floruuunstopable · 3 years
Social media has contributed so much on the lives of many people. Itbhad a great impact especially in delivering information. However, disinformation and hoaxes that are popularly referred to as "fake news" are accelerating and affecting the way individuals interpret daily developments. And with the spread of technological advancement and internet literacy, more and more people engage in social media and spread either factual and good news or fake news.
Fake news has also been flooding the Philippines. Take the false statement of Jackie Chan as an example. Fake news claimed that actor Jackie Chan praised President Rodrigo Duterte's leadership and said that he is the best president. Other fake news like warnings on super-typhoon and declarations of non working holidays also surface every now and then.
The problem in our country, is that fake news may actually pass off as true and correct and may affect people's perception or opinion on others and harms people's reputation. Worse, fake news creates confusion abkit what is true and adversely affects our citizens' decision making on important issurs.
As an individual, I like my freedim and would want to be always free to express my opinion. That includes promoting my version of the facts as I see it. I remember the time when my high school classmate spread a fake news on our entire class. He announced that our adviser told him that the deadline for our final project was moved. We were all glad because majority of us are not yet done with our projects. And when the "original" due date came, our adviser was confused because no one had passed a project. She got really mad when she knew that no one finished the project. She got even more mad when she found out that our classmate just made the story of the deadline submission because she never said anything about moving the deadline. All of us got really upset and we apologized to our teacher. That was the time I realized that i should be careful when it comes to believing other's information for it may affect not only me but other people negatively.
I learned to first check and evaluate everything before actually believing it. I want to share some tips on how we should fact check the information that we are about to get, believe and digest.
First and fore most, we need to check credentials. We should ask ourselves; is the author specialized in the field that the articke is concerned with? Do a quick search to see if the author can speak about that subject with authority and accuracy. Next, we have to look for some bias. We need to see if the article seem to lean toward a particular point of view or person because biased articles may not be giving us the whole story. Of course we have to check the sources. There are so many websites that are spreading misinformation about current issues, different institutions and people such as celebrities and politicians that is why we need to be careful. We need to judge hard for our good judgement will lead us to facts and not fake news. And lastly, we need to learn to distinguish an opinion from a fact.
We should stay vigilant and keep our standards high in looking for good websites that provide right, up-to-date and factual news and information. Because at the end of the day, it is all for our own welfare and safery.
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floruuunstopable · 3 years
One of the amazing things that we humans have is the ability to have dreams of a better life, and the ability to establish goals to live out those dreams. Every individual aspires to achieve something. Whether it is a small dream or a big dream, a dream for yourself or for others. However, our desires are changing while we are growing along, and that is normal. We tend to know our priorities, passions, and real dreams as we age.
I remember when I was seven years old, I dreamt of being a superhero because of the influence of "Darna" fighting all the bad guys and helping so many people. And then when I turned nine or ten, I wanted to be a teacher, like my grade three teacher who is very good in teaching Filipino subject. I admire teachers for their patience and kindness to all students and for managing their time well for their work and family. But as I said, our dreams change. I decided I wanted to be a nurse when I was in grade 6. It is for the reason that nurses look so good and neat with their white uniforms and I want to wear those. And also because of their field of work: serving and helping people.
That dream of becoming a nurse lasted until my junior high years. But then when I moved up from junior to senior high, I decided I want to take something inclined with public service that is why I took Humanities and Social Sciences as my strand. So far, so good. I was enjoying the life and learning from the subjects. You may wonder why I took Psycholgy instead of Political Science of Social Studies. Well, my Personal Development teacher in grade 11 is the reason for that. She was so good in teaching her subject that she inspired me to be also a Psychometrician like her and a Psychologist in the future. She made me realize that studying and pursuing Psychology is the best for me. She made me realize that Psychology is the course that I have been looking for all my life. And that was the point in my life that I decided that I am going to be a registered Psychometrician and a registered Psychologist.
Dreams are essential as, withouth them, you will not have the motivation and determination to move forward in life. Some kids aspire to be a pilot, some as dancer, or a mucisian. However, to achieve these dreams, one has to stay attentive and work hard. Your goals provide you the strength to face any obstacles and hardships and motivate you towards achievement.
However big my dream is, having short term goals will always rescue. This is highly important because making hasty decisions will not help you get closer to your dream. Some dreams require time to nurture, some require procedures to follow, without which you cannot achieve your dream. In my case, I need to first save and study hard to achieve my goal. I know that it is still a long journey but with courage faith, I also know that I can do it. Wait for me to be successful folks!
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floruuunstopable · 3 years
Love everyday
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