fullsheepllama · 1 year
“But maybe being brave didn’t mean being unafraid.”
— Leigh Bardugo, Crooked Kingdom
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fullsheepllama · 1 year
Allow people to like you, to enjoy your company, to want to be your friend. Allow them to compliment you, allow others to think you're cool and funny even if you think you're not. It is not up to you to tell others how to feel, and remember that people might see the positive things in you and qualities that you have been failing to see while being too self-critical. Allow yourself to be liked by other people, even when you don't see why they should. Don't self-isolate because you think you are not good enough for other people.
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fullsheepllama · 1 year
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'Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned
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fullsheepllama · 1 year
If Pete won't work as a mafia, I can imagine him working in a cute coffee shop. His boss would be a badass like Porsche's boss.
Pete would be happy working in a peaceful and quiet place, until each Theerapanyakul arrives to visit.
The moment Tankhun receives the news that Pete has found work, he immediately shows up to Pete's cafe with Arm and Pol in tow.
"Oh my Pete, if you go back to our place I promise you don't need to work at this coffee shop. It's too cheap! This is all Vegas's fault! Why did he allow you to work in such a small place! If you want to work at a cafe, you could have told me! I'll build one beside the mansion, you can be the manager already!" Tankhun whined earning looks from his co-worker and his boss.
Pete had to give them apologetic glances. His boss was currently behind the counter, he didn't miss seeing her shot a glare at Tankhun, before returning to her usual poker face. Tankhun was oblivious to this. While Pol and Arm looked a little wary.
Sunny, his boss, is quiet nice, but Pete had suspected that she might be a secret ninja assasin.
Oh no. Pete thought, hurriedly wanting to explain who Tankhun was.. "Boss er-"
Sunny shook her head, as if telling him it's okay, before giving a big smile to Tankhun.
"Welcome at our humble coffee shop! Do you want anything? Coffee? tea?" She sounded nice, but she had an air of danger with her. Pete is sweating a bit looking back and forth between Tankhun and Sunny.
There was a heavy tension as the two stare at each other, as if the two were already having a battle to the death in their heads.
It took a while before the two stopped giving each other judging looks. And a bit of explaining and introduction from Pete.
Sunny assures Pete that she has no problem with him having friends around, as long as they order something, and he won't forget his duties.
Tankhun becomes a regular customer at the shop. Pete is secretly happy seeing his ex-boss outside the mansion, enjoying tea and cake with his other friends.
But one day, Tankhun insisted Pete has to go back with them and watch a new k-drama. Pete had to refuse becuase he hasn't finished his shift yet.
This resulted to Tankhun leaving in a sour mood.
The next day he goes back, with a business proposal to Sunny, since Tankhun decided to buy the cafe.
Sunny refuses ofcourse. But Tankhun isn't someone who quits easily.
When Kim stepped inside the coffee shop, Pete found himself panicking.
There is no reason in this current universe Kim Theerapanyakul would just randomly enter a coffee shop, miles away from his place, without any guards, in complete casual outfit and in a somber mood.
Kim needs a reason to do things. Pete is tense as he greeted his former boss.
Kim just nodded at him, and began staring at the pastry display stand. He suddenly looks conflicted. As if the choice of pastry was a matter of life or death.
Pete suddenly had an idea.
"Chay enjoys our cinnamon rolls a lot!" Pete almost slapped himself for mentioning Chay, who had confided to him about his strained relationship with Kim.
Kim gave him an empty look, but then spoke, "A box of cinnamon rolls and Bubble tea, please."
Pete could only nod incredulously. "Alright..."
"Thanks Pete." Kim says as he leaves the shop. Pete can only sigh in relief.
Kinn arrives at the coffee shop with a couple of new bodyguards Pete doesn't recognize. Kinn looks a little distressed and angry. But not murderous. Just an angry cat. Pete notes, Kinn is more of a puppy, but he hasn't seen an angry puppy ever. So an angry cat then.
They look like a real gang. With dark suits and tie, flashy cars occupying the front parking space of the shop. Out of place in the tiny coffee shop with pastel walls, dainty artworks, cute indoor plants, soft music, a sleeping calico cat in the counter. Pete was in his beige work apron, and soft blue dress shirt. He doesn't fit in their world anymore, atleast Pete likes to see it that way.
"Er, Khun, what brought you here?" Pete asks as soon as Kinn was in hearing distance.
"Do you know where Vegas is?" Kinn asks with a hint of impatience. Pete, who was currently managing the shop's cashier register blinks at him, a little surprised to see him, and a little annoyed that his ex-boss had burst into his new workplace with a sour demeanor. Luckily it was not a busy day, his boss was not around, and his co-worker had a day-off.
"Is there a problem, Khun?" Pete asks, wanting to know if Vegas was in trouble. He won't tell Kinn anything if he can't assure Vegas's safety.
"Pete, I just want to know where Porsche is," Kinn said a little calmer this time. "Porsche said they'll be in a meeting with a foreign ga- company. But...." Kinn trailed off, looking a little angry this time. "Do you know where your partner is?"
Pete sighs. Somehow he had expected this. That they can't fully choose a quiet life. Not when Vegas had started helping Porsche with the Theerapanyakul bussiness again.
"They're probably just working, Khun. Have you called Porsche?"
"He hasn't answered my calls since this morning."
Alright. Pete reached out for his own phone and started calling Vegas. Kinn gave him a questioning look.
"I've called Vegas either and he's not-"
After the first ring, someone answers.
"Yes, baby?" Vegas's voice was soft, even on speaker phone.
Kinn rolled his eyes. Pete cleared his throat.
"You're on speaker, Where are you?"
"Just downtown, we're nearby our home, do you need anything?" Vegas kept his soft voice as he asks Pete.
"Kinn's here. He's asking for Porsche."
"Did he disturb you at work? Doesn't he have any manners?!"
Kinn huffed, face going a little guilty to a little angry. He motions for Pete to hand over the phone to him. Pete does without thinking.
"Vegas, where the hell are you?" Kinn asked annoyed now, clutching the phone tightly, as if it was an extension of Vegas's neck.
"And he interrupts our chat, how very polite of you, cousin."
"I am still your boss, let me talk to Porsche if he really is there with you."
There was a silence on the other line. "Uh, he doesn't want to."
Pete had stepped out of the cafe counters and moved for Kinn to hand back his phone. Kinn gave him an exasperated look, he returned it with an equally exasperated look.
"Vegas, can you please just try to ask Porsche to let Kinn know he's alright. We're worried."
There was a brief pause, and then they hear Porsche. 'I'm here. Phone was dead, no battery, sorry." Kinn let out an exasperated sigh.
"There he was Kinn, happy?" Vegas asked in a sing-song voice. Kinn only inhaled deep, closing his eyes in frustration.
"Yes. Now, find a way to charge his phone and tell him to call me as soon as he can." Vegas hummed at that. Kinn shakes his head.
Pete gave him a pitying look.
"Pete?" Vegas called softly once again.
"Yes?" Pete sighed.
"We're just dealing with a minor business in the area, I'll see you at lunch, alright?"
"Do you want curry, love?"
Kinn couldn't help but roll his eyes once again. Pete gave him an apologetic look, and decide to switch off speaker phone.
"Not really feeling it right now."
"Oh, what do you want, Pasta? Steak? or Korean chicken? "
"Yes, that's fine for me."
"Alright. I'll see you later, love."
"Yes. Vegas, take care."
Kinn, still looking frustrated, thanks him, apologizes and promises not to disturb his work again. Pete can only sigh, knowing it's probably not the last time he'll see him, or atleast any of his former boss walk in the shop again.
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fullsheepllama · 1 year
I want a KPTS Season 2 scene where Pete meets Tay and Time. Tay and Pete becomes bffs and then Time would jokingly ask Pete if was it possible that Vegas blackmailed him into being in a relationship with him? ('Pete you're an angel!' Blink twice if you need our help, we'll get you out!'' We can introduce you to a nicer guy, he's a pop idol, pretty sure you're his type!') and then Vegas will suddenly appear behind Time with narrowed eyes, emitting dark murderous aura, and is like 'what the hell did you just said?'
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fullsheepllama · 2 years
Pete: *driving Chay and Macau* So how was your day?
Chay: We almost got surprise adopted!
Pete: What?
Macau: We almost got kidnapped.
Pete: oh, ok.
Pete: *slams on the brakes* WAIT WHAT?!
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fullsheepllama · 2 years
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“Go ahead and eat it. If you hate me, you’ll have energy to kill me later.” KinnPorsche (2022) : Episode 14.
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fullsheepllama · 2 years
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— Lang Leav, from Sea of Strangers
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fullsheepllama · 2 years
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fullsheepllama · 2 years
"And you tried to change, didn't you? Closed your mouth more. Tried to be softer, prettier, less volatile, less awake... You can't make homes out of human beings. Someone should have already told you that. And if he wants to leave, then let him leave. You are terrifying, and strange, and beautiful. Something not everyone knows how to love."
-Warsan Shire
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fullsheepllama · 2 years
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KINNPORSCHE (2022), dir. Khom Kongkiat — the beauty of the husband, a.c.
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fullsheepllama · 2 years
He wants to be a catlady and I support it
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screenshot from a gif by @julielilac
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fullsheepllama · 2 years
“I’d like to be my old self again, but I’m still trying to find it.”
— Taylor Swift / All Too Well
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fullsheepllama · 2 years
If I could describe build jakapan using taylor swift albums then I’d choose 1989
Build jakapan is very 1989
and I love it
“It’s a new soundtrack I could dance to this beat”
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fullsheepllama · 2 years
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“Everytime I get moody, your eyes tell me, that you like it.”
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fullsheepllama · 2 years
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fullsheepllama · 2 years
“I don’t want to love anything anymore, because everything comes as it pleases and leaves without a goodbye.”
IU featuring SUGA (BTS), Eight
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