felsicmagma-blog · 7 years
Get to know my character through an ask!
🍰 - What is their favorite type of dessert or sweet? 🐢 - What type of animal would they keep for a pet? 🐙 - They are crossing the ocean. What are the circumstances and how did they get there? 🌎 - If money were no object, where would they live and what would they do with their life? (Ex: entrepreneur, playboy, philanthropist, etc) 🎂 - Do they celebrate their birthday? 🎓 - Are they well-educated? 📬 - A mysterious letter has just been found in their mailbox. How does your character react? Who would it be from? ⌚ - Is your character punctual or procrastinator? 💰 - Your character just found a fat sack of gold on a bench. What do they do with it? 👙 - Is your character trendy or do they just not give a damn? 🎠 - Your character is at the carnival. What kinds of rides or games do they check out to entertain themselves? 🔮 - Your character is having their future told by someone pretty shady. Do they call the fortune teller out or just roll with it? 🎃 - What is your character’s favorite holiday? 🎶 - What would your character say about your personal taste in music? 💒 - Does your character want marriage or a lifelong commitment? ♓ - Hey baby, what’s your sign? What would your character’s zodiac sign be and what qualities do they carry to make them fall under that sign? 🚼 - Does your character have or want kids? ⚠ - What has your character almost done that made someone talk them out of or convince them not to do it? ♿ - Is your character in some way handicapped? (This includes physical, emotional, and mental.) 💊 - Is your character on medication? If so, why? 🌞🌜 - Is your character an early bird or night owl? What makes them that way? 📚 - Does your character read? 📓 - If your character keeps a journal, what is the most secret thought they keep in it? 📰 - An obituary for your character was found in the local paper this morning. What did it say? 💢 - What frustrates your character more than anything? ✌ - Your character just made a trespass against someone else, how would they go about righting it given the chance? Or would they at all? 🍴 - What is the absolute worst meal your character has ever eaten? Were they verbal about it or did they just not say anything? 🍜 - Carnivore/Pescatarian/Vegetarian/Vegan/Other? What kind of diet does your character have? 💋 - Your character was just kissed by someone they can’t stand. Why and how did it happen? 😇 - What was your character’s last good deed? 😁 - Someone just tripped and fell in front of your character. Do they laugh or help the person up? 😨 - Your character just broke wind in public. Do they try to hide it or own up to it? 😍 - Your character’s lust object just passed right by them. How awkward do they get as they try to make conversation? 😒 - “Ugh! Not him/her/them/it again.” How does your character react to annoying people? 😂 - Your character is moved to tears. What’s a kindness that another showed to them? 😄 - What has ever made your character laugh so hard that they almost passed out? 😈 - What’s your character’s favorite cuss word? 😏 - Is your character having a dirty thought right now? 🍺 - Cheers! What is your character’s favorite alcoholic beverage? What was the last thing they got smashed off of? 💫 - Your character is suffering memory loss after being knocked unconscious. What happens afterwards and how did it happen? 💡 - What is the best idea your character ever had? 💍 - Does your character wear any type of jewelry? ⛪ - Is your character religious or spiritual in anyway? 🎱 - Your character and a talking raccoon walk into a bar… 📼 - An interrogation tape emerges regarding a recent interview with your character. What are they being questioned for? 👟 - Is your character into personal fitness? If so, what’s their exercise routine? 📺 - What would your character’s favorite TV show be? What’s their favorite genre? 
🍀 - Does your character carry a good luck charm? Do they believe in luck?
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felsicmagma-blog · 7 years
Phylirian Encounter [OPEN]
It starts first as a slight slip of the ankle. He curses in pain. Then the shooting pain becomes too much to bear and he admits himself into the hospital. The check from the last patron is only just right to get him into a decent room and he thinks that he’ll have to survive off instant noodles for a bit. As the hospital staff wheel him in, he is moved to a bed and remains there until the possibility of a doctor coming along surfaces.
The private wing that he is admitted into is relatively quiet but outside his room he can hear the shouts of medical personnel running around. Currently, it is Combee season and the rates of stings have increased drastically so he’s surprised that the staff are overworked. He’s given some painkillers by a passing nurse until “such time a doctor can attend to you, sir.”
The pills are hard to swallow and he nearly chokes on the final sip of water. Therein he lies, the pain having somewhat subsided. Fontaine spots, out of the corner of his eye, a young person somewhere nearby. Without his glasses on, he can but only make out the shape of a figure and not much else. A fragrant aroma reaches his nose and he inhales greedily.
They seems to be frozen there, the young person, he muses, reaching for his spectacles. As he puts them on and peers at the sight before him, he raises an eyebrow in surprise. More clearly now he can see that the girl is the source of the smell. He is intrigued and beckons the young person closer, hoping he wouldn’t scare them off.
What is that fragrance you are using? he asks, trying to sit up but failing and wincing in pain. His sprained ankle was more serious than he thought. It smells divine, he adds, smiling. Removing his glasses, he lies back down and regardless of whether they answers his question or not, he does not mind. He’s bored and this visitor would hopefully engage him.
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felsicmagma-blog · 8 years
A quick bow in thanks towards the crowd for helping the injured man, she then quickly turned towards him and his Camerupt  (  and how large the pokemon was, she’d only seen them once before ), briefcase all packed and Remi now resting on her shoulders, curled up around the neck, looking for any stray items that her trainer had missed picked up. It seemed pointless to keep her in her pokeball in the meantime, and she couldn’t really be fretting over her pokemon, considering that there was someone in need. Cherry possibly could’ve helped ease the pain instead of using human medicine, but Maria didn’t want to stall for any time.  
Though when she was faced with his Talonflame, another pokemon she hardly saw around Johto, she cocked her head towards him and the bird in question. Yes, she was small enough, and light enough even with her items and Remi, for the majestic bird, but she was still scared of hurting or straining the pokemon with such weight.  That, and she was scared of approaching the bird, more so with how large it was compared to street-side Pidgeys or Pidoves.
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But as quick as that thought processed through her mind, the ushering need to get to some help was also in need, and with a Talonflame like his, it would indeed be a quick and fast way to get there and alert the nurse(s) there of an injured coming their way via Camerupt. So with a quick, apologetic smile and rushing to get onto its back, the two, three counting the Sylveon, sped through to catch up with the others and to quickly reach the center. Her hair blew in the breeze as they flew rather low the ground, but high enough to be above the people and barely miss their heads with a feather.
With due time, they had reached the pokemon center, Maria and the Talonflame reaching the shelter quicker than the rest and quickly entering inside to alert the staff inside, letting the bird to stay outside and watch for its trainer. While it wasn’t one of the centers she usually visited, it was more often than not Cherrygrove and Violet City that she worked in, as a frequent nurse who wandered the regions, even without showing her id, her hand gestures for assistance were heard and had soon come outside with two other nurses, one being Nurse Joy and a doctor to help him off the Camerupt and indoors.
At least now, he had a place to rest, she thought.
It was not often a Camerupt emerged charging through the streets of Hoenn, much less Johto, where they were not native Pokemon. Maxie, upon the back of his own, could barely make out the surprised gasps and stares as his main partner bore down upon the streets, hooves a-thumping and nose a-flaring.
He could see that his shiny Talonflame had done its job well and had transported both the girl and her Pokemon safely to the center as when he arrived, his shiny Talonflame squawked and ushered both the Camerupt and its charge - its master towards a waiting medical team. There were two other nurses and a doctor.
When asked as to his condition, he could do nothing but groan in pain but managed to tell them in bits and pieces as to what had happened. With some assistance for the medical staff at hand, he got onto a waiting stretcher and was wheeled towards an empty room wherein a bed was waiting for him. He returned both Pokemon to their balls and stowed them away.
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As they were wheeling him in, he said, towards the girl, “Thank you. You’ve done so much for me. I’ll be sure to repay you.” Whilst in the room, checkups were performed and his leg was casted and put to rest, because they had found out the problem was much more serious than they thought initially. He was told to rest and was left alone.
[💕] Mᵉᶫᵒᵈʸ ᵒᶠ Mᵒʳᶰᶦᶰᵍ  / Open
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felsicmagma-blog · 8 years
How so beautiful.
Must not draw more Maxie
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felsicmagma-blog · 8 years
Send me a ‘🎨’ for an aesthetic or mood collage for our muses.
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felsicmagma-blog · 8 years
"Drink up, baby" (for both )
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7.8/10 too much water but not enough Archie.
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Y’know that I love both men and women but y’know the hottest one is you. *winks*
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felsicmagma-blog · 8 years
Drink up, baby~
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You know that I love rocks right? Guess who else loves rocks? Steven Stone! We should totally get a room! 
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felsicmagma-blog · 8 years
Send me “Drink up, baby” and my muse will make a drunken confession!
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felsicmagma-blog · 8 years
He watched as she went through the motions of bandaging his wound and he was nodded and smiled at the girl. He was extremely touched that she would aid a complete stranger. He doubted she knew of his past and he intended to keep it that way with the intention of not scaring her, whether fear came to her easily or not.
He could see the Center in the distance but he knew that neither one of them could get him there, seeing as his swollen ankle prevented him from walking much further and that her small frame would be unable to lift his.
A thought struck him and he rummaged around with his free hand and released his Camerupt, the mighty creature snorting in joy. He then opened the box, took the pills and swallowed it with the water provided. “Thank you again, miss,” he added, a little tear leaking through his eye.
There were memories surfacing but he pushed them back down. The girl was kind, far too kind than anything he had ever had the privilege of having. He remembered things he did not wish to and the tears came in full force. Maxie’s Camerupt nudged its master in concern and in its mouth was a handkerchief a bystander had handed to the Pokémon.
He dabbed at his tear stained face and thanked the bystander, who told him not to worry. Here he was, the great Maxie, hardly great now, it seemed. Tripping then subsequently breaking down may have added insult to injury were he in the past, but now, he wanted to recuperate and as such did not care.
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With the aid of some bystanders and his Camerupt, he was lifted onto the creature’s back. Once on, he released his shiny Talonflame and it nuzzled him before flying towards Maria. “You may ride my Talonflame until we reach the Center,” he said at last, as his Camerupt galloped towards their destination.
[💕] Mᵉᶫᵒᵈʸ ᵒᶠ Mᵒʳᶰᶦᶰᵍ  / Open
                   Treatment was quick, or as quick as she could make it, a few, feather-light touches here and there to hopefully find the main cause (  hopefully it wasn’t too painful !! ), a soothing cream that should at least ease the pain, if not lessen the swelling and a long strand of bandages that she had wrapped around the whole area. Not that it was needed in the sense that he was bleeding, pressure to anything swollen would help at least, since she had no ice packs on her at the moment and a mental note was made to ask Nurse Joy for some afterwards and a small punch for her being so forgetful to her own belongings.
But now wasn’t time to berate herself over such a thing. Judging by where they were, a walk to a Pokemon Center would be rough and long and nor she or her pokemon were strong enough to life him, let alone a person. It didn’t seem as if it was broken but walking on such an injury could cause more stress and as experienced she was, even she had to check up on a real doctor for accurate results she couldn’t do on the field.
All she could do was minor treatment to lift the pain before passing over to someone more wiser than her.
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A shake of the head and a wider smile was given towards him at his quiet utterance. The nurse didn’t mind at all, it was her job to help others after all, and such accidents couldn’t be avoided, she knew that by heart.  
Finally, rummaging through her belongings came up with painkillers, ibuprofen, and a small, unopened bottle of water. She had a water bottle of her own and this was for her pokemon, but if for a patient, no one would mind, Maria hoped. He seemed as if in great pain, more so for a twisted ankle, so this was a final step she could do at the very least. It would soothe his injuries and any other minor pains in due time.
Delicately placing the small box on his open palm, a small cock of the head was given towards him, asking if he would take it. If he did or didn’t, that was fine but she had to ask, just in case. If not, then they would probably have to move to the closest Center nearby with the help of some people. It may had been sunny outside, but autumn was coming and a cold breeze whisked through the otherwise warm day and it was probably better if he slept on top of a soft bed, than stone pavements.
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felsicmagma-blog · 8 years
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He was a little surprised when Steven handed over three Fire Stones, for he had only requested for one. Of course, he would not say no to excess and it didn’t seem to bother Steven that he was giving away more than necessary so Maxie took the stones, pocketed them and thanked the man. Maxie returned the smile as his eyes peered over the top of his spectacles. Steven still looked the same as when he last saw him during the events at Sootopolis. He realised, moments later, through the Champion’s speech, that Steven had not forgotten who he was and was merely playing along until Maxie caught on.
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A light red hue tinted his cheeks as he went oh with a dawning realisation that Steven was, wait, was he hitting on him? Or was he merely being friendly? Whatever the case, he returned the smile and said, “Yes, Steven, I am. I assume that you already know who I am?” 
A Good Problem to Have || Open
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Steven caught the fact that Team Magma’s leader Maxie failed to introduce himself. If there was anyone in the Pokemon Center whom Steven knew had a reputation of appreciating rare stones just like he did, it would definitely be the man who once dreamed of increasing the earth’s land mass. However, that same man has since traveled through a path of redemption, and Steven assumed this to be the reason of his hiding. He paid it no mind, and went along with the scenario the other man seemed to prefer.
It only took a little shuffling inside Steven’s bag for him to locate the Fire Stone. He’d arranged and rearranged his items countless times that it’s become second nature for him to locate anything even in a mass of evolutionary stones. Steven handed him three fire stones, as he hadn’t much needed an excess of them himself. “Take them, it’s fine,” he smiled kindly.
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“An Agate? Now that’s an interesting question,” Steven smiled. “Do you happen to be a rare-stone enthusiast like I am?” It was horrible to tease, but he assumed if Maxie were to have changed his ways, this shouldn’t invoke catastrophic consequences. 
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felsicmagma-blog · 8 years
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felsicmagma-blog · 8 years
By the time he heard the Sylveon’s cry, it was already too late. His sprained ankle was giving him serious problems and he cried out in pain. As the girl approached him and gave him a kind smile, he returned the gesture and nodded. Beside her was a first-aid kit and he was grateful for her assistance. He cursed himself for not being careful in the slightest. As the onlookers gathered around him, he looked up at the gathered crowd and saw a lot of worried faces. Hopefully none of them recognised him from his past actions.
As he waited for her to administer the treatment, he shut his eyes tightly and tried not to think about the pain. Despite this, every time his knee jerked, pain shot through him and he could not ignore it.
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The whispering coming from the crowd seemed louder and louder. He began to feel a little faint. I hope I don’t pass out… he thought, his head swimming with thoughts. The sunlight seemed a lot brighter and the auditory sensations that were reaching him were amplified tenfold. Weak was an understatement as he put his hand to his head and cringed.
Putting faith in this young girl was all he had at the moment because none of the crowd stepped forward to assist, considering the fact that they knew that he was in good hands. He smiled back at the girl once more and uttered a thank you. “I’m sorry,” he added, wincing at the pain coursing through his body. “For troubling you.”
[💕] Mᵉᶫᵒᵈʸ ᵒᶠ Mᵒʳᶰᶦᶰᵍ  / Open
                    The ’tap’ of footsteps on stone had followed the red-headed stranger, often trailing behind to look out for her Sylveon  ( not to mention the fact that she had excess luggage on her), before catching up again. That was the cycle of going to wherever they were leading her to and it was all nice and perfect, with the sun setting the sky in brilliant hues of red, blue and purple to the small children and, sometimes, adults who waved towards her and then adding on, there was the kind stranger who had invited her out to eat.
                    It was Remi whom had noticed the drain first out of the two, and had let out a small cry of warning which, had attracted Maria’s attention  -  a bit too late it seemed.
                    Quickly rushing towards the fallen along with a few others, she knelt down, placing the two items in her hands right next to her, then shifting so that the briefcase was besides her. While she had not much stored, at the very least she always had the essentials, she was grateful for herself that she had brought her personal first-aid kit on her break. Goodness knows what she would do with nothing but her knowledge to help the injured man, she always needed to have some sort of tool or medication to help others.
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                    Placing a hand gently on where the nurse presumed the injured area was, his ankle, it was as if she was asking for permission to take care of the injury presented to her. A kind smile accompanying the request, even if her eyes were full of worry, she had always needed to take note of her patients boundaries first for any body part  -  and it was the same here.
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felsicmagma-blog · 8 years
He soon gathered that the girl was unable to speak as he read the tiny words written out in neat script. Smiling back, he felt the tears well up within him again as he remembered the music that she played. She gave off an aura of kindness and that pleased him greatly; it reminded him so much of his late mother, who was also a nurse. Perhaps, that was the reason why the tears welled up in the first place.
“Come!” he called out, turning around and walking towards the nearest cafe. He stopped every so often to wait for the girl to catch up. It reminded him so much of how he spent his time with his mother and that she would wait for him (considering he was very short and still is). 
Maxie closed his eyes and fell into the blissful state of dreams and the tears began to well up again right after he had dabbed them away. Seeing as his eyes were closed, he did not heed several warning cries from passerby about an uncovered drain in front of him. 
Then, he tripped and the spell was broken.
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He hissed and let out a cry of pain as he nursed a swollen ankle and several people rushed forward to assist him. 
[💕] Mᵉᶫᵒᵈʸ ᵒᶠ Mᵒʳᶰᶦᶰᵍ  / Open
                    It wasn’t the first time she had been invited to ‘chat’ after her performance on the streets and while it was rather difficult because of her disability, they had still managed and it had lead to many good acquaintances and friendships along the way. Yet it was still infrequent enough that the act of kindness, whatever it was, often took her by surprise, not expecting anything for lightening up the mood in the area ( and her goal - to search for her twin ) and a smile lit up until a concerned look had crossed Maria’s face, Remi’s too.
                    Even if Nurse Joy had frequently told her to get a rest; that they, or somebody else, would take on her shift if she didn’t appear, it was still her job. No matter how semi-famous her father was through the medical world and had praised her multiple times in the past, that didn’t mean that his daughter could get credit from doing nothing and taking her fathers’ name for herself. But at the same time, it would be rude of her to decline his offer…
                    Missing just one single shift wouldn’t be so bad, right ??
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  “ Of course, I’d love to, thank you very much Mister !! ’
                    Smile back on her face, Maria nodded at the red-headed stranger, holding out her reply that was quickly written on her tiny notebook. Almost everyone in Johto knew that she was mute, being that she had worked in Pokemon Centers across the region, so she had no hesitation in showing her words instead of adding an explanation first as she would usually do - presuming the other already knew of the fact from word of mouth.
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felsicmagma-blog · 8 years
“Ah, Petalburg! A lovely town, that is!” He grins back at the young boy. “Pleasure, Wally.” Wally...the name itself seemed familiar but he was not concerned by that and in the next moment, the thought had already left him. “How long have you been around these parts, Wally?” The boy seemed a little young but then again age is no factor of strength.
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The name vaguely rings a bell but that’s no surprise. He’s heard tales of so many trainers throughout his adventure that the idea of keeping track of who did what is almost laughable. “ Yeah! I grew up in Petalburg. “ He meets Maxies hand with a shake, grinning. After a year or so of being a pokemon trainer he still can’t help but love finally being able to meet people. “ I’m Wally. “
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felsicmagma-blog · 8 years
His own Talonflame squawks in happiness as it leaps off Maxie’s hand to meet Aero. “Haha, my pleasure. I’m glad they’re getting along well.” He pauses and looks at the boy. “Hmm...I haven’t seen you around; are you from around here? I am Maxie, my boy. Pleasure to meet you as well,” he adds, extending his hand. One of those rare moments wherein he could experience what it was like being a regular Trainer talking to another. Or perhaps this was only the beginning...
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He relaxes immediately at the smile, Aero flapping in happiness. It’s generally rare to meet a trainer who isn’t willing to let their Pokemon socialize so he’s not really sure why he was worried. His smile only grows when Aero flaps over to the other bird, immediately taking a liking to the other bird. “ That’s Aero! It’s been a c-couple months since he’s seen another Talonflame so he’s a l-l-little overexcited. “
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felsicmagma-blog · 8 years
It was one of those days where his wish of a better ray of sunshine was granted as the shifting rays casted their weak light upon him. He was pleased even further when he heard a lilting tune pass through National Park and when he stood up, he could see in the far distance, a young girl playing with a violin. The song was haunting and had a lovely melody to it as though the instrument itself was calling upon the very fabric of music itself because Maxie had never heard something so beautiful played so openly. 
He sat there with his Talonflame perched on his shoulder, leaning against the shade of an overgrown birch tree and at (he assumed) the height of the song, the wind seemed to sing its calling along with the music and his smile grew wider - it was beautiful indeed! The leaves rustled against the singing wind and a flock of Jumpluff flew out of the trees, their chirping noises reverberating through the air. Alongside the girl, he noticed, was a Sylveon smaller than usual. It seemed very happy to be alongside its master as it danced to the music.
Maxie was reminded of his own childhood; it was not one that was particularly pleasant but he was happy (now) that he’d gone through it and experienced what it was like to have that childlike wonder, as he was now. He did not heed his growling stomach when lunch came and spent the rest of the evening slowly drifting closer towards the source of the sound until he came upon the crowd that was gathered before the girl. He peered over them, trying to view the violinist. She was pretty and had a caring aura about her.
Soon, the crowds began to disperse and the girl, he noticed, was about to leave. He wanted to know more about the music that the girl played and so he called out
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and dashed towards her. She seemed to him a little surprised but he wanted to speak to her because in his eyes, tears were glistening and in his heart he had many questions for her.
“Would you like to come with me? I really love your music and would love to treat you to a meal as we talk.”
[💕] Mᵉᶫᵒᵈʸ ᵒᶠ Mᵒʳᶰᶦᶰᵍ  / Open
                     It wasn’t often she touched her violin, even rarer that she played the instrument, but Maria had always had it with her as a memento for her parents and her sister. In fact, her twin was the reason why she didn’t touch it, it just felt off playing her violin without the backing noise of the piano playing along. Yet at the same time, the urge to play the violin was always there, to remember the memories they had spent together - the time when they were one and to try and find █████ by playing it on the streets, hoping that, by chance, she would listen and remember.
                     Thus, in the early morning sun she had headed out to National Park, a short walk from Cherrygrove and in no time she had reached the park with Remi following right behind ( and attracting quite a following, due to the rarity of Fairy Types, but nevertheless ) and instead of just her usual briefcase, she held her violin case along with her. In the area, she could spot a few Pokeathletes jogging along and trainers of all ages scattered here and there, chatting or catching pokemon in the nearby tall grass - but there was no sight of her twin anywhere. Goodness, she was glad that she was on break for most of the day today if she was to stay here awhile.
Keep reading
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felsicmagma-blog · 8 years
His shiny Talonflame was treasured equally amongst all his other Pokemon and today was a day he had set aside for bonding with the Fire-type. Smiling, he looked around at his surroundings when he heard a voice ask about his Talonflame. Therein he noticed a young green haired boy (who looked oddly familiar) and the question that the boy posed soon followed after.
“Certainly!” he exclaimed, walking forward with the bird perched on his arm. “This is Ignis.” The Talonflame squawked in happiness and pecked Maxie, which elicited an “Ow!” from him. 
His eyes light up just a little at the sight of another Talonflame with another trainer, smile growing. Aero had been getting rather lonely as one of the only Talonflames in Hoenn and if the other trainer was okay with it he’d be very appreciative for a chance to socialize his poor Talonflame. He’s still more than a little bit uncomfortable when it comes to strangers but he’s willing to do  just about anything for the comfort and happiness of his partners.
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“ E-e-e-excuse me? I’m sorry I uh..hate to bother but..well I couldn’t help but notice your Talonflame and well…mines..it’s a little lonely and if I could maybe let it hang out with yours just for a little while? “
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