers while she looks him in the eyes. "Now go and get your award." She loosens her arms completely and carefully pushes him towards the stage.
Where he's standing behind the microphone with his award in his hand within seconds.
"Fu- Sorry. Ahm wow. Thank you so much. I have this long list of people here I want to thank but let's make this short. Mom, Doctor Bailey, Robbins, Mer - thank you. But the person I really have to thank is my incredible wife Doctor Josephine Karev. Without you I would never stand here right now. You made me better, you changed me, you make me believe in myself. Not one person in my life believed in me more than you do. And I'm so incredible grateful that I met you twenty-seven years ago. I'm grateful every single day that I have you in my life, that you believe in me as a person and as a doctor and that you gave me this three amazing kids. Without my kids this idea would have never come to my mind. So I guess I have to thank them too - Emery, Parker, Eden I'm so thankful to have you; to have the privilege to call me your dad and I'm so proud of the people you grew up into. Not to brag but all three turned into amazing Doctors and just last week our son made us grandparents, so I guess we didn't screw them up too much, Princess." Everyone laughs while his eyes are glued on Jo. "Also, I hope someone is filming this, Mer, Cristina, Robbins, Avery-"
He puts the award next to his face before he keeps going. "I have one too now.”
While everyone laughs and applauds him again he makes his way back down to his seat. Smiling big as he sits down and kisses his wife again.
"You're gonna pay for the 'Princess'." She declares as she ends their kiss.
"It was worth it." He simply smirks.
The award show keeps going, honouring a few Doctors that are about to retire.
While they silently follow the scenes on stage Alex slowly starts stroking his hand up Jo's thigh through the slit of her dress. He carefully gets closer to her to whisper in her ear.
"Let's leave early and have some fun."
Not really on board with her husband Jo puts her hand over Alex's to stop him from going any further, before she turns to him.
"You have to go up there at the end of the show again for pictures and everything." She whispers to not bother anyone.
"We'll be finished by then." He replies cheeky, looking around to be sure no one could hear them.
"Ha you don't really believe that right?" She asks looking him in the eyes with an raised eyebrow.
"Are you saying I'm old?"
"No I'm saying if you start you aren't able to stop. So I promise when I got my picture of you on stage with your award and you talked to at least two medical magazine for an interview, you can keep me awake the whole night." Jo answers smiling at him before she leans in for a kiss.
"Deal." He agrees as they part.
The award show slowly comes to an end and all winners get back on stage again for pictures and a few interviews. And slowly the room empties as Alex is done with his third interview.
"Go up there one more time." Jo asks him with puppy dog eyes, knowing that he can't say no to her. "Please, for me?"
So he gets up there one more time so Jo can snap a few more pictures on her phone of him and his award. 
As he comes down again they ask a nice old lady to snap some pictures of them together in front of the stage. 
"Thank you." Jo thanks her with a smile as she takes her phone back.
"Oh you're very welcome. By the way if I'm allowed to say so I admire your work in Africa and I would really like to donate a little something to the Karev Foundation." The little grey haired woman smiles as she gets her check book out of her purse.
"Oh that's so nice. Thank you so much." Jo replies politely as she looks at Alex and back to the elderly woman. "We make sure your little something will help a lot of children."
The old lady scribbles something down on her check book before she folds it and puts it in Alex's chest pocket.
"Thank you so much again." Alex thanks her again, than takes Jo's hand and guides her out of the room.
"And now Doctor Karev I'm gonna take you to my room and rip that dress off you." He whispers as they walk towards the elevators.
"Whatever you want." Jo answers sneaky.
They wait a few seconds before they get into the elevator and push the button to their floor.
With Alex's award and her purse in her hands Jo can't fight back as he gets behind her and starts kissing her neck. She turns in his arms before she stops him for a second.
"What?" He asks a little disappointed as he still holds her tight.
"I wanna see what she donated." Jo answers as she hands him his award and her purse.
Fishing the check out of his chest pocket to unfold it.
"What?" He quickly asks as he looks into his wife's big eyes.
She turns the check to show it to him, "It's a million!"
They silently stare into each other's eyes, both in shock of the amount of money they are able to put into their work in the future.
The sound of the elevator stopping wakes them and with another quick kissing Jo turns around and makes her way to their room. Alex follows a little behind, still carrying her purse and his award.
He quickly catches up with her and gets their room key out of his inner suit pocket to open the door.
Inside he quickly closes the door and gets rid off the things in his hands. To have them free for his wife. Within seconds their lips are back together and they slowly start undressing each other.
Alex is just about to open the zipper of Jo's dress as his phone starts ringing.
"No." He grouls, but picks up as he sees the name of his daughter on the screen.
"Hey kiddos. What's up? Did something happen?" He immediately asks, as he puts it on speaker and throws it down on the bed near his wife.
"Oh shut up dad. Congratulations." The voice of their youngest daughter comes through the phone.
"Thanks Eden." He laughs, as he quietly gets rid of his shoes and starts slowly opening one button after the other while he stares into Jo's eyes with a little grin on his lips.
"We are so proud of you dad." His oldest daughter congratulates through the speaker.
"Thank you Emy." He answers, still looking into his wife's hungry eyes as he gets rid of his suit jacket and shirt.
"Yeah you rocked that dad. We are very proud and Anna says congrats too, she just went to bed with Claire." His son adds to his siblings congrats.
"Thank you guys." Alex replies as he sits down on the bed beside Jo who smiles at him.
"Is mom there too?" Eden asks, knowing that it's a rhetorical question because their parents are always together.
"Yeah. I'm here." Jo answers, turning her view to the phone.
"You looked so hot in that dress mom. I have to say it." Eden adds.
"Thanks Eden. " Jo answers a little confused, "How do you know about my dress?"
"Dad send us pictures." Her daughter clarifies.
"Oh he did." Jo replies turning her view back to her husband, raising her eyebrow in surprise.
"Yeah. But we don't want to bother you any longer, by the look of you in that dress I'm actually surprised you picked up at all." Their youngest daughter jokes.
"Eden!" Emery's voice echoes through the phone.
"What? It's true. They might be our parents and maybe old but we all know that they still do it like bunnies."
"Good night Eden." Jo quickly interrupts before their daughter could say anything more, "Good night everyone else."
"Night mom and dad."
"Good night." Alex says his good bye before he hangs up and lets himself fall back onto the bed in laughter.
Jo joins him as she falls against his bare chest.
"She's not wrong." Alex shrugs as he slowly calms down again.
"I know." Jo adds before she starts kissing him again.
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fan4196 · 3 years
Can you right and SMS 4?
Here ;) Hope you like it.
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fan4196 · 3 years
SMS (Part 4)
Hey everyone like @jolexnewff requested here another part of our SMS fic. Hope you like it. Enjoy!
Thanks again @angry-slytherin !
[Alex, Jo]
Thursday 3:32 pm
Hey. I have bad news.
My mom has a new phone and would like to join our family group chat.
Why is that bad news? We love your mom. Should I add her?
I guess.
Sure 😋
Who bought her a new phone?
She bought it herself. To get more pictures of her grandkids.
She's so cute 🥰
She's gonna annoy us to death.
Don't say that. She'll need at least two weeks to understand how everything works.
She said she has a kid that comes to the library every day that offered to show her everything on her phone.
We'll that's gonna be fun 😋😂
I'm so gonna block her if she annoys me.
Alex, she's your mom
So? Doesn't mean she can text me whenever she wants and can expect an answer.
We'll see about that 😂
- The Karev's -
3:47 pm
Jo added Helen Karev
Welcome Helen! ~Jo
Hi mom! ~Alex
Hey you two. Thank you Jo for putting me in here. ~Helen
Oh you're welcome, Helen ~Jo
Hi mom 💜 ~Amber
What is this picture, Amber? ~Helen
You call them Emojis mom. You can add them to your text to make it a little more fun 😊 ~Amber
Ok. How do I do it? ~Helen
Can't that kid show you how to do it? ~Alex
Yeah. It's probably gonna be a little complicated to show you over text. ~Jo
Alright. I'm gonna ask Marcus tomorrow at the library. ~Helen
Oh Marcus is his name 🤔 Interesting ~Alex
Who's Marcus? ~Amber
The kid that helps Mom figure out her new phone ~Alex
Alex that question was for me. ~Helen
But I typed faster 😏💪 ~Alex
Alex! Go back to work. Didn't you say you have a surgery at 4? ~Jo
Fuck 😳 Bye. ~Alex
Alex! ~Helen
He's gone mom. ~Amber
Oh. ~Helen
Hi mom! ~Aaron
Aaron! Hi my sweet boy. How are you doing? ~Helen.
Good. ~Aaron
Great. How's Julie? ~Helen
Good. We actually have something to announce now that mom's in here too. ~Aaron
Tumblr media
Oh, Aaron. I'm so happy for you two. ~Helen
Congratulations you guys! ~Amber
Thanks. ~Aaron
4:30 pm
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Oh thank you guys! ~Julie
What's that? ~Helen
Klick on the ▶️
It's an audio, you can listen to it ~Aaron
Ohh their sweet little voices! Jo please tell them grandma misses them! ~Helen
I did. They miss you too! ~Jo
Congrats Aaron and Julie! And hi Helen! ~Matt
Thank you Matt! ~Aaron
Hi Matt. How are you? ~Helen
I'm good, Helen. Everything like it should be. ~Matt
That's so great to hear. ~Helen
7:48 pm
On my way home, Princess. ~Alex
Perfect 😋😂 ~Jo
Oh fuck. Wrong chat. ~Alex
Alex deleted his massage.
Friday 1:58 pm
Hey. Look what I can do now. 🦋🧁🌈Smileys‼️~Helen
👌 ~Alex
Good job, mom! ~Aaron
🐮 ~Helen
??? ~Amber
Look how cute the cow is! ~Helen
Ah 😂 ~Amber
👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️🧚‍♀️⛷️🦝🦄🦆🦋🥕🍩🌜☃️🎃🎁🧸👑😷💩🤖🧠🦴👸🤴🧛‍♂️🧟‍♀️ ~Jo
That was Emery! She wanted to show off her favorite emojis, grandma! ~Jo
Oh I love them Emery ❤️ ~Helen
🕶️🎸🥁⛏️🗡️🏹🧬🔬💉🎈🏆🎯🎿🧩🚒🚑🚜🚨🚀☃️🍉🥨🍕🍩🍫🦁🕷️😎 ~Jo
And here are Parker's ~Jo
I love them too, Parker ❤️ ~Helen
Is Eden gonna pick now too? 😊 ~Helen
No. Eden is napping right now. She was pretty exhausted. Alex took them to the zoo today. ~Jo
How fun! Do you have some pictures for grandma? ~Helen
Yeah. Alex send me one but I'm sure he has some more on his phone. ~Jo
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God is that my little Eden? She's so big! I really have to visit you guys soon again! ~Helen
Oh we would love to have you here again! The kiddos miss you. ~Jo
I miss them too. You have no idea. ~Helen
4:28 pm
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Here, just a few. ~Alex
God I miss them! ~Helen
😍😍😍 ~Julie
💜 ~Amber
We showed the pictures to Grace, Liam and Evie. They miss their cousins! ~Matt
Aww I told them. They miss them too. ~Jo
Maybe we should do a little Karev family trip all together? ~Aaron
Where? ~Alex
Somewhere beachy? ~Julie
California? ~Matt
How about Disneyland? ~Jo
Oh the kids would love that! Don't you think so? ~Helen
Yes! They are constantly asking when we are finally taking them to Disney. ~Amber
Is that ok with you, Amber? I mean it's a lot of walking. ~Jo
Oh it's fine. I'm only six months along and there are plentie of chairs and benches. It only means that Matt has to go on every ride with the kids 🤷‍♀️😂 ~Amber
They still have their uncle Alex and I'm sure Aaron and Julie can take them too. ~Jo
For sure. I'll take them on the rollercoasters, Amber. ~Aaron
Thanks ☺️ ~Amber
Alright them the only question is when?
Alex and I already know that we have two weeks of vacation at the beginning of June. ~Jo
Perfect. Matt has the last week of May and the first week of June. ~Amber
I'm free on the first week of June and Julie can take her vacationdays however she wants. ~Aaron
What about you mom? ~Amber
5:13 pm
Sorry l was on my way home and couldn't answer. But yes June sound good. I'm gonna aks tomorrow. ~Helen
Great! ~Jo
Perfect. ~Amber
👍🎉 ~Aaron
Friday 10:19am
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The Wilson-Karev's made it to the airport! ~Jo
Perfect. The Turners + grandma just landed in LAX 😂 We are waiting for our luggage right now, them we'll head to the hotel. ~Amber
Aaron and I'll need another three hours. Our flight was delayed. ~Julie
Oh no. That sucks. ~Jo
Yeah but we're flying now so we'll be there soon ~Julie
Our flight just got called. See you soon everyone. ~Jo
Have a good flight Wilson-Karevs! ~Amber
Thanks 😂 ~Jo
5:37 pm
Amber what's your room number again? The kiddos would like to come and play with their cousins. ~Alex
284. But we are at the little playground behind the hotel. ~Amber
Alright. See you in a minute. ~Alex
Saturday 11:11 am
Guys? Did we lose you? ~Aaron
Nope. You two just kept walking when we screamed stop. The twins needed to use the bathroom. ~Amber
Oh I guess we didn't hear you 😅🤦‍♀️ ~Aaron
Yeah. Just turn around we can still see you. ~Amber
06:53 pm
Is anyone going to dinner? ~Aaron
No sry 😅 We ordered room service because Eden fell asleep an hour ago and the twins are about to crash any minute too ~Jo
Alright. Amber? Matt? ~Aaron
Same with us. Amber fell asleep half an hour ago so the kids and I ordered room service 😂 ~Matt
Nice 😂 ~Alex
😂😂😂 ~Jo
Alright. Mom, are you still awake? ~Aaron.
07:18 pm
I guess not 😂 Alright then we are going alone. Good night guys! ~Aaron
Have a nice dinner ☺️ ~Jo
Thanks. Good night. ~Matt
Sunday 08:26 am
Guys what are you wearing? ~Aaron
Clothes! ~Alex
Haha. You're so funny, Alex 😒 I mean weather wise. Is it already hot enough for shorts? ~Aaron
Not really. It's sunny but also windy. ~Jo
Mmhhh 🤔 ~Aaron
If you want you can take some clothes to change and put them in our stroller. ~Jo
Oh no we're gonna take a backpack. But thanks Jo 😊 ~Aaron
Don't be silly Aaron we have a stroller too, there's gonna be space for two pairs of shorts! ~Amber
Alright! Thanks guys, see you in a minute 😋~Aaron
05:27 pm
What time did we say again for dinner together? ~Matt
Jo says 6 ~Alex
Alright thanks! Means I have to wake Amber now 😬😂 ~Matt
Good luck with that 😂 ~Alex
Thanks man. I think I'll need that 😂 If we are not there at 6 please come and look if I'm still alive. ~Matt
I will 😂 ~Alex
Monday 09:46 am
Have a safe flight everyone and text when you are home, please! ~Helen
We will mom 😊 ~Alex
Thanks! ~Helen
Alex do you remember sending all the pictures you took with your camera? ~Amber
Yep. I'll send them via email. ~Alex
Thank you big bro! 🥰 ~Amber
13:26 pm
The Wilson-Karev's made it to Seattle save! ~Jo
Great! We're still gonna need a little longer. ~Helen
14:17 pm
The Turners + grandma made it home safely too! ~Amber
Perfect! ~Jo
16:53 pm
We are now home too! ~Julie
Great! ~Helen
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fan4196 · 3 years
The truth
Hey everyone, here's another one. Hope you like it. Enjoy!
Big thank you again @angry-slytherin :)
"Hey. How are you?" Jo asks with a smile under her mask as she walks into Mer's room.
"Let's say better. Not great, but ok for someone who survived covid." Mer answers, looking tired over her own mask.
"You really scared us there. I'm happy you're better again. Your kids missed you so much." Jo nods with a toothless smile as she sits down on the chair beside the hospital bed.
"You talked to them?" Meredith asks surprised, as she watches her friend sit down.
"Yeah, I got my second shot the other day, which Link immediately used to talk me into babysitting Scout, and your kids happen to live in the same house." She says with a laugh.
"Amelia and Link really left you alone with four kids?" Mer immediately asks surprised.
"Yup. They are taking advantage of my new found love for tiny humans." She laughs, watching Meredith closely as she leaves this little hint about her intent now that Mer is fully conscious.
"Oh I heard you when you talked to me about that. You know Cristina and I used to make fun of Alex and the vagina squad back when we where interns. You really wanna join the pink scubs?" The soft tone and little smile on Mer's face calm Jo down. Knowing that Mer wasn't going to talk her out of it or judge her in any way let her nervous heart slow down.
"Yeah." Jo smiles. "I need some joy in my live and I think the vagina squad will bring me that."
"I'm happy for you, if that's what you want, even though I think that you'll miss the OR and all the cool surgeries with in a week." The older one says with a laugh.
"We'll see." Jo smiles.
It's silent in the room for a few seconds until Mer starts with a completely different topic, that Jo wasn't quite ready for.
"I think you should call Alex," the blonde breaks the silence, this time in a way more serious tone.
"You should call him." She nods, trying to show the brunette her seriousness.
"Do you- Did Levi tell you-"
"Levi? What does Schmitt have to do with- no. I guess I have to start from the beginning." Mer starts, talking about her dreams. How she was able to see her loved once on a beach; talking to them.
"So you're telling me, that you saw people on a beach while you where sleeping? Like a dream?" Jo asks more confused than ever, not quite getting what her former mentor was trying to tell her.
"Yeah, well it felt stronger than a dream; more real than normal dreams. I was able to see people; talk to them, even touch some of them. Even before they put me on the vent I saw Derek and George." Mer tried to explain the experience she couldn't quite understand herself.
"But this time you saw Izzie?"
"Yeah and she told me that she died five years ago and that she never had kids; she never used the eggs. I know it may sound crazy and I don't expect you to believe me but what if it's true? What if Izzie's really dead? I've been near to death before, I saw Denny Duquette and that bomb guy, even my dog and mother. And they are indeed dead. So what if Alex left for whatever stupid, dump ass reason he thought was worth leaving us and is not with Izzie or his kids. Wouldn't you want to know if he left because he developed schizophrenia and didn't want to burden you with it?" Meredith asks, watching Jo closely, knowing that the Alex topic is still a really sore point for her.
"You are right. It really sounds crazy."
Jo immediately answers, defensive, putting her walls up as soon as she heard her ex-husbands name. And as quick as her mood changed she gets up and is about to leave and escape the situation she really can't be in, when something falls out of her lap coat pocket.
"Jo wait! I'm sorry- Jo!" Mer tries to scream after her, but the brunette is out of the room faster than Mer is able to hold her back.
As Meredith falls back in her pillow she sees Levi walking by.
"Schmitt! Get in here. Pick that up for me." She calls him before he's passed by.
Happy but also intimated by the big Meredith Grey he of course does what she wants and picks up the upside down white square from the floor, handing it to his superior.
"Is that yours?" He asks a little surprised as he sees that the paper turns out to be an ultrasound picture.
"No- It's Jo's." Mer answers just as surprised as the resident as she looks at it closer.
"Oh so you know? Thank god, I'm so happy that I'm not the only one anymore that knows about this. I'm actually a little concerned about her. Her morning sickness is really bad. It's more like an all day sickness and her mood swings- not fun. I bought the wrong cream cheese the other day-"
"Schmitt! Shut up! I didn't know until now." She shuts him up, looking up from the picture to throw him a look.
"Yeah oh. Now get me my phone, I need to make a call." She orders, holding her hand out while she's looking at the ultrasound picture again.
"Ahm hi. Is this Alex Karevs phone?" Meredith asks confused as a female voice she never heard before greets her from the other side of the call.
"Yes, is it." The woman on Alex's phone answeres friendly. A little to friendly and casual for Mer's liking.
"Then who are you?" She tries to find out who the hell is currently speaking to her.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I heard it ringing from the kitchen and just picked it up. Alex isn't here, he's at the park with the kids-"
"That's not answering my question. Who are you?" Mer interrupts, before the female can keep going. Slowly but surely the mood of the blonde is shifting.
"Well, who are you?" The woman on Alex phone asks back, also slowly losing the friendliness she had just two minutes ago.
"Oh no, I'm not playing this game. Who are you and what are you doing on my friend's phone." Mer starts, ready to scream if this woman won't finally tell her what she wants to know.
"Good. I'm not playing this game either so-"
The woman gets interrupt mid sentence. You can hear rustling and arguing through the phone until the voice Mer wanted to hear in the first place answers.
"Alex?" She asks, even though she recognized his voice right away.
"Mer?" He asks back, rather surprised, but happy.
"Where the hell are you? Who was that woman? Do you have kids? I know your not in Kansas, Alex. Izzie is dead. What the hell is going on?" She starts shooting off questions without letting him answer.
"Wow, Mer chill-"
"Chill? I'm not going to chill, asshole. You better tell me that the hell is going on-" She needs to stop mid sentence as a wave of coughing overcomes her; an aftereffect she still has from COVID.
"Mer are you ok?" Alex immediately asks concerned.
"No I'm not ok. I almost died of COVID, I was in an induced coma and could have really needed the person on my emergency contact to pick up his stupid phone, to decide what to do next when I wasn't able to." She starts calling frustrated.
"Fuck- I'm so sorry, Mer-"
"Yeah, you better be. Now answer my questions." She comes back to the original topic why she called.
"Ok- I'm not in Kansas. I'm not with Izzie, I'm with my sister, Amber and her kids. She's pregnant and her husband is trapped in Europe because of Covid. I'm helping her with the house and the kids." He starts explaining.
"But there was no Covid when you left-"
"I know. I came here because my brother- well he tried to kill himself. His schizophrenia got worse, Mer. He was not taking his medication, he- ahm he hurt several people and raped three nurses in the facility he was staying in. They put him into prision, where he tried to kill himself and now he's at the hospital where no one's allowed to visit him because of Covid. My mom couldn't handle all the paperwork without interrupting her routine and Amber is seven months pregnant and has two little kids, I didn't want her to do everything." He adds to his story, letting go a little sigh as he finishes.
"I'm sorry to hear that. But why the hell did you feel the need to leave? Why lying to us and sending those stupid letters, you could have just talked to us. We would have helped you-"
"That's the point, I don't want help. This is my family, you had enough family crap for a lifetime and Jo-"
"She would have helped you. You know damn well that she would have gone with you in a heartbeat. She married you, so it's her family too." Mer adds.
"I couldn't- She went through so much crap last year and she was just doing fine again- I couldn't bring her here, hearing that my brother raped three women- I- I couldn't do that to her. She deserves to be happy-"
"She's not, Alex. She's everything but not happy and it's your fault. You know that Jo's probably the strongest woman we know. Yes she went through a lot of crap and yes she just overcome depression, but you also know that she loved you with everything she had. This letter broke her, Alex. She's not showing it, but she's broken. She's working nonstop, even though she's-" She takes a pause before she says too much, then continues. "Abandoning her was worse than just telling her the truth, trust me."
"Even though she's what? Mer what is it? Is she ok?" Alex immediately asks, knowing that Mer's little pause and change of topic was supposed to distracte him from what she almost said.
"It's not my place to tell you, Alex. You should probably call her." Mer tries to talk her out of it, but she knows her friend way too good. When Jo's the topic Alex  wants to know everything.
"Mer, what? Tell me, damn it!"
"Tell me!" He shouts, immediately sorry, but he's so frustrated right now. He has to know that Jo's fine, otherwise- he doesn't even wanna think about it.
"She's pregnant." Mer answers, regretting it the second it comes out of her mouth. It's not her place to tell him.
"Before you say anything, I already regret telling you. It's none of my business and actually you don't deserve to know it. I'm sorry but I'm on Jo's side. When you left her, you left me too and I hate you for that. So you are not gonna call her now and scream at her for not telling you, you hear me? If she doesn't wanna tell you, she has every right for doing so, alright? You are not her husband anymore." Mer finishes, hearing the silence on the other side.
"I know." He agrees after a few seconds, before he continues. "Is it- is it mine?"
"The baby? I have no idea, Alex. I just found out an hour ago. An ultrasound picture fell out of her lab coat when she left my room, so I don't know. I heard some rumors- but nevermind." Again immediately regretting that she said too much.
"Rumors? What rumors?" He asks.
"You don't wanna know Alex-"
"Tell me!" He interrupts her again.
"She ahm- I heard rumors that she and Jackson-"
"What?" He stops her. His head is spinning and his heart immediately starts to hurt a little. Even though he knows that he has actually no right to feel like this.
"Alex, you need to calm down. She is not your wife anymore! You are the one that divorced her! I heard that they had a friend with benefits thing going but listen the baby on the ultrasound looks way to big for it to be Jackson's, ok? If you ask me it looks like five maybe six month-"
"Fuck. I left my pregnant wife-" Everything comes crushing down on Alex in that moment and he can't hold his tears back any longer. He really thought he did what was best for everyone.
"Alex are you crying?" Mer asks carefully after a few seconds listening to the silence on the phone.
"Yes I am, because I'm so fucking dumb- I abandoned the love of my life that is carrying my baby- during a freaking pandemic. She probably had the worst morning sicknesses and- god she always told me how scared she is to become a mom but that she feels safe with me by her side- and now I'm not. Fuck- I really didn't change much since our intern year, I'm still a freaking asshole."
"Alex no; you changed a lot. You became an amazing peds surgeon, you've grown so much during the years I've known you. You became an awesome person, my person and you were an amazing husband. But I have to agree, you are a little asshole. Now you hang up, you go outside take some deep breaths, throw a few things against a tree or whatever and then you man up and call Jo. She deserves the truth Alex especially when she's pregnant with your child." Meredith tries to convince him, not knowing what else to say.
"Thanks Mer." He answers quietly.
"I promise I'll visit you as soon as I can, ok? I'm sorry." Alex apologizes again, drying his tears with his sleeve.
"It's ok, asshole. The kids miss you." She laughs through the phone, trying to make him laugh too.
"I miss them too and I miss you. Thank you for calling Mer."
"Sure. Please promise me not to scream at Jo, ok? And please let her tell you that she's pregnant, she'll kill me if she hears that I told you."
"I promise." He answers. "Bye Mer."
After he did what Mer told him, Alex is now sitting on his sister's front porch, phone in his hand, fighting with himself, wondering if he should really call. Jo went through so much already because of him, she doesn't deserve any more pain. Maybe he should just leave her thinking that he's in Kansas. But on the other side, he could never live with the knowledge that she's having his child on her own. Sure he knows that she has a whole damn village at the hospital and they will support her, but they shouldn't. It's his child and he should be the one taking care of them, his baby and Jo.
So before he can think about it any further he's already dialing Jo's number. With his phone on his ear he stands up from the chair on Amber's front porch and starts walking circles in the front yard, while it's ringing.
"Hi this is Doctor Josephine Wilson, please leave a message."
Hearing her voice after almost five month for the first time again gives Alex chills, even though it's just her voicemail message it immediately calms him a little bit. The last thing he heard from her was her crying on his voicemail, begging him to call her. This message broke his heart into a million little peaces, but he wasn't able to answer her because he knew that he would have hopped on the next plane home in a heartbeat. But his family here needed him.
Now he's the one, getting send straight to her voicemail, which he totally understands.
"Hi. It's me, Alex. Jo, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I know sorry doesn't fix anything and I understand that you probably never wanna talk to me again. But please just listen. I'm not in Kansas, I'm not with Izzie nor any twins. I'm in Iowa. I'm with Amber and her kids. She's pregnant and her husband is stuck in Europe due to Covid. I originally got here because Aaron- he- he was not taking his meds and tried to hurt himself. He's in the hospital now. I couldn't let my mom or Amber handle this, I just- I'm sorry I just left like this. I never wanted to hurt you, I just didn't want you to get wrapped into my family crap again. You didn't deserve that after you just pulled yourself out of this dark hole. I wanted to protect you, but I guess I just hurt you more- I never wanted to leave you and I sure as hell never wanted you to not be my wife. I married you because you're the most incredible woman I've ever met. I guess I never told you, but you Josephine are the strongest and most amazing woman on this planet and I never deserved you or your pure, loving heart. I'm so incredibly sorry- for everything." He takes a deep breath, wiping away the tears that started streaming down his face again as soon as he started talking. "Please call me. I love you Jo and I will never stop. I'm sorry. Bye."
It's been two days now since Alex left the voicemail and he still didn't get an answer.
He called Mer again but she didn't know anything about Jo either, so he guesses he really fucked it up this time and he couldn't even be mad at her. It's his own fault-
"Uncle Alex, there's someone at the door for you."
Alex got ripped out of his thoughts by his nieces little voice. He quickly smiles at the blonde little girl and gets up from the couch.
He rounds the corner of the living room and freezes as soon as he sees the visitor standing beside his sister on the front porch.
Even though he can't see her whole face, because it's covered with a purple mask, he knows that she's smiling while she's talking to Amber. Her eyes are sparkling as she takes her few from Amber and locks eyes with him.
Slowly, not knowing if everything was just a dream or if this was really happening, his feet carry him towards the front door, past Amber, pulling Jo into a tight hug. He can fell her immediately relaxing in his embrace, wrapping her arms around his neck, burying her head deep in his shirt. He tries to pull her closer but the little bumb in between them won't let him.
"I'm sorry." He whispers, not making any move to let her go anytime soon.
"Shut up." She answers, which makes him laugh.
They stay like this for a few more minutes until one of Alex's hand finds his way from her hip to the bump in between them. Jo loses her grip around his neck a little without letting completely go, to look him in the eyes. She doesn't need to say anything, they both know exactly what the other one wants to say.
"I would really like to kiss you." Alex whisperes, afraid to scare her away by saying it to loud.
"Why aren't you." She smiles mischievously through her eyes, knowing exactly why he can't kiss her.
"You're wearing a mask." He answers, even though he knows she is playing with him.
"Well lucky you I'm vaccinated plus I got tested at the airport and brought this for you." She pulls a white bag out of her purse and hands it to Alex. "If it's negative you can take it off of me and kiss me." She smiles, as Alex grabs the Covid test and harshly unwraps it.
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fan4196 · 3 years
ten good things in my life right now
Instructions: list 10 good things/things you're thankful for in your life right now. they don't have to be big or important to anyone except YOU ♡ reblog with 10 things/tag 3-5 others!good things in my life right now
1. escaping life through writing
2. watching Grey's
3. Camilla Anne Luddington (especially when she's posting on Insta or tweeting on Twitter)
4. my family & friends
5. Taylor Swift + her music
6. Marvel movies
7. Jolex gifsets
8. Becca Tilley & Tanya Rad + their Podcast
9. my degree programme
10. knowing that my birthday is soon
tagged by: @pagingevilspawn  thanks for the tag!
tagging: whoever wants to do it! 
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fan4196 · 3 years
Wedding guests
Hey everyone here's a new little fluffy fic. Hope you like it. Enjoy!
Thanks again @angry-slytherin 💜
"Alex could you come help me?"
They have half an hour until they really have to go, otherwise they will be late. Which isn't abnormal for the Karev family. It really is a wonder when they get somewhere in time. In the end they can always blame it on the kids.
But to be honest they really had their struggles with the little Karevs. Especially since their little baby girl Eden joined them three weeks ago.
Before Eden's birth they had quite a routine, but now they are out numbered and really struggle from time to time. Like right now.
Even though they got up at six this morning to have two hours of spare time, they have to hurry now. Time really flows by different when you have kids. After they got up Alex and Jo used the quiet, childless time to take a shower together, they had breakfast and started to get themselves ready. Then they woke up the twins and started their morning routine. Alex fed them breakfast while Jo fed the smallest Karev. After that they got the kids ready.
Alex is just fixing his sons bow tie when he hears his wife's call.
"Alright, buddy go downstairs to your sister and watch some TV, mommy and I will be there in a second." With that his son is already gone.
Walking through the door of their bedroom he couldn't see his wife at first. Only their baby girl lying in the middle of their bed surrounded by pillows, contently sucking on her pacifier. She's dressed in a little grey dress with a matching bow on her head. As soon as he reaches her, to place a kiss on her tiny nose, his wife comes out of their en-suite bathroom, taking his breath as his jaw drops.
"Wow- You look incredible." She's dressed in a dark blue jump suit that emphasizes the curves of her body just perfectly, not telling that this woman had a baby only three weeks ago. Jo answers him with a smile while she walkes to the closet to grab something.
"Close your mouth. You're starting to drool all over my carpet." She comments jokingly, while she walkes back to the bed. Now standing in front of him he puts both of his hands on her hips, just staring at her. She knows exactly what he's thinking.
"I have to disappoint you but we do not have the ok from my OB yet. So no easy wedding sex for you this time, I'm sorry baby." Her hands stroke his cheeks and the back of his head while he pulls her closer to steal a kiss from her.
"Oh stop that crap, I can renounce sex for a little longer. Your body needs to heal and it's allowed to do that because this perfect, tiny human came out of it." Pointing towards their daughter he gives his wife another kiss before he lets go of her. "But you called me for something."
"Yes. You need to help me with this." She grabs the dark blue scarf like thing that she got from the closet.
"We need to figure out how this works."
Alex is confused. "Ok first of all that the hell is that?" He really has no idea what that thing in his wife's hands is.
"It's a baby sling, Alex. I bought it for the wedding so it matches my outfit." And now he's scared. Alex can't remember much but he had a really bad memory when the pot cookies went around the hospital. He remembers that sling he wore for like five seconds in Mer's house, until it fell of with a baby in it.
"Oh don't make that face, Alex. I know you had a traumatic experience with a baby sling when you were high, but I also told you a hundred times that it was not Hunt's baby that you dropped it was a freaking teddy bear." Jo's laughing at him, just like the night she picked him up from Amelia and Owen's House and he told her in the car that he might have crushed and then dropped Hunts new baby.
She was laughing even harder after she called Amelia, when they were home and she told Jo that it was a bag of chips that Alex crushed and a teddy bear which he dropped.
And now she's laughing again. But it's true. That day really left some kind of traumatic scar in Alex.
Watching his wife trying to put on the cloth, Alex sits down beside his daughter and gets his phone out.
"Let me google how you do that crap, before you drop my precious baby girl because we knotted this thing wrong." Looking down on his phone, searching for an easy instruction, his wife is trying to figure it out on her own.
"This can't be to difficult, right? It's just a long scarf that you put around yourself and your baby." But it isn't as easy as is seams.
"Ok here. I found a YouTube video. Ok you have to find the middle. Now grap it from above and put it on your stomach like a pinafore. Now cross it behind your back and put it over your shoulders. Look, like that." He pauses the video and shows Jo what it should look like. "Now you put the baby inside. Then you do the rest- wow, that crap is complicated."
Looking up from his phone he's surprised to find his daughter in a perfectly knotted sling on his wife's chest.
"My wife is a freaking genius." Alex smirks at Jo, while she kisses the head of their baby. Looking up from Eden, she unties the baby sling again.
"I think I got it. Let's go. Can you grab my shoes?" She's already out the door with their daughter still on her chest.
Alex grabs her shoes and follows her downstairs.
While Jo straps Eden into her car seat, Alex gets the twins and they head out with only fifteen minutes delay.
"It was a nice ceremony. Not as good as ours but still good." With his arm around his wife, they are sitting at their table. They are done with eating and now everyone is dancing. Except Alex and Jo. They are still sitting on their, now empty, table watching their children dance with their aunts and uncles.
Alex is stroking Jo's left shoulder while she is stroking their sleeping daughters back. Strapped to her mother's chest she slept through the whole ceremony and is still sleeping despite the loud music.
"Mmhh it was. But come on it's hard to top a wedding on a ferry boat after the official wedding was canceled due to late guests, a missing bridal couple that locked themselves in a shed after hot wedding sex next to a corpse and their wedding planer almost dying. Or did you mean the other one that we had because we forgot to mail in our marriage license? Yeah it's also hard to top a Halloween wedding in costumes and news of a pregnancy during vows." Jo has to smile while joking about their two weddings.
"Our weddings were both perfect because they were just as screwed up as we are. To be honest we should get married a third time only to see what would happen." Alex says while looking at his wife.
"If this was another proposal of yours, I have to say that you didn't learn much from your first one, because I didn't hear a 'Will you marry me?' or a "marry me again.'" Jo's now looking into Alex's eyes while she has to smirk.
"No, it wasn't a proposal. I've learned from my mistakes. This was just me telling you that I would marry you again any time if you want." Jo's eyes soften and her heart melts by his words.
"Awww, I'll let you know when I want to marry you again, Alex Karev." Leaning forwards she presses her lips on his.
"Let's dance, Princess." He's already standing, holding his hand out for Jo.
With one hand on their daughters back and the other one in Alex's, she follows him to the dance floor. He puts his hands on her hips, while both of her hands find their way to his neck. Dancing as close as they can with their daughter between them.
"I love you, Josephine Karev."
"Love you too, Jerk."
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