getgingerfit · 7 years
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“The only thing that will stop you from fulfilling your dreams is you.” – Tom Bradley 💜💜 Don't stand in your own way. #getgingerfit #fitness #fitfam #dreambig
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getgingerfit · 7 years
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THE SECRETS OF IG POSING REVEALED IN MY IG STORIES! 😂😂 A little hip pop goes along ways, ladies! Understand that IG is all about the IMAGE, NOT REALITY! So don't compare yourself to others or get caught up trying to look like someone on social media, maybe they just know how to pose better than you do?! In the end, we are all a bunch of messed up cases just trying to be our #bestself each and everyday. If you can do the same and keep your eyes on your own lane, you'll find your happiness. 😙😙😙 #getgingerfit #fitness #fitfam #bikinicompetitor #healthyliving
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getgingerfit · 7 years
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Crazy Saturday night getting ready to beast out in a few short weeks!!! I get to eat SO MUCH FOOD and I'm thrilled! If you want my 1st week meal plan for #bodybeast comment below, I'll share it once I complete it this week!! 💪💪 #bringonthefood #alltheyellows #bodybeast #goingforgains
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getgingerfit · 7 years
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This stud took off to San Diego this morning. The last 13 years of his life all boil down to the 2 day board certification test that he will begin taking on Monday. No pressure, babe, no pressure. ;) I know that you will do great. Ben Shrauner always does great and there is a reason why. He works REALLY HARD for what he wants. I've learned SO SO much from him over the past years about going after your goals. He's taught me that people don't get "lucky" and become "successful doctors", but rather they WORK STUPIDLY HARD to get there. They sacrifice a lot to reach their career goals. After being accepted to vet school, he decided he wanted to pursue equine surgery, one of the most competitive specialities in the field. What marveled me about Ben was that he wasn't "naturally" good at school or tests. He didn't waltz into class to magically pass his test. HE WORKED HIS TAIL OFF. I watched him do this four years through school. On multiple occasions he'd go to school to study at 5:00am and he'd return home at 2:30am. I was exhausted just watching him. In 2013, there were 16 reported equine surgery residencies available nation wide when Ben applied. Stiff competition to say the least, but he never let SLIM CHANCE, SCARY statistics stop him from going after his goals. Most people don't even take that scary chance... they give up without ever trying. What Ben's taught me, whether he knows it or not, is that you are capable of accomplishing any goal if you work hard and never give up. You are going to rock that test, #benniebooboo! I'm so proud of you and all that you've accomplished! THE BEST IS YET TO COMEEEE!!! WHOOHOOOOOOOO!!!! I'm already dreaming of our celebration vacation together! :) #dreambig #workbigger #vetmed #acvs
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getgingerfit · 7 years
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*HEALTHY SUPER BOWL PARTY SNACKS* These are delicious, so share or tag a friend who is hosting a Super Bowl Party! Sweet Potato Bites with Avocado & Bacon YIELD: about 40 bites PREP TIME: 15 minutes COOK TIME: 30 minutes TOTAL TIME: 45 minutes Ingredients: • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil • 2 sweet potatoes, scrubbed clean, peels on • 1 and 1/4 teaspoons kosher salt, divided • 3/4 teaspoon black pepper • 1/2 medium avocados, peeled, pitted, and diced • 3 cup granted 2% sharp cheddar cheese • 2 medium avocados, peeled, pitted, and diced • 2 tablespoons non-fat or 2% plain Greek yogurt • 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice • 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika • 3 ounces bacon (about 4 slices) (I used turkey bacon) • 3 tablespoons freshly chopped cilantro Directions: • Place rack in upper and lower thirds of your oven and preheat oven to 425 degrees F. • Line two rimmed baking sheets with foil, then brush with 1/2 tablespoon olive oil each. • Slice potatoes into 1/2 to 1/4 inch cross-sections (use a mandolin if you have one.) • Arrange slices in a single layer on the oiled baking sheets, then brush tops with remaining olive oil. Sprinkle with 1 teaspoon salt and black pepper. • Roast for 20-25 minutes, until golden brown underneath, rotating the pans 180 degrees and changing their positions on the upper/lower racks halfway through. Flip, then roast for an additional 8 minutes. • Remove from oven, sprinkle with cheddar, then return to oven and bake for an additional 3 minutes, until the cheese is melted and bubbly. • Meanwhile, in a small bowl, combine the avocado, Greek yogurt, lime juice, remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt, and smoked paprika. Mash lightly with a fork, but still leave the mixture slightly chunky. Set aside. • 8. Fry bacon in a large skillet over medium heat, then remove from pan and set between two paper towels set atop a dinner plate. Blot away excess grease and, when cool enough to handle, chop into small pieces. • 9. Once the crisps have baked, top each with a dollop of the avocado mixture, chopped bacon, and cilantro. Serve warm or at room temperature.
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getgingerfit · 7 years
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I'm starting this today. #3DayRefresh Its a cleanse. I need it. I've been out of control with my nutrition habits lately. I also feel like a broken record saying that....ugh. If you think that nutrition, working out, or business in general is any easier for me, it's not. I'm pretty normal. I like all the bad foods and I'd take sitting on the couch over working out any day, BUT those things don't make me feel good. So, I'm doing the 3 Day Refresh this weekend, Insanity Max 30 until the 13th and then BODY BEAST!!! Time to get back to the weights!!! #getgingerfit #fitness #fitfam #healthyliving
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getgingerfit · 7 years
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Did you know that there are whole apps dedicated to tracking your cycle, ladies? I had no idea. I'll be honest, I was pretty ignorant about this whole TTC thing until we started trying. Then I became a psycho control freak about it. Then, I realized that I don't want to be a psycho control freak every month so I said "Jesus take the wheel" and I'm not worrying about it anymore. But, I wanted to share one of my favorite TTC apps for anyone who may be in the market for one. I like an app called GLOW. It allows you to input data on a daily basis and the more data that you input, the more accurate it can predict your cycle. It also has cool little tips, tricks, and advice, plus a little TTC community on there. The first thing this app taught me... on my BEST day each month I'm only have a ~30% chance of getting knocked up. WHAT THE WHAT?! How does anyone ever get accidentally pregnant?! While I don't use this app much anymore (letting go of the wheel, ya know), I did find it very informational in the beginning and if we have issues in the future, I'll use it again. What are your favorite TTC apps or websites? #ttc #fitness #fitfam #healthyliving #momlife
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getgingerfit · 7 years
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How amazing is this sports bra?! Thanks for the LJ giftcard @fitnessonthefly!! I have a few more to share as well. I think I'm stocked up on my collection now... I may have over done it with my gift card purchases.
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getgingerfit · 7 years
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What. Is. This. Life?! Two years ago, I was sitting at a 9-5 desk job, drowning in debt and self pity. I'd go home every night only to feel empty and ask myself if "this was it?". Today, I received the professional photos of MY BEACHBODY COACH TEAM that were taken on the California retreat that I was able to host for them. 💜💜 MY TEAM.💜💜 I say that so very proudly. A team of fierce, empowered, unique, beautiful, and imperfect warriors. One thing was very apparent when we met in Cali, we all opened up our businesses when we were at an all time low. Some coaches had just lost their jobs, others were broke as a joke, and others were struggling with depression/ anxiety. We all came into this business because we were stuck in life. We were imperfect. We needed help. And, when we started focusing on helping others through fitness, we helped ourselves in that same process. We found a passion, a reason to get out of bed every day. When I started coaching, I never dreamed about having my own team, let alone spoiling them on a leader retreat in California. But once I realized coaching wasn't about me or my success, and I realized it was truly about building others up to help them find their own success, my team built organically. This my beautiful, crazy, imperfect team and I wouldn't have it any other way. 💜 This is my tribe. This is The Juvo Empire.💜
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getgingerfit · 7 years
Today's workout was hard. My face looks crazy, but the only thing that I could think about during my workout was how blessed I am. Other people are busier than I am... Other people (or their family members) are battling life threatening diseases or obstacles... Other people are battling 100lb weightloss goals... Someone else out there has it so much worse, so who am I to complain and slack. This is the same for you. No matter your excuses or self sabotaging stories, somebody out there is going through so much worse right now and getting it done anyways. Excuses: they are simply lies you tell yourself to make yourself feel better about not showing up. Your excuses are invalid. Lose your excuses, find your results. #getgingerfit #fitness #fitfam #juvoempire
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getgingerfit · 7 years
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"Each of us must confront our own fears, must come face to face with them. How we handle our fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives. To experience adventure or to be limited by the fear of it." --Judy Blume 💜💜 #dreambig #workbigger #travelogram Pic location: Miami
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getgingerfit · 7 years
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My favorite part of my coach retreat in San Diego was seeing all my momma coaches getting pampered and beautified. I mean, who doesn't want to get all dolled up to show off their INSANE body transformation (especially when these moms spend every day taking care of other people)? I can guarantee you that a year ago Nettie Neal didn't see herself looking like this or posing for professional photos. But now, it's her real life because she took a crazy leap of faith. "Here's what you might not know. When I started coaching, I was significantly overweight after having my second daughter. I was very depressed, very anxious, shy, insecure and even uneducated about overall health. I had a deep fear within me that my weight would hold me back from being able to support others. What I soon realized was that it was quite the opposite. I learned that coaching is not about being a certain size, but simply about sharing a journey in hopes of inspiring others along the way. I learned that I don't have to be perfect....nor would I ever want to be. I'm me: a mom of 2 young babies, a wife, a lover of food, coffee, and I can be a bit of a hot mess at times too. #momlife Coaching helps me stay accountable. After that second week of seeing physical changes in my 3 month post-baby bod, I made a decision to put it all out there for the world to see. Was I scared? Ummmm, yes. I did it though because if there was just one person out there that felt how I was feeling, then maybe my journey would give them hope too. Maybe it would show others that it's possible to feel good again, even be happy again. To love yourself again. ❤ I won't sit here and claim that this is a piece of cake. Shit gets rough sometimes, but it's also a lifelong journey that will never end. When you give in every once in a while...it's ok. Life is ALL about the balance. This health journey for me has also taught me soooo much. I have developed a love for exercise (that was non-existent a year ago), I have developed healthier eating habits, and I have also thrown myself whole-heartedly into an online community of support." #getgingerfit #juvoempire #dreambig #workbigger #coachlife
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getgingerfit · 7 years
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1) Yesterday, my airport shuttle driver told me that my pants were "smoking hot". Naturally, I decided to wear them again today so #benniebooboo could enjoy the view. 😂😂 Are they really that hot?! 2) How about these new kicks from @lornajaneactive - super cute, huh?! #obsessedwithlornajane Thanks for the giftcard, @fitnessonthefly, I had enough to splurge on some new shoes too! 😉 #getgingerfit #fitness #fitfam #juvoempire
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getgingerfit · 7 years
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It's safe to say they missed me. 💜Double snuggled.💜 I think we'll stay like this all day. #crazydogmom #minidoxie #papillon #twopeasinapod
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getgingerfit · 7 years
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You may have noticed that I recently changed my biz page name to Get Ginger Fit: TTC Edition… Yeah, I was scared out of my mother loving mind to actually go live with that detail of my life but my friend and business partner nudged me out of my comfort zone. I’ve been thinking about doing it for months now. And, it’s something that I want to share, and the only reason I haven’t talked about it on social media is out of fear. Fear of judgement from others. But…. I decided I don’t care that much and I’m going to share this chapter of my life. Why? 1)Because I want to share it. That’s a good enough reason for me. It’s literally one of life’s most MAGICAL THINGS. You are trying to create a human being. I mean, it doesn’t get any more awesome than that. Why would I shamefully hide it? 2)Come to find out, this shiz is actually hard. I mean, we are only a few months into trying, but I’ve learned a lot already. It’s kind of crazy actually… I’ve been panicking about accidentally getting preggo for years, and now that I actually want to be, I’ve realized how insanely slim your chances of getting knocked up are each month. Lesson #1 in my latest chapter: Every baby is a miracle. 3)I know there are a lot of women out there who are TTC or who are thinking about it. I figure I can share some of the things I learn along the way to help those couples out. I mean, I’m not going to get too detailed, but if you can’t handle a little grown up, scientific talk, you probably won’t be able to handle this page any longer. 4)I’m a truth teller. It’s hard not to share what I’m going through. It’s almost like I’m lying to you and I don’t like that feeling. Additionally, I don’t know if this is going to be a short chapter or a really long chapter. In the case that it’s a really long chapter, I don’t want to hide in the shadows while dealing with anything difficult that may (or may not) come our way. I’d rather share the struggle or successes in order to help someone else. So, yep, there you have it. That’s it. And, while I’m opening myself up for criticism, advice, and opinions, you can save it. This is my life and I do what I want regardless of what society thinks I should do.
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getgingerfit · 7 years
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The biggest problem with falling in love with yourself: you are no longer aware of anyone else around you and scarf your food down like a savage animal in public because you don't even notice other people are around... #inmyownworld #iusetobesoselfconscious #loveyourself #savageanimal (at Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC))
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getgingerfit · 7 years
Kicking off Monday with a hotel workout!!! After my missed connection yesterday, Delta put me up in what may be the creepiest & dirtiest hotel (definitely dateline status) ever BUT it's better than sleeping on the airport floor. Given the large amounts of people that had missed connections yesterday, Delta handled the situation really well and the flights/hotels were all booked without me even waiting in a long line, so that was a good thing. The transition was seamless! Now, to get ready for the day and get some more work done before I fly out! Having a mobile office makes flight delays pretty anticlimactic since I can work from anywhere. I just wish I had brought some more clothes... happy Monday, all! #getgingerfit #fitness #fitfam #healthyliving #mondaymotivation (at Salt Lake City, Utah)
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