gamingdestroyedmylife · 6 months
Advent Calender 2023
Door 9
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Warnings: none
Written by:@thepinkhoneypig
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"I just want to know what they look like!" MC has been nagging the poor angel all day. Simeon sighs. She's far too curious for her own good. The angel wonders why she even brought the subject up. He's never talked to her about it before and she's never shown any interest in it. Maybe it's because it's Christmas time in the human world. "Please show it to me once!" MC scoots closer on the sofa in his direction. There's barely any space between their faces. "Why don't you try the biscuits? Luke went to a lot of trouble to make them." The angel calmly takes a sip of tea and tries not to let her on. But the human is definitely too close to him to keep his heart rate calm. "Only if you show me your magnificent wings, I bet they're huge and snow-white! Or are you ashamed of your stubby wings?" She grins mischievously at him. She also knows exactly how to scratch an angel's ego. She definitely learns too much from these brothers.
Lost in thought, Simeon doesn't realise how she places her hand on his shoulder and slowly runs it down his back. Grinning, she gently runs her hand over his bare shoulder blades. "Here they are, aren't they?" The angel turns his head towards her, slightly indignant. "How cheeky of you MC." "So you DO listen to what I tell you and you ignore me on purpose. Show me your wings, angel!" She lunges at him and knocks him over easily. The cup hits the floor with a loud crash and a small human sits on the chest of a holy being. Panicked, Simeon had grabbed her wrist to keep her from falling, but they were still safely on the sofa, with her now in a most advantageous position.
"Please, I just want to see your true form for once. Show me how holy you really are!" Her radiant beady eyes literally pierce his soul. "On one condition," Simeon relents, "you close your eyes while I do it." MC grimaces in disappointment. These are definitely not the conditions she would have liked. "Fine... for once." She carefully closes her eyes and waits. A warm feeling slowly creeps over her, soon enveloping her completely. She waits nervously for a moment, but MC can't stand it for long and opens her eyes curiously.
Bright white feathers with golden edges dance around her. It is so brilliantly bright that it almost hurts her eyes. The only calmer, darker spot is Simeon's face. She stares at him, fascinated. He is so beautiful, lying on that feathery splendour, that it leaves her speechless. "You broke your promise," he murmurs, just before she collapses from the effects of the holy power on her Human body.
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gamingdestroyedmylife · 6 months
Advent Calender 2023
Door 8 -Barbatos-
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Warnings: none
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The cans have to go there, the plates here and the cutlery has to be arranged exactly as it is in the picture!" Barbatos was shuffling people back and forth the whole time, trying to make the dinner perfect. The lord had wanted the princes of hell, angels and humans to dine together on the occasion of Christmas.
MC had offered him their help and he had accepted it, because he wanted the humans to be close to him. He did not trust the brothers. They said they would protect the human, but he knew better. He was the only one here who could look after the fragile human.
"Is that folded right?" MC looked at him and he looked at the napkin in her hands. "No, not quite. I'll show you," he took her hands and guided her as he folded it. He didn't miss the blush that crept onto MC's cheeks.
Oh he was aware of her feelings. Unfortunately, he couldn't give in to her. She would disappear from his existence too quickly and he didn't want to risk that. No, he would only remember moments like this one with her.
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gamingdestroyedmylife · 6 months
Advent Calender 2023
Door 7 -Asmodeus-
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Warnings: none
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Today was the dinner at Lord Diavolo's. The whole house was getting ready for the party. MC was trying to force her hair into an elegant hairstyle when Asmodeus entered her room.
"Darling! What are you doing?" He looked at her in horror. She looked at him with wide eyes. "My hair?" "It looks worse than Levi's!" with a gruff gesture, he sat down on her bed and patted beside him. MC sat down and let Asmo take the lead. He would definitely make her pretty and not let her go out like a monster.
MC could almost enjoy the gentle pulling, combing and pinning of her hair. Asmo's hands were very skillful and after a short time he was done. "So now look" MC went to the large mirror in her room and looked at herself. She looked like one of the models in Asmo's fashion magazines. "Oh Asmo that looks great!"
He grinned wryly at her. "I know it looks great" She turned to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Shall we get going then?" Asmo nodded and gave her his arm. Together they walked to the demon lord's feast.
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gamingdestroyedmylife · 6 months
Advent Calender 2023
Door 6
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Warnings: Smut
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He slowly let his hands wander over MC's hips. She lay beneath him with her eyes closed in pleasure.
His hips bumped against hers again and again, making them both shudder. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him closer. "Diavolo," she moaned and her nails clawed into his back.
Oh how he loved her. He always felt alive when he was this close to her. This person had turned his world upside down and he loved it. She had changed everything so much…he had even celebrated Christmas for her. The greatest gift was this moment with her. Peace and quiet and
"Harder!" the human demanded and he followed her instruction. He rammed himself a little harder into her and tried to bring her over the edge. She clawed at him harder and harder and he knew that she would soon be ready. He quickened his pace and climaxed inside her. He looked at his human. His gift. Oh, he would never give her up again.
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gamingdestroyedmylife · 6 months
Advent Calender 2023
Door 5 - Satan -
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warnings: none
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After an exhausting day at school, MC flopped down on her bed. She had a few exams and tests due this week. Unfortunately, she just had no motivation to study. Satan had been trying to help her study for the last few days.
However, it didn't help much. None of the material wanted to stick in her head. Then there were Mammon and Levi, who both always wanted to play with her and distract her. No wonder she couldn't learn properly.
She pulled herself together and resolved to study for a while. If she did it now, she could relax a little later. After a short while, there was a knock at her door. "Come in," Satan opened her door gently and closed it again immediately behind him.
"I thought we could learn something together, but you look very stressed and I have another idea. Maybe you should relax a little" MC's mind jumped straight to other things that would help her relax, but Satan pulled a book out of his pocket and pointed to her bed. Together, she climbed onto it with him and made herself comfortable. If he wanted to read to her, he should, but it certainly wouldn't help.
After the first story from the book, Satan looked down at the sleeping MC in his arms. His technique had probably worked.
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gamingdestroyedmylife · 6 months
Advent Calender 2023
Door 4 -Beel-
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Warnings: none just slight hint of smutty activities
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Beel had been fighting with himself all day. He was so terribly hungry. All around him, food was being cooked or baked. MC had persuaded the brothers to organize a small Christmas party. She had invited Diavolo, Barbatos and the angels.
Beel kept trying to sneak into the kitchen, but each time he was kicked out by Lucifer or Satan. He had been standing in the hallway for a good half hour now, staring at the closed kitchen door.
"What are you doing?" The giant flinched slightly. MC had snuck up on him. "I'm waiting to make myself something to eat" MC looked him up and down. "
You're really hungry, aren't you?" The demon nodded and continued to fixate on the door - "I should just take some of the food! What are the others going to do?" he muttered to himself.
"Beel…" He turned to face MC. She waved him down with her hand and pressed a kiss to his lips. He stared at her for a moment and watched her go in the direction of her room. He didn't hesitate and quickly followed her silent invitation.
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gamingdestroyedmylife · 6 months
Advent Calender 2023
Door 3 - Lucifer -
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warnings: none
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Where was he? MC had been looking for him all day. All hell was breaking loose outside. There was a storm raging outside and she was determined to find him before it got too bad outside.
She walked through the corridors of the school for the thousandth time. He couldn't have just disappeared. She turned down the path to his office. She would look there one last time. If he's not there now, he's out of luck! Without knocking, MC yanked the door open and an angry Lucifer stared back at her. "Can't you knock?!"
"Are you crazy?! I've been looking everywhere for you. WHERE have you been?" " oh I had important things to do" Important things ?!!! MC took a quick breath. If she got too upset now, the situation would only get worse and she'd never get Lucifer home.
"It's bad weather outside. Let's go now, please!" He looked slowly out of the window. "Were you scared? About ME?" A small smile played around his lips. Of course he would like that. "No, but can you please come? I want to leave"
She wouldn't play his stupid games today. His smile widened and he walked towards her. "Sure I'll come little one" he walked past her and planted a kiss on her head - grinning, he went outside. Next time she would let him freeze to death.
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gamingdestroyedmylife · 6 months
Advent Calender 2023
Door 2 - Mammon -
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Warnings: none
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"Can you please see how far along Mammon is with the cookies?" Asmodeus called out to MC. She nodded and made her way back to the kitchen. They had decided to bake all the cookies today.
Mammon was to put the cookies in the oven and take them out. Satan, Belphie and Beel were to make the dough. At the risk of Beel snacking on a little too much dough. The others would decorate the cookies and put them in tins and small bags. Lucifer was determined to give some of the cookies away.
MC entered the kitchen and the picture that presented itself melted her heart. Mammon was sitting on the floor in front of the oven, staring into it. He didn't take his eyes off the cookies so that they wouldn't burn. That was exactly what had happened a few hours ago. Two trays of cookies had been just as dark as the little demons of the realm.
"What are you doing?" MC asked quietly, standing next to him. "I'm…uh…just looking," he said, blushing slightly as if she'd caught him doing something bad. "Do you want to sit down?" he asked and she nodded. She sat down next to him and together they watched the cookies.
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gamingdestroyedmylife · 6 months
Advent Calender 2023
Door 1 - Belphie -
Next door
Warnings: none just fluff
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Everyone in the house helped to prepare things for the upcoming feast. Lucifer took care of the food together with Mammon. Beel kept trying to snack on some of it, but the two of them stopped him from destroying everything.
Asmodeus and Levi decorated the rooms and chose the best place for the Christmas tree. Satan and MC wrapped some presents for the non-residents of the house.
Only one person wasn't actively helping. Belphie was lying on the sofa, asleep. MC kept turning to look at him. Perhaps MC was a little afraid that Belphie would disappear. After all, he was always a bit weird with her. After their past together, it was no wonder. However, for some reason, MC wanted him to be there when they celebrated Christmas. MC loves this festival and has persuaded the inhabitants of the Devildom to celebrate it with him.
MC went over to Belphie after his work was done and stroked his hair. He seemed quite peaceful. MC knelt down next to him and stroked him for a while. Every now and then he made little sounds in his sleep. As MC looked at Belphie, she hoped that the future would be as peaceful as this moment.
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gamingdestroyedmylife · 7 months
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gamingdestroyedmylife · 7 months
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gamingdestroyedmylife · 7 months
Diavolo as your boyfriend
Previous: Belphie
Next up: Barbatos (not up yet)
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Before the relationship
Diavolo would be very careful not to show directly in public that he likes MC
He would always leave small gestures and gifts
Would plan his times so that he could watch MC in the library or at dinner
He would watch from a distance for a while Until Barbatos can't take it anymore and invites the human more often
Dia doesn't know how far he should go to win MC over. What level was appropriate for humans? When would he cross the line?
He decides to tell MC his feelings over a meal. (He wouldn't let the brothers win MC over first
Is not really surprised that MC agrees to date him ( Barbatos has told him 1000 times )
During the relationship
He loves nicknames. Any form that is not offensive.
He especially loves it when the brothers get jealous because the human chose him and shows it.
Keeps giving gifts when he can't spend time with MC because he has to work so much
Loves it when MC takes care of him. A massage after a hard day does him a lot of good. But when it comes from his loved one, he enjoys it even more
Nightly walks through the garden are a must for him. The night calms him down a lot and he can then focus all his attention on MC
Dinner dates
When MC is happy, he is happy. He would discreetly get rid of anyone who tries to make MC unhappy
He is a very passionate lover ( And kinky af)
Can be very gentle and also very rough
Takes care of MC after sex
Sees only MC in his future
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gamingdestroyedmylife · 7 months
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gamingdestroyedmylife · 8 months
The first Date Mammon
Sorry that I have been gone for a while. My life was kinda busy but now I have time again to write some more. With this post I will continue this series.
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He would be so excited
Would plan his outfit so many times but would stick to something basic. ( He does not want MC to think that he put much effort into his clothes)
would try to make the date cheap because he still likes his money
Would than get worried about it and make it expensive
Going out in a fancy restaurant would be much better than going to a cheap one
He want to make MC his and he shoul put effort into it
Asks Asmodeus and Beel for help
Asmo cause he is the "love expert" and Beel because he knows all the fancy places ( and also the ones where the food tastes good)
Wait for MC in the hallway
"Hey there~" would try to be as flirty as possible
Messes that up and makes MC laugh a lot
Is a little silly
Bought a little gift for MC like a plushies
He is thrilled when MC likes it a lot
Asks at the end if the will go on another date
is excited and reapeats the whole process again when MC says yes
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gamingdestroyedmylife · 9 months
The first date Lucifer
Up next : Mammon ( not up yet )
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He would be nervous but never show it
He does not really understand why he is so nervous. It is just a date with his favourite human
Plans the whole evening in his head
Wants to take MC to a fancy restaurant and than have some quality time at home
During the date he tries to remain neutral and mysterious. He does not want to let anyone immediately behind his facade
Watch a movie or play a game
When playing he loves to see MC shining eyes. It gives him confirmation that he is doing everything right
While watching a movie he holds MC's hand and plays with their fingers
Would not want to rush anything
Wants MC to be happy and comfortable the whole time
For the date he would wear something elegant but still not overdress
He would ask Asmodeus to spy on MC so that he could match with them
He would not have Sex with MC at the first date but he would kiss them sweetly before the night ends
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gamingdestroyedmylife · 10 months
Could you write something with Mammon and Fem!MC where the two are studying together and have some cute moments pls? :)
I really love your writings and hope you don`t mind the request
Thank you for your request Anon.
I had a lot of fun writing this One Shot. I hope you and the others like it and have fun reading it.
Btw my AskBox is still open.
Mammon x Female MC
Warnings: none I guess, just fluff
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It was almost midnight when MC looked at the clock. They had been sitting in Mammon's room for almost 5 hours trying to study together. Mammon had begged MC the whole day. He said that he could see how lost MC was and that without him she would never pass the upcoming test. Nobly he volunteered to help her.
Inwardly, MC already had to laugh a little. Mammon was really cute. He couldn't admit that he needed help himself and once again had to pretend that MC was stupid and needed help. However, he was also the one who had given up an hour ago and was playing with his phone now.
''Oi MC look I won again" MC looked up and eyed the demon in front of her. His light hair was sticking out from his head a little more than usual because he kept running his fingers through it. His clothes were more casual as well. He wore only a plain shirt and dark sweatpants.
''What are you playing there anyway Mammoney ?" asked MC, also putting her pen aside. If the demon didn't want to study anymore, why should she try to teach him anything?
"This is a new app where you can get Grimm by playing games. Levi showed it to me, although I think he just wants me to pay my debts to him. But it's really easy to get cash there. Wanna play?" he asked, smiling at MC from the side.
The latter just shook her head. ''Mammon, we actually wanted to study and not make money" MC frowned and looked at the demon of greed. He only grinned mischievously. ''But studying is boring!" ''Only because you don't understand anything!" ''Excuse me?! I understand everything. You little human need MY help after all!" ''Oh yeah?! Then explain the next task to me!" ''No problem"
Mammon grabbed one of the books from the table and skimmed the pages. "So you have to… so with that and then through that…" he stuttered for a while and MC laughed softly "Sure and I need help from the great Mammon" She gathered up her things. "I don't feel like it anymore, let's go study some other time" Mammon watched her silently while she went back to her room.
A few days later, Mammon knocks on MC's door. ''What do you want?" He looked down at the floor. '' Can we study together? I…..I need help" ''Oh you need my help to study? That sounded different a few days ago" ''I..I was stupid okay?! If I mess up the next test I'll get trouble from Lucifer" ''Oh and I'm supposed to help you even though I don't understand the material?" '' Mhhh MC I'm sorry please help me!" he said more fiercely and tore his gaze from the floor. His eyes met MC's and she realized that Lucifer must have had Goldie again. Otherwise Mammon wouldn't react like that.
"Fine I'll help you" His eyes lit up and he pushed past MC into her room. ''Great because I don't understand anything and I have to be able to do everything by tomorrow" MC suppressed a groan. That was typical Mammon.
Together, the two studied the entire night and MC wanted to throw the book at him more than once. Why couldn't he try harder!!! He was lucky that he was cute, because otherwise MC would really strangle him.
Tired, MC sat in class staring at the paper in front of her. She could hardly read what was written there and even less could she give the right answers. She was so tired all she could think about was that her bed was waiting for her. She had studied with Mammon until school started and tried to teach the demon something. But now she sat here and knew nothing more, while Mammon beside her diligently scribbled his answers on the paper. That couldn't be true! Mammon knew everything and she knew nothing anymore. She quickly tried to answer some more questions to get some points.
After class Mammon came to her and casually put his arm around her ''And how was it human?" ''Leave it Mammon" she said and pushed his arm away from her. Astonished, Mammon looked after her and wondered why she looked so angry. ''What's wrong with MC?" asked Asmodeus next to him. Mammon told him what had happened in class and what the two of them had been doing for the past few days. Asmo hit Mammon and explained to him on the way to the next lesson what was going on and why MC was mad. That Asmo always understood such things was a real mystery to Mammon.
In the evening Mammon came to MC again. Before she could even send him away, he entered her room and sat down on the bed. In his arms he had a pile of snacks and a game console he had stolen from Levi. ''Are you coming MC?" Maybe he wasn't such a jerk after all.
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gamingdestroyedmylife · 10 months
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